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Background of the Study

It is well known fact that virtually all organizations whether commercial or

educational need to maintain a properly record the attendance of its employees or

students for effective functioning, planning, and management of the organization. In most

academic institutions in developing countries, attendance is usually taken manually using

paper sheets and the old file system approach by calling student’s name.

The Student Attendance Monitoring System using Barcode Reader, will serve as a

platform to monitor the students of CFCST-PEU during school events. The System will

improve the process of checking the attendance of the students and monitor their

attendance in every school event. The list of the CFCST-PEU students/event will be

stored in the system where in the officers/CSBO will have an access and will be in charge

in monitoring of the students in every event.

The Student Attendance Monitoring System using Barcode Reader will provide

solution for these problems seen in the manual process. It will be easier to monitor the

attendance using the system. The system will be responsible in keeping the records of the

students presents during the school event. The process of monitoring will also be

paperless which will lessen the time spent and hassle of the officer in charge.

The propose system was developed from May 2023 to November 2023 at

Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology, Pikit Extension Unit, Barangay

Batulawan Pikit North Cotabato.

Statement of the Problem

The manual process of checking attendance in every school activity has become

one of the factors that causes delay and have to spend a lot of time and effort for

recording attendance. Thus, this manual process becomes a tedious and a repetitive

process, with a huge scope for human errors. Such problems includes existing system of

checking attendance in school activities uses paper-based attendance and consumes a lot

of time during attendance, difficulty to collect and tally attendance from a large number

of students and signatures are easy to forge.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the aim of the study was to design and develop Student Attendance

Monitoring System Using Barcode Scanner which will be used by the CSBO Officers of


Specific Objectives:

1. Developed a system that can register the student’s information and Barcode


2. Developed a system that can manage school events and penalty per absent.

3. Developed a system that checks attendance by scanning the barcode on the

student’s ID using a barcode scanner.

Significance of the Study

Students. This is very useful for students especially to those who are actively attending

school events; there effort will not be put in vain because there attendance will be

securely recorded.

CSBO Officer/Officer In-charge. This will help them check and monitor the students’

attendance easily. They will have less paper work because the system already stored the

information that is supposedly done via hard copy in the manual process. This system

will help them lessen the time they spent in checking and monitoring their students’


Researchers. The study is a way to show the skills of the researchers in terms of

computer programming, problem analysis and research related skills such as the

preparation of documents, tabulating and presentation of the results and data gathering

techniques and procedures.

Future Researchers. The output of this capstone project will serve as a guide and

reference for the future students and researchers. The study can also be upgraded,

updated and revised if they chose to conduct a similar study to this capstone project

Scope and Limitation of the Study


This study will only examine the formulation of the proposed system as well as its

placement in relation to the current system. Using a Barcode Scanner, the device can

track students' attendance. The system can save data in the database, as well as add and

change records of the students.


Student Attendance Monitoring System using Barcode scanner can be installed in

laptop or computer but the system shall be used only on windows-based computer

systems which can process information gathered through barcode scanner. This system

cannot manipulate on its own and needs operator to able to be used by the students. The

system cannot read multiple barcodes simultaneously. The system cannot determine if the

barcode was used by its real owner. Since this proposed system in only intended for

school events, the system will be used only when the campus has an activity or program.

Only the administrator is capable to edit or modify the records of the students.

Conceptual Framework


 Student Information
such as Full name,
Year and Section and
Student Identification
Number Student Attendance Generate Attendance
 Student Barcode
 School Event Name,
Monitoring System Record
Date and Time using Barcode
 Penalty Reader
 Admin Username
and Password

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Student Attendance Monitoring

System Using Barcode Reader is illustrated in Figure 1. The proposed system's inputs are

Student Information such as Full Name, Year, Section, and Student Identification

Number, Student generated Barcode, School Event Name, Date, and Time, as well as

Sanctions of students who fail to attend and Admin Username and Password, which will

be processed by the proposed system, and that will produce outputs such as Generated

Student attendance record.

Operational Definition of Terms

Administrator a person legally vested with the right of administration of an estate

Attendance. the act of attending in an event; the number of persons attending something

Radio Frequency Identification uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify

and track tags attached to objects.

RFID Tag is a device that has one or more antennas that emit radio waves and receive

signals back from the RFID tag

SBO (Student Body Organization) is any student organization under supervision of the

educational institution or its officers

Sanction a penalty for disobeying attendance rule

Student a person attending in a school event




There are numerous proposals for Automatic Attendance Management Systems in

the literature and in the market. Nowadays, barcodes are frequently used in most

industries, supermarkets, and wherever information needs to be read automatically.

