Assess The Knowledge Regarding The Prevention and Management of Problems in Breastfeeding Among Antenatal Women in A Selected Hospital, Thrissur
Assess The Knowledge Regarding The Prevention and Management of Problems in Breastfeeding Among Antenatal Women in A Selected Hospital, Thrissur
Assess The Knowledge Regarding The Prevention and Management of Problems in Breastfeeding Among Antenatal Women in A Selected Hospital, Thrissur
Demographic SECTION B: Description of the assessment of the Frequency(n) Percentage(%)
variables level of knowledge among the subjects regarding
Occupation the prevention and management of problems in
Private breastfeeding.
employee 20 33.33
1. Govt. 0 0
Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of
employee 0 0
Business 40 66.66 knowledge scores of the subjects.
House wife
Family N=60
income Level of Scoring
Frequency(n) Percentage(%)
Below 10,000 knowledge range
15 25 Inadequate
10,000- 0-9 05 8.33
2. 11 18.33 knowledge
17 28.33 Moderate
20,000- 10-19 48 80
17 28.33 knowledge
Above 30,000 Adequate
20-30 07 11.66
7. Falguni Debnath, Nilanjan Mondal, A mixed
method approach using cohort and content
Analysis design for Determinants of optimum
exclusive breastfeeding duration in rural
Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 89