219 ScienceNewsFreeEnergy2
219 ScienceNewsFreeEnergy2
219 ScienceNewsFreeEnergy2
~Z I EN E~ (j)
Lion was virtually constant experiment in which that energy is
This was as expected from my theo- diverted and used without affecting the
retical reasoning, but tbere wa$ a sur- input magnetisation circuit. Then the
prise in that the transverse permeability recovery of energy upon demagnetisa-
was smaller than I expected, by a factor tion of that latter circuit will occm, but
of ten. as it cannot take used lenergy back from
Now, if you are wondering what this a load, the polarising magnetic source
means, note that my object is to store simply has to do the work and so leave
'reluctance' energy by that transverse the quantising vacuum field in a cooler
excitation, meaning energy that goes in state.
THE SOUD-SlATE ENERGY PROBE as inductance energy and is recovered Rather than wait until I am ready to
EXPERIMENl without loss on the down quarter-cyele. report such further progress, I thought it
By making that transverse oscillation appropriate to inform you and, via you,
he third experiment which tells stronger and stronger, the object is then the readers of your newsletter at this