Sewer Status Report January 31

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Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 86 Filed 01/31/24 Page 1 of 25

The Consolidated Report of Activities

for the quarter ended December 30, 2023
The Stipulated Order on Sewer System (CWA Case)
as Entered on October 5, 2023
By United States District Judge Henry T. Wingate
In Case Number 3:12-cv-790-HTW-LGI
The United States and the State of Mississippi
v The City of Jackson, Mississippi

January 31, 2024

Prepared by Edward “Ted” Henifin, P.E.

The Interim Third-Party Manager
Of the City of Jackson’s Drinking Water and Sewer Systems
Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 86 Filed 01/31/24 Page 2 of 25
Quarterly Status Report

Table of Contents
Introduction and Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Section 1: Summary Tables of Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Bypasses ............................................................. 1
1.1 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Prohibited Bypasses .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 2: Narrative Report ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Projects and Activities........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Delays ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Modifications to Sewer Project Priority List and Implementation Schedule .................................................. 7
2.4 Accounting of Expenditures ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.5 Projection of Work for Upcoming Quarter ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Financial Statement (reports submitted in January only).............................................................................. 17
2.7 Trends Analysis (reports submitted in April only) ........................................................................................... 17
2.8 Proposed ITPM Professional Sewer Budget for Upcoming Fiscal Year (reports submitted in July only) .... 17
Appendix A: Historical Sanitary Sewer Overflows (Prior to Effective Date) ......................................................... A1

List of Figures

List of Tables
Table 1. October Collection System SSOs.............................................................................................................. 1
Table 2. November Collection System SSOs ......................................................................................................... 2
Table 3. December Collection System SSOs ......................................................................................................... 4
Table 4. October Pump Station SSOs ..................................................................................................................... 5
Table 5. November Prohibited Bypasses ............................................................................................................... 6
Table 6. December Prohibited Bypasses ............................................................................................................... 6
Table 7. JXN Water Master Schedule for Priority Projects .................................................................................... 7
Table 8. JXN Water Master Schedule for Emergency Repairs in Appendix C Projects ........................................ 8
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions....................................................................................... 15
Table 10. JXN Water Expenditures from Professional Services Account ........................................................... 16
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Quarterly Status Report

Introduction and Purpose

This Quarterly Sewer Status Report has been prepared pursuant to Section 17 of the Stipulated Order en-
tered on 9/30/2023, which states that the ITPM shall submit to the Parties and file on the Court’s docket
written status reports on its progress in implementing the Stipulated Order.

Section 1: Summary Tables of Sanitary Sewer Overflows and

1.1 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)
Prior to the effective date, there were hundreds of SSOs that had been unresolved by the City of Jackson.
Those are listed in Appendix A. JXN Water is committed to resolve all SSOs and as the historical SSOs are
resolved they will be removed from Appendix A.
The date, time, location, source, estimated duration, estimated volume, receiving water (if any), and cause of
all Sanitary Sewer Overflows occurring during this reporting period are listed in Tables 1, 2, and 3.

Table 1. October Collection System SSOs

Estimated Estimated Reached
Line Own- Reported
Date Began Location Street Source Duration, Month Volume, Waters of Receiving Water
ership Cause
Day Gallons the State
Ground Surface (defec-
10/2/23 6:00 PM 845 EASTVIEW ST 29.25 93,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
139 & 141 WACASTER
10/3/23 10:04 AM Cleanout 28.58 30,000 No Three Mile Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defec-
10/3/23 2:18 PM 1426 COOKS AVE 28.40 24,000 Yes Trahon Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
Grease and Sol-
10/5/23 1:31 PM 353 SAVANNA ST Manhole 19.85 57,600 No Cany Municipal
Ground Surface (defec-
10/6/23 12:00 AM 1203 WOODY DR 26.00 16,200 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

10/6/23 12:19 PM 4208 AZALEA DR Cleanout 25.49 67,500 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defec-

10/6/23 2:27 PM 220 GADDIS ST 25.40 89,000 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)

10/9/23 11:31 AM 115 PLEASANT CT Manhole 0.05 500 Yes Town Municipal Grease

10/9/23 3:00 PM 340 CATALINA CIR Manhole 22.37 24,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined

10/11/23 9:03 AM 1324 DIANNE DR Cleanout 20.62 6,600 No Hardy Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defec-

10/12/23 9:18 AM 4340 WOODLAND AVE 19.61 52,500 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

10/12/23 11:19 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 19.53 6,300 Yes Lynch Private Not Determined

10/12/23 3:51 PM 319 ETHEL MARY ST Manhole 19.34 10,500 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Grease and Sol-

10/13/23 9:23 AM 1025 MADISON ST Cleanout 1.01 300 No Pearl Municipal
Ground Surface (defec-
10/17/23 2:50 PM 1421 SAINT FRANCIS ST 14.38 4,800 No Bakers Private Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
Grease and Sol-
10/19/23 10:06 AM 4277 ATHENS DR Manhole 0.03 500 Yes Eastover Municipal

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Quarterly Status Report

10/19/23 12:48 PM BRIARWOOD DR Manhole 12.47 28,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defec-

10/19/23 2:30 PM 2814 LAKEWOOD DR 12.40 4,200 Yes Hardy Private Not Determined
tive pipe underground)

10/20/23 1:34 PM 2937 MARYDALE DR Cleanout 0.43 2,000 No Hardy Municipal Not Determined

Grease and Sol-

10/21/23 10:21 AM 158 TAYLOR ST Cleanout 0.03 100 No Town Municipal

10/23/23 8:59 AM 2637 PROSPERITY ST Cleanout 4.04 10,000 Yes Town Municipal Water Leak

314 & 329 VARDAMAN Ground Surface (defec-

10/24/23 12:00 AM 8.00 9,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
ST tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
10/24/23 11:24 AM 729 WOODLAKE DR 0.15 1,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)

10/24/23 1:53 PM 149 LEA CIR Cleanout 1.00 300 No Hardy Municipal Grease

10/24/23 2:35 PM 963 VALENCIA ST Cleanout 7.39 4,500 No Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

325/342/338/360/374 Ground Surface (defec-

10/25/23 10:22 AM 0.01 1,000 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
HERITAGE PL tive pipe underground)

10/25/23 6:00 PM 137 SIVLEY AVE Cleanout 6.25 2,400 No Town Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defec-

10/25/23 6:24 PM 143 MELBOURNE ROAD 6.23 8,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
10/26/23 8:00 AM 1480 RAYMOND ROAD 5.67 7,000 Yes Cany Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
10/26/23 3:41 PM 744 OAKWOOD ST 5.35 3,500 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)

10/26/23 4:00 PM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 5.33 3,500 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined

Grease and
10/27/23 10:52 AM 4380 BROOK DR Manhole 0.28 1,500 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal
Ground Surface (defec-
10/27/23 4:23 PM 145 ABRAM FORD DR 1.05 3,200 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

10/27/23 7:52 PM 946 COMBS ST Cleanout 4.17 3,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined

10/29/23 2:15 PM 348 BARNES ST Cleanout 2.41 300 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined

10/30/23 10:06 AM Cleanout 1.58 900 No Cany Private Not Determined

10/30/23 4:28 PM 2559 MCDOWELL CIR Cleanout 1.31 1,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defec- Grease and Sol-

