PB2011 Prospectus

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Government of Kerala

Prospectus for Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course 2011-12

(Approved by G.O.(MS) No.387/2011/H&FWD dated 18.06.2011)

Office of the Director of Medical Education Thiruvananthapuram




Page No. 3 3 4 4 5 9

Clause 7 8 How to apply


Page No. 10 13 13 15 17 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 6

Introduction Institutions and Seats Duration of the Courses and Selection of candidates Distribution of seats Claim for reservation and certificates to be produced Criteria of eligibility for admission

Preparation of rank lists Centralised allotment process Remitting of Fees Post Allotment Activities Liquidated damages and execution of bonds Preventive measures against ragging

9 10 11 12 13

Sl.No I II (a) List of Colleges


Page No. 19 20

Sl.No V VI

ANNEXURES Guidelines for issuing Income Certificate Proforma for Authorisation Letter for the Centralised Allotment Process Format of Service bond for all candidates admitted to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Course 2011-2012 Format of Service bond for all in-service candidates admitted to Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Course 2011-2012 Anti-ragging Proforma for undertaking by Candidates and parents/Guardians Proforma for Service Details of the Candidates under Service Quota Proforma for Physical Fitness Certificate List of District Facilitation centres

Page No. 26 28

List of Scheduled Castes

II (b)

List of Scheduled Tribes




II( c)

List of other eligible communities List of Socially & Educationally Backward Classes Guidelines for the issue of Certificate Showing School Studies in Kerala Proforma for Inter-caste Marriage Certificate





22 23 25

33 34 35 36

Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course

1.1 Prospectus for Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12, which has been approved by the Govt. of Kerala, is published herewith. It contains general information and rules relating to the admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course and other connected matters. Candidates are required to go through the prospectus carefully and acquaint themselves with all the relevant information. Candidates are also requested to visit the official website www.lbscentre.org or www.lbskerala.com regularly for notifications and announcements. 1.2 The prospectus issued in earlier years for the course is not valid for the year 2011. This prospectus sets out the rules and regulations for selection and admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course conducted by various authorities within the state of Kerala. 1.3 Admission to the above two year (24 months) course is regulated on the basis of merit as assessed in the rank lists prepared based on the marks obtained by the candidates in their qualifying examination conducted either by the Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council or Nursing Councils/Examination Boards of other States. 1.4 Allotment of seats from the State Rank List in Self Financing Nursing Colleges will be made in accordance with the orders of the Honble Supreme Court of India/Honble High Court of Kerala or orders of the Govt. of Kerala/Govt. of India as per the law in existence at the time of Centralized Allotment Process and will be notified separately. 1.5 The selection of candidates under Service Quota will be strictly based on their inter-se seniority as certified by the concerned Head of the Department (DME/DHS). Candidates seeking admission under this quota should submit the application form along with enclosures to the concerned Head of the Department (DME/DHS) through proper channel on or before the last date for submission of applications along with the Service Certificate. 1.6 This prospectus or any part of it is subject to modification/addition/deletion as may be deemed necessary by Government.


2.1 The list of Institutions in which the course is offered, the number of seats available etc. for the Post Basic BSc. Nursing Degree Course is given in Annexure I. (will be published later). 2.2 Categorization of seats 2.2.1. Government seats: Seats against which the Director of Medical Education makes allotment are called Government Seats. (a) Government seats are available in Govt. Nursing College, Thiruvnanthapuram, Government Controlled Self Financing Colleges and Private Self Financing Colleges that enter into agreement with the Government. (b) In the case of Self-Financing Colleges run by institutions having minority status granted by the Government or National Minorities Commission, 20% of the Government seats shall be filled up from among the candidates belonging to the minority community running the College, on the basis of merit. In case, sufficient candidates are not available from the concerned community, the balance seats will be filled up from other categories as per the usual norms. (c) The extent of availability of Government seats in Self Financing Colleges run by institutions under Govt. control and other Private Self Financing Colleges are given in Annexure I. 2.2.2 Management seats: Seats other than Government seats against which concerned managements make allotments are called Management seats.

2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 4.

Allotment and admission to all Colleges will be subject to receipt of approval of the Central and State Regulatory Bodies, Universities and Government. DURATION OF THE COURSE AND SELECTION OF CANDIDATES The duration of the course shall be two years (24 months) from the date of commencement of the course. SELECTION OF CANDIDATES: Selection of candidates except for the seat reserved for service candidates will be made on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in their qualifying examination. DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS

4.1.1 Seats for Service candidates: 3 seats are reserved for service candidates who are nominees of Director of Medical Education, Govt. of Kerala and three seats are reserved for service candidates who are nominees of Director of Health Service, Govt. of Kerala. If eligible candidates are not available in one Department, such vacancies will be filled up from eligible candidates of the other Department. The service candidate shall also satisfy the eligibility conditions as per clause 6.2 and 6.3. 4.1.2 Seats for Persons with Disabilities: Leaving the seats set apart under Clause 4.1.1, 3% of the seats available for the centralized allotment in all the Government and Government Controlled Self Financing Colleges are reserved for the candidates with Disabilities. For details, refer Clause 5.4. 4.1.3 Seats for Candidates who have passed qualifying examination from KNMC: Leaving the seats set apart as per Clause 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, 80% of the seats available for Centralised Allotment will be earmarked for candidates who have passed Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery course conducted by the Kerala Nurses & Midwifes Council (KNMC). 4.1.4 Seats for candidates who have passed qualifying examination from Nursing Councils/Examination Boards other than KNMC: Leaving the seats set apart as per clause 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, 20% of the seats available for Centralized Allotment will be earmarked for candidates who have passed Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery course conducted by Councils/Examination Boards other than KNMC, with +2/equivalent examination in Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. 4.1.5 Seats for Mandatory Reservation: Leaving the seats set apart as per Clause 4.1.1, and 4.1.2 the remaining Govt seats will be distributed as per the mandatory reservation principle as contemplated in G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn dated 2.5.1966, G.O.(MS) No. 95/08/SCSTDD dated 06/10/2008 and as modified from time to time. The percentage break-up of seats as per mandatory reservation is as follows: (A) (B) a. b. c. d. e. f. (C) a. b State Merit (SM) Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) Ezhava (EZ) Muslim (MU) Other Backward Hindu(BH) Latin Catholic Other than Anglo Indian (LC) Other Backward Christian (BX) Kudumbi (KU) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes(SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST) 8% 2% 9% 8% 5% 2% 1% 1% 10% 64% 26%

4.1.6 The total number of seats available for the course will be finalised prior to the commencement of the Centralised Allotment Process-2011. The number of seats earmarked for various categories for the course in

Government, Government controlled Self Financing Colleges and Self Financing Colleges will also be finalised and notified before Centralised Allotment Process-2011, for the course. 5. 5.1 CLAIMS FOR RESERVATION AND CERTIFICATES TO BE PRODUCED Claims for Special/Mandatory reservation must be made by a candidate at the time of submission of application form with supporting documents as required. The claim has to be specified in the application form. Claims made after the last date of submission of application form will not be entertained even if supporting evidences are produced. The claims for any type of reservation once made in the application form cannot be altered by the candidate under any circumstances. Those who claim admission under Government Seats reserved for a Minority Community, in a College having minority status granted by Government/National Minority Commission, should specify the same in the application. They should attach community Certificate, obtained from Revenue Authority, along with the application. There is no restriction on annual family income for candidates to apply against such minority seats. The list of Colleges where such seats are available with the name of communities concerned is given in Annexure I.


5.3 Only candidates belonging to Keralite category (as defined in Clause 6), are eligible for claiming seats under Mandatory quota in Government seats. Details of reservation of seats, in Self Financing Colleges will be notified separately. 5.4 Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PwD): (i) 3% of the seats available to the state for allotment from the state rank lists are reserved for candidates with disabilities for the course in Government/Government Controlled Self Financing Colleges as stipulated in Section 39, Chapter VI of the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995. As per Clause 2(t), Chapter I of the Act, Person with Disability means a person suffering from not less than 40% of any disability as certified by a medical authority. Generally, candidates who have a minimum of 40% disability alone will be eligible to apply for this quota. Candidates seeking admission, will have to satisfy the eligibility criteria prescribed by the concerned regulatory bodies for Persons with Disabilities. (ii) Candidates under this category desirous of being considered for the course will have to attach an attested copy of the Certificate of disability from the District Medical Board certifying the degree of percentage of disability issued not earlier than 12 months prior to the last date of submission of application along with the application form. No document/Certificate other than those mentioned above will be considered for determining disability. Based on the Certificate produced along with the application form candidates will be provisionally included under the Persons with Disability category. (iii) The Director, LBS Centre will publish the category list of such candidates. However, the inclusion in this list is strictly provisional. (iv) A State Level Committee constituted by the Government, as per G.O (Rt) No.2804/2010/H&FWD dated 21/07/2010, under the Chairmanship of the Director of Medical Education consisting of medical experts in General Medicine, ENT, Neurology, Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, and Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine will examine and assess the disability of the candidates who are provisionally included under this Category. Necessary orders constituting the Committee will be issued by the Government in due course and the same will be notified. The State Level Committee will have powers to review the Certificates issued by the District Medical Boards. (v) There will be special invitees representing Nursing Education, to this Committee in addition to Medical Experts who will subsequently determine the suitability of a candidate, having minimum 40% of any disability, for the course. (vi) Only those candidates who are having a minimum 40% of any disability and are found to be physically suitable by the Committee for the course by the candidate will be chosen as only the physically fit can undergo the rigors of a professional course. The recommendations of this State Level Committee will be

binding on the candidates. The selection of candidates under this category will be based on the merit and physical suitability, and not on the basis of the degree of disability. 5.5 Claim for Mandatory Reservation:

