Astrology Course
Astrology Course
Astrology Course
Astrology course
I. Introduction.
The planets revolve around the sun and the moon around the earth. Viewed
from Earth, it is as if the planets orbit around the Earth. Since we live on Earth,
we must consider the planets in relation to the Earth.
Seen from Earth, the planets move in the sky at a very variable speed. Some
sometimes go backwards for a while, then they're retrograde, sometimes they
seem to stand still, which we call stationary, and then they go forward again.
The geocentric one: which places the Earth in the center of the map with the
sun orbiting around it.
The heliocentric, where the earth revolves around the sun;
The tropical with the starting point at 0 Aries.
The sidereal that takes into account the shift of the equinoxes and shifts the
planetary positions backwards by 2330.
The German school (Ebertin) that works without houses and makes
analyses of the midpoints of the planets.
Uranic astrology: adds the asteroids to the interpretation of the classical
The astrology of the Harmonics that arises by multiplying the lengths of the
planets by a number.
In the course we will use the tropical geocentric method for the study of
human astrology.
- patience and accuracy: especially for calculating the position of the planets
and the arrangement of houses.
- an analytical and synthesizing ability: not to overlook anything. To be able to
come to the essential and make a possible synthesis.
- have no philosophical, moral or social prejudices. The astrologer should not
judge, but should analyse the possibilities, recognize the strengths and
- non-determinism: one must avoid establishing unavoidable fatalities. What is
said must be done in a humane way. There is still such a thing as free will.
Nothing is unconditionally fixed. Often by knowing one's weaknesses one can
avoid certain fatalities.
- discretion: just like a doctor or a lawyer, an astrologer is bound by a certain
deontology, whereby his analyses are not disclosed to third parties.
One should never make an analysis for someone who has not asked.
If you do ask, it shouldn't be free. After all, the astrologer puts a lot of time and
work into it.
There are computer programs that save a lot of time to make the calculations.
The programs that provide an automatic analysis are too general and far from
The main objective is to offer man the opportunity to get to know himself really
and completely, in his past, the present, his future. To get to know his fellow
human beings: his children, lover, partner. To discover its possibilities, its
mysteries and its thresholds. Astrology is the only technique that makes it
possible from birth to know the impulses of the body, psyche and spirit and to
trace its evolution.
The earth.
a. Movement.
- the daily rotation about its axis from west to east in the opposite direction of
a clockwork in a sidereal day of 23h 56m 04s.
- the movement in an elliptical orbit around the earth from east to west in a
year of 365 days 5 h and 48 min.
The earth is divided by the equator into a northern and a southern hemisphere.
A certain point on earth has two coordinates:
- the geographic latitude from 0 to 90 degrees from the equator to the North
Pole: the latitude north; and from the equator to the South Pole: the south
The meridians are not parallel, but converge towards the poles. One degree
at the equator is about 111.3 km and 0 meters at the pole.
The earth is divided into 24 time zones with a width of 15 (15 x 24 = 360).
- the base zone from 0 Greenwich to 15 E longitude.
- 11 zones to the east and 11 zones to the west.
- a zone on the 180 meridian where the international date line is located.
360 = 24 hours; 15 is 60 minutes and 1 corresponds to 4 minutes. The
correspondence between longitude and time is the basis of astrological
The rotation of the earth on its axis determines the alternation of day and
night. There is a symbolic 24-hour day based on the passing of the sun over a
particular meridian. In addition, there is the true sidereal day based on the
passing of a fixed star over the same meridian at the same place. A sidereal
day of 24 hours corresponds to a solar day of 23 hours 56 minus 4 seconds.
This means that the stars are 3 min 56 sec. rise and set earlier. In a year one
sidereal day is added compared to the solar days. This difference must be
taken into account in the astrological calculation. Hence the tables of sidereal
time in the ephemerides to which we shall return later.
The sign that rises in the east is decisive for determining the ascendant that is
the basis of the division of the horoscope into 12 so-called houses.
2. the position of the twelve houses in the signs (especially the ascendant and
the midheaven)
3. the location of the planets in the houses.
4. the aspects between the planets, the ascendant and the M.C.
Before starting this analysis, we must first deal with these different parameters.
The signs symbolize, as it were, the colour of the inner experience or in other
words: the predisposing manifestation of a certain zodiac principle.
The houses symbolize how this predisposition manifests itself and to which
life situations it leads.
The planets each reflect a specific motive. In this sense, the planets provide
collective information about one's motivation. An interaction between the
planets is represented by the aspect they make to each other.