10/31/23 3:39 PM 3111 REVERE ST 0.01 600 Yes Hardy Municipal
tive pipe underground) ids

Table 2. November Collection System SSOs

Estimated Reached
Month Receiving
Date Began Location Street Source Duration, Waters of Line Ownership Reported Cause
Volume, Water
Day the State
1825 WISTERIA DR Cleanout 29.58 8,873 Yes Lynch Private Not Determined
10:08 AM
330 E RANKIN ST Manhole 29.00 30,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10:14 AM
1125 LUCEDALE ST Cleanout 27.56 8,269 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
10:29 AM
11/3/23 1:11 136 CEDARS OF
Cleanout 5.45 2,725 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/4/23 8:00
2240 BAILEY AVE Cleanout 16.56 4,969 No Town Private Not Determined
11/5/23 4950 WILLOW CREEK
Manhole 0.10 1,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Roots
12:00 AM DR

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Quarterly Status Report

11/6/23 3611 ALBERMARLE

Cleanout 25.00 7,500 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
12:00 AM ROAD
534 CLUB VIEW DR Cleanout 24.50 7,351 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11:57 AM
11/7/23 4:04
2939 OAKMONT DR Cleanout 0.85 850 No Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
11/7/23 4:35 GALLOWAY AVE &
Manhole 7.34 3,672 Yes Eastover Municipal Grease and Solids
11/8/23 1:07 4027 BEAVERBROOK
Creek 22.45 67,360 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/9/23 9:10 Ground Surface (defec-
1536 DIANNE DR 0.27 684 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
AM tive pipe underground)
11/9/23 3:28
211 LEA CIR Cleanout 0.07 70 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
11/11/23 Ground Surface (defec-
4002 LIBERTY ST 19.93 7,971 Yes Eubanks Municipal Not Determined
1:46 AM tive pipe underground)
11/13/23 1190 MCDOWELL Ground Surface (defec-
17.37 26,048 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
3:14 PM ROAD tive pipe underground)
1825 AVENUE H Manhole 0.14 81 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
3:20 PM
1906 SHAMROCK DR Cleanout 16.63 8,316 Yes Three Mile Municipal Collapsed Pipe
8:50 AM
301 COOPER ROAD Cleanout 16.61 8,305 No Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
9:22 AM
2322 FOREST AVE Manhole 0.28 168 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
11:28 AM
LEXINGTON AVE Cleanout 15.55 15,552 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10:45 AM
2750 GUNDA ST Manhole 1.01 20,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
11:45 AM
1214 KENWOOD PL Manhole 1.18 3,554 Yes Pearl Municipal Grease and Solids
12:44 PM
11/16/23 345 SAINT ANDREWS
Manhole 0.06 100 FALSE Pearl Municipal
3:18 PM DR
928 PORTER ST Manhole 13.60 27,194 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
9:40 AM
11/17/23 Ground Surface (defec-
212 ROOSEVELT ST 13.39 20,089 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
2:35 PM tive pipe underground)
5249 ANDOVER DR Manhole 10.66 53,299 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
8:10 AM
6227 WESLEY AVE Cleanout 10.59 3,177 No White Oak Private Not Determined
9:52 AM
620 MAGNOLIA ST Cleanout 10.36 3,109 Yes Town Private Not Determined
3:15 PM
1254 MACON ST Cleanout 9.52 2,856 No Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
11:31 AM
3554 SUNSET DR Cleanout 9.38 2,814 No Town Private Not Determined
2:51 PM
811 FOREST AVE Manhole 1.33 6,670 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
8:04 AM
538 N FARISH ST Cleanout 7.60 2,281 No Town Private Grease and Solids
9:30 AM
11/25/23 Ground Surface (defec-
5021 OAK LEAF DR 0.02 56 Yes Big Creek Municipal Grease and Solids
2:46 PM tive pipe underground)
3338 BAINBRIDGE DR Cleanout 0.26 514 No Town Private Grease and Solids
11:30 AM
508 LINDSEY DR Cleanout 0.29 86 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
11:49 AM
4112 CAROL DR Cleanout 3.38 2,364 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
2:57 PM
11/28/23 2920 ENGLEWOOD Ground Surface (defec-
2.53 18,984 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11:15 AM BLVD tive pipe underground)
1132 LANGLEY AVE Cleanout 2.45 735 No Lynch Private Not Determined
1:12 PM
123 STRATFORD DR Manhole 2.44 731 Yes Big Creek Municipal Not Determined
1:30 PM

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Quarterly Status Report

309 PRENTISS ST Cleanout 2.30 1,380 Yes Town Private Grease and Solids
4:47 PM
215 S PARK DR Cleanout 2.23 891 No White Oak Private Not Determined
6:33 PM
11/29/23 Ground Surface (defec-
234 VALLEY RIDGE DR 1.63 1,631 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
8:52 AM tive pipe underground)
447 CAMBRIDGE LANE Manhole 1.55 11,175 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10:45 AM
2750 N SIWELL ROAD Manhole 1.23 1,226 Yes Big Creek Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11:35 AM
717 ROSENEATH ST Cleanout 1.40 421 No Town Private Not Determined
2:20 PM
515 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 1.29 386 No Town Private Not Determined
5:06 PM

Table 3. December Collection System SSOs

Estimated Reached
Date & Time Location No. Estimated Receiving Reported
Source Volume, Waters of the Line Ownership
Began Location Street Duration, Day Water Cause
Gallons State
12/1/23 4:11 PM 5357 RIDGEWOOD Manhole 13.33 13,326 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe
12/4/23 5:08 PM 1142 WHITWORTH Cleanout 27.29 13,643 No Town Private Not Determined
12/4/23 5:49 PM 2202 DOGWOOD Manhole 0.76 1,515 Yes Cany Municipal Not Determined
12/5/23 9:18 AM WOODVIEW DR Manhole 0.32 321 Yes Cany Municipal Grease and Solids
12/5/23 1:11 PM 1003 ARLINGTON Ground Surface 26.45 7,935 Yes Eubanks Private Collapsed Pipe
ST (defective pipe un-
12/6/23 7:40 PM 4515 RIDGEWOOD Ground Surface 0.80 398 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
ROAD (defective pipe un-
12/7/23 1:49 PM 246 HOLLAND AVE Cleanout 6.71 2,013 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
12/8/23 9:16 AM 534 CLUB VIEW DR Cleanout 0.32 161 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
12/8/23 2:21 PM 703 BRANDON AVE Ground Surface 13.11 6,555 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
(defective pipe un-
12/11/23 9:02 AM 643 FOREST AVE Ground Surface 20.62 6,187 No Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
(defective pipe un-
12/11/23 2:10 PM 2455 BELVEDERE Cleanout 20.41 6,123 Yes Hardy Private Not Determined
12/11/23 3:09 PM 4400 LAKE VISTA Cleanout 20.37 16,295 Yes Cany Private Not Determined
12/12/23 10:08 4637 NORMANDY Cleanout 19.58 9,789 No Eubanks Municipal Not Determined
12/12/23 11:37 435 WILLAMAN ST Cleanout 19.52 5,855 No Lynch Private Not Determined
12/12/23 3:53 PM 4223 HOOVER ST Ground Surface 19.34 5,801 No Lynch Private Not Determined
(defective pipe un-
12/12/23 3:53 PM 4223 HOOVER ST Cleanout No Lynch Private Not Determined
12/14/23 8:37 AM 4266 / 4262 Ground Surface 4.64 4,641 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
RICHMOND CIR (defective pipe un-
12/14/23 1:20 PM GREYMONT AVE Manhole 0.06 57 Yes Pearl Municipal Grease and Solids
12/14/23 1:43 PM 621 HOUSTON AVE Manhole 0.09 26 Yes Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
12/14/23 4:45 PM 1118 ADKINS Cleanout 17.30 5,191 No White Oak Private Not Determined
12/17/23 1:34 PM 2861 TERRY ROAD Manhole 0.21 314 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
12/18/23 12:00 1805 HOSPITAL DR Cleanout 14.00 4,200 No Lynch Private Not Determined
12/18/23 12:16 111 SANFORD ST Cleanout 13.49 4,047 No Town Private Not Determined

