EASTRIP Verification Report Year 3 Vol I Draft Report
EASTRIP Verification Report Year 3 Vol I Draft Report
EASTRIP Verification Report Year 3 Vol I Draft Report
20 November 2021
Dear Sir,
Subject: Draft Independent Verification Report for Year 3 for the Independent Verification of
We are pleased to submit this draft report for the independent verification of the Year 3 (1 July 2020 – 30 June
2021) of Disbursements Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursements Linked Results (DLRs) under the East
Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP), in accordance with the contract
signed between the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) and PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
(PwC) and the terms of reference for this assignment.
The comments in this Draft Verification Report are subject to amendment or withdrawal. Our definitive findings
and conclusions will be those set out in the Final Verification Report for Year 3 including any updates based
on your comments and additional information and/or clarifications provided by the RFTIs, NPCUs, the World
Bank and other stakeholders.
We would be grateful, if you and your team could review the draft report and provide any feedback or
comments that you may have so we can finalise the report.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Engagement Manager, Bimal Gatha on 255 763 266600 or email:
[email protected] for any additional information or clarifications.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Mutinda
This document has been prepared for the intended recipients only in accordance with the Contract (IDA Grant
No: D-3860; Project ID: P163399; Proc. Ref No: UG-IUCEA-114234-CS-FBS) signed on 2 September 2020
between the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) and PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited (PwC).
To the extent permitted by law, PwC does not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for
any use or reliance on this document by anyone, other than (i) the intended recipient to the extent agreed in
the relevant contract for the matter to which this document relates (if any) or (ii) as expressly agreed by PwC
as its sole discretion in writing in advance.
Table of Contents
Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................................................................2
List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................4
Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................................5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................5
Approach and Methodology......................................................................................................................5
Verification Results for Year 3 ..................................................................................................................6
Approach for Recommendations for Financial Disbursements ...........................................................8
Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................................................................8
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................12
Background ..............................................................................................................................................12
Scope of work ...........................................................................................................................................15
Key deliverables of the assignment .......................................................................................................15
Summary of activities undertaken so far ...............................................................................................15
Report Structure and Contents ..............................................................................................................16
Impact of Covid-19 ...................................................................................................................................16
2. Refined Verification Approach and Methodology ..........................................................................17
Overview of our approach and methodology........................................................................................17
Summary of key activities .......................................................................................................................17
Annual independent verification of DLIs/DLRs.....................................................................................18
3. Verification Results for Year 3 (2021) ..............................................................................................29
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................29
Verification Results of DLIs 2.1 – 3.5 implemented by RFTIs..............................................................29
Verification Results of DLIs 4.1 – 7.4 implemented by NPCUs ...........................................................48
4. Financial Disbursements ..................................................................................................................52
EASTRIP Adopts Results-Based Financing Modality ..........................................................................52
Proposed Approach for Recommendation of Financial Disbursement .............................................52
5. Conclusions and Recommendations ..............................................................................................55
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................56
Recommendations for Financial Disbursements .................................................................................59
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
EASTRIP East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project
OS Occupational Standards
Executive Summary
In recognition of the fact that a regional approach to developing specialised Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) skills can have a number of benefits and can complement existing national
skills and TVET programmes, in October 2018, the World Bank approved the East African Skills for
Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) with the East African countries of Ethiopia, Kenya
and Tanzania. The project adopts the principles of Results Based Financing (RBF) and is designed using the
financing modality of Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs).
The project implementation and institutional arrangements is designed to have three levels of interventions: (i)
at the TVET Institutional Level: 16 Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (RFTIs) implement the project through
their Project Implementation Units (PIUs); (ii) at the National Level: National Project Coordination Units
(NPCUs), established in the country’s Ministry of Education, implement the national component and provides
national level coordination; (iii) at the Regional Level: the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) has
been selected as the Regional Facilitation Unit (RFU) to support RFTIs and NPCUs in project implementation.
Disbursements of funds against results requires the verification of reported achievements in the form of
DLIs/DLRs. PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited (PwC) has been contracted by IUCEA as the Independent
Verification Agent (IVA) to conduct independent verification of the achievement of results for DLIs/DLRs under
Component 1 and 2. Verification is a requirement before any withdrawal application and subsequent
disbursement of funds to the RFTIs and NPCUs under EASTRIP. The verification will also determine the scale
of achievement and therefore the amount of disbursement under these components.
The scope of work for the IVA involves: design and development of a data collection tool for evaluating the
DLIs/DLRs; training M&E Officers from RFTIs and NPCUs in the functioning of and for provision of the data
through the data collection tool; conducting the verification exercise for the DLIs/DLRs every year in a
transparent and independent manner such that it provides robust evidence for decision-makers; ensuring
proper procedures of cycle from data collection to verification, quality assurance, reporting and verification
report are adhered to.
Taking into consideration the lessons learnt during Round 1 of the independent verification (covering Year 1:
July 2018 – June 2019 and Year 2: July 2019 – June 2020), in July 2021, we prepared a draft inception report
for Round 2 of the independent verification, covering Year 3 (July 2020 – June 2021) of project
implementation, and submitted it for review and comments. Thereafter we presented the inception report at
the Technical Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2021. Following the refinement of the data collection tool,
we provided training to the M&E Officers, Project Coordinators and Other Officials from the NPCUs and RFTIs
on all aspects of the independent verification as well as the data collection tool and template. The data
collection tool was then deployed at the NPCUs and RFTIs during the data collection process with the M&E
Officers being the respective custodian. We used the data platform in administering DLIs/DLRs data forms
electronically as well as conducting the independent verification of DLIs/DLRs for Year 3 of project
• Inception phase: mobilisation of the PwC team; kick off meeting between IUCEA and PwC; desk
review of relevant project documentation including: PAD, PID, Results Framework, Financing
• Implementation phase: design and deployment of the data collection tool and template; training of
M&E Officers from RFTIs and NPCUs on using the data collection tool; data collection and annual
independent verification of DLIs/DLRs; data analysis and reporting.
• Reporting phase: annual independent verification report; presentation of the verification report at the
stakeholders’ workshop; and handing over the data collection tool and template.
In conducting the independent verification, we were guided by the verification protocol provided in the Project
Appraisal Document (PAD) and the verification methodology described in our Inception Report. The
verification process comprised of the following activities:
• RFTIs and the NPCUs provided results of actual progress against the DLIS/DLRs in the data
collection tool and provided documents in support of their claims;
• IVA verified the reported results by reviewing the actual results in the data collection tool against the
supporting documents;
• IVA also conducted phone verification by calling a sample of students and teaching staff confirming
their participation in the programme;
• IVA reviewed the EASTRIP Results Framework contained in the PAD, which provides the
intermediate targets for each of the DLI/DLR but aggregated at the project level. We also reviewed the
actual reported results with the intermediate targets in the RFTIs' & NPCUs' Results Framework;
• IVA discussed the reasons for non-achievement of targets as well as challenges encountered, and
lessons learnt by the RFTIs and NPCUs with the M&E Officers and the focal persons.
Round 1 of the independent verification, which covered the first two years of project implementation i.e., Year
1 (July 2018 – June 2019) and Year 2 (July 2019 – June 2020) was concluded in January 2021 with
submission of the Final Independent Verification Report. Round 2 of independent verification covers Year 3
i.e., activities undertaken by RFTIs and NPCUs during the period 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021. We therefore
used the results of DLIs and DLRs for Year 3, as reported by the NPCUs and RFTIs, in the second round of
independent verification.
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 2.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 11,947 from a baseline
value of 6,971. The independent verification has revealed that the actual value of DLI 2.1 at the end of Year 3
was 11,148. The intermediate achievement therefore missed the target by 7%.
DLI 3.1: Number of demand-driven programs developed and accredited by national TVET accreditation
agencies or certified by industries
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 3.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 203 from a baseline value
of 34. The independent verification has revealed that the value of DLI 3.1 at the end of Year 3 was 233. The
intermediate achievement therefore surpassed the target by 15%.