The signs symbolize, as it were, the colour of the inner experience of, in other
words: the predisposing manifestation of a certain zodiac principle.
The houses symbolize how this predisposition manifests itself and to which
life situations it leads.
The planets each have a specific motive. In this sense, the planets provide
information about one's motivation. An interaction between the planets is
represented by the aspect of each other.
The table below gives an overview of the relationship between the signs the
planets and the houses.
Aries 1 % first +
Taurus 2 $ second -
Gemini 3 # third +
Cancer @ fourth -
Leo ! fifth +
Virgo # sixth -
Libra $ seventh +
Scorpio _ eighth -
Sagittarius ^ ninth +
Aquarius * eleventh +
Pisces ( twelfth -
Venus controls the signs of Taurus and Libra. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
Mars controls Aries.It is considered by certain authors to be ruler of Scorpio.
The ruler's knowledge of a sign in the horoscope is important, as it will
indicate how certain powers will be expressed.
The characters are divided into male (+) and female (-).
The + signs work expansively, so grow and expand outwards.
The - signs have a stabilizing effect, they preserve existing states.
The positive signs are also called electrical signs. They are signs that radiate,
that give strength, that rule.
The negative signs are magnetic. They are receptive, attract forces and are
easily mastered.
Dumb signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. These signs are often related to a
difficulty in expressing oneself.
Weak signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.
Strong signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius.
This classification is based on the principle that one can experience the
psychic representation of the energy of the solar system as a kind of stream
of consciousness that can express itself in three ways.
In order to distinguish between the main signs, fixed signs and movable signs,
we think of a battlefield.
Fixed signs: a restrained movement; The energy flow is directed from the
outside in, which often leads to stability of principle.
They try to concentrate, hold onto the ideas and emotions. Energies that
ferment, are held in until the eruption. Think of the volcano.
They show a back and forth of energy, change of direction, back and forth.
Forces that consume themselves through fragmentation.
meditation material for years. One of those symbols is the four element theory,
which also played a major role in the Hermetic philosophy of the alchemists.
There are four elements: fire, earth, water and air. One should not make the
direct association here with material conditions; rather they are essences,
qualities, the attitude with which the energy flow is expressed.
The element of fire: one thinks of the flame, but our approach must go
further and see the realization as the activating force, energy, creative life
Planets in fire signs will therefore be very powerfully inspiring, creative,
radiant, magnanimous, passionate, enterprising, bold, overconfident,
imperious, wasteful, presumptuous, sensual, pugnacious, fierce.
The element of earth: this is not the soil, but the force that holds the particles
and things together, the solidity, the cohesion. This element will work
formatively, take shape, hardening, matter-of-fact, concrete, practical, active,
firm, tenacious, sober, matter-of-fact, materialistic, heavy-handed, obstinate,
The element of air: it is the force for expansion, deformability, elasticity. Key
concepts are: intellectual, understanding, registering, being able to adapt,
mediating, agile, changeable, scattered, fragmented, restless, nervous,
The element of water: this refers to the power to dissolve, disintegrate,
liquefy. Keywords: sensitive, selfless, compassionate, impressionable,
receptive, rich in fantasy, dreamy, sensitive, fluctuating, suggestive, passive,
capricious, sentimental, hysterical, easygoing.
Fire signs:
Earth signs:
Air Signs:
Volatile, rarefied, thoughts, mental signs. Active and enterprising, but with a
mental and communicational attitude.
Want to express themselves through word, gesture, writing, etc. Passing on
and communication. Diffusion and fragmentation.
Water Signs:
The most occupied element in the horoscope is the superior element, the
least occupied is the inferior element.
Earth 2 Earth 0
Water 8 water 4
Earth 6
Water =
A sign's ruling planet is strong or exalted in its own sign, but weak or in fall in
opposite sign.
eg: march in Aries +5 increased
mars in libra -5 in fall
moon in Cancer +5
moon in Capricorn -5
Mars is strong in Aries because the natures of Mars and Aries are very similar.
Venus is weak in Aries because the sweet, gentle, harmony-seeking Venus is
hard to reconcile with the hot, energetic, orbiting Aries.
For example, certain values can be assigned to the planets in signs.
