Diversity 14 00420 With Cover
Diversity 14 00420 With Cover
Diversity 14 00420 With Cover
Wanda Kuswanda, Raden Garsetiasih, Hendra Gunawan, Rospita Odorlina Pilianna Situmorang,
Freddy Jontara Hutapea, Rozza Tri Kwatrina , Endang Karlina, Tri Atmoko, Ma’rifatin Zahrah,
Mariana Takandjandji et al.
Special Issue
Elephants: Moving from Conflict to Coexistence with People
Edited by
Dr. Michelle Henley
Can Humans and Elephants Coexist? A Review of the Conflict
on Sumatra Island, Indonesia
Wanda Kuswanda 1, * , Raden Garsetiasih 1, *, Hendra Gunawan 1 , Rospita Odorlina Pilianna Situmorang 2, *,
Freddy Jontara Hutapea 1,3 , Rozza Tri Kwatrina 1 , Endang Karlina 1 , Tri Atmoko 1 , Ma’rifatin Zahrah 4 ,
Mariana Takandjandji 1 and Donny Gunaryadi 5
1 Research Organization for Life Sciences and Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Jakarta 10340, Indonesia; [email protected] (H.G.); [email protected] (F.J.H.);
[email protected] (R.T.K.); [email protected] (E.K.); [email protected] (T.A.);
[email protected] (M.T.)
2 Research Organization for Social Sciences and Humanities, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Science, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, The University of Melbourne,
Creswick, VIC 3363, Australia
4 Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia; [email protected]
5 Indonesia Elephant Conservation Forum, Bogor 16153, Indonesia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (W.K.); [email protected] (R.G.); [email protected] (R.O.P.S.);
Tel.: +62-821-6598-6846 (W.K.); +62-816-1819-630 (R.G.); +62-812-6929-4395 (R.O.P.S.)
Abstract: The high rate of deforestation and fragmentation of elephant habitat on Sumatra Island
has triggered human-elephant conflict (HEC) in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. This conflict brings
negative impacts on humans and elephants. Despite numerous efforts having been made to solve this
Citation: Kuswanda, W.; Garsetiasih,
problem, the HEC continues to occur in the remaining elephant enclave every year. The harmonious
R.; Gunawan, H.; Situmorang, R.O.P.; coexistence between humans and elephants could be improved through HEC mitigation programs.
Hutapea, F.J.; Kwatrina, R.T.; Karlina, The aim of this paper was to review information on HEC in Sumatra Island, investigate the causes
E.; Atmoko, T.; Zahrah, M.; and implications of HEC, review existing HEC mitigation methods, and formulate strategies to
Takandjandji, M.; et al. Can Humans improve the harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants. The best strategies to create
and Elephants Coexist? A Review of successful human and elephant coexistence are strengthening the institutions and policies, restoring
the Conflict on Sumatra Island, the habitat, developing wildlife corridors, establishing Essential Ecosystem Areas (EEA), community
Indonesia. Diversity 2022, 14, 420. empowerment through ecotourism, providing legal access to forests through Social Forestry (SF),
and providing compensation schemes for conflict victims.
Academic Editors: Michael Wink and
Michelle Henley Keywords: coexistence; community; corridor; farmer; habitat; Sumatran elephant
to an altitude of 1600 m, in valleys and foothills with high food resources, and near
watersheds [20,30,31]. Previous studies also reported that elephants were once observed
at 2329 m above sea level in Mount Ulu Masen, which connects elephant habitats in Aceh
Jaya and Pidie, in Aceh Province [32]. In general, the distribution of elephants is highly
influenced by topography as elephants avoid areas with slopes above 60% [5,11].
More than 60% of elephants are currently distributed outside conservation areas
(natural habitats). Sumatran elephant habitat consists of swamp forests, peat forests,
primary and secondary forests, shrubs, and plantations [5,11,33,34]. They are mostly
distributed in open areas near water sources with abundant food supplies [35,36]. Figure 2
is the distribution of elephant habitats on Sumatra Island. The elephant’s habitats in
Sumatra Island include the Leuser Ecosystem or Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP)
(in Aceh, North Sumatra, and West Sumatra), Batang Toru Watershed (North Sumatra,
Riau, Jambi, and West Sumatra), Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) (in Bengkulu, South
Sumatra and Lampung), and Tesso Nilo National Park (TNNP) in Riau [13,15,16,37–39].
