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DF 52384

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df-52384:a1 • E-160

SD355(A), SD355T(A)
Addressable Photoelectric
Smoke Detectors
Addressable Devices

The SD355(A) and SD355T(A) addressable, low-profile plug-
in photoelectric detectors use a state-of-the-art photoelectric
sensing chamber with communications to provide open area
protection and are used exclusively with Fire•Lite’s Address-
able Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). The SD355T(A) adds
thermal sensors that will alarm at a fixed temperature of 135°F
(57°C). Since these detectors are addressable, they will help
emergency personnel quickly locate a fire during its early
stages, potentially saving precious rescue time while also
reducing property damage. Two LEDs on each sensor light to
provide a local, visible sensor indication. Remote LED annun-
ciator capability is available as an optional accessory (P/N
SD355 with B350LP base
SLC loop:
• Two-wire loop connection.
• Unit uses base for wiring.
• Addressable by device.
• Direct Decade entry of address: 01 – 99 with MS-9200
series, and 01 – 159 with MS-9600 series.
• Unique single-source, dual-chamber design to respond
quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires.
• Sleek, low-profile design. SD355T with B350LP base
• Integral communications and built-in type identification.
• Built-in tamper-resistant feature.
• Removable cover and insect-resistant screen for simple
field cleaning. Use photoelectric detectors in life-safety applications to pro-
vide a broad range of fire-sensing capability, especially where
smoldering fires are anticipated. Ionization detectors are often
• Withstands air velocities up to 4,000 feet-per-minute (20 m/ better than photoelectric detectors at sensing fast, flaming
sec.) without triggering a false alarm. fires.
• Factory preset at 1.5% nominal sensitivity for panel alarm
threshold level. CONSTRUCTION
• Visible LED “blinks” when the unit is addressed (communi- These detectors are constructed of off-white LEXAN®.
cating with the fire panel) and latches on in alarm. SD355(T) plug-in, low-profile smoke detectors are designed to
Mechanicals: commercial standards and offer an attractive appearance.
• Sealed against back pressure.
• Direct surface mounting or electrical box mounting. INSTALLATION
• Mounts to: single-gang box, 3.5" (8.89 cm) or 4.0" (10.16 SD355(T) plug-in detectors use a detachable mounting base
cm) octagonal box, or 4.0" (10.16 cm) square electrical box to simplify installation, service and maintenance. Mount base
(using a plaster ring — included). on box which is at least 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable
Other system features: boxes include:

• Fully coated circuit boards and superior RF/transient pro- • 4.0" (10.16 cm) square box with plaster ring.
tection. • 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box.
• 94-V0 plastic flammability rating. • 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagonal box.
• Low standby current. • Single-gang box.
Options: NOTE: Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC
loop, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiring “T-taps” or
• Remote LED output connection (P/N RA400Z). branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class B) wiring.

df-52384:a1 • 05/8/09 — Page 1 of 2

Each SD355(T) uses one of 99 possible addresses on the MS- NOTE: “A” suffix indicates ULC-Listed model.
9200 series and up to 318 (159 on each loop) on the MS-9600 SD355: Adressable photoelectric detector; B350LP base
Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). It responds to regular polls from included.
the system and reports its type and status.
SD355A: Sames as SD355 with ULC Listing (B350LPA base
The SD355(T) addressable photoelectric sensor’s unique uni- included).
polar chamber responds quickly and uniformly to a broad
range of smoke conditions and can withstand wind gusts up to SD355T: Same as SD355 but with thermal element; B350LP
4,000 feet-per-minute (20 m/sec.) without sending an alarm base included.
level signal. Because of its unipolar chamber, the SD355(T) is SD355TA: Same as SD355T with ULC Listing (B350LPA base
approximately two times more responsive than most photo- included).
electric sensors. This makes it a more stable detector.
B350LP(A): Plug-in detector base. Dimensions: 6.1" (15.5
cm). Mounting: 4.0" (10.16 cm) square box with or without
DETECTOR SENSITIVITY TEST plaster ring, 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box, 3.5" (8.89 cm)
Each detector can have its sensitivity tested (required per octagonal box, or single-gang box. All mounting boxes have a
NFPA 72, Chapter 10 on Inspection, Testing and Maintenance) minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm).
when installed/connected to a MS-9200 series or MS-9600 B224RB(A): Plug-in System Sensor relay detector base.
series addressable fire alarm control panel. The results of the Diameter: 6.2" (15.75 cm). Mounting: 4.0" (10.16 cm) square
sensitivity test can be printed off the MS-9200 series or MS- box with or without plaster ring, 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box,
9600 series for record keeping. or 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagonal box. All mounting boxes have a
minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm).
SPECIFICATIONS B224BI(A): Plug-in System Sensor isolator detector base.
Voltage range: 15 – 32 VDC (peak). Maximum 25 devices between isolator bases (see DF-52389).
Diameter: 6.2" (15.75 cm). Mounting: 4.0" (10.16 cm) square
Standby current: 300 μA @ 24 VDC. box with or without plaster ring, 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box,
LED current: 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC (latched “ON”). or 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagonal box. All mounting boxes have a
Air velocity: 4,000 ft./min. (20 m/sec.) maximum. minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm).

Diameter: 6.1" (15.5 cm) installed in B350LP base. B501BH-2(A): Plug-in System Sensor sounder detector
base. Diameter: 6.0" (15.24 cm). Mounting: 4.0" (10.16 cm)
Height: 2.1" (5.33 cm) installed in B350LP base. square box with or without plaster ring. Mounting box has a
Weight: 3.6 oz. (102 g). minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm).
Operating temperature range: for SD355(A): 0°C to 49°C B501BHT-2(A): Plug-in System Sensor temporal tone
(32°F to 120°F); for SD355T(A): 0°C to 38°C (32°F to 100°F). sounder detector base.
Temperature: 0°C – 49°C (32°F – 120°F). ACCESSORIES:
Relative humidity: 10% – 93%, non-condensing. RA400Z(A): Remote LED annunciator. 3 – 32 VDC. Mounts to
a U.S. single-gang electrical box. For use with B501(A) and
LISTINGS B350LP(A) bases only.

Listings and approvals below apply to the SD355(A) and SMK400E: Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surface
SD355T(A) detectors. In some cases, certain modules may wiring conduit. For use with B501(A) base only.
not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. For use with B501(A) base
process. Consult factory for latest listing status. only.
• UL Listed, file S1059. M02-04-00:Test magnet.
• ULC Listed, file S6963. M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescoping handle.
• CSFM approved: file 7272-0075:194. XR2B: Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/or removal
• MEA approved: file 243-02-E. of detector heads from bases in high ceiling applications.
• FM approved. XP-4: Extension pole for XR2B. Comes in three 5-foot (1.524
m) sections.
T55-127-010:Detector removal tool without pole.
BCK-200B: Black detector covers, box of 10.
WCK-200B: White detector covers, box of 10.
FlashScan® registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Bay-
blend® is a registered trademark of Bayer Corporation.
©2009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

For more information, contact Fire•Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105.
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