DLI 3.2: Number of teaching staff in regional flagship TVET institutes who have industrial attachment
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 3.2 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 266 from a baseline value
of 8. The independent verification has revealed that there were 143 teaching staff with industrial attachment
during the year. The intermediate achievement was therefore 46% below target.
DLI 3.3: Number of teaching staff who undertake exchanges in TVET institutes in another country
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 3.3 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 212 from a baseline value
of 8. The independent verification has revealed that there were 5 teaching staff with TVET exchanges during
the year. The intermediate achievement was therefore 96% below target.
DLI 3.4: Number of MoUs signed with industries and partner institutions
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 3.4 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 145 from a baseline value
of 24. The independent verification has revealed that the actual value of DLI 3.4 at the end of Year 3 was 199.
The intermediate achievement therefore surpassed the target by 37%.
As per the PAD, the annual target for DLI 3.5 of Year 3 (2021) was 16 tracer studies. The independent
verification has revealed that 17 tracer studies were conducted in Year 3. The annual achievement was
therefore 37% above target.
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 4.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 24 from a baseline value
of 0. The independent verification has revealed that 9 occupational standards were developed in Year 3. The
intermediate achievement was therefore 62% below target.
DLI 5.1: Model curricula with modern IT in EASTRIP priority program developed
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 5.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 28 from a baseline value
of 0. The independent verification has revealed that 9 model curricula with modern IT were developed in Year
3. The intermediate achievement was therefore 68% below target.
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 6.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 15 from a baseline value
of 0. The independent verification has revealed that 1 mutual recognition of qualifications was agreed with
other countries in Year 3. The intermediate achievement was therefore 93% below target.
DLI 6.2: Guideline on how to facilitate the regional students' enrolment in EASTRIP developed
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 6.2 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 3 from a baseline value of
0. The independent verification has revealed that 1 guideline was developed during Year 3. The intermediate
achievement was therefore 67% below target.
DLI 7.1: Developing sustainable TVET financing strategy (ET); Establishing a national inter-
institutional collaboration framework for TVET (KE); Operationalizing National Qualifications
Framework (TZ)
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 7.1 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 3 from a baseline value of
0. The independent verification has revealed that 1 strategy / framework was developed during Year 3. The
intermediate achievement was therefore 67% below target.
DLI 7.2: Establishment of TVET quality assurance agency (ET); Development of a sustainable national
financing strategy for TVET (KE)
As per the PAD, the intermediate target for DLI 7.2 at the end of Year 3 (2021) was 1 from a baseline value of
0. The independent verification has revealed that 4 financing strategies were developed during Year 3. The
intermediate achievement was therefore 300% above target.
DLI 7.3: Conducting national TVET skills mapping (KE) and DLI 7.4: Developing a policy for regional
TVET integration (KE)
DLIs 7.3 and 7.4 are targeted to commence from Year 4 (2022) of project implementation and therefore the
PAD does not provide any targets for Year 3 (2021). The NPCUs also confirmed that no activities were
undertaken for these DLIs and therefore there were no achievements to report by end of Year 3.
Based on the information available, we have used the following approach in formulating our recommendations
for the financial disbursements:
i. Calculate a percentage weighting based on the total amount allocated to the DLI and the proportion of
the amount distributed to the six years of project duration as provided in the PAD;
ii. Distribute the financial allocations using the percentage weighting derived in (i) above to each of the
RFTI & NPCU by DLI for each year of project duration;
iii. Calculate the maximum disbursement by DLI for each RFTI and for each year of project
implementation based on the financial allocation derived in (ii) above.
iv. Calculate total disbursements under the DLI for the RFTI based on actual verified results and
apportioning it based on target values;
v. Where a RFTI achieves or exceeds its annual cumulative target, the maximum allocation is
recommended as disbursement. Where the cumulative target is not fully achieved, an amount
proportionate to the achievement is recommended for disbursements. In the case of the later, the
balance of the amount is carried forward to the next year and is added to the amount for
disbursements when the RFTI fully achieves the cumulative annual target for the previous year.
We have used the following performance rating system to indicate overall performance on the DLIs/DLRs.
1 Targets for DLI 3.5 are on an annual basis and not cumulative and therefore the value at the end of Year 2 does not
include baseline
Performance Rating
Country RFTI
DLI 2.1 DLI 3.1 DLI 3.2 DLI 3.3 DLI 3.4 DLI 3.5
Kombolcha TVET ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Polytechnic College Leading Strong Critical Critical Weak Critical
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Ethiopian Technical University
Strong Strong Strong Weak Weak Leading
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
DIT Mwanza Campus
Leading Critical Critical Weak Good Critical
DIT Dar es Salaam Main ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Campus Critical Weak Strong Critical Leading Leading
National Institute of ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Transport (NIT) Leading Good Good Critical Good Weak
KenGen Geothermal ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Training Center Leading Strong Strong Critical Leading Leading
1. Introduction
In recognition of the fact that a regional approach to developing specialised Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) skills can have a number of benefits and can complement existing national
skills and TVET programmes, in October 2018, the World Bank approved the East African Skills for
Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) with the East African countries of Ethiopia, Kenya
and Tanzania.
The project adopts the principles of Results Based Financing (RBF) and is designed using the financing
modality of Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs). Figure 1.1
illustrates the project implementation and institutional arrangements, which is designed to have three levels of
(i) At the TVET Institutional Level: 16 Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (RFTIs) (see Table 1.1) are
responsible for implementing the project through their Project Implementation Units (PIUs);
(ii) At the National Level: the National Project Coordination Unit (NPCU), established in each country’s
Ministry of Education, implements the national component and provides national level coordination;
(iii) At the Regional Level: the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) has been selected as the
Regional Facilitation Unit (RFU) to support RFTIs and NPCUs in project implementation.
The project aims to support the development of highly specialized TVET programs as well as industry-
recognized short-term certificate level training. It will train technicians and provide training of teachers/trainers
at the certificate, diploma and degree levels, targeting regional priority sectors that are in high demand such
as transport, energy, manufacturing, and ICT. Figure 1.2 illustrates the project development objective (PDO),
the result areas as well as the PDO-level and intermediate results indicators and the specific country
development objectives.
