Sewer Status Report January 31
Sewer Status Report January 31
Sewer Status Report January 31
Table of Contents
Introduction and Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Section 1: Summary Tables of Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Bypasses ............................................................. 1
1.1 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Prohibited Bypasses .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 2: Narrative Report ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Projects and Activities........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Delays ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Modifications to Sewer Project Priority List and Implementation Schedule .................................................. 7
2.4 Accounting of Expenditures ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.5 Projection of Work for Upcoming Quarter ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Financial Statement (reports submitted in January only).............................................................................. 17
2.7 Trends Analysis (reports submitted in April only) ........................................................................................... 17
2.8 Proposed ITPM Professional Sewer Budget for Upcoming Fiscal Year (reports submitted in July only) .... 17
Appendix A: Historical Sanitary Sewer Overflows (Prior to Effective Date) ......................................................... A1
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1. October Collection System SSOs.............................................................................................................. 1
Table 2. November Collection System SSOs ......................................................................................................... 2
Table 3. December Collection System SSOs ......................................................................................................... 4
Table 4. October Pump Station SSOs ..................................................................................................................... 5
Table 5. November Prohibited Bypasses ............................................................................................................... 6
Table 6. December Prohibited Bypasses ............................................................................................................... 6
Table 7. JXN Water Master Schedule for Priority Projects .................................................................................... 7
Table 8. JXN Water Master Schedule for Emergency Repairs in Appendix C Projects ........................................ 8
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions....................................................................................... 15
Table 10. JXN Water Expenditures from Professional Services Account ........................................................... 16
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Quarterly Status Report
10/6/23 12:19 PM 4208 AZALEA DR Cleanout 25.49 67,500 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined
10/9/23 11:31 AM 115 PLEASANT CT Manhole 0.05 500 Yes Town Municipal Grease
10/9/23 3:00 PM 340 CATALINA CIR Manhole 22.37 24,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined
10/11/23 9:03 AM 1324 DIANNE DR Cleanout 20.62 6,600 No Hardy Private Not Determined
10/12/23 11:19 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 19.53 6,300 Yes Lynch Private Not Determined
10/12/23 3:51 PM 319 ETHEL MARY ST Manhole 19.34 10,500 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
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Quarterly Status Report
10/19/23 12:48 PM BRIARWOOD DR Manhole 12.47 28,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/20/23 1:34 PM 2937 MARYDALE DR Cleanout 0.43 2,000 No Hardy Municipal Not Determined
10/23/23 8:59 AM 2637 PROSPERITY ST Cleanout 4.04 10,000 Yes Town Municipal Water Leak
10/24/23 1:53 PM 149 LEA CIR Cleanout 1.00 300 No Hardy Municipal Grease
10/24/23 2:35 PM 963 VALENCIA ST Cleanout 7.39 4,500 No Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/25/23 6:00 PM 137 SIVLEY AVE Cleanout 6.25 2,400 No Town Private Not Determined
10/26/23 4:00 PM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 5.33 3,500 Yes Lynch Municipal Not Determined
Grease and
10/27/23 10:52 AM 4380 BROOK DR Manhole 0.28 1,500 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal
Ground Surface (defec-
10/27/23 4:23 PM 145 ABRAM FORD DR 1.05 3,200 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
tive pipe underground)
10/27/23 7:52 PM 946 COMBS ST Cleanout 4.17 3,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined
10/29/23 2:15 PM 348 BARNES ST Cleanout 2.41 300 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
10/30/23 10:06 AM Cleanout 1.58 900 No Cany Private Not Determined
10/30/23 4:28 PM 2559 MCDOWELL CIR Cleanout 1.31 1,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
309 PRENTISS ST Cleanout 2.30 1,380 Yes Town Private Grease and Solids
4:47 PM