5.5.1 State Merit: The seats under the State Merit (SM) will be filled purely on merit basis irrespective of the category/community to which the candidates belong. 5.5.2 Claim for communal reservation under the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC): Note 1:Reservation to the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes will be in accordance with the provisions contained in G.O.(P)208/66/Edn.dated 2.5.1966, G.O(MS) No.95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 and as amended from time to time. (a) Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as per G.O. (P) 208/66/Edn dated 2.5.1966, and G.O(MS) No. 95/08/SCSTDD dated 06.10.2008 and whose annual family income (i.e., annual income of all members in the family from all sources taken together) is up to ` 4.5 lakhs (Rupees Four lakhs and fifty thousand only) vide G.O (MS) No.9/2009/SCSTDD dated 24.01.2009, are eligible for reservation under this category. The names of castes and communities under SEBC are given in Annexure II (d). Only the claims of the candidates of those communities that are included in the list as incorporated in the respective Annexure of the Prospectus 2011 will be considered. Claims by candidates belonging to other communities, which are not included in the Annexure II(d), will be rejected even if Certificates from the concerned Revenue Officers have been obtained and furnished along with the application form. (b) Candidates belonging to Ezhava, Muslim, Other Backward Hindus, Latin Catholic Other than Anglo Indian, Other Backward Christian and Kudumbi community claiming reservation under SEBC should invariably produce both community and income Certificates obtained from Village Officer. The above Certificates should be obtained in the body of the application form itself. Those whose annual family income is above `.4.5 lakhs are neither eligible for reservation nor any relaxation in the academic eligibility, in the qualifying examination. Note 2: Income from salary: In the case of candidates whose parents are employed, the Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance of the employee(s) are to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating total annual family income. Inclusion of Interim relief in the annual income will be as per the orders of Revenue Department. HRA, Special pay, Deputation pay, TA, PTA, honorarium etc. need not be counted for calculating the annual family income. (c) The admissibility of the claim for reservation of the candidates under SEBC is on the basis of the community and income Certificates issued by the Village Officers will be subject to re-verification of the incomeCertificates by the Tahsildar concerned vide GO (Rt) No. 621/93/H & FWD, dated 12.03.1993. (d) The annual family income furnished by candidates claiming SEBC reservation will be published in the website www.lbskerala.com or www.lbscentre.org facilitating the public to raise complaints / objections against false claims. The District Level Committee and the State Level Committee constituted as per the provisions of G.O.(Rt) 127/08/RD dated 01.04.2008 and amendments thereof will conduct detailed enquiry on the complaints and recommend to the Director of Medical Education, for appropriate action. The Director of Medical Education, who is the Chairman and Convener of the State Level Committee, shall implement the recommendations. (e) The candidature/allotment/admission of the candidates who furnish false Income Certificates will be cancelled. Such candidates will also be debarred from applying for admission to the courses under reference for a period extending up to two years. (f) Applicants claiming reservation under 'Latin Catholics other than Anglo Indian' quota should produce a community Certificate from the concerned Village Officer in the body of the application itself specifying that they belong to Latin Catholic Other than Anglo Indian Community. The Certificate obtained from the Revenue Officer in support of the community claim cannot be subjected to any change at any subsequent stage. Candidates should take maximum care to see that the issuing authority has made the entries in the relevant column of the community Certificate correctly as Latin Catholic other than Anglo Indian along with the signature and office seal of the issuing authority. (g) Reservation under SEBC for children of inter-caste married couples: Children of Inter-Caste married couple with either the father or mother belonging to a community included in SEBC list, or with father and mother belonging to different communities, both of which are included in the SEBC list, are eligible for reservation under SEBC. Such candidates should furnish an 'Inter-caste Marriage Certificate' from the Village Officer/Tahsildar in the Performa given in Annexure IV. They need not produce income Certificate for

claiming communal reservation. Candidates with father and mother belonging to different communities, both of which are included in the SEBC list, can avail communal reservation under any one of the communities of their parents, which is to be mentioned by the candidate in the relevant column of the application. (For example a candidate born out of inter-caste marriage between an Ezhava and a Muslim can claim the reservation benefit applicable either to Ezhava or Muslim only and not against both). The claim made in the Application form will be final and cannot be changed subsequently. (h) SC/ST/OEC candidates who are children of Inter-Caste married couple of whom one is SC/ST, eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per Section 2(ii) of GO(MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.6.2005, if eligible for reservation under SEBC, will be granted the same based on the community shown in the inter-caste marriage Certificate issued by Revenue officials and to be attached by them with the application. 5.5.3 Claim for reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Quota: (a) Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota should obtain the caste/community Certificate from a Tahsildar, in the Performa given in the application form specifically meant for them. SC/ST caste status of children whose parents contracted Inter- Caste marriage will be subject to the orders/clarification issued in GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005 and the judgment dated 10.08.2005 of the Full Bench of the Honble High Court of Kerala in WP 2483/2005 and connected cases & G.O (MS) No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008. As per G.O (MS) No.109/2008/SCSTDD dated 20.11.2008, the children born of inter-caste married couple of which one of the parents is SC/ST can claim the status of SC/ST on proof of the conditions of acceptance, customary traits and tenets under which such children are brought up. The competent authority issuing SC/ST community Certificate to the children born of inter-caste married couple of which one of the parents is SC/ST, should ensure that the claimant is subjected to the same social disabilities and also following the same customs and traditions and the community has accepted that person to its fold as such. The authority to issue caste Certificate should ensure that: (i) Each case has been examined individually in the light of the existing facts and circumstances. (ii) The claimant has suffered disabilities socially, economically and educationally. (iii) The society has accepted the claimant to their original fold as one among them and is living in the same social tenet. Christian converts who have subsequently embraced Hinduism should produce caste/community Certificate in the proforma given in the application form. The following Certificate should also be got recorded by the Revenue Official, below the Certificate "The Certificate is issued after observing the guidelines issued in the Government Circular No. 18421/E2/SCSTDD dated 15.12.1987. The names of castes and communities are given in Annexure II (a) & II (b). Community Certificate from Tahsildar to be obtained in the body of the application form itself. (b) The applications for the reserved seats of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates which do not contain SC/ST Certificate (community Certificate) from the Tahsildar in the prescribed form provided on the body of the application will not be considered on any account for claiming community reservation against the seat reserved for SC/ST candidates [vide G.O. (MS) 31/90/SCSTDD dated 25.05.1990]. The community Certificate should clearly specify that the candidate himself/herself (not the father or mother) belong to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. The Community Certificates obtained as per G O. (MS) No.136/07/RD, dated: 27.04.2007 will be accepted. The candidates who are reconverted to Hinduism from Christianity of Scheduled caste origin should produce community Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned along with a copy of Gazette Notification regarding re-conversion. (c) The claims for reservation under Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes quota will also be subject to verification and clearance by the Screening Committee constituted for the purpose by the Government vide G.O. (P) No. 19/2002/SCSTDD dated 20.4.2002, and amendments thereafter and as authorised by Section 6 of the Kerala (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Regulation of Issue of Community Certificates Act, 1996 (Act 11 of 1996). (d) The SC/ST claims in respect of those who have migrated from one state to another will be subject to the provisions of G.O. (MS) No. 10/86/SCSTDD, dated 12.02.1986. Only the children of those who had migrated to this state before the promulgation of the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950 and the Constitution

(Scheduled Tribes) Order 1950, and who ordinarily reside in this State can claim SC/ST benefits from the State of Kerala. They must be able to prove this, if required. (e) WARNING: Those who produce false SC/ST Certificate for claiming reservation under SC/ST quota shall be liable for the penalties stipulated in section 15 of the Act referred to in Clause(c) above. Candidates and their guardians who make such applications are warned that in addition to prosecution they will have to suffer the following consequences, in case the SC/ST Certificate produced is found to be false and the candidate does not belong to any SC/ST communities, under section 16 of the Act "Benefits secured on the basis of false community Certificates will be withdrawn. (i) Whoever not being a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes secures admission in any educational institution against a seat reserved for such castes or tribes or secures any appointment in the Government, Government Undertakings, Local Authority or in any other Company or Corporation owned or Controlled by the Government or in any aided institution against a post reserved for such castes or tribes or enjoys any other benefits intended exclusively for such castes or tribes by producing a false community Certificate shall, on cancellation of the false community Certificate, be removed by canceling the irregular admission in the concerned educational institution, or as the case may be removed from the said service forthwith and any benefit enjoyed by him as aforesaid shall be withdrawn forthwith. (ii) Any amount paid to such person by the Government or any other agency by way of scholarship, grant, allowance, stipend or any other financial benefit shall be recovered as if it is arrears of public revenue due on land. (iii)Any Degree, Diploma or any other educational qualifications acquired by such person after securing admission in any educational institution on the basis of a false community Certificate shall also stand cancelled on cancellation of the community Certificate obtained by him. (f) Claim of OEC candidates against the un-availed seats of SC/ST candidates: Other Eligible Community (OEC) candidates who claim allotment to the un-availed seats, if any, under SC/ST quota should apply in the application form meant for general candidates. They should furnish Community and Income Certificates obtained from the Village Officer concerned in the Performa contained in the body of the application form itself. Those OEC candidates whose annual family income is up to ` 4.5 lakhs alone are eligible for such seats. Relaxation in marks in the qualifying examination as in the case of SEBC candidates will be applicable to OEC candidates. Application, submitted in form other than in the application form meant for general candidates, will be summarily rejected without any further intimation in this regard. The list of Other Eligible Communities is given in Annexure II(c). (g) Claim for fee concession to OEC candidates: Candidates belonging to other eligible communities are exempted from payment of fee at the time of allotment to professional degree courses under government/community quota irrespective of annual family income as per G.O. (MS) No. 36/07/SCSTDD, dated: 03.07.2007. They should provide community Certificate from the Village Officer in the application form. However as token of acceptance of seat allotment they have to remit an amount of `100/- as caution deposit as per Clause 9.12.3. (h) SC/ST/OEC candidates if allotted to Management seats in Government Controlled self-financing Colleges will have to pay the full fees. They will not be eligible for any fee concession (as per GO.(P).No.50/2009 SCST DD dated 02/07/2009 (for such allotments). 5.6 Other general rules for PwD/Mandatory Reservation:

5.6.1 The seats un-availed by the Scheduled Castes candidates will go to the Scheduled Tribes candidates and vice versa. 5.6.2 The seats un-availed by the SC/ST candidates will go to Other Eligible Community (OEC) candidates. The seats that still remain un-availed will go to the State Merit Quota. 5.6.3 The seats un-availed by the SEBC category candidates will be allotted under State Merit in the final allotment in the stream. 5.6.4 If any seat, PwD reservation quota, is left un-availed by the candidates belonging to that particular category, those seats will go to the Mandatory reservation quota unless otherwise stated.

