E csr07 All
E csr07 All
E csr07 All
wants to exist
C S R Report
Publication Policy
Safety Philanthropy
Operations Environmental
7 Corporate Outline 7
9 Corporate Governance 9
FY2007 Highlights
13 Striving to be a company society wants to exist
Our Vision of Environmental Technology 21
1. Potential of the next-generation diesel engine
Striving to be a company 2. Advanced motorcycle environmental technology
society wants to exist 3. Powered by Honda: energy conservation in the home
37 Chapter
Looking After the Environment
The Honda Environment Statement 38
Assessing Environmental Impact of Corporate Activities,
Policy Initiatives 39
Environmental Management 40
2010 Global CO2 Emissions Reductions
Targets and FY2007 Results 41
FY2011 Targets for Japan 42
Mid-Term and Annual Targets and Results 43
Major Initiatives in FY2007 45
47 Chapter
Looking After Our Stakeholders
Our Customers 48
Our Suppliers 53
Our Associates 55
Our Shareholders and Investors 62
65 Chapter
Looking After Communities
The Purpose of Honda Philanthropy 66
FY2007 Honda Philanthropy: Highlights 67
Vision 2010
Customers Associates
Quality and
Honda Philosophy
Automobiles Motorcycles
• Passenger Vehicles • Scooters
• Commercial Vehicles • Sports Motorcycles
• Special Needs Vehicles • Commuter Motorcycles
• Utility Vehicles • ATVs
• Personal Watercraft
10,482 10,271 10,369
6,000 5,876
Power Products 4,584
2,983 3,242 3,391
3,000 2,888
• Power Product Engines
• Tillers
• Marine Outboards FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007
• Lawnmowers
* Does not include production/sales of Honda-brand motorcycles overseas by equity-method
affiliates with respect to which no parts manufactured by Honda or its affiliates have been
Production Facilities
Research & Development Facilities
Sales & Other Facilities
Sales by region
Overseas 6,222,793 6,534,107 6,950,900 8,213,952 9,405,950
(millions of yen)
Driving Safety Promotion Center Regional Sales Regional Regional Regional Operations Regional Regional
Operations Operations (North/ Operations (Europe/Middle Operations Operations
Corporate Planning Division (Japan) Central America) (South America) East/Africa) (Asia/Oceania) (China)
Corporate Communications
Division Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional
New Business Development and Operating Board Operating Board Operating Board Operating Board Operating Board Operating Board
Planning Office
Aero Engine Business Planning Office
Motorcycle Operations
Automobile Operations
Power Product Operations
Customer Service Operations
Production Operations Japan Factories
Purchasing Operations
Business Support Operations
Business Management Operations
Corporate Projects
In FY2007 Honda appointed Azsa & Co. as its functional operations, with the aim of increasing Honda’s
independent auditor for the purposes of Japan’s Company operational efficiency.
Law and Securities and Exchange Law, as well as the US Research and development activities are conducted
Securities Exchange Act. principally at Honda’s independent subsidiaries. Honda
R&D Co., Ltd. is responsible for product research and
Business Execution System development, while Honda Engineering Co., Ltd. handles
• Organization research and development in the area of production
Honda has six administrative regions around the world to technology. The Honda Group proactively conducts
execute and develop business based on its fundamental research and development in advanced technologies
corporate philosophy. These regional administrations with the aim of creating products that are distinctive and
adopt long-term perspectives and maintain close ties with internationally competitive.
local communities.
Honda’s four business divisions—motorcycles, • Business Execution Officer System
automobiles, power products and components— Honda assigns a general manager from the Board
formulate medium- and long-term business plans. Each of Directors or an Operating Officer to each regional
division aims to maximize its performance on a global administrative, business and functional division, as well as
basis. Each functional operation, including Customer to each research and development subsidiary. By ensuring
Service Operations, Production Operations, Purchasing swift, optimal decision-making in each region and
Operations, Business Management Operations and workplace, Honda maintains a highly efficient business
Business Support Operations, supports the other execution system.
Founding Spirit
The Big Boardroom: Honda’s corporate culture and decision-making
There is no president’s office at Honda, and no separate offices for affirming opinions.
directors. There is simply a Directors’ Room—a big room with desks The Big Boardroom system also provides a form of internal
for each of the representative directors, plus large tables around management auditing, encouraging open, expeditious decision-
which directors gather to discuss management issues, sometimes making in everyday matters and emergencies alike. Introduced
inviting associates to join them. The Big Boardroom concept was as a creative way to run a company, the Big Boardroom is also
introduced in 1964 by one of the men who created Honda: Vice highly appropriate, given contemporary imperatives of corporate
President Takeo Fujisawa. Mr. Fujisawa believed that to create new governance and risk management.
value the company needed more than what individuals working in The open-mindedness and vitality of Honda’s corporate culture have
isolation could provide. Honda needed to create an environment in their origins in traditions like the Big Boardroom, and are reaffirmed
which its leaders could freely exchange ideas, synergistically forming every time associates bounce ideas off each other in Y-gaya
a powerful leadership team. By working face to face every day, the (brainstorming) sessions. This spirit of egalitarianism keeps Honda
directors formed stronger bonds of trust, sharing information and strong, fueling innovation for the future.
The Directors’ Room in the era of Honda’s second President, Kiyoshi Kawashima The Directors’ Room today
The Honda
The demand for mobility is growing—not only in North America and Europe,
but in South America, Asia and the rest of the world as well. It appears certain that
the transportation market will continue to expand. Meanwhile, automakers
must deal decisively with global warming and other environmental problems.
To achieve sustained growth, they must also continue to enhance the safety and
quality of their products. Confronting these challenges, Honda is strengthening
(1) its advanced manufacturing systems in Japan; (2) its foundation for long-term
global growth; and (3) its initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of its
operations. Strengthening our fundamentals, we’re pursuing new innovations in
production and environmentally responsible technologies.
• Cooperative research in making ethanol from cellulosic biomass
• A next-generation fuel cell vehicle in 2008 for Japan and the US
Innovation in Production:
Strengthening the Fundamentals
FY2007 Highlights
To meet the growing demand for mobility,
Striving to be a company society
wants to exist
we’re pursuing innovations in production technology.
The Honda We’re meeting the needs of society and the
Challenge expectations of our customers, and realizing
Part the dreams of our stakeholders.
world-leading levels of efficiency in the use of energy and other resources, and aim Production in harmony
for per-unit CO2 emissions 20% lower than 2000 levels. Second, the new facilities with the environment
will incorporate high-quality, high-efficiency production and logistical systems that Honda’s decision to
build a new plant in
will allow them to respond quickly to rapidly changing demand. Thanks to the Yorii is greatly
introduction of Honda’s own agile manufacturing systems, the plants will achieve welcomed by people
in and around the
levels of quality that will astound and delight customers worldwide. Third, the new town, not only
facilities are designed to foster the individuality and craftsmanship of each because it will boost
employment, but also Morikazu Kato
associate. They’ll become models for developing new production technology because it will add Industrial Development
Council Chief
new vitality to local Yorii Town
worldwide, as well as workplaces that will be a source of pride for associates,
commerce, reinforce the tax base and
customers and the local community. Our goal is to create new facilities where strengthen the regional economy. Yorii is
associates will truly enjoy their work—and where customers will want their cars to blessed with beautiful natural
surroundings. In particular, our water was
be built. ranked by Japan’s Ministry of the
These three concepts represent Honda’s manufacturing ideal. Advancing Environment as among the 100 best in the
country. We’re looking forward to joining
step by step, we’re turning dreams into reality. hands with Honda to harmonize advanced
* Output for the Yorii Factory is scheduled to be 200,000 units per year in 2010, bringing production capacity in Japan to industry with our rich natural environment
approximately 1.5 million units. and realize truly sustainable development.
