1st Evaluation Test - 4º Ano - C Adequações

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1st English Evaluation Test

Ano Letivo 2023/2024

Escola Básica _________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________
Teacher: Parent:

Nr.: ____ 4th Year Class: ____ Date: ___/__/2024

I – Listening

1. Listen and tick ✔. (Ouve e coloca um ✔. )

1) How old is Mr Taylor?

a) 81 b) 78 c) 97

2) How much is the phone?

a) €84 b) €48 c) €94

3) What day is it today?

a) 11th June b) 11th July c) 21st June

4) When’s Kevin’s birthday?

a) 31st March b) 1st March c) 13th May

5) What time is it?

a) 12:00 b) 12:30 c) 2:30

2. Listen and colour. (Ouve e pinta.)

II – Reading

1. Read and write the letter inside the box. (Lê e escreve a letra dentro da caixa.)

That’s my a. is calm.

1. I’ve got… b. got long hair.

2. John has… c. with my hands.

3. My best friend… d. got three eyes.

4. I can touch my cat… e. friend Anna.

5. My robot has… f. brown eyes.

2. Look at the picture. Read and write YES or NO. ( Olha para a imagem. Lê e escreve “YES”,
para “SIM” e “NO”, para “NÃO”.)

1. John’s robot has got three eyes.

2. John has got black hair.

3. Mary has got long hair.

4. Mary’s robot has got six legs.

3. Look, read and write the letter inside the box. (Lê e escreve a letra dentro da caixa.)

“It’s on (the) sixteenth (of) January” F

1. “It’s on (the) twenty-first (of) September.”

2. “It’s on (the) first (of) January.”

3. “It’s on (the) twelfth (of) January.”

4. “It’s on (the) eleventh (of) September.”

5. “It’s on (the) thirty-first (of) September.”

4. Read and write the number. (Lê e escreve o número.)

sixteen ninety-six three thirty-four

nine seven one twenty-two

III- Writing

1. Link the images to the words. (Liga as imagens às palavras.)


2. Choose the word and write. (Escolhe a palavra e escreve.)
smell • touch • see • taste • hear

1) I can ________ 3) I can ________ my

flowers with my mother’s voice.

I can __see___
children playing I can _touch_____ the
with a ball. cat with my hands.

2) I can ________
sweet chocolate.

3. Read and complete the text. (Lê e completa o texto.)

John of twelve happy birthday 2nd

My name is John and I’m
1) years old.
My birthday is on the
2) of July.
Today it’s the 27th 3) __________________
February and I’m very happy .

4. The time. Look and link the sentences to the clocks. (As Horas. Lê e liga as frases às

a. It’s seven o’clock. b. It’s a quarter past two. c. It’s a quarter to two. d. It’s half past eight.

1. 2. 3.

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