Instructions Regarding Hostel For First Year Boys Students Gomukh Hostel
Instructions Regarding Hostel For First Year Boys Students Gomukh Hostel
Instructions Regarding Hostel For First Year Boys Students Gomukh Hostel
संस्थान में प्रथम वर्ष में प्रवे श ले ने वाले B. Tech और BCA के छात्रं (पुरुर्) कर गौमुख छात्ावास में ददनां क 21
अगस्त 2023 कर रूम आवं दित दकया जाएगा। दकसी भी सूचना या अपडे ि के दलए सभी छात् और उनके अदभभावक
संस्थान की वै बसाइि ( प्रदतददन चेक करते रहे । कृपया नीचे दलखे ददशा दनदे शरं कर ध्यान से
पढ़े ।
(1) All the first year students (boys) will be allotted room on “First Come First Serve” and
sharing basis in the Gomukh Hostel, BTKIT Dwarahat. The bed/ cot will be provided by the
hostel. Bring your own bed sheets, pillow, mattress, blanket, bucket, mug, hangers etc.
(2) The room in the hostel will be allotted only after the full payment of the mess advance fee for
the even semester of Ay 2023- 24. The mess is operated by the mess committee of students.
The extra expenditure will be collected and in case of less expenditure, the money will be
refunded at the end of the year. Currently the mess advance fee is Rs. 18,000/ (Eighteen
Thousand Only) per semester. The fee may be deposited through cheque/ DD (in favour of
Gomukh Hostel Mess), online banking, UPI etc. No cash deposit in the hostel/ bank is
permitted. The details of the account number is as follows:
(3) After the payment of mess advance fee, fill the Google form
( Take the printout of the duly filled form.
Each & every page of the printout of the duly filled form is to be signed by the student
and parent. The QR code of the Google form is also given below:
(4) Once you reach the hostel, make proper entry of your arrival in the hostel in the register kept
with the security guard at the hostel and then report to the hostel/ mess clerk (Mr. Laxman
Singh, Contact No.: 9720696554) or to Mr. Gopal Singh (Contact No.: 9761248451).
(5) Submit the following documents to the hostel/ mess clerk (Mr. Laxman Singh, Contact No.:
9720696554) or to Mr. Gopal Singh (Contact No.: 9761248451). The documents should be
strictly in the order as given below:
(i) Duly filled and signed Hosteller Personal Information Form (AY 2023- 24) and other
forms. These forms/ documents are given at Annexure 1 (Page no.3), Annexure 2
(Page no.4) and annexure 3 (Page no. 5) in this file.
(ii) Self-attested copy of aadhar card of the student.
(iii) Self-attested copy of the print out of the mess advance fee deposited. Amount, account
no. (Both debit and credit), transaction number and date etc. should be clearly visible
on the print out. Write your name, father’ name, branch and contact number on the
front side of the printout.
(iv) Duly filled & signed printout of the google form. Link given at Sr. No. 3
जमा किए जाने वाले फॉमम/ दस्तावेज़ो मे ेँ िक िं ग/ ओवर राइक िं ग या व्हाइ नर िा प्रयोग िरना वकजमत है । साथ
ही जमा किए जाने वाले फॉमम/ दस्तावेज़ो िो मोड़े मत।
(6) The mess clerk (Mr. Laxman Singh, Contact No.: 9720696554) or Mr. Gopal Singh (Contact
No.: 9761248451) will check the documents and allot the room if all documents are found in
order. You will not be allotted a room in the hostel if you don’t carry the proper documents/
incomplete documents.
(7) You are advised to report in the hostel from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You must contact to above
mentioned people before your arrival if you report in the hostel beyond the above said
(8) You are also supposed to download/ read the following documents:
(9) For any query, contact to the hostel/ mess clerk (Mr. Laxman Singh, Contact No.:
9720696554) or to Mr. Gopal Singh (Contact No.: 9761248451).
Gomukh Hostel
Annexure- 1
Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology
Dwarahat-263653, District- Almora, Uttarakhand
Hosteller Personal Information Form (AY 2023- 2024)
Overwriting/ cutting/ use of whitener are not allowed. Date:
12. Photographs of the parents/ family members/ local guardian who will come to hostel to visit the student:
I hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. If any information is
found to be false at any stage, then disciplinary action will be taken.
Date: _____/_____/_____ Name & Signature of Student Name & Signature of parents
Annexure- 2