Figure 2. Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry [40]. The distribution of Sumatran elephants
on Sumatra Island.
The elephant population on Sumatra Island has declined since 1931 [12,13]. In the
1980s, the total population of elephants on Sumatra Island was about 2800 to 5000 individu-
als, distributed in 44 spots from northern Aceh to southern Lampung (Table 1). In 2017, it
Diversity 2022, 14, 420 4 of 21
had declined to 1694 to 2038 individuals, almost half of the population. The decrease in the
elephant population was mainly caused by forest conversion, hunting, disease, environ-
mental pollution, and HEC [4,41–43]. This condition has encouraged the Government of
Indonesia to set the Sumatran elephant as a top priority for species conservation.
Table 1. Estimation of elephant populations on Sumatra Island.
Elephant Population
Male Female Total
ETC/Elephant Conservation Center (ECC) 99 116 215
Zoos 17 29 46
Recreational parks, safari parks, nature recreation parks 59 171 230
Companies 25 27 52
Abroad 2 4 6
Total 202 347 543
Source: Directorate General of Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystem (NRCE) originally named Direc-
torate General of Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Ekosistemnya (KSDAE) [13].
nationwide trend of deforestation has been declining every year (Figure 3). For Sumatra,
the data in the last two years also followed the same trends (Figure 4). However, the
massive forest clearing in the 1990’s to 2000’s caused huge forest loss in Indonesia, including
in Sumatra.
1.08 1.09
0.83 0.82
0.78 0.76 0.73
0.68 0.63
0.61 0.61
0.50 0.45 0.48 0.46
0.41 0.35 0.39 0.40 0.43 0.44
0.30 0.33 0.29 0.28 0.30
0.22 0.26 0.34 0.20 0.22
0.12 0.11 0.18
1990–1996 1996–2000 2000–2003 2003–2006 2006–2009 2009–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 2015–2016 2016–2017 2017–2018 2018–2019
Figure 4. Nett deforestation in Sumatra in 2019–2020 [54]. Nett deforestation is the change/reduction
of the land cover area by forested category in a certain period obtained from the calculation of gross
deforestation area minus the area of reforestation. Gross deforestation ‘without taking into account
the reforestation that occurs’. Minus (−) means: that reforestation has a bigger value.
habitat fragmentation will lead to a genetic decline due to inbreeding depression that
threatens the species’ sustainability [61,62].
2.3. Conflict Evidences and Driving Factors of HEC across Sumatra Island
Several scholars reported that the most common form of HEC is crop-raiding [63,64].
HEC becomes more intense when communities plant crops preferred by elephants, such
as rubber trees, cacao trees, coconut trees, banana, corn, ground beans, cassava, and
rice [65–67]. The economic losses caused by HEC in Sumatra Island is varied, depending
on the scale of the damage, location, and the types of crops and property damaged by
elephants. The economic loss caused by HEC on oil palm plantations and forest plantations
in Riau was US$105 million/year [68]. While in Lampung, the direct economic losses due
to 2000–2002 crop-raiding incidents in WKNP were US$12,000 (±US$6000/year) [11].
HEC also puts negative effects on both humans and elephants. The 2012–2017 HEC
events in Aceh killed 8 people and 11 were injured [69]. During this period, about
45 elephants died due to HEC [69]. In Lampung, the 2000–2002 HEC damaged 24 houses,
killed three people, injured three people, and killed two elephants [11,18]. In general,
crop-raiding incidents have altered people’s perceptions of Sumatran elephants. Most
people around elephant habitats have considered elephants as pests, aggressive and dan-
gerous wildlife [70]. For instance, most people around Way Kambas National Park have
no willingness to coexist with elephants [27]. Negative perception towards elephants is
mainly driven by community economic conditions where most of the communities living
around the elephant habitat live in poverty [70]. The summary of HEC in each province in
Sumatra is provided in Table 3.
Table 3. HEC across Sumatra Island.
Mitigation Effectiveness to
No Advantage Disadvantage References
Methods Mitigate HEC
• Low cost
• Low risk to elephants • Not durable Febryano et al.
Barbed wire • Easy to implement • The implementation
3. Low [105]; Sugiyo
fences • Can be implemented in a problem is medium et al. [107]
medium area
• High maintenance
• Low cost Department of
• Not durable
• Low risk to elephants Forestry [90];
4. Beehive fences • Difficult to implement Low
• Beneficial to Sugiyo et al.