Figure 1.2: East African Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project
Overall Project
“Increase the access and improve the quality of TVET programs in selected Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (RFTIs) and to support regional integration in
Eastern Africa”
(a) PDO Indicator 1: Student enrolment at flagship TVET institutes (by type of program, by gender, and by country of origin)
PDO-level and (b) PDO Indicator 2: Graduate employment rates six months after graduation
(c) PDO Indicator 3: Number of demand-driven programs developed and accredited by national TVET accreditation agencies or certified by industries
indicators: (d) PDO Indicator 4: Number of qualifications developed that are bilaterally or regionally recognized
(e) PDO Indicator 5: Beneficiary satisfaction (student and sector employer surveys)
Project COMPONENT 2:
Strengthening selected Regional Flagship TVET Institutes Enhancing regional collaboration in TVET and project
Component Creating national TVET enabling environments
for highquality skills development in priority sectors coordination
1. Strengthening governance and management
2. Institutionalizing industry links 1. Strengthening national TVET quality assurance and 1. Harmonization of standards and mutual recognition of
3. Developing market relevant competency-based training industrial partnership qualifications for priority occupations
programs 2. Capacity building for TVET policy development and 2. Facilitating student and staff mobility through exchange
4. Training of TVET managers and teachers/ trainers implementation programs
5. Provision of key training facilities and equipment 3. Promoting regional integration 3. Regional project coordination and M&E
6. Outreach and support for nonproject national TVET 4. Facilitating national project coordination, and M&E
The objective of the Ethiopia part of EASTRIP is to increase
The objective of the Kenya part of EASTRIP is to increase The objective of the Tanzania part of EASTRIP is to increase
Country the access and improve the quality and
the access and improve the quality and relevance of TVET the access and improve the quality and relevance of TVET
Development relevance of TVET programs in the seven Ethiopia Regional
programs in the five Kenya Regional Flagship TVET programs in the four Tanzania Regional Flagship TVET
Objective Flagship TVET Institutes and to support
Institutes and to support regional integration in East Africa Institutes and to support regional integration in East Africa
regional integration in East Africa
Strengthening the 7 Regional Flagship TVET Institutes in Strengthening the 4 Regional Flagship TVET Institutes in
Strengthening the 5 Regional Flagship TVET Institutes in
Component 1 Ethiopia for high-quality skills development in priority Tanzania for high-quality skills development in priority
Kenya for high-quality skills development in priority sectors
sectors sectors
Component 2 Creating national TVET enabling environment in Ethiopia Creating national TVET enabling environment in Kenya Creating national TVET enabling environment inTanzania
• Ethiopian Technical
University Institute • KenGen Geothermal
• Hawassa TVET Polytechnic Training Center
College • Kenya Coast National • DIT Dar es Salaam
• Meles Zenawi Memorial Polytechnic Main Campus
Regional TVET Polytechnic College • Kisumu National • DIT Mwanza Campus
Flagship TEVT • General Wingate Polytechnic • Arusha Technical
Institutes Polytechnic College • Meru National College
• Kombolcha TVET Polytechnic • National Institute of
Polytechnic College • Kenya Institute of Transport
• Holeta TVET Polytechnic Highway and Building
College Technology
• Ethiopia Railway Academy
National Project • Ministry of Science and • Ministry of Education • Ministry of Education,
Coordination Higher Education2 Science and
Unit Technology
• TVET Authority • Vocational Education &
• TVET Curriculum Training Authority
• Ethiopian Technical Development (VETA)
National TVET University Agency Assessment and • National Council for
Authorities • Ministry of Science and Certification Council Technical Education
Higher Education (MoSHE) (CDACC) (NACTE)
• Kenya National • Tanzania Commission
Qualifications Authority for Universities (TCU)
To measure the progress of the project, a Results Framework and a list of DLIs and DLRs have been
prepared. As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the project monitors and reports on progress of the PDO-level
indicators, sub-PDO-level indicators, and intermediate results indicators in three results areas: (i) increasing
access to TVET programs; (ii) improving quality and relevance of TVET programs; and (iii) supporting regional
integration and regional economic corridors.
RFTIs are responsible for data collection for Component 1. At each RFTI, an M&E expert is responsible for
data collection and reporting. The NPCU in each country will collect data for the national component and
consolidate the data from all the RFTIs in that country. Further, the RFU is responsible for data collection from
all RFTIs and national components to provide consolidated monitoring and evaluation report for the EASTRIP
project RSC at the regional level.
Disbursements of funds against results requires the verification of reported achievements in the form of
DLIs/DLRs. The Project Appraisal Document (PAD) indicates that an Independent Verification Agency (IVA)
shall carryout independent verification of the reported results prior to disbursing funds to the project.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited (PwC) has been contracted by the IUCEA as the IVA to conduct
2 As of October 2014, the NPCU in Ethiopia has moved to the Ministry of Labour and Skills
independent verification of the achievement of results for DLIs/DLRs under Component 1 and 2. Verification is
a requirement before any withdrawal application and subsequent disbursement of funds to the RFTIs and
NPCUs under EASTRIP. The verification will also determine the scale of achievement and therefore the
amount of disbursement under these components.
Scope of work
As per the signed contract between PwC and IUCEA, the scope of work for the IVA under this assignment
includes the following:
• Design / develop a data collection tool for evaluating the DLIs/DLRs. The tool should be able to collect
the data in a way that correlates with the expected results framework in the DLIs/DLRs;
• Ensure that stakeholders including the implementing agencies obtain a clear understanding of the
tools developed for usage and limit future challenges;
• Conduct the verification exercise for the DLIs/DLRs every year in a transparent and independent
manner such that it provides robust evidence for decision-makers;
• Ensure proper procedures of cycle from data collection to verification, quality assurance, reporting
and verification report are adhered to.
1. Inception report;
3. Training of M&E Officers from RFTIs and NPCUs on the data collection tool and template;
All the data, together with supporting documents were provided by the NPCUs and RFTIs and the same
independently verified by the IVA. This data and supporting documents are provided to the IUCEA as the RFU
for records and future decision making.
The training sessions included a step-by-step walk through of the user journey from data collection for the
relevant DLIs/DLRs to data population on the data platform, provision of supporting documents and evidences
in support of the reported DLIs/DLRs to data analysis and reporting.
During the training, a number of comments and observations were raised by the participants, which we
clarified with the RFU and reverted back to the NPCUs and the RFTIs with the clarifications.
Impact of Covid-19
It is critical to our business that we continue to serve our clients during this disruptive period as efforts are
made to manage the spread of Covid-19. The measures you implement to protect your people will also impact
the way in which we interact with you. We have invested in the digital tools which will greatly aid us to achieve
this where we are restricted from travelling or working onsite. However, there will be nuances to each situation
which will have to be dealt with as they arise and we will agree on suitable arrangements with you in an
attempt to manage any impact these may have on our execution of the services.
2. Refined Verification
Approach and Methodology
Overview of our approach and methodology
The final revised approach and methodology for the independent verification of DLIs/DLRs under EASTRIP is
as illustrated in Figure 2.1 below, which is in three phases: Phase I: Inception; Phase II: Implementation; and
Phase III: Reporting.
Phases Activities
Inception Phase The objective of this phase was to re-establish close relationship between the
PwC and IUCEA teams to ensure shared vision and objectives and to seek a
clear understanding of what success will look like. During this phase, we
ensured that the project scope, the revised workplan and expected engagement
deliverables were agreed upon by all stakeholders. The tasks in this phase
included of the PwC team;
• Kick off meeting between IUCEA and PwC;
Phases Activities
• Desk review of relevant project documentation including: PAD, PID, Results
Framework, Financing Agreements amongst others;
• Review and refinement of the independent verification framework,
methodologies, tools and templates;
• Preparation and submission of the inception report.
Implementation Phase The objective of this phase was to review and refine the data collection tool,
train the M&E officers from the RFTIs and NPCUs on using the tool and conduct
the verification for Year 3 (July 2020 – June 2021) implementation to provide
quality data for decision making. The tasks in this phase will included:
• Stakeholder engagement;
• Review and refinement of the data collection tool and template;
• Training of M&E Officers from RFTIs and NPCUs on using the data
collection tool;
• Data collection and annual independent verification of DLIs/DLRs;
• Data analysis and reporting.
Reporting Phase The objective of this phase is to present the conclusions and recommendations
to the IUCEA, document lessons learnt and best practices for future
programmes of a similar nature. The tasks in this phase will include:
• Annual independent verification report;
• Presentation of the verification report at the stakeholders’ workshop;
• Handing over data collection tool and template;
• End of project report.
Round 2 of independent verification covers Year 3 i.e., activities undertaken by RFTIs and NPCUs during the
period 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021. We therefore used the results of DLIs and DLRs for Year 3, as reported
by the NPCUs and RFTIs, in the second round of independent verification. Table 2.2 below provides the
dates that correspond to the project implementation in the three countries.
Verification Methodology
The EASTRIP Project Appraisal Document provides the Results and Monitoring Framework, the DLI matrix as well as the verification protocol. Based on this,
we developed the methodology for verification of progress on DLIs/DLRs as will be reported by the NPCUs and RFTIs. Table 2.3 below provides the
verification methodology for the DLIs/DLRs as well as the supporting documents and data evidence check that will be used for the independent verification.
3 The project effectiveness date in Ethiopia was revised to 2 June 2019 as per the letter dated 28 February 2019 from the World Bank to the Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia.
