The Impact of Working Mother On Quality Time With Children: Aryanti Wardiyah Rilyani Nirwanto

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The Impact Of Working Mother On Quality Time With Children

1Aryanti Wardiyah; 2 Rilyani; 3Nirwanto

Universitas Malahayati

*corresponding author: [email protected]

The increasing number of working mothers can have an impact on many things, one of example is
causing a change in the roles of mother in the family. This makes the mother have a dual role that at
the same time. With this phenomena, it increasing opinions from many sectors. Some people say that
working mothers will not affect in parenting which can effect on child development (Rehel, 2014).
Considering that parents and families are important factors for a child's development, the time spend
between working parents and their children can effect to children's development (Andriyani, 2014).
The impact occurs when children experience delays in personal social aspects include children
becoming less independent, lacking ability of the children to socialize with other people and the
environment and adaptation to the surrounding (Telaumbanua & Mutiara, 2017). The purpose of this
study was to examine the impact of working mother on quality time with children.This quantitative
study with a cross-sectional approach, the population in this study were mothers in the area of
Puskesmas. When the study was to be conducted in March-April 2021 were about 467 mothers. The
samples in this study were 231 respondents. The research variable were maternal work and use quality
time. Data collection with a questionnaire, data analysis univariate and chi square. There is an effect of
mother's work on the use of quality time with children (p value 0,001). Mother who work outside
home have less chance to have quality time with children compare with mother who work inside

Keywords: Children, Quality Time, Working Mother.

The family is the main source needed by humans, in which there are fathers, mothers, and
children as the members. The family in which has the role and function of every family
member, but at this time there are many women who carry out two roles at home as
housewives and work outside as career women (Utaminingsih, 2017).

At this time,women are aware of participation in the employment sector. Data from the
Ministry of employee and Transmigration (2012) the percentage of working women increased
from 38.% (2009) to 38.6 percent in (2010). The increasing number of working mothers can
have an impact on many things, one of example is causing a change in the roles of mother in
the family. This makes the mother have a dual role that at the same time. A mother has to
divide her time to work and take care of children. With this phenomena, it increasing opinions

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from many sectors. Some people say that working mothers will not affect in parenting which
can effect on child development (Rehel, 2014).

Considering that parents and families are important factors for a child's development, the time
spend between working parents and their children can effect to children's development
(Andriyani, 2014). The impact occurs when children experience delays in personal social
aspects include children becoming less independent, lacking ability of the children to
socialize with other people and the environment and adaptation to the surrounding
(Telaumbanua & Mutiara, 2017).

There are many problems experienced by working mother, such as how to manage time with
their husbands and children, to take care of household. Some can enjoy their dual role, but
some find it so difficult until they meet complicated problems develop in their daily lives.
Therefore, mothers have a dual role and have limited time to enjoy their role as housewives
who take care of their husbands and especially children who still need quality time with their
mothers. At this time children still need guidance and attention from a mother, especially
when the child has entered early adolescence phase (Wladis, 2012).

The time is the most important problem faced by working mothers that need our responsibility
to care, including a mother as a single parents.Australian research agrees that having enough
time is important for health and well-being of individuals and family members, and also
social well-being, as well as financial security (Odenweller., et al, 2020). However, how to
solve the problem about time stress and work-family time conflict, especially about double
roles of women which responsible for managing home and care tasks and time despite their
increased labor force participation (Wijayanto & Fauziah, 2020).

Data from the West Lampung Health Office in 2019 showed developmental delays of 38
people (2.16 percent). Researchers also conducted a preliminary survey by conducting a
developmental examination of 50 babies aged 6-12 months in the Air Hitam Health Center
Work Area, from 50 babies there were 60% who experienced developmental delays.
Observation of 10 toddlers aged 4-5 years by giving a game of putting on a doll's clothes,
jumping on one leg and buttoning their own clothes, the results were 6 toddlers 60% with
mothers at home unable to button their own clothes, toddlers can button their own clothes, get

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4 toddlers 40% with a working mother. It means that almost balita with working mother in
this pra survey can not do the task properly. Based on the description above, the researcher
meet the gabs between working mothers and the use quality time with their children.

This quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach, the population in this study were
mothers in the area of the Air Hitam Puskesmas. The study was conduct in March-April 2021
were about 467 mothers. The samples in this study were 231 respondents respondents used
the Slovin formula, Proportional sampling method. Inclusion criteria: Willing to be
respondents, mothers who have children aged 1-5 years in the working area of Air Hitam
Puskesmas, Able to communicate well. Exclusion criteria: Parents who are reject to
participate in the study. The research variables were working mother (the type of work that
mothers do every day both outside the home and inside the home that generates funds for
family needs/needs) and use quality time (frequency of meetings between mothers and
children to do quality activities together) such as reading, playing, studying, gardening,
cooking, and eating dinner). Data collection with a questionnaire, univariate and chi square
data analysis.


