Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner: Section 506
Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner: Section 506
Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner: Section 506
Working card
Piston 50602-03
Connecting Rod 50603-02
Connecting Rod Bearing 50604-02
Piston Rings 50605-02
Cylinder Liner 50610-12
Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner 506.01
Page 1 (2) Edition 08
Connecting Rod
Fig 1 Piston.
By the use of compression rings with different barrel- The joint is above the connecting rod bearing. This
shaped profiles and chrome-plated running surfaces, means that the big-end bearing need not to be opened
the piston ring pack is optimized for maximum sealing when pulling the piston. This is of advantage for the
effect and minimum wear rate. operational safety (no positional changes/no new
adaption), and this solution also reduces the height
The piston has a cooling oil space close to the piston dimension required for piston assembly / removal.
crown and the piston ring zone. The heat transfer,
and thus the cooling effect, is based on the shaker Connecting rod and bearing body consist of die-
effect arising during the piston movement.The cooling forged CrMo steel.
medium is oil from the engine's lubricating oil system.
The material of the bearing shells are identical to
Oil is supplied to the cooling oil space through a bore those of the crankshaft bearing. Thin-walled bearing
in the connecting rod. Oil is drained from the cooling shells having an AISn running layer are used.
oil space through ducts situated diametrically to the
inlet channels. The bearing shells are of the precision type and are
therefore to be fitted without scraping or any other
The piston pin is fully floating and kept in position in kind of adaption.
the axial direction by two circlips.
The small-end bearing is of the trimetal type and is
pressed into the connecting rod.The bush is equipped
with an inner circumferential groove, and a pocket for
distribution of oil in the bush itself and for the supply
of oil to the pin bosses.
12.35 - ES0
506.01 Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner Description
Edition 08 Page 2 (2)
Cylinder Liner
Fig 2 Cylinder liner with fire land ring. The coolant reaches the cylinder liner via a line that
is connected to the cooling water jacket. The coolant
flows through trimmed ducts in the cooling water
The subdivision into 3 components i.e. the cylinder jacket to the cooling areas in the cylinder liner, and
liner, cooling water jacket and fire land ring provides fire land ring, and through holes on to the cooling
the best possible structure with reference to resist- chambers in the cylinder heads. The cylinder head,
ance to deformation, with regard to cooling and with cooling water jacket and fire land ring can be drained
regard to ensuring the minimum temperatures on together.
certain component assemblies.
The fire land ring and cylinder head can be checked
by using check holes in the cooling water jacket for
gas and coolant leaks.
12.35 - ES0
Working Card Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, 506-01.05
Page 1 (3)
Connecting Rod and Piston Rings Edition 08
Starting position
Related procedure
04.21 - ES0
506-01.05 Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, Working Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 08
Connecting Rod and Piston Rings
1) Take out the securing ring (Seeger circlips) with The piston rings should only be fitted to the piston
the plier (Plate 52000, Item 177). Push out the by the use of a special tool; the so-called piston ring
piston pin and lift the connecting rod away. opener.
3) For assembly of piston and connecting rod, The piston rings should be installed with the identi-
see point 1), but in the opposite direction. fication mark which is stamped into the ring close to
the ring joints, facing upwards, see fig 2.
04.21 - ES0
Working Card Disassembly/Assembly of Piston, 506-01.05
Page 3 (3)
Connecting Rod and Piston Rings Edition 08
Piston Ring no 1:
Marked with ident.
no "1598".
Piston Ring no 2:
Marked with ident.
no "1599".
Scraper Ring:
Marked with ident.
no "0282".
Identification marks to face upwards against the piston crown when mounted.
Note! The marking may include other figures than mentioned above, for instance trade mark and
production codes.
04.21 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.10
Page 1 (2) Piston Edition 09
Cleaning and inspection of piston. Replacement Tools for cleaning of piston, scraper etc.
of piston ring, scraper ring and control of ring
Starting position
Related procedure
11.03 - ES0
506-01.10 Working Card
Edition 09 Piston Page 2 (2)
Inspection of Piston Note: At each piston overhaul:
1) Remove the piston and scraper rings. - The piston and the scraper ring must be replaced.
or Scraper ring 6
0.40 mm
Wear limit line.