6. 6.1

CRITERIA OF ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION Nativity: Only Indian citizens are eligible for admission unless otherwise notified. Holders of Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) cards/ OCI (Overseas Citizen of India), will also be treated at par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of admissions. However, PIO/OCI candidates will not be eligible for any kind of reservation. Candidates seeking admission to the courses will be categorised as Keralite and Non-Keralite. (i) Keralite: A candidate of Kerala origin will be categorized as a Keralite. Children of All India Service (AIS) officers (Non-Keralites) allotted to Kerala cadre are deemed to be Keralites as per G.O.(Rt) No.822/08/H.Edn dated 29.05.2008. But they will not be eligible for Communal/Persons with Disabilities reservation. (ii) Non-Keralite: A candidate who is not of Kerala origin but who has undergone the qualifying course in Kerala, and who is the son/daughter of the following categories of Non-Keralite parents will be categorized as Non-Keralite: (a) Employees of the Government of India and defence personnel posted to Kerala. (b) Employees, who are serving the Government of Kerala, subject to the condition that the employees have served in the state of Kerala or for the state of Kerala, for a minimum period of two years. Non-Keralite candidates will be considered against State Merit seats only and will not be eligible for Communal/Persons with Disabilities reservation. Candidates who are Indian citizens and who do not come under Clause 6.1.(i) & 6.1.(ii) may be considered for admission to Management Quota seats in Private Self Financing Colleges, subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions vide Clauses 6.2 & 6.3. The admission will be based on merit and should be restricted to a maximum of 10% of management quota seats. This allotment/admission does not come under the purview of this Prospectus.

6.1.1 Certificates to prove Nativity: (a) Keralites: In order to prove that a candidate is an Indian Citizen of Kerala origin for the limited purpose of eligibility for admission he/she has to produce one of the following Certificates: (i) The true copy of relevant page of Secondary School Leaving Certificate showing the place of birth in Kerala of the candidate. OR (ii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate showing place of birth in Kerala of either of the parents of the candidate with corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate. OR (iii) The true copy of the relevant page of the Passport issued by the Government of India of the candidate, showing place of birth in Kerala or of either of the parents of the candidate showing place of birth in Kerala with corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate. OR (iv) A Certificate of birth from the authority competent to register birth (Panchayat/ Municipality/Corporation) showing the candidates or either of the parents (in which case corroborative Certificate to establish the relationship between the parent and the candidate is necessary) place of birth in Kerala., to be issued by a competent officer of the registering authority. OR (v) A Certificate from the Village Officer / Tahsildar to show that the candidate or his / her father / mother was born in Kerala. (this is to be obtained in the body of the application form) OR (vi) A Certificate of residence from the Village Officer/ Tahsildar to the effect that the candidate has been a resident of Kerala state for a period of five years within a period of twelve years (to be obtained in the body of the application form) OR

(vii)A Certificate showing school studies in Kerala from std VIII to XII obtained from the head(s) of the educational institution(s) in Kerala in the case of candidates who have undergone school studies in Kerala to prove that the candidate has undergone his/her studies in the schools in Kerala from standards VIII to XII. this Certificate is to be obtained in the body of the application form itself. (for details regarding the Certificate showing school studies in Kerala from standard VIII to XII, (See Annexure III). OR (viii) A Certificate from the competent authority showing that the parent of the candidate is an All India Service Officer allotted to Kerala cadre. (b) Non-Keralites: In the case of Non-Keralites, a 'Certificate to be issued by the Employer' is to be obtained in the Annexure IX from the Head of the organisation, where the candidates parent (employee) is serving, and the Certificate showing School studies in Kerala for Standards XI & XII is to be obtained from the Head of institution where the candidate underwent his/her qualifying course in Kerala to satisfy the nativity condition under the sub-Clause 6.1(ii). Academic Eligibility:


6.2.1 Candidate should have passed Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery course recognized by the Indian Nursing Council and concerned State Councils with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate after having passed +2/Equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. No rounding off of the percentage of marks to the nearest whole number is permitted. Candidates should have attained the academic eligibility on or before the last date specified for submission of application. 6.2.2 Candidates as per Clause 4.1.3 shall have obtained registration with the Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council and copy of the registration certificate is to be submitted at the time of submission of application. 6.2.3 Candidates as per Clause 4.1.4, shall have obtained registration with the concerned State Nursing Council and copy of the registration certificate is to be submitted at the time of submission of application. However such candidates shall have to produce their registration certificate in original from the Kerala State Nursing Council at the time of securing admission. 6.3 Age: The upper age limit for General candidates shall be 45 years and for Service candidates 48 years as on the last date for submission of application. 7. 7.1 HOW TO APPLY There is only a single application form for applying for admission to Post Basic B.Sc Degree Courses in various Government/Government Controlled/Private Self Financing Colleges. If a candidate submits more than one application his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled. Application Fee: The application fee will be as follows: For General For SC / ST candidates candidates : : ` 500/` 250/-


Application fee can be remitted at any one of the branches of the Scheduled Bank (to be notified) in Kerala. Candidates referred to in Clause 5.5.2 (h) who are children of Inter-Caste married couple of which one is SC/ST who will be eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per Clause 2 (ii) of GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.6.2005 should apply in the form meant for SC/ST and should attach an inter-caste marriage Certificate from the Revenue Officials with the application form. 7.2.1. Remittance of Application fee: (a) The candidates shall remit the required fee (` 500.00 for General candidates and ` 250.00 for SC/ST candidates) in a Scheduled Bank (Which will be notified later) in the account of The Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology. On payment of the prescribed fee at the bank, the applicant will be issued a receipt which will carry the unique Application no. and Security key.


(b) In the case of Service candidates, application fee should be remitted in the Treasury under the Head of Account 0210-03-105-99 and the Chalan receipt should be attached with the application form. Service candidates shall download the application available from the website. (c) Service candidates, who also apply for the course as per Clause 4.1.3/4.1.4 need to submit the application form to the Director, LBS Centre, Extra Police Road, Nandavanam, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, 695 033. They should remit the application fee as per clause 7.2.1(a) and also carry out their online registration. Note: The application fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances. 7.3 Availability of Prospectus: Candidates should download the prospectus from the website www.lbscentre.org, www.lbskerala.com. Application forms & Prospectus will not be available by post or from the office of the Director of Medical Education or from any Government Medical Colleges or from any other offices. 7.4. Application Form Application form is the printout of the Personal & Academic data submitted by the candidate through online registration. 7.4.1 Online Registration of personal and academic data & Submission of Application Form: The candidate must visit the website www.lbscentre.org or www.lbskerala.com and perform online registration using his/her Application Number and Security Key and soft copy of the recently taken Passport size photograph in JPEG format with size not more than 20 KB. The candidate must click the link Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course 2011. He/She will have to initially login to the website using the Application Number and Security Key (printed in the fee remittance slip received from the bank). Then the candidate will have to create and submit a Password which must be made up of numerals or alphabets or a combination of both. On successful submission of the password, the candidate will be taken to a page. The candidate has to upload soft copy of his/her photograph and then enter and SAVE the personal and academic data. A Registration ID will be generated by the computer on completing the online registration. On completion of online registration, the candidate has to take a printout which is the Application form. For candidates other than Service Candidates: The Application form, along with attested copies of certificates and mark lists to prove all personal and academic claims shall be sent to the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Extra Police Road, Nandavanam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 033, Kerala, so as to reach within the scheduled time. Candidates are requested to keep the Password and Registration ID strictly confidential, to protect their interest. In case any assistance is required for online registration, the candidate may approach any of the District Facilitation Centres of LBS Centre (See Annexure XII for the details of District Facilitation Centres) For Service Candidates Service candidates shall download the application form specifically for the Service Candidates available in the website www.lbscentre.org or www.lbskerala.com and shall submit their filled in application along with enclosures to the Head of the Department (DHS/DME) through proper channel for further processing. Service candidates, except those under Clause 7.2.1 (c) need not register their application online. Last date of receipt of such applications will be the same as notified. 7.5 Certificates/documents to be submitted with the application

7.5.1 To prove Nativity: One of the Certificate mentioned in clause 6.1.1.

7.5.2 To claim Communal Reservation: Only Keralites are eligible for Communal Reservations.
(a) Community and Income Certificates to be obtained in the prescribed format given in the Printout of the Application Form for claiming reservation under SEBC quota, and OEC claim for Government Seats. (b) Community Certificate for claiming reservation under SC/ST, for Govt. seats to be obtained in the prescribed format given in the printout of the Application Form


(c) Inter-Caste marriage Certificate in the prescribed format from the authorities concerned, for reservation under SEBC as per the conditions specified in 5.5.2(g). Candidates referred to in Clause 5.5.2(h) also should produce Inter-Caste marriage Certificate from Revenue Officials. Proforma of the Certificate is given in Annexure IV.

