Coronavirus Disease-2019 in The Immunocompromised Host: Christopher D. Bertini JR,, Fareed Khawaja,, Ajay Sheshadri
Coronavirus Disease-2019 in The Immunocompromised Host: Christopher D. Bertini JR,, Fareed Khawaja,, Ajay Sheshadri
Coronavirus Disease-2019 in The Immunocompromised Host: Christopher D. Bertini JR,, Fareed Khawaja,, Ajay Sheshadri
t h e I m m u n o c o m p ro m i s e d
a b
Christopher D. Bertini Jr, MD , Fareed Khawaja, MD ,
Ajay Sheshadri, MD, MSc,*
COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Immunocompromised host Pneumonia
Hematologic malignancy Immunosuppression
Immunocompromise refers to a host’s inability to combat infections from a variety of par-
tial or total immune defects and can occur in the setting of diseases such as hematologic
malignancies, immunosuppression use, primary immunodeficiency syndromes, and hu-
man immunodeficiency virus infection.
Hospitalization risk, intensive care unit admission, and mortality are substantially higher
after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pneumonia in immunocompro-
mised hosts.
Immunocompromised hosts are underrepresented in clinical trials of vaccines and other
treatments, and therefore efficacy data are often inferred or based upon small studies.
Vaccines and treatments are often effective in immunocompromised hosts, but persistent
viral replication due to impaired immunity can hinder the efficacy of these interventions.
This article was previously published in Clinics in Chest Medicine 44:2 June 2023.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Department of Internal Medicine, UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School, 6431 Fannin,
MSB 1.150, Houston, TX 77030, USA; b Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control,
and Employee Health, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe
Boulevard, Unit 1469, Houston, TX 77030, USA; c Department of Pulmonary Medicine, The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1400 Pressler Street Unit 1462, Houston, TX
77030, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Twitter: @ajaysheshadri (A.S.)
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214 Bertini Jr et al
immunocompromised hosts, and increase the mortality.2 Therefore, there was signif-
icant concern from the outset of the pandemic that SARS-CoV-2 infection would simi-
larly impact immunocompromised patients disproportionately. This review focuses on
the specific impact of COVID-19 on immunocompromised patients.
The term “immunocompromise” describes patients who have an impaired or absent
immune system, limiting a host’s ability to combat pathogens. Immunodeficiencies are
classified as either primary or secondary. Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) are
intrinsic to the immune system. Examples include congenital conditions such as se-
vere combined immunodeficiency (SCID), caused by various mutations which can
impact many immune cell lineages, and common variable immune deficiency
(CVID), which is caused by a diverse array of genetic conditions that result in varying
degrees of hypogammaglobulinemia.3 Secondary immunodeficiencies refer to those
acquired through conditions that depress the immune system. These include hemato-
logical malignances, solid and hematopoietic transplantation, infection with the hu-
man immunodeficiency virus (HIV), chronic immunosuppressive medication use,
and others. In these cases, the period of immunocompromise may be limited in dura-
tion; for example, a patient with leukemia may no longer be immunocompromised
once their disease is in remission and leukocyte counts recover, or a patient receiving
biologic immunosuppressive therapy may no longer be immunocompromised once
therapy has completed and enough time has lapsed to allow for immune recovery.
On the contrary, comorbidities that may impact immune function, such as diabetes,
do not necessarily connote an immunocompromised state, but are worthy of consid-
eration because they are often independently associated with poor outcomes after
COVID-19.4,5 Table 1 shows examples of high-risk groups who we consider to be
immunocompromised and their attendant immune deficits.
Immunocompromised hosts are at considerable risk for a variety of infections. For
example, bacterial pneumonia has been estimated to account for 30% of intensive
care unit (ICU) admissions in patients with cancer.6 In another study of severe influenza
pneumonia, 12.5% of patients admitted to the ICU were immunocompromised, indica-
tive of a higher propensity toward critical illness after infection.7 Indeed, mortality was
over twofold higher among immunocompromised patients with influenza pneumonia.
Other respiratory viruses also affect the immunocompromised; a recent retrospective
cohort study of 1643 hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) patients found increased mor-
tality in allogeneic recipients infected with human rhinovirus (HRV) and adenovirus lower
respiratory infections.2 Finally, human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and cytomegalovirus
(CMV) have long been associated with increased mortality amongst HCT recipients.8
Considering that over 500 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide
since the pandemic began, it is likely that several million immunocompromised hosts
were infected, extrapolating from the estimate that 2.7% of the American adult popula-
tion are immunocompromised.9 Research within this specific vulnerable population has
not been commensurate to the substantial body of literature for COVID-19 in general.
