Unit 5 Chapter 15 - Cooking Techniques
Unit 5 Chapter 15 - Cooking Techniques
Unit 5 Chapter 15 - Cooking Techniques
15 Cooking Techniques
16 Seasonings and Flavorings
17 Breakfast Cookery
18 Garde Manger Basics
19 Sandwiches and Appetizers
20 Stocks, Sauces, and Soups
21 Fish and Shellfish
22 Poultry Cookery
23 Meat Cookery
24 Pasta and Grains
25 Fruits, Vegetables,
and Legumes
15.1 How Cooking Alters
15.2 Dry Cooking
15.3 Moist Cooking
Cause-and-Effect Paragraph
C ause-and-effect paragraphs
explain the reasons for
something, or the results of
something. Write a cause-and-
effect paragraph about how an
egg changes when it is cooked.
Writing Tips
1. Use focusing sentences to help
readers anticipate organization.
2. Use conjunctions such as “as a
result,” “due to,” or “because.”
3. End with a concluding
Method Knowledge You must know many different cooking methods to work in a
professional kitchen. Why is it important to understand how different cooking methods work?
If you understand each type of cooking tech- lose more nutritive value the longer they
nique, you can combine them in ways that cook. In fact, certain cooking techniques can
create great-tasting food. You will learn more actually speed up nutrient loss. For example,
about how to use combination cooking tech- boiling green beans extracts nutrients in two
niques in Section 15.3. ways. Nutrients are destroyed simply because
the green beans are exposed to heat. Nutrients
Distinguish What also are lost during boiling because they are
are the key differences between the dry, diluted in the liquid.
moist, and combination cooking techniques? You might think that if you steam the green
beans, you will maintain all of the nutrients.
Although steaming is one of the best ways to
Changes in minimize nutrient loss, exposure to heat will
still extract some nutrients from the green
Cooked Food beans. However, because the vegetables are
A food’s nutritive value, texture, color, cooked by the steam, and not in water, they
aroma, flavor, and appearance do not stay the will not lose nearly as many nutrients as if
same after cooking. The cooking technique they had been boiled.
you choose can affect all of these factors. It is
important to know how food will change after
it is cooked.
If you have ever overcooked vegetables,
you have seen how cooking can change the
Nutritive Value texture of food. During cooking, moisture is
The length of time food is cooked and the lost, food tissue breaks down, and proteins
cooking technique you use determine how coagulate. All of these factors change the
much nutrition a food will retain. Raw foods texture of cooked food.
Explain Why
does the texture of foods toughen after
prolonged exposure to heat?
Review Key Concepts Mathematics
1. Describe dry cooking techniques. 5. Your sous chef prepared one dozen soft-
2. Explain how cooking can affect the texture cooked eggs and one dozen hard-cooked eggs.
of a food. Unfortunately, he then mixed the two batches
together in one container. What is the probability
Practice Culinary Academics that if you grab two of the eggs, both will be
Science hard-cooked?
Math Concept Probability of Dependent
3. Procedure Work in groups as directed by your
teacher. Wash and peel several carrots and divide Events When two events are dependent (the
them into three even amounts. Cook each group probability of a second event depends on the
using the following techniques: 1) steam, 2) roast, outcome of the first), find the probability of each
3) sear and then braise. event, and multiply those probabilities together.
Analysis Sample each group of carrots and Starting Hint For the first selection, the
evaluate the differences in texture, color, aroma, probability that the egg is hard-cooked is 12/24
and flavor. Why are there differences? Summarize (or ½). However, when you select the next egg,
your results. remember that there will be one fewer hard-
cooked egg, and one fewer egg overall.
NSES Content Standard B Develop an understanding of the
structure and properties of matter. NCTM Data Analysis and Probability Understand and apply
basic concepts of probability.
Review Key Concepts What cultures use the technique now? Create a
two-page report to discuss your research.
1. Explain how to use a griddle.
Practice Culinary Academics NCSS I B Culture Predict how data and experiences may be
interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives and
English Language Arts frames of reference.
2. Imagine that you write an advice column for a
local or school newspaper about cooking. Ask and
answer two questions about using dry cooking Mathematics
techniques. Share your column with the class.
5. To pan-fry some breaded chicken cutlets, Jody
NCTE 5 Use different writing process elements to communicate adds oil to her pan so that the oil is 1/2-inch deep.
effectively. If the pan is 10 inches in diameter, how many fluid
ounces of oil did Jody use?
Science Math Concept Volume of a Cylinder Calculate
3. Procedure Cook a piece of chicken and a potato. the volume (V) of a cylinder as V = πr2h, where
Record the temperature immediately after r = the radius of the circular base, and h is the
removing the food from the oven. Record the height of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for π.
temperature again each minute until the food Starting Hint Find the volume in cubic inches
begins to cool. of the oil using the formula, with 0.5 inches as h
Analysis Create a chart of the cooling times for and one-half the pan’s diameter as r. One cubic
each item. What do you observe about carryover inch = 0.554 fluid ounces, so multiply the volume
cooking times? by 0.554.
