Minos User Manual Tot-370-9 424-11
Minos User Manual Tot-370-9 424-11
Minos User Manual Tot-370-9 424-11
TEL:+(90) 232 2815404
FAX:+(90) 232 2815710
Instruction for work
TOT-370-9, TOT-424-11
Rotary windrower
Dear buyer!
You have selected the machine from our extensive product range. We are confident that you will be
satisfied with it.
Our dealer informed you upon delivery of the machine about proper use, maintenance and operation.
Present instructions for use, informs you most detailed about every single action which must be taken,
from first start of the machine itself, proper and safe use, over to the maintenance.
Instructions are divided in single chapters with text and illustrations, explaning practical course of
every single step during use of machine.
Due to upper facts please read carefully these instructions, before you start using the machine and
take into consideration all safety regulations.
To avoid accidents and for acheiving optimal working - capacities of the machine, any kind of
technical changes without strict concordance from the side of producer is strictly forbidden.
In such a manner also the machine must be used exsclusively according to from XX
prescribed conditions.
This symbol is to be found on
different spots in these
informations, showing at special
procedure informations which
must be specially considered
during the use of machine.
If the machine was missused for any other purpose, and get damaged during irregular use, manufacturer is
not liable for damages caused to the machine. It is the user himself who bears the risk.
All conditions for work and maintenance, prescribed by the manufacturer, should strictly be considered.
The machine may only be used, handled and repaired by persons who are appointed to do this and who are
aware of the dangers.
All relevant safety regulations as well as all generally used safety tehnical, working-medical and traffic
regulations should be considered during the work with the machine.
The manufacturer is not liable for damages, caused to the machine which has been rebuilt by the user, if
damages had occured as a result of the rebuilding.
While working with the machine
1. Besides the instructions from this booklet take into consideration all generally used safety and
accident regulations!
2. Safety and warning decals, placed on the machine, give important instructions for safe work. Take
them into consideration for your safety!
3. While driving on public roads, take into consideration traffic signs and regulations!
4. Make sure you become familiar with all devices and elements for handling and with the functions,
before starting with the work!
5. Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothes. Clothes should fit tight to the user's body.
7. Before switching on the machine and driving off, make sure there is space near the machine.
Make sure your visibility is sufficient!
9. Implements should be connected according to the instructions, all prescribed devices fastened to
the prescribed spots and secured!
10. When disconnecting the machine from the tractor, place it on the flat ground and use support
11. Special attention is needed when you are connecting or disconnecting the implement to the
12. Always place the charging weights according to the instructions on the provided fastening points!
13. Respect prescribed pay load, axle load and transport dimensions!
14. Transport equipment on machine and tractor is to be tested for traffic safety before each use:
lights, protections etc!
15. Starting devices for remote control (wires, chains, bars, etc.) should be secured in a way, that
they can not be unintentionally released during transport or work.
16. For driving on the road, prepare and secure the machine according to the manufacturer s
18. Always adjust the driving speed to the driving conditions. Avoid fast turning when driving uphill,
downhill or across the slope!
19. The performance during driving and the ability of turning is changed, when there are implements
connected or mounted to the tractor. Pay attention to sufficient ability of turning and braking!
20. When turning, take into consideration the load which is outside the centre of gravity and/or
constant weight of the implement!
21. Connect the imlement only when all safety devices are in position and when the implement is
23. Stay away from the area of swinging and turning of the machine!
24. Hidraulic flaps, doors etc. may be put in action only when no one is in the swinging area!
25. On all parts of the machine, which are mecanically or hydraulically driven, there is danger of
shear and squeeze!
26. Secure the implement before leaving the tractor. Lower the implement completely. Switch off the
engine and pull out the ignition key! Disengage the PTO shaft!
27. Nobody is allowed to be between the tractor and the implement if the vehicle is not secured
against movement by a brake or/and by a wedge!
2. When mounting the machine on three point hitch of the tractor, category of fixing points must be
or must be done identical!
3. In the area of 3 point hitch bars there is a danger of injuries being caused by squeezing and of
4. When operating outside lift-control of three point hitch, don't stay between tractor and machine!
5. When machine in transport position, adjust and lock side movement of three point hitch!
6. When driving on the road with lifted machine, insure the lever of hydraulic control against
unintentional drop!
2. PTO shaft - protection tubes and protection pots, driveshaft protection on the tractor, and on
inlet shaft on the machine must be on their places and in good condition!
