Second 4 Quarter 1
Second 4 Quarter 1
Second 4 Quarter 1
A. Content the type of bonds that carbon forms that result in the diversity of carbon compounds
B. Performance
C. Or Learning Explain how the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds it forms
Competencies/Obj S9MT-IIg-17
Define what is Recognize the general Recognize the general Administer a
Write the LC code carbon atom classes and uses of classes and uses of formative assessment
for each
Discuss why organic compound. organic compound.
carbon is a Differentiate organic Show oil and gas
unique atom compound by inorganic formation.
Recognize the compound. Discuss the major
importance of classes of organic
carbon atom in
our daily life
A. References Science 9: Learners
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing the When you were in Grade Recall the carbon atoms Review organic Administer a formative
previous lesson or 8, You have already compounds assessment
presenting the learned the different
new lesson elements in the periodic
table like its atomic
number, the atomic
weight, the family where
the elements belong and
the group.
Bond Length
atom has the ability to
form long carbon-to-
carbon chains. It can tie
with one another in
straight chains, yet in
complex branching,
similar to the parts of a
tree. These can even join
"head-to-tail" to make
rings of carbon particles.
There is basically no
restriction to the number
or unpredictability of the
branches or the quantity
of rings that can be
connected to carbon
atom, and hence no
restriction to the quantity
of various particles that
can be shaped
E. Discussing new Strength Based from the video Provide a photo copy of
concepts and The presented, ask the the major classes of
practicing new carbon–carbon single students organic compound.
bond is a sigma bond and to differentiate organic Assign each group of
skills #2
is formed between one compounds from students to
hybridized orbital from inorganic conceptualize the major
each of the carbon atoms. compounds. classes of compounds,
Sigma bonds are the its functional groups and
strongest kind of covalent its important uses. (see
bond. They are framed by attachment #3)
head-on overlapping Students will answer the
between nuclear orbitals. some guide questions.
Sigma bonding is mostly
characterized for diatomic
atoms utilizing the
language and tools of
symmetry groups.
4. Multiple Bond
It can
impart not just one
electron to another atom
to form a single bond, it
can likewise share two or
three electrons, framing a
double or triple bond.
This makes for countless
possible bond blends at
better places, making
huge number of various
potential molecules.
Furthermore, a particle
that varies by even one
atom or one bond
position is a molecule of
a different compound
H. Making What is carbon atom Why carbon so special Can you describe major
generalizations again? compared to other classes of organic
and abstractions elements? compounds?
What are the reasons why
about the lesson
carbon atom is a unique
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners ___of learners who earned ___of learners who earned ___of learners who earned ___of learners who earned
who earned 80% 80% above 80% above 80% above 80% above
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
who require additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No
lessons work? No. ____ of learners who caught ____ of learners who caught ____ of learners who caught ____ of learners who caught
up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who continue ____ of learners who
who continue to continue to require continue to require to require remediation continue to require
remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
teaching strategies well: well: well: well:
___group collaboration ___group collaboration ___group collaboration ___group collaboration
worked well? ___ games ___ games ___ games ___ games
Why did this ___ solving quizzes ___ solving quizzes ___ solving quizzes ___ solving quizzes
work? ___ power point ___ power point ___ power point presentation ___ power point presentation
presentation presentation ___think –pair-share ___think –pair-share
___think –pair-share ___think –pair-share ___differentiated instruction ___differentiated instruction
___differentiated instruction ___differentiated instruction ___role playing ___role playing
___role playing ___role playing ___ discovery method ___ discovery method
___ discovery method ___ discovery method ___ lecture method ___ lecture method
___ lecture method ___ lecture method ___ Hand - outs ___ Hand - outs
___ Hand - outs ___ Hand - outs Why? Why?
Why? Why? ___complete IM’s ___complete IM’s
___complete IM’s ___complete IM’s ___availability of materials ___availability of materials
___availability of materials ___availability of materials ___peoples eagerness to learn ___peoples eagerness to
___peoples eagerness to ___peoples eagerness to ___group members learn
learn learn cooperation in doing their ___group members
___group members ___group members tasks cooperation in doing their
cooperation in doing their cooperation in doing their tasks
tasks tasks
F. What difficulties ___bullying among students ___bullying among students ___bullying among students ___bullying among students
did I encounter ___ Students ___ Students ___ Students behavior/attitude ___ Students
which my behavior/attitude behavior/attitude ___Colorful IM’s behavior/attitude
___Colorful IM’s ___Colorful IM’s ___Unavailable technology ___Colorful IM’s
principal or ___Unavailable technology ___Unavailable technology equipment ___Unavailable technology
supervisor can equipment equipment ____additional Clerical works equipment
help me solve? ____additional Clerical ____additional Clerical ____reading readiness ____additional Clerical
works works ____lack of interest of pupils works
____reading readiness ____reading readiness ____reading readiness
____lack of interest of ____lack of interest of ____lack of interest of pupils
pupils pupils
G. What innovation Planned innovations: Planned innovations: Planned innovations: Planned innovations:
or localized ____localized videos ____localized videos ____localized videos ____localized videos
____making use tarpapel ____making use tarpapel ____making use tarpapel from ____making use tarpapel
materials did I from views of the locality from views of the locality views of the locality from views of the locality
use/discover ___recycling of plastics to ___recycling of plastics to ___recycling of plastics to be ___recycling of plastics to be
which I wish to be used as instructional be used as instructional used as instructional materials used as instructional
share with other materials materials ___local poetical composition materials
___local poetical ___local poetical ___flashcards ___local poetical
teachers? composition composition ___pictures composition
___flashcards ___flashcards ___flashcards
___pictures ___pictures ___pictures
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