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Architecture Design Document for PIMS

1. Overview
1.1. System Overview
Personal Investment Management System (PIMS) is intended to help a user keep
account of his/her investments in instruments such as shares and bean deposits. PIMS is
to provide the user the rate of returns (ROR) he/she is getting, as well as net worth
(NW) of the different portfolios and the total net worth. Alerts about any maturity dates
can also be provided. For current value of some investment, PIMS is to obtain the
information from the web.

1.2. System Context

The system context is defined clearly in the SRS. Basically, the user is the main sink of
the information. The user is also a major source of information/data. The other source of
data is a website from where data on current prices is obtained.

1.3. Stakeholders of PIMS

The main stakeholders for the system are the individual users who might use the system
and the system designer/builder who will build PIMS. The main concerns of the two
stakeholders are:

• For Users: The usability of the system and providing ROR and NW info.
Reasonable response time is also a concern.
• For designer/builder: The system is easy to modify, particularly to handle future
extensions mentioned in the SRS (i.e. the system may become a multi-user
system, which may require use of databases instead of files for keeping data.)

Hence, the key property for which the architecture is to be evaluated is the modifiability
or extensibility of the system. Response time performance is another factor for which the
system needs to be evaluated.

1.4. Scope of this Document

In this document, we describe two possible architectures for PIMS, compare them for
various quality attributes, and then choose the most appropriate one, which is our final
proposed architecture for PIMS. By discussing the two alternatives, we also provide the
rationale for selecting the final architecture. For architecture, we consider only the
component and connector view.

1.5. Definitions and Acronyms

Transaction A real event that involves flow of personal money. In the
context of shares, it is buying/selling a group of shares of the

same company, and in context of Bank it is
deposit/withdrawal of money to/from one’s account
Security A set of all transactions pertaining to a company share or a
bank account.
Portfolio A set of securities.
Net Worth The sum total of all the money of the investor in form of
shares and bank balances.
Rate of The interest that user gets on a particular investment. In the
Investment context of a bank account it is the annual interest and in case
of a company share it is computed on a monthly basis, details
of which can be found in the appendix A of the SRS.

PIMS Personal Investment Management System.
NW Net Worth.
ROI Rate of Investment

2. Architecture Design
2.1. Architecture 1: The Repository Model
This architecture consists of a data repository, which contains information about the
portfolios, securities, transactions, alerts and current share prices. There are separate
modules for performing various tasks such as computation of net-worth/ROI,
modification of the data repository etc. Following are the principle components of this

# Component Component Type Description

1 Data Repository Database This module is the database containing
information about the
Portfolio/Security/Transaction, alerts and
current share prices
2 Remote share Database (Website) This module is a database at some remote site,
price database which is accessed for getting the current share
3 Master Controller Processing ( This is basically the graphical interface module
Interface module) which interacts with the user on one side and
makes appropriate calls to the other modules,
discussed below to serve the user requests.
4 Create/ Processing Modifies the information related to the
Delete/Rename (Database investment in the data repository
Portfolio/Security modification) (Portfolio/Security/Transaction)
5 Compute Net- Processing This module computes the net-worth and ROI
Worth/ ROR (Computation) using the information in the data repository

6 Get/Set Alerts Processing This module accesses the data repository to
(Database access or set/get alerts
7 Net Loader Processing This module downloads the current share prices
(Download and from a remote database and updates the data
database repository
8 Get current share Processing This module accesses the data repository and
price (Database access) returns the price of a share

Following are the connectors of the architecture:

# Connector Connector Type Description

1 R/W connectors Database access/ These connectors are between the data repository
modification and the modules 4, 5, 6 and 7. These represent
access (R) or modification (W) of the data
2 Read only Database access This connector is between the data repository
connector and the modules 5 and 8. It represents reading of
relevant data from the data repository
3 Write only Database access / This connector is between the net loader module
connector modification and the data repository module. This represent
the updating of the current share prices
4 URL connector HTTP This connector is between the Net Loader
module and the Remote share price data module.
This represents the
5 Control connector Module invocation This connector is between the master controller
or function calls module and the modules 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This
represent the invocation of these modules by the
master controller

The diagram below shows this architecture:

Figure 3.1: The Repository Model

2.2. Architecture 2: The Access Layer Model (4 layered)

This architecture is similar to the data repository architecture. The main difference lies in
the fact that here, we have a data access layer separating the business logic and data
repository. Data retrieval and modification is done via this data access layer, while all
the processing of data or implementation of the business logic done in the business logic
layer. The 4th layer is the presentation layer (master control) which is responsible for
interacting with the user and invoking modules of the business logic layer. The
usefulness of the data access layer comes from the fact that if the type of database is
changed then only the access layer needs to be modified while the processing logic
remains the same. The components remain the same except that now we would have a
new data access component get/put data which would be responsible for reading and
writing data corresponding to Portfolio/Security/Transaction, alerts and share prices.
There is also a component get remote which reads the current share prices from the
remote database. The diagram below shows this architecture.

Figure 4.1: The 4 layered architecture

2.3. Comparing the Architectures

Here we compare the architectures with respect to various quality attributes.

Criteria Architecture 1 Architecture 2

Change In Data Not easy Easy
Change in the Easy Easy
remote database
location from which
prices are extracted
Addition in Easy Easy
Extension to multi- Difficult Easier
Provision of Difficult Easier
additional securities

(passwords, etc)

Catering of new Easy Easy

type of securities

3. Final Architecture of PIMS

From the above table we see that architecture 2 is better as far as change in data
repository is concerned. Moreover, it is also easier to extend it to a multi-user system,
which involves additional security issues. However, the performance of Architecture 2 is
likely to be poorer than the first one, though it should be only marginally different.
Since, in future data repository may be changed, and the system may be made
multi-user we prefer Architecture 2 to Architecture 1. (These have also been stated as
the criteria for evaluation.) Thus we choose Architecture 2 for the Personal Investment
Management System.

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