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Quarterly Status Report

12/18/23 4:10 PM 646 CHELSEA DR Manhole 0.74 743 Yes Cany Municipal Grease
12/19/23 12:00 2951 OLD CANTON Ground Surface Not enough Infor- Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
AM RD (defective pipe un- mation
12/19/23 9:12 AM 4277 ATHENS DR Manhole 12.62 3,785 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/20/23 5:03 PM 2688 LAKE CV Manhole 1.00 798 Yes Eastover Municipal Not Determined
12/20/23 6:01 PM 4527 WATKINS DR Cleanout 11.25 3,375 No Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/21/23 8:25 AM 4850 WATKINS DR Ground Surface 1.02 5,097 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
(defective pipe un-
12/21/23 1:36 PM 2333 TIMBER Manhole 0.85 850 Yes Cany Municipal Grease and Solids
12/21/23 3:23 PM 2225 Ground Surface 2.06 1,028 Yes Hardy Municipal Not Determined
BRECKENRIDGE (defective pipe un-
RD derground)
12/21/23 4:09 PM 2222 CASTLE HILL Ground Surface 0.70 211 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
DR (defective pipe un-
12/21/23 7:50 PM 320 KNOB HILL DR Manhole 0.17 174 Yes Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
12/22/23 1:41 PM 1944 FIRST AVE Cleanout 9.43 2,829 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
12/22/23 5:00 PM 351 S DENVER ST Cleanout 1.06 317 No Lynch Municipal Grease
12/24/23 10:40 223 DONA AVE Cleanout 7.56 2,267 No Cany Private Not Determined
12/26/23 12:01 1407 WOODY DR Manhole 0.05 50 Yes Cany Municipal Rags
12/26/23 2:25 PM 2310 OVERBROOK Cleanout 0.40 120 No Town Municipal Not Determined
12/27/23 9:25 AM 4654 CASABLANCA Cleanout 0.16 49 No Eubanks Municipal Grease
12/27/23 10:51 4027 TORREY Cleanout 0.09 27 Yes Trahon Municipal Grease
12/27/23 11:05 6434 ABRAHAM Manhole 0.06 56 Yes Bogue Chitto Municipal Grease and Solids
12/27/23 2:30 PM 1024 ALTA VISTA Cleanout 4.40 1,319 No Lynch Private Not Determined
12/28/23 11:41 127 PIMLICO PL Cleanout 3.51 1,757 No Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
12/28/23 2:35 PM 5536 CONCORD Cleanout 3.39 1,018 No White Oak Private Not Determined

Table 4 shows the one Pump Station SSO we experienced in October. There were no Pump Station SSOs in
November and December. There were no West Bank Interceptor (WBI) SSOs in the month of October through
December 2023.

Table 4. October Pump Station SSOs

Estimated Estimated
Date Be- Time Reached
Location Source Duration, Volume, Receiving Water Rainfall, Inches Reported Cause
gan Began Waterway
Hours Gallons
107 Pine Knoll Corroded Floate Terminal
10/21/2023 10:58 am Manhole 1.02 1,000 No Purple NA
Dr Block

1.2 Prohibited Bypasses

Tables 5 and 6 shows the details of the three prohibited bypasses that the system experienced in the
months of November and December 2023. There were no prohibited bypasses in the month of October
2023. Notification of these bypasses was timely made to MS DEQ.

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Quarterly Status Report

Table 5. November Prohibited Bypasses

Date Volume, Reached Wa- Rainfall, Reported
Time Began Location Source Duration,
Began Million Gal- terway Inches Cause
11/15/2023 5:20 P.M. Savanna WWTP Storm Lagoon 2 52 Yes 1.11 Excessive Flow

Table 6. December Prohibited Bypasses

Volume, Reached Wa- Rainfall, Reported
Date Began Time Began Location Source Duration,
Million Gal- terway Inches Cause
12/10/23 11:38 A.M. Savanna WWTP Storm Lagoon 1.5 42.3 Yes 1.10 Excessive Flow

12/24/23 9:46 P.M Savanna WWTP Storm Lagoon 3 157.3 Yes 2.33 Excessive Flow

Section 2: Narrative Report

Because of a chronic failure to properly operate the Sewer System over a period of years, on September 30,
2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi entered a Stipulated Order on the Sewer
System and appointed an Interim Third-Party Manager, Edward “Ted” Henifin, and JXN Water to maintain the
City of Jackson, MS Sewer System. This quarterly report summarizes activities affecting the operation of the
Sanitary Sewer System serving the City of Jackson, Mississippi during the 4th quarter of 2023.

2.1 Projects and Activities

JXN Water staff evaluates all the sewer calls that are called into the City for concerns. All locations of con-
cerns are evaluated to confirm the sewer issues and are dispatched to the appropriate team to address the
issue. JXN Water hired Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Construction contractors to help address the
hundreds of sewer issues found throughout the City of Jackson, Mississippi.
The JXN Water team have been evaluating the 2,200 outstanding service requests inherited from the City.
JXN Water has reduced the number of outstanding requests to less than 900 service requests. CCTV Con-
tractors has cleaned and televised over 125,000 linear feet of sewer since the Stipulated Order was en-
Using the results of the extensive televising of the sewer system, Construction Contractors has been busy
throughout the city completing repairs to the sewer system. Sewer issues such as cave-ins and collapses
have been evaluated and repaired to eliminate the Sanitary Sewer Overflows throughout the City. During the
quarter, Construction Contractors repaired over 90 sewer failure locations throughout Jackson.

2.2 Delays
JXN Water previously requested a 60-day extension for the deadline to submit an Implementation Schedule
for the Priority Projects. The schedule for Priority Projects is included in this report. A more complete evalua-
tion of the Savanna WWTP is currently underway and some of the Priority Projects related to that treatment
plant may vary in scope from the preliminary list included as Appendix A to the Order. It is expected that the
updated list of priority projects will be available for the October 2024 Quarterly Report.