215 S PARK DR Cleanout 2.23 891 No White Oak Private Not Determined
6:33 PM
11/29/23 Ground Surface (defec-
234 VALLEY RIDGE DR 1.63 1,631 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
8:52 AM tive pipe underground)
447 CAMBRIDGE LANE Manhole 1.55 11,175 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10:45 AM
2750 N SIWELL ROAD Manhole 1.23 1,226 Yes Big Creek Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11:35 AM
717 ROSENEATH ST Cleanout 1.40 421 No Town Private Not Determined
2:20 PM
515 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 1.29 386 No Town Private Not Determined
5:06 PM
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Quarterly Status Report
12/18/23 4:10 PM 646 CHELSEA DR Manhole 0.74 743 Yes Cany Municipal Grease
12/19/23 12:00 2951 OLD CANTON Ground Surface Not enough Infor- Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
AM RD (defective pipe un- mation
12/19/23 9:12 AM 4277 ATHENS DR Manhole 12.62 3,785 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/20/23 5:03 PM 2688 LAKE CV Manhole 1.00 798 Yes Eastover Municipal Not Determined
12/20/23 6:01 PM 4527 WATKINS DR Cleanout 11.25 3,375 No Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/21/23 8:25 AM 4850 WATKINS DR Ground Surface 1.02 5,097 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Grease and Solids
(defective pipe un-
12/21/23 1:36 PM 2333 TIMBER Manhole 0.85 850 Yes Cany Municipal Grease and Solids
12/21/23 3:23 PM 2225 Ground Surface 2.06 1,028 Yes Hardy Municipal Not Determined
BRECKENRIDGE (defective pipe un-
RD derground)
12/21/23 4:09 PM 2222 CASTLE HILL Ground Surface 0.70 211 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
DR (defective pipe un-
12/21/23 7:50 PM 320 KNOB HILL DR Manhole 0.17 174 Yes Lynch Municipal Grease and Solids
12/22/23 1:41 PM 1944 FIRST AVE Cleanout 9.43 2,829 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
12/22/23 5:00 PM 351 S DENVER ST Cleanout 1.06 317 No Lynch Municipal Grease
12/24/23 10:40 223 DONA AVE Cleanout 7.56 2,267 No Cany Private Not Determined
12/26/23 12:01 1407 WOODY DR Manhole 0.05 50 Yes Cany Municipal Rags
12/26/23 2:25 PM 2310 OVERBROOK Cleanout 0.40 120 No Town Municipal Not Determined
12/27/23 9:25 AM 4654 CASABLANCA Cleanout 0.16 49 No Eubanks Municipal Grease
12/27/23 10:51 4027 TORREY Cleanout 0.09 27 Yes Trahon Municipal Grease
12/27/23 11:05 6434 ABRAHAM Manhole 0.06 56 Yes Bogue Chitto Municipal Grease and Solids
12/27/23 2:30 PM 1024 ALTA VISTA Cleanout 4.40 1,319 No Lynch Private Not Determined
12/28/23 11:41 127 PIMLICO PL Cleanout 3.51 1,757 No Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
12/28/23 2:35 PM 5536 CONCORD Cleanout 3.39 1,018 No White Oak Private Not Determined
Table 4 shows the one Pump Station SSO we experienced in October. There were no Pump Station SSOs in
November and December. There were no West Bank Interceptor (WBI) SSOs in the month of October through
December 2023.
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Quarterly Status Report
12/24/23 9:46 P.M Savanna WWTP Storm Lagoon 3 157.3 Yes 2.33 Excessive Flow
2.2 Delays
JXN Water previously requested a 60-day extension for the deadline to submit an Implementation Schedule
for the Priority Projects. The schedule for Priority Projects is included in this report. A more complete evalua-
tion of the Savanna WWTP is currently underway and some of the Priority Projects related to that treatment
plant may vary in scope from the preliminary list included as Appendix A to the Order. It is expected that the
updated list of priority projects will be available for the October 2024 Quarterly Report.
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
Savanna WWTP
Replace the 100 million gallons per day (MGD) Peak
100 MGD Peak
Flow Pump that discharges flow from the Influent Pump USACE solicited bids from contractors for replacement pump and Complete
7 Flow
Station to the Stormwater Lagoon cells. USACE to pur- motor. 9/30/2026
chase and install new pump with VFD.
Reevaluation Com-
Savanna WWTP Replace 54-inch line from inside Influent Pump Station plete
Emergency Re- to Headworks, replace return activated sludge (RAS) 12/31/2024.
8 pairs/Replace Pump # 2, and install permanent dewatering equip- Needs Reevalua-
Dewatering ment to eliminate monthly cost for renting two belt filter tion to prioritize
Equipment presses. most critical im-
Savanna Peak
Clean out the three peak flow lagoon cells at the Sa- Initiated development of contract Complete
9 Cell Lagoon
vanna WWTP. Scope of work. Conducted survey of solids build up. 10/31/2026
Table 8 shows the list of Emergency Repairs from Appendix C of the Stipulated Order, including the status of
work completed and pending for this quarter. The following summarizes the status of the emergency repairs
during this quarter:
• Complete for Quarter – 45 (All issue/repair has been complete)
• In Progress for Quarter – 44 (Work has started has been assigned)
• Pending for Quarter – 126 (on list but has not been assigned or type of repair confirmed yet)
The total of 218 shown in Table 8 is due to three duplicate locations and actual count of repairs is 215.