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
DLI 2.1 Number of • Number of students enrolled at the • Student Enrolment Does supporting document Review the record of
student RFTI Record provide the following information: students enrolled,
enrolments at and conduct random
Regional • Number of students enrolled at • List of short-term • Full name of students checks by calling
RFTI on short-term program and long-term
Flagship TVET • Gender sample students
Institutes • Number of students enrolled at and/or conduct site
(RFTIs) in • Program name visits (where
RFTI on long-term program
Programs • Year of training feasible), and verify
aimed at • Number of female students the data against the
meeting skills enrolled at RFTI on short-term • Enrolment date reported results
needs of priority program
• Completion status
sectors • Number of female students
enrolled at RFTI on long-term • Students contact information
program (names, phone numbers,
emails, etc.)
• Number of regional students
enrolled at RFTI on short-term • Indication of students
program enrolling in priority sectors
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
• List/breakdown of • Breakdown of demand driven
long-term and short- programs by long-term and
term programs; short-term programs
• List of additional • List of additional students
students enrolled in enrolled in the programs
programs aimed at aimed at meeting skills needs
priority sectors of priority sectors
DLI 3.2 Number of • Number of teaching staff who have • List of Teaching Does supporting document Review list of
teaching staff in industrial attachment Staff Completing provide the following information: teaching staff who
regional Industrial have completed
flagship TVET • Number of female teaching staff • Details of teaching staff who industrial attachment
institutes who who have industrial attachment have completed industrial programs with
Programs, including
have industrial attachment programs evidence of
breakdown of
attachment gender • Industries’ certification of completion of
completion of industrial industrial attachment
• Certification of programs, and
attachment programs
Completion of evidence of
Industrial • Field Attachment Report or resumption of duty at
Attachment Letter (showing what has TVET institutes and
Programs been learned/covered) verify the data
• Field Attachment • Proof of teaching staffs’ against the reported
report or letter resumption of duty at RFTI results
after completion of
• Recommendation
Letter indicating • Distinction between male and
duration of industrial female staff who have
attachment completed the industrial
attachment programs
• Evidence of
resumption of duty at • Industry recommendation
RFTI letter/Invitation letter Query
on the duration of the
industrial attachment by the
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
DLI 3.3 Number of • Number of teaching staff from your • List of Teaching Does supporting document Review list of
teaching staff RFTI who undertook exchanges in Staff undertaking provide the following information: teaching staff who
who undertake another country? exchanges, including undertook
exchanges in • Details of teaching staff from exchanges, evidence
breakdown of
TVET institutes • Number of female teaching gender
RFTI who undertook of completion of
in another staff from the RFTI who exchanges exchange programs,
undertook exchanges in • Certification of
country • Completion certificate issued and resumption of
another country Completion issued his/her duty at TVET
by partner institutions
by partner
• Number of teachers that were institutions
indicating completion institutes, evidence
hosted at the RFTI whilst of signed contracts
• Report or Letter from staff
undertaking exchanges • Report or letter of key infrastructure
showing what has been procurements,
indicating what has
• Number of female teachers been learned during
learned/completed evidence of income
that were hosted at the RFTI generation and verify
exchange • Resume of staff indicating
whilst undertaking exchanges the data against the
attendance of the
• Evidence of reported results
• Number of signed contracts of resumption of duty at
key infrastructure RFTI • Proof of staffs’ resumption of
procurements for
duty at RFTI after completing
improvement of training • List of teaching that
attendance in the exchange
conditions at the RFTI were hosted whilst
undertaking • Details of teaching staff that
• Amount (USD) of income exchanges, including were hosted at the RFTI
generated by the RFTI breakdown of whilst undertaking exchanges
• Signed contracts of key
• Signed contracts for infrastructure procurements
key infrastructure
procurements • Income generation/financial
• Evidence of income
generation / financial
DLI 3.4 Number of • Number of MoUs signed with • Signed MoUs Does supporting document Review the signed
MoUs signed industries and partner institutions provide the following information: MoUs and the
with industries • At least a 2-year supporting evidence
and partner • Number of MoUs signed with partnership work • Signed MoUs with industries and verify the data
institutions industries
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
program attached to against the reported
• Number of MoUs signed with the signed MoU • Signed MoUs with partner results
partner institutions institutions
• Name and address of
partner/industry of signed
• Period of the MoUs
• Benefits of MoU to RFTI (e.g.,
placement for interns, joint
research, sharing trend in
technology, jobs creation for
graduates of RFTI, career
guidance for students of
RFTI, joint participation in
Tech-challenges or skills
competitions, visiting part
time teaching from industry,
• Minimum two-year
partnership work program
attached to the signed MoU
DLI 3.5 Tracer Study • Number of tracer studies • Published Tracer Does supporting document Review the study
Conducted conducted during the previous Studies Report, provide the following information: reports and the
Annually data collection period at your including URL or supporting evidence
• Published studies, URL or and verify the data
RFTI? screenshot of
screenshot of website where against the reported
published website
• Graduate employment rate reports are published results
(percentage %) six months after • Programs/Minutes of
• Programs/minutes of
graduation at your RFTI? Stakeholder
stakeholder consultations
• What is the graduate employment workshops
rate (percentage %) six months • Graduate
• Graduate employment rate
after graduation for female Employment Rate
(percentage %) six months
students at your RFTI? (%) six months after
after graduation, including a
graduation, including
breakdown of male and
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
breakdown of female graduate employment
gender rates (percentage %) reported
DLI 4.1 Occupational • Number of occupational standards • List of occupational Does supporting document Review a list of
standards in the in the EASTRIP priority sectors standards developed provide the following information: occupational
EASTRIP developed or updated by the or updated standards developed
priority sectors • Details of occupational or updated, and
developed or • Approval of standards developed or evidence of
updated occupational updated approval.
standards developed
• Evidence of approval Review some
or updated
• Evidence of process for samples of
• Design report or occupational
development or update
evidence of standards developed
development/update or updated and the
process process for the
development or
Verify the data
against the reported
DLI 5.1 Model curricula • Number of model curricula with • List of model Does supporting document Review a list of
with modern IT modern IT in EASTRIP priority curricula developed provide the following information: model curricula
in EASTRIP programs developed or reviewed with modern IT developed, model
priority program • Details of model curricula with curricula developed,
at your NPCU?