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Quarterly Status Report

2.3 Modifications to Sewer Project Priority List and Implementation

Project 8 in Appendix A is listed as Savanna WWTP Emergency Repairs/Replace Dewatering Equipment. The
project elements listed in the Appendix A are being evaluated along with other improvements that will reduce
prohibited bypasses and improve compliance with the facility’s NPDES permit. Similarly, Project 11 Savanna
WWTP Phase 1B, Type 2 Improvements are also being evaluated and the elements listed will likely change.
The list will be updated when this assessment is complete and is anticipated to ready in time for the October
Quarterly Report. A preliminary implementation schedule for the Priority Projects is shown in Table 7 below:

Table 7. JXN Water Master Schedule for Priority Projects

Priority Ranking Project Description Work Accomplished To-Date Complete
Queens Area Approximately 3,000 linear feet of
Rehabilitation of the sewers within the Queens Project
Sewer Area 3-6 focusing on, but not necessarily limited to, dry Cleaning and CCTV completed.
1 12/31/2025
Rehabilitation weather SSO reduction and point repairs to address Three point repairs completed.
Project sewer line collapses.
Two point repairs underway.

Complete cleaning and closed-circuit television (CCTV)

Emergency 45 issues completed.
2 for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of the Emer- 12/31/2025
Sewer Failures 44 issues in progress.
gency Sewer Failure locations listed in Appendix C.

Contract for annual sewer cleaning and CCTV, and com-

Annual Sewer
plete 100 miles/year. Coordinate this annual cleaning
3 Cleaning & 125,000 linear feet of cleaning and CCTV. 12/31/2024
and CCTV work with the prioritized Service Request In-
CCTV Contract
vestigations below.

Contract an annual investigation of sewer issues com-

Investigate ing from the 2,200 Service Request locations and coor-
Service Re- dinate cleaning and CCTV with the Annual Sewer There are less than 900 Service Request locations still being evalu-
4 12/31/2024
quest Loca- Cleaning & CCTV Contract above. Work to be done in- ated. All others have been addressed.
tions cluded in existing contracts with Q Solutions and Time
and Material cleaning and inspection contracts.

This project re-

quires complete
Re-route 2,200 linear feet of sewer that crosses a rail- Reevaluation com-
Mill Street road (RR) yard, where the sewer line has collapsed un- plete
5 Sewer Rehabil- derneath the RR tracks. A new sewer line will be con- Re-evaluation of the project is underway. 12/31/2024.
itation Project structed around the RR yard and the existing sewer line Construction
will be filled with flowable fill and abandoned in place. schedule to be in-
cluded in reevalua-
tion. Construction
complete TBD

Complete the cleaning and rehabilitation of the West

This project re-
Bank Interceptor (WBI) for Project 6 Segment Phase
quires complete
(MH IT0118 to MH IT0136). This repair will address the
low manhole that is believed to be a major contributing
Reevaluation com-
source of inflow during a river stage in excess of 26 ft.
West Bank In- plete
The project will also address any needed grouting work
6 terceptor Reha- Re-evaluation of the project is underway. 12/31/2024.
of the interceptor and manholes in the Country Club
bilitation Construction
area of the WBI. Identify additional major river water in-
schedule to be in-
flow locations and defects causing significant volumes
cluded in reevalua-
during a river stage above 26 ft. Develop and imple-
tion. Construction
ment the repair plan, including a schedule of imple-
complete TBD

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Quarterly Status Report

Savanna WWTP
Replace the 100 million gallons per day (MGD) Peak
100 MGD Peak
Flow Pump that discharges flow from the Influent Pump USACE solicited bids from contractors for replacement pump and Complete
7 Flow
Station to the Stormwater Lagoon cells. USACE to pur- motor. 9/30/2026
chase and install new pump with VFD.

Reevaluation Com-
Savanna WWTP Replace 54-inch line from inside Influent Pump Station plete
Emergency Re- to Headworks, replace return activated sludge (RAS) 12/31/2024.
8 pairs/Replace Pump # 2, and install permanent dewatering equip- Needs Reevalua-
Dewatering ment to eliminate monthly cost for renting two belt filter tion to prioritize
Equipment presses. most critical im-

Savanna Peak
Clean out the three peak flow lagoon cells at the Sa- Initiated development of contract Complete
9 Cell Lagoon
vanna WWTP. Scope of work. Conducted survey of solids build up. 10/31/2026

Conduct a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation and

a Composite Correction Program (CCP) for the Trahon
Trahon WWTP CCP Complete
10 WWTP. Implement the CCP as schedule permits. Make Implementation schedule to be determined in CCP
Rehabilitation 12/31/2025
immediate repairs
to maintain operations as needed.

Construct new septage/Fat, Oils, and Grease (FOG) re-

ceiving station, rehabilitate one screw pump at the Ef-
fluent Pump Station, add 6th secondary clarifier, add Reevaluation com-
Savanna WWTP
new dewatering equipment, add covered sludge stor- This project requires complete reevaluation. Reevaluation com- plete
Phase 1B Type
11 age facilities along with new waste activated sludge plete 12/31/2024. Construction schedule to be included in 12/31/2024.
2 Improve-
(WAS) storage tank, construct new gravity thickeners, reevaluation. Construction com-
address structural deterioration in Influent Pump Sta- plete TBD
tions, and rehabilitate the 84-inch line from Sludge La-
goons to Pump Station.

Table 8 shows the list of Emergency Repairs from Appendix C of the Stipulated Order, including the status of
work completed and pending for this quarter. The following summarizes the status of the emergency repairs
during this quarter:
• Complete for Quarter – 45 (All issue/repair has been complete)
• In Progress for Quarter – 44 (Work has started has been assigned)
• Pending for Quarter – 126 (on list but has not been assigned or type of repair confirmed yet)
The total of 218 shown in Table 8 is due to three duplicate locations and actual count of repairs is 215.

Table 8. JXN Water Master Schedule for Emergency Repairs in Appendix C Projects
Total Cumulative
Location of COJ Service Re- Approximate Address Status
Failures quest Number (Building Number Omitted)
1 269447/288420 Eagle Ave Complete

2 20-262905 Ferguson Drive Complete

3 20-269494 Monterey St Complete

4 266562 Intersect. Sewanee Dr.@ Mt. Vernon Complete

5 282722 North State Street Complete

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6 281636 Pear Orchard Place Complete