Table 8. JXN Water Master Schedule for Emergency Repairs in Appendix C Projects
Total Cumulative
Location of COJ Service Re- Approximate Address Status
Failures quest Number (Building Number Omitted)
1 269447/288420 Eagle Ave Complete
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
First Ave In Progress
49 245507/279686/319024
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Quarterly Status Report
112 299305 Combs St
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
Table 9 below shows expenditures from the Sewer O&M account funded by the local revenues collected. Ta-
ble 10 shows expenditures from the Professional Services account, also funded by local revenues with the
exception of the ITPM Compensation, which is funded with interest earned on JXN Water accounts.
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions
Table 9. JXN Water Sewer O&M Account Transactions
JXN Water
Sewer O&M Account Transactions
January - December 2023
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
2.8 Proposed ITPM Professional Sewer Budget for Upcoming Fiscal Year
(reports submitted in July only)
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Quarterly Status Report
6/3/22 12:54 PM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 31.00 15,500 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined
1/19/23 10:40 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Not Determined
2/10/23 3:36 PM 1703 CASTEEL DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
4/25/23 1:27 PM 3171 BILGRAY DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Hardy Private Collapsed Pipe
4/27/23 9:00 AM 2667 PROSPERITY ST Manhole 31.00 223,200 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
7/28/23 12:00 AM 1734 DIXIE DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
8/29/23 12:29 PM 2019 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 31.00 18,600 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/17/23 9:16 AM 235 W NORTHSIDE DR Manhole 1.26 1,260 No Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
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Quarterly Status Report
3/29/21 12:00 AM 133 S PRENTISS ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Private Not Determined
6/10/21 12:00 AM 179 BLUE ST Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Not Determined
10/27/21 12:00 AM 200BLK PRINCETON ST Manhole 30.00 60,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/10/22 12:00 AM 955 & 1009 STUART PL Manhole 30.00 9,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
4/21/22 12:00 AM 102 CEDARHURST DR Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
5/3/22 4:42 PM 1930 FIRST AVE Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
6/3/22 12:00 AM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
10/28/22 10:30 AM 5428 QUEEN MARY LANE Manhole 31.00 31,000 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
11/29/22 12:00 AM 1858 NORTHWOOD CIR Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
12/12/22 1:34 AM 445 CUMMINS ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Lynch Private Not Determined
1/5/23 2:16 PM 1747 NORTHWOOD CIR Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/19/23 12:00 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 30.00 90,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
2/10/23 3:36 PM 1703 CASTEEL DR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
3/1/23 12:00 AM 1857 PARKRIDGE DR Manhole 30.00 225,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
3/31/23 12:00 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Private Not Determined
4/27/23 9:00 AM 2667 PROSPERITY ST Manhole 9.00 64,800 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 30.00 9,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5/25/23 12:00 AM 319 ETHEL MARY ST Manhole 30.00 60,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
7/28/23 3:05 PM 1734 DIXIE DR Manhole 9.67 10,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
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Quarterly Status Report
8/29/23 12:00 AM 2019 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 19.55 11,732 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
9/1/23 12:00 AM 4340 WOODLAND AVE Cleanout 30.00 15,000 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/3/23 12:00 AM 1018 MENDEL DAVIS RD Cleanout 6.77 6,772 Yes Big Creek Municipal Grease and Solids
10/3/23 12:00 AM 141 WACASTER ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/6/23 10:45 AM 4240 AZALEA DR Cleanout 30.00 12,000 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
10/6/23 12:19 PM 4208 AZALEA DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Eubanks Private Not Determined
10/9/23 12:00 AM 952 W PORTER ST Cleanout 30.00 9,000 No Lynch Private Not Determined
10/9/23 3:00 PM 340 CATALINA CIR Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Three Mile Municipal Not Determined
10/11/23 12:00 AM 1324 DIANNE DR Cleanout 21.39 6,416 No Hardy Private Not Determined
10/19/23 12:48 PM BRIARWOOD DR Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/20/23 12:00 AM 140 CHERRY HILL DR Manhole 30.00 300,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/24/23 12:00 AM 963 VALENCIA ST Cleanout 14.42 7,208 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/25/23 12:00 AM 946 COMBS ST Cleanout 30.00 15,000 No Hardy Municipal Not Determined
10/25/23 6:00 PM 137 SIVLEY AVE Cleanout 0.67 133 No Town Private Grease and Solids
