University of Arba Minch: M. Sc. Thesis Proposal
University of Arba Minch: M. Sc. Thesis Proposal
University of Arba Minch: M. Sc. Thesis Proposal
M. Sc. Thesis Proposal
Name: - Dereje Tadesse Desalegn
Facility: - School of Post Graduate Studies
Major: - Hydraulic/hydropower Engineering
Advisor: - …………………………………………..
THE AID OF GIS. (A case study in Blue Nile Basin,
I . Bac k Ground
Sustainable energy development is essential and inevitable for
socio- economic development of a country. Satisfying the
energy needs of the population th rough sus tainable energy
based approach helps to avoid defores tation and
improvement of standard of living in developing countries.
I I. In trod uc tion
Owing to rapid growth in population, the need for the optimum
development of water resources has become more urgent than
ever. Water is becoming a scarce resource as a result of the
growing demand for its use in various purposes such as
hydropower, irrigation, water supply, etc.
I II. Pro ble m Sta tem ent
Ethiopia is a country endowed with a large hydropower
potential [4]. Hydropower is a key to sustainable development
and also its contribu tion for alleviation of poverty is greater.
However, the development of hydropower in Ethiopia has been
minimal so far. The table shown below is an indicative that the
contribution of the existing scheme is low till now. According to
studies made in river basin by WAPCOS (1990), the hydropower
resource is estim ated to have a potential in the order of
Type of the Year of
S.No Plant Name capacity
Schemes commissioning
1. K ok a St or ag e 43.2 1960
2. A was h - II Ro R 32 1966
3. A was h - II I Ro R 32 1971
4. Fin cha a St or ag e 128 1973,2002
5. Mel ka St or ag e 153 1988
Wak an e
6. Tis A ba y - I Ro R 11.4 1964
7. Tis A ba y - II Ro R 73.0 2001
8. Gilg el G ib e St or ag e 184 2003
Tot al 656.6
Moreover, there is no detail ed report which shows catego ries
of the schemes depending on the available head, capacities
of the schemes, cons truction feature (either runoff river type or
storage type) etc… that can guide decision makers to prioritize
hydropower development options.
I V. O bje ct ive o f the Study
The general objective of the s tudy is to assemble and prepare
an accurate source o f data for the potential site of the basin
and locating the sites on a map. Besides th ese, site evaluation
for ranking potential hydro -power project will be conducted.
V . M ethodo logy
1. Collection of relevant data
Topographical map
Arial photos
Geological map
Hydrol ogical Data
2. Assembling source of data for the existing schemes
from different documents.
3. Assessment of hydropower potential sites
4. When deciding upon the l ocation and general l ayout
of a power plant, the following main items should be
considered [6].
Potential power of the river or river section
selected for utilization. Before any power
plant is contemplated it is essential to asses s
the inherent power available from the
discharge of the river and the head available
at the site.
Topographical condition of th e river vall ey
and the stream bed play on important rol e in
deciding upon the types and location of the
The general l ay o ut w ill be greatl y infl uenced
by the geol ogy of the site.
Easy access and availability of construction
material for the dam or diversion structure in
the vicinity.
Energy generation should be coordinated
with other purpose. A significant reduction in
the cost of the hydroelectric power may
resul t from a multipurpose Utilization.
Distance from the national grid system.
Predictable greatness of power demand.
5. Ranking of the selected sites using special
technology. The major criteria for preliminary ranking
of the sites are:-
i. Reconstruction and rehabilitation
ii. Access to the site
iii. Height to the dam
iv. Hydro power potential of the site
v. Typical schemes( Runoff -river or storage
v i . I n te r n a t i o n a l a s p e c t
vii. Distance from the national grid system
viii. Status of the existin g schemes
VI. Gene ral Pro ced ur e
1. Data collection
2. Collecting relevant information and data from
different documents
3. Data processing and anal ysis
Topographical map
The gross head of any proposed scheme ca n
be assessed by sim ple surveying
techniques [7]
1:50,000 and 1:250,000 topographic are
essential for the assessment of the sites.
Arial photos are helpful [4]
Site investigation will be done based on the
study of topography sheets on 1:250,000
scales and 1:50,000 scale maps wherever
available. Besides topographic sheets, other
reports will be referred wherever relevant
Longitudinal profile of the river will be done
Identify the available head for the proposed
Geological maps which shows
F a u l ts a n d j o i n t s z o n e s
Active zone
Types of rocks
Hydrol ogical data
Hydrol ogical data on rainfall and runoff
are essential in order to assess the
availability of water quantity. Hydropower
potential also depends on the available
discharge [8].
Daily, Weekly or monthly flow over a
period of long years.
Low flows, to assess the primary, firm or
dependable power
Data processing and analysis for the
proposed site
Data qual ity checking
Estimating missing data
Data record extension
Data transfer for un -gauged sites
Identify the available discharge
Identify the available discharge
4. Categorized the schemes depending on head,
capacity of the scheme, construction feature, etc
5. Prepare source of documents
6. Mapping the schemes on the topo maps
7. Ranking of the schemes.
VII . Re fe re nc e
1. “Research Linkage between MoWR, STC and Academic
Institution”, April 2003
2. “Water Reform (policy, Strategy and program) ”, paper
presented by planning and projects department,
3. “Hydropower Usage” from I nternet
4. “Preliminary Water resource Development Master Plan
for Ethiopia”, Final Report, Volume VII , WAPCOS 1990
5. “Site evaluation for ranking study of potential
hydropower project: An Indian perspective using
spatial technologies.
6. “Water Power Development ”, by EMI L MOSONYI ,
Dr.Techn., Dr.Eng., Academiai Kiado Publishing House
of the Hungarian Academy of Science.
7. “Hydraulic Structures” P.Novak, A.I .B. Moffat,
C.Nalluri, R.Narayanan
8. “Basic hydropower ” Lecture note by Dr. I ng. Seleshi
9. “Nile Basin Capacity Building Network for River
Engineering (NBCBN-RE)”, Executive summaries,
research cluster report.
10. “Abbay River Basin Integrated Development Master
Plan Project”, Phase 2 & 3, Section II , Sectral Studies,
Sept. 1998
VII I. T im e T able
I X. F inanc e Br ea kdown
Pe rsonal Cos t
S.No Descriptions Number of days Cost/day Total cost
Ma te rial cos t
S. No Descriptions Qut. Unit
Total price