Attendance Management System Using Barcode Identification on Students’

Identity Cards

Shoewu, Olaniyi, and Lawson (2017) proposed an electronic card-based solution

to the lecture attendance problem in higher institutions in the developing countries. This

system used a singlechip computer based on subsystems interfaced serially to the serial

port of the digital computer. Some of the limitations of this system are that not all

computer systems possess serial port.

Mahyidin (2018) also proposed student attendance management system using

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The system makes use of student card in order to

grant or denial the student from taking attendance. This technique also did not identify

individual based on who he/she is which therefore, can lead to impersonation.

Using Barcode to Track Student Attendance and Assets in Higher Education


For asset tracking, the common issues are human errors in data collection, wrong

inventory estimation and time wastage during the process. This paper investigates the

implementation of one such system, the barcode technology, to read and process student

attendance data in classroom settings and to track periodic inventory of assets within the

college facilities such as devices, equipment, office furniture, classrooms, and

laboratories. The paper proposed by Elaskari, S., Imran, M., Elaskri, A., & Almasoudi, A.

(2021) measures faculty members and staff response on usability, comfort level, and

efficiency for the proposed barcode system. This work shows that barcode technology

eliminates data entry errors and improves efficiency for entering data with a minimum

cost of creating barcode tags and hardware.

Towards developing an automated attendance management system using barcode

reader: Hashemite University as a case study

In higher educational institutions such as colleges and universities, student

attendance has a significant impact on the academic outcomes and thus on the overall

educational process. Therefore, the need for an automatic attendance registration system

is one of the most critical requirements in educational process nowadays; especially with

the tremendous growth in technology sectors. El-Salhi, S. M., Saleh, S. A. N. A. H., &

Al-Amro, I. I. (2019) presents an automated attendance management system (AAMS)

where the attendance of the students is recorded automatically to overcome the manual

attendance tracking system flaws. The proposed system consists of two main

components, a student identification number and a hand-held scanner. The AAMS system

is mainly designed for the Hashemite University, one of the leading universities in

Jordan, to replace the old and inefficient current manual attendance system with a

portable, simple, easy and low-cost solution of attendance registration system.

The Implementation of Wireless Student Attendance System in an Examination

An effective information system needs to support a set of activities, which enable

human beings to achieve effectively the objectives of the organization, supported by

computer-based information technology (Gasson, 2017). Traditional styles of attendance

management include hand-written signatures, card bell, magnetic card, IC card and RF

card attendance machines. These styles cannot avoid checking out the attendance slip

(Zhang and Liu, 2019). This paper summarizes an improvement for manual attendance

system during examination using wireless student attendance system. The

implementation combines the wireless technology to trace, store and transfer of data to

the host computer for report generation and data analysis. This system offers

effectiveness through its functions in capturing data, minimizing time-constraint, and

saving effort to write/collect/check attendance slips. The improved student attendance

system provides effectiveness and efficiency in administering and managing the

attendance procedure; hence minimizing cost and improving productivity thus improving

staff development.

Events Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometrics and SMS

The Institute of Information and Communication Technology of Isabela State

University Echague Campus is now facing problems with regards to monitoring the

attendance of the students during school’s activities. Most of the time students are

required to attend to all activities as required by the university and the institute itself. But

as early days experience until today, the student body organization is having a hard time

to monitor the attendance of the students.

Miscommunication is another problem of the student body organization of the

IICT. Students complain that why they are marked absent since they were not informed

about the activity.

Another problem that the student body organization is facing now is the

consolidation of the report of the attendance of the students. During the signing of the

clearance many students complains that they are marked absent although they are present

during the activity and vice versa.

Due to the unreliable reports of attendance monitoring and unreliable monitoring

of student’s attendance the researcher were able to come up with a solution to solve the

problems the development of Event Monitoring System Using Biometric with SMS.

Faraon Institute Students Monitoring System with SMS support

Based on the research study of the Suaño et al (2018) from Northern Negros State

Collage of Science and Technology (NONESCOST), that the teachers of Faraon Institute

are having problem in taking the daily attendance of the students, sometimes they forget

to take it or they will just simply give the class a blank paper to let them write their

names and sign, that wiil serve as their attendance and later who knows if the attendance

will misplaced. The system covered two main functionalities: first is to get the attendance

information of the students and second is to send SMS to the parents if their son/daughter

is present.

