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Lion was virtually constant experiment in which that energy is
This was as expected from my theo- diverted and used without affecting the
retical reasoning, but tbere wa$ a sur- input magnetisation circuit. Then the
prise in that the transverse permeability recovery of energy upon demagnetisa-
was smaller than I expected, by a factor tion of that latter circuit will occm, but
of ten. as it cannot take used lenergy back from
Now, if you are wondering what this a load, the polarising magnetic source
means, note that my object is to store simply has to do the work and so leave
'reluctance' energy by that transverse the quantising vacuum field in a cooler
excitation, meaning energy that goes in state.
THE SOUD-SlATE ENERGY PROBE as inductance energy and is recovered Rather than wait until I am ready to
EXPERIMENl without loss on the down quarter-cyele. report such further progress, I thought it
By making that transverse oscillation appropriate to inform you and, via you,
he third experiment which tells stronger and stronger, the object is then the readers of your newsletter at this

T me that I am on the verge of a to deflect the primary polarisation so

breakthrough in penetrating the that the intrinsic ferromagnetic power
barrier giving access to 'free energy' in a develops flux oscillations in the axis of
solid-state device has yielded its own the primary coil. The aim is to tap ener- In summary, just as with the reluc-
surprises. gy from that deflected 'reluctance' ener- Lance motor, one seeks to use a magnet
Here I built a form of tran-sformer that gy source, most of which is powered by to inject inductive energy into an air gap
is intended to serve as an exploratory the atomic spins in the ferromagnet, and and then release that energy as mechani-
test rig. I shall, owing to the developing use that energy on the up quarter-cycle. cal work as the air gap closes, before
length of this communication, curtaif This process then
the constructional details and leave allows the polarising
something for future reponing. bias, which could 'be
The test involved selling up a DC that provided by a per- -----
magnetic bias in the x-direction and an manent magnet, to
AC transverse magnetic oscillation in reset as the transverse
the y-direction. Again I used the above- current diminishes, but
described technique of studying the the shortfall in the
shape and form of the B-H loop devel- stored 'reluctance' ener-
oped by the AC flux. gy given back to the
The AC excitation was of low mag- magnetising coil in that
netic flux density amplitude so that the transverse direction has
eddy-current losses should 'be negligi- then to be made up by
ble, as should hysteresis loss. I was the magnet.
operating in the flux rotation zone and The experiment I
above the B-H knee where rotational report here goes no fur-
hysteresis loss diminishes rapidly to ther than showing that
zero. I expected the B-H 'loop' to show the transverse excita-
as a line on my oscilloscope and, tion is a pure, virtually
indeed, such a line did appear. I had to loss-free, inductive
expand it off the range of the screen by process which involved
increasing 'the x deflection sensitivity a characteristic mag-
substantially in order to trace the small netic permeability indi-
capacitive contribution of my circuit for cating a 30: 1 ratio of
integrating induced EMF to derive the B ferromagnetic power
signal. I could find no trace of a loss. input compared with
Moreover, the line was not curved: it external power input.
was very straight, which meant that the That is the starting
incremental permeability effective in point which will, I am s -u..
the direction transverse to DC polarisa- sure, lead to the fourth