• Implemented in a
communities [107]
small area
• Low cost
• Low maintenance costs
• Not durable (prone to get Sugiyo et al.
6. Tin-can fences • Can be implemented in a Low
broken) [107]
medium area
• Low risks to elephant
• Low cost
• Durable • Implemented only in a Sugiyo et al.
8. Rolling drum • Maintenance cost is small area Medium
3.3. The Basic Needs for Elephants and Humans and the Potency of Coexistence
The basic needs of elephants are feed, water, shade trees, and salt [111–113]. Elephants
generally consume 290–400 different species and different parts of plants [8,112,114]. In
their home ranges, elephants consume 50–59 species. When feed availability is decreasing,
elephants will search for food within and outside their home ranges [18,113,115]. Elephants
like oil palm, bananas, corn, and pumpkins that are raided in the fields [63,69,78,110]. The
Diversity 2022, 14, 420 10 of 21
daily movement of the Sumatran elephant is between 5.93–10.78 km, and the home range is
around 97.4 km2 [33,111,115] with the roaming distance for a group between 7–15 km/day
(Average 0.01–1.5 km/h) [111,115].
The interaction of elephants and humans for space dates back to the Paleolithic
period [28,116]. Humans utilized elephants for food, religious rituals, and pets. Archae-
ologists found evidence of elephant exploitation in the dismembered bones and signs of
damage done by poachers [117,118]. In this case, humans interact with wildlife to fulfill
their food needs, to gain self-esteem, and to reduce stress [119]. However, nowadays,
natural resource utilization is not only for basic needs but also for economic purposes that
cause over-exploitation and reduce food resources for elephants [113,120]. Other activities
that have direct impacts on elephants are poaching and illegal ivory trade [42,43,121].
The successful coexistence between humans and elephants can be achieved if humans
adapt their behavior to elephant behavior [122]. Negative perceptions toward elephants
need to be altered by considering the benefits of elephants to human life [20,123]. For
instance, elephants are helpful in plant spreading and elephants’ feces can be used as a
natural fertilizer. The level of community welfare adjacent to the elephants’ habitats might
influence human perceptions towards elephants and promote opportunities for harmonious
coexistence. Human perceptions towards elephants relate to income level and dependency
on forest resources. The income level of the local people around the elephant habitat is
generally low, and they generally live in poverty [124]. As an example in OKI District,
South Sumatra Province, the family income was Rp. 1,060,833–1,814,583/month (around
US$75–128), which is below the regional wages [124]. Local people usually work in the
agriculture sector and cultivate the forestland adjacent to residential areas. This denotes
the higher dependency of local people on forest resources [125].
To meet a decent life, people particularly who work in the agricultural sector need ade-
quate land to grow crops. Based on the Indonesian statistical agency, the minimum required
land for a decent family life is 1.0 ha. This minimum amount of land per household may
vary depending on regions, the number of families, farmland conditions, and commodities
grown on the land [126]. In a village near the forest, the minimum land area that farmers
must own to meet their welfare was 2.51 ha, which is 0.65 ha for rice, 1.12 ha for corn, and
0.74 ha for soybeans [127]. However, many farmers around the conservation forests manage
land less than one hectare which is a potential cause for land grabbing or illegal forest land
occupation [124]. Therefore, farmland intensification and livelihood diversification are
needed to minimize HEC, such as agroforestry and ecotourism development [128].
or permanent), such as roads, electric fences, crop cultivations, and buildings [135]. On
the farmland close to elephant habitats or corridors, farmers are recommended to grow
plants that are disliked by elephants, such as some medicinal plants (ginger, chili, lemon-
grass, garlic, and onion) and beehive fences (bee feed) that are safe and also economically
beneficial for the communities [137,138].
of ETCs in several parks in Indonesia, such as in GLNP, WKNP, and KSNP [20,158] that
involve the communities to reduce conflicts [159].
Some scholars have evaluated the impacts of the implementation of ecotourism-based
elephant management in Indonesia. Mahfud [154] evaluated Seblat ETC in Bengkulu
Province based on habitat conditions, authenticity, and aesthetic values, which are valued
as high quality. Seblat ETC has provided a safer and more feasible habitat for captured
elephants from conflict areas [39]. In GLNP, which covers Aceh and North Sumatra, the
development of ecotourism has become a new source of income for the community, so
timber extraction and encroachment activities in the national park have decreased [25]. The
direct financial contribution of ecotourism can help to improve conservation activities, such
as treating injured animals, forest protection, and removing invasive species [135].