developed or • Evidence of approval modern IT developed or and evidence of
reviewed of developed model reviewed approval
• Approval of model curricula Review some
• Evidence of process developed or reviewed samples of model
for development
• Design report or evidence of curricula developed
development process and the process for
Verify the data
against the reported
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
DLI 6.1 Mutual • Number of mutual recognition of • Mutual Recognition Does supporting document Review the evidence
recognition of qualifications with other countries of Qualifications provide the following information: of mutual recognition
qualifications from your NPCU Agreed and of qualifications
with other • Mutual recognition of agreed and the
countries qualifications agreed process for it
• Design report or
agreed • Evidence of process Verify the data
evidence of
development against the reported
process results
DLI 6.2 Guideline on • Number of guidelines developed • Approved Guideline Does supporting document Review the evidence
how to facilitate by the NPCU on how to facilitate provide the following information: of the development
the regional the regional students' enrolment in • Design report or of the guideline and
students' evidence of • Evidence of development of the process for it
enrolment in development the guideline
process Verify the data
EASTRIP • Evidence of process against the reported
DLI 7.1 Developing • Number of national plans, policies, • Approved Plan / Does supporting document Review developed
sustainable or strategies developed and Policy / Strategy provide the following information: plan, policy, strategy,
TVET financing implemented by the NPCU the evidence of
strategy (ET) • Evidence of • Developed plan, policy, approval of the
• Number of enacted authorities Completion of strategy developed plan,
Establishing a completed and operationalized at Enactment
national inter- • Evidence of approval of the policy, or strategy,
the NPCU
institutional • Design report or developed plan, policy or and the evidence of
evidence of strategy implementation, or
development and the evidence of
framework for • Evidence of completion of completion of
TVET (KE) enactment
enactment of the authority enactment of the
Operationalizing • Evidence of authority, and the
• Evidence of process for
National implementation evidence of
development and enactment
Qualifications • Evidence of operationalization of
Framework (TZ) • Evidence of implementation the authority. Review
of the developed plan, policy the process of the
of strategy development and
• Evidence of operationalisation
of the authority
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
• Evidence of operationalisation Verify the data
of National Qualifications against the reported
Framework results
DLI 7.2 Establishment • Number of TVET quality • Approved Agency / Does supporting document Review the
of TVET quality assurance agencies established Strategy provide the following information: developed plan,
assurance and implemented at your NPCU policy, strategy, the
agency (ET) • Evidence of • Developed agency or strategy evidence of approval
• Number of sustainable national Completion of
Development of • Evidence of approval of the of the developed
financing strategies for TVET Enactment plan, policy, or
a sustainable developed agency or strategy
developed at your NPCU
• Design report or strategy, and the
national • Evidence of completion of evidence of
financing evidence of
enactment of the authority implementation, or
strategy for development and
enactment • Evidence of process for the evidence of
development and enactment completion of
• Evidence of enactment of the
implementation • Evidence of implementation authority, and the
of the developed agency or evidence of
• Evidence of
strategy operationalization of
the authority. Review
• Evidence of operationalisation
the process of the
of the authority
development and
Verify the data
against the reported
DLI 7.3 Conducting • Number of national TVET skills • Approved National Does supporting document Review the
national TVET mapping conducted at your NPCU TVET Skills Mapping provide the following information: developed skills
skills mapping map, evidence of
(KE) • Evidence of • National TVET skills mapping approval of the skills
Completion of
• Evidence of approval of the map, and the
Enactment evidence of
skills mapping
• Design report or implementation, or
• Evidence of process for the evidence of
evidence of
development and enactment completion of
development and
enactment enactment of the
DLI/DLR Description Actual values to be provided by the Supporting documents Data evidence check Verification
NPCUs & RFTIs in the data platform methodology
authority. Review the
• Evidence of • Evidence of implementation process of the
implementation of the skills mapping development
Verify the data
against the reported
DLI 7.4 Developing a • Number of policies for regional • Approved Policy Does supporting document Review the
policy for TVET integration developed? provide the following information: developed plan,
regional TVET • Evidence of policy, strategy, the
integration (KE) Completion of • Developed policy evidence of approval
• Evidence of approval of the of the developed
• Design report or developed policy plan, policy, or
evidence of strategy, and the
• Evidence of completion of evidence of
development and
enactment of the authority implementation, or
• Evidence of process for the evidence of
• Evidence of completion of
development and enactment
implementation enactment of the
• Evidence of implementation authority, and the
• Evidence of
of the developed policy evidence of
operationalization of
• Evidence of operationalisation
the authority. Review
of the authority
the process of the
development and
Verify the data
against the reported
Verification Process
In conducting the independent verification, we were guided by the verification protocol provided in the Project
Appraisal Document (PAD) and the verification methodology described in Table 2.3 above. The verification
process comprised of the following activities:
1) The RFTIs and the NPCUs provided results of actual progress against the DLIS/DLRs in the data
collection tool and provided documents in support of their claimed achievement;
2) IVA verified the reported results by reviewing the actual results in the data collection tool against the
supporting documents;
3) IVA also conducted phone verification by calling a sample of students and teaching staff confirming
their participation in the programme. Our target sample for the phone verification was 5% of the total
student population which was capped at 50 per RFTI. As part of the phone verification, we called
approximately 250 students for Year 3 verification.
4) IVA reviewed the EASTRIP Results Framework contained in the PAD, which provides the
intermediate targets for each of the DLI/DLR but aggregated at the project level. We therefore
obtained the Results Framework from the RFTIs and NPCUs to review the intermediate targets at the
institutional level. Thereafter we reviewed the actual reported results with the intermediate targets in
the RFTIs' & NPCUs' Results Frameworks;
5) Where targets were not achieved by the RFTIs & NPCUs, the IVA discussed the reasons for non-
achievement with the M&E Officers in the respective institutions. In addition, challenges encountered,
and lessons learnt by the RFTIs and NPCUs were also discussed with the M&E Officers and the focal
persons and documented by the IVA.
Section 3 of the report provides the results of the independent verification of Year 3.
Table 3.1: DLI 2.1 Baseline and Intermediate Targets as per the PAD and RFTIs’ Results Framework
RFTIs’ Results
At the end of Year 3, RFTIs reported to have enrolled 13,714 students. Through the independent verification,
we verified that 11,148 students were actually enrolled by end of Year 3. Table 3.2 below provides the target
and actual values reported by the RFTIs as well as the values verified by the IVA.
Table 3.2: Verification Results for DLI 2.1 - Number of student enrolment at RFTIs in programs aimed
at meeting skills needs of priority sectors
As illustrated in Figure 3.1, RFTIs reported a total enrolment of 13,714 students at the end of Year 3. The
independent verification revealed that the actual number of student enrolment at the end of Year 3 was
11,148, i.e., 81% of the reported number was verified to be correct. The verification results however varied
across the RFTIs in the three countries: in Ethiopia 96% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct;
in Tanzania 66% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct; and in Kenya 100% of the reported
numbers were verified to be correct.
Figure 3.1: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 2.1
12,000 11,148
8,000 7,351
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya Total
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTI, included the following:
• Ethiopian Technical University (Reported: 878 vs. Verified: 826): discrepancy due to students with
enrolment date in Year 4, continuing students enrolled in Year 3, and are continuing students,
duplicate entries and students enrolled in two different programs in the same year.
The following justifications were provided by the RFTI that was unable to achieve its intended results:
• Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA): The RFTI is in the process of recruiting teaching staff. Previously
the teaching staff were all industry practitioners who belong to a different department within the
Ethiopia Railway Corporation (ERC). The RFTI, the Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA), is a division
within ERC. The ERA division has made a request to the ERC to be established as an independent
TVET institute.
As illustrated in Figure 3.2 of the 11,148 verified students enrolled at the end of Year 3:
• 3,434 (31%) were enrolled on Short Term Programs which was 56% below the target of 7,807; and
• 7,714 (69%) were enrolled on Long Term Programs which was 29% above the target of 5,940.
Figure 3.2: Breakdown of Short-Term and Long-Term Students Enrolled at the end of Year 2
12,000 11,148
7,807 7,714
4,000 3,434
Short-Term Programs Long-Term Program Total
Target Actual
As illustrated in Figure 3.3 of the 3,434 verified students enrolled on Short Term Programs at the end of Year
• 973 (28%) were female students which was 34% short of the target of 1478; and
• 11 (0.9%) were regional students which was 96% short of the target of 251.
1,800 1,729
1,600 1,478
984 973
400 251
Total Female Students Regional Students
Target Actual
As illustrated in Figure 3.4 of the 7,407 verified students enrolled on Long Term Programs at the end of Year
• 2,145 (29%) were female students which was 27% above the target of 1,687; and
• 0 (0%) were regional students which was 100% short of the target of 154.
2,184 2,184
2,000 1,841
Total Female Students Regional Students
Target Actual
Figure 3.5: DLI 2.1 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
12000 11,148
10000 9372
8000 7230
Basline YR 1 Target Year 2 Target 1 Year 3 Target Actual Year 3 (Verified)
Table 3.3: DLI 3.1 Baseline and Intermediate Targets as per the PAD and RFTIs’ Results Framework
RFTIs’ Results
DLI 3.1 PAD Framework
Baseline 34 36
Against this, RFTIs reported to have developed 140 demand-driven programs in Year 3. Through the
independent verification, we verified that 112 demand-driven programs were actually developed and
accredited in Year 3. Table 3.4 below provides the target and actual values reported by the RFTIs as well as
the values verified by the IVA.