Tabel. 1 Distribution of working mother, use quality time

Frequency Persentage (%)
Working mother
Outside home 107 46,3
Inside home 124 53,7
Total 231 100
Use quality time
Not so good 95 41,1
Good 136 58,9
Total 231 100

Tabel. 2 Effect of working mother to use quality time

Quality time
p- OR
Working mother Not so good Good N %
value 95% CI
n % n %
Outside home 68 71,6 27 28,4 95 100 6,264
Inside home 39 28,7 97 71,3 136 100 0,001 (3,506-
Total 107 46,3 124 3,7 231 100,0 11,192)

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Based on the statistical results there is an correlation between working mother and the use of
quality time (p-value = 0.001 which means p>α = 0.05) in the Work Area of the UPT
Puskesmas Air Hitam, West Lampung Regency with an OR value of 6.264, it means that
respondents with work at home have a chance of 6.264 times to have good quality time when
compared to working mother.

There is a relationship between the mother's employment status and the development of
children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten. Islam Antasari Surabaya with the results of the Chi-
Square statistical test with a level of = 0.05, the result is 0.021 < 0.05 or p < . In the study by
Dunn et al. (2011), these working mothers shared an experience of receiving negative
attention by other mothers, specifically from stay-at-home mothers in their neighborhoods or
child’s school. The working mothers reported feeling judged that they were less involved in
home care responsibilities, and neglectful of motherly and domestic duties (Dunn et al.,
2011). The feelings of being judged or falling short of their role as a mom could affect their
parenting decisions.

The increasing number of working mothers can have an impact on many things, for example a
change in the roles in the family. This makes the mother have a dual role that has an impact
on the time management process. A mother who is synonymous with housework, now has to
divide her time to work and take care of children. With this phenomenon, it raises opinions
from various parties. Some people say that working mothers will not affect parenting which
results in delay of child development.

The problem faced by working mother is when both the roles they are under pressure. The
dual role that working mothers, in one side as a patient mother and the other side as a wife for
her husband and being a housewife who is responsible for household needs and affairs. At
work, working mothers also have commitment and responsibility for the work and must show
good work performance (Akbar, 2016)

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There is a positive influence on the time management of working mothers on children's
emotional intelligence (Amirullah in Aisyah, 2016) explained that the absence of mothers
among children causes children to get less attention cognitively and mentally and emotional.
This is in line with research conducted by Glick in Muntiani in Aisyah (2016) working
mothers who work for more than 40 hours per week have a negative impact on children's
growth and development, the time together or quality time between mothers and children will
also decrease. If working mothers can balance time for family and work, there will be little
negative impact on children's cognitive and emotional development (Apsyaryanti & Lestari,

One reason that working mothers were viewed more negatively was that they were seen as
more concerned with their personal successes than the successes of their children (Paré &
Dillaway, 2005). The negative view was
stronger when the choice to enter a nontraditional role was seen as a personal gain rather than
a decision out of necessity. Thus, employed mothers were less disliked when described as
working out of financial necessity rather than for personal fulfillment (Brescoll & Uhlmann,
2005). In the cases where the decision to work out of the home was made from preference, the
moms were viewed as selfish. It was speculated that this may be because the prescribed role
for a mother is to care for children and abandoning this role may be perceived as an
especially selfish act (Brescoll & Uhlmann, 2005)

Other working mothers discussed the feeling of being empowered and did not feel the need to
clarify this mean-ing. These working mothers identified having a “sense of pride in their
ability to transmit their progressive and egalitarian values and beliefs to their children” as well
as a sense of empowerment (Dunn et al., 2011, p. 17). One explanation of this finding is that
there are evolving gen-der ideologies toward an egalitarian approach. Although many mothers
reported feeling misunderstood and judged, they still felt confident in their decisions and felt
a sense of pride (Meaderds, 2018).

Based on the results of the study, it was found that about 53,7 % work at home, and 46,3%
mothers worked outside, spending 6-8 hours outside the home. Mothers who work at home
and outside the home will actually have time to work that takes time with their children. The
condition of working mothers at home in this case is mothers with IRT and additional services

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such as online sellers, or tailors and so on. Likewise for mothers who are outside the house
within 6-8 hours, then after arriving home continue with housework until time will be taken
up. Respondents said that being tired after work made mothers unable to play with their
children. There are also working mother who with time shifts, such as work in the morning
shift or afternoon shift feel difficult to play with their children.

Quality time will have a good effect if it fulfill by positive activities so can increase
motivation, happiness for children. Quality time of mothers with their children will failed by
fatigue of mothers after work, where mothers will choose to take a rest than playing with their
children. Time management is really needed by mothers, where mothers must be able to give
time for their children and create good quality time for their children. The risk of working
mothers must be able to share time and play with children, provide support, motivation, play
that is fun and can make children happy, can stimulate children's growth and development
well. Mothers must be able to understand good parenting for their children, understand the
character of their children, so that they can create activities that are fun for their children.

Having a better understanding phenomena of working mother may leave old perspective
about parenting and gender roles. Mother who work outside home have less chance to have
quality time with children compare with mother who work inside home. The future scope or
plan of the study must be added new variable that have relation with quality time on working

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.

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