Encouraging women and working to come up with solutions. With a view to improving the production
in manufacturing process, a pilot assembly line staffed mainly by women was created.
I prefer physical labor to working at a desk,
which is why I asked to be assigned to the
The experiment, which was designed to explore ideal working arrangements,
assembly line when I joined the company. analyzed physical burdens and ergonomics. Among the improvements: the
Currently, I work on the instrument panel
heights of work surfaces were adjusted and mechanical devices were introduced
unit assembly line. Until recently, I was
usually the only woman on my line, but to help workers move heavy objects more easily.
we’ve started a pilot project assembly line Of course, there’s more to it than equipment. We’re also
with other female associates. This gives us
a chance to exchange ideas about our making every effort to maximize the motivation of each
work. The feeling in associate, striving to create an environment in which
the group is really
positive. I’m hoping everyone is encouraged to take initiative and fulfill his or
that in future Honda her ambitions. We’re also engaged with local residents,
will introduce flexible
working working to make sure that Honda factories are truly
arrangements, and I’m welcomed by everyone.
looking forward to Chika Ogasawara
enjoying a long career Assembly Plant, Tsuyoshi Saito
Saitama Factory Administration Division
Yorii-Ogawa Project
Cultivating Talent
Fulfilling the responsibilities of a leading global manufacturer
Honda got its start building motorcycles. Today we’re the world’s leading
Transferring technical ability: motorcycle manufacturer. Offering everything from small-displacement bikes
cell assembly used for everyday transportation to high-displacement, high-performance sports
Typically, motorcycle assembly is configured bikes, we’re meeting the need for mobility and enriching the lives of people
around conveyor belts that carry the bikes
from worker to worker on an assembly line. throughout the world.
But for some products, Honda has introduced Demand is growing globally—in North America and other developed
a cell assembly approach in which three or
four people work together to assemble a bike. economies, but also at a particularly rapid pace in the developing economies of
This flexible approach, which is well suited to India, China and the rest of Asia, as well as in Brazil, Argentina and elsewhere in
small-lot production of a variety of models,
can also help enhance quality. Working
South America. With 33 facilities in 22 countries, as well as research and
closely with younger associates to put development facilities in Japan, North America, Europe, Asia and other regions,
together a bike, assembly experts are able to
share their knowledge and experience. In
Honda is meeting local needs by developing and manufacturing products
future, Honda plans to further leverage the appropriate to each region. To respond to growth in global demand, Honda must
advantages of cell assembly.
fulfill its responsibilities as a leading manufacturer to produce and deliver the
products society needs. To do so, we must take our quality and production
capacity to the next level. And in focusing on the needs of developing
economies, Honda must continue to Honda global motorcycle
production capacity (includes ATVs)
increase the fuel efficiency and lower
(million units)
the exhaust emissions of its products by 12.519 12.852
12 10.875
implementing advanced environmental 7.966
Cell assembly (illustration)
technologies. In addition, it must 6
implement advanced safety 3
technologies to satisfy the needs of 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (year)
Artist’s depiction of the new motorcycle plant at Kumamoto Factory CSR Report 2007 20
CO2 emissions targets for all products and First, by optimizing both mobility and energy use, Honda
production worldwide is working to further advance the efficiency of gasoline
Automobiles, motorcycles and other means of motorized engine technology. Hybrid automobiles* are one example.
transportation consume gasoline, diesel or other fossil They’re ideally suited to stop-and-go city traffic, but are not
fuels, emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides so efficient for high-speed, long-distance highway travel.
(NOx) and other gases in the process. This contributes to Diesel engines, on the other hand, offer superior fuel
resource depletion, climate change, air pollution and efficiency over longer distances. While further enhancing
other environmental problems. the fuel efficiency of gasoline-powered vehicles, Honda is
On the other hand, mobility is indispensable in indus- also offering its customers compact hybrid vehicles for city
trial development and improving quality of life. There can driving, and, at the same time, developing better diesel
be no denying that ongoing economic growth through- engines for the mid-size and larger vehicles favored for
out the world will heighten demand for mobility. Manu- highway travel and long-haul commercial purposes. In
facturers of mobility products thus face the conflicting these ways, we’re optimizing the environmental perfor-
challenges of reducing their environmental impact while mance of different vehicles for different purposes. We are
satisfying growing demand. also working toward the full-scale commercialization of fuel
Striving to fulfill its responsibilities as a manufacturer of cell vehicles, often considered the ultimate clean car. And
mobility products, while also creating new value for its we’re working to implement PGM-FI** technology through-
customers, in May 2006 Honda announced CO2 emissions out our motorcycle lineup, as well as introducing ultra-low
reduction targets for all its products and production friction engines and variable cylinder management systems
activities worldwide, to take effect by 2010 (see page 41). to improve fuel efficiency.
This voluntary announcement of targets for CO2 Second, we are working to develop alternate forms of
reduction—a first for the global auto industry—has drawn energy: solar panels and ethanol, cogeneration and other
attention from around the world. ways of providing clean power.
Through a diverse range of environmental technology
initiatives, Honda is delivering on the promise of driving
Making the most of all forms of energy
pleasure and environmental responsibility.
In an effort to reduce the CO2 emissions of the vehicles it * Hybrid automobiles use both a gasoline engine and an electric motor for locomotion. They
feature regenerative braking systems that recover braking energy and store it as electricity in
produces, Honda is engaged in a broad range of environ- batteries. Using this electrical energy in the motor to supplement the power of the gasoline
mental initiatives that can be divided into two main forms engine, they provide superior fuel efficiency. Hybrid vehicles are well suited to stop-and-go
city traffic.
of innovation. ** Programmed Fuel Injection
Developing cleaner diesel technology to combat global warming Honda CSR in Action
(Corporate Communications)
The next-generation diesel engine Honda announced in May 2006 represents a
major step in our ongoing pursuit of innovation in engine technology. Since many people consider diesels loud,
smelly and dirty, I think it’s essential to
Diesels are more fuel efficient and emit less CO2 than gasoline engines. clearly and consistently communicate
However, due to their emission of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides encouraging facts about them. In the spirit
of innovation and initiative that Honda
(NOx), in Japan they are not considered to be particularly environmentally values, I plan to find
responsible. But recent advances in fuel injection and exhaust gas treatment new ways to convey
our message of
technologies have made diesel emissions considerably cleaner. In Europe, where driving pleasure—and
diesels have long been considered a next-generation clean engine, interest in diesel to make sure the
benefits of our
technology has risen along with the increase in environmental consciousness. advanced diesel
Today over half of the passenger cars on the European market are diesels. technologies are truly Keitaro Yamamoto
appreciated. Corporate Communications
An examination of the CO2 emissions associated with the life cycle of
gasoline-powered vehicles reveals that while emissions generated in vehicle use Honda CSR in Action (European Sales)
represent the largest proportion of emissions, those generated during gasoline
In the rapidly expanding diesel market in
refinement represent the second largest proportion (see graphic below). A key the UK, Honda diesel vehicles have a strong
merit of diesel technology is that the CO2 emissions generated in refining diesel presence. Customers appreciate not only
their superior fuel efficiency but also the
are substantially less than those generated when refining gasoline. fact that they’re as quiet, easy to drive and
As global warming captures broader public attention, interest in diesel powerful as gasoline-engine vehicles.