7 316993/314488 Livingston Road Complete

8 295280/290870 E Rankin Street Complete

9 292766 Warner Ave Complete

10 298741 N State St Complete

11 291974 Chelsea Ct Complete

12 288691 Maria Drive Complete

13 304178/298870/298328 Heritage Place Complete

14 303606 Robinson Road Complete

15 303162 Copper Road Complete

16 297955 Kinder Dr Complete

17 299648 Ridgewood Road Complete

18 304165 Dansby St Complete

19 305506 Beechwood Ct Complete

20 306885 Chatham Circle Complete

21 304267/248573 Coronet Place Complete

22 309487 Country Club Drive Complete

23 303021 Primos Ave Complete

24 311950 Melwood Pl Complete

25 312526 Heritage Hill Dr Complete

26 315343 Terry Road/Minerva St Complete

27 315164 N Prentiss ST Complete

28 314801 St Ann St Complete

29 315285 McDowell Cir Complete

30 316821 Queen Mary Lane/Queen Julianna Lane Complete

31 310276 Naples Road Complete

32 304669 Livingston Road Complete

33 318215 Kingsroad Ave Complete

34 298090 Greymont Ave Complete

35 315176 Bellevue Place and N Jefferson Complete

36 310885/282513 Woodmont Dr Complete

37 274400/292981 Sewanee Dr Complete

38 309955 Hair St Complete

39 304699 Topp Ave and Lincoln Ave Complete

40 318597 N Prentiss St Complete

41 318435/315684 Cedars of Lebanon Complete

42 316882/317070 Quinn St Complete

43 319128 I-55 Frontage Road Complete

44 318049 St. Mary Complete

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Quarterly Status Report

45 324810/324017 Fairfax Circle Complete

46 275013 Gunda Street Complete

47 301858 St. Ann Drive/ Laurel Street In Progress

48 204398 Forest Avenue In Progress

First Ave In Progress
49 245507/279686/319024

50 267126/308163 Briarcliff Circle In Progress

51 272114/262114 Tifton Drive In Progress

52 273792/271999 Robin Dr In Progress

53 283210 Topp Ave In Progress

54 282098 E Monument Road In Progress

55 284942 Cherry Hills Drive In Progress

56 286901 Dogwood Drive In Progress

57 277523 Porter Street In Progress

58 273842 Alta Woods Blvd In Progress

59 295859 Casablanca Dr In Progress

60 283584 Robinson Road In Progress

61 304170 Oakhurst Dr In Progress

62 302287 Stuart St In Progress

63 299057 East Drive In Progress

64 302582 Macon St In Progress

65 278741 Watkins Drive In Progress

66 301608 Alta Wood Blvd In Progress

67 303959 Welota Drive In Progress

68 302794 Crestwood Place In Progress

69 304170 Oakhurst Drive In Progress

70 306391 Brookdale St In Progress

71 302211/308084 Cedarhurst Road In Progress

72 305288 S. Gallatin St/Beatty St In Progress

73 305854/303748 Wiggins St In Progress

74 227744 Ilano Dr In Progress

75 309931 John St In Progress

76 312773 Cummins St In Progress

77 312798 E Northside Dr In Progress

78 316423/262309 Ramada Cir In Progress

79 309667 Normandy Dr In Progress

80 316624 Camilla Dr In Progress

81 281339 Madison St In Progress

82 267126 Briarcliff Circle In Progress

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Quarterly Status Report

83 312574 Cooper Road In Progress

84 313679 Medgar Evers Blvd In Progress

85 268037 Archer Ave In Progress

86 271116 Pecan Blvd In Progress

87 309423 Congress St In Progress

88 318516 Lyncrest Ave In Progress

89 315432 Council Circle In Progress

90 311395 Clubview Dr In Progress

91 264524 Bienville Dr Pending

92 264679 Avondale Street Pending

93 298138/313511 Medgar Evers Blvd Pending

94 280276/200705 John St. Pending

95 272537 Shamrock Drive Pending

96 302011 Redbud Rd Pending

97 275126 Queen Anne Lane Pending

98 243766 Sumner St Pending

99 268885 Colonial Circle Pending

100 283878 Marla Ave Pending

101 273029/295174 Belmede Pl Pending

102 19-258482 Queen Margaret Lane Pending

103 20-263594 Cox Street Pending

104 20-264909 E Amite St Pending

105 20-264909 E Amite St Pending

106 20-261121 Deer Park St Pending

107 302014 South Denver St Pending

108 269405/260791 Westhaven Blvd Pending

109 282739 Cherokee Drive Pending

110 20-271979/305039 Riverwood Drive Pending

111 269344/268431 Pittsburg St/Rhodes Lane Pending

112 299305 Combs St

113 264339 Reaves street Pending

114 267708 Lexington Ave. Pending

115 275383/315164 N Prentiss St. Pending

116 269468/298035 Princeton St. Pending

117 262364 Texas Ave. Pending

118 274457 Queen Julianna Lane Pending

119 277961 Charleston drive Pending

120 263493/309482 Queen Elizabeth Lane Pending

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Quarterly Status Report

121 283240 Willaneel Drive Pending

122 283490/279225 Marlendo Drive Pending

123 284183 Downing Street/Mitchell St Pending

124 282331 Dixie Drive (Lake Drive) Pending

125 81524 Winter View Dr Pending

126 275044 St. Andrews Dr Pending

127 277054 Winter View Dr Pending

128 279121/285148 Meadow Heights Drive/Meadowhill Dr Pending

129 279225 Chelsea Drive Pending

130 281249/285363 N West/Josanna St Pending

131 281554 Springdale Drive Pending

132 285272 N West St Pending

133 285632 Eastview St Pending

134 288075 Castle Cove Pending

135 288970 Lea Circle and McDowell Road Pending

136 289295 Cooper Road Pending

137 289501 Woodway Drive Pending

138 289904 Bloom St and E Church St Pending

139 290001 Brookwood Road Pending

140 271598 Fortification/Maple Pending

141 229118 Forest Hill Road/Cooper Road Pending

142 283878 Marla Drive Pending

143 294627 Tara Road and Glen Erin St Pending

144 290766/304414 Queen Catherine Lane Pending

145 295677 Flag Chapel Road Pending

146 295621 Erie St and Palmyra St Pending

147 294522 Redwood Ave Pending

148 289762 Forest Ave Pending

149 300530 Robinson Street Pending

150 300326 I-55 N Frontage Road Pending

151 300368 I-55 Frontage Road Pending

152 296693 Woody Drive Pending

153 299305/309068 CombsAve Pending

154 301288 McTyere Ave Pending

155 302340 Wooddell Drive Pending

156 303958 Scots Glen Pending

157 300542 Daniel Lake Blvd Pending

158 300658 Shady Oak St Pending

159 302237 Chestnut St Pending

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160 303331 Ellis Ave Pending

161 303772 Galvez St Pending

162 247504 Jones Ave Pending

163 299401 Sage St Pending

164 225512/234587 Briarfield Road Pending

165 301820 Earle St Pending

166 286111 Briarfield Road Pending

167 299140 Springfield Circle Pending

168 290889 Robinhood Road Pending

169 300053 McTyere Ave Pending

170 302087 Peachtree St Pending

171 302728 Old Canton Road Pending

172 304528 Lorenz Blvd Pending

173 308102 Greenview Dr Pending

174 309076 Greenview Dr Pending

175 311162 Lexington Ave/Delaware Ave Pending

176 307784 Meadow Ridge Dr Pending

177 304215 Monaco St Pending

178 309086 Yerger St Pending

179 305164 Woody Drive Pending

180 307794/296693 Woody Drive Pending

181 306457 Tennessee Ave Pending

182 308680 Raymond Rd Pending

183 308689 Raintree Pl Pending

184 308274 Parkway Ave Pending

185 305915 Bailey Ave Pending

186 306034 Morningside St Pending

187 306455 Old Canton Road Pending

188 309171 Linda Lane Pending

189 308462 Sunnylane Dr Pending

190 298039 Westmore Drive Pending

191 306602 Winn St Pending

192 305900 Overbrook Dr Pending

193 312758/311595 Katherine Blvd Pending

194 314221 Cole Street Pending

195 314240 Mitchell Ave Pending

196 314277 Forest Park Dr Pending

197 314348 Mimosa Dr Pending

198 314684 Crestview Ave Pending

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Quarterly Status Report

199 315206 Forest Park Dr Pending

200 315101 Will O Wisp Way Pending

201 314761 Tennyson St Pending

202 315256 Mendell Davis Dr Pending

203 259305 Clinton Blvd Pending

204 316439 Raymond Road Pending

205 316889/321143 Taylor St Pending

206 316876 Churchill Dr Pending

207 298192 Kirkley Dr Pending

208 317120 East Lane Pending

209 316062 Florence Ave Pending

210 314223 Columbia Ave Pending

211 303384 Glen Erin Road Pending

212 313051 Wightman St Pending

213 284298 Beatrice Dr Pending

214 318669 N State St Pending

215 302865 Cooper Road/Terry Road Pending

216 299807 Presto Lane/Highland Dr Pending

217 304650 S West St Pending

218 318644 China Lane Pending

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Quarterly Status Report

2.4 Accounting of Expenditures

Of the accounts listed in the Order, only the Supplemental Environmental Project Fund was received by the
ITPM during the reporting period. No expenses were made from that account and the balance as of Decem-
ber 31, 2023, was $650,318.64.

Table 9 below shows expenditures from the Sewer O&M account funded by the local revenues collected. Ta-
ble 10 shows expenditures from the Professional Services account, also funded by local revenues with the
exception of the ITPM Compensation, which is funded with interest earned on JXN Water accounts.
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions

JXN Water
Sewer O&M Account Transactions
January - December 2023

Name Amount Description of Services

Anding Construction Services 598,796.54 Point repairs - Line Replacement

Brown & Caldwell 157,298.44 Overall Program Management

Compliance Envirosystems, LLC 631,941.00 Cleaning and CCTV

Crosby Construction Services, Inc 7,615.47 Metal Fabrication

CSL Services, Inc 42,952.00 Meter Maintenance and Reading

Delta Constructors 1,376,626.65 Point Repairs - Line Replacement

* Hydroflow Solutions 678,950.00 Cleaning and CCTV

* Q Solutions 54,209.03 On-Site Program Management

Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. 42,551.00 Pipe Lining

Utility Constructors, Inc 1,877,634.90 Point Repairs - Line Replacement

Veolia Water North Avenue 67,464.18 STP Operation and Maintenance

$ 5,536,039.21

* Minority Contractor Spend 733,159.03 Percent of total spend = 13%

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Quarterly Status Report

Table 10. JXN Water Expenditures from Professional Services Account

ITPM Professional Sewer Budget For First 12 Months
ITPM Compensation - $8,000/month
• Salary
• Living expenses
• Travel expenses
ITPM Compensation Sub-total $96,000 $24,000 25%
ITPM Staff Compensation and Expenses
• Local deputy administrator/senior project manager
• Project managers/contract inspectors
• Contract administrator/invoice processor $200,000
• Environmental compliance manager
• Other staff as needed
• Payroll taxes, fringe benefits, and human resources admin- $80,000
ITPM Staff $280,000 0 0
Compensation and Expenses Sub-total
ITPM Contractor and Consultant Support and Services
General and regulatory legal support $54,423
Program Manager – Brown and Caldwell $157,298.44
On Site Manager – Q Solutions $54,209.03
ITPM Contractor and $750,000 $265,930.47 35.5%
Consultant Support and Services Sub-total
Other Direct Expenses
• Phones and computers for ITPM and staff
• Professional liability insurance
• Office supplies/miscellaneous consumables
• Other direct expenses as needed
Other Direct Expenses Sub-total $0 0 0
OVERALL ITPM PROFESSIONAL $1,126,000 $289,930.47 25.7%

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Quarterly Status Report

2.5 Projection of Work for Upcoming Quarter

JXN Water Sewer Cleaning and CCTV Contractors will continue to clean and televise the sewer system
throughout the City. This work will focus on known issue locations that have not been previously evaluated.
Also, new locations with issues called in by residents and businesses throughout the City will continue to be
JXN Water will continue to prioritize sewer repairs based on the impacts it causes to its customers, first ad-
dressing overflows or backups to structures and sensitive properties (playground, schools, healthcare, and
high traffic/safety issues). JXN Water plans to perform the following during the next quarter:
• Clean and CCTV 20-25 miles of sewer throughout the city’s sewer system
• Perform around 30 to 40 construction sewer repairs fixing collapses.
• Perform Cured in Place Pipe(CIPP)construction of approximately 4,000 linear feet (lf) of sewer

2.6 Financial Statement (reports submitted in January only)

No audited financial statement is available at this time.

2.7 Trends Analysis (reports submitted in April only)

As part of the requirements of the Stipulated Order, a Trends Analysis is not required for this Quarterly Re-
porting period. The Trends Analysis will be provided in the April Quarterly Report.

2.8 Proposed ITPM Professional Sewer Budget for Upcoming Fiscal Year
(reports submitted in July only)

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Quarterly Status Report

Appendix A - Historical Sanitary Sewer Overflows (Prior to Effective Date)

Sanitary Sewer Overflows existing prior to the effective date that remain active. JXN Water is working to re-
solve all SSOs and will remove these from future reports once resolved.

Historical (Predate the Order) Collection System SSOs

Estimated Estimated Reached
Line Own- Reported
Date Began Location Street Source Duration, Month Volume, Waters of Receiving Water
ership Cause
Day Gallons the State
3/29/21 12:00 AM 133 S PRENTISS ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined

325 / 342 / 360 / 338 / Ground Surface (defec-

10/12/21 12:00 AM 31.00 31,000 No Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
374 HERITAGE PL tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
10/12/21 4:20 PM 448 CAMBRIDGE LANE 31.00 58,125 Yes Trahon Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
955, 1008, 1009, 1017
1/10/22 12:00 AM Manhole 31.00 15,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defec-
1/15/22 2:40 PM 4 CREEKWOOD PL 31.00 46,500 Yes Purple Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
6/1/22 11:01 AM 4612 NORMANDY DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

6/3/22 12:54 PM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 31.00 15,500 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defec-

8/3/22 12:00 AM 510 BRIARCLIFF CIR 31.00 93,000 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
10/25/22 12:00 AM 408 E NORTHSIDE DR 31.00 31,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
10/28/22 10:30 AM Manhole 31.00 31,000 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined

1/19/23 10:40 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Not Determined

2/10/23 3:36 PM 1703 CASTEEL DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defec-

2/21/23 12:00 AM 2118 EAST DR 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
3/4/23 12:00 AM 1201 WOODY DR 31.00 77,500 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

4/25/23 1:27 PM 3171 BILGRAY DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Hardy Private Collapsed Pipe

4/27/23 9:00 AM 2667 PROSPERITY ST Manhole 31.00 223,200 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

839 & 841 EASTVIEW Ground Surface (defec-

6/2/23 12:00 AM 31.00 15,500 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
AVE tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
7/7/23 12:00 AM 702 W ASH ST 31.00 155,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

7/28/23 12:00 AM 1734 DIXIE DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defec-

