APPLIED Practical Research 2 Q1Week4
APPLIED Practical Research 2 Q1Week4
APPLIED Practical Research 2 Q1Week4
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Quarter 1—Week 4
State research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4)
Indicate scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5)
Present written statement of the problem (CS_RS12-Id-e-7)
Ready to Launch!
When doing a research, your goal is to help people understand better phe-
nomena, human interactions, human behaviour and other events in daily life. With
this in mind, the researcher’s formulation of research questions if of primary im-
The scope and delimitation of the study sets parameters of the problem in-
quiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry. These should be set to help the
researcher/s know the boundaries of his/her own study.
Try This!
Task 1. Develop a research design for your research study. Provide a framework or
template to help minimize uncertainties you might have about how to proceed in
dealing with future problems. Do this on your answer sheet.
General Problem
Specific Problem/s
Keep This in Mind!
Developing Research Questions according to Monash University (2020)
1. Clear and focused.
Questions should clearly state what the researchers need to do
2. Not too broad and not too narrow
Questions should have an appropriate scope
3. Not to easy to answer
Questions should require more than a simple yes or no
4. Not to difficult to answer
It should be answer thoroughly within the given timeframe and word limit
5. Researchable
Should have access to suitable amount of quality research materials
6. Analytical rather than descriptive.
Research questions should allow the researcher to produce an analysis o
f an issue rather than a simple description
In most research designs, the statement of the problem includes the following
The introduction that states briefly the rationale of the research problem.
Usually it begins with a general statement and then focuses on the specific
The statement of the problem that clearly states the interest and purpose
of the study.
The scope and delimitation of the study sets parameters of the problem
inquiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry. These should be set to help
the researcher/s know the boundaries of his/her own study.
The significance of the study shows the benefits of the study in address-
ing the problems.
Examples of Statement of the Problems:
Task 2. Analyse each Research Problem and make a comment or recommendation for the im-
provement of the Problem based on the earlier notes provided in this module.
The scope and delimitation sets the boundaries and the pa-
rameters of the study.
Task 3. Make your official hashtag for this module. Write your hashtag by completing
the statement.
_______________1. The statement of the problem should be clear and focused.
________________2. The significance of the study is the section where boundaries of
the research should be stated.