3. Take care about the prescribed P.T.O. Shaft tube overlap in transport and working position!
4. P.T.O. Shaft can only be mounted when the P.T.O. Shaft connection and engine are switched
off and the ignition key is pulled out!
5. When using the P.T.O. Shafts with overload and/or free-wheel clutch, which are not covered by
a protection on the tractor, put the overload or the free-wheel clutch on the machine side!
6. Always pay your best attention to proper mounting and securing of the P.T.O. Shaft!
7. Secure the P.T.O. Shaft protection against rotating by a chain!
8. Before switching on the P.T.O. Shaft make sure, that the selected RPM and rotating direction of
the tractor connection match with the allowed RPM and rotating direction of the machine!
9. When using the P. T.O. shaft pay attention that the number of rotations is independent of driving
speed and rotation direction of reverse driving!
10. Make sure that nobody is in the area of danger of the machine before switching on the P.T.O.
11. Never switch on the P.T.O. Shaft when the engine is switched off!
12. When working with the P.T.O. Shaft nobody is allowed to be in the area of rotating P.T.O.
13. Always switch off the P.T.O. Shaft when the angle deviation gets too big or when you do not
need it!
14. Attention! After having switched off the P.T.O. Shaft the danger of rotating heavier parts
remains. Do not get close to the machine untill it comes to a complete standstill. You can start to
work only when the rotation is completely stopped.
15. Cleaning, lubrication or adjusting of the machines, driven by the P.T.O. Shaft, or a P.T.O. Shaft
itself, can be done when the e engine is switched off and the ignition key is pulled out!
17. When PTO Shaft pulled from the tractor, push the protection cap back on the drive shaft of the
18. Repair all damages of the P.T.O. Shaft before using the machine!
1. While working with tyres make sure that the machine is safely placed and secured against
rolling off ( wedge ).
3. Repair works on tyres are allowed to be performed by professionals with suitable tools only!
4. Check up the tyre pressure regularly! Consider the tyre pressure according to regulations!
1. Maintenance, repairs, cleaning and disturbance removing may only be executed when the drive
and the engine are switched off and the ignition key is pulled out!
2. Check nuts and screws regularly to be sure that they are tightened enough. If not tighten them!
3. If you perform any maintenance on the lifted implement, always secure the implement by a
suitable holder.
4. Use adequate tools and gloves when replacing machine parts with sharp edges!
6. Before repairs on electrical equipment are started, switch off the electrical current – remove the
7. If safety devices succumb to usage, must be checked regularly and replaced in due time!
8. When welding on the tractor or on machine which is mounted on the tractor, disconnect the cable
from battery and from generator!
9. Use only genuine spare parts, they will provide a long lifetime of the machine!
10. When filling in the gas, use for filling in exclusively azote. Danger of EXPLOSION!
Security references
TecoStar maschines are equipped with all safety devices which are prescribed by law.
However it is not possible to protect all danger spots on the machine, regarding functionalism of the
machine itself. On the machine there are decals with corresponding informations about danger in
that area. Decals are yellow and black colour.
Read carefully text of safety decals, check on the machine where are they to
be found, because there are danger areas.
are designed
are designed
to beto protected
be protected
in accordance
in accordance
with all
all safety
All All
on the
the machine
it is impossible
it is impossible
to protect
to protect
it is necessary
it is necessary
to ensure
to ensure
of theofmachine.
the machine.
On the
the machine
are safety
are safety
with corresponding
with corresponding
in that
in that
are yellow
are yellow
and black
and black
Security labels
A Max. allowed PTO shaft rotations 540 RPM.
Read carefully operating manual and take it
into consideration.
Drop protection rails before operating the
machine. DANGER – keep distance from rotor –
working area.
Don't tuch moving parts when the machine
2. Technical datas
No.of tines/arm 4 4
Optimum P.T.O.shaft
rotations 320 – 445 320 – 445
P.T.O.shaft safety clutch
600 600
Working speed
up to 13 up to 15
left left
Depositing direction
Preparing of the machine
When performing check up, maintenance repair and mount works always switch off the
P.T.O.shaft. Switch off the engine and pull out the ignition key. Secure tractor against
Maximum number of rotations is 540 rpm.
Nobody is allowed to stay between the tractor and the machine when lifting or lowering the
swather with tractor hydraulics.
Make sure nobody is in the danger area of the swather before switching on the P.T.O. shaft.
High injury risk!
Pay attention to use protections according to regulations when working or driving on the
road. Mount the light equipment and check its functioning.
Never leave the driver seat during working.
