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Unit 5 Chapter 15 - Cooking Techniques

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15 Cooking Techniques
16 Seasonings and Flavorings
17 Breakfast Cookery
18 Garde Manger Basics
19 Sandwiches and Appetizers
20 Stocks, Sauces, and Soups
21 Fish and Shellfish
22 Poultry Cookery
23 Meat Cookery
24 Pasta and Grains
25 Fruits, Vegetables,
and Legumes


Culinary workers must prepare a variety
of foods. What types of foods have you

372 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Local and Seasonal Foods
After completing this unit, you will know how
to identify and cook a variety of foods. In your
unit thematic project you will find foods from
your local area. Then you will create a visual
presentation on how to prepare them and
prepare a dish using them.

Write a journal entry about the different types

of foods you have made.
What ingredients have you used?
How did you choose them?
How did you cook them?

“Culinary school allowed me to

experience a tremendous amount
of new foods and spices, and
even tickled taste buds I Zena Harrison
never knew I had.” Assistant Food and
Beverage Director/Catering Chef
Compass Group

Unit 5 Culinary Applications 373


15.1 How Cooking Alters
15.2 Dry Cooking
15.3 Moist Cooking

Cause-and-Effect Paragraph

C ause-and-effect paragraphs
explain the reasons for
something, or the results of
something. Write a cause-and-
effect paragraph about how an
egg changes when it is cooked.

Writing Tips
1. Use focusing sentences to help
readers anticipate organization.
2. Use conjunctions such as “as a
result,” “due to,” or “because.”
3. End with a concluding


Different cooking methods affect
the flavor, texture, appearance, and
nutritional content of food. How many
different cooking techniques can you


How Cooking Alters Food Use different

techniques for
different foods.
Reading Guide

Think of an Example Look over the Key Concepts for this

section. Think of an example of how or when you could use
one of the skills from the Key Concepts. Thinking of how EMIC
you might apply a skill can help motivate your learning by ACAD
showing you why the skill is important.
NCTM Data Analysis and
Read to Learn Content Vocabulary Probability Understand
Key Concepts dry cooking technique coagulate and apply basic concepts of
evaporate pigment probability.
Compare and contrast
different cooking methods. moist cooking technique caramelization
Explain how cooking combination cooking
NSES B Develop an
affects a food’s nutritive understanding of chemical
value, texture, color, aroma, Academic Vocabulary reactions.
and flavor. subject enhance
NSES B Develop an
Main Idea understanding of the
structure and properties of
Cooking is heating food to
transform it in some way. Food
is affected in different ways by Social Studies
different cooking techniques. NCSS I A Culture Ana-
lyze and explain the ways
Graphic Organizer groups, societies and cul-
As you read, you will discover five changes in food made by cooking. Use a tures address human needs
herringbone diagram like this one to list the changes. and concerns.

NCTE National Council of Teachers

of English
NCTM National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics
NSES National Science Education
Changes in Cooked Food
NCSS National Council for the
Social Studies

Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s Online Learning Center

at glencoe.com for a printable graphic organizer.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 375

Cooking Techniques liquid escapes from a pan as a vapor. Baking
and sautéing are good examples of dry cook-
Suppose the restaurant where you work ing techniques. You will learn more about
offers chicken for dinner. There can be many using dry cooking techniques in Section 15.2.
different results, depending on how you
choose to cook the chicken. You use very dif-
ferent cooking techniques to cook an egg, grill Moist Cooking
a steak, or stew tomatoes. Although each tech-
A moist cooking technique uses liquid
nique involves heating the food, they all use a
instead of oil to create the heat energy that is
different process to transfer heat to the food.
needed to cook the food. Boiling and simmer-
The degree of change that occurs during
ing are good examples of moist cooking tech-
the cooking process depends on the length of
niques. You will learn more about how to use
cooking time, the temperature, and the cooking
moist cooking techniques in Section 15.