Honda is all about the
technology will likely grow in Japan and North America, where most vehicles are spirit of challenge. We
currently gasoline-powered. will continue to push
and develop new
Using energy wisely responsible
technologies and
The popularization of diesel technology would significantly contribute to more vehicles to produce Tom Gardner
efficient use of energy resources—especially in Japan, which imports virtually all the best result for our Marketing, Honda UK
its oil. This is particularly the case given that the proportions of gasoline, diesel
and other petrochemical products derived from the refinement of crude oil are
constant, so in Japan, where the vast majority of cars run on Average CO2 emissions in the life cycle of a Honda Civic
gasoline, increased use of diesel would increase efficiency. The Transportation
Production 0.7%
popularization of diesel vehicles could help ensure that the oil Fuel 6.4%
Japan imports is used efficiently. 11.0%
Fuel refining
Diesels can also run on liquid natural gas, liquid fuels that can 0.2% 18.0%
be derived from coal and biomass, canola and other forms of
biodiesel. This flexibility is a feature that makes the future Use
transition to diesels compelling.
Honda’s pursuit of cleaner diesel 78.1%
Fuel refining + use
technology is thus driven not only (Calculations performed in Japan based on Honda’s Life
by concerns over global warming, Cycle Assessment. Please see page 54 for more information.)
but also by a broader perspective that takes into
account the efficient use of energy resources
and the utilization of alternate forms of
Kenichi Nagahiro
energy. Automobile R&D Center
changes in engine load caused by acceleration and Honda CSR in Action (Planning)
deceleration, adjusting the timing of ignition as well as the
The early introduction of cleaner-running,
timing and volume of fuel injection for optimal electronic control. With higher fuel-efficiency 4-stroke engines has
implementation of PGM-FI, fuel efficiency is improved and emissions are reduced been a key element in Honda’s leadership
of the motorcycle industry since the
without compromising performance. Performance is also improved in cold starts, company’s foundation. Recently, Honda
and when the engine has not been started for an extended period. has been working to further enhance the
environmental performance of its
For some time, Honda has featured PGM-FI on many larger motorcycles sold products by implementing 4-stroke
worldwide. We recently expanded the implementation of this technology: in technology on scooters and extending the
application of PGM-FI. While proactively
2003 to 125-150cc motorcycles, and in 2004 to 50cc scooters (a world’s first). We implementing environmental
are striving to offer PGM-FI on commuter bikes and other small motorcycles, the technologies, Honda has also continued to
apply original technologies to improve the
choice of most customers in developing economies around the world. essential qualities that make the
motorcycle an attractive product:
simplicity, a compact
Compact, low-cost, high-performance PGM-FI for smaller models design and a
reasonable price. By
Implementing PGM-FI on smaller motorcycles presented many technical delivering such
challenges. Naturally, the system needed to be smaller and lighter than the one high-quality products
and satisfying
used on larger motorcycles. In addition, more precise fuel injection control was customers, I believe
required, and the system needed to be adapted to work with kick-start Honda is fulfilling an Hiroshi Sekiguchi
important corporate Motorcycle Business
mechanisms and air-cooled engines. Costs also had to be reduced. social responsibility. Planning Office
Honda engineers overcame these challenges by developing highly precise
control technology. They reduced the fuel particle size to one-half, the units of air
supply to one-third, and the units of fuel injection control to one-fifth of those
used in fuel injection for larger motorcycles. They added a separate circuit for kick
starting so the bikes could be started with only a small amount of current. They
also upgraded many materials and significantly reduced the number of
components to simplify the design and reduce the cost.
The result of these technological developments is that Honda’s PGM-FI system
has been optimized for most
The challenge of adapting PGM-FI to smaller
50-250cc engines. Honda is motorcycles Minoru Ueda
well on its way to achieving Motorcycle R&D Center
More compact Smaller displacement
its ultimate objective of Smaller Precise fuel-flow volume control
Lighter Fuel particle size control
equipping all the motorcycles Compact
it manufactures worldwide Developing countries’ needs
PGM-FI Price reduction
Kick-start capability Lower costs
with its advanced fuel (even when the battery is flat) Fewer parts
Air-cooled engines Integrating functions
injection technology.
Powered by Honda:
energy conservation in the home
——the potential of a new cogeneration system
Evolution of the world’s first household cogeneration unit
Cogeneration systems use natural gas as fuel to produce both the electricity and
hot water households require. This makes them an efficient, environmentally
responsible energy system. Early to recognize the potential social value of
cogeneration, Honda applied its long years of experience in designing compact
Household cogeneration system
engines and generators to create
the world’s first cogeneration unit
cogeneration unit
small enough to be used at
Electricity from utility
home. Introduced to the
Generator Integrator
Power Electricity Integrator
Japanese market in 2003 via
conditioner Bathroom dryer/
heater major utility companies, the
Natural Gas Ecowill household cogeneration
gas/LPG engine Bath
Stakeholder’s Perspective
Quality assurance
Honda has established Quality Innovation Reporting Feedback
Centers to prevent avoidable product-quality
issues from arising and enhance our capacity Service department Customer Relations Centers
to swiftly resolve difficulties whenever they
do. Specialized service departments at these Quality assurance departments
(Assessment, analysis, countermeasures, reports)
centers are equipped to handle cases referred
to them by dealerships worldwide. They provide
Production division Design division
rapid information gathering, timely diagnosis
and the resolution of any quality issues. They
also keep customers and technicians fully up
to speed by disseminating the latest updates
on recommended maintenance procedures. By Parts manufacturers (suppliers)
* Longitudinal Oriented
to predict and anticipate problems. The device advanced safety research vehicle—a first for a Normative Temporal Gap
provides training for everyone from children production vehicle. To enhance visibility, the Compensation
to seniors in areas such as basic operation, turn indicators and tail lights are positioned
traffic rules, and hazard avoidance. We’re now high on the body, while lower headlights and
studying how to leverage this new simulator for wheel caps are equipped with reflectors.
maximum social benefit.
3. Collision imminent:
If an accident appears to be unavoidable, the system applies strong braking and firmly retracts
both driver’s and passenger’s seatbelts to hold occupants in place and lessen vehicle damage.