This review will summarize the current scientific literature that discusses the impact
of COVID-19 on immunocompromised hosts. We will discuss mechanisms for
COVID-19’s affinity for the immunocompromised, compare clinical data between immu-
nocompromised and immunocompetent hosts, and examine the evidence supporting
treatment strategies within immunocompromised hosts who develop COVID-19.
The innate immune response is driven by cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, and
natural killer cells. The innate immune response is evolutionarily ancient and is often
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COVID-19 in the Immunocompromised Host 215
Table 1
Examples of immunocompromised conditions and possible mechanisms of
Immunocompromised Mechanism of
Condition Immunocompromise Immune Deficits
Hematologic malignancies Marrow infiltration and Lymphopenia
cytotoxic chemotherapy Neutropenia
Impaired cellular immunity
Impaired humoral immunity
Hematopoietic cell Corticosteroid use, Lymphopenia
transplantation immunosuppressive Neutropenia
medications Impaired cellular immunity
(eg, tacrolimus, Impaired humoral immunity
sirolimus, and ibrutinib)
Solid organ transplant Corticosteroid use, Impaired cellular immunity
(kidney, lung, and heart) immunosuppressive Impaired humoral immunity
medications (eg, tacrolimus,
sirolimus, and cyclosporine)
Human immunodeficiency Apoptosis of T cells Lymphopenia
virus (HIV) Impaired cellular immunity
Impaired humoral immunity
Autoimmune Use of immunosuppressive agents Lymphopenia
rheumatology (eg, methotrexate, TNF-alpha Impaired cellular immunity
diseases requiring inhibitors, and specific Impaired humoral immunity
immunosuppressive interleukin inhibitors) Impaired innate immunity
drug therapy
Primary Hereditary agammaglobulinemia, Lymphopenia
immunodeficiency defective phagocytosis, Neutropenia
syndromes and impaired leukopoiesis Impaired cellular immunity
Impaired humoral immunity
Impaired innate immunity
the first defense against many pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2. Impaired innate im-
munity may be correlated with COVID-19 severity. For example, in a study of 84
COVID-19 patients, of whom 44 were critically ill, the presence of immature neutro-
phils, defined by low CD13 expression and characterized by diminished antimicrobial
and phagocytic activity, was associated with a critical illness.10 Similar findings were
seen in monocytes, and the diminished functional capacity of monocytes was corre-
lated with increased risk for septic shock rate and mortality. Impaired type 1 interferon
responses measured in the peripheral blood were also associated with severe illness
in 50 patients with COVID-19 of variable severity.11 On the contrary, more exuberant
type 1 interferon responses that occur later in the course of infection have been asso-
ciated with a worsening of lung injury, indicating that these innate immune responses
may have salutary or harmful roles depending upon when they occur within the course
of disease.12 Of note, these studies were conducted in immunocompetent hosts and
were performed during an acute infection, and although the findings indicate that
innate immune impairments are associated with higher COVID-19 severity, these find-
ings require validation in immunocompromised hosts who are evaluated before the
onset of disease.
Cellular, or cell-mediated, immunity, typically refers to host response involving
T cells, though notably many innate immune cells also have a direct cell-mediated
anti-pathogen response. In many immunocompromised hosts, cellular immunity can
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COVID-19 in the Immunocompromised Host 217
addition to the potential for mutations in the spike protein, resistance to antiviral
agents may also arise in patients with long-term shedding24; this was most recently
described in a cancer patient with B cell depletion.24 These examples cite the risk
long-term shedding of COVID-19 poses in immunocompromised patients and the
need for effective prevention and treatment methods.
Hematologic malignancy
Patients with hematologic malignancy have been shown to have high rates of hospi-
talization for COVID-19. For example, a European multicenter analysis of 3801 pa-
tients with hematologic malignancies who developed COVID-19 reported a
hospitalization rate of 74%.27 Other studies have also reported high hospitalization
rates; for example, Mato and colleagues28 reported a 25% admission rate among
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218 Bertini Jr et al
174 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). ICU admission rate has high as
18% have been observed, with a median length of stays as long as 15 days.27 Mortal-
ity is often high in hematologic patients with cancer. For example, in 174 patients with
CLL, 33% of patients died during the analysis.28 Similarly, a study of 3801 patients
with hematologic malignancies showed a mortality rate of 31%, with the highest found
in patients with AML or myelodysplastic syndrome (w40%).27 Smaller cohort studies
have confirmed a case fatality rate of about 40% among patients with hematologic
malignancy. Lastly, patients with hematologic malignancies often require vasopressor
support and renal replacement; in a cohort of patients with CLL, 27% required vaso-
pressor support and 11% required hemodialysis.28 Reassuringly, survival in patients
with CLL may be improving with newer variants.29
Solid malignancy
Several studies have shown that solid malignancy COVID-19 patients have a high hos-
pitalization rate. A French retrospective cohort study of 212 solid tumor patients with
cancer, of whom about 75% were undergoing active treatment of cancer, found a
similar 70% rate of hospitalization, but a lower rate of ICU admission (12%).30 Half
of this cohort had undergone chemotherapy in the first 3 months, and overall mortality
was 30%.