Table 3.4: Verification Results for DLI 3.1: Number of demand-driven programs developed and
accredited by national TVET accreditation agencies or certified by industries
Sub-Total Tanzania 45 27 27
Sub-Total Kenya 43 39 21
As illustrated in Figure 3.6, RFTIs reported a total of 140 demand-driven programs developed in Year 3. The
independent verification revealed that the actual number of demand-driven programs developed and
accredited in Year 3 was 112, i.e. 80% of the reported number was verified to be correct. The verification
results however varied across the RFTIs in the three countries: in Ethiopia, 86% of the reported numbers were
verified to be correct; in Tanzania 100% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct; and in Kenya
54% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct.
Figure 3.6: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 3.1
120 112
80 74
43 43
27 27
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya TOTAL
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTI, included the following:
• Meles Zenawi Memorial TVET College (Reported: 22 vs. Verified: 15): Since the target for this DLI is
cumulative, the RFTI included Year 1 and Year 2 achievements when reporting achievements.
• General Wingate Polytechnic College (Reported: 9 vs. Verified 6): Evidence provided by the RFTI
is not sufficient to show that three of the programs reported were accredited in Year 3 of the project.
The following reasons were provided by the RFTIs that were unable to achieve their intended targets:
• Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA): The RFTI is in the process of developing occupation standards
upon which programs will be developed.
As illustrated in Figure 3.7, of the 112 verified demand-driven programs developed in Year 3:
• 69 (62%) were Short Term Programs, which was 31% short of the target of 100; and
• 43 (38%) were Long Term Programs, which was 52% short of the target of 89.
Figure 3.7: Short Term and Long Term Demand-Driven Programs Developed at the end of Year 3
200 187
120 112
100 89
80 69
Total Short-term Long-term
Target Actual
Figure 3.8: DLI 3.1 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
250 233
50 34
Baseline YR1 Target YR2 Target YR3 Target Actual (Verified YR1,
YR2 & YR3) +
Baseline YR1 Target YR2 Target YR3 Target Actual (Verified YR1, YR2 & YR3) + Baseline
Table 3.5: DLI 3.1 Baseline and Intermediate Targets as per the PAD and RFTIs’ Results Framework
RFTIs’ Results
Baseline 8 8
Against this, RFTIs reported that there were 210 teachers with industrial attachment in Year 3. Through the
independent verification, we verified that there were 143 teachers with industrial attachment in Year 3. Table
3.6 below provides the target and actual values reported by the RFTIs as well as the values verified by the
Table 3.6: Verification Results for DLI 3.2: Number of teaching staff in regional flagship TVET
institutes who have industrial attachment
Sub-Total Tanzania 54 42 41
As illustrated in Figure 3.9, RFTIs reported a total of 210 teachers with industrial attachment at the end of
Year 2. The independent verification revealed that actual number of teachers with industrial attachment at the
end of Year 2 was 143, i.e. 68% of the reported number was verified to be correct across all the RFTIs in the
three countries.
Figure 3.9: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 3.2
122 116
100 90
52 49 54 53
42 41
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya TOTAL
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTI, included the following:
• Kombolcha TVET Polytechnic College (Reported: 5 vs. Verified: 2): two of the staff attachments
reported are two attachments of two weeks each at two different industries. One of the staff
attachments reported is under one month. According to the PAD, industrial attachment duration need
to be at least one month.
The following justifications were provided by the RFTIs that were unable to achieve their intended results:
• Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA): All teaching staff are primarily industry practitioners within the
Ethiopia Railway Corporation (ERC).
Figure 3.10: DLI 3.2 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
Baseline YR1 Target YR2 Target YR3 Target Actual (Verified YR1 + YR2 + YR3) and Baseline
Table 3.7: DLI 3.1 Baseline and Intermediate Targets as per the PAD and RFTIs’ Results Framework
RFTIs’ Results
Baseline 0 0
Against this, RFTIs reported to have 6 teachers who undertook exchanges. Through the independent
verification, we verified that there were 4 teachers who undertook exchanges in Year 3. Table 3.8 below
provides the target and actual values reported by the RFTIs as well as the values verified by the IVA.
Table 3.8: Verification Results for DLI 3.3: Number of teaching staff who undertake exchanges in//
TVET institutes in another country
Sub-Total Ethiopia 96 4 2
Sub-Total Tanzania 27 2 2
Sub-Total Kenya 19 0 -
TOTAL 142 6 4
As illustrated in Figure 3.11, RFTIs reported a total of 6 teaching staff who undertook exchanges in TVET
institutes in another county end of Year 3. The independent verification revealed that actual number of
teachers undertaking exchanges at the end of Year 3 was 4, i.e. 67% of the reported number was verified to
be correct across all the RFTIs in the three countries.
Figure 3.11: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 3.3
40 27
4 2 2 2 6 4
0 0
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya TOTAL
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTI, included the following:
• Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) (Reported: 4 v. Verified: 2): Two of the staff from Dar es
Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) were hosted at ETU from 30th July 2021 to 31st August 2021
which does not fall under Year 3 of the project and thus, the results should be counted for Year 4.
The following justifications were provided by the RFTIs that were not able to achieve their intended results:
• Hawassa TVET Polytechnic College: Due to COVID19 related travel restrictions, not having in place
harmonised curriculums, bilateral agreement and national guideline for staff and student exchanges. It
is the understanding of the RFTI that this should be facilitated by the NPCU and RFU.
• Kombolcha TVET Polytechnic College: Due to delays in the development of guidelines to facilitate
staff exchanges including hosting staff at the RFTI. In addition, the management team of the RFTI
does not perceive staff exchange, or capacity building activities in general, as a priority in terms of the
use of funds and would rather use the funds for infrastructure related projects.
• Meles Zenawi Memorial TVET Polytechnic College: Due to COVID19 related travel restrictions and
no regional facilitation in place. The RFTI provided an example of efforts to facilitate staff exchange
with one of the RFTIs in Tanzania, the National Institute of Transport (NIT). Following identification of
staff for the exchange and multiple correspondence with NIT the RFTI did not receive the expected
invitation letters to proceed further. NIT further indicated it had stopped academic interaction at that
• General Wingate Polytechnic College: Due to travel restrictions. In addition, there is no regional
framework developed by the NPCU and the RFU to enable staff exchange. Thus, proceeding with
staff exchange without a regional framework in place has raised liability concerns.
• Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA): Efforts to facilitate staff exchange could not proceed due to travel
• Holeta TVET Polytechnic College: Due to COVID19 related travel restrictions and no guideline for
staff exchange provided by the NPCU. The RFTI has concerns that proceeding without a guideline
from the NPCU may lead to liability issues.
Figure 3.12: DLI 3.3 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
Baseline YR1 Target YR2 Target YR3 Target Actual (Verified
YR1 & 2 & 3) +
Table 3.9: DLI 3.1 Baseline and Intermediate Targets as per the PAD and RFTIs’ Results Framework
RFTIs’ Results
Baseline 24 25
Against this, RFTIs reported to have 120 MoUs signed. Through the independent verification, we verified that
110 MoUs were actually signed in Year 3. Table 3.10 below provides the target and actual values reported by
the RFTIs as well as the values verified by the IVA.
Table 3.10: Verification Results for DLI 3.4: Number of MoUs signed with industries and partner
Sub-Total Kenya 73 55 41
Sub-Total Tanzania 30 26 26
Sub-Total Kenya 47 39 39
As illustrated in Figure 3.13, RFTIs reported a total of 120 MoUs signed at the end of Year 3. The
independent verification revealed that the actual number of MoUs signed at the end of Year 2 was 106, i.e.
88% of the reported number was verified to be correct. The verification results however varied across the
RFTIs in the three countries: in Ethiopia, 85% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct; and in
Tanzania and Kenya 100% of the reported numbers were verified to be correct.