Sign ! ç, # $ % ^ & * ( _
1 +4 0 0 -5 +5 +1 -4 0 0 +5
2 0 +4 +3 +5 -5 0 +2 -4 0 -4
3 0 0 +5 +2 0 -5 +3 +1 0 0
4 0 +5 0 0 -4 +4 -5 0 +4 0
+5 0 0 0 +2 +1 -5 -5 0 +2
6 0 0 +5 -4 0 -5 +2 0 -5 0
7 -4 0 +1 +5 -5 0 +4 +1 0 -5
8 0 -4 0 -5 +5 +3 0 +4 +3 +5
9 +3 0 -5 0 +2 +5 0 0 0 +2
0 0 -5 +3 +1 +4 -4 +5 0 -4 0
- -5 0 +1 +2 0 0 +5 +5 0 0
= 0 +2 -4 +4 +1 +5 0 0 +5 0
+5: in own sign; +4: in increase
0: strange
-4: fall ; -5: in destruction.
It is useful to use this table in horoscope assessment to determine how strong
the effect of a planet is in a sign.
Assigned values of the planets in the signs (S) and houses (H).
1. In the crosses
S% tot H% tot
sun 26 26 20 20
Mercury 10 10 12 12
Venus en Mars 8 16 10 20
Jupiter, Saturn 6 12 8 16
2. In the elements
S% tot H% tot
zon en ascendant 18 36 20 20
maan 14 14 14 14
Mercury 10 10 12 12
Venus en Mars 8 16 10 20
Jupiter, Saturn 6 12 8 16
Physical: changeable weather, smart pets: dogs, cats, chickens, mice, bees,
ants, millet and wheat, valerian, medicinal herbs, cereal regions, industrial
areas, semi-precious stones. Metal: mercury. Color: violet or yellow-green.
Anatomical: viscera, peritoneum, spleen, sympathetic nervous system
Mercury in:
Venus in:
Mars in:
Aries: Letting energy flow out, having hard work done, makes an energetic
impression; the pioneer. Pouring energy into new ventures; rough, sometimes
Taurus: patient use of his energy. Stubbornness in his energy. Continuously
working. Will use his energy to realize his Taurus goals: possession, security.
Gemini: great spontaneous energy. Wheel of tongue, Inquisitive, resourceful,
handy, proud.
Cancer: Energy focused on the home. Domestic conflicts. Bottled up
aggression and emotions.
Leo: Great sustained energy and activity. Preferred to acquire authority and
Virgo: strong intellectual energy. Business, practical worker. Puts energy into
analysis, which is why there is a risk of fragmentation.
Libra: weak energy. Problems in relationships, conflicts with others.
Changeable love nature. Vain
Scorpio: Highly developed energy and decisiveness. Wants to achieve the
goal at all costs. Strong sexual tension, urge to act.
Sagittarius: Energy is used to achieve an ideal. Passionate temperament.
Fanatically defends religious or philosophical views.
Capricorn: Tough, stiff perseverance; ambitious. Spends energy on achieving
social prestige.
Sense of responsibility, self overestimation.
Aquarius: Wants to work independently. Energy is socially and innovatively
oriented. Original. Technically oriented.
Pisces: Energy not constant, feels misunderstood. Lack of self-control. Loses
energy. Works in the hidden.
Jupiter in:
Saturn in:
Uranus in:
Aries: unexpected energy flow, convinced of his own right, experiments with
his energy, changing moods, unpredictability can evoke resistance.
Taurus: very tenacious; make every effort to achieve the goal. Looking for an
original way to earn money.
Gemini: Sparkling Spirit, Original; intuitive, interested in science and
Cancer: restless, impatient in the home, eccentric home or family, strong
Leo: original ideas. Radiates rebellious ideas. Wants to stand out through
originality, chases itself.
Virgo: sharp analytical mind according to unconventional methods, wants to
be unfettered in his research, precision work.
Libra: original artistic gifts. Can hardly tolerate bindings that have a restrictive
effect. Strong mental abilities.
Scorpio: keen inquiring and thorough mind. Goes to unknown depths, sensual,
experiments sexually, strong willed.
Sagittarius: strong urge to expand, wanderlust in an unconventional way,
wants to be unfettered in philosophical and religious matters. Unusual ideas in
that area. Propaganda for that.
Capricorn: wants to reverse the established order and bend it to his will.
Strong opposition to the restrictive effect of the state system. Clear innovative
view on society.
Aquarius: very original, many practical skills, in the field of modern
technologies. Can't abide by strict regulations, wants to go his own way.
Pisces: Attracted to occult circles and movements, willing to sacrifice
themselves in a group of like-minded people.