switching the magnetic interaction off; ed above [see NEXUS vol. 2, #18] and its potential for, solving our energy
so, with Ithe x-y system, the object is to see for one's own self that the academic problems has, in fact, gone into comput-
(a) promote interactiQn between the x- world has buried it<; head in the sand in er pursuits, whilst the primary electrical
field and the y-field to set up an energy a desert that so needs the benefit of power technology has, for its new ideas,
potential at a threshold level, (b) trigger over-unity reluctance motor technology. degenerated into historical investigation
the release of that energy to a coil on the This letter has become too long and of unsolved mysteries from the Tesla
x-direction connected to an output load, you may wonder why I am addressing it era. Perhaps, if I had not myself been
and (c) allow the x-field to recover by to you in this way rather than writing it drawn into the computer industry owing
drawing on the vacuum energy system as a fonnal paper. I suppose my reason to the declining opportunity for engi-
before reactivating the interaction with is connected with your personal efforts neering talent in electrical power tech-
the y-field. to arouse the interest by writing to Al nology, I might even have contributed
I shall now be taking this research Gore, the Vice-President of your coun- to the energy revolution at an earlier
forward to reach that ultimate objective try. He did not address your concern date. As it is, I am expecting, te find
of generating energy output by tapping about the USA missing out on the 'free that Hans Coler proves to be the cham-
the actioll that powers ferromagnetism, energy' front. I see that in his reply to pion in the historical contest for 'free
but I hope you and your readers will you dated 24th June 1993, which you energy' fame, and I am wondering how
understand why I have written this let- included in your September 1993 those who write the history explaining
ter. newsletter, he preferred to emphasise why Coler's work was tre_ated as an
I want to bridge the credibility gap how a new generation of educational 'official secret' will express their find-
between those who claim the 'impossi- computer hardware and software can ings in that educational computer of the
ble' and those who decry those claims. make that revolutionary difference in fulure.
In the middle ground there are simple the classroom. To sum this up, he is
laboratory experiments to be performed telling you that technology is new if it
to show the physical basis that underlies helps to teach old technology in a differ- As I am receiving too many requests
what is claimed. Once one gets beyond ent way. W,ith the right computer soft- for information about the research pro-
such laboratory experiments and into ware we can all become better 'educated ject I follow and the costs involved are
technology, one has entered Ithe realm of and share the same knowledge, well- escalating, I shall be publishing a
confidentiality and proprietary infonna- formulated and fully in comptiance with sequence of reports under the 'EJ1ergy
tion that restricts communication. If the standard convention. Science' banner and supplying these for
academic and university world, in its This is what is so sad about the mod- a nominal charge. My plan is to interest
educational role as the fountain of ern computer age. We have so much readers also in the theoretical ground-
knowledge, stands aloof because 'free information at our tingertips by pressing work of understanding the vacuum
energy' is seen as 'impossible' or active- the buttons of a keyboard, but I do not medium which powers the ferromagnet.
ly resist attempts to find funding for believe that any of that vast store of To this end, and so long as limited sup-
such research, then we confront a sorry computer data could provide the inspira- plies last, I offer to anyone who now
and unhappy situation. My plea, there- tion needed to see the need for the three purchases, directly from me, a copy of
fore, addressed to anyone who can exper,imems I have reported above. So my book Modern Aether Science to fol-
understand how a transformer works, is much of the brainpower of the quality low surface mail, delivery of that book
to repeat the middle experiment report- that can understand magnetism and see with a complimentary copy of the first
report giving full details of the above
experiments, including the mathemati-
cal analysis and data. Payment of £15
in pounds sterling (payable to Sabberton
Publications) or USD$25 by cheque
drawn on a US bank (payable to Harold
Aspden) is required. Address:
Sabberton Publications
POBox 35
Southampton, S09 7BU, UK.
",:'Thisartide'ise"trad~d'from an
;: {\;::ope'rilettef:\Vi-itten to
, gonaldA. Kelly of ':, "~'I,
: Tfi({SpaceEtiergy Assodcltion;
,,: "PO lJoJ('i'f412"" ,
<. Clearwater, Flori,da34616~USA,
i;fQril1d~~ionj~ the AssoCiation's
:ql.l~rterly~pace .En.~f:gy Ne;,~A!~tfer~