Figure 3.13: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 3.4
160 150
80 73
60 55
41 39 39
40 30 26 26
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya TOTAL
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTIs, included the following:
• Hawassa TVET Polytechnic College (Reported: 12 vs. Verified:10): Two MoUs with no 2-year
partnership work program attached, one of which is also missing the date, thus it cannot be
determined whether it was signed during Year 3 of the project. The RFTI has confirmed it will resubmit
both MoUs next year with complete documentation.
• Kombolcha TVET Polytechnic College (Reported: 5 vs. Verified 3): One MoU is not dated and thus
it cannot be determined whether it was signed during Year 3 of the project. All the MoUs do not
included a signed 2-year partnership work program.
• Meles Zenawi Memorial TVET Polytechnic College (Reported: 13 vs. Verified: 9): Since the target
for this DLI is cumulative, the RFTI included Year 1 and Year 2 results when reporting achievements
for this DLI.
• General Wingate Polytechnic College (Reported: 12 vs. Verified: 7.5): One MoU was already
counted with results in Year 2 and one MoU has only been signed by the RFTI and not the other
parties to the agreement. In addition, partnership work programs were only shared for the two MoUs.
However, these work programs have only been signed and stamped by the RFTI.
• Ethiopian Technical University (Reported: 7 vs. Verified: 5): Although 7 MoUs were reported, 8
MoUs were attached as evidence by the RFTI. Of these, one MoU was signed in Year 4 of the project
and thus should be counted towards Year 4 results. One MoU is with a project TVET institute within
Ethiopia. According to the PAD, MoUs with partner institutes can only include non-project TVET
institutes in the country and partner institutions in foreign countries. In addition, no signed partnership
work programs were shared.
As illustrated in Figure 3.14, of the 106 verified MoUs signed at the end of Year 3:
• 54 (51%) were signed with Industries which was 37% short of the target of 86; and
• 52 (49%) were signed with Partner Institutions which was 19% short of the target of 64.
Figure 3.14: MoUs Signed with Industries and Partner Institutions at the end of Year 2
60 54 52
MOUs signed with Industries MOUs signed with Partner Institutions Total MOUs signed
Figure 3.15: DLI 3.4 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
Baseline YR1 Target YR2 Target YR3 Target Actual (Verified YR1 +
YR2 + YR3) and
Table 3.11: Verification Results for DLI 3.5: Tracer Study Conducted Annually
Sub-Total Ethiopia 7 6 5
Sub-Total Tanzania 6 9 3
Sub-Total Kenya 6 9 9
TOTAL 19 24 17
As illustrated in Figure 3.16, RFTIs reported a total of 24 tracer studies conducted in Year 3. The independent
verification revealed that actual number of tracer studies conducted in Year 3 was 17, i.e. 71% of the reported
number was verified to be correct. Whilst the verification results in Kenya was 100% correct, in Ethiopia 83%
of the reported numbers were verified to be correct and in Tanzania 33% of the reported numbers were
verified to be correct.
Figure 3.16: Target, Reported and Verified Values for DLI 3.5
25 24
20 19
10 9 9 9
6 6 6
Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya TOTAL
Some of the major discrepancies between the reported and verified figures that we noted during the
verification process, for which we sought explanation from the concerned RFTIs, included the following:
• General Wingate Polytechnic College (Reported: 1 vs. Verified: 0): No tracer study submitted as
evidence. The tracer study is currently in draft stage and the RFTI will share it once the validation
workshop is conducted along with the URL/website where it will be published. The study was
commenced late as graduation of students was pushed to March/April 2021 due to COVID19.
The following justifications were provided by the RFTIs that were not able to achieve their intended results:
• Meles Zenawi Memorial TVET Polytechnic College: RFTI has procured a consultant to conduct
tracer studies for Year 1 and Year 2. Studies are already underway and the RFTI expects these to be
completed in the coming 2 months. Thus, the results if completed accordingly will be counted towards
results for Year 4 of the project.
• Kombolcha TVET Polytechnic College: Due to long procurement process, including cancellation
and reissuing of the RFP to conduct a tracer study.
• Ethiopia Railway Academy (ERA): Per the justification provided for DLI2.1, the RFTI had no student
enrolment in Year 3. Thus, no tracer study was not conducted.
Figure 3.17: DLI 3.5 Actual Results at the end of Year 3 (2021)
Target Actual (Verified)
Table 3.12: Verification Results for DLI 4.1: Occupational standards in the EASTRIP priority sectors
developed or updated
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that the Ministry was in the process of procuring a consultant to
Develop/Revise Occupational Standards in EASTRIP priority sectors. There was a very long delay from the
Ministry’s side in approving committee members for the technical evaluation of proposals for this assignment.
Currently, the combined evaluation report is being reviewed by the World Bank for the final notification of the
consultant that has won the assignment.
Table 3.13: Verification Results for DLI 5.1: Model curricula with modern IT in EASTRIP priority
program developed
TOTAL 28 9 9
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that the Ministry of Labour and Skills (where NPCU now sits) planned to
implement this DLI in FY 2021/2022 as per its approved annual work plan.
Table 3.14: Verification Results for DLI 6.1: Mutual recognition of qualifications with other countries
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that various workshops have been conducted at the regional level with the
IUCEA and all three participating countries (Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania) to align on the mutual qualification
framework. The final workshop is scheduled for November 2021.
Table 3.15: Verification Results for DLI 6.2: Guideline on how to facilitate the regional students'
enrolment in EASTRIP developed
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that the national and regional guideline has been discussed and validated
with the IUCEA and the two other countries of EASTRIP. The final guideline on how to facilitate the regional
students’ enrolment in EASTRP has been developed and validated by all relevant stakeholders in Ethiopia.
However, the Minister is yet to approve this guideline to disseminate to RFTIs and finalise this DLI.
Table 3.16: Verification Results for DLI 7.1: Developing sustainable TVET financing strategy (ET);
Establishing a national inter-institutional collaboration framework for TVET (KE); Operationalizing
National Qualifications Framework (TZ)
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that a consultant has been selected and contract negotiation finalised to
develop the TVET Financing Strategy. The leadership of the Ministry of Labour and Skills is yet to sign off on
the contract in order to commence the assignment and finalise this DLI.
Table 3.17: Verification Results for DLI 7.2: Establishment of TVET quality assurance agency (ET);
Development of a sustainable national financing strategy for TVET (KE)
The NPCU in Ethiopia indicated that the procurement process to engage a consultant to undertake this
assignment failed due to exaggerated price submission which exceeded the approved budget by three times
the amount in the World Bank’s procurement system (STEP). Thus, the Ministry’s leadership has decided to
undertake this activity in-house and has completed two validation workshops thus far with respect to
Education Quality Assurance Agency. Construction of the building for the agency has reached the stage of
final World Bank review prior to notifying the winning contractor. Furthermore, according to the NPCU,
disbursement entitlement for this DLI should be due in FY 2021/2022.
4. Financial Disbursements
EASTRIP Adopts Results-Based Financing Modality
The EASRTIP project adopts the principle of Results Based Financing (RBF) and is designed using the
financing modality of Disbursements Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursements Linked Results (DLRs).
The Project Appraisal Document (PAD) indicates that “financing to the flagship TVET institutes will be
channelled through the RBF approach with DLIs linking the funding with a mix of output and process
indicators aligned with the objectives of access, quality, and regional integration”.
Our review of the EASTRIP Results Framework in the PAD indicates that:
1) The intermediate targets have been provided at DLI level for each of the six years duration of the
project but aggregated at project level i.e. targets are not provided by RFTI & NPCUs;
2) Financial disbursements are allocated for each DLI with a breakdown for each of the six years of
project duration;
3) Financial disbursements are further disaggregated at country and RFTI & NPCU level.