Motorcycle airbag (deployed)
caused by the rider colliding with another Center at the Automobile R&D Center (Tochigi),
vehicle, the road or other objects by absorbing Honda is continuing its research on how
some of the forward energy of the rider’s body. accidents happen and developing additional
Its deployment is activated by a control unit technology to protect people. The gigantic
that calculates deceleration data received from 41,000m2 facility features collision courses set
sensors. at 15-degree intervals so that crash tests can
be conducted from every angle, allowing our
• Safety technology engineers to precisely reproduce real-world
that withstands real-world tests collisions. This allows us to collect valuable data
Approximately 60% of traffic fatalities result from and continue to put our safety technology to
multi-vehicle accidents. Based on its original the test.
G-Control technology*, Honda has developed * G-Control is technology
designed to help control
car bodies with crushable zones that absorb g-forces at the moment of
collision, thus minimizing
and disperse collision impact, and rigid survival injuries
Safety Systems of the Near Future: the advanced technology Honda ASV-3** TOPICS
Research indicates that approximately 70% of fatalities and serious 7
injuries resulting from traffic accidents occur because the driver
was not concentrating on the road, failed to notice a hazard or
experienced other problems relating to delays in perception. Honda1991ASV
Therefore, to enhance automotive safety and minimize injuries 20063
resulting from collisions, it is essential to develop technologies that
help drivers anticipate accidents.
Recognizing this need, since 1991 Honda has participated in
the Advanced Safety Vehicle Project of Japan’s Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and Transport, working to develop next-generation
automobile safety technologies throughout the project’s three
phases. Results were announced most recently in 2006. Honda ASV-3
**Advanced Safety Vehicle
Location Content Trainers
• Safety advice at dealerships
• Safety seminars • Safety Coordinators
Automobile Certified Rainbow Dealer
• Driving schools • Chief Safety Coordinators
• Local traffic safety organizations
Traffic Education Centers (8 facilities) • Trainer exchanges and events, competitions to foster skill
• Special training programs for various age groups • Traffic Education Center instructors
• Advice at dealerships
Dealerships • Driving training courses
• Instructors at dealerships
(automobile, motorcycle) • Riding training courses
• Cooperation with local traffic safety initiatives
• Trainer education
• Training for motorcycle and automobile dealership
• Riding, driving training courses
Traffic Education Centers
• Training using Riding Simulators, Driving Simulators • Traffic Education Center instructors
(15 countries, 22 facilities)
• Cooperation with local traffic safety initiatives
• Courses for license seekers
• Trainer exchanges and events, competitions to foster skill
We should pursue our daily business interests under the following principles:
2 We will make every effort to minimize and find appropriate methods to dispose of
waste and contaminants that are produced through the use of our products, and in
every stage of the life cycle of these products.
3 As both a member of the company and of society, each associate will focus
on the importance of making efforts to preserve human health and the global
environment, and will do his or her part to ensure that the company as a whole acts
We will consider the influence that our corporate activities have on the local
4 environment and society, and endeavor to improve the social standing of the company.
* Environmental Mark
This mark symbolizes
Established and announced in June 1992 the wind blowing gently
over the beautiful green
earth, clear water that
* gives the essence of
life, and the perpetually
shining sun. Honda uses
this environmental mark
around the world to show
its commitment to the
conservation of the global
Assessing Environmental
Impact, Policy Initiatives Production
Honda is aware of its responsibility to minimize
the environmental impact generated by its
corporate activities and use of its products.
To achieve this, it is essential that we identify Product
specific issues and set targets for action. We set development
specific goals in the context of our Life Cycle
* LCA: Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA)* system, which is used to Sales
Assessment—a system
designed to evaluate the
environmental impact of
measure, assess and analyze environmental recycling
a given product in every
stage of its life cycle, from
impact. Administration
the procurement of raw
materials to use, disposal
and/or reuse.
Air pollution
Transportation • Green Logistics
Removed parts • Green
Sales Fluorocarbons (automobiles, motorcycles and
Waste Water pollution power products)
• Recovery,
recycling and reuse of parts
End-of-life products Soil pollution • Technical
Product recycling support for the proper disposal
and recycling of end-of-life products
Administration • Green Offices
Local environmental issues
World Environmental
Regional Headquarters
Regional Operations Regional Operations Regional Operations Regional Operations Regional Operations Regional Operations
(Japan) (North America) (South America) (Europe/Middle East/Africa) (Asia/Oceania) (China)
Japan Environmental North/Central America South America Europe/Middle East/Africa Asia/Oceania China
Committee Environmental Committee Environmental Committee Environmental Committee Environmental Committee Environmental Committee
Business Operations
Functional Operations
Green Factory
Promotion Center
Target scope:
Automobiles: Japan, North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Asia/Oceania, China, South America (more than 90% of worldwide sales)
Motorcycles: Japan, North America, Europe, Thailand, India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, the Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan (more than 90% of worldwide sales)
Power Products: All sales in all regions (marine outboards excluded)
All manufacturing by Honda Motor and 72 other Honda Group companies worldwide engaged in the assembly of vehicles and major components
80 80 80
70 70 70
FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets
Production CO2 reduction Automobiles 9.5% reduction Motorcycles 29.3% reduction*2 Power Products 4.4% increase*3
FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets FY2001 FY2007 2010 Targets
*1 A 13.2% reduction from 2000 has already been attained. We are striving to attain a minimum 10% reduction by 2010.
*2 Although the target has already been attained, an expansion of production is foreseen in this region, where CO2 emissions are relatively high. We are striving to maintain the reduction target level and
achieve even greater reduction by 2010.
*3 Higher, per-unit emissions in power product manufacturing can be attributed to larger and more feature-rich new products.
Products Motorcycles CO2 emissions reduction 10% reduction (compared to FY2001*1 per g/km
Power Products 10% reduction (compared to FY2001)*1 kg/h
Global targets
Automobiles 10% reduction (compared to FY2001)*1 per unit
in 2006
global warming Production Motorcycles CO2 emissions reduction 20% reduction (compared to FY2001)*1 per unit
Japan*2 CO2 emissions reduction 30% reduction (compared to FY1991)*3 Units of energy used
(announced in 1998)
Substances of concern Production VOC*5 emissions reduction 35% reduction (baseline: FY2001) Per automobile painted
Total of corporate activities*6 Landfill waste Zero waste for all facilities
New targets
Landfill waste 10% reduction (baseline:FY2001) As % of revenue Japan
Production*2 New targets for
Japan announced
Water use 30% reduction (baseline: FY2001) As % of revenue
in June 2007
Transportation*7 Use of packaging materials 45% reduction (baseline: FY2001) As % of revenue
*1 Targets for CO2 emissions reduction by 2010 announced in 2006 *5 Volatile organic compounds: primarily substances of concern such as organic solvents included in paints and thinners that
*2 Five Honda Motor production facilities may cause photochemical oxidation
*3 Targets for production announced in 1998 *6 The primary 48 organizations involved in manufacturing and research & development (including academic institutions and
*4 In accordance with the amendment to Japan’s Rationalization in Energy Use Law, this is the responsibility Honda Motor Co., Ltd.)
of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. as the transporting entity (transportation of completed vehicles/devices; *7 Transportation of parts and component parts sets; export of completed motorcycles
transportation of parts between facilities; parts transportation, etc.) *8 95% recycling defined as recycling of entire vehicle
*9 Scale as used in former MITI Used Automobile Recycling Initiative
Substances of concern VOC Shift to water-based paints, increase in operational efficiency and reduction of losses resulting in VOC emissions
Zero landfill waste at factories and 32 manufacturing suppliers (by FY2008)
Disposal Introduction of returnable containers, conversion to simpler packaging and other means of reducing the volume of packaging materials
Strengthening authorized recycling facilities, expansion of full recycling
Water use Recycling forging coolant, use of rainwater, etc.
Environmental strategies to be Yorii Plant (scheduled to Energy/resource consumption at world-leading levels, resulting in per-unit production CO2 emissions levels 20% lower than
implemented at new facilities begin operation in 2010) those of FY2001 (Energy/resource recycling Green Factory)
Automobiles Increase availability of Low-Emissions Vehicles Increase number of Low- and Very-Low Emissions Vehicles*1
Exhaust emissions
Motorcycles Expand implementation of fuel injection technology Implement on new models
Power Products Comply with pending regulations Comply with pending regulations
Product Automobiles Improve fuel efficiency to comply with FY2011 Japan fuel efficiency standards
Fuel efficiency improvements Implement technologies for better fuel efficiency Motorcycles Further improvements in fuel efficiency
Reduce substances of concern in suppliers’ parts and materials Promote supplier compliance with substances of concern guidelines
Promote introduction of environmental management systems by suppliers Promote ISO 14001 certification for all suppliers
Implementation of environmental management systems by transport partners Continuation of joint implementation with four main partners
Transportation Green Logistics initiative
Improve transportation efficiency CO2 emissions: 110,650 CO2 tons (transportation of completed automobiles)
Automobiles Promote implementation of environmental management at dealers Expansion of Eco Drive program
Sales Green Dealers initiative Motorcycles Promote implementation of environmental management at dealers Expansion of environmentally responsible Dream Dealer program
Power Products Promote environmental conservation at dealers Expansion of Green Dealer initiative (increase environmental awareness among dealers)
Technical support for proper disposal Develop technologies for proper disposal and
Reinforce recycling operations
and recycling of end-of-life products recycling of end-of-life products Motorcycles
*1 Low-Emissions Vehicles defined as having emissions 50% lower than FY2006 standards; Very-Low Emissions Vehicle defined as having emissions 75% lower than FY2006 emissions standards
*2 FY2008 target figures for CO2 and VOC emissions are higher than those for FY2007 results due to changes in business conditions and to increased production and launch of new businesses
*3 FY2008 target figures for waste recycling and internal waste disposal are lower than those for FY2007 results due to changes in business conditions and to increased production and new business expansion
Targets attained by FY2006 Summary of initiatives where targets have been attained
Fuel injection implemented on eight models released worldwide in FY2007 Implement fuel injection on most scooters released in Japan
Compliance for all models released in Japan in FY2007 Further expand compliance
Complied with FY2011 Japanese fuel economy standards in all seven categories Further improve fuel efficiency
Improved fuel efficiency in fuel injection models Continue improving fuel efficiency
20% fuel efficiency improvement in EU55is generators Further improve fuel efficiency
Reduced per-unit CO2 emissions by 12% (baseline: FY2001) Ensure that suppliers reduce CO2 emissions
Reduced landfill waste 97% (baseline FY2001) Ensure that suppliers reduce landfill waste
403 suppliers (98%) certified Promote ISO 14001 certification for all suppliers
Reduced per-unit energy consumption by 29.8% (baseline: FY1991) Per-unit energy consumption reduced 25.5%*2
CO2 emissions: 463,000 CO2 tons CO2 emissions: 490,000 CO2 tons*2
Internally incinerated waste reduced 90.9% (baseline: FY1999) Reduce internally incinerated waste 90% or more (baseline: FY1999)
Continued implementation by four main partners Continue implementation by three main partners (two partners merged)
CO2 emissions: 104,769 CO2 tons (transportation of completed automobiles) CO2 emissions: 101,382 CO2 tons (transportation of completed automobiles)
Enhanced promotion of Eco Drive program by distributing 500,000 leaflets Expand Eco Drive program and its promotion
Launched 21 environmentally responsible Dream Dealers (total: 87) Dream Dealer network expansion
To raise awareness of Green Dealer initiative, delivered guidance on processing of end-of-life equipment and sheets for oil absorption Promote environmental preservation at dealers
Minimum 90% recyclability for all newly introduced or remodeled vehicles Minimum 90% recyclability for all newly introduced or remodeled vehicles
Automobiles: Maximum 1% chloride in ASR for all newly released or redesigned models Automobiles: Maximum 1% chloride in ASR for all newly released or redesigned models
Minimum 95% recyclability for all newly introduced or redesigned models Minimum 95% recyclability for all newly introduced or remodeled vehicles
Minimum 96.5% recyclability for all newly introduced or remodeled vehicles Strengthened recycling system
Expanded range of recycled parts and their recovery Expand range of vehicles using recycled parts
CO2 emissions: 11,839 CO2 tons*5 CO2 emissions for nine office buildings: 12,913 CO2 tons*6
Landfill waste generated: 291 tons*5 Reduce landfill waste generation for nine office buildings to 502 tons*6
*4 Polyvinyl chloride
*5 Total for Aoyama, Wako, Shirako, Yaesu
*6 Total for Aoyama, Wako, Shirako, Yaesu, Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka
requires only about half the energy of resources. This initiative can help dealers better
conventional crystallized silicon-based cells, manage these resources, as well as help them
reducing the CO2 emissions associated with reduce their environmental impact while also
production. reducing their costs. Motorcycle and power
With the FY2007 installation of the solar product dealers are also using the Honda
panels at the Suzuka and Tochigi factories, Environmental Register to reduce their costs
a total of 14 installations in Japan and three and environmental impact.
overseas have been so equipped.
Established in December 2006 as a wholly Home cogeneration systems and
owned subsidiary of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., solar electricity generation
Honda Soltec Co., Ltd. will begin full-scale experimental operations with
production of the integrated thin-film solar advanced Home Energy
Station begin
panels in late 2007. The new Honda subsidiary’s
plant, located on the premises of the Honda In 2003 Honda began experimental operation
Motor Kumamoto Factory, will have an annual of the Home Energy Station, which uses natural
production capacity of 27.5MW. gas to supply electricity and hot water to the
home, and a sufficient quantity of hydrogen to
A model for recycling as a power a fuel cell vehicle. Its third-generation
new business model is about 30% smaller, yet offers about
Honda Trading has taken steps to create new 25% more electrical power output and faster
environmental business by getting involved in startup than the previous model. Hydrogen
advanced recycling and other environmental storage and production capacity are both
programs. As part of this project, the company is improved by about 50% with the use of a new
setting up a model program within the Honda high-performance natural gas reformer.