Before connecting or disconnecting the machine to the three point hydraulic hitch, set the handling
device into the position which prevents unintentional lowering or lifting of the three point hitch!
In the area of three point hydraulic hitch bars there is danger of injuries being caused by squeezing
and of bruises.
The machine is constructed with three pont hydraulic hitch bars-connections of the 2nd category.
Pay attention that nobody is between the tractor and the machine when connecting the
machine to the tractor.
Make sure that the machine has sufficient driving capacity during the drive. (ballast weights)
Figure 1
3 4
Mount the lower hydraulic bar (1) and secure it with pin (2).
Set the upper bar (3) and secure the bolt with pin (4).
Lift the support leg (6) and secure it in upper position with pin (7). Do not remove the support
● Lowering speed of the 3 point hitch is to be adjusted by stifler so that the swather
lowers onto the ground slowly.
P. T.O. shaft
After connecting the machine to the 3 point hydraulic hitch bar switch off the
engine and pull out the ignition key. Secure tractor against movement!
P.T.O. shaft is constructed with overload safety clutch. It secures the tractor and the machine from
damages. Do not interfere in overload safety clutch settings. Loss of warranty rights.
If overloaded the rotation movement is limited with pulsative slip of the clutch.
To prevent the wear out of the overload safety clutch you must switch off the P.T.O.
shaft immediately.
Compare the measured value of rotation moment RM of the overload safety clutch
with values in the table. If the values deviate, contact SIP seller.
Switch off the P.T.O. shaft when performing check up, maintenance, repair and mount
works. Switch off the engine and pull out the ignition key. Secure the tractor from
Nobody is allowed to stay between tractor and machine when lowering the swather with
the hydraulics.
Danger of material damage: Do not lower the swather with the hydraulic
before the P.T.O. shaft length is adjusted.
Figure 3
To adjust the length of the P.T.O. shaft pull the both halves apart.
Place the P.T.O. shaft halves on the machine's side (1) and on the tractor's side (2).
Overload safety clutch must be mounted on the machine's side!
Set the machine with 3 point hitch to the shortest position of the P.T.O. shaft.
Hold both halves together and measure out the right length.
For further measurements and adjustments use the instructions of the P.T.O. shaft
Mounting of the P.T.O. shaft
Figure 3 Figure 4
Secure the protection tube (3) against rotation. Secure the protection tube on tractor side with chain
Check the turn and space area of the P.T.O. shaft. P.T.O. shaft touching the tractor or the machine
may cause damage (touch with 3 point hydraulic hitch bar, machine connection).
Grease the P.T.O. shaft with multipurpose grease in time intervals shown in the figure 5. Consider
the instructions of the P.T.O. shaft manufacturer.
Use the grease on vegetable basis.
Pay attention to put the swather on a flat and solid ground.
Nobody is allowed to stay between the tractor and the machine when lifting or
lowering the machine with 3 point hydraulic hitch.
Pay attention to the following safety instructions.
Figure 5
Machine adjustment
Perform the repair work, maintenance, cleaning and stopping works only with the
switched off drive and stand still engine! Remove the ignition key.
Maximum P.T.O. shaft rotation is 540 rpm.
Optimal P.T.O. shaft rotation is between 350 and 450 rpm.
It is forbidden to stay in the working area of the machine.
Danger warning of substance eject behind the machine.
It is forbidden to climb on the machine.
Protections must be in protective position while working.
Basic setting
Figure 7 Figure 8
Lower the swarher slowly! Set the control lever of the 3 point hitch hydraulic to the »low« position,
the so-called swimming position. The cylinder of holder (3) must lay at the end (2) of the hitch bar (1)
fender pile. Set the swather with upper lever to horizontal, slightly forward (1) inclined position.
Spring tines should touch the ground softly.
Mounting the spring tines arms from transport to work position or from work to
transport position pay attention not to stretch unintentionally the spring safety pins.
Risk of accident!
Mount the spring tines arms with the switched off engine only! Remove the ignition
Always mount the pins against the rotor's rotation direction.
Figure 9 Figure 10
3 4
2 1
Work position setting:
Pull out the pin (1) from the spring tines arm (2).
Remove the spring tines arm (2) from the transport holder (3) and put it on the rotor pipe (4).
Secure the spring tines arm (2) with pin (1).
Check up the tightness of the spring tines, replace any damaged ones!
Guard rails (1) are additionally secured for transport. To set the guard rails into working position
follow the next steps:
Figure 11 A Figure 11 B
Figure 11 C
Swath curtain
Figure 13
For wide or narrow swaths set stagelessly the swath curtains to rotor.