Neptune in:
Aries: putting a lot of energy into achieving the ideal, humane feeling, bigot,
wanting to improve the world.
Taurus: being transported by art, nature, unrealistic vision of reality, sensual,
passionate, greedy.
Gemini: inspired nature, articulating his ideals, tendency towards the
paranormal, does not care about reality.
Cancer: very empathetic, musical, deeply sensitive, sometimes melancholy,
very emotionally connected to the home, the past, traditions.
Leo: socially oriented, warmly sympathetic to others, yet sometimes self-
centered, self-pitying, delusions of grandeur.
Virgo: Highly emotionally involved with details, cleanliness, health and being
overly concerned about them, hence depressive tendency,
Libra: strong artistic experience, attracts artistic persons as partners,
hypersensitive to the environment, hesitating, weak.
Scorpio: deep inspiration; very sensitive to deeper feelings. Passionate,
Sagittarius: eager to travel, idealistic representation of foreign countries,
absorbed in religious or philosophical feelings, easily deceived.
Capricorn: feeling to change society; creates chaos, emotions clash with the
established order. Sees through the weakness of structures.
Aquarius: idealistic do-gooder, not easily understood by others, gains the trust
of the community.
Pisces: strong psychic and parapsychic powers, withdrawn, compassionate,
self-denial, self-sacrifice, no realistic view of things.
Pluto in:
Aries: very fierce, violent, ruthless, ambitious, strong willed; wants a test of
Taurus: Strongly concerned with money and property, aesthetic talent,
Gemini: very active and communicative, powerful nervous energy.
Cancer: great inner tension between past and present. Tendency to develop
power in the family and by extension in the homeland, fanatic defender of
one's own nature.
Leo: Vital, tendency to showcase talent, wanting to manifest as good,
therefore arrogant attitude, accepts challenges.
Virgo: very concerned about health, hygiene, nutrition. interest in diet and
Libra: Extremely fond of harmony and love, (make love, not war), conflicts
between oppositions, between partners.
Scorpio: extreme feelings of love and hate, long under pressure forces erupt,
strong jealousy, racial hatred, religious war, fascinated by destructive forces.
Constant power struggle.
Sagittarius: revolutionary ideas in the field of religion and philosophy, seeking
to dominate others.
Capricorn: Tense struggle between power and formality. The state is
transformed into a means of power, a pervasive power over the people.
Aquarius: sensitive to cosmic influences, transformation of society, makes a
connection between the old and the new, inventive power.
Pisces: highly developed spiritual powers, magnetism, spiritual healing,
fighting for a change in health care, sense of astral influences.
VI. aspects.
When two planets affect each other at a certain angle, they form an aspect.
There are a number of aspect angles that should always be considered in a
These are:
The sextile F : 60 beneficial effect
The triangle H : 120
With the exception of the semi-square, all aspects are multiples of 30.
Sun and Mercury are close together. The maximum deviation is 28 so that
they can only form a conjunction.
Sun and Venus are at most 48 apart, so that, in addition to a conjunction, they
can only form a 30 aspect which is a weakly favourable aspect.
An aspect angle may differ from the exact value. We call this deviation the orb.
For the smaller aspects this is about a maximum of 6 (sex tile). In the larger
aspects with sun and moon about 10 (90 120 180). The larger the orb, the
more the aspect decreases in power.
When two planets make an aspect, one planet always runs faster than the
other. If the fastest planet comes first, we have an outgoing aspect. If the
fastest runs against the slowest, then we have an ingoing aspect.
Ingoing: the energy of the fastest planet collides with the slower one and thus
works more inwardly.
Outgoing: The energy of the fastest planet brings out the energy of the
Outgoing: the sun chases Mercury; goes to the world; talk about self,
communication to the outside.
Ingoing: love for oneself, very preoccupied with oneself, works inwardly.
Degree difference between the sun and Venus is eg 22: in outgoing aspect: at
the age of 22 something experienced in love.
In entry aspect: art period.
Outgoing is convenient.
Doubt: develops strongly in youth: walks back and forth between what you
want and what you desire. Choose the stronger of the two. Some of the
energy is blocked. Very difficult aspect.
ingoing: attracting, continuous fighting will collide with something that resists.
Trying to stand up, but clashing against violence, against marching marks,
against brutality.
Mars conjunction Sun
The third house is the house of the lower mind, the immediate environment
and everyday reality. This also includes close relatives such as brothers and
sisters. It is the house of movement, short trips, communication and contacts.