Group, collecting paper and wood products In another advanced initiative, Honda has
for recycling and leading the way in resource applied its revolutionary solar panel technology
conservation. to create an experimental hydrogen station.
In April 2007 the company began collecting Developed by Honda using CIGS—a compound
pamphlets made obsolete by the introduction of copper, indium, gallium and selenium—the
of new vehicle models and other developments, thin-film integrated solar panels feature superior
providing some 35 tons of recycled paper. electricity conversion. The electricity is passed
Going forward, we will endeavor to extract through a particle electrolyte membrane to
the maximum value from used paper, felled generate hydrogen, which is then compressed
trees and other paper and wood wastes and stored for use by the fuel cell vehicle. The
generated by Honda facilities, collecting system boasts an energy efficiency of 52–54%.
and recycling them, thereby creating new
business on this model of recycling within the
Personalized follow-up
Our Approach to Customer Starting in October 2006, Honda instituted an
Satisfaction upgrade to its after-sales service procedures
designed to enhance customer satisfaction. For
In harmony with the Three Joys principle, Honda example, dealer representatives consult each
has always worked closely with its dealerships customer at the time of purchase as to whether
to maximize customer satisfaction. Every step they prefer to be notified by telephone or email
of the way, from marketing and sales to after- regarding scheduled vehicle maintenance.
sales service, the people at our dealerships are Through this kind of personalized service, we
focused on earning and maintaining the trust are striving to strengthen relationships with our
of our customers, always seeking to deliver customers.
genuine satisfaction.
Strengthening the customer
support functions of the Honda
Enhancing Customer C-card
Satisfaction Seeking to enhance the experience of each
customer who visits a Honda dealership in
Working to maximize lifelong Japan, Honda has introduced special member
customer satisfaction support services to enhance the Honda C-card
Honda works in close partnership with its system.
automobile dealerships to provide the warmest In addition to functioning as a credit card,
possible welcome for our customers and ensure the Honda C-card offers cash rebates, special
compliance with our policies. We make sure services accessible only to members, and a
those interested in our products are given clear charity contribution system in which Honda
explanations and a level of service that leads to donates a certain percentage of customer
genuine customer satisfaction. purchases to charity. The service began in
In April 2005 Honda and its dealers came October 1995. Some 920,000 customers were
together to define our approach to customer registered as of March 2007.
satisfaction. The result was a key principle: we Starting October 2006, newly
want to ensure that no one’s contact with us issued cards have been labeled to
is limited to a single encounter. We do our indicate Honda C-card membership
best to ensure that each customer enjoys a and the availability of enhanced
satisfying, lifelong relationship with Honda and services. Holders of these cards can
its products. have their vehicle’s maintenance
Honda C-card (with credit card function)
In March 2006 Honda integrated all history displayed at any dealership
automobile dealerships in Japan under the or via the Internet, and are able to
Honda Cars brand. All Honda automobiles are notify the Honda C-card network of
available through any Honda Cars dealership, a change of address at any time. To
making our sales network more accessible and further broaden the range of options,
enhancing customer satisfaction. the Honda C-card is now available
without credit card functionality. This
Honda C-card (without credit card function)
version can be issued on the spot.
Feedback based on
Survey response compilation and analysis
of survey data
Honda Cars
Customer Dealership
Conferring with customers at a dealership
Protecting confidentiality:
Protecting Personal the Honda C-card
Information and Preventing To help protect confidentiality, our Honda
Disclosure of Sensitive Data C-cards do not contain any personal
The development of our privacy
Honda’s Conduct Guidelines, which were
enacted in 2003 to guide the actions of
Founding Spirit
Helping the world get things done
Helping people get things done: Supporting marine lifestyles: Honda outboards
Soichiro Honda was determined “Moving across the surface without dirtying the water underneath.” That was the goal Honda’s
to take the company into the founder declared when the company released its first marine outboard in 1964. Honda helps
power products business. support marine lifestyles by developing and producing high-performance outboards based on
environmentally responsible, low-noise, fuel-efficient 4-stroke engines. Photo: the BF75, a mid-
The Type H engine, released in 1953 sized outboard.
Making purchasing policy experts must work closely with our suppliers
transparent right from the initial stages of product
As part of our effort to ensure transparency in development, exchanging opinions and
purchasing, we hold annual meetings with our information to enhance safety, functionality,
suppliers to optimize procurement QCD (quality, environmental performance and other
cost and delivery). At a March 2007 meeting factors. For example, representatives from the
in Japan attended by some 270 firms, Honda purchasing department visit suppliers’ factories
and its suppliers reaffirmed policies aimed at and inspect production processes to ensure
strengthening our production capacity through that our need for a stable supply of high quality
the reinforcement of local manufacturing and products at a reasonable cost is fully satisfied.
procurement and through rapid international Honda will continue to work closely with its
communications. This was done to help suppliers to further enhance QCD and provide
maintain stable product quality and supply our customers with a level of satisfaction that
in all motorcycle, automobile and power exceeds their expectations.
product operations. Holding purchasing policy
conferences in various countries, we’re making Promoting environmentally
every effort to clearly communicate how responsible procurement
our policies and strategies are to be applied Seeking to take an environmentally responsible
everywhere we do business. approach to procurement of parts and materials,
We also hold New Year’s awards ceremonies Honda established Green Purchasing Guidelines
and celebrations with suppliers who have made in December 2001. By sharing information on
particularly significant contributions to QCD in parameters and targets with our suppliers,
their area. In FY2007, 50 firms received awards in we’re collectively improving our environmental
Japan. performance.
We have nearly achieved our objective of
eliminating the use of lead, mercury, hexavalent
chromium and cadmium—heavy metals
viewed as substances of concern—in our
automobile, motorcycle and power product
Using Honda’s Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
* Honda’s LCA system
system*, we are working with our suppliers to is used to quantitatively
Awards ceremony at suppliers’ banquet assess the environmental impact of each stage assess the environmental
impact associated with
of the manufacturing process, and to reduce its business operations,
including motorcycle,
CO2 emissions and landfill waste. automobile and power
Cooperative Ventures with To promote the establishment of
product manufacturing,
from production through
Suppliers environmental management systems, we are
1. Respecting independence
Honda expects associates to express their individuality and independence. As our founder said, “He who
knows best should speak up, and he who can do best should act.” In that spirit, today’s associates are
encouraged to think for themselves, take action and accept responsibility. Associates interested in earning
new qualifications are expected to volunteer to take on the challenge. Anyone with ideas and proposals
is expected to express them. In all things, the independence and ambitions of individual associates are
accorded respect.
2. Ensuring fairness
Honda offers a simple compensation system with the same fair rewards for anyone with similar abilities
handling similar work with similar results, without regard for race or nationality or gender, making no
distinctions on the basis of educational associations or career history, and objectively assessing each
person’s individual strengths and aptitudes. Honda is careful to handle appointments and personnel
deployment issues fairly and in a manner appropriate to the individual’s abilities and aptitudes.
few elite educational institutions, Honda had an Honda Sun Co., Ltd. 1981 Manufacturing of components for motorcycles, automobiles and
power products (speedometers, glove compartments, etc.)
open-door employment policy, hiring the most Assembly of pistons, case covers, knuckles and other
Kibounosato Honda Co., Ltd. 1985 automobile components
capable and motivated individuals available.
Research and development of CAD design: transportation and
In addition to hiring new graduates, we also Honda Sun R&D Co., Ltd. 1992 rehabilitation equipment
welcome talented individuals in mid-career,
enriching the company with a diverse mix of Employment of individuals with disabilities* * Laws governing the
employment of people
personalities and experience. (%) with disabilities stipulate
that employment of one
Beginning in July 2007, Honda instituted 1,000 942 935 952 979 3 individual with a serious
disability is equivalent
a policy of encouraging associates who left 800
2.21 to employing two
2.19 2.29 2.15 2.17 2 less severely disabled
the company to care for a family member or individuals. Data depicted
400 in the graph is current as
accompany a transferred spouse to reapply 1
of June 1 of each year.
when it becomes possible for them to return. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (year)
On-the-chance training
Basic approach to training
Senior Engineer Junior management skills development course
Staff Engineer
Assistant Manager
Language Training for Assistant Chief Staff Engineer rank
Assistant Chief KT
education Engineer rank certification training
Engineer (Kepner-Tregoe)
Engineering Training for Engineering
education TQM
careers by developing new skills or management own personal strengths and aptitudes, while
abilities. at the same time clarifying their everyday work
To support associates who wish to take the objectives based on a vision of the future. Honda
initiative to learn new skills, acquire knowledge has established this system to systematically
and cultivate themselves in order to fully realize support associates in their own efforts to grow
their own potential, we also offer opportunities and develop.
for language learning, distance education and
inter-industry exchanges. • Our Challenger Recruiting Program
Honda’s Challenger Recruiting Program spurs
• Principal off-the-job training programs associates to set and attain their own goals.
At Honda, we match a combination of on-the- With the aim of increasing their motivation and
job and off-the-job training to our associates’ helping them realize their potential, campaigns
aptitudes and aspirations in an effort to help are conducted twice yearly to give associates
them improve their abilities. Our off-the-job the opportunity to apply for new positions.
training program is divided into three main Since its inception in September 2005, the
areas, with separate training programs for each program has helped 303 associates take on
level. challenging new assignments.
1. Self-improvement training (career development)
2. Work performance training (skill development) Evaluations based on dialogue
3. Collaboration training (management training) Honda emphasizes two-way communication
as the key to associate evaluation. Provisions
Motivational programs that are made for at least three meetings per
encourage independence year between each associate and his or her
• Honda’s self-expression system supervisor.
Under Honda’s self-expression system, associates Conferences are held with individual
meet with their supervisors once a year to discuss associates each April to determine their
what work they would like to do or what section assignments in accordance with divisional
they would like to join, based on their own objectives. In June and again in December,
experience, abilities, talents and independent the supervisor evaluates the associate’s work
studies. By consulting with their supervisors for the preceding six months, explains the
and expressing their ambitions for the future, evaluation and offers specific suggestions
associates are able to better understand their for improvement. During these meetings,
Founding Spirit
Fostering talent through motor sports
In 1954, when Honda was still selling motorized bicycles, founder Soichiro Honda
audaciously declared the company’s intention to participate in the Isle of Man TT Races.
Only six years later Honda captured first place. The company then turned its attention to
Formula One, completing an F1-ready racetrack in Suzuka in 1962 before launching its
F1 challenge two years later, in 1964. By 1965 the upstart automobile manufacturer had
already won its first Grand Prix race. The initiative shown by Soichiro Honda, who was
determined to take his company to the pinnacle of world motor sports, lives on. Today 1955: Honda’s first team to enter 2007: In MotoGP, Honda’s
the Mount Asama Volcano tradition of using motor sports to
Honda is active in F1, MotoGP, IndyCar and many other motor sports activities. The Motorcycle Race. Honda’s train engineers continues.
fierce competition of motor sports gives many young Honda engineers the chance to laboratory on wheels was off to a
fast start.
improve their skills and teamwork. It also gives these young individuals the opportunity
to show the initiative that has always driven the company to the top—to taste the spirit of challenge that built Honda. For us, motor sports
is a laboratory on wheels where engineers learn to overcome problems—in a battle against time, and always grow in the process. Personal
initiative is in our DNA, and it’s the source of our creativity.
associates and supervisors discuss appropriate company. The abbreviation “NH” stands for
steps for career development. “Now, Next and New Honda”. It’s all about
taking new steps now toward creating the next
Independent associate initiatives great Honda improvement.
• Improvement suggestion system Based on the principle of respect for the
Honda has a system for encouraging all individual, and cherishing independence,
associates to make proposals as to how the fairness and trust, NH Circle participants strive
company’s work could be improved, whether to make their working environment even more
in large ways or small. This is one way Honda positive. The strengths and initiative of each
seeks to encourage independence of spirit and associate are utilized to full advantage to realize
innovation, fostering the growth and refinement everyone’s unlimited potential and help the
of skills and capabilities. Each year, some 100,000 company improve and grow.
suggestions are received, and some 90% of them Each year six regional contests are held. Every
are implemented. From the time the system was second year, the NH Circle World Convention
implemented in 1953 to July 2006, approximately provides an opportunity for global exchange
eight million suggestions were contributed. and education, while also giving everyone a
chance to recognize the achievements of the
Suggestions for improvement received winning teams from each regional contest.
(suggestions) Since the program began in 1973, it has
200,000 steadily grown. As of March 2006, there were
150,000 136,088 144,684
151,687 143,228 NH Circles in 31 countries.
113,778 Including suppliers, affiliates and dealers,
19,776 NH Circles were active in FY2007,
50,000 involving some 144,856 individuals.
The 2008 NH Circle World Convention will be
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (FY)
held in Guangzhou, China.
• NH Circle activities
In NH Circle activities, associates take the
initiative to get together to discover ways to
improve their work, their workplace and their
NH Circle participation
(circles) (individuals)
20,000 150,000
circles individuals
offers life-planning seminars focusing on issues We strive to ensure workplace safety, as well
such as health maintenance, finances and active as traffic safety for associates on their way to
living. work. Honda is clearly defining its principles and
practices and striving to be a world leader in the
• Protecting personal information area of occupational health and safety.