INSTITUTE FOR NEW ENERGY Manual published by NEXUS dctails his experiments with rotating
-INTERNATIONAL REPORT- Magazine. gyroscopes, spinning baH-bearings, tun-
Bill is an Australian with a back- ing forks and Accutron watches subject
by Toby Grotz ground in electronics, graphic art to magnetic field influence. A book
The following r,eport describes the design, and physics. Bill has not pub- describing his work and a videotape will
state of the art in Space Power research lished any papers and refers tbose wiSh- be available soon.
around the worldl. The trip was made in ing to duplicate the Adams machine to Present effor:ts have produced a com-
November and December 1993 to the diagrams published in NEXUS and pact N-Machine about 2 cubic feet in
researchers in Australia, New Zealand, in the PEMG Manual. volume, weighing about 300 pounds, •
Japan, India, Austria, Switzerland and Bill has joined the firm of Robert capable of 100 kW output at speeds up
England. Tihe purpose of the trip was to Adams Developments Limited as an to 18,000 Irpm. The rotor uses two 3-
find and encourage invenlors and associate. inch diameter by 3-inch-long neodymi-
research"ers to bring their hardware to Contact: Bill McMurtry, 11 Kintore um iron boron magnets and me:rcury
the Second International Symposium on Street, Annerley, Qld 4103, Australia. brushes. Current plans are to sell this
New Energy, to be held 13th to 15th model as a research tool to universities
May 1994 at the Denver HiFton South. Bruce DePalma and free energy researchers interested in
(For more infoFmation about the Bruce DePalma is the inventor of the studying the N-Machine effect
Symposium, contact New Energy News, N-Machine and coined the term in refer- Contact: DePalma Institute, Private
Salt Lake City, (801) 583 6232.) The ence to the "nth degree". N-Machine Bag 11, Oerere Point, New Zealand.
trip produced! 13 rolls of film and 15 technology involves Rotating Magnetic
hours of videotape. The inventors and Fields and Inertial Field Disturbance. Floyd "Sparky" Sweet
researchers are listed below with a short DePalma claims that others have pirated Sparky Sweet <is an electrical engi-
description of their work. We found his work: Adam Trombley, et. al., took neering graduate of MIT. "Sparky" is a
that Space Power Generators are on the out a patent, and a current investor has nickname he reccived during his days a~
way to becoming a reality. Several sys- also applied for·a patent without his per- General Electric as one of their top tech-
tems are ready for commercial applica- mission, after confidential details were nicians. .
t,ion and are in the process of raising disclosed. Sweet's device is called the Vacuum
funds for manufacturing or are seeking Bruce is a graduate of Harvard and Triode Amplifier (VTA). It is a solid-
licensing agreements. MIT, and has a B.Sc. in physics and state fIe device, an.d incorporates bifiler
electrical engineering. At MIT he coils, magnets and motional fields. The
Bill McMurtry worked with Doc Egerton, founder and VTA is the most powerful as well as the
Bill has built severa~ Pulsed Electric CEO of EG&G, and with Edward Land most well-documented of recent solid-
Motor Generators (pEMG), also known of POllaroid Corp. During his stay at state Space Power Generators with a
as the Adams Motor. He first became MIT hc taught electrical engineering gain of 2,000,000. One version of the
interested in the Adams Motor after classes at and managed a research lab. VTA consists of 4 x 6 x I-inch magnets
reading about it in NEXUS Magazine. Major ,influences have been the work of with bifiler and solenoid coils 'between
We were able to photograph and video- Egerton, Land, Tesla and Faraday. the magnets. A videotape produced in
tape his latest model which runs According to Bruce, the operation of the 1987 by Tom Bearden and Sparky
between 200% to 300% efficient. N-Machine is put into simple terms by Sweet, and shown widely at recent con-
Efficiency tests were conducted with a saying that "Rotating magnetic fields ferences, shows a meticulo:us array of
pony brake and with oscilloscope and disturb the fabric of space (ether)". instruments on the input and output.
instrumentation described in ,the Adams Bruce has wrinen and presented many The input is stimulated by a 10 volt, 60
Pulsed Elec tric Motor GeneratOT papers, and an extensive bibliography Hz, 300 microwatt signal. The output is
a 120 volt, 60 Hz, 600 watt output, ago when he was trying to develop issue) and in other. issues of New Energy
lighting five 100-watt incandescent methods of overcoming the inefficien- News.
lamps, driving a table fan, stepped down cies that cause drag, heati_ng and other Harold Aspden is also an associate of
to 24 volts AC and rectified to power a losses in motors. the company recently formed by
DC motor and several light bulbs. We were able to see the first unit he Adams, and is helping with the patent
The video also shows that likes built as well as numerous models built process of new embodiments. The
attract, in contradiction of standard since his first discovery. One Adams Adams Motor also involves the anti-
physics but in vindication of the words Motor operates a small table saw. iLenz effect as described by Stefan
of Walter Russell. A specially modified Motor sizes range from a few to severai Marinov in his paper "The Generator
TV set is used to show the magnetic hundred watts. 'Venetin Coliu' Produces Free Energy",
lines of force of magnets placed against Although he was over overwhelmed published in the Proceedings of the
the screen. As shown on the video, so- by opposition for 27 years, from the International Symposium on New
called flux lines link together when like Prime Minister of New Zealand Energy, April 1993, available from the
poles are placed opposite each other- (Muldoon) on down, Adams has come Institute For New Energy, 1304 South
the exact opposite of what is seen when out on top as his motor and test results College, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA.
using iron filings. Sparky has written are being verified worldwide. It is Contact: Robert Adams Developments
several papers concerning the ttechnolo- interesting to note that Mr Adams told Ltd, 46 Landing Road, Whakatane, New
gy that may be involved in Space Power us that, until he published the NEXUS Zealand.
Generators. The most intriguing paper is article, he was totally unaware that there
titled "Something is Nothing". The was a worldwide network of free energy YullOrown
Institute For New Energy hopes to pub- researchers. We wonder how many Yull Brown is the Bulgarian inventor
lish this paper at a later date. other inventions are currently waiting to of a welding process using a stochio-
Sparky continues to i.mprove and be discovered. metric combination of hydrogen and
refine his systems as well as conduct Robert Adams founded the New oxygen as a gas. The flame from the
research in medical fields of interest. Zealand chapter of the IEEE in May of welding torch using this gas has a rela-
1968. This is somewhat ironic as the tively low temperature. During the
Robert Adams IEEE is sure to resist accepting the demonstrations that we witnessed, we
The Adams Motor can be described as Adams effect in much the same way were able to pass our hand through the
a switched, variable-reluctance pulsed that they have resisted recognising the flame, an act unthinkable with an oxy-
magnetic motor, with reported efficien- achievements of Nikola Tesla. It is the acetylene torch. That same flame will,
cies up to 2,000%. Formal reports from opinion of Adams that Space Power is however, fuse steel rod to fire brick and
a Ph.D. Systems Engineering scientist in coupled into the system through the melt tungsten and titanium. The gas,
the United States show a VAX comput- core of the stator at the time of the known as Brown's Gas, involves the
er system analysis of 1,254% efficiency. reversal pulse. A full understanding of technology of implosion, and possibly
While we were i.n Whakatane, we the machine operation can be found in transmutation to produce enormous heat
videotaped and photographed pony the Adams Pulsed Electric Motor and anomalous and spectacular effects.
brake tests on a model that demonstrat- Generator Manual publirshed by As an editorial aside, this writer sug-
ed 400% efficiency. The Adams effect NEXUS Magazine. This Manual details gests that a Brown's Gas welder and gas
was first noted by Mr Adams 27 years me construction of the machine and has generator should be a part of any alter-
--------" - - ----
allowed many peo-
ple to report dupli-
native energy research lab.
The equipment that Yull Brown has
cation and verifi- developed uses electrolysis to break
cation of the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The
Adams report. gases are kept under pressure in a mixed
The device con- state. This eliminates the risk of explo-
sists mainly of a sion because, when ignited, these gases
rOlOr with iour implode and form water. The Institute
magnets, four For New Energy hopes to have demon-
relay coils, a bat- strations at the next Symposium in May.
tery and a commu- Contact: Brown's Gas International,
tator. An under- 5063 Densmore Avenue, Encino, CA
standing of the 9t436, USA.
theory can also be
had by reading the Dr Shuiji Inornata
work of Harold Inomata's Vacuum theory redefines
Aspden that has Dirac's theory as a balanced sea Qf both
appeared in positive and negative "shadow" energy
NEXUS (see vol. of infinite depth. Dr Inomata has
2, no. 18, and tbis worked for the government-funded


Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) lab dollars to be spent on a new supercon- tigate the over-unity phenomenon came
since he was 22 years old. He is a gradu- ducting N-Machine. Dr Inomata is con- from battery-charging anomalies during
ate of the University of Electro-eommu- fident that funding will be provided ETL tests in 1980. These tests used a
nication and received his Ph.D. from the because all members of Japanese society, 100 kV DC supply to effect rapid charg-
Tokyo Institute of Technology. His the- including the finance ministers, under- ing of lead acid batteries for use on elec-
ory includes consciousness in the equa- stand the principle of Ki and accept as Itric-powered bicycles. Car batteries
tions of physics. The N-Machine project fact that this world is formed from this were also used. Presented papers
is funded by the government of Japan. primary substance of the universe. (Ki describing this effect reported the obser-
The Electrotechnical Laboratory houses may be described as the universal energy vation of battery charging in excess of
some 500 researchers and 200 support that gives birth to all things. Ki in Japan power supplied to Ithe battery. The same
I!'ersonnel. The lab is the Japanese is pronounced 'key', as opposed to the effect has also been reported for high
equivalent of the US Bureau of Chinese word Chi pronounced 'chee'.) voltage pulsing of batteries.
Sltandards and The Electric Power Papers on his theory of the energy Contact: Electrotechnical Laboratory,
Research Institute (EPR!). ETL ,is fund- extraction have been presented at the Ministry of International Trade ~nd
ed by the Ministry of Finance ,through 26th and 27th IECEC conferences. Industry, 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba-shi,
the Ministry of Industry and Trade As described in his papers, excess Ibaraki 305, Japan.
International (MITI). ETL is currently energy is observed during tests of the N-
negotiating with NIITI for several million Maohine. The original impetus to inves- Continued in the next issue of NEXUS...

APRIL .. MAY 1994 NEXUS-57

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