Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Spring, 2024
~ E,
1. What are the SI units of D, ~ B,
~ H,
~ µ and ?
(a) V = x2 + y2 + z2 (d) V = x2 y3 z4
4. {Optional} Using scikit-vector-fields library, for the functions given in the above question,
(i) Define and plot the scalar functions. (in 2D or 3D, as you deem fit.)
(ii) Use the library to compute the gradient of these functions. Plot the vector fields, in 2D or 3D, as you deem
(iii) Use the library to plot the vector fields that you computed for Question-1 above. Compare the vector field
from your analytical expression and the gradient computed by the library.
You may have to look up how to transform vectors from one coordinate system to the other to represent vectors in
Cartesian coordinates.
6. {Optional} Using scikit-vector-fields library, for the functions given in the above question,
(i) Define and plot the vector fields. (in 2D or 3D, as you deem fit.)
(ii) Use the library to compute the divergence of these functions. Plot the vector fields, in 2D or 3D, as you
deem fit.
(iii) Use the library to plot the scalar functions that you computed for Question-3 above. Compare your analytical
expression and the divergence computed by the library.
You may have to look up how to transform vectors from one coordinate system to the other to represent vectors in
Cartesian coordinates.
(a) F~ = x2 x̂ + 3xz2 ŷ − 2xzẑ (d) F~ = 2r cos θ cos φr̂+ ryφ.
ˆ (Spherical coordinate)
(b) F~ = xy x̂ + 2yzŷ + 3zxẑ (e) F~ = ρz ρ̂ + ρ sin φφ̂ + 2ρz sin2 φẑ
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8. {Optional} Using scikit-vector-fields library, for the functions given in the above question,
(i) Define and plot the vector fields. (in 2D or 3D, as you deem fit.)
(ii) Use the library to compute the curl of these functions. Plot the vector fields, in 2D or 3D, as you deem fit.
(iii) Use the library to plot the scalar functions that you computed for Question-3 above. Compare your analytical
expression and the curl computed by the library.
You may have to look up how to transform vectors from one coordinate system to the other to represent vectors in
Cartesian coordinates.
~ = x3 x̂ + x2 yẑ. What is the volume charge density? What is the total charge
9. The electric flux density is given as D
enclosed in a cube of side 2m, placed at the origin with its sides along the coordinate axes.
10. A vector field is given below.
F~ = x2 y x̂ + yz2 ŷ + f (x, y, z)ẑ
What can be the function f (x, y, z), if the field has to represent magnetic flux density B.
11. A medium has conductivity of σ = 104 . If the conduction current density is Jc = 20 cos(ω0 t) A/m2 , then what is
the displacement current density, if its dielectric constant of the medium is r = 9.8. In a medium the conduction
current density is due to the electric field, such J~ = σE.
~ r)?
12. A volume charge density ρ(~r) is moving with velocity ~vd . What is the current density J(~
13. Consider a current loop of radius a0 , located at in the x−y plane at z = 0, carrying I0 current. Derive the expression
for magnetic vector potential A ~ in the space around. Compute the magnetic field H, ~ using A.
~ You may take the
static equation governing the magnetic potential (Poisson’s equation). {Optional: Plot the fields (in 2D or 3D)
using scikit-vector-fields library.}
14. Two opposite and equal static point charges, +q and −q are located at x = d/2 and x = −d/2, essentially forming a
dipole. Compute the electric scalar potential at a distance ~r from the center of the two charges. Derive the electric
field in the space around the dipole. What will be the two expressions when |~r| d. {Optional: Plot the fields (in
2D or 3D) using scikit-vector-fields library.}
15. Suppose now that the dipole is rotating around z − axis at an angular frequency ω0 . What will be the electric field
and magnetic field at a distance |~r| d.
16. In the above question, consider the current in the loop to be time-varying sinusoidal i.e. let current be I(t) =
I0 cos(ω0 t). What is the magnetic field in the space around? What is the electric field in the space around? Note
that now you have to use the general time-dependent equation governing (d’Alembertian). {Optional: Plot the
fields (in 2D or 3D) using scikit-vector-fields library.}
17. Given a time-varying current distribution, there are two ways of computing the electric field induced due to time-
varying current.
#1 (a) Compute the magnetic vector potential A,~ using the Green’s function and given current distribution.
(b) Compute the magnetic field H ~ using curl of A.
(c) Compute the electric field E~ by computing the curl of H.
#2 (a) Compute the Magnetic vector potential A, ~ using the Green’s function and given current distribution.
(b) Use the Lorentz gauge condition to get electric scalar potential V from the divergence of A.
(c) Use the expression for electric field E in terms of gradient of electric vector potential V, and the time-
derivative of magnetic scalar potential A.
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~ Assume time-harmonic
Can you show that both the approaches #1 and #2 will give you the same value of E?
fields, and replace ∂t → jω in your proof.
18. Consider the charging of a capacitor in a simple series RC circuit by a unit-step voltage Vin (t) = V0 u(t), where
u(t) is the unit-step signal. From your earlier courses, you must be able to write the expression for the current
charging the capacitor. Assume parallel plate capacitor with circular plates of radius rc , separated by a distance d,
~ t) in the plane in between the
and filled with dielectric constant of r . Find the expression for magnetic field H(r,
two circular parallel plates, as a function of time and radial distance ~r from the line joining the center of the two
19. At air dielectric interface the electric field in the air has a magnitude 50 V/m, and makes an angle 45◦ with the
normal to the surface. If the direction of the electric field in the dielectric medium is 30◦ from the normal, in the
same plane, then what is the dielectric constant (r ) of the medium?
20. A point charge Q is placed at a height d above an infinitely large perfectly electric conductor (PEC) sheet. From
the boundary conditions, justify why you can replace the PEC with an equal and opposite charge placed at −d,
below the sheet. What is the electric field and surface charge density on the sheet? Is the surface charge density
uniform? Discuss and debate the answer and the reason with your friends.
21. The electric field in a source free medium with = 90 and µ = 25µ0 is given by,
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