7.5.3 To claim reservation under Person with Disabilities: Medical Certificate from the District Medical
Board as stipulated in Clause 5.4.

7.5.4 To claim reservation against minority seats: Community Certificate obtained from revenue authority as
stipulated in Clause 5.2. Those who produce certificate in the prescribed format given in the printout of the Application Form for SEBC/OEC claims need not attach another Certificate to claim minority reservation, if any. Income Certificates attached separately or produced after submission of application form will not be considered for granting any concession. Certificates without the signature of the issuing authority or that are incomplete will be treated as defective and such Certificates will not be considered for granting any claim. 7.5.5 CERTIFICATES/DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION (i) Selfattested photocopy of the S.S.L.C or any relevant school records to prove date of birth. (ii) Self attested photocopy of the marklist(s) of Plus 2 or equivalent examination. (iii). Photocopy of the mark lists of all parts of the Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. (iv) Attested copy of registration certificate issued by the Registrar, Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council/ other state Nursing Council. (v) Any one of the certificates to prove Nativity. (vi) Income certificate and Community certificates applicable. (vii) Inter-Caste marriage certificate, if applicable. (viii) Attested copy of Certificate of the District Medical Board for Persons with Disabilities, if applicable. (ix) Service details with supporting documents (only for service candidates). Any other documents mentioned in the Notification or those called for later. Note (i) Incomplete applications will be rejected and defective or incomplete certificates will not be considered. Belated applications also will not be accepted. Documents or certificates furnished after the last date fixed for receipt of applications will not be considered on any account. No candidate will be permitted to incorporate any additional details in the application form or to submit any additional documents after the last date for submission of Application. (ii) As rank list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the qualifying examination the documents produced in support of marks along with the application should be complete in all respect. Changes, if any, found on subsequent verification will result in the forfeiture of the allotment given to the candidate. . Important: Documents/Certificates/mark lists furnished after the last date of submission of the entertained under any circumstances. * application will not be

No opportunity will be given to incorporate any details after the last date of submission of the application. * Income Certificate & Community Certificate attached separately, along with applications will not be considered for mandatory reservations. *Refer to the ruling of the Honourable High Court of Kerala in 1995(2) KLT 629, 1999(2) KLJ 836 and 1999(3) KLT 773. Candidates are requested to keep the Security Key, Password and Registration ID strictly confidential, to protect their interests.


Late or defective applications will not be considered under any circumstances. 7.6 The personal & academic details and reservation claims, accepted after scrutiny, and the index marks of the candidates will be published in website www.lbskerala.com & www.lbscentre.org for verification. Candidates must verify these details. In case of any complaint, the candidate shall approach any of the District Facilitation Centre of LBS (See Annexure XII) within the specified period. Complaints received will be considered by a committee constituted for the purpose by the DME and the decision of the committee will be final. Candidates alone will be responsible for consequences of non verification of their accepted data/details. Complaints related to Index marks & reservation claims will not be accepted under any circumstances, after the stipulated time.

8.1 8.2

Preparation of Rank lists

Two separate Rank lists of candidates as per Clause 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 shall be prepared according to the marks scored by the candidates in their qualifying examination, after bringing to a common index system. Resolution of Tie: If more than one candidate obtains equal marks in the qualifying examination, tie breaking will be carried out in the following pattern. a) If the marks in the qualifying examination are the same, the marks obtained for the subject Fundamentals of Nursing will be taken into account. b) If tie still remains, the marks obtained for the subject Community Nursing II will be taken into account. c) If tie still exists, the age of the candidate will be taken into account and the older one will be placed higher in rank than the younger. d) If the tie persists still, the alphabetical order of the name of the candidates in English will be taken into account ( eg. : A has a priority than B and so on).


Provisional rank list of Service Candidates

8.3.1 Provisional Rank list for service candidates shall be prepared according to their service seniority in Service Certificate (Seniority of service will be taken after excluding LWA) by the DME/DHS as the case may be. The Director of Health Services shall forward the details to the DME within one month from the date of inviting application.

8.3.2 Resolution of Tie for service candidates: PSC seniority is considered first. If tie persist the candidate who
is older in age will be placed higher in ranking.


CENTRALISED ALLOTMENT PROCESS (except for Service candidates)

The Centralised Allotment Process for Government Seats in Government/Self Financing Colleges will be through a Single Window System (SWS). The allotment to various colleges will be done by the Director, LBS Centre, under the supervision of the Director of Medical Education. The allotments will be strictly based on the options exercised by the candidate, the rank lists prepared by the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology, eligible reservation(s) of the candidate and availability of seats. The accepted details regarding personal, academic and reservation claims will be published in website lbskerala.com or lbscentre.org for verification by the candidates. Candidates must verify their accepted personal and academic details including index marks, published in the website lbskerala.com or lbscentre.org. In case of any complaint, the candidates shall approach the District Facilitation Centres within the specified period which will be notified through the website and media. Candidates alone will be responsible for consequences of non verification of their accepted data/details published in the website and non lodging of complaints, if any, within the time specified which will be notified. The two provisional Rank Lists will be published in the web site www.lbskerala.com or www.lbscentre.org on the date notified. A Trial Allotment will be conducted to give an idea about the chances of getting allotment to a college based on the options registered and the rank of the candidate. The result of the trial allotment will be published in the web site lbskerala.com or lbscentre.org. After the trial allotment, the candidate will be given an opportunity for rearranging the options within the stipulated period which will be notified. The first allotment, based on the options registered, will be published in the website in lbskerala.com or lbscentre.org. on the date to be notified. The allotment list will show the personal details, the college which the



9.4 9.5


candidate is allotted to and the fee to be remitted. The candidate shall take a print out of the same to be produced in the bank for remitting the required fee. 9.6 Subsequent allotments/spot allotment will be made to fill up the vacant seats. Candidates are advised to visit the website 8Hwww.lbscentre.org/www.lbskerala.com and keep a constant watch on the leading print and electronic media, pertaining to notifications/instructions regarding allotment.

9.7 Registering Options

9.7.1 The Registration of College Options can be done only after publication of the Rank List. It need not be registered at the time of submission of Application. The time schedule for registering options will be notified separately. The details of colleges will be made available in the website at the time of registration of options. 9.7.2 Facility for Registering Options: Candidates include+ed in the rank list can register their college options within the time schedule specified, from any computer having Internet facility. Candidates who do not have access to Internet facility can use the service provided at the District Facilitation Centres arranged by the LBS Centre for Science and Technology, free of cost. The list of District Facilitation Centres will be available in the Annexure. The facility for online registering of college options will be withdrawn once the time schedule is over and the candidates will not have access to this facility after the same. No extension of time will be granted for registering options under any circumstances. A candidate who does not register his/her options, within the time schedule announced, will not be considered for allotments. 9.7.3 Candidates can access the web site www.lbscentre.org/www.lbskerala.com and follow the instructions given therein to register their options. The steps involved in registering options are summarized below: Accessing the website. Logging on to the candidates Home page. Registering of Options using college codes. Saving the Options registered. Viewing the list of Options registered. Logging off from the Home page. Print the selected option list. Applications of candidates who do not give their options online within the time schedule will not be considered for allotment. Options submitted by Fax, e-mail, Post, Courier, Hand delivery, etc. will not be considered for allotment. 9.7.4 Any candidate, who wishes to register his/her options, should have the Application number, Security Key and the Password which he/she has created, readily available with him/her. 9.7.5 All options available to a candidate, based college he/she has applied for, can be registered through a single registration. Options to all eligible colleges will have to be registered as per his/her relative order of preference using the numbers 1,2,3 etc. The most preferred college option among all options may be registered using the number 1, the next preferred using the number 2 and so on. 9.7.6 A candidate can register all the available options if he/she desires so. However, it is not compulsory that he/she should exercise all the options. Candidate will be considered only against the options registered by him/her.


Adding/Deleting/Rearranging options
On entering the Home page, the candidate should click on the button Add/Delete/Rearrange Options. The facility for Adding /Deleting/Rearranging options will be activated only after this.

9.8.1. To Add a College Option

In the Home page, the available College List can be seen, with a blank box against each to the right to enter the preference number of the option. The candidate may register an option by giving the preference number (option no) in the box against the preferred College. After entering the preference number of his/her preferred


College he/she must click the SAVE button to save the registered option. The registered options will be displayed in the order of preference number under the title Selected College Preference List.

9.8.2. To Delete an option

Enter 0(zero) in the preference no. box in the selected list displayed under the title Selected College Preference list and click the Update button.

9.8.3. To Re-arrange options.

To change the preference no of an existing option, enter new preference no in the selected list against the college under the title Selected College Preference List and click the Update button. The candidate can take a printout of registered options by clicking the Print Options button.


Trial Allotment
Based on the options registered upto a specified time point a Trial Allotment will be published. Candidates may Add/delete/Rearrange their options based on the results of the Trial Allotment. There is no guarantee that the results of the Trial Allotment will be retained in the actual Allotment.