The fourth house tells us something about the home, both the parental home
and one's own home. It also tells us something about the origin, the influences
from the parental family, heredity. It is the house of beginning and end.
The fifth house is the house of pleasures, self-realization, creativity. It is the
house of love and children, both physical and spiritual, sexuality, pregnancy.
The sixth house is the house of working conditions, but is also related to acute
illnesses, physical infirmities.
The seventh house is the other's house in general and the partner's house in
particular. It also indicates the way in which new contacts are made. It
denotes situations where one appeals to the other, e.g. in the sense of case
law or advice.
The eighth house has to do with the life crises. It is the house of the hidden,
the problem of life and death, sexuality. It is an occult house that also relates,
among other things, to mysticism, spirituality, but also to illness.
The ninth house is the house of the higher mind, of the broadening of
horizons, both literally and figuratively, abroad and foreign travel. It also tells
us something about the higher aspirations, ideals, higher studies and is
related to religion and philosophy.
The tenth house determines one's social position, honour, appearance, fame,
the status one achieves, but also one's destiny. One of the parents.
House eleven is the house of expectations for the future. It is the home of
friends and kindred spirits, of the human community in general and the
person's relationship to that community. Protection, human love.
House 12, the actual fish house, is the house of seclusion. The house of the
deepest inner secrets, of the subconscious. It is the house of problems,
loneliness, isolation, self-denial, decay, mysticism.
It is also an occult house and has to do with illness.
Planets in corner houses will be more pronounced than the other planets.
Corner houses are I, VII, IV and X.
Corner of house I: the ascendant.
Corner of house VII: the descendant.
Corner of house IV : the I.C.
Corner of house X: the M.C.
1. Calculation of time.
For the calculation of the horoscope we start from the time at which a certain
event takes place.
The time is indicated per time zone with a difference of 1 hour per zone.
There are 24 time zones so a time zone of 1 hour corresponds to 15 degrees.
360 : 24 = 15.
So 15 degrees equals 60 minutes, so one degree equals 4 minutes.
For our region east of the 0 meridians of Greenwich we use the Central
European Time (CET) as clock time. In the winter period, that clock time
differs by one hour from the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). During the
summer time periods this difference is two hours.
From 1916 to May 20, 1940, winter time was equal to GMT and summer time
GMT + 1 hour. From May 20, 1940 to October 7, 1946, a special arrangement
was in place. From October 7, 1946 to April 3, 1977, the clock time was
continuously GMT + 1 hour. The current scheme was introduced from 3 April
However, the GMT, which is actually only correct for the 0 meridan, applies to
the entire zone. According to the location of a particular place, time correction
must be performed to know the True Local Time (WPT).
= 13.28 h.
1. Aalst (402' EL) May 9, 1935 05.23 CET. Summer time: difference 1 hour.
Calculation: 05h.23
- 1h00
+ 16
+ 0.13
WPT= 04:40'13"
11 p.m. 13
+ 18'
11 p.m. 31 on March 31, 1960.
The planetary positions are included in the ephemerides that are either made
up for midnight or noon.
We prefer to use "The Rosicrusian Ephemeris" ed. Maison Rosicrusienne St.
Michel-De-Boulogne - O7200 Aubenas - France. These ephemerides are
made up for 0 hours.
March 1, 1958 09 54
March 2 10 54
March 1 March 2
old. old.
954 1054
GT is 5h 23
March 1, March 2
5 24' 19 07' 1867'
- 524
The locomotion of the moon in 24 hours is 1343'= 823'
In 5 h25 or 325' = 823 x 325 = 185.74 :60 = 3.08 = 3 4'
5 24'
+ 3 04'
8 28'
The sectors, houses or areas of life determine how the forces can come out.
8h29 is the sidereal time before birth that serves as the basis for looking up
the house cusps.
For latitude 51 north we will look up the house distribution in a house table.
For our case, we find before 8.29 am.
Field 10 11 12 1 asc 2 3
The ascendant here falls on 2625 Libra, the second house on 23 Scorpio etc.
To draw a horoscope figure, one takes the sign Libra as the leftmost in the
horoscope circle. Counterclockwise and in the order of the sign, we place the
With the data from the table above, the cusps of the houses in the radix are
transferred. Afterwards the planets become
placed in it according to the calculation of the planets.
4.Computer calculations
It is also possible to have the calculation of the horoscope simply carried out
by the computer with a good program.
For example, the Planetdance program can be downloaded for free via: