Physical Education Taekwondo
Physical Education Taekwondo
Physical Education Taekwondo
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Intergenerational Taekwondo Program: A Narrative Review
and Practical Intervention Proposal
Yongseop Kim 1 , Junhyoung Kim 1 , Jung-Min Lee 2,3 , Dong-Chul Seo 4 and Hyun Chul Jung 3,5, *
1 Department of Health & Wellness Design, School of Public Health, Indiana University,
1025 E 7th Street #111, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA; [email protected] (Y.K.); [email protected] (J.K.)
2 Department of Physical Education, College of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University-Global Campus,
1732 Deokyoungdaero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si 17014, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; [email protected]
3 Sports Science Research Center, Kyung Hee University-Global Campus,
1732 Deokyoungdaero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si 17014, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
4 Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health, Indiana University,
1025 E 7th Street #111, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA; [email protected]
5 Department of Coaching, College of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University-Global Campus,
1732 Deokyoungdaero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si 17014, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-31-201-2734; Fax: +82-31-204-8117
Abstract: Taekwondo is a modernized martial art that includes various combinations of hand and
kicking techniques and core values of Taekwondo philosophy such as courtesy, mutual respect, and
self-control. Physical inactivity is highly prevalent among older adults and is a major contributor to
health-related problems. Intergenerational physical activity programs are used as an effective tool
to make a positive connection between generations and provide additional health benefits for both
generations. This review study aimed to examine the theories of intergenerational physical activity
programs and propose the Intergenerational Taekwondo Program (ITP). Various theories such as
Citation: Kim, Y.; Kim, J.; Lee, J.-M.; the transtheoretical model, contact theory, social capital theory, situated learning theory, human
Seo, D.-C.; Jung, H.C. development theory, personality theory, and whole-person wellness model have been adopted in in-
Intergenerational Taekwondo
tergenerational physical activity programs. Our review suggests that to develop the Intergenerational
Program: A Narrative Review and
Taekwondo Program, instructors should (1) establishing common goals, (2) understand differences in
Practical Intervention Proposal. Int. J.
physical and mental abilities, and (3) offer incentives to encourage participants in physical activity
Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19,
programs. The proposed ITP program has the potential to not just provide unique inherent values
ijerph19095247 and improving physical functions, but also to form generational connections.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 5247.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 5247 2 of 17
perspectives of older adults. Dedeli et al. [10] investigated the attitudes towards aging
and perceptions of elder abuse in working and professional groups. This study showed
older adults faced challenges in socializing with younger-generation community members
because of their negative viewpoint and prejudices on the ability of older adults.
Intergenerational programs have been advocated as a means of promoting health and
wellbeing among both the young and the old [11,12]. Given the significance of increasing
physical activity, enhancing mental health, and reducing ageism, this study proposes to
take a novel and innovative approach where both older adults and the young generation
are provided an opportunity to engage in the mind–body exercise program together.
Prior studies have shown that intergenerational programs help decrease the risk of social
isolation and loneliness for older adults and provide a greater sense of meaning [11,12].
From younger participants’ perspectives, intergenerational programs allow adolescents and
young adults to create meaningful relationships with older adults, develop interpersonal
skills, and value their community engagement [13,14]. Minghetti et al. [15] reported that
physical fitness and social support of both younger and older participants were improved
following 25 weeks of an intergenerational dynamic balance exercise program. Another
study also reported that the levels of depression and anxiety were decreased after engaging
in 12 weeks of intergenerational interaction programs [16].
Taekwondo, a traditional Korean martial art and mind–body exercise, can be applied
as a novel strategy of promoting physical, social, and psychological benefits for both
older and young generations. Taekwondo is a martial art that emphasizes a unified
relationship among body, mind, and spirit [17]. Taekwondo involves dynamics of physical
movements such as various stances, punching, kicking, and self-defense techniques as fun
components. It also emphasizes self-discipline, self-control, composure, stress management,
and respect for opponents. Research has found that Taekwondo participants improve not
only physical skills, such as strength, speed, flexibility, and balance, but also their self-
regulation, self-discipline, and respect for others [18,19]. Moreover, multiple studies have
shown that adolescents and young adults who participated in Taekwondo experienced
increased enjoyment, youth development, positive self-image, and emotional stability.
Thus, Taekwondo helps young adults to reduce perceived stress and improve psychological
wellbeing [18,19]. This narrative review provides an overview of the intergenerational
programs and summarizes the physical activity programs applied between younger and
older generations. Upon the review of previous studies, we suggest that the utilization of
Intergenerational Taekwondo Programs may have some capacity to increase the overall
health in both young and older generations.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 5247 4 of 17
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Some scholars assert that the national representative martial arts have great value
in cultivating core values that are required of citizens [34–36]. Ryu [36] mentioned that
in Japan, the noble spirit was sublimed into the universal spirit of Japan in terms of
the “honor and character-building” of Samurai, and its concepts include righteousness,
courtesy, loyalty, and self-control. Moreover, it is mandatory to learn these tenets through
participating in martial arts with regular school curriculums. Moreover, Lee et al. [34]
argued that practitioners learn different aspects of values according to the belt system
in Taekwondo, which include “fairness”, “perseverance”, “harmony”, and “satisfaction”.