9.10 Adding/Deleting/Rearranging of options can be carried out as many times as needed till the closing time for registration of options. The options in the Home page of the candidate at the time specified for closing of registration of options will alone be considered for processing. The candidates may keep a printout of this for future reference. (1) Candidates may collect the full details of colleges such as location, accessibility, facilities available, fee to be remitted at the time of admission (other than the tuition fee as per Clause 9.12.1) before filing options. The detailed addresses and telephone numbers of the colleges will be provided in the website while registering the options online. 2) Candidate shall take utmost care in finding out the respective codes of colleges of their choice from the list given in the website while registering their options online.


First Allotment:
Based on the options registered, allotments will be published in the website www.lbskerala.com/www.lbscentre.org on the date to be notified. The allotment of a candidate can be seen in the Home page of the candidate. It will show the College to which the candidate is allotted. The Provisional Allotment memo can be printed by clicking Print Provisional Allotment memo button. The memo will show the personal details, the college to which the candidate is allotted to and the fee to be remitted. This Memo has to be produced in the bank for remitting the required fee.


Fee Remittance:
The tuition fee in Government/Government Controlled Self Financing/Private Self Financing Colleges are as follows. Sl No Fees Structure * Tuition Fee Government Govt. seats in Colleges SI-MET Colleges Govt. seats in Self Financing Colleges Management seats in SI-MET */SelfFinancing colleges * -

* Tution Fee in Government/Government Controlled Self Financing /Private Self Financing will be notified later 9.12.2 The prescribed fee (Refer Clause 9.12.1) for the course will have to be remitted in cash by the candidate to the account of the Director, LBS Centre for Science and Technology in any one of the notified branches of a Scheduled bank (to be notified) in Kerala, as per the time schedule prescribed. On remitting the fee, a fee receipt will be issued by the bank to the candidate, which shall be produced in the college at the time of admission. 9.12.3 SC/ST/OEC candidates, who get allotment, in Govt. seats shall remit a token amount of `100/- (as part of Caution Deposit) on or before the date specified in the manner specified under clause 9.12.2. Such candidates if allotted to Management seats in Government Controlled Self financing colleges, as per GO.(P).No.50/2009 SCST DD dated 02/07/09 will have to remit full fee by cash.


Fee remitted by way of Demand Draft/Cheque/etc. will not be accepted under any circumstances. Note: The list of candidates who remit fees/caution deposit (for SC/ST/OEC) will be updated regularly at the website www.lbscentre.org & www.lbskerala.com. Candidates who remit fees should verify the list and ensure that their name has been included in the list. If any discrepancy is noted the candidates should immediately bring it to the notice of any one of the District Facilitation Centres of LBS Centre for Science & Technology, Kerala. 9.12.4 Those candidates who fail to remit the fee on or before the date specified and in the manner specified under Clause 9.12.2, will lose their current allotment as well as the eligibility for further allotments except for spot allotments, if any conducted. Deletion/re-arrangement of options after the First Allotment: Candidates who remit the fee as per the first allotment within the prescribed time limit will have the facility to Delete/re-arrange their higher college options before the second allotment, during a specified period to be notified. 9.12.6 After the first allotment, the options below the allotted one of the candidate will automatically be removed from the option list of the candidate. For example, if a candidate had registered 60 options in all, and if he/she is allotted his/her 40th option, all options from 41 to 60 will be automatically removed from the option list. Options from 1 to 39 will remain valid and will be considered for future allotments. These options will be his/her Higher Options for the next allotment. He/she may delete/rearrange any options among the remaining options as per his/her desire. But the candidate will not be permitted to register any fresh options that were available for registration initially, to the existing ones. Deletion/re-arrangement of options can be done as per the procedure explained in Clause 9.8. If a candidate is satisfied with an allotment and does not want to be considered for further allotment(s), he/she must delete all the remaining higher options. A candidate retaining all or any of his/her higher option after an allotment is bound to accept the new allotment, if any granted. In such cases, he/she will not be permitted to retain the earlier allotment if any under any circumstances. The facility for deletion/rearrangement of options will be available during the notified period only.






9.13.1 The second/further allotment list will be published on the date to be notified. If a candidate has a different allotment than the one accepted in the previous allotment, the fee for which is higher than that remitted as per the previous allotment, he/she will have to remit the difference in fee through the same method as prescribed in Clause 9.12.2. The amount to be remitted in this manner will be shown in the Allotment Memo of the candidate. If the Fee/Difference in Fees is not remitted he/she will lose the new allotment. He/she will not be considered for any further allotments in any stream except for spot allotments, if any conducted. 9.13.2 If the fee for the course allotted in the current allotment is less than or same as the fee remitted as per the previous allotment, no further remittance is to be made by the candidate. Excess amount remitted by the candidate, if any, will be refunded, after the completion of the entire Allotment process.


Cancelling of Allotment:
If a candidate wishes to cancel his/her allotment after remitting the course fee before the subsequent allotment(s), he/she can do so within the time schedule prescribed. Request for cancellation can be submitted at any of the District Facilitation Centres of LBS Centre for Science and Technology, Kerala in the prescribed format that will be made available in the website www.lbscentre.org & www.lbskerala.com. A candidate who cancels his/her Allotment will not be considered for further allotments except spot allotments, if any conducted.


Spot allotment(s):To facilitate filling up of maximum number of Govt. Seats in Government/Government Controlled/Private Self Financing Colleges to which Director of Medical Education makes allotment, if required, spot allotment(s) will be conducted on the date(s), time and venue(s) to be notified. The details regarding the availability of vacant seats, eligibility to attend, method of allotment etc. will also be notified. Candidates who take seats at the spot Allotment will have to remit the fees as per Clause 9.12.2. They will not be permitted to cancel the Allotment.



Post Allotment Activities

10.1 Reporting at the College: Candidates need to report for admission before the Principal only when the announcement regarding the same is made. He/she should report with the following documents in original: (i) The Allotment Memo received online. (ii) Receipt of fee remitted in the bank (iii) Certificate to prove date of birth. (iv) Transfer Certificate (TC) from the Institution last attended and Conduct Certificate at the time of admission. (v) +2/equivalent(s) marklist(s) (vi) Diploma/Certificate of the GNM Course & Mark list of each year of GNM examination. (vii) Relieving Order from the Department concerned, if applicable. (viii) Kerala Nurses Midwives Council Registration Certificates. (xi) Physical fitness certificate in relevant format as specified in the Annexure X. (xi) Migration Certificate, if applicable. (x) Any other documents required to be produced by the Head of Institution.

10.2 Fees other than the one already paid vide Clause 9.12.1, as applicable to the institution will have to be remitted by the candidate at the time of taking admission in the college. 10.3 Verification of Documents: The Principal of the College shall be personally responsible for verification of original documents and satisfaction of the correctness of the records produced by the candidate at the time of seeking admission in the college. 10.4 Failure to report for Admission: Candidates who do not take admission on the prescribed date in the allotted college will lose their admission. They will not be considered for further allotments, if any, in the concerned course. 10.5 Cancellation of Higher Options after joining a college: Candidates who join the college on the date specified can cancel their remaining options fully or partially or change the priority of their remaining options before the date specified as per the procedure specified in Clause 9.8. A candidate, not interested in any further allotments, must cancel all his/her options before the specified date, failing which, the options will remain live and will be considered for further allotments, if any. 11 Liquidated damages, Execution of Bond

11.1 General Terms The candidates selected for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course shall have to execute bond in Kerala Stamp Paper worth `100/- at the time of joining the course to the effect that a) A candidate, if admitted, shall not discontinue the Course after the last date of closing of admission as decided by Indian Nursing Council. b) In the case of Service Candidates he/she shall serve the Government for a period not less than 5 years after the completion of the course. c) All other candidates shall serve the Government for a period not exceeding 1 Year or as decided by the Government, after the completion of the course, for such remuneration as fixed by the Government. Regarding this a bond will have to be executed by the candidates. d) There shall be two different Bonds one for the Service quota and another for other candidates. A copy of the bond attached as Annexure VII and VIII. 11.2 Liquidated damages a) A student discontinues the course after the last date for closing of admission to the course shall pay ` 50,000/- as Liquidated Damages and also repay the stipend/ Salary already received, if any. Deputation benefits will not be allowed to service quota candidates and they should undergo the course by availing leave vide G.O. (Rt)No. 2469/2010/H&FWD dated 23.06.2010. b) If anyone violates the condition mentioned in clause 11.1 (a) or (b) or (c), it will be construed as Professional Misconduct and the fact will be reported to the Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council for suitable


action including cancellation of Registration by the Council. A Penalty of ` 5 lakhs from the service quota candidates and `2 lakhs from non-service quota candidates shall be levied as liquidated damages and they are also liable to refund the stipend/salary already received by them during the course period. c) A candidate leaving one college to join another college, before the closing of admission, shall not be liable to pay the liquidated damages. d) No Admission shall be valid with out getting the bond as detailed above executed at the time of joining or within a period of 7 days at the discretion of the Principal concerned. e) If Govt. is not in a position to offer temporary posting under compulsory bonded service in the concerned departments, either in the Medical Education Services or Health Services or else where as decided by the government within two years after completion of the course, the candidates will be absolved of the bonded obligation. f) Certificates submitted at the time of admission will be returned only after successful completion of the bonded obligation12 Preventive measures against ragging: According to the Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998, ragging means doing of any act by disorderly conduct to a student of an educational institution, which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raising apprehension or shame or embarrassment to that student and includes teasing or abusing or playing practical jokes or causing hurt to such students or asking a student to do any act or to perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course be willing to do. All institutions will have to abide by the directives of the Honorable Supreme Court of India, Dated May 16, 2007 in SLP No. (S) 24295 of 2006 University of Kerala Vs Council, Principals, Colleges, Kerala & Ors [with SLP (C) No.24296-99/2004 & W.P (Crl) No. 173/2006 & SLP (C) No.14356/2005] and the recommendations approved by the Honorable Supreme Court of India on effective prevention of ragging in educational institutions. In case, the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging in the past or if it is noticed later that he/she has indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or he/she shall be expelled from the educational institution. It shall be the collective responsibility of the authority of the institution to see to it that effective steps for preventing ragging are taken. Anti-ragging committees and anti-ragging squads will have to be formed to take effective measures against ragging and they should adhere to the stipulations and effectively monitor and comply with the directives. Each of the student of the institution and his/her parents, or guardian are required to submit a combined undertaking at the time of registration/admission in prescribed format available in Annexure XII which is mandatory for registration/admission. The Director of Medical Education/Director, LBS Centre will not entertain any request for change of any date fixed in the Centralised Allotment Process/Admission from time to time. All disputes pertaining to the allotment for admission shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala. Any other items not specifically covered in this Prospectus will be decided by the Director of Medical Education and his/her decision shall be final.

