Strategic Management Chapter 7
Strategic Management Chapter 7
Strategic Management Chapter 7
4. Reactors
- these are the businesses that do not VERTICAL GROWTH STRATEGY
have the firm or consistent strategic orientations. - A company takes over the functions of
They adopt piecemeal or quick-response a supplier and a distributor in a vertical growth
strategies which are oftentimes strategy. It results in a vertical integration where
ineffective to meet the pressures, changes, and a company takes full responsibility of all
challenges of the environment. activities in the value chain.
1. Exporting- a company ships goods to other Conglomerate diversification strategy
foreign countries. - happens when a company enters another
2. Licensing- a company enters into an industry which is not related to the industry
agreement with another company from another where it presently
country to produce or sell the products of the belongs
former. - a company may consider this strategy as its
3. Franchising- a company enters into an growth strategy when its present industry is no
agreement with a franchiser to use the name and longer attractive and it lacks the required
system of the latter. abilities to transfer resources to related products
4. Joint venture- a company combines its or services
resources with other companies from foreign
countries to produce new products. Stability Strategy
5. Acquisition- a company purchases a foreign - company plans to continue its current activities
company.6. Green-field development- a without substantial change in its direction. It is
company constructs its own plant and invests effective for short-term planning but may be
with other assets in a foreign country. detrimental if used for long-term planning.
7. Turnkey operations- a company constructs Small businesses can benefit using this strategy
operating facilities and transfers the same to the because they usually belong to a predictable
host country when completed. environment.
8. BOT (build, operate, transfer) scheme- a
company constructs facilities, operates them Pause or Proceed-with-Caution Strategy
when completed, and turns them over to the host - a company takes a temporary timeout from its
country. major activities while observing changes in its
The degrees of vertical integration are external environment. it is a temporary
categorized as follows: strategy
1. Full integration- a company takes 100% -adopted by most companies when there is a
control of the value chain. financial crackdown and a pessimistic economic
2. Taper integration (backward integration)- outlook
a company acquires not more than 50% of its - does not imply that a company will shut down
requirement from outsiders. its operations
3. Quasi-integration (forward integration)- a - it only temporarily stops major critical
company purchases most of its requirements activities before shifting to the growth or
from outsiders. retrenchment strategy
4. Long-term contracts- a company enters into
an agreement with other companies to provide No-Change Strategy
goods to each other over a specified period of - is effective when an industry is relatively
time stable with little expected growth, and
consolidation is not expected to occur in the
Diversification strategy foreseeable future.
- is an appropriate growth strategy when the
original industry appears to have matured, Profit Strategy
plateaued, and consolidated already. - temporary plan for a company in its desire to
increase its profits when revenues are declining.
Concentric diversification strategy It is a cost-cutting mechanism to address a
- more appropriate in a less attractive industry decline in profit because of
and for a company with a strong competitive a decrease in sales.
- a company has a greater chance to succeed by RETRENCHMENT STRATEGY
utilizing its core competency in exploiting a - The third type of corporate strategy that a top-
related industry level management may formulate is the
retrenchment strategy. This is the strategy to be
adopted when a company experiences poor
competitive position and operating
performance and competitive disadvantage.
Turnaround strategy
-is adopted when a company is not yet critically
bleeding financially. A company intends to
improve its operational efficiency by adopting
drastic actions for a learner organization. It
undergoes two basic phases–
contraction and consolidation.