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bw = 14 in
bw = 350 mm
h = 25 in
h = 625 mm
d = 22.5 in
d = 571.5 mm
fc' = 4000 psi
fc' = 27.56 MPa
fyt = 60000 psi
fyt = 413.4 MPa
wuv(vert.load) = 3100 lb/ft
wuv(vert.load) = 45.24087927 N/mm
wut(torsion load) = 2600 ft-lb/ft
wut(torsion load) = 11565.32 N-mm/mm
L = 30 ft
L = 9144 mm
conc. cover = 1.75 in
conc. cover = 40 mm
λ = 1.00 Normal Weight Concrete



Vmax = wuvL/2
Vmax = 206841.3 N

Vu = Vmax(L/2-bw/2)/(L/2)
Vu = 206181.5372 N

Tu = wutL/2
Tu = 52876643.04 N-mm
1. Is Torsional Reinforcing Needed?

Acp = b wh
Acp = 218750 mm

Pcp = 2bw+2h
Pcp = 1950 mm

Tu = 52876643.04 N-mm
' 2
0.083λ√fc [Acp /Pcp] = 10692498.82 N-mm NSCP2015 Table 422.7.4.1(a)
0.083λ√fc' [Acp2/Pcp] = 10692498.82 N-mm

10692498.82 < 52876643.04

0.083λ√fc' [Acp2/Pcp] < Tu

Therefore, torsion should be considered.

2. Sectional Properties Computation

x1 = 270 mm
y1 = 545 mm

Aoh = x1y1
Aoh = 147150 mm
Ao = 0.85Aoh NSCP2015 Section 422.
Ao = 125077.5 mm
ph = 2(x1+y1)
ph = 1630 in

3. Is the concrete section sufficient enough for torsion?

Vc = 0.17λ√(fc') bwd
Vc = 178514.2161 N

Vu/bwd = 1.030778839 MPa

TuPh/1.7Aoh2 2.341434567 MPa

Vc/bwd = 0.892459523 MPa

0.66√fc' = 3.464842854 MPa

√[(Vu/bwd)2+(TuPh/1.7Aoh2)2] ≤ φ[ (Vc/bwd) + 8√fc' ] NSCP2015 Section 422.7.7.1

2.558284747 ≤ 3.267976782

Therefore, section is sufficient.

4. Solving for Required Transverse Torsional Reinfocing

Tn = Tu/φ
Tn = 70502190.72 N-mm

Assume ϴ = 45° per ACI Section

At/s = Tn/2Aofyt cot ϴ NSCP2015 Equation 422.7.6.1a

At/s = 0.681746555 mm /mm
5. Shear Reinforcing Area Required

Vu = 206181537.2 N
0.5φVc = 66942.83102 N
Vu > 0.5φVc
Therefore, shear reinforcement is required

Vs = (Vu - φVc)/φ
Vs = 96394.50017 N

Av/s = Vs/fytd
Av/s = 0.40800506 mm /mm

For 2-legged stirrups, web reinforcing required is:

Av+t/s = 2At/s + Av/s
= 1.771498169 mm2/mm

Using No.4 Stirrups

Astirrup = 132.7322896 mm
s = 2Astirrup/(Av+t/s)
s = 149.8531491 mm
say, 140 mm

Max. Allow. Spacing of Stirrups

smax = 300 mm NSCP2015 Section 422.7.6.3

Ph/8 = 203.75 mm NSCP2015 Section 422.7.6.3
say, 200 mm

0.062√fc' bws/fyt = 38.57952746 mm NSCP2015 Section 409.6.4.2
0.35bws/fyt = 41.48524432 mm NSCP2015 Section 409.6.4.2
2(Astirrup) = 265.4645792 mm

0.062√fc' bws/fyt < 0.35bws/fyt < 2(Astirrup)

Therefore, use No.4 stirrups @ 140 mm o.c.

6. Determining Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcing

Al = (At/s)ph(fyt/fy)cot2ϴ
Al = 1111.246884 mm

At/s = 0.681746555 mm /mm
0.175bw/fyt = 0.148161587 mm /mm
0.681746555 > 0.148161587

min. Al = (0.42√fc' Acp/fy) - [(At/s)ph(fyt/fy)] NSCP2015 Section 409.6.4.3
min. Al = 55.47269588 mm

55.47269588 < 1111.246884

Therefore, OK!!

Using No. 4 Stirrups

No. of stirrups = Al/Astirrup
No. of stirrups = 8.372091581
say, 10 pcs

Add Transverse Two-legged No.4 stirrups @ 140 mm O.C.

Add 10-Longitudinal No.4 stirrups distributed around as shown.

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