Directorate of Medical Education



LIST OF COLLEGES & Seats (Govt & Govt Controlled Self Financing, Private Collegs)




[As Amended by The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 [Act 61 of 2002) Vide Part VIII Kerala - Schedule 1 Notified in the Gazette of India dated 18.12.2002, The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Act 2007]
[See Clause 5.4.3 (a)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adi Andhra Adi Dravida Adi Karnataka Ajila Arunthathiyar Ayyanavar Baira Bakuda Xxx Bathada Xxx Bharathar (Other than Parathar), Paravan Xxx Chakkiliyan Chamar, Muchi Chandala Cheruman Domban Xxx Xxx Xxx Gosangi Hasla Holeya Kadaiyan Kakkalan, Kakkan Kalladi Kanakkan, Padanna, Padannan Xxx Kavara (other than Telugu speaking or Tamil speaking Balija Kavarai, Gavara, Gavarai, Gavarai Naidu, Balija Naidu, Gajalu Balija or Valai Chetty) Koosa Kootan, Koodan Kudumban Kuravan, Sidhanar, Kuravar, Kurava, Sidhana Maila Malayan [In the areas comprising the Malabar District as specified by Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the State Re-organization Act. 1956 (37 of 1956)]. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 51 52 53 54 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 37 Mannan (am), Pathiyan, Perumannan, Vannan, Velan Xxx Moger (other than Mogeyar) Mundala Nalakeyava Nalkadaya Nayadi Xxx Pallan Palluvan Pambada Panan Xxx Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar, Sambavan, Sambava, Paraya, Paraiya, Parayar Xxx Xxx Xxx Pulayan, Cheramar, Pulaya, Pulayar, Cherama, Cheraman, Wayanad Pulayan, Wayanadan Pulayan, Matha, Matha Pulayan Xxx Puthirai Vannan Raneyar Samagara Samban Semman, Chemman, Chemmar Thandan (excluding Ezhuvas and Thiyyas who are known as Thandan, in the erstwhile Cochin and Malabar areas) and (Carpenters who are known as Thachan, in the erstwhile Cochin and Travancore State) Thoti Vallon Valluvan Xxx Xxx Vetan Vettuvan, Pulaya Vettuvan (in the areas of eastwhile Cochin State only). Nerian

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

31 32 33 34 35 36


ANNEXURE II (b) LIST OF SCHEDULED TRIBES (ST) [As Amended by The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002 (Act 10 of 2003) Vide Part-VII - Kerala - Second Schedule Notified in the Gazette of India dated 8.1.2003] [See Clause 5.4.3 (a)]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Adiyan Arandan [Arandanan] Eravallan Hill Pulaya, Mala Pulayan, Kurumba Pulayan, Kuravazhi Pulayan, Pamba Pulayan Irular, Irulan Kadar [Wayanad Kadar] Xxx Kanikkaran, Kanikkar Kattunayakan [Kochuvelan] Xxx Xxx Koraga Xxx Kudiya, Melakudi Kurichchan [Kurichiyan] Kurumans, Mullu Kuruman, Mulla Kuruman, Mala Kuruman Kurumbas, [Kurumbar, Kurumban] Maha Malasar Malai Arayan [Mala Arayan] Malai Pandaram Malai Vedan [Malavedan] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Malakkuravan Malasar [Malayan, Nattu Malayan, Konga Malayan (excluding the areas comprising the Kasaragod, Kannur, Wayanad and Kozhikode Districts) Malayarayar Mannan (am) Xxx Muthuvan, Mudugar, Muduvan Palleyan, Palliyan, Palliyar, Paliyan Xxx Xxx Paniyan Ulladan, [Ullatan] Uraly Mala Vettuvan(in Kasaragod & Kannur districts) Ten Kurumban, Jenu Kurumban Thachanadan, Thachanadan Moopan Cholanaickan Mavilan Karimpalan Vetta Kuruman Mala Panikkar


[See Clause 5.4.3(f)]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chemman/Chemmar Madiga Pulluvan Thachar (other than Carpenter throughout State excluding the erstwhile Malabar area) Chakkamar Varnavar Kudumbi Dheevara/Dheevaran, Arayan, Valan, Nulayan, Mukkuvan, Arayavathi, Valinjiar, Paniakkal, Mokaya, Bovi, Mogayar and Megavirar Peruvannan Scheduled Castes converts. Kusavan including Kusavar, Kulalan, Kumbaran, Velaan, Odan, Andhra Nair, Anthru Nair Malayan, (Konga-Malayan, Pani Malayan (in 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 the erstwhile Malabar area alone) Pathiyan (other than Dhobies) Allar (Alan) Malavettuvan Malamuthan KunduVadiyan Thachanadan Moopan Wayanad Kadar Kalanadi Chingathan Malayalar Malapanicker Urindavan Marati Pulaya Vettuvan (except in the areas of eastwhile Cochin State)



[Vide G.O.(P) 208/66/Edn. dated 02-5-1966] [See Clause 5.4.2] I. Ezhavas including Ezhavas, Thiyyas, Ishuvan, Izhuvan, Illuvan and Billava II. Muslims (all sections following Islam) III. Latin Catholics other than Anglo-Indians IV. Other Backward Christians (a) SIUC (b) Converts from Scheduled Castes to Christianity V. Other Backward Hindus, i.e. 1. Agasa 2. Arayas including Valan, Mukkuvan, Mukaya, Mogayan, Arayan, Bovies, Kharvi, Nulayan, and Arayavathi 3. Aremahrati 4. Arya including Dheevara/Dheevaran Atagara, Devanga, Kaikolan, (Sengunthar) Pattarya, Saliyas (Padmasali, Pattusali, Thogatta, Karanibhakatula, Senapathula, Sali, Sale, Karikalabhakulu, Chaliya) Sourashtra, Khatri, Patnukaran, Illathu Pillai, Illa Vellalar, Illathar 5. Bestha 6. Bhandari or Bhondari 7. Boya 8. Boyan 9. Chavalakkaran 10. Chakkala (Chakkala Nair) 11. Devadiga 12. Ezhavathi (Vathi) 13. Ezhuthachan, Kadupattan 14. Gudigara 15. Galada Konkani 16. Ganjam Reddies 17. Gatti 18. Gowda 19. Ganika including Nagavamsom 20. Hegde 21. Hindu Nadar 22. Idiga including Settibalija 23. Jangam 24. Jogi 25. Jhetty 26. Kanisu or Kaniyar-Panicker, Kaniyan, Kanisan, Kannian or Kani, Ganaka 27. Kudumbi 28. Kalarikurup or Kalari Panicker 29. Kerala Muthali 30. Kusavan including Kulala, Kumbaran, Odan, Oudan (Donga) Odda (Vodde or Vadde or Veddai) Velaan, Andhra Nair, Anthuru Nair. 31. Kalavanthula 32. Kallan including Isanattu Kallar 33. Kabera 34. Korachas 35. Kammalas including Viswakarmala, Karuvan, Kamsalas, Viswakarmas, Pandikammala, Malayal-Kammala, Kannan, Moosari, Kalthachan, Kallasari, Perumkollen, Kollan, Thattan, Pandithattan, Thachan, Asari, Villasan, Vilkurup, Viswabrahmins, Kitara, Chaptegara. Kannadiyans 36. Kavuthiyan 37. Kavudiyaru 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Kelasi or Kalasi Panicker Koppala Velamas Krishnanvaka Kuruba Kurumba Maravan (Maravar) Madivala Maruthuvar Mahratta (Non-Brahman) Melakudi (Kudiyan) Mogaveera Moili Mukhari Modibanda Moovari Moniagar Naicken including Tholuva Naicker and Vettilakkara Naicker Padyachi (Villayankuppam) Palli Panniyar or Pannayar Parkavakulam (Surithiman, Malayaman, Nathaman, Moopanar and Nainar) Rajapuri Sakravar (Kavathi) Senaithalaivar, Elavania, Senaikudayam Sadhu Chetty including Telugu Chetty or 24 Manai Telugu Chetty and Wynadan Chetty Tholkolan Thottiyan Uppara (Sagara) Ural Goundan Valaiyan Vada Balija Vakkaliga Vaduvan(Vadugan) Veera Saivas (Pandaram, Vairavi, Vairagi, Yogeeswar, Matapathi and Yogi) Veluthedathu Nair including Vannathan, Veluthedan and Rajaka Vilakkithala Nair including Vilakkathalavan, Ambattan Pranopakari, Pandithar and Nusuvan Vaniya including Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vaisya Chetty, Vanibha Chetty, Ayiravar Nagarathar, Vaniyan Yadava including Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani, Eruman, Golla and Kolaries Chakkamar Mogers of Kasaragod Taluk Maratis of Hosdurg Taluk Paravans of Malabar area excluding Kasaragod Taluk Peruvannan (Varnavar)


1. A Certificate showing School Studies in Kerala from Std VIII to XII issued by the Head of educational institutions in Kerala is prescribed as one of the certificates to prove the eligibility regarding the nativity of candidates applying for Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12 in Kerala State. The Certificate is to be issued by the heads of the institutions (schools) where the applicant has completed his/her studies in Standard XII. The Head of the school (last attended by the candidate) may rely on the school records/certificates for this purpose making sure that the candidate has undergone his/her studies in Kerala itself in all the classes from Standards VIII to XII. In case of doubt, the Heads of the schools may direct the candidate to obtain necessary proof of the same from the schools attended formerly. In any case the Heads of schools should make sure that the candidate has undergone his/her studies for 5 years in Standards VIII to XII in the schools in Kerala, before the Certificate is issued to the candidate in the proforma given as item 13.1(b) .