During the independent verification, we obtained copies of the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) and the
Results Framework from each of the RFTI & NPCU that provides targets by DLI for each year of the project’s
i. Calculate a percentage weighting based on the total amount allocated to the DLI and the proportion of
the amount distributed to the six years of project duration as provided in the PAD (Pages 63 – 75)
ii. Distribute the financial allocations using the percentage weighting derived in (i) above to each of the
RFTI & NPCU by DLI for each year of project duration;
iii. Calculate the maximum disbursement by DLI for each RFTI and for each year of project
implementation based on the financial allocation derived in (ii) above.
iv. Calculate total disbursements under the DLI for the RFTI based on actual verified results and
apportioning it based on target values
v. Where a RFTI achieves or exceeds its annual cumulative target, the maximum allocation is
recommended as disbursement. Where the cumulative target is not fully achieved, an amount
proportionate to the achievement is recommended for disbursements. In the case of the latter, the
balance of the amount is carried forward to the next year and is added to the amount for
disbursements when the RFTI fully achieves the cumulative annual target for the previous year.
Table 5.1 below provides an illustration of how we have provided recommendations for financial
disbursements based on our understanding, assumptions and proposal above. We have used DLI 2.1 and
ATC as the RFTI in Tanzania in the illustration.
DLI 2.1: Number of Students Enrolled in BASELINE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 TOTAL
Flagship TVET Institutes 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Intermediate Targets - Cumulative
As per the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) 6,971 7,230 9,372 11,947 15,579 19,475 0 19,475
Intermediate Target - Per Year (Calculated) 259 2,142 2,575 3,632 3,896 0 12,504
Percentage Allocation (Calculated) (A) 11.48% 15.23% 19.91% 24.16% 29.22% 0 100%
Percentage Allocation (Calculated) (B) 11.48% 15.23% 19.91% 24.16% 29.22% 0 100%
DLI 2.1: Number of Students Enrolled in BASELINE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 TOTAL
Flagship TVET Institutes 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
DIT Dar Cumulative 896 896 1,700 2,550 3,400 4,250 0 4,250
Total Cumulative Targets 1,451 1,648 2,935 4,115 5,282 6,411 0 6,411
5. Conclusions and
The IVA successfully conducted the independent verification of DLIs/DLRs for Year 3 (2021) implemented by
the 16 RFTIs and the 3 NPCUs under the EASTRIP project. In this section, we provide a summary of
achievements under the various DLIs/DLRs, a comparison with the targets and conclusion on the variance
between the targets and actual achievement.
We have used a performance rating system to indicate overall performance on the DLIs/DLRs. Table 5.1
below provides the ratings and the description. It should be noted that:
• DLIs/DLRs with Leading or Strong Performance should be considered for some financial and/or
non-financial incentives or other rewards and recognition.
• DLIs/DLRs with Good Performance should be continuously monitored to ensure they are
progressing towards Strong Performance.
• DLIs/DLRs with Weak and Critical Performance require immediate attention and should be provided
with the required interventions to bring them on track towards Good Performance.
Thereafter, based on the approach provided in Section 5, we provide a recommendation for the financial
disbursements based on the achievements under each DLI/DLR.
DLI 2.1: Number of student enrolment at RFTIs in programs aimed at meeting skills
needs of priority sectors
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of students enrolled was 11,148, i.e., the target of 11,947
students was not met by 7%. RFTIs did not achieve the target for students on short-term programs by 46%;
however, RFTIs exceeded the target for student enrolment on long-term programs by 39%. Furthermore, the
achievement of female students on short-term programs was 64% of the target and on long-term programs it
was 136% of the target. However, the enrolment rate of regional students on short-term programs was only
4%. It is noteworthy that none of the RFTIs enrolled any regional students on long-term programs.
Table 6.1: PAD Target Vs. Actual Achievement for DLI 2.1
DLI 3.1: Number of demand driven programs developed and accredited by National
TVET accreditation agencies or certified by industries
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of demand driven programs developed by RFTIs and accredited
by National TVET accreditation agencies or certified by industries were 233 (Baseline + YR1 actual
achievement + YR2 actual achievement + YR3 actual achievement). The achievement was 15% above the
target of 203.
The target was surpassed mainly because of increase in development of long-term demand driven programs
by RFTIs which totalled 143 at the end of Year 3, thus surpassing the target by 115%.
Short-Term Long-Term
Programs Programs
Target 203 106 100
Actual 233 90 143
(Under)/Over Achievement 30 (16) 43
Percentage Achievement Actual
Vs Target 115% 65% 143%
DLI 3.2: Number of teaching staff in regional flagship TVET institutes who have
industrial attachment
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of teaching staff in RFTIs who had industrial achievements was
182, i.e., the achievement was 14% below the target of 212.
DLI 3.3: Number of teaching staff who undertake exchanges in TVET institutes in
another country
4% Critical Performance ⚫
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of teaching staff in RFTIs who had undertaken exchanges in
TVET institutes in another country was 5, i.e., the achievement was 96% below the target of 129.
DLI 3.4: Number of MOUs signed with industries and partner institutions
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of MOUs signed by RFTIs was 199, i.e., the achievement
exceeded the target of 145 by 37%.
MOUs signed with Partner Institutions exceeded the target by 17%; whilst those signed with Partner
Institutions were 9% below target.
At the end of Year 3 (2021), the total number of Tracer Studies conducted by RFTIs was 17, i.e., the
achievement was 37% above the target of 16.
The NPCU in Kenya achieved and or exceeded its targets under DLI 4.1, DLI 5.1, DLI 6.1, DLI 6.2, DLI 7.1
and DLI 7.2.
However, NPCUs in Ethiopia and Tanzania did not achieved any targets under any of the DLIs from 4.1 to
7.2. The NPCU in Kenya also did not achieve the target under DLI 6.1.
Targets under DLIs 7.3 and 7.4 were not achieved as these DLIs were targeted to commence from Year 4
(2022) onwards.
YEAR 2 DLI 2.1 DLI 3.1 DLI 3.2 DLI 3.3 DLI 3.4 DLI 3.5 Total
Hawassa TVET
162,326 579,437 217,321 0 621,208 618,552 2,198,844
134,887 312,585 63,308 0 172,347 400,423 1,083,550
Meles Zenawi
Memorial TVET
276,276 433,483 365,805 0 418,259 0 1,493,823
General Wingate
Polytechnic 272,782 200,069 365,805 0 464,733 462,746 1,766,135
Ethiopia Railway
0 0 0 0 40,214 0 40,214
Holeta TVET
Polytechnic 308,196 521,851 538,238 0 683,798 0 2,052,083
337,799 574,268 568,414 135,798 777,684 774,359 3,168,322
1,492,266 2,621,693 2,118,891 135,798 3,178,243 2,256,080 11,802,971
Arusha Technical
485,380 338,822 400,292 0 508,546 506,372 2,239,412
YEAR 2 DLI 2.1 DLI 3.1 DLI 3.2 DLI 3.3 DLI 3.4 DLI 3.5 Total
DIT Dar es
Salaam Main 0 189,740 320,233 0 635,351 506,372 1,651,696
DIT Mwanza
485,380 0 0 177,603 508,506 0 1,171,489
National Institute
634,728 429,441 287,902 0 354,678 662,178 2,368,927
of Transport
1,605,488 958,003 1,008,427 177,603 2,007,081 1,674,922 7,431,524
Kenya Coast
National 322,591 0 266,040 0 337,987 336,542 1,263,160
Kenya Institute of
Highway and
146,015 0 6,651 0 337,987 336,542 827,195
Kisumu National
273,557 0 266,040 0 139,171 336,542 1,015,310
Meru National
322,591 0 266,040 0 337,987 336,542 1,263,160
Geothermal 15,281 275,853 236,480 0 337,987 336,542 1,202,143
Training Center
YEAR 2 DLI 4.1 DLI 5.1 DLI 6.1 DLI 6.2 DLI 7.1 DLI 7.2 Total
7.3 7.4
NPCU Ethiopia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NPCU Tanzania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0