This case involved three individuals, who wished to end their lives, but required assistance
for it. The laws of England on murder, manslaughter, and Section 2 of the Suicide Act made
assisted suicide illegal. Thec first appeal sought the Court to declare it lawful for the
appellants to commit assisted suicide or declare the position under English laws to be
incompatible with Article 8 of the ECHR. Additionally, the Policy for Prosecutors in respect
of Cases for Encouraging or Assisting Suicide, issued by the Director of Public Prosecution
(“DPP”) in 2010 (“the 2010 Policy”), provided a number of factors favoring and opposing
prosecution of those alleged to have assisted suicide. The second appeal was by the DPP on
the Court of Appeal’s decision that the 2010 Policy was not sufficiently clear.
Considering the moral, social and political questions involved in legalizing assisted suicide,
which were the subject of ongoing legislative debate, the majority decided that the Parliament
was the appropriate institution to decide on the question. Thus, it dismissed the first appeal.
Further, it allowed the second appeal (by the DPP), and refused to order the DPP to clarify the
terms of the 2010 Policy, leaving this to the DPP’s discretion.
The House of Lords affirmed the decisions of a Family Division Court and the Court of
Appeal, Civil Division, permitting physicians to withhold medical treatment from an
insensate patient in a persistent vegetative state, provided that the patient's death will
imminently follow the removal of life-sustaining treatment. In this situation, the medical
treatments to be withheld included artificial feeding and antibiotics to fight infection. The
court reasoned that this afforded the patient a peaceful and dignified death without suffering,
and fulfilled the course of nature. The court distinguished this circumstance from euthanasia,
a criminal offense in which a doctor actively participates in bringing about a patient's death.
In the future, doctors and families in similar situations were advised to petition the court
before taking any comparable measure because, in the absence of action by Parliament, each
instance requires case-by-case determination.
Passive euthanasia is legalized uniformly all over in US. Involuntary Euthanasia is currently
illegal in all 50 states of the United States. Active euthanasia (Assisted suicide) is legal in 10
jurisdictions in the US: Washington, D.C. and the states of California, Colorado, Oregon,
Vermont, New Mexico, Maine, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Washington. The status of assisted
suicide is disputed in Montana.
Both Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are illegal in the United Kingdom and could be
prosecuted as murder or manslaughter.