Supplementary CKYC Form - CL04052
Supplementary CKYC Form - CL04052
Supplementary CKYC Form - CL04052
Know Your Client (KYC) Application Form (To be additionally filled by customers using old KYC form)
For Individuals Only
KYC Type: Normal (PAN is mandatory)
(Please fill the form in English and in BLOCK Letters)
PAN Exempt Investors
Fields marked with * are mandatory fields
2. FATCA/CRS Information (Tick if Applicable) Residence for Tax Purposes in Jurisdiction(s) Outside India (Please refer instruction B at the end)
Additional Details Required* (Mandatory only if above option is ticked)
Country of J uris dic tion of Res idenc e* Co u n t r y C od e of J u ri s d i c t io n o f Re s i d e n c e as per ISO 3166
B- Voter ID Card
C- PAN Card
D- Driving Lic enc e D r i v i n g L i c e n c e E xp i r y D a t e D D M M Y Y Y Y
E- Aadhaar Card
F- NREGA Job Card
Z- Others (any doc um ent notified by the c entral governm ent) Identification Num ber
5. Applicant Declaration
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes
therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held
liable for it. I hereby declare that I am not making this application for the purpose of contravention of any Act, Rules, Regulations or any statute of
[Signature / Thumb Impression]
legislation or any notifications/directions issued by any governmental or statutory authority from time to time.
I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address.
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Instructions/Guidelines for filling Individual KYC Application Form
General Instructions:
1. Self-Certification of documents is mandatory.
2. KYC number of applicant is mandatory for update/change of KYC details.
3. For particular section update, please tick ( ) in the box available before the section number and strike off the sections not required to be updated.
4. Copies of all documents that are submitted need to be compulsorily self-attested by the applicant and accompanied by originals for verification. In case the original of any
document is not produced for verification, then the copies should be properly attested by entities authorized for attesting the documents, as per the list mentioned under [I].
5. If any proof of identity or address is in a foreign language, then translation into English is required.
6. Name & address of the applicant mentioned on the KYC form, should match with the documentary proof submitted.
7. If correspondence & permanent addresses are different, then proofs for both have to be submitted.
8. Sole proprietor must make the application in his individual name & capacity.
9. For non-residents and foreign nationals, (allowed to trade subject to RBI and FEMA guidelines), copy of passport/PIOCard/OCICard and overseas address proof is mandatory.
10. In case of Merchant Navy NRI’s, Mariner’s declaration or certified copy of CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) is to be submitted.
11. For opening an account with Depository participant or Mutual Fund, for a minor, photocopy of the School Leaving Certificate/Mark sheet issued by Higher Secondary Board/
Passport of Minor/Birth Certificate must be provided.
B. Clarification/Guidelines on filling details if applicant residence for tax purposes in jurisdiction(s) outside India
1. Tax identification Number (TIN): TIN need not be reported if it has not been issued by the jurisdiction. However, if the said jurisdiction has issued a high integrity number with
an equivalent level of identification (a “Functional equivalent”), the same may be reported. Examples of that type of number for individual include, a social security/ insurance
number, citizen/personal identification/services code/number, and resident registration number)
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call 1800 2000 400 or 1800 4190 200 email
Please note our lines are open from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday and 9 am to 1 pm on Saturday.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. CL04052