Furthermore, Dai and colleagues31 showed an ICU admission rate of 20% for 105
hospitalized patients with cancer, compared with 8% in 536 non-patients with cancer,
and ICU survivors with cancer had a mean 27-day length of stay compared with 17 in
ICU survivors without cancer. The cancer cohort in this study included patients with
lung, breast, thyroid, blood, cervical and esophageal cancer. In addition, death
occurred in 11% of the cancer cohort compared with 4% in the noncancer cohort.
Of all the cancers, hematologic and lung cancers had the highest mortality rates at
33% and 18%, respectively. This suggests that though patients with lung cancer usu-
ally do not meet the definition of immunocompromise, their risk of death is substan-
tially higher than in non-patients with cancer. Though it is not clear how lung cancer
increases mortality in patients with COVID-19, it is possible that this is either due to
the extent of preexisting lung disease or a direct effect from smoking.32 Further
work is necessary to understand the mechanisms driving increased in mortality in
lung patients with cancer with COVID-19.
In general, patients with hematologic and lung cancers or metastatic cancers had
more severe COVID-19 illness. To wit, Dai and colleagues31 found that 10% of patients
with cancer required mechanical ventilation, compared with less than 1% of non-
patients with cancer. The authors also found that patients with cancer had higher rates
of renal replacement therapy and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation compared
with non-patients with cancer, in addition to symptoms such as fever or chest pain.
Risk factors that have been reported to correlate with disease severity in immuno-
competent patients have been validated in patients with cancer.33 For example, a Chi-
nese comparative study showed that old age, d-dimer, elevated tumor necrosis factor
(TNF) alpha and N terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (pro-BNP) may be correlated
worsening hypoxemia in solid and hematological patients with cancer admitted with
COVID 19.34 Furthermore, in an analysis of 218 solid and hematologic patients with
cancer, D-dimer levels were twice as high in patients with cancer who died; serum
lactate and lactate dehydrogenase were also higher among decedents.35 Further-
more, CRP and ferritin have been shown to be higher in immunocompromised patients
compared with immunocompetent patients.25 This suggests that serum biomarkers
which correlate with disease severity in non-patients with cancer are also applicable
to patients with cancer.
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COVID-19 in the Immunocompromised Host 219
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220 Bertini Jr et al
age and number of comorbidities were highly correlated with hospitalization, ICU
admission, and death rates.
Primary immunodeficiency
Little data exist for patients who have non-HIV immunodeficiency. In an Italian case
series of seven patients with PIDs, six were hospitalized, and three were admitted
the ICU.49 Of the hospitalized patients at time of publication, 1 patient died in hospital,
three were discharged and two were still being treated. The length of stay ranged be-
tween 3 days to 25 days.
In general, there is a paucity of randomized controlled trial data examining the efficacy
of anti-SARS-CoV-2 treatments in immunocompromised hosts. For example, in a
recent randomized controlled trial of high-risk individuals who developed COVID-19
and were randomized to nirmatrelivir/ritonavir or placebo, fewer than 30 patients
met any criteria for immunocompromise as we outline above.50 Most data comes
from observational or case-control studies. In this section, we will discuss studies
that show the efficacy of antiviral, monoclonal antibodies, and convalescent plasma
to treat, preempt, or prevent COVID-19 in immunocompromised patients.
