The Human Eye - Structure

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The Human Eye: Structure


Cornea transparent covering of the front allows for the passage of light
(Clear lens in front of eye) of the eye into the eye and functions as a
fixed lens.

and it also focuses the light.

Pupil Size = controlled by iris Hole where light enters

(Black hole)
dilated pupil = big hole
constricted pupil = small hole

Get LARGER = small iris

eye needs more light to enter
(when it is dark),

Get SMALLER = large iris

eye needs less light to enter
(when it is very bright

Iris Colored Controls the amount of light

(Colored part) entering the eye
Circular muscle
Sclera Tough white skin (made of tissue) Supports the eyeball and
(white part) that covers all of the eyeball provides attachment for muscle
except the cornea

Lens Converging lens allows us to see objects near and

(behind the pupil) far

Retina Converts light waves to electric

Internal membrane signals

Contains light-receptor cells

(rods and cones)

Optic nerve comprised of millions of nerve transmits electrical

fibres impulses/signals from retina to the

creates blind spot

brain takes inverted image and

Blind Spot Small spot on the back of the Where optic nerve leads back into
retina the brain

Other eye compensates for this No rod or cone cells


- Cornea – the front surface of the eye, does most of the focusing in your eye
- Lens – provides adjustable fine-tuning of the focus


Your lens has a small depth of field
You can't see something close and far with both objects in focus at the same time
You focus on one or the other by changing the bulge of your lens.


1. HYPEROPIA ( FAR-sighted)
➔ Far-sightedness
➔ Problem seeing close objects
➔ Distance between lens and retina too small
➔ Light focused behind retina
➔ Corrected with converging lenses
○ Convex

➔ Form of far-sightedness
➔ Harder for people to read as they age
➔ Lens loses elasticity
➔ Corrected by glasses with converging lenses

➔ Near-sightedness
➔ Problem seeing objects far away
➔ Distance between lens and retina too large
➔ Light focused in front of retina
➔ Correct with diverging lenses
○ Concave

1. Astigmatism
➔ Eye cannot focus an object’s image on a single point on retina

➔ Cornea is oval instead of spherical
➔ Causes blurred vision
➔ Some types can be corrected with lenses

2. Glaucoma
➔ Group of diseases

➔ Loss of ganglion cells
➔ Gradual loss of sight and eventual blindness
➔ Affects optic nerve - pressure
➔ Check eyes regularly
➔ Can be treated

3. Cataracts
➔ Clouding forms in lens due to denaturation of lens protein
➔ Obstructs passage of light

➔ age, chronic exposure to UV, or due to trauma
➔ Removed by surgery


1. Contact Lenses
➔ Artificial lens placed over cornea
➔ Same as glasses
➔ Corrects for both near and far-sightedness
➔ Also used for cosmetic purposes (eye colour, Hollywood)
Key of terms

➔ Lights
- Neither form or destroyed
➔ Luminous body
- Source of body
➔ Non-Luminous body
- Does not emit light
➔ Transparent Material
- Allow light to pass through
➔ Opaque
- Doesn’t allow

The Path of Light

Ray - narrow beam of light
Regular reflection - (regular) image — smooth
Diffuse reflection - reflected in all direction — rough

- Reflection other than 90 degrees

Discovery of the Speed of light

Olaf Roemer
AHC Fizeau
A.A. Michelson

Colors of opaque objects

1. ROYGBIV — white
2. Only absorbs one color, others are reflected.
3. every color is absorbed


Incident Angle
Angle of reflected ray

Image = NOT REAL (Virtual)

1. All lie in the SAME PLANE
2. Incident ray = angle of reflection

● Image = VIRTUAL
● Image = upright/inverted
● Image size = object’s side
● Image distance = object’s distance
● Laterally Inverted (left-right reversal)
(Point of reference = mirror)


Upright – Virtual — same image (UV) “the apparent intersection”

Inverted — Real — may changes sa image (IR) “ formed by the actual intersection of light rays”

- Magnify objects

A. Below are the qualitative characteristics of images. Determine whether it is REAL
or VIRTUAL type of images:

1. is upright.
2. is inverted.
3. is behind the mirror.
4. is formed by convex mirror.
5. can be projected onto a screen.
6. is inverted with the respect to the object.
7. is on the same side of the mirror as object.
8. rays of light do not actually pass through the image.
9. can be larger, smaller, or the same size as the object.
10. rays of light actually converge and pass through the image.

B.Identify whether the following is PLANE, CONCAVE or a CONVEX MIRROR

1. forms images that are either behind the mirror or on the same side as the object.
2. forms images that are always the same distance from the mirror as the object.
3. forms images that are either smaller/same size/larger than the object.
4. forms images that are the same size as the object only.
5. forms images that have left to right reversal.
6. forms images that are either real or virtual.
7. forms images that are upright or inverted.
8. forms images that are behind the mirror.
9. forms images that are always reduced.
10. forms images that are always upright.
11. forms images that are only virtual.
12. forms real or virtual images.
13. forms only virtual images.
14. is flat, smooth mirror.
15. is a curved mirror.

C. Identify whether the following is CONCAVE or a CONVEX LENS

1. In the , the curve faces inward.
2. In the , the curve faces outward.
3. is a diverging lens that spreads out the light.
4. is thicker at the center, as compared to its edges.
5. is thinner at the center, as compared to its edges.
6. is use for correction of nearsightedness or myopia.
7. is use for correction of farsightedness or hyperopia.
8. is a converging lens which converges the refracted rays.
9. is called negative lens because of its negative focal length nature.
10. is called positive lens because of its positive focal length nature.


1. Vehicle side view mirror

2. Water glass surface
3. Head light of motorcycle
4. Tube lights
5. Inner surface of glasses
6. Lunch plates
7. Calling bell
8. Surface of pens
9. Globe
10. Surface of steel flask

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