8/2/23 10:57 AM 140 CHERRY HILL DR 31.00 93,000 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
8/15/23 1:30 PM 4625 CASABLANCA DR 31.00 223,200 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defec-
8/19/23 12:00 AM 414 MARCUS L. BUTLER 31.00 31,000 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)

8/29/23 12:29 PM 2019 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 31.00 18,600 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

10/17/23 9:16 AM 235 W NORTHSIDE DR Manhole 1.26 1,260 No Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined

145 QUEEN JOANNA Grease and Sol-

9/25/23 8:52 AM Manhole 0.57 567 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal
LANE ids

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Quarterly Status Report

3/29/21 12:00 AM 133 S PRENTISS ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

3/29/21 2:28 PM 2002 ROBINSON ROAD 30.00 30,000 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)

6/10/21 12:00 AM 179 BLUE ST Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

10/12/21 12:00 AM 448 & 454 FOREST AVE 30.00 60,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

10/27/21 12:00 AM 200BLK PRINCETON ST Manhole 30.00 60,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

1/10/22 12:00 AM 955 & 1009 STUART PL Manhole 30.00 9,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

1/15/22 11:15 AM 4 CREEKWOOD PL 30.00 150,000 Yes Purple Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

4/21/22 12:00 AM 102 CEDARHURST DR Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined

5/3/22 4:42 PM 1930 FIRST AVE Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

6/1/22 11:01 AM 4612 NORMANDY DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

6/3/22 12:00 AM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Eubanks Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

8/5/22 12:00 AM 510 BRIARCLIFF CIR 30.00 150,000 Yes Cany Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)

10/28/22 10:30 AM 5428 QUEEN MARY LANE Manhole 31.00 31,000 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined

11/29/22 12:00 AM 1858 NORTHWOOD CIR Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe

12/12/22 1:34 AM 445 CUMMINS ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Lynch Private Not Determined

1/5/23 2:16 PM 1747 NORTHWOOD CIR Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe

1/19/23 12:00 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 30.00 90,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

1/26/23 12:00 AM 643 HUGHES ST 30.00 36,000 Yes Town Private Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

2/10/23 3:36 PM 1703 CASTEEL DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

2/21/23 12:00 AM 2118 EAST DR 30.00 225,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

3/1/23 12:00 AM 1857 PARKRIDGE DR Manhole 30.00 225,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

3/14/23 10:15 AM 1201/1203 WOODY DR 30.00 75,000 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

3/31/23 12:00 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Private Not Determined

4/27/23 9:00 AM 2667 PROSPERITY ST Manhole 9.00 64,800 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 30.00 9,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

5/25/23 12:00 AM 319 ETHEL MARY ST Manhole 30.00 60,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

5/25/23 12:00 AM 1910 FIRST AVE 30.00 24,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
5/29/23 12:00 AM 5840 OLD CANTON RD 30.00 75,000 No Purple Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
6/2/23 12:00 AM 840 EASTVIEW ST 30.00 225,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
6/14/23 12:00 AM 374 HERITAGE PL 30.00 90,000 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

7/28/23 3:05 PM 1734 DIXIE DR Manhole 9.67 10,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

8/8/23 12:00 AM 5353 HIGHLAND DR 30.00 30,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

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Quarterly Status Report

Ground Surface (defective

8/8/23 1:22 PM 844 COMBS ST 30.00 45,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
8/15/23 1:30 PM 4625 CASABLANCA DR 31.00 223,200 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

8/29/23 12:00 AM 2019 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 19.55 11,732 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

9/1/23 12:00 AM 4340 WOODLAND AVE Cleanout 30.00 15,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe

5217 MEADOW OAKS Ground Surface (defective

9/3/23 12:00 AM 29.00 29,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe
PARK DR pipe underground)

10/3/23 12:00 AM 1018 MENDEL DAVIS RD Cleanout 6.77 6,772 Yes Big Creek Municipal Grease and Solids

10/3/23 12:00 AM 141 WACASTER ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe

10/6/23 10:45 AM 4240 AZALEA DR Cleanout 30.00 12,000 No Eubanks Private Not Determined

10/6/23 12:19 PM 4208 AZALEA DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

10/6/23 2:27 PM 220 GADDIS ST 31.00 108,500 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)

10/9/23 12:00 AM 952 W PORTER ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Lynch Private Not Determined

10/9/23 3:00 PM 340 CATALINA CIR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

10/10/23 11:45 AM 702 W ASH ST 30.00 30,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

10/11/23 12:00 AM 1324 DIANNE DR Cleanout 21.39 6,416 No Hardy Private Not Determined

10/19/23 12:48 PM BRIARWOOD DR Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

10/19/23 2:30 PM 2814 LAKEWOOD DR 30.00 9,000 No Cany Private Not Determined
pipe underground)

10/20/23 12:00 AM 140 CHERRY HILL DR Manhole 30.00 300,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe

10/24/23 12:00 AM 963 VALENCIA ST Cleanout 14.42 7,208 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Ground Surface (defective

10/24/23 7:08 PM 314 VARDAMAN ST 30.00 60,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

10/25/23 12:00 AM 946 COMBS ST Cleanout 30.00 15,000 No Hardy Municipal Not Determined

10/25/23 6:00 PM 137 SIVLEY AVE Cleanout 0.67 133 No Town Private Grease and Solids

Ground Surface (defective

10/25/23 6:24 PM 143 MELBOURNE ROAD 31.00 31,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
10/25/23 11:59 PM 408 E NORTHSIDE DR 31.00 31,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)

10/26/23 12:00 AM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe

10/26/23 12:00 AM 1480 RAYMOND ROAD Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Cany Private Not Determined

Ground Surface (defective

10/26/23 3:41 PM 744 OAKWOOD ST 31.00 15,500 Yes Town Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
10/27/23 4:23 PM 145 ABRAM FORD DR 7.67 9,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/30/23 10:06 AM Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Cany Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
7/13/17 12:00 AM 2118 EAST DR 31.00 93,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
9/29/18 12:00 AM 4512 NORMANDY DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
4/11/19 12:00 AM VALLEY ST/FIRST AVE 31.00 18,600 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
1/25/21 12:00 AM 2002 ROBINSON ROAD 31.00 9,300 Yes Lynch Private Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
3/29/21 12:00 AM 133 S PRENTISS ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Private Not Determined