In this respect, Taekwondo can play a significant role in cultivating significant values
throughout Taekwondo training.
Among these principles, some scholars captured the significant culture of mutual
respect in Taekwondo. According to Lim [35], children (mean age 12) who participated in
Taekwondo for 6 months increased greeting, language, and public etiquette. In addition,
the study showed that participants improved more on etiquette as they learned for longer
periods. In addition, Kim and Yeo [37] argued that training Taekwondo is a process of
learning normative attitude and morality, which are important for the role of individuals
as members of society. This highlights the “courtesy” among the five tenets of Taekwondo.
For older adults, however, Taekwondo’s intrinsic value leads to continued engagement,
resulting in values such as mutual respect, improved health perception, and improved
quality of life. For example, Yang [38] demonstrated significant associations between Taek-
wondo participation and quality of life and perceived health among older adults. In this
regard, according to Stebbins [39], “unique ethos” refers to the existence of differentiating
ideas, values, feelings, or guiding beliefs that contribute to the creation of a distinct social
environment and the establishment of a social network. Taekwondo’s unique culture
encourages both older and younger generations to engage in the activity in a continuous
and beneficial manner in this respect.
composition of physical, social, and emotional components of the WPWM. In the proposed
program, greetings and socializing in the introductory part cover the “social” component of
the model, and partner self-defense practice comprises the physical, emotional, intellectual,
and vocational components of the model.
In particular, we highlight activities made by a mutual contact and that apply the
elements contained in WPWM. Table 2 shows how these two theories were applied to the
development of the intergenerational Taekwondo program.
3.3. Lessons Learned: Recommendations for Instructors and Health Care Services
As much of the above empirical evidence demonstrated, there are significant health
benefits from participating in intergenerational activities for both younger generations and
older adults. There are some recommendations to encourage participation and improve the
retention rate of continuous participation. Kim [23] mentioned that intergenerational activities
provide mutual responsibilities that largely impact older adults’ engagement and partici-
pation. However, there are no ample studies that suggest the key elements for sustainable
performance in intergenerational physical activities. Thus, the current study proposes a few
strategies for instructors and health care services that could help both generations engage in
the intergeneration Taekwondo programs more effectively and successfully.
First, establishing common goals. As Choi and Sohng [22] noted, establishing common
goals based on their needs and capability is a key component of making strong bonds
between partners. Taekwondo has learning goals corresponding to the color of the trainee’s
belt, such as low block and front kick. These characteristics may serve as effective motiva-
tors for trainees to participate in the activity. In order to set up goals for both generations,
instructors facilitate a small session focused on socializing and creating rapport before
starting the program. It is important to emphasize training-related concepts that both
generations can apply within the program and achieve together. For example, this includes
the two agreeing on the importance of continuous physical activity and expressing their
willingness to participate in the program.
Secondly, accommodating differences in ability. Some studies asserted that the lack of
interest in participation in programs due to different physical functions between generations
was one of the important factors affecting continuing participation [16]. When working
with both generations, instructors may need to accommodate differences in abilities such
as strength, flexibilities, or body coordination. While some Taekwondo movements help
to improve overall health and change the level of physical function over the life course,
students may be more interested in improving techniques and fun aspects. Instructors may
need to consider accommodating differences in abilities for both generations.
Thirdly, offering incentives is an effective means to encourage participants to engage
in physical activity programs. Many studies found that offering incentives increased partic-
ipants’ physical activity at multiple levels [41,42]. According to Capps and Harkey [43],
approximately 70% of people were more engaged in physical activity when financial incen-
tives were provided by team-based participation rates. A wide variety of incentives helps
participants to maintain participation rates over a long period. The Taekwondo belt system
may be used as an effective means of motivating participants when they engage in activity
with their partner.
Lastly, encouraging both generations to help one another as often as possible. Kim [23]
mentioned that in the intergenerational exercise program, participants were more engaged
in physical activities and utilized fine and gross motor skills while they helped to reach
goals together. Taekwondo movement requires a sense of balance and intensive physical
coordination. Physical function could be improved while guiding participants to cooperate
to perform standing or blocking movements during the training.
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Table 2. Development of Intergenerational
Table 2. Development of Taekwondo Program.
Intergenerational Taekwondo Program.
Table 2. Development
Duration of Intergenerational Taekwondo Program.
Duration of Whole
Whole Person Wellness Model
Stages StagesActivity Table
Activity 2. Development Intergenerational
Program Taekwondo
Contents Program.
Contents Photos Contact
Contact Theory
2. Development
(min.) of Intergenerational Taekwondo Program. Model (WPWM)
Table 2. Duration of Intergenerational Taekwondo Program.
Development Whole Person Wellness Model
Stages Activity Duration Program Contents Photos Contact Theory Whole Person Wellness Model
Stages Activity (min.)
