APPLIED Practical Research 2 Q1Week4

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Most Essential Learning Competency:
Quarter 1—Week 4
State research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4)
Indicate scope and delimitation of study (CS_RS12-Id-e-5)
Present written statement of the problem (CS_RS12-Id-e-7)
Ready to Launch!
When doing a research, your goal is to help people understand better phe-
nomena, human interactions, human behaviour and other events in daily life. With
this in mind, the researcher’s formulation of research questions if of primary im-
The scope and delimitation of the study sets parameters of the problem in-
quiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry. These should be set to help the
researcher/s know the boundaries of his/her own study.

Aim at the Target!

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

• Understand the specificity and feasibility of the problem
• Formulate clearly the statement of research problem

Try This!
Task 1. Develop a research design for your research study. Provide a framework or
template to help minimize uncertainties you might have about how to proceed in
dealing with future problems. Do this on your answer sheet.

General Problem

Specific Problem/s
Keep This in Mind!
Developing Research Questions according to Monash University (2020)
1. Clear and focused.
Questions should clearly state what the researchers need to do
2. Not too broad and not too narrow
Questions should have an appropriate scope
3. Not to easy to answer
Questions should require more than a simple yes or no
4. Not to difficult to answer
It should be answer thoroughly within the given timeframe and word limit
5. Researchable
Should have access to suitable amount of quality research materials
6. Analytical rather than descriptive.
Research questions should allow the researcher to produce an analysis o
f an issue rather than a simple description

In most research designs, the statement of the problem includes the following
The introduction that states briefly the rationale of the research problem.
Usually it begins with a general statement and then focuses on the specific

The statement of the problem that clearly states the interest and purpose
of the study.

The scope and delimitation of the study sets parameters of the problem
inquiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry. These should be set to help
the researcher/s know the boundaries of his/her own study.

The significance of the study shows the benefits of the study in address-
ing the problems.
Examples of Statement of the Problems:

Title of the Study : Efficacy of Calcined and Raw Lampirong (Placuna

placenta) Shells in the Bio absorption of Potassium
Dichromate (Jalbuna et al., 2019)
Statement of the Problem:
Generally, this study aims to know the efficacy of calcined and raw pow-
dered lampirong shells in bioremediation of potassium dichromate.
Specifically, this study aims to answer these following questions:
1. What is the efficacy of calcined and raw lampirong shells in bioremedia-
tion of potassium dichromate?
2. Is there any significant difference between the means of concentration of
potassium dichromate in blank, calcined and raw lampirong shells?
Scope and Delimitation:
This study aimed to assess the efficacy of calcined and raw Placuna placen-
ta shells in the bioremediation of potassium dichromate. The shells were gath-
ered from Katagman Beach Resort, Oton, Iloilo. It was cleaned using distilled
water, and was air-dried for eight hours. The shells were then powdered and
calcined. The calcined and raw shells were mixed into the potassium dichor-
mate solutions and were filtered. The filtrates were then analyzed by a UV-Vis
Spectrophometer. This study was conducted at Bio-Organic Laboratory in Uni-
versity of the Philippines Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo in the month of August-
September 2018.
Significance of the Study
The sole purpose of this study is to know efficacy of calcined and raw lam-
pirong shells in the bioremediation of potassium dichromate. This research
may offer empirical significance to the different sectors namely;
To the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, this can ben-
efit to minimize the problem in water pollution.
To the owners of food establishments and resorts, this can help in the dis-
posal of lampirong shells.
To the society, this will help lessen the diseases or health disturbances
caused by the contaminant.
Title of Study: Offline Simulations in Teaching General Chemistry I (Erazo,
Statement of the Problem:
The main purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of com-
puter simulations as an instructional strategy in teaching Chemistry among
Grade 11 Senior High School Learners of Oton National High School in the
School Year 2019-2020 based on results of pre-test-post-test examinations.
Specifically, the study aims to seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is pretest and posttest mean scores of learners subjected to computer
simulation and conventional instructional method?
2. What is the mean gain score of the learners subjected to computer simula-
tion and conventional instructional method?
3. Is there a significant difference in pretest and posttest means scores of the
learners subjected to computer simulation and conventional instructional
4. What actions should be undertaken after assessing the effectiveness teaching
with computer simulations as an institutional strategy?
Scope and Delimitation:
This action research utilized the true experimental method using pretest-
posttest control group design to assess the effectiveness of computer simula-
tion as an effective tool and the possible effect to the mean gain scores on the
achievement of learners against the traditional conventional strategy by the
teacher-researcher in teaching General Chemistry I in the Grade 11 STEM
Class enrolled for the school year 2019-2020 in Oton National High School.

Significance of the Study

This action research aims to access computer simulation as a tool against
the traditional conventional strategy in teaching General Chemistry I. This re-
search may offer empirical significance to the different sectors namely;
To the school administrator, the results of this study could help in the as-
sessment and adaptation of new methods in teaching the learners effectively.
To remote schools, this could be an alternative way in teaching the learn-
ers effectively without the need of lacking laboratory equipment in the labora-
To the future researchers, this could be an basis in exploring other fields
that could use offline simulations a substitute for actual laboratory set-up.

Task 2. Analyse each Research Problem and make a comment or recommendation for the im-
provement of the Problem based on the earlier notes provided in this module.


What is the level of knowledge of Grade level should be specified

Senior High School learners towards

leptospirosis when grouped to grade
1. What is the pretest and posttest
mean scores of learners ?

2. Is there any significant difference

in the level of knowledge of grade 11
and 12 learners?

3. How much electricity can the

Ocean generate from salt water?
Abstract and Generalization

The statement of the problem is clearly shown through research

questions which will show the focus and direction of the study.

The scope and delimitation sets the boundaries and the pa-
rameters of the study.

The significance of the study cites the benefits of the study

to specific beneficiaries.


Task 3. Make your official hashtag for this module. Write your hashtag by completing
the statement.


I wrote this hashtag because…

Reinforcement & Enrichment
Write your Statement of the Problem. Use separate sheet/s if necessary.

Assess Your Learning

_______________1. The statement of the problem should be clear and focused.
________________2. The significance of the study is the section where boundaries of
the research should be stated.

________________3. Research questions should allow the researcher to produce

descriptions out from analyse data.

________________4. “What is the satisfaction level of learners ? “ is a good

research question.
_______________5. Research questions that could be answerable by Yes or No is
highly encourage.

References & Photo Credits

Developing Research Questions. (2020, August) Retrieved from https://
Prieto NG, Naval VC, and Carey TG. 2017. Practical Research 2, Lorimar Pub-
lishing Inc. ISBN 978-621-8035-18-8

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