Assess The Knowledge Regarding The Prevention and Management of Problems in Breastfeeding Among Antenatal Women in A Selected Hospital, Thrissur

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Mrs.Sikha Thomas 1, Ms.Alpha Jose 2, Ms.Aneesha Anto P 3, Mr.Arjun Baby 4,
Ms.Blessy Biju 5, Ms.Deepa Poulose 6, Ms.Neena Geroge 7, Ms. Praise K Jose 8,
Ms.Salini Damodaran 9
Lecturer 1, Year Bsc Nursing Students 2-9
Aswini College Of Nursing
Abstract: Breastfeeding is essential for the physical and mental health of the child as well as the mother. But in
some situation women experience troubles with breastfeeding at the starting of lactation, which includes sore
nipples, cracked nipples, breast engorgement, mastitis, inverted nipples, short nipples etc. Many mothers may not
be aware about the problems in breastfeeding. Hence, A study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding
the prevention and management of problems in breastfeeding among the antenatal women in a selected Hospital,
Thrissur. The objectives of the study were to associate the knowledge on prevention and management of problems
in breastfeeding among antenatal women with their selected demographic variables and to prepare and distribute
an information booklet regarding prevention and management of problems in breastfeeding. A descriptive design
was adopted for this study and conducted over 60 primi antenatal women, who were selected by purposive
sampling technique from Aswini Hospital Thrissur. The knowledge was assessed by using a structured knowledge
questionnaire regarding prevention and management of problems in breast feeding. This study finding revealed
that 80% of antenatal women were having moderate knowledge, 8.33% were having inadequate knowledge and
11.66% were having adequate knowledge on prevention and management of problems in breastfeeding. Also the
study findings revealed that there was a significant association between knowledge on prevention and
management of problems in breastfeeding among antenatal women with their selected demographic variables.
Thus, the study concluded that antenatal women needs to be educated on prevention and management of problems
in breast feeding.
Key words: Antenatal women, Problems in breast feeding, Information booklet

INTRODUCTION concerning women, a human rights issue, a health

issue and lately it has also been a feminist issue in the
"Breast is the best" says British Medical Journal of light of activism in favour of women's right to
Breast Feeding. Breastfeeding is an important issue breastfeed in public without being shamed and

Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 83

objectified. British MP Stella Creasy stirred problems with breastfeeding in public including lack
controversy after breastfeeding her three month old of facilities, perceived restriction (17.81%); and
son in the House of Commons, and the ban imposed postpartum depression (17.42%). A third of the
afterwards sparked debates on women's right to mothers (38%) mentioned that the initial days after the
breastfeed their children without being policed. birth of the baby were the most challenging time of
Breastfeeding can be an empowering experience for their breastfeeding journey.
women. Breastfeeding her own baby can be
emotionally overwhelming for a mother, usually in
incredibly positive ways. The bond that forms between
the mother and the child during nursing is
NEED AND SIGINFICANCE OF THE STUDY A study to assess the knowledge regarding the
prevention and management of problems in
A survey was conducted by Momspresso, a platform breastfeeding among antenatal women in a selected
which provides content for mothers, in collaboration hospital, Thrissur.
with Medela, a supplier of breast pumps and
breastfeeding accessories. Over 500 women OBJECTIVES
participated in the survey, which aims to bring the
conversation about breastfeeding challenges into 1.To assess the knowledge regarding the prevention
mainstream discourse and find solutions. The survey and management of problems in breastfeeding among
noted that despite all the challenges mothers faced, antenatal women.
78% still said that they breastfed their babies for a year 2.To associate the knowledge regarding the prevention
or longer. The study also tried to find the biggest and management of problems in breastfeeding among
hurdles faced by mothers in their breastfeeding antenatal women with their selected demographic
journey. The key challenges were classified into variables.
medical issues, behavioural transitions, workplace
challenges, nursing while travelling or in public, and 3.To prepare and distribute an information booklet
support at home. Over 70% of Indian mothers feel related to prevention and management problems in
breastfeeding is a challenging experience but a breastfeeding.
majority of them still nursed their babies for a year or
more, revealed a survey that has been released to HYPOTHESIS
commemorate 'Breastfeeding Week', which is
observed from August 1-7. The top six breastfeeding Significant at 0.05 level)
challenges faced by Indian mothers were: early day
challenges such as sore and cracked nipples, latching H0: There is no significant association between the
problems, and engorged breasts (34.7%); exhaustion knowledge regarding prevention and management of
from waking up in the middle of the night, too many problems in breastfeeding among antenatal women
feeding sessions and long feeding sessions (31.8%); with their selected demographic variables.
baby biting (26.61%); lactation issues (22.7%);
Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 84
H1: There is a significant association between the in breastfeeding and the presence of health
knowledge regarding the prevention and management workers in the family, if any.
of problems in breastfeeding among antenatal women Section B: A Structured knowledge based
with their selected demographic variables. questionnaire to assess the knowledge
regarding prevention and management of
METHODOLOGY problems in breastfeeding.
research approach A structured knowledge questionnaire on
 RESEARCH DESIGH: Descriptive design prevention and management of problems in
 SAMPLE:Primi antenatal women breastfeeding with 30 items was constructed to
 SAMPLE SIZE: 60 assess the knowledge of antenatal women
 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Purposive regarding the same. The questions were
sampling techique organized under 3 components: knowledge
 SETTING OF THE STUDY:Aswini regarding breast feeding, knowledge regarding
hospital,Thrissur prevention and management of problems in
breastfeeding. The questionnaire consists of
30 multiple choice items, each items had 4
alternative responses including one correct
response. The correct response carried I mark
INCLUSION CRITERIA: For this study, the and wrong respose carried none. The
inclusion criteria were maximum score was 30 and the minimum
Antenatal women who were; score was zero. To meet the level of
 primigravida knowledge, the scores were distributed as
 willing to participate in the study. follows
Section C: An Information booklet on
EXCLUSION CRITERIA:Antenatal women prevention and management of problems in
who were; breast feeding.
 Health professionals An information booklet on breastfeeding
 Multigravida techniques, prevention and management of
problems in breastfeeding such as sore nipples,
Description of the tool cracked nipple, breast engorgement, short
Section A: Demographic profile of t the nipple, inverted nipple, mastitis and breast
subjects. abscess was created, to be distributed among
The demographic profile of the antenatal the subjects.
women who were studied consisted of 9
variables such as age, religion, education, RESULTS
occupation, family income, type of family,
area of residence, prior awareness on problems SECTION A: Description of demographic
profile of the subjects
Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 85
Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of Type of
the subjects according to age in years, religion, family
3. Nuclear 42 70
education and marital status family 18 30
Joint family
S Demographic variable Freque Percentag
Table 3: Frequency and percentage distribution of
l. ncy(n) e(%) the subjects according to the area of residence,
n previous knowledge and the presence of health
o workers in family.
1 Age in years
. <20 yrs 03 05 N=60
20-25 yrs 24 40 Sl. Demographic variables Fre Percentage(%)
25-30 yrs 24 40 no que
>30 yrs 09 15 ncy
2 Education (n)
. Primary education 01 1.66 1. Area of residence
Secondary education 0 0 Rural 29 48.33
Higher secondary education 12 20 Urban 19 31.66
Graduate or above 47 78.33 Semi urban 12 20
3 Religion 2. Previous source of
. Hindu 46 76.66 information 13 21.66
Christian 11 18.33 Yes 47 78.33
Muslim 03 05 No
Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of 3. Health workers in family
the subjects according to occupation, type of Yes 23 38
family, and family income. No 12 20

Demographic SECTION B: Description of the assessment of the Frequency(n) Percentage(%)
variables level of knowledge among the subjects regarding
Occupation the prevention and management of problems in
Private breastfeeding.
employee 20 33.33
1. Govt. 0 0
Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of
employee 0 0
Business 40 66.66 knowledge scores of the subjects.
House wife
Family N=60
income Level of Scoring
Frequency(n) Percentage(%)
Below 10,000 knowledge range
15 25 Inadequate
10,000- 0-9 05 8.33
2. 11 18.33 knowledge
17 28.33 Moderate
20,000- 10-19 48 80
17 28.33 knowledge
Above 30,000 Adequate
20-30 07 11.66

Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 86

Private TV=12.
employee 59
House wife
SECTION C: Description of the association 2. Religion X2
between the level of knowledge among the subjects Hindu 4 36 6 =0.093
and their selected demographic variables. Muslim 0 3 0 TV=12.
Christian 7 9 1 59
3. Family X2 =
Table 5: Association between level of knowledge income 1 12 2 0.5434ns
among the subjects regarding the prevention and Below 1 9 1 TV=
management of problems in breastfeeding and 10,000 2 13 2 12.59
10,000- 1 14 2
their selected demographic variables such as age 20,000
and education 20,000-
Demogra Statisti 30,000
Sl. Level of Above
phic cal
no knowledge 30,000
variable value
Inadequ Moder Adequ ns = non significant
ate ate ate at 0.05 level *=significant at 0.05 level
<20 yrs 0 3 0 X2 Table 7: Association between level of knowledge
1. 20-25 yrs 1 22 1 =27.7* among the subjects regarding the prevention and
25-30 yrs 2 17 5 TV= management of problems in breastfeeding and
>30 yrs 2 6 1 12.59
2. Education
their selected demographic variables such as type
Primary X2 = of family, area of residence, previous information
Higher 1 0 0 12.859 and the presence of health workers in the family.
secondary 0 11 1 *
Degree 4 37 6 TV=3.8 Statist
and above 4 Sl. Demograph Level of
no ic variables knowledge
ns = non significant value
at 0.05 level *=significant at 0.05 level Inadeq Moder Adequ
uate ate ate
Table 6: Association between level of knowledge Type of X2 =
among the subjects regarding the prevention and 0.278ns
1. Nuclear 4 33 5
management of problems in breastfeeding and family 1 15 2 TV=9.
their selected demographic variables such as Joint family 49
occupation, religion and family income. Area of X2
residence =3.088
3 24 2
N=60 2. Rural
1 16 2

Sl.n Demograp Level of knowledge Statistic Urban TV=9.

1 8 3
o hic al value Semi urban 49
variables Previo X2
Inadequa Modera Adequa =0.273
te te te
3. source 2ns
1. Occupatio X2
n 1 14 5 =69.07* of 1 11 1 TV=5.
4 34 2 infor 99

Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 87

matio workers (x2 = 5.45 which was non significant at
n Yes 0.05level).
No 4 37 6 Third objective of the study was to prepare and
Health X2 distribute an information booklet regarding the
workers in =5.45n
prevention and management of problems in breast
4. the family
2 9 4
feeding among the objects. IN information booklet on
3 39 3 the prevention and management of problems in
No 99
breastfeeding us prepared by the investigators. It
contained information regarding the importance of
DISCUSSION appropriate breastfeeding practices, techniques of
breastfeeding, common breastfeeding problems and
The first objective of the study was to assess the prevention and management of them. The information
knowledge regarding the prevention and management booklet was prepared the regional language and
of problems in breastfeeding,among antenatal women distributed to all the samples as well as all the
in a selected hospital A detailed analysis of the antenatal women who attended the obstetrics and
findings of this study revealed that among the 60 gynaecology OPDs of Aswini Hospital during the
antenatal women who were chosen as subjects, 48 period to data collection
(80% )had moderate knowledge and 7(1166%) had
adequate knowledge 5 (8.33%) had inadequate CONCLUSION
knowledge regarding the prevention and management
of problems related to breastfeeding. Breast Milk is the most appropriate source of
nourishment for a newborn and breastfeeding is one of
The second objective of the study was to associate the the most natural and best forms of preventive medicine
level of knowledge among the subjects women with for the infants. A lack of optimal breastfeeding
their selected demographic variables. contributes to about over million preventable deaths of
children every year. Despite the numerous known
The findings o this study revealed that there was no benefits of breastfeeding and continuous efforts to
significant association between the knowledge of the improve breastfeeding practices, breastfeeding rates
subjects and their selected demographic variables such are far from optimal. Problems faced by lactating
as age x * 2 = 27.7 which was significant at 0.05level), mothers while breastfeeding are the main cause
religion ( chi * 2 = 0.093 which was non significant at leading to non- exclusive breastfeeding or early
0.05level), education ( gamma * 2 = 12.855 which was termination of breastfeeding. The knowledge of
significant at 0.05level), occupation( x * 2 = 69.07 antenatal women regarding the prevention and
which was significant at 0.05level), family income ( management of breastfeeding problems is the main
chi * 2 = 0.5434 which was non significant at measure to control the severity of this issue.
0.05level), family type gamma * 2 = 0.278 which was
. significant at
0.05level),residence (x2 = 3.088 which was non REFERENCE
significant at 0.05level), previous knowledge( x2 =
0.2732 which was non significant at 0.05level), health
Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 88
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Copyright @ Brio International Journal of Nursing Research (BIJNR) 89

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