Little data exist regarding antiviral therapy and its efficacy specifically in the immu-
nocompromised. One challenge with the use of antiviral therapy is that the kinetics of
viral replication necessitate prompt therapy to ensure an adequate outcome51; there is
no clear evidence that replication is more rapid in immunocompromised hosts, despite
the possibility due to impaired innate and cellular immunity. In one series of 31 ARD
patients treated with nirmatrelivir/ritonavir (29) and molnupilavir during the first
5 days of COVID-19 diagnosis, no patients were hospitalized, but most (94%) were
fully vaccinated,52 and no comparator arm was studied. Little efficacy data is available
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COVID-19 in the Immunocompromised Host 221
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222 Bertini Jr et al
CoV-2 test, as the risk-adjusted infection incidence rate was 1.29. Moreover, although
two doses of ChAdOx1-S vaccines reduced the risk of death, similar efficacy was not
observed with BNT162b2.
However, vaccines may be less effective for the immunocompromised compared
with the immunocompetent. For example, one comparison prospective study detailing
humoral immune response between 54 immunocompetent patients and 57 immuno-
compromised patients showed that some immunocompromised patients, namely pa-
tients with PIDs and rheumatologic disease, show declining immunity to COVID-19 as
time progresses after two administrations of BNT162b2 vaccine.64 Among the immu-
nocompetent patients, PLWH and CKD patients, all had detectable antibodies at
2 weeks and 3 months post vaccination. The mean CD4 count for the PLWH was
254. However, subgroup analysis showed that 50% of the rheumatologic patients
and 94.5% of the (PID) group had antibodies at two weeks. An inferior response to
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in immunocompromised patients has been shown in other
studies. For example, an Austrian prospective cohort studied antibody response to
COVID-19 vaccination in 15 healthy controls compared this to 74 patients previously
treated with rituximab.65 All healthy patients developed antibodies, but only 39% of
the rituximab group developed antibodies to spike proteins following vaccination.
Lastly, COVID-19 hospitalization following vaccination, commonly referred to as
“breakthrough cases,” are more frequent in the immunocompromised. For example,
an American study of 45 vaccine breakthrough COVID-hospitalizations reported that
44% were immunocompromised, and an Israeli cohort of 152 hospitalized fully vacci-
nated patients reported that 40% were immunocompromised.66,67 Of the 60 immuno-
compromised fully vaccinated patients in the Israeli cohort, 18 had a poor outcome,
which was defined as either requiring mechanical ventilation or death. Knowing that
the prevalence of immunocompromise in the United States is around 2%, it follows
that breakthrough infection seems to occur much more frequently among immuno-
compromised patients. Two studies prove this point more definitively. In a study of
6,860 cases of breakthrough COVID-19 after vaccination, patients with hematologic
malignancies had over a four-fold higher risk for breakthrough infection,68 with the
highest rates seen in patients with leukemia or myeloma. Proteasome inhibitors and
other immunomodulators significantly increased the risk for breakthrough infection.
Similarly, in a study of over 45,000 patients with cancer, primarily with solid tumors,
the overall incidence of breakthrough COVID-19 was 13.6%.69 Mortality rate may
be higher after breakthrough infection in immunocompromised patients. A cohort
study of 54 fully vaccinated hematologic and solid tumor patients with cancer who
developed breakthrough COVID-19 reported a 65% hospitalization rate, 19% ICU
admission rate and 13% mortality rate,70 not markedly different from adverse event
rates among unvaccinated patients with cancer.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
A preexposure prophylaxis strategy may be effective to mitigate COVID-19 severity in
the immunocompromised. The PROVENT trial is a 2:1 randomized double-blind pla-
cebo-controlled study of 5197 patients investigating the use of tixagevimab and cilga-
vimab, a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies that bind to non-overlapping sites from
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 in the at-risk pa-
tients, such as those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunocompro-
mise, or elderly. Results show that the medication has a 77% risk reduction
compared with placebo and 83% reduction at 6 months analysis.71 As a result, the In-
fectious Diseases Society of America guidelines and US Food and Drug Administra-
tion agree about its use for the immunocompromised to provide further protection.
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COVID-19 in the Immunocompromised Host 223
However, only 7.4% of the cohort had any cancer, only 3.3% were receiving immuno-
suppressive therapies, and only 0.5% had a PID; therefore, these results are not
necessarily indicative of efficacy in all immunocompromised hosts. Nevertheless,
the use of tixagevimab and cilgavimab is reasonable given the frequent lack of humor-
al response to vaccination in immunocompromised hosts.
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224 Bertini Jr et al
Immunocompromised patients have often develop severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, and the
threshold to escalate the level of care should be low given the possibility for rapid
Despite the possibility of inferior rates of response to vaccination, vaccinatiion is
recommended in most immunocompromsied patients.
Though most antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents have not been specifically tested in
immunocompromised hosts, these should be initiated early given the possibility for clinical
worsening without prompt intervention.
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