Duration Program Contents Photos Contact Theory (WPWM)
Whole Person Wellness Model
Stages Activity (min.)
Duration Program Contents Photos Contact Theory (WPWM)
Whole Person Wellness Model
Stages Activity (min.) Program Contents Photos Contact Theory (WPWM)
(min.) Older adults and young adults having (WPWM)
Socializing Socializing 5 5 Older adults and young adults having a Social
conversation.adults and young adults having
Socializing 5 Older adults and young adults having Social
Socializing 5 a conversation.
Older adults and young adults having Social
Socializing 5 aOlder
adults and young adults having Support from authority Social
Socializing 5 a conversation. Support from authority Social
Introduction Meditation 2–3 a conversation. Common
Support goal authority
from Spiritual
Introduction Meditation 2–3 Common goal Spiritual
Introduction Support
Common from
Opportunity authority
goalfor friendship
Meditation 2–3 Opportunity
Support from for
authority Spiritual
Introduction Meditation 2–3 Common
Support goalauthority
from Spiritual
Introduction Meditation 2–3 Opportunity
Common goalfor friendship
friendship Spiritual
Introduction Meditation 2–3 Standing: make a fist and keep back Opportunity
Common goalfor friendship Spiritual
Greetings 1 Opportunity for friendship Social
Standing:and looka in
fistfront of the back
sight. Opportunity for friendship
Greetings 1 Standing: makemake
a fist and and keep
keep back Social
Greetings 1 Standing:
straight make
and looka in
and of
the back
sight. Social
Greetings 1 straight and look
Standing: in front
make of the
a fist and keepsight.
back Social
Greetings 1 straight
Standing:and looka in
make front
fist and of theback
keep sight. Social
Greetings 1 straight and look in front of the sight. Social
straight and look in front of the sight.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public 2. Cont.
Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 o
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 o
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, x FORDuration
PEER REVIEW Whole Person Wellness 13 o
Stages Activity Program Contents Photos Contact Theory
(min.) Model (WPWM)
Neck stretching
Neck stretching
Neck stretching
Neck stretching
Single-leg stretching
Single-leg stretching
Single-leg stretching
Single-leg stretching
Equal group
group status
status Physical
Taekwondo Cooperation
Cooperation Emotional
Practice 15
15 Punching
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public (Intergenerational)
Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW Support
Support from
from authority
authority Intellectual
Intellectual 14 o
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public (Intergenerational)
Health 2022, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW Opportunity 14 o
Opportunity for
for friendship
friendship Vocational
Equal group status Physical
Cooperation Emotional
Support from authority Intellectual
Opportunity for Vocational
15 friendship
Practice Self-defense(low
Self-defense (lowblock)
(Intergenerational) Self-defense (low block)
Talk about your experience and feel- Opportunity for friendship Social
Sharing feelings 5 Talk about your experience and feel- Opportunity for friendship Social
Sharing feelings 5 ings on Taekwondo activity Equal group status Emotional
ings on Taekwondo activity Equal group status Emotional
Meditation 3 Spiritual
Meditation 3 Spiritual
Self-defense (low block)
Cool down
down Stretching
Stretching 5 5 Whole-body stretching
Whole-body stretching Physical Physical
Ending Greeting
Ending Greeting
Talk about your experience and feel- Opportunity for friendship Social
Sharing feelings 5 Talk about your Opportunity for
ings on Taekwondo activity Equal group status Social Emotional
Sharing feelings 5 experience and feelings friendship
Meditation 3 EmotionalSpiritual
on Taekwondo activity Equal group status
Meditation 3 Spiritual
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 5247 16 of 17
4. Conclusions
Many practitioners and researchers have highlighted the importance of intergenera-
tional activity programs, as they appear to have positive health benefits for both generations.
This conceptual approach for the development of an Intergenerational Taekwondo Program
demonstrates an effective means of improving health for both generations. The suggested
program involves a combination of unique values of Taekwondo such as courtesy, mutual
respect, and self-control, and a variety of movements that enhance participants’ physical
functions. This form of social-intervention physical activity program allows participants
to transfer and exchange their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Moreover, mutual bonds
between participants could be the main factor in maintaining physical activity participation
in the Intergenerational Taekwondo Program. Future research is needed to shed light on
the implication of the Intergenerational Taekwondo Program for older adults living in
different settings (including assisted-living community, independent living, or memory
care unit). Furthermore, in a society where the number of older adults is rapidly increasing,
long-term policies for collaboration with local communities that could extend physical
activities between generations appear to be necessary.
Author Contributions: H.C.J. was responsible for the conception and design of the study and
guidance of the manuscript. Y.K. was in charge of the study program and wrote the first draft
manuscript with carried out a systematic review. J.K. and J.-M.L. helped evaluate theories and gave
continuous scientific feedback. J.K. and D.-C.S. helped supervise the project and conceived the
original idea. The manuscript drafts were reviewed and corrected by all of the writers. The final
manuscript was reviewed and approved by all writers. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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