2. 3.


Annexure III(a)


Keralite candidates should furnish any one of the Certificates given below to prove nativity as a Keralite.

(To be issued by the Village Officer / Tahsildar / any other authority in the local body competent to register birth in Kerala State)
CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum is an applicant for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12 and that he/she/his/her father/mother Shri/Smt..... House . Village... District ...... was born in Kerala. OR* CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum,. .. .an applicant for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12 has been a resident of the Kerala State for a period, not less than 5 years within a period of 12 years. Signature of the Village Officer/ Tahsildar/Birth Registering Authority : Place : Date : (Office Seal)
* Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Name and Designation : Taluk : District :

(To be issued by the Head of school where the applicant has completed his/her studies in Standard XII in Kerala State. If the candidate has studied in different schools, appropriate certificates to that effect may be produced before the Head of the Institution where the candidate has studied in Class XII, who will issue this certificate.)
CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum., an applicant for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12, son/daughter of Shri./Smt. .................of ... (address) has undergone his/her school studies in Standards VIII to XII in the educational institution(s) situated in Kerala State. Signature of the Head of the School : .....

Place Date

: :

Name: ..... Designation : ..... Name of Institution: .. .. .. .. .. .. ......

(Office Seal)

District : .....



A Non-Keralite candidate, who has undergone school studies in Standards XI & XII in Kerala and who is son / daughter of NonKeralite parent(s), who are not domiciled in the State of Kerala but served/serving for Govt. of India / Govt. of Kerala should produce the following two certificates


(For Non-Keralite parents working under Govt. of India / Govt. of Kerala only)
CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt ., father/mother of Shri/Smt./Kum......, a candidate for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12, had/has been employed as ....... (Designation) from to (Date, Month & Year) in....... . ..(Name of Office with District and State).

Place Date

: : (Office Seal)

Signature : Name : Designation & Address :



(To be issued by Head of the Institution where the candidate has studied for the Higher Secondary or equivalent Examination in Kerala State)
CERTIFIED that Shri/Smt./Kum..., an applicant for admission to Professional Degree Courses 2011 in Nursing, Pharmacy and Para Medical Streams, and son/daughter of Shri/Smt.....has studied for not less than 2 (two) years immediately preceding his/her appearance for the qualifying examination in (Name of Institution), an educational institution in Kerala State. Signature of the Head of Institution : Name : (Office Seal) Designation : Address :

Place Date

: :


[See Clause 5.5.2(g), 5.5.2(h) & 7.5.2 (c)]

Certified that Master/Kum ... an applicant for admission to Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course for the year 2011-12 in Kerala State, is the son/daughter of an Inter-caste married couple, and his/her father Shri to


.. Community and his/her mother Smt. belongs to Community.

Place: Date: (Office Seal)

Signature of Village Officer/Tahasildar Name of Village Officer Name of Village & District

: : :



[As per GO(MS) No.192/85/RD dated 23.3.1985 of Revenue (D) Department] [See Clause5.4.2] (1) Different purposes of Income Certificate: (a) for availing fee concession in Education Institution. (b) for securing seats in the quota reserved in professional colleges of the Socially and Economically Backward classes. (c) for obtaining loans from Government Departments, Kerala Financial Corporation etc. for various purposes. (d) for getting different kinds of pension such as Old Age Pension, Widow Pension, Agricultural Labourers Pension, Pension for T.B Patients, Leprosy Patients, Cancer Patients etc. (e) for getting financial aid available to the Ex-Servicemen. (f) for getting the loan available to the SC/ST for different purposes. (g) for getting the relief given to the victims of natural calamities. (h) for getting the artificial limb, cycle, etc., supplied to the physically handicapped persons. (i) for getting free ration etc. (2) Definition: (a) Family:For assessing the income of the family, the term of family would mean a family consisting of (1) Applicant (2) Parents/Guardian (3) Unmarried brothers and sisters/ dependant unmarried sons and daughters living together in same house, widowed daughters actually dependant on the family. (b) Income:Income would mean the regular income actually earned by the family members. Income of unmarried daughters and unmarried brothers and sisters as the case may be should be reckoned for calculating family income. Income of the members of the family living together alone need be reckoned. Exceptions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (3) Income of widows daughter/ sister will be excluded. Terminal benefits will be excluded. Surrender leave salary will not be reckoned. Festival allowance will not be reckoned. Family pension will be excluded.


Different sources of income for the purpose of Income Certificate: (i) Income from salary: Salary income excluding H.R.A., Special pay, Deputation Pay/Allowances etc., will be reckoned for calculating total income. T.A., P.T.A., honorarium for special work etc. will be excluded for calculating salary income. D.A will be included for calculating total income. (ii) Income from pension: The amount excluding the amount of commutation will be taken into account for the purpose of Income Certificate. The pension will be assessed on the basis of the Pension Payment Order. (iii) Income from business: This can be assessed on the basis of Income Tax Certificate. In the cases of non-assesses the Income Certificate will be issued on the basis of declaration filed by the persons concerned. In the case of nonassesses Income Certificate shall be issued on the basis of the declaration filed by the applicant/parent/or guardian in the case of students. (iv) Income of persons employed abroad shall be assessed on the basis of the declaration filed by the applicant / parent or guardian in the case of students.



Income of daily labourers: Income Certificate shall be issued on the basis of the declaration filed by the applicant/ parent or guardian in the case of student.

(vi) Income from property: The income from property will include the income from produce viz. coconut etc., value of improvements on landed property will be calculated on the basis of the principles adopted for the purpose of land acquisition. (vii) Income from rented buildings: Income on this account will be calculated deducting the annual maintenance charges. (4) Assessment of income of the family having more members:

When there are more members in a family, the income available for distribution will be less this compared to a family having lesser number of members. In such cases an allowance will be given to each member in excess of five. For example if there are five members in a family, three children and parents, the income from all members should be taken into account for computing family income. If the number exceeds five, an allowance will be given to each additional child. The amount of such allowance ( to be decided ) should be deducted from the total annual income of the family for the purpose of Income Certificate. (5) Variation of super checking:

There may be variation between the income assessed by the Village Officer and that arrived at by higher officers on super checking. 10% or less of such variation can be allowed. (6) Period of validity:

Normally a Certificate issued to a person for a particular purpose should be binding for a period of two years or for the term of the course. (7) Cancellation of false Certificates:

The certificates obtained fraudulently, that is by willfully suppressing the actual income or willfully giving false income, will be cancelled. (8) Authority:

The Village Officer shall be the authority to issue Income Certificate that is required to be produce before the State Government Department or Authorities. In the case of certificate required to be produced before the Central Government Departments the Tahsildar shall be the authority to issue the Income Certificate. The Tahsildar shall be the Appellate Authority to entertain the appeal if any against the income assessed by the Village Officer. The Revenue Divisional Officer/Deputy Collector shall be the Revisional Authority. Appeal against the income assessed by the Tahsildar shall be preferred before the Revenue Divisional Officer/Deputy Collector. The Collector shall be the Revisional Authority in that case. (9) Co-ordinating Department:

The Revenue Department in the Secretariat shall be the Co-ordinating department in respect of the issuance of guidelines/instructions relating to the grand of the Income Certificate, by Village Officer/Tahsildar. The Revenue Department shall be consulted if and when any event/instructions are proposed to be issued in the matter by other departments. The Application of Income Certificate shall be in the prescribed form, duly affixing Court Fee stamp worth ` 1/-. The Income Certificate shall be issued in the form, prescribed by the Revenue Department.



[ See Clause 12.6 ] I, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------(name of candidate) son/daughter of Shri./Smt. --------------------------------------------------------------having Roll No ------------------------ in the Post Basic B.Sc. Degree Nursing course, with Rank /Seniority no-----------------------, do hereby authorize Shri / Smt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (name & address of the person being authorized) to represent me to report at the allotment venue for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course 2011. The signature of the person authorized is attested below by a Gazetted Officer. Signature of the Candidate:

Affix a recent passport size photograph of the candidate and get it attested by a Gazetted Officer

Name of the Candidate:---------------------------------------------------------------Address :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name and Designation of the Gazetted officer Office Seal

Photograph of authorized representative attested by the candidate

Signature of the Authorised Representative:

ATTESTED: -------------------------------------------------------------------SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE

Candidate to sign over the photograph UNDERTAKING I, undertake that the decision taken if any, by my authorised representative at the allotment venue shall be binding on me and I shall not have any claim whatsoever, other than the decision taken by my authorised representative on my behalf. Place : Date : Signature of candidate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: An authorized representative attending Allotment process, 2011- 2012 must bring a photocopy also of the filled up form. The same will be returned to the representative with the seal of the DMEs office. This copy of the filled up form having the seal of the DMEs office can be used in lieu of authorization letter during subsequent appearances.