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Quarterly Status Report

6/10/21 12:00 AM 179 BLUE ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/12/21 12:00 AM 448 & 454 FOREST AVE 31.00 62,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
10/21/21 12:00 AM 325 & 342 HERITAGE PL 29.71 89,125 No Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
213 / 219 / 228 / 232 /
10/27/21 12:00 AM Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/10/22 12:00 AM 955 & 1009 STUART PL Manhole 31.00 9,300 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
1/15/22 11:15 AM 4 CREEKWOOD PL 31.00 155,000 Yes Purple Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
4/21/22 12:00 AM 102 CEDARHURST DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
6/3/22 12:00 AM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
9/13/22 6:41 PM 1208 CRESTVIEW AVE Cleanout 31.00 31,000 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
9/19/22 12:00 AM 510 BRIARCLIFF CIR 31.00 93,000 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/26/22 12:00 AM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/17/22 12:00 AM Cleanout 27.50 8,250 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
11/29/22 12:00 AM 1858 NORTHWOOD CIR Manhole 20.53 20,525 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/12/22 1:30 AM 445 CUMMINS ST Cleanout 31.00 15,500 No Lynch Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
12/13/22 3:10 PM 1114 LYNCREST AVE 31.00 62,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
1/5/23 2:16 PM 1747 NORTHWOOD CIR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/19/23 12:00 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 17.71 53,125 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
Ground Surface (defective
1/26/23 3:50 PM 643 HUGHES ST 31.00 37,200 Yes Town Private Not Determined
pipe underground)
2/4/23 10:24 AM 3330 ELRAINE BLVD Cleanout 31.00 12,400 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
3/1/23 12:00 AM 4611 MEADOW RIDGE DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
3/1/23 12:00 AM 1857 PARKRIDGE DR Manhole 31.00 232,500 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
3/31/23 12:00 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined
5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
5/15/23 1:00 PM 433 E NORTHSIDE DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
5/16/23 10:00 AM Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5/25/23 12:00 AM 1910 FIRST AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
5/29/23 12:00 AM 5840 OLD CANTON RD 31.00 77,500 No Purple Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
6/2/23 12:00 AM 839-841 EASTVIEW AVE 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
6/5/23 12:00 AM 4031 / 4041 PINEHILL DR Manhole 20.48 20,481 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
6/14/23 2:35 PM 374 HERITAGE PL Manhole 29.71 59,417 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
7/5/23 12:00 AM 228 & 220 GADDIS ROAD 4.54 15,896 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
7/12/23 11:18 AM 215 CULLEY DR 29.71 8,913 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
7/28/23 12:00 AM 5652 COLE ST 12.00 24,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
8/8/23 1:22 PM 844 COMBS ST 31.00 46,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
8/17/23 12:00 AM 387 NAPLES ROAD 17.50 21,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
9/1/23 12:00 AM 4340 WOODLAND AVE Cleanout 31.00 15,500 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5217 MEADOW OAKS Ground Surface (defective
9/3/23 12:00 AM 31.00 31,000 Yes White Oak Private Collapsed Pipe
PARK DR pipe underground)
9/7/23 12:00 AM 1722 HAIR ST Cave-In No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
9/7/23 12:00 AM 1722 HAIR ST Cave-in 6.00 6,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/3/23 12:00 AM 141 WACASTER ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 86 Filed 01/31/24 Page 24 of 25
Quarterly Status Report

Ground Surface (defective

10/3/23 2:13 PM 1426 COOKS AVE 21.71 17,367 Yes Trahon Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
10/6/23 12:19 PM 4240 AZALEA DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/6/23 2:37 PM 1203 WOODY DR 31.00 18,600 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/9/23 12:00 AM 952 W PORTER ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/10/23 11:45 AM 702 W ASH ST 31.00 31,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/12/23 3:51 PM 319 ETHEL MARY ST Manhole 29.56 29,563 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/19/23 12:00 AM 2814 LAKEWOOD DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
10/20/23 12:00 AM 140 CHERRY HILL DR Manhole 31.00 310,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/24/23 12:00 AM 314 & 329 VARDAMAN ST Cave-in 31.00 46,500 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/25/23 12:00 AM 344 E BELL ST Cleanout 31.00 15,500 No Town Private Not Determined
10/25/23 6:29 PM 243 MELBOURNE ROAD Cleanout 20.50 20,500 No Eubanks Municipal Roots
Ground Surface (defective
10/26/23 8:00 AM 1480 RAYMOND ROAD 31.00 46,500 Yes Cany Private Not Determined
pipe underground)
10/26/23 3:41 PM 1024 AUBURN DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No White Oak Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/26/23 3:41 PM 744 OAKWOOD DR 31.00 15,500 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined
pipe underground)
10/27/23 12:00 AM 946 COMBS ST Cleanout 13.56 4,069 No Hardy Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/27/23 12:00 AM 2920 ENGLEWOOD BLVD 31.00 9,300 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
10/28/23 8:54 AM 5428 QUEEN MARY LANE 6.00 6,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/30/23 11:14 AM Cleanout 6.47 1,940 No Cany Private Not Determined
10/30/23 4:20 PM 2559 MCDOWELL CIR Cleanout 10.71 5,354 No Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/31/23 9:03 AM 302 DECELLE ST Other 0.58 1,153 No Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/1/23 10:08 AM 1825 WISTERIA DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Lynch Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
11/1/23 3:40 PM 424 ARCHER AVE 31.00 9,300 No Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
11/3/23 10:29 AM 1125 LUCEDALE ST Cleanout 13.00 3,900 No Lynch Private Not Determined
11/4/23 9:22 AM 301 COOPER ROAD Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/4/23 8:00 PM 2240 BAILEY AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Grease
11/6/23 11:39 AM 3611 ALBERMARLE ROAD Cleanout 19.34 5,803 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
11/8/23 1:07 PM 472 BEAVERBROOK DR 21.41 64,221 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
11/9/23 9:10 AM 1536 DIANNE DR 31.00 77,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
11/11/23 1:46 PM 4002 LIBERTY HILL ROAD 21.39 8,556 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
pipe underground)
11/13/23 3:14 PM Other 13.60 20,398 No Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
11/13/23 3:14 PM 1190 MCDOWELL ROAD 10.71 16,063 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
11/15/23 2:00 PM FOREST AVE 19.45 97,267 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
11/16/23 4:48 PM 330 E RANKIN ST Manhole 5.00 50,000 Yes Pearl Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/17/23 12:00 AM 928 PORTER ST Manhole 17.45 34,908 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
11/17/23 2:35 PM 212 ROOSEVELT ST 5.00 7,500 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
11/20/23 8:10 AM 5249 ANDOVER DR Manhole 18.00 90,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
11/20/23 9:52 AM 6227 WESLEY AVE Cleanout 20.37 6,111 No White Oak Private Not Determined
11/20/23 3:15 PM 620 MAGNOLIA ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Town Private Not Determined
11/21/23 11:31 AM 1254 MACON ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
11/21/23 11:35 AM 1244 MACON ST Cleanout 10.00 3,000 No Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
11/21/23 2:51 PM 3554 SUNSET DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined
11/22/23 12:00 AM 2500 N STATE ST Storm Drain 6.48 6,479 Yes Belhaven Municipal Collapsed Pipe

Case 3:12-cv-00790-HTW-LGI Document 86 Filed 01/31/24 Page 25 of 25
Quarterly Status Report

11/23/23 9:30 AM 538 N FARISH ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Grease and Solids
11/28/23 1:12 PM 1132 LANGLEY AVE Cleanout 17.00 8,500 No Lynch Private Not Determined
11/28/23 1:30 PM 123 STRATFORD DR Manhole 31.00 9,300 Yes Big Creek Municipal Not Determined
11/28/23 4:47 PM 309 PRENTISS ST Cleanout 31.00 18,600 Yes Town Private Not Determined
11/28/23 6:33 PM 215 S PARK DR Cleanout 31.00 12,400 No White Oak Private Not Determined
11/29/23 8:52 AM 234 VALLEY RIDGE DR STORM DRAIN 31.00 31,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
11/29/23 10:45 AM 447 CAMBRIDGE LANE 29.71 89,125 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
11/29/23 5:06 PM 515 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined

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