Student Attendance Monitoring and Identification System Using Barcode and SMS
Management team in school whether primary and secondary school use less

computerized system in their management. Most of the schools in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat

are using a manual process to monitor the student’s attendance. In a manual system,

teachers will take and write down the student’s daily attendance in the record book, then

at the end of the month the teacher is responsible to update the record by calculating the

percentage of student’s attendance. This showed that the manual system is not strict and

the student does not pay much attention to the attendance. Parents also do not know either

their children come to school or not. They only know when the report card is given to

them, twice a year. Because of that, a computerized system that will be named Student

Attendance Monitoring & Identification System using Barcode & SMS of INHS(Study

on SMS Application) system has been proposed to be developed and implemented for

management team in school. The target of this system is to monitor the daily student

attendance and to inform parents about the attendance of their children.

Smart Wireless Attendance Monitoring Using NFC

According to Puja Rani and Oshin (2020), in their proposed system wherein any

staff after entering into the classroom can record the attendance of the students using

reader. This reader communicates with the PC placed at office rooms or server rooms and

the students’ details, time of attendance are all recorded in the PC. The PC does the rest

of the job and no manual calculation is required. Also errors are prevented to a greater

extent. The teachers can login to their respective id to check the student’s attendance

status and save it. The project proposes a novel and secure way of identification system

that is tamper proof and is easily usable by everyone concerned. For that it uses NFC

technology that is known for communication between multiple tags at a specific time and

less power consumption. These particular features of NFC make identification and

processing very easy as the system is completely wireless and has a collision free

algorithm to transmit and receive signals from multiple units.



This chapter discussed the methods used in the collection and analyses of data.

The methodology focuses on the experiences of people involved and attempt to

understand the reasons behind certain behavior description. The evaluation was carried

out using data collection techniques and interviews. Generally, the researchers used

Spiral Method for the whole study.

Figure 2. Spiral Method

Figure 2, Spiral Development Method shows how exactly the researchers

executes the study for the proposed Student Attendance Monitoring System using

Barcode Reader. Obviously, the planning covers all the process cycles in the study. This

includes organizing the individual tasks, how to collect data and analyze the problem and

create a design for database and user interface of the program according to the data



This part is the initiation part where the research study was started. In planning,

the researchers started in searching where they will conduct the study, to collect data and

how to organize the time in conducting a research interview and obligations in

conducting the study. In planning, it includes analyzing, designing, software

development, testing, and implementation.


In this stage, researchers conducted an interview in Cotabato Foundation College

of Science and Technology-Pikit Extension Unit. This is where researchers collected the

needed data for the research. The part of the interview was to know what was being used

in their current system and researchers noticed that the transactions were manually

operated in the school. After gathering the data and analyzed the problem according to

their existing system, researchers analyzed how to give a concrete solution to those

problems and based on the problem.


Designing is based on users and client roles. This stage is creating a design for the

system. It includes a student registration form. The system is designed as a user-friendly

system. The researchers used

Software Development


In the development of the system, the researchers will use of PHP, Xampp and

Sublime Text for encoding the source code of the system, in order to be accurate and fast

acquisition of data and information.


After finishing the main parts of the transaction of the system, the proponents

gave a test sample to the client and there is a lot of learning they encountered, it made

them know the minor and major mistakes in the system and it gave the researchers more

understanding on how to develop it.


Documents will be compiled for final output to be submitted to the client. This

includes the documentation and software. Giving some user orientation or tutorials on

how to use the system will be held at this stage.

Work Breakdown Structure

September November
Activity May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 October 2023
2023 2023
On On On On On On On
Done Done Done Done Done Done Done
Process Process Process Process Process Process Process






Table 1. Work Breakdown Structure


The table above presented the basis of the researchers. If the said activity given in

the table in every month from May 2023 to November 2023 is finish or if it is under

process. Requirement gathering and analysis was done for the month of May and June

2023. Design must be done on the month of July 2023. Implementation and Coding with

the use of Barcode Reader was done for the month of July to October 2023 and Testing,

Deployment and Maintenance from October and November 2023.

Research Design

The descriptive qualitative approach was used in the research design; this method

was created for the researchers to obtain information about current existing situations.

The researchers discovered that when it comes to monitoring student attendance, CFCST-

PEU CSBO Officers employ a manual and paper-based system to check the presence of a

specific student in a certain event. Taking student attendance manually and maintaining it

for an extended period of time, on the other hand, is a challenging task that wastes a lot of

time and resources and may result in some inaccuracies. So, the researchers chose to

utilize the descriptive qualitative approach to collect data that would assist them know

what is needed so that they could design a system that would help in the daily

transactions of the business and reduce the officers' work.


