Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Definition: Runoff is defined as the portion of precipitation that makes its way towards rivers, or
seas, or oceans, etc as surface and sub-surface flow.
The runoff generally consists of
a) Surface runoff
b) Ground runoff
c) Direct precipitation over the streams
Runoff Process
The rain falling in the catchment/ basin is disposed off in the following ways.
i) Absorbed by plant leaves /intercepted;
ii) Evaporated and passed back to atmosphere;
iii) Runoff either surface or penetrating into the soil and changing the ground water level and then
appearing in the streams lower down in the same catchment. Surface runoff is important for the
maximum flow of the river, while ground runoff is important for the minimum (base) flow of
the river;
iv) Absorbed by the ground /or collected on the ground - detention/ making it damp or wet and
ultimately evaporated again into the atmosphere;
The difference between rainfall and runoff is termed as rainfall loss and rainfall minus losses is
rainfall producing runoff.
Factors Affecting Runoff
i) Characteristics of precipitation
ii) Characteristics of drainage basin
i) Characteristics of Precipitation
a) Type of precipitation
If the precipitation occurs in the form of rain, it will immediately produce a runoff (peak
flow of short duration), while if the precipitation is in the form of snow, it will produce
runoff at a slow and steady rate.
b) Rain Intensity
If the intensity of rainfall increases runoff increases rapidly.
c) Duration of rainfall
If the infiltration is less, the surface runoff will be more thus in some cases, a longer
duration rain may produce considerable runoff even when its intensity is mild.
d) Rainfall Distribution
For small drainage basins peak flows are generally the result of intense rain falling over
small areas. On the other hand, for larger drainage basins, the peak flows are the result of
storm of lesser intensity but covering larger area.
If A is the area of the basin and re is the radius of the equivalent circle: A= π e
Circumference = 2π r e = 2π √ A /π=2 √ πA
Compactness coefficient = P/(2 √ πA ) , P = perimeter of the basin
There are two types of catchment in general.
i) Fan shaped catchment
ii) Fern leaf shaped catchment
Main stream
Fern shaped
Fan shaped
Computation of Runoff
The total precipitation (P) on a basin can be represented by the equation
P = L +G + Q or
Q = P - L- G
Runoff= Precipitation - Basin recharge - Ground water accretion /accumulation/.
This is the fundamental equation that is used to compute runoff.
Values of Cr
Type of surface Value of Cr
1 smooth asphaltic surface 0.007
2 Concrete pavement 0.012
3 Tar and gravel pavement 0.017
4 Closely clipped soil 0.046
5 Dense blue grass turf 0.060
Note: The above equation is applicable only when ILo < 387.
For design of hydraulic structures, the following simple formula can be used for evaluating the inlet
time or overland flow time:
[ ]
0 . 385
To = 0.885
H [Hrs]
L = the distance from the furthest [critical point] to the outlet at the hydraulic structure, such as
culvert, etc, m
H = Total fall in level from critical point to the outlet, such as culverts, m.
Time of Concentration
For a small drainage basin having flow channels in it, the time of concentration would be equal to
the largest combination of overland flow time called inlet time (To) and channel flow time, (T f),
which exists anywhere in the basin. Channel flow time, T f, is generally taken as the length of
longest channel divided by the average flow velocity in the channel at about bank full stage.
Tc = To + Tf
2) By Use of Infiltration Capacity Curve/ Infiltration Indices
Generally the runoff values for large catchments are computed using infiltration capacity curves
/infiltration indices.
Infiltration indices:
There are two types of indices in common use.
1) W-Index
2) - Index
W-Index: - is the average infiltration rate or the infiltration capacity averaged over the whole storm
period and is given by
Windex = =
Tr Tr
Where: F = total infiltration including initial basin recharge
P = total precipitation, in mm or cm
Q = total runoff, in mm or cm
Tr = duration of rainfall, in hrs
- Index: - is defined as the average rate of loss, such that the volume of rainfall in excess of that
rate will be equal to the volume of direct run off or the rate of rainfall above which the rainfall
volume equals the runoff volume.
Rainfall intensity, cm/hr
- Index
TR = Period of rainfall excess
A6 = Tr1 + Tr2 + Tr3
A3 A4
A1 A5 A7
P−W index
Time Time
i mP
t Time, t
Figure 25: Hydrographs of different storms having the same unit duration
It has been stated by certain investigators that the unit duration should not be more/ longer/ than the
period of rise or time of concentration. But Linsely has found the best unit period for practical
applications which is ¼ of the base lag.
Various storms of varying intensity and having different volumes of runoff but a particular unit
duration will have the same shape of their runoff hydrograph.
Different unit hydrograph for different duration can be prepared. A particular hydrograph once
produced for particular unit duration can be utilized for evaluating the runoff hydrograph of other
storm of the like duration.
The number of unit hydrographs for a given basin is infinite, since there may be one for every
possible rainfall duration and for every distribution pattern in the basin. But practically, only a
certain limited number of hydrographs can be used for a given basin. However there are a few
assumptions in this case:
i) All the combined characteristics of the basin are represented in the hydrograph;
ii) Identical rainfall with the same characteristics produces identical hydrograph;
iii) The vertical (ordinates of the hydrograph) are proportional to the volume of runoff on
the catchment;
iv) It is generally impossible for a rainfall to be uniform over the entire catchment for the
entire period.
However it is assumed that the rain covers the whole catchment over the duration of time equal to
the concentration time. The assumption of uniform distribution of effective rainfall over the basin is
reasonable for small drainage basins, but for large drainage basins this assumption is not valid,
because these variations are too great to be ignored. Some basins are so large that a storm covers
only a small portion of the basin, therefore, unit hydrograph cannot give precise results and should
not used for large areas larger than 8000 km2 or so unless an approximate answer is needed.
Unit Hydrograph of Various Durations
Changing a short duration hydrograph to longer duration unit hydrograph
Time, t
Figure 26: Changing a short period unit Hydrograph to longer period (if the longer is an even
multiple of shorter one)
Suppose a 2 hrs unit hydrograph is given and a 4 hours unit hydrograph is wanted, this can be
obtained by assuming a further 2 hrs period of next rain immediately following the first rain, which
will give rise to an identical unit hydrograph but shifted to the right in time by 2 hrs. If the 2 hrs unit
hydrographs are now added graphically the total hydrograph obtained represents the runoff from the
4 hrs rain at an intensity of ½ cm/hr. This must be so because the 2hr unit hydrographs contain 1 cm
This total hydrograph is therefore the result of rain at twice the intensity required and so the 4 hr
unit hydrograph is derived by dividing its ordinates by 2 which is shown by the dotted graph on the
figure above. It can be observed that it has a longer time base by 2 hrs than the 2 hrs unit
hydrograph. This is reasonable since the rain has fallen at a lower intensity for a longer time.
g (t) = [t](h(t)+h(t-[t])+h(t-2[t])+…)
h (t) h (t-[t])
Single pulse of duration[t]
g (t)
g'(t) = g(t-[t])
Offsetted S-hydrograph
1/ [t]'
Synthetic-Unit Hydrograph
To develop unit hydrograph to a catchment, detailed information about the rain fall and the
resulting flood hydrograph are needed. However, such information would be available only at a few
locations; the data would normally be very scanty. In order to construct unit hydrographs for such
areas, empirical equations of region validity which relates the salient hydrographs characteristics to
the basin characteristics are available. Unit hydrographs derived from such relationships are known
as synthetic unit hydrographs.
Snyder's Method
Snyder (1938), based on a study of a large number of catchments in the Eastern United States
developed a set of empirical equations for synthetic unit hydrographs in those areas. These
equations are in use in the USA, and with some modifications in many other countries.
The first of the Snyder's equation relates the basin lag t p, defined as the time interval from the
midpoint of the unit rainfall excess to the peak of the unit hydrographs
tp = Ct (LLca)0.3
Where tp in hours
L = basin length measured along the water course from basin divide to the gauging station
in km.
Lca = distance along the main water course from the gauging station to a point opposite
the watershed centroid in km.
Ct = a regional constant representing watershed slope and storage.
( )
t p =CtL
Where, CtL and n are basin constants.
Snyder adopted a standard duration tr hours of effective rainfall given by
t r=
The peak discharge Qps (m3/s) of a unit hydrograph of standard duration tr hours is given by Snyder
2 .78 C p A
Q ps =
Where, A= Catchment area in Km2 and Cp= regional constant
If a non-standard rainfall duration tR hour is adopted, instead of the standard value tr to derive a unit
hydrograph the value of the basin lag is affected. The modified basin lag is given by
t R −t r
t 'p =t p +
21 t
t p+ R
=22 4
Where, t'p=basin lag in hours for an effective duration of tR hours.
Thus the peak discharge for a non standard ER of duration tR in m3/s is
2. 78 C p A
Q p=
t 'p
Note that when tR=tr, Qp=Qps
The time base of a unit hydrograph is given by Snyder as
t 'p
t b =3+ days=(72+3 t 'p )hours
8 This equation gives reasonable
estimates of tb = time base for large catchments, it may give excessively large value of the time base
for small catchments. Taylor and Schwartz recommend
t b =5( t 'p + ) hours
Where tb(given in hours) taken as the next larger integer value divisible by tR.
To assist in the sketching of unit hydrographs, the width of unit hydrographs at 50 and 75% of the
peak have been found for US catchments by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
5 . 87 W
W 50= 1. 08 W 75= 50
q and 1 .75
Where W50 = width of unit hydrograph in hour at 50% peak discharge.
W75 = width of unit hydrograph in hour at 75% peak discharge.
q = Qp/A = peak discharge per unit catchment area in m3/s/km2.
Since the coefficients Ct and Cp vary from region to region, in practical applications it is advisable
that the value of these coefficients are determined from known unit hydrographs of a
meteorologically homogenous catchment and then used in the basin under study.
Dimensionless-Unit Hydrograph
Dimensionless-Unit hydrographs based on study of large number of unit hydrographs are
recommended by various agencies to facilitate construction of synthetic unit hydrographs. A typical
dimensionless unit hydrograph developed by US Soil conservation service (SCS) is shown in the
fig. In this the ordinate is the discharge expressed as ratios to the peak discharge (Q/Q p) and the
abscissas is the time expressed as the ratios of time to time to peak (t/tpk).