NSES B Develop an understanding of the interactions of NCTM Geometry Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and
energy and matter. geometric modeling to solve problems.
Bring to a Boil Boiling is best used for foods that are not too tender or delicate.
Why should delicate foods not be boiled?
Gentle Simmer Simmering cooks foods slowly. What are some of the advantages
of simmering versus boiling?
Summarize Why
would you blanch a food? Braising is a long, slow cooking process.
It can make tough cuts of meat more tender.
Meat is first seared and the pan deglazed
Combination Cooking before the moist cooking technique is used.
To deglaze means to add a small amount of
Sometimes, great things happen when you
liquid such as stock or water to a pan to loosen
combine the best of two techniques. This is the
brown bits of food after searing or sautéing.
case with combination cooking. As the term
An additional amount of stock, sauce, or
suggests, combination cooking combines two
water is added, and the food is cooked on top
techniques you have already learned: moist
of the range or in the oven.
and dry. Two major combination techniques
During cooking, braising produces a very fla-
are braising and stewing. Braising and stew-
vorful liquid. The flavors extracted, or drawn
ing involve both a dry and a moist cooking
out, from the food become highly concentrated.
W 3 Cook the vegetables and deglaze by adding
Braise a small amount of liquid to the pan. Stir to
dissolve the browned bits of food that stick
to the pan. Return the seared food to the pan
Food if you removed it.
Review Key Concepts Mathematics
1. Explain how to blanch foods. 5. Gina can cook basmati rice 3½ times faster in
2. Describe the braising process. her pressure cooker than in a regular pot. If rice
normally cooks in 20 minutes, what is the cooking
Practice Culinary Academics time in the pressure cooker (to the nearest
Science second)?
Math Concept Working with Time To convert
3. Procedure Browning occurs in meat when
it is cooked at high heat. Cook two pieces of decimal minutes (such as 12.43) into minutes
meat. Sear one piece, and use another cooking and seconds, keep the whole number portion
technique on the second piece that does not (as minutes), and multiply the decimal portion by
involve searing. 60 (which represents the seconds).
Analysis Compare the flavor of the seared meat Starting Hint Find the new cooking time by
with the other meat. Create a chart to record dividing 20 minutes by 3 ½. Convert any decimal
observations about the appearance and flavor. portion of your answer into seconds by multiplying
Write a short summary of why you think meat is it by 60. Round to the nearest second.
browned before stewing or braising. NCTM Problem Solving Build new mathematical knowledge
NSES B Develop an understanding of interactions of energy through problem solving.
and matter.
Check your answers at this book’s Online
Learning Center at glencoe.com.
English Language Arts
4. Create a poster to illustrate the process of
braising foods. Use drawings and text to display
each step in the process. Display your posters in
the classroom.
Critical Thinking
7. Imagine that a coworker has cooked a meal. The piece of cooked meat is tough and
grayish-brown color, and the vegetables are limp and colorless. What has gone wrong
during cooking?
8. Explain how you should prepare an extra-lean pork loin roast to avoid it becoming dry
and tasteless.
9. Imagine that a food critic is coming to your restaurant. What would you tell your staff
about cooking to ensure good flavor, nutritive value, texture, color, and aroma?
10. Describe the advantages of having a variety of cooking techniques on a restaurant
menu. Is it possible to have too many techniques represented?
Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 395
CHAPTER 15 Review and Applications
Academic Skills
English Language Arts
11. Interpret Cooling Methods Obtain a Mathematics
cookbook or a cooking magazine that has at 13. Fill a Fryer Oscar has just purchased a new
least 10 recipes. Read through the book or deep fryer for his restaurant. The fryer holds 60
magazine and review the recipes. Choose 10 pounds of cooking oil. But Oscar’s containers of
recipes and identify the cooking techniques cooking oil on hand were measured in volume
used in each. For each recipe, list the cooking (gallons), not weight. If the oil has a density of
technique, whether it is moist or dry, and how 7.5 pounds per gallon at room temperature, and
you think the technique will affect the dish’s a 4-gallon container of oil costs Oscar $38.75,
color, texture, aroma, and flavor. how much will it cost to fill up the fryer?
Math Concept Weight vs. Volume A liquid’s
NCTE 3 Apply strategies to interpret texts.
weight and volume are related to each other by
a concept called density, which is the ratio of its
Social Studies weight to its volume at a particular temperature.
Use the formula weight = density × volume.
12. Equipment Advances Choose one cooking
technique and conduct research to discover Starting Hint First, determine the total volume
how the equipment used for that cooking of oil that Oscar will need by rearranging the
method has changed over time. Create a time formula above to solve for volume. Use the
line with brief descriptions of the changes in total weight and density given in the problem.
the equipment used. How has the changing Then, find the number of containers that Oscar
equipment improved that cooking technique? will need by dividing the total volume by 4.
Multiply the number of containers by the cost
per container.
NCSS VIII B Science, Technology, and Society Make
judgments about how science and technology have transformed NCTM Problem Solving Apply and adapt a variety of
the physical world and human society. appropriate strategies to solve problems.