MODULE-4 Complete
MODULE-4 Complete
MODULE-4 Complete
1. Industrials floor sheds like cold storages, etc.
2. Workshops, Railway goods, platforms,
3. Warehouses etc.
4. Canals, Hydro power plants
5. Bridges ports and Harbour
6. Airports runways/ Hangers
Methods of shotcreting:
1. Dry mix shotcrete
2. Wet mix shotcrete
1. Foundations
2. Tunnels lining
3. Dams & Spillways
4. Shear Walls
5. Repairing of superstructure
6. Cracks filling till depth
7. Lining work of canals
8. Lining work of landslides rock anchoring
Mass concrete
• Mass concrete can be defined as any large volume of cast-in-place concrete for
large dimension structures like dams, bridges, shear wall, retaining wall, etc..
known as mass concreting.
• The one characteristic that distinguishes mass concrete from other concrete
work is thermal behaviour.
• The cement-water reaction causes the temperature to rise within a large concrete
mass with faster rate.
• Faster rate of heat development is more harmful than total heat of hydration
which develops slowly. This causes internal cracks in structure and adversely
affects to stability of structure.
• These can be avoided by placing the concrete in shorter lifts and taking gaps of
several days before the next lift. During concreting, use of cold water in the
concrete mass may also be useful.
• If possible, concreting can be done in the winter season to lower the peak
temperature in concrete. Alternatively, the aggregates may be cooled before
using in the mix.
• Therefore for mass concrete and hydraulic structures cement with low C3S,
C3A is used.