To protect associates’ personal information, In FY2007 we strengthened measures to
Honda has implemented a comprehensive ensure workplace safety, focusing on preventing
information and privacy policy. accidents in the workplace, reducing the risk
of fire caused by explosions and avoiding
An active labor union occupational illness. We’re setting the bar high
Honda has a collective agreement with on workplace safety and applying the entire
the Honda Motor Workers’ Union. The organization’s resources to achieve the goal of
company and union have enjoyed cordial, good health for all.
mutually supportive relations, engaging
regularly in frank exchanges on key issues Occupational health and safety promotion system
such as occupational health, safety, and
the maintenance and improvement of
employment conditions and labor stability. Director responsible
for health and safety
In collective bargaining and discussions at
the labor-management committee, both Health and Mechanical
Safety Oversight Safety Standards
sides strive to appreciate the other‘s positions Committee Committee
and approaches with regard to production Equipment Safety Health and Safety
and Reliability Managing director
and sales activities. Differences of opinion Committee Personnel manager
Associates’ Committee
Health and Safety
are respected. Both sides work together to Management Center
Health Management
Center Directors’
overcome challenges, strengthen bonds of Ergonomics
Committee Committee
trust and increase mutual understanding.
Company and union have cooperated
in a manner worthy of Honda to create Workplace Workplace Workplace
and North America to 185,397
present our financial
position and future
management plans.
These publications
60,603 59,564 58,364
and reports, as well 49,327
as presentation
materials from
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (FY)
financial results
To broaden understanding of its operations, Honda invites analysts and
investors to its annual year-end presidential address (last held December meetings, can
Participating in the Japan Investor Relations Association’s Tokyo Investor Relations Panel in November 2006
Looking After
Since the company’s foundation, Honda’s philanthrophic
initiatives have helped nurture ties with communities hosting
its operations. As its operations expanded and globalized in
the 1970s, Honda began to establish trusts and foundations
to support a broad range of research, educational and cultural
exchange activities. In 2006 Honda defined the basic principles
and policy that govern its philanthropic initiatives, focusing
its resources on education, environmental conservation and
the promotion of driving safety. Today, our philanthropic
initiatives are progressing worldwide.
Web For more information on our philanthropic initiatives,
please visit us at
Global Directions
Striving to create a future society in which everyone can pursue
their dreams, Honda shall:
• Support educating our youth for the future
• Work to preserve global environments
• Promote traffic safety through education and training
Designed to help create a future full of dreams, this symbol captures the spirit of the
Honda Group’s philanthropic activities throughout the world.
Environmental Conservation
Educational Initiatives Initiatives
Children build the future, and we want to foster Honda is proactive in environmental
their dreams and creativity. Honda is engaged conservation. From research and development
in initiatives that convey to children the joy and to production and purchasing, from distribution,
wonder of daring to dream, and then turning sales and recycling to the operation of office
their dreams into reality. Through a variety of facilities, we’re making the environment a
stimulating and constructive initiatives for pre- priority throughout the life cycle of our products
school to university-age youth, we’re helping and in every aspect of our operations.
young people develop the power to dream One of Honda’s first steps in environmental
and create. We will continue to work to provide conservation was the beginning of the
youth with opportunities to discover how Community Forest initiative in 1976. Since then,
much fun learning new things and challenging the company’s efforts to keep things clean and
themselves can be. We want young people to green around its facilities and coexist with local
realize their full, individual potential. communities have expanded throughout the
5th Children’s Idea Contest
In the Children’s Idea Contest, which started The Beach Clean-Up Project
in 2002, entrants are asked to draw a picture In Japan and around the world the problem of
of something they imagine would be really seashore pollution is getting worse. Trash left
cool, and send it to us. In 2006, for the fifth on the beach or dumped into the ocean finds
such contest, 3,414 entries were received from its way ashore onto beaches worldwide. Much
elementary school children all over Japan. A of it is non-biodegradable plastic, which can
panel of judges selected the top entries, which cause injuries to people, harm fish and birds
were created by 33 groups of students (a total that ingest it, and have other negative impacts
of 40 children). The children were then invited on ecosystems.
to make models of their ideas and present them Seeking to alleviate this problem and return
for final review before a large audience, and beaches to their natural condition, a caravan of
13 prizewinners were selected. The Children’s current and retired Honda associate volunteers
Idea Contest is now a cultural exchange: this began a new environmental conservation
year, for the first time, initiative in May 2006. Working with municipal
prizewinners from the authorities, the volunteers began cleaning up at
Honda ASIMO Super beaches with a light, compact, simple, easy-to-
Idea Contest in Thailand
were invited to attend
the final review and
participate in games
with their new Japanese
use and towable Beach Cleaner. In the first year Fuel cell vehicle classes
of the Beach Clean-Up Project in FY2007, the What’s global warming? What’s a fuel cell
caravan of volunteers cleaned litter at 19 beaches vehicle? To give easy-to-understand answers
in Japan. to these and other questions that children
In response to requests, starting in FY2008 may ask, Honda holds fuel cell vehicle classes
the initiative is expanding beyond the volunteer at the Welcome Plaza showroom at its Tokyo
caravan, as Beach Cleaner and Honda ATV sets headquarters ten Sundays per year.
are being loaned to qualified municipalities. The presentations, given by members of
the Honda R&D fuel cell vehicle development
team, feature a picture book-style computer
slideshow, as well as live demonstrations of
electrolysis and tiny fuel cell vehicles. The
kids get a chance to ride in a real-life Honda
FCX fuel cell vehicle and experience the
vehicle’s smooth acceleration for themselves.
At intervals, they’re given fun quizzes to test
their understanding and encourage them
to experience the joy of learning. At the end
of class, each child
is given a certificate
that includes their
own picture to
commemorate their
participation. Their
The Honda Beach Clean-Up Project in action at Tsuzumigaura beach, earnest looks are
Mie Prefecture (October 2006)
ample evidence of
the program’s ability
Volunteer’s perspective to stimulate interest
in environmental FCX test drive (January 2007)
I participated in a clean-up
at the beach on Iki Island questions.
in Nagasaki Prefecture
in November 2006, and
then again in May 2007
in Kochi Prefecture. We
soon realized that the
sand and litter were very
different from location to Akira Yamazaki
location. With an initiative
like this, the team gains experience and expertise
over time, so it’s that much more important to
keep at it. In order not to break sea turtle eggs
that might be buried in the sand, the teeth on
the Beach Cleaner’s rake are short, and we also
lowered the pressure on the ATV’s tires. I was
driving the ATV, and I could see that the impact
we were having, both in terms of speed and the
efficient application of people’s labor, was very
significant. Seeing the results—and the smiles
of local residents—I felt a strong sense of having
achieved something worthwhile, and a strong
motivation to participate again.
First fuel cell vehicle class (January 2007)
Touch the World 8, held at Welcome Plaza Aoyama at the Honda headquarters
in Tokyo (June 2006)
Enjoying the challenge of making things Clean-up and conservation work begins after a short orientation
In addition to factual information regarding the past and present status of
Honda Motor Co., Ltd., this report contains plans, perspectives and forecasts
based on corporate philosophy and management strategies as of the date of
publication. Sections of the report dealing with such plans, perspectives and
forecasts are based on information available at time of publication. Actual
results and events may differ.
The report primarily covers activities from April 1, 2006, to March 31, 2007.
Some historical background of these activities and references to events up to
the time of publication, as well as forecasts and plans, may also be included.
Publication date
Current edition: October 2007
Next edition: October 2008
This report can also be found on the
Honda Worldwide website.
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Printed with soy ink made from plants containing minimal volatile organic compounds
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