Flowchart of the Developed System (Admin-Side)


Log in Take Student Attendance


Student Attendance
Monitoring System
using Barcode Reader

Register Student
Information and Barcode

Manage Event and Penalty

Manage Student Attendance

Log Out STOP

Figure 3. Flowchart of the Developed System (Staff-Side)

Figure 3 depicts the flowchart of the developed system, which contains the

modules that was included in the system. The system has two options, the admin page

where the admin can manage students information, school event, penalty, and student

attendance and the attendance page where the admin can take the attendance of the

student simply by using a barcode reader.

Use Case Diagram

Log in

Manage Student Information

Manage Events

Manage Attendance Records


Take Attendance

Log Out Student

Figure 4. Use Case Diagram of the Developed System

The use-case diagram for the Student Attendance Monitoring System using

Barcode Reader describes the system's high-level functions and scope. The figure also

depicts the system's and its actors' interactions. In use-case diagrams, the use cases and

actors define what the system does and how the actors interact with it, but not how the

system runs internally. The first actor is the admin, who is also the administrator of the

proposed system, and may log in, manage student information, manage event and student

attendance record and log out. The student is the second actor, and he or she must present

his/her barcode ID that will be used to take his/her attendance.

Architectural Diagram

Student Record
System Using
Barcode Reader

Figure 5. Architectural Diagram of the Developed System

Figure 5 shows the Architectural Diagram of developed System that presents the

flow of the system in which the loan details, information of the student will directly save

in the database of the system and then the admin can view the attendance records.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the CSBO Adviser, Officers and Students of

CFCST-PEU, Brgy. Batulawan, Pikit SGA BARMM.

Locale of the Study

The study was implemented and conducted at CFCST-PEU, Brgy. Batulawan,

Pikit SGA BARMM from March 2023 to November 2023.

System Requirements

 Hardware Specification:

The following were the minimum and recommended hardware specifications for the

implementation of the system.

 Processor : Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU N3540 @ 2.16 GHz (4 CPUs),


 Memory : 204 MB RAM or higher equivalent

 Hard Disk: 380GB or higher equivalent

 Storage devices used for back up: 250 GB Portable drive or higher equivalent

Software Specification

The specification software was important for the systems. The following were the

application software to be used by the researchers in developing the system.

 Microsoft Windows 10

 Apache


 Visual Studio 2022




This chapter presents the results and discussion of the developed system.

Generally, the aim of the study was to design and develop Student Attendance

Monitoring System Using Barcode Scanner which will be used by the CSBO Officers of


Specific Objectives:

1, Developed a system that can register the student’s information and Barcode ID.

Figure 6. Student Registration Form

Figure 6 shows the student registration form where the admin must input

all the necessary details of the students as well as his/her barcode Number.

4. Developed a system that can manage school events and penalty per absent.

Figure 7. Manage Event and Penalty Form


The figure above shows the form where the user can add, save, and update event

and penalty.

5. Developed a system that checks attendance by scanning the barcode on the

student’s ID using a barcode scanner.

Figure 8. Take Attendance Page

Figure 8 shows the page where the admin can take the attendance of the student

by scanning the barcode ID of the student using a barcode scanner.





The Student Attendance Monitoring System using Barcode Reader, will serve as a

platform to monitor the students of CFCST-PEU during school events. The System will

improve the process of checking the attendance of the students and monitor their

attendance in every school event. The list of the CFCST-PEU students/event will be

stored in the system where in the officers/CSBO will have an access and will be in charge

in monitoring of the students in every event. The Student Attendance Monitoring System

using Barcode Reader will provide solution for these problems seen in the manual

process. It will be easier to monitor the attendance using the system. The system will be

responsible in keeping the records of the students presents during the school event. The

process of monitoring will also be paperless which will lessen the time spent and hassle

of the officer in charge.

The system was developed from February to November 2023 at Pikit National

High School, Pikit North Cotabato.



Based on the study results, the researchers have met their general and specific

objectives. The developed system is a great hep for the CSBO officers especially in

taking the attendances of the students every event.


The researchers of this project recommend the following based on their

observation for the researchers. These are the following recommendations:

1. Add a SMS Feature

2. The attendance should have a log in AM, Log out AM, Log in PM and Log out


3. The system should generate an attendance report


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