a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Adsorption of malachite green (MG) dye from wastewater was done by using reduced graphene oxide
Received 23 December 2020 (RGO) as an adsorbent. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out and the removal efficiency and
Received in revised form 1 February 2021 adsorption capacity were 96.3% and 279.85 mg/g respectively. This adsorption process was best
Accepted 12 March 2021
described by the Langmuir isotherm model (R2 = 0.993) and the dynamics analysis shows that the
Available online 8 April 2021
Pseudo-second-order model (R2 = 0.999), presents the best fitting to MG adsorption. Thermodynamic
analysis of equilibriums suggested that the adsorption process was spontaneous and endothermic in nat-
ure. Thus, the prepared reduced graphene oxide was a highly efficient adsorbent.
Malachite green
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reduced graphene oxide Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
Langmuir isotherm ence on the Global Challenges in Nanomaterials Research for Environmental and Healthcare Applications.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on the Global Challenges in Nanomaterials Research for
Environmental and Healthcare Applications.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
conjugation, and presence of a lot of defects, residual oxygen func- 2.3. Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide
tionalities, P-P interaction, and availability of large porosity.
Hence RGO is used as a potential adsorbent for adsorption of a Graphene oxide (5gm) was placed in a 1L beaker and 500 ml
wide variety of cationic as well as anionic dyes. deionised water was added into it, then the graphene oxide sus-
Numerous graphene-based adsorbents have been reported for MG pension was stirred for 30 min using a magnetic stirrer. After stir-
dye removal from wastewater which have low adsorption capacity ring, the pH of the above solution was adjusted to 10 by adding
and less removal efficiency. Zhang et al. have synthesized Graphene 0.1 N HCl or 0.1 N NaOH solution then added 20 ml Hydrazine
oxide (GO) caged in cellulose bead (GOBD) which has maximum monohydrate as reducing agent to the above solution at 95°C
MG adsorption capacity is 30.091 mg/g at MG dye concentration of and stirred for 4hr. The reduced GO was collected by using whatt-
10 mg/L, adsorption time of 1hr, pH 7.0, and Temperature 298 K man filter paper and then the collected residue was dried under
[11]. Kinani et al. have prepared graphene oxide–tannic acid vacuum in an oven at 90°C to obtain the black powder, which
nanocomposite which has MG dye adsorption capacity about was called reduced graphene oxide. Fig. 2 represents the schematic
283.4 mg/g calculated by pseudo-second-order kinetics at pH 8.0, presentation of the synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (RGO)
dye concentration 200 mg/L, time 2hr, and Temperature 298 K [12]. from graphene oxide (GO).
Roja et al. have fabricated graphene oxide as an adsorbent for MG
dye with a maximum removal of 80% at 700 mg/L dye concentration, 2.4. Characterization of reduced graphene oxide and graphene oxide
4 mg/L adsorbent dosage, pH 8.0, and 90 min of adsorption time [13].
As most of the works are focussed on graphene oxide-based A Rigaku D/MAX Model D-5000 XRD Siemens Diffractometer
adsorbents for the removal of MG dye from wastewater, few atten- with Cu Ka radiation (k = 0.14405n) was used to investigate the
tions have been given to the use of reduced graphene oxide as a crystal structure of GO and RGO. The scan was carried out for the
potential adsorbent. Therefore, the present work aimed to synthesize XRD pattern of GO and RGO with a scan rate of 5°/min from 5°-
reduced graphene oxide (RGO) from graphene oxide by using the 90°. Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR Perkin-Elmer spec-
reducing agent Hydrazine monohydrate and used this as an adsor- trum 65) was used to identify the functional groups which are pre-
bent. The characterization of synthesized adsorbent was studied sent on the sample by using Nicolet 5700 Spectrometer in KBr
and the possibility of using RGO as an adsorbent for the removal of pellet at room temperature. The morphologies of GO and RGO were
MG dye from aqueous solution was then explored. The influence of analysed by FESEM model Jeol JSM-6010 LV at an accelerating volt-
various adsorption parameters such as adsorbent dose, solution pH, age of 15 kV and magnification of 100,000 X. Raman Micro-
initial dye concentration, contact time, and the temperature was also spectrometer (Renishaw) was used for the Raman spectra of GO
studied. Finally, for the batch adsorption process isotherm, kinetics and RGO at an excitation wavelength of 785 nm.
and thermodynamic parameters have been evaluated.
Graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized by modified hummers Batch adsorption studies were carried out for MG dye by using
method from pure graphite powder which involved both oxidation RGO as an adsorbent. The adsorption experiments were performed
and exfoliation of graphite[14]. In a 1L beaker 40 ml of phosphoric in 250 ml conical flasks with 50 ml of MG dye solutions. The effect
acid (H3PO4) and 360 ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) in the ratio of of parameters such as solution pH, adsorbent dosage, initial con-
1:9 were mixed with 10 g of graphite powder and stirred for centration, adsorption time, and the temperature were varied from
45 min. It was followed by the addition of 18 g of potassium per- 5 to 10, 10–50 mg, 20–60 mg/L, 0–180 min, and 20°C 40°C
manganate (KMnO4) very slowly (took 5 min to add). This reaction respectively. The initial pH of the solution was adjusted from 5
was exothermic, so to reduce the temperature below 20°C the bea- to 10 either by adding 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M NaOH solution drop wise.
ker was placed on an ice bath. The mixture became a dark green The percentage removal and adsorption capacity of MG dye
solution after stirred for 6 h. To stop the reaction 0.675 ml of Hydro- solution was calculated according to the formula: -
gen peroxide (H2O2) was added to the solution and then stirred for
ðC0 -Ct Þ
15 min and after that 400 ml of deionized water (DIW) was added %R ¼ 100 ð1Þ
to the mixture. After the addition of DIW, the temperature rises
above 100°C and the solution became yellowish-brown in colour,
ðC0 -Ct ÞV
kept the solution overnight for cooling, and then centrifuged at qt ¼ ð2Þ
10000 rpm for 5 min. After the centrifugation, the residuals were w
washed with DIW repeatedly till the pH reaches 7, and the super- Where C0 is the initial concentration of MG dye solution (mg.
natant was removed. After that, the filtered GO solution was put in L1), w is the amount of adsorbent (g), V is the volume of dye solu-
an oven overnight at 90°C to produce GO powder. Fig. 1 represents tion, qt is the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent (mg. g1), and Ct
the schematic presentation of the modified hummer’s method. is the concentration of MG dye (mg. L1) at time t.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
layer spacing (d-spacing) about 0.84 nm and for RGO the diffrac-
tion peak shifts towards the right and observed at 2h = 26.82°
with interlayer spacing (d-spacing) about 0.38 nm. It was con-
firmed from the XRD diffractograms, that the d-spacing of GO is
more as compared to RGO due to the reestablishment of the sp2
network during the reduction of GO [15].
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
Fig. 7. Effect of pH on the (a) MG removal %, and (b) adsorption capacity (qt) (C0 = 60 mg/L, V = 50 ml, w = 40 mg, T = 30°C, and time = 2hr) by using RGO.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
Fig. 8. Effect of adsorbent dosage of RGO on the (a) MG removal %, and (b) adsorption capacity (qt) (C0 = 60 mg/L, V = 50 ml, pH = 8, T = 30°C, and time = 2hr).
Fig. 9. Effects of contact time on the (a) MG removal %, and (b) adsorption capacity (qt) at different initial concentrations of MG dye solution: (w = 10 mg, V = 50 ml, pH = 8,
T = 30°C, and time = 0–3 hr) by using RGO.
Fig. 10. Effect of temperature on (a) MG removal %, and (b) adsorption capacity (qt) (C0 = 60 mg/L, V = 50 ml, w = 10 mg, and time = 2hr).
Where, qm is the maximum monolayer adsorption capacity, qe is The important characteristic of Langmuir isotherm is called sep-
the equilibrium adsorption capacity (mg. g1), KL is the Langmuir aration factor (RL) which is a dimensionless constant and is given
constant (mg. g1), and Ce is the equilibrium concentration of by the following equation[23]:
MG dye solution (mg. L1) respectively. Fig. 11 shows the Langmuir
isotherm model of adsorption of MG dye onto RGO adsorbent RL ¼ ð4Þ
1 þ KL C0
obtained by plotting Ce/qe versus Ce at a constant temperature.
The values of KL and qm are calculated from the slope and intercept
and are reported in Table 1.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
Where, KL is the Langmuir constant (mg. g1), and C0 is the ini- The adsorption kinetic study is required for the design and
tial concentration of MG dye solution (mg. L1) respectively. The RL modeling of the full-scale batch process by selecting optimum
value tells about whether the isotherm model is favourable or not. operating conditions and also to determine the controlling mecha-
For an irreversible model (RL = 0), favourable (0< RL <1), unfavour- nism of the adsorption process. The adsorption experiments were
able (RL >1), and linear (RL = 1). In the present study, the RL value performed at 303 K with an adsorbent dosage of 10 mg and a con-
lies in the range of 0.0223–0.0641, which confirms the adsorption tact time of 180 min. Various kinetics models such as pseudo-first-
of MG dye onto RGO is a favourable process. order [25], Pseudo-second-order [26], and Elovich model [27] were
used to investigate the adsorption mechanism of MG dye onto
Fig. 12. Freundlich isotherm for the adsorption of MG dye onto RGO. Fig. 13. Temkin isotherm for the adsorption of MG dye onto RGO.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
Fig. 14. Pseudo-first order kinetic plot for the MG dye adsorption by RGO at Fig. 15. Pseudo-second order kinetic plot for the for the MG dye adsorption by RGO
different concentrations. Experimental conditions: (pH = 8.0; T = 30°C; and at different concentrations. Experimental conditions: (pH = 8.0; T = 30°C; and
w = 10 mg). w = 10 mg).
qe and the value of R2 is low for most of the adsorption data which 1 1
qt ¼ lnðabÞ þ lnt ð9Þ
indicates the pseudo-first-order model is not suitable for adsorp- b b
tion of MG dye onto RGO.
Where, a represent the initial adsorption rate (mg g1 min1)
and ß represent the desorption coefficient (g mg1 min1) respec-
3.4.2. Pseudo-second-order model tively. Fig. 16 shows the plot of adsorption capacity (qt) vs lnt and
The linearization form of the pseudo-second-order model is the values of a and ß are calculated from the slope and intercept
given by: and are tabulated in Table 2. Higher values of a calculated from
t 1 t the plot reveal faster adsorption kinetics°C curred.
¼ þ ð8Þ The relative parameters for the three kinetic models are calcu-
qt k2 q2e qe
lated by using the plots and the data are listed in Table 2. The R2
Where qt is the adsorption capacity at time t (mg. g1), qe is the value for the pseudo-second-order is found to be maximum that
equilibrium adsorption capacity (mg. g1), andk2 is the overall is 0.999, whereas the same for pseudo-first-order is 0.921 and for
pseudo-second-order rate constant. Fig. 15 shows the plot of t/qt Elovich 0.985. This value suggests that the pseudo-second-order
versus t and from the plot, the values of rate constant (k2) and model better describes the adsorption of MG dye onto RGO than
the equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe) are calculated by using other kinetic models with a maximum adsorption capacity of
the slope and intercept and are tabulated in Table 2. The value of 263.15 mg/g very close to the experimental adsorption capacity
R2 was obtained as 0.999 for the pseudo-second-order model with of 262.58 mg/g at 303 K.
an adsorption capacity of 263.15 mg/g very close to the experimen-
tal adsorption capacity of 262.58 mg/g thus the pseudo-second- 3.5. Thermodynamic study
order model is best fitted to the adsorption process.
The effect of temperature on the adsorption of MG dye onto
3.4.3. Elovich kinetic model RGO has been investigated, and the thermodynamic parameters
In this model, there will be no interactions among the adsorbed such as a change in enthalpy (DH°), Gibbs free energy (DG°), and
species and the actual solid adsorbent surfaces are energetically change in entropy (DS°) are determined by using the following
heterogeneous. These energetically heterogeneous adsorbent sur- equations[29]:
faces present different kinds of activation energies based on a
DG0 ¼ RTlnK d ð10Þ
second-order reaction mechanism. This model was developed by
Zeldowitsch [28] and the linearization form of the Elovich kinetic
model is given by:
Table 2
Pseudo-first order, Pseudo-second-order, and Elovich kinetic model parameters for the adsorption of MG dye onto RGO at pH 8 and 30°C.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
5. Conclusion
Table 3
Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of MG dye onto RGO.
Table 4
Comparison of adsorption capacity of RGO adsorbent with other adsorbents to adsorb MG dye.
Dibya Ranjan Rout and Hara Mohan Jena Materials Today: Proceedings 47 (2021) 1173–1182
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