From socioeconomic aspects, communities around the ETC highly support elephant
ecotourism because it creates job opportunities and generates income for local people.
Elephant ecotourism needs mahouts, tour guides, security guards, and other employment
forms that can empower local people, as practiced in Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation
Camp (ANECC) in North Sumatra [160]. Ecotourism also generates economic income from
services and facilities such as lodgings, food, and souvenir vendors. Elephant ecotourism
is also well received by visitors. A study in Seblat ETC reported that 64% of the visitors
were very satisfied with the tame elephant attractions and willing to pay (WTP) Rp. 32,329
(about US$2.2) for one visit to the area [154].
For wild elephants, wildlife ecotourism programs (e.g., safari tourism widely im-
plemented in Africa) are still limited in Indonesia. The development of wild elephant
ecotourism is potential in Indonesia because national parks and EEA including their cor-
ridors, such as Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (BTNP) and KSNP have been designated
for elephants’ habitats. The designation of the essential elephant habitats can increase the
chances for humans to observe elephants in their natural life, including when a herd of
elephants is migrating. Therefore, the managers should improve the facilities to allow
the public to observe and access those areas. The local people around the essential areas
need to be involved in managing the ecotourism, developing supporting facilities, and
providing supplementary feed for elephants. Ecotourism development can be supported by
collaboration with companies around the area, especially in financial support through a Cor-
porate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme, or funding by the government [20,25]. However,
elephant-based ecotourism management needs to pay attention to elephant welfare. The
recreation areas that utilize tamed animals to attract visitors including Sumatran elephants
have the potential for animal exploitation by forcing elephants to entertain visitors [160].
Therefore, ecotourism practices that use elephants must ensure to do not negatively impact
their welfare. Five domains of animal welfare including nutrition, physical environment,
health, behavioral interaction, and mental state should be considered and fulfilled in the
development of elephant-based ecotourism [161].
4.3.3. Providing Legal Access to Forest through Social Forestry (SF) Program
The involvement of local people in forest management is the best approach to improv-
ing forest protection and reducing HEC [162]. Provision of legal access to forests has been
implemented in several programs in Indonesia, and SF is the most applied program that
covers the broader aspects and types of forests, including the forests adjacent to elephant
habitats. Government regulation No. 6/2007 [163] and Environmental and Forestry Minis-
terial Regulation No. 9/2021 [164] have regulated the implementation of the SF program.
Agroforestry and ecotourism are two SF management models of conflicting areas [165]
that are also potential to be implemented in the forests with HEC. In general, community
members (families) can manage 2 ha of forest per family in the agroforestry model [125].
For the ecotourism model, community members usually manage the designated CF forest
collectively. If the communities managed areas properly, the forest can provide a feasible
income to communities and can reduce the pressure on elephants’ habitat. In the HEC
areas, local people can cultivate the land with species that are not preferred by elephants,
such as citrus and citronella.
5. Conclusions
HEC is a severe threat to elephant conservation and human lives and livelihood.
HEC is mainly driven by habitat conversion into monoculture plantations, community
settlements, and infrastructures. Deforestation has caused the loss of 80–90% of elephant
habitat. This condition has forced elephants to have closer contact with people, leading to
increased conflicts. Continuous HEC has resulted in the declination of more than 50% of the
elephant population in the last 20 years. HEC commonly occurs in the remaining elephant
enclave in each province. Regulations for mitigating human-wildlife conflicts need to be
upgraded from the ministerial level to the government level to serve as instructions for
various government institutions and organizations. Numerous programs addressed to
mitigate HEC are still ineffective as some of them require high operational costs and may
only be effective in a small area. Though it is challenging to develop, successful coexistence
between humans and elephants is essential to protect Sumatran elephants from extinction.
We recommend numerous strategies for developing successful coexistence between humans
and elephants including strengthening policies and institutions, habitat restoration, corridor
development, encouraging the establishment of EEA in every province, empowering the
community through an economy generated from elephant-friendly ecotourism, providing
legal access to forestlands for farmers, and improving community resilience through the
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