10/26/23 12:00 AM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 30.00 30,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/26/23 12:00 AM 1480 RAYMOND ROAD Cleanout 30.00 9,000 Yes Cany Private Not Determined
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Quarterly Status Report
6/10/21 12:00 AM 179 BLUE ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes White Oak Municipal Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
10/12/21 12:00 AM 448 & 454 FOREST AVE 31.00 62,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
10/21/21 12:00 AM 325 & 342 HERITAGE PL 29.71 89,125 No Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
213 / 219 / 228 / 232 /
10/27/21 12:00 AM Manhole 31.00 62,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/10/22 12:00 AM 955 & 1009 STUART PL Manhole 31.00 9,300 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
1/15/22 11:15 AM 4 CREEKWOOD PL 31.00 155,000 Yes Purple Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
4/21/22 12:00 AM 102 CEDARHURST DR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 Yes Hanging Moss Private Not Determined
6/3/22 12:00 AM 4206 BROOKDALE ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Eubanks Private Not Determined
9/13/22 6:41 PM 1208 CRESTVIEW AVE Cleanout 31.00 31,000 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
9/19/22 12:00 AM 510 BRIARCLIFF CIR 31.00 93,000 Yes Cany Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
10/26/22 12:00 AM 1644 CAMELLIA LANE Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
11/17/22 12:00 AM Cleanout 27.50 8,250 No Lynch Municipal Not Determined
11/29/22 12:00 AM 1858 NORTHWOOD CIR Manhole 20.53 20,525 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
12/12/22 1:30 AM 445 CUMMINS ST Cleanout 31.00 15,500 No Lynch Private Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
12/13/22 3:10 PM 1114 LYNCREST AVE 31.00 62,000 Yes Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
1/5/23 2:16 PM 1747 NORTHWOOD CIR Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
1/19/23 12:00 AM 1515 MARIA DR Manhole 17.71 53,125 Yes Hardy Municipal Grease and Solids
Ground Surface (defective
1/26/23 3:50 PM 643 HUGHES ST 31.00 37,200 Yes Town Private Not Determined
pipe underground)
2/4/23 10:24 AM 3330 ELRAINE BLVD Cleanout 31.00 12,400 No Town Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
3/1/23 12:00 AM 4611 MEADOW RIDGE DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
3/1/23 12:00 AM 1857 PARKRIDGE DR Manhole 31.00 232,500 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
3/31/23 12:00 AM 652 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined
5/6/23 2:58 PM 1008 STUART ST Manhole 31.00 31,000 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
5/15/23 1:00 PM 433 E NORTHSIDE DR 31.00 155,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
5/16/23 10:00 AM Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5/25/23 12:00 AM 1910 FIRST AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
5/29/23 12:00 AM 5840 OLD CANTON RD 31.00 77,500 No Purple Municipal Not Determined
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
6/2/23 12:00 AM 839-841 EASTVIEW AVE 31.00 31,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
6/5/23 12:00 AM 4031 / 4041 PINEHILL DR Manhole 20.48 20,481 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
6/14/23 2:35 PM 374 HERITAGE PL Manhole 29.71 59,417 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
Ground Surface (defective
7/5/23 12:00 AM 228 & 220 GADDIS ROAD 4.54 15,896 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
7/12/23 11:18 AM 215 CULLEY DR 29.71 8,913 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
7/28/23 12:00 AM 5652 COLE ST 12.00 24,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
8/8/23 1:22 PM 844 COMBS ST 31.00 46,500 Yes Hardy Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
Ground Surface (defective
8/17/23 12:00 AM 387 NAPLES ROAD 17.50 21,000 Yes Eubanks Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
9/1/23 12:00 AM 4340 WOODLAND AVE Cleanout 31.00 15,500 No Hanging Moss Municipal Collapsed Pipe
5217 MEADOW OAKS Ground Surface (defective
9/3/23 12:00 AM 31.00 31,000 Yes White Oak Private Collapsed Pipe
PARK DR pipe underground)
9/7/23 12:00 AM 1722 HAIR ST Cave-In No Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
9/7/23 12:00 AM 1722 HAIR ST Cave-in 6.00 6,000 Yes Lynch Municipal Collapsed Pipe
10/3/23 12:00 AM 141 WACASTER ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined
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Quarterly Status Report
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Quarterly Status Report
11/23/23 9:30 AM 538 N FARISH ST Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Grease and Solids
11/28/23 1:12 PM 1132 LANGLEY AVE Cleanout 17.00 8,500 No Lynch Private Not Determined
11/28/23 1:30 PM 123 STRATFORD DR Manhole 31.00 9,300 Yes Big Creek Municipal Not Determined
11/28/23 4:47 PM 309 PRENTISS ST Cleanout 31.00 18,600 Yes Town Private Not Determined
11/28/23 6:33 PM 215 S PARK DR Cleanout 31.00 12,400 No White Oak Private Not Determined
11/29/23 8:52 AM 234 VALLEY RIDGE DR STORM DRAIN 31.00 31,000 Yes Hanging Moss Municipal Not Determined
Ground Surface (defective
11/29/23 10:45 AM 447 CAMBRIDGE LANE 29.71 89,125 Yes Trahon Municipal Collapsed Pipe
pipe underground)
11/29/23 5:06 PM 515 BUENA VISTA AVE Cleanout 31.00 9,300 No Town Private Not Determined