Adjust the swath curtain deviation to the fodder quantity.
Much fodder = big deviation
Few fodder = no deviation needed
Figure 14
Adjust the right height of the swather with the lever (1). Adjusted working height depends on driving
speed and fodder condition.
Loosen or tighten the nut (2) to adjust the right friction in order to prevent the unintentional rotation of
the lever (1).
With bigger distance between the spring tines you can not swath the fodder
With smaller distance between the spring tines there is a danger of fodder soiling,
sod damage and high wear out of the spring tines.
Traffic regulations
When driving on public roads and paths consider the local traffic regulations.
Pay attention to have the rear window of tractor's cabin closed before lifting
the swathe. The guard rails may cause damage if not secured.
Repair works, maintenance, periodical overhauls, cleaning and elimination of functional
disturbances must be performed with the switched off drive and stand still engine!
Remove the ignition key!
Do not use excessive quantities of oil and grease. Be friendly to nature.
When injured with splashed oil find medical help immidiately.
Consider other safety instructions to prevent damages and accidents.
To insure faultless working of the machine and to reduce the wear out always consider
the maintenance instructions and periodical overhauls. This includes cleaning, greasing
and lubricating of built in parts and components.
Screws and nuts tightening moment MA (standard)
A = size of coil
8.8 10.9 12.9
MA (Nm)
M5 5,9 8,7 10
M6 10 15 18
M8 25 36 43
M 10 49 72 84
M 12 85 125 145
M 14 135 200 235
M 16 210 310 365
M 20 425 610 710
M 24 730 1050 1220
M 27 1100 1550 1800
M 30 1450 2100 2450
After the first start and few hours of working check the tightness of nuts
and screws, tighten them if needed.
Check up regulary (approx. every 50 hours)!
To mount tyres sufficient knowledge and regulation tools are required.
Repair works on tyres are allowed to be performed by professionals with proper tools
Place the machine on flat and solid ground. Secure it with wedges against unintentional
rolling off.
Check the tyre pressure regularly.
Check the tyre pressure regularly and fill it up if needed, Compare the measured values with the
values given in the table.
In the figure 18 all the lubrication spots are marked. Long life of the swather is achieved if the time
intervals shown here are met.
Use the grease on vegetable basis.
Figure 18
Mandatory check the oil level before the operation, unscrew the screw
plug and check the level of A, which must extend to the lower edge of
the stud. Once a year to control the level and refill oil SAE 90 EP, if
Draining the possible odvitju threaded pin B, which is located at the
bottom of the gear
Mandatory, if necessary to change oil in gear repair intervention.
Use the grease and oil on vegetable basi.
1. Place the machine in a dry place. Not near the mineral manure storehouse.
2. Clean the machine inside and outside thoroughly. Dirt holds moisture and causes rust. Cleaning
with high pressure cleaner is not recommanded.
3. Check flexible parts such as stay wires, joints and other, demount and clean them, check the
wear out. Replace with spare parts if needed.
7. Repair the paint damage, protect the bright surfaces with a remedy for rust.
8. Grease the contact area on the spring tines arm and rotor plug.
9. Reduce the tyre pressure to discharge it and protect tyres from sun, grease and oil.
10. Make a list of necessary spare parts and order them in time. It easier for SIP-sellers to order
and deliver them out of season. Beside that the machine is fully prepared and ready for work in
the new season.
Restart for a new season
1. Wipe the oil and grease used for the conservation of the machine.
2. Lubricate the machine thoroughly to eliminate the possible condensation moisture from
6. Check all the settings on the machine and re-set them if needed.
7. Check the overload safety clutch of the P.T.O. shaft, if the metal parts of slide lining become
loose (look inside).
Special constructions /
additional equipment
Support wheel
Mount the support wheel on the swather to make better copying of the swath surface possible. While
working the purpose chain must be set loose on the upper connection to enable adaptation of the
swather with the support wheel.
Repair works, maintenance, periodical overhauls, cleaning and elimination of functional
disturbances must be performed with the switched off drive and stand still engine!
Remove the ignition key!
Set the support wheel position outside the rotor area – check it in lifted position!
For transport the purpose must be fixed, if using chain (4) it must be replaced with
fixed top link!
Figure 19 A Figure 19 B
The purpose chain must be set loose to enable adaptation of the swather
with the support wheel and the lifting of the swather.
IS: AT12.101.933.105