ANNEXURE VII BOND (Total value of ` 100/- Kerala Stamp Paper*) To be executed by all service candidates admitted to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree Course, in the State Medical/ Nursing Colleges TO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we..... .... Residing at . hereinafter called the Bounden (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives) and and hereinafter called the first surety and second surety respectively (which expression shall unless excluded by repugnant to the context include their respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives) bind ourselves jointly and severally to pay the Governor of Kerala (hereinafter called the Government) on demand without demur the amount of salary drawn, if any during the period of study and a further sum of ` 2,00,000 (Rupees Two lakhs) as liquidated damages, if the bounden discontinues the course after the closing of admission.

Signed this .day of.in the year Two thousand and Nine ..by the Bounden Shri. (Full address).
In the presence of witnesses: (Name & Official Address is compulsory) 1..................................................................................................... WHEREAS the Bounden has been under the rules, which will form part of this deed as if incorporated herein, hereinafter called the Rules, selected to undergo the course of study. Government will give the salary, if any, to the Bounden (admissible as per rules) for the study of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [here enter the name of the course of study] in Government Medical College, ... (Name of college) condition of his executing a bond supported by two sureties in the terms appearing hereinafter which the Bounden has agreed to do. Now the condition of the above written obligation is that in the event of the Bounden not conforming to or observing the rules and conditions, regarding the progress of his study or interrupting or discontinuing his course, at any time after the closing of admission or participating in a strike or leave the training course on account indiscipline or misconduct on his part, or for other reasons not considered valid and satisfactory by the Secretary to Government of Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department whose decision in this behalf shall be final, the Bounden and the sureties shall jointly and severally pay and refund to the Government on demand and without demur all the amount spent on the Bounden on account of the said course of studies, together with the liquidated damages of ` 2,00,000 (Rupees Two lakhs) if the bounden discontinues the course after the closing of admission. This decision of the Secretary to Government of Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department as to the commission of a breach or as to any indiscipline or misconduct on the part of the Bounden as also the amount of compensation payable and as to whether the Bounden has or has not performed and observed the conditions and Bounden obligations under these presents shall be final and binding on the Bounden and the sureties. It is further agreed and declared that in the event of the Bounden being unsuccessful in any of the qualifying examinations conducted in the said Institute, the Government may at their discretion, withhold the payment of stipend, if any for the continuance of further studies and the decision of the Secretary to Government of Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department in this behalf shall be final and binding. Provided further that the Bounden and the Sureties do hereby agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of this bond may be recovered jointly and severally from them and their prospective movable and immovable as if such sums were arrears of land revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force or in such other manner as to the Government may deem fit.


It is agreed that the liability of the sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or any forbearance, act or omission of the Government (whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the sureties) in respect or in relation to the several obligations and conditions to be performed or discharged by the Bounden or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which, under the law relating the sureties, shall but for this provision have the effect of releasing the sureties from such liability not shall it be necessary for the Government, to sue the Bounden before doing either of the sureties for amounts due hereunder. It is agreed that the expense of Stamp duty to this document shall be borne by the Bounden. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bounden .................. and....and . sureties have put their respective hands the day and year herein above written Signed by the Bounden in the presence of witnesses: (Signature of the Bounden) 1. Signed by . (Signature of the surety)

(Residential Address of the sureties Compulsory)

Signed by . (Signature of the witness) (Official Address & Residential Address of the witness is Compulsory)


Note: * All pages should be in stamped paper


Annexure VIII

(Total value of `100/- Kerala Stamp Paper*)

To KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT we Shri/Smt...son/daughter/wife of ... residing at (herein-after called the Bounden) and (1)Shri.residing at ... And (2) Shri .residing at ... (Here enter name and address) (hereinafter called the sureties) do hereby bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severely to pay to the Governor of Kerala (hereinafter referred to as the Government) on demand the amount of salary drawn, if any during the period of study ` 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs) towards liquidated damages/penalty for violation of the conditions in clause 11.1 of the Prospectus for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree courses in 2011. Signed this . Day of .. in the year by the bounden Shri/Smt. Signature In the presence of witnesses:

1. 2.

Signed by Shri/Smt. .. (Residential Address is compulsory) WHEREAS the Bounden Shri/Smt. . has been selected to undergo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (here enter the name of the course of study) in Government Medical College,______________(name of College), Kerala for a period of four years. AND WHEREAS the Government have agreed to pay the Bounden during the period of the said course of study his/her pay and allowance which he would have drawn but for his undergoing the said course of study and to treat the period of the course of study as duty. AND WHEREAS the Government have agreed to incur the said expenses on condition that after successful completion of the course of study within the prescribed period the bounden shall serve the Government for a period of five years and also subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing and the bounden and the sureties have agreed to the same. NOW the condition of the above written obligation is that in the event the Bounden after successful completion of the course of study to which he was selected, fails to serve the Government for a period of five years, the Bounden and sureties shall forthwith pay to the Government on demand the amount of salary drawn, if any during the period of study and ` 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs) towards liquidated damages/penalty for violation of the conditions in clause 11.1 of the Prospectus for Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Courses in 2011. In the matter of deciding what moneys are to be paid by the Bounden and the sureties and decision of the Government shall be final and legally binding on the bounden and sureties and upon the payment of such sum the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect otherwise this shall be remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby agree that if the Bounden fails to serve the Government for a period of five years, it may be construed as professional misconduct and the fact reported to the concerned Council for suitable action including cancellation of Registration by the council. PROVIDED further that the bounden and the sureties do hereby agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of this bond may be recovered jointly and severely from them and their properties movable and immovable as if such dues were arrears of land revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time being force or in such other manner as the Government may deem fit. The liabilities of the sureties under this Bond is Co-existent with that of the Bounden and shall not be affected by the Government giving time or any other indigence to the bounden or by the Government varying of the terms and conditions herein contained, Signed by the Bounden .. In the presence of witnesses: 1. (Residential Address of the sureties and the official address of the witnesses is compulsory) Signed by the Surety 1. 2. In the presence of witnesses: OFFICE SEAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: * All pages should be in stamped paper



UNDERTAKING FROM THE STUDENTS AS PER THE PROVISIONS OF ANTI-RAGGING VERDICT BY THE HONBLE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA [See Clause 12] I, Mr. /Ms. ..., Application NoCourse: .student of .... do hereby undertake on this day Month Year.,the

following with respect to above subject and Office Order No:

1) That I have read and understood the directives of the Honble Supreme Court of India on anti-ragging and the measures proposed to be taken in the above references. That I understand the meaning of Ragging and know that the ragging in any form is a and the me is banned by the Court of Law. punishable offence



That I have not been found or charged for my involvement in any kind of ragging in the past. However, I undertake to face disciplinary action/legal proceedings including expulsion from the Institute if the above statement is found to be untrue or the facts are concealed, at any stage in future. That I shall not resort to ragging in any form at any place and shall abide by the rules/laws prescribed by the Courts, Govt. of India and Institute authorities for the purpose from time to time.


.. Signature of Student

I hereby fully endorse the undertaking made by my child/ward.

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian Witness : ..

Signature of Mother/Father and or Guardian Witness : ..




Name Age Designation Department

: : : : DME/DHS

Psc order No. & Date Joining order no & Date of Joining Leave taken other than casual leave Duration of LWA if any and leave sanction order Total duration of Service Positions held Present place of work Date of declaration of Probation

: : : : : : : :

Signature of DME/DHS

Note : Attach necessary supporting documents




[See Clause 10.1 [ix] ]

------------------------I, Dr. . after careful personal examination of the case do hereby certify that Sri/Kum. . whose signature is given above is found physically fit to undergo professional education. His/Her height . , weight ... , chest ... and vision .. .


Signature Name Place : Date : Reg. No.

: : :

Designation :



Sl no 1 Place Address LBS Centre Nandavanam, Palayam Thiruvananthapuram - 695 033 LBS Regional Centre Maharani Market Building Big Bazar, Kollam LBS Sub Centre KRM Towers, East of Central Junction Adoor, Pathanamthitta LBS Sub Centre Municipal Library Building Thathampally P.O, Alappuzha LBS Sub Centre Kadavumbhagam Buildings Near Police Station, K.K.Road, Pampady, Kottayam. LBS Local Centre GMDC, Neelima Complex Mangattukavala P O, Thodupuzha. LBS Regional Unit HMT Junction, NAD Road Kalamassery - 683 104. LBS Regional Unit Alumvettuvazhi Road Chiyyaram, Thrissur 680 026 LBS Sub Centre Door No. 26/631, II Floor, Charutha Chambers, Noorani Shornur Road, Palakkad LBS Sub Centre K.C Building Opp. Juma Masjid, Pandikkad Road Manjeri, Malappuram. LBS Regional Unit 17/420, Indira Gandhi Road Kozhikode - 673 004. LBS Local Centre Govt. High School Buildings Kariyampetta P.O, Wayanad - 673124 LBS Regional Unit Old Engg. College Campus Near S.N.Park Kannur 1. LBS Sub Centre Taluk Office Compound Kasaragod. Phone Number 0471 - 2324396 0471 - 2324148 0474 2764654


Kollam Adoor

0473 4227538


0477 2254588


0481 2505900


0486 2229442 0484 2541520 0484 2551466 0487 - 2250657 0487 2250751




0491 2527425



0483 2764674



0495 2720250











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