11.03 - ES0
Working Card
Page 1 (4) Connecting Rod 506-01.15
Edition 09
Related procedure
11.03 - ES0
506-01.15 Connecting Rod
Working Card
Page 2 (4)
Edition 09
Cleaning of Piston Rod and Marine Head If bolts/nuts Then
1) Clean all machined surfaces on the piston rod have seizures in renew the bolts/screws
and marine head. threads or pittings on
contact surface
2) Degrease the joint faces, holes, piston rod and
marine head screws with a volatile solvent and cannot be turned onto renew the bolts/screws
blow dry with working air. bottom position by hand
7) Turn the hydraulic nuts onto bottom position Note: Connecting rod must be installed.
of the bolts.
10) Measure five different diameters in the groove
of the boring, see fig 1.
11.03 - ES0
Working Card
Page 3 (4) Connecting Rod 506-01.15
Edition 09
12) Calculate the maximum ovalness as the diffe- cified maximum ovalness is exceeded, contact MAN
rence between largest and smallest diameter Diesel for overhaul.
For marine head No 1 in the example, the maximum
13) Check if maximum ovalness is exceeded, ovalness is 0.02 mm and thus reuse is acceptable.
please see page 500.35.
For marine head No 2 in the example, the maximum
ovalness is 0.125 mm and therefore the marine head
If Then is rejected.
Example of Measurement Results 16) Check if max. clearance is exceeded, see page
The example, see fig 2, shows measurements and
damage observations for two marine heads in the If the specified clearance is exceeded, contact
scheme „Marine Head Inspection“ (in case the spe- MAN Diesel for replacement.
Marine head
Ident. No
Fig 2 "Marine Head Inspection" Fig 3 The ident. No on the marine head must always be
the same
11.03 - ES0
11.03 - ES0
Working Card
Page 4 (4)
marine head and on the bearing
Edition 09
cap must always be the same.
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 1 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
Magnifier (x30).
Starting position:
Related procedure:
02.26 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Edition 02
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Page 2 (5)
This paper gives information about the evaluation of Bearing Surface
the connecting rod big-end and main bearing shells
when wear appears on the running surface under Standard Miba bimetal bearings have no tin flash.
normal operating conditions.
Oil is used for protective coating.
Bearing damages caused by incorrect running con
ditions, like In new condition the bearing has a silvery, bright
- Corrosion
- Overloading, overheating a.s.o. The running surface might become dull silvery after
only a short time of operation.
are not described in this paper.
In these cases, the bearing shells must be exchan- Criteria for bimetal bearing replacement
ged, of course, and in order to avoid further bearing
failures, the cause of the failure must be found and Actual wear can be determined by measuring wall
eliminated. thickness or via clearance measurements in com-
parison to the specification for a bearing in new
New Condition
A bearing should be replaced if the wear limit, as
The running surface has a silvery, bright color, see specified by the engine manufacturer, is reached
fig 1. or can be expected to be reached during the next
period of operation.
02.26 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 3 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
Bearings to be reused 3. Damage due to foreign particles
Following pictures shows the typical running pattern Shallow scoring and / or imprints that are few in
where bearing shells are reusable. number. See fig 4.
1. Normal wear
Fig 4 Reusable
Fig 2 Reusable Minor and shallow material removal outside the most
loaded zone. See fig 5.
Fig 5 Reusable
Fig 3 Reusable
02.26 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Edition 02
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Page 4 (5)
Bearings to be replaced 7. Damage due to foreign particles
Following pictures shows abnormal wear or dama- Many scores or multiple deep grooves and / or im-
ges that require replacement of bearing shells i.e. prints. See fig 8 and fig 9.
investigation of reasons.
Fig 8 Replace
– deep scoring, imprints. Lining material locally smeared
Fig 6 Replace
Fig 9 Replace
– many deep imprints
Fig 7 Replace
02.26 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 5 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
8. Deep punctual cavitation 10. Fatigue rupture of the lining material
Fig 10 Replace
Fig 12 Fatigue rupture
9. Deep cavitation
Fig 11 Replace
– deep cavitation
02.26 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 1 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04
Magnifier (x30).
Starting position:
Related procedure:
11.04 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Edition 04
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Page 2 (5)
This Working Card gives information about the
evaluation of the connecting rod big-end and main
bearing shells when wear appears on the running
surface under normal operating conditions.
- Corrosion
- Overloading, overheating a.s.o.
11.04 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 3 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04
Direct measurement of bearing wall thickness is the
simplest way of assessing the level of wear. The most
common procedure would be to use a ball ended
micrometer. However, at the low levels of wear that
will usually occur, measurement inaccuracy can
mask the true wear rate, but since it is only gross
wear that will become the limitation, this method is
acceptable. It should be noted that some bearings
are deliberately bored eccentric to counter housing
distortion, and this must be taken into account when
assessing wall thickness measurements. Alternati-
vely, Plastigauge, or other soft material, may be used
Fig 4 Multiple scoring due to excessive fine debris.
for direct measurement of diametral clearance. The
Do not refit.
engine manufacturers' advice on maximum diametral
clearance should be sought. If no such advice is
available, a general rule is that the maximum clea-
rance should not increase by more than 50% of the
minimum design clearance.
11.04 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Edition 04
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Page 4 (5)
is evident, the bearings should be replaced, and the
differential wear of the crank surface eliminated.
11.04 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 5 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 04
As with any bearing material, if the interface between If bearings are in otherwise good condition, they
the bearing back and the housing bore shows signs should be checked for the presence of positive free-
of fretting, the bearing should be renewed, and any spread before re-fitting. Some loss of freespread is
damage to the housing rectified. Even if the bearing normal, but bearings without positive freespread,
bore surface has not been damaged, refitting in such possibly caused by high temperature operation,
a condition may still result in later damage. cannot be refitted correctly and must be discarded.
Such bearings would have continued to operate
successfully had the assembly not been dismantled,
as freespread loss only occurs when the clamping
bolts are released.
11.04 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.24
Page 1 (5) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Edition 01
L21/31, L27/38
Related procedure
03.27 - ES0
506-01.24 Working Card
Edition 01 Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Page 2 (5)
L21/31, L27/38
Fixation tool
03.27 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.24
Page 3 (5) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Edition 01
L21/31, L27/38
Guide beam
03.27 - ES0
506-01.24 Working Card
Edition 01 Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Page 4 (5)
L21/31, L27/38
03.27 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.24
Page 5 (5) Removal / Mounting of Marine Head from Engine Edition 01
L21/31, L27/38
5) Install the slide piece as shown in fig. 5 and 8) Remove the bearing shells from each marine
remove the bracket. head half.
7) Pull out the two halves of the marine head. Mounting is carried out in reverse order of the
Slide piece
03.27 - ES0
Working Card Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod 506-01.25
Page 1 (3) Edition 08
and Marine Head Screws
Starting position
Related procedure
04.23 - ES0
506-01.25 Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod Working Card
Edition 08 Page 2 (3)
and Marine Head Screws
The following sequence is the same for both the Measuring Instruction for Extension of Hy-
connecting rod screws (item 211) and the marine draulic Tightened Bolts
head screws (item 152), see plate 50601.
4) Mount the two dial gauge on the hydraulic tools,
1) Mount the hydraulic tightening bolts and be fig 2.
sure that the studs are screwed home. Tighten
the nuts by hand. Note: For a correct measuring the dial gauge
has to be mounted with the magnetic bracket
2) Mount the hydraulic tools, fig 1, on both con- on the housing of the hydraulic tool.
necting rod bolts.
5) Tension both bolts simultaneously to a pressure
Be aware of the max. lifting height of the tool and of :
adjust the distance between the piston and the cyl-
inder before adding pressure to the tool, please see connecting rod screw : 100 bar
working card 520-01.05. marine head screw : 600 bar
3) Connect the hoses and pressure pump to the by use of the hydraulic tightening tool.
hydraulic tool.
Tightening order
Hydraulic tool
04.23 - ES0
Working Card Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod 506-01.25
Page 3 (3) Edition 08
and Marine Head Screws
6) Set the dial gauges to "0". 11) Tension the bolts to a pressure of :
7) Check by feeler gauge 0.01 mm. It is not allowed connecting rod screw : 100 bar
that there is clearance between the assembled marine head screw : 600 bar
8) Load the bolts to the specified pressure, see
description 500.40. 12) Read elongation of the screw Δl on the dial
gauge and compare with the value in table.
9) Tension both the nuts hand-tight.
Note: The bolts should be tightened to the
10) Release the pressure. specified tensioning pressure, not according
to the elongation. The elongation only serves
as a means of control. In case of excessive
deviations, repeat the tensioning procedure
and check the measuring instruments and /
or pressure gauges.
04.23 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.30
Page 1 (3) In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing Edition 06
Related procedure
03.35 - ES0
506-01.30 Working Card
Edition 06 In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing Page 2 (3)
03.35 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.30
Page 3 (3) In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing Edition 06
03.35 - ES0
Working Card 506-01.35
Page 1 (3) Inspection of Cylinder Liner Edition 10
Starting position
Related procedure
Replacement and wearing parts
Working time : ½ hour
Capacity : 1 man Plate no Item no Qty/
11.03 - ES0
506-01.35 Working Card
Edition 10 Inspection of Cylinder Liner Page 2 (3)
Measurement of Cylinder Diameter
While the piston is removed from the cylinder, the The measurements normally should be taken in
latter is measured to record the wear. The measure both transverse and in longitudinal direction.
ments are taken by means of an inside micrometer,
with measuring points at TDC-position for the up When measuring, take care that the measuring tool
permost piston ring, halfway down, and at the BDC has approximately the same temperature as the
in the cylinder liner, see fig 1 and page 3. liner. When the wear of a cylinder liner exceeds the
value indicated on page 500.35, i.e. when it be-
comes too troublesome to maintain adequate serv-
ice conditions, the cylinder liner in question should
be replaced.
11.03 -ES0
11.03 - ES0
Engine type Report No.
Measurement of Cylinder Liner Engine No. Encl. No. Page 3 (3)
Working Card
Cyl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cyl.liner ident.No.
Running hours
C temp.
Inspection of Cylinder Liner
Edition 10
Working Card Grinding of Seal Face on 506-01.45
Page 1 (2) Edition 05
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Head
Starting position
Related procedure
03.46 - ES0
506-01.45 Grinding of Seal Face on Working Card
Page 2 (2)
Edition 05
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Head
2. Cylinder liner
3) Move back and forth the tool and lift it out from
time to time.
03.46 - ES0
Working Card Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner 506-01.50
Page 1 (3)
at Low Overhaul Height Edition 05
Related procedure
12.35 - ES0
506-01.50 Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner Working Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 05
at Low Overhaul Heights
Bolts to be removed
Bolts to be removed
Fig 1 Remove bolts, which hold the cylinder head and water Fig 2 Turning bracket mounted to the marine head and
jacket together counterweight
12.35 - ES0
Working Card Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner 506-01.50
Page 3 (3)
at Low Overhaul Height Edition 05
Cylinder liner
11) Mount the lifting tool for the cylinder liner, see Fig 4 Lifting tool for cylinder liner
fig 4, and lift the cylinder liner out of the engine.
12.35 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Piston 50602-03
Note !
Piston skirt and piston crown
can be ordered ONLY
as a complete unit.
Bemærk !
Stempelskørt og stempelkrone
kan KUN bestilles
som en komplet enhed.
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
Important !
Ensure that the pin 069
is correctly inserted!
10.27 - ES0
50603-02 Connecting Rod Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
10.27 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Connecting Rod Bearing 50604-02
10.27 - ES0
50604-02 Connecting Rod Bearing Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
10.27 - ES0I
Page 1 (2) Piston Rings 50605-02
10.27 - ES0
50605-02 Piston Rings Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
10.27 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Liner 50610-12
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit / * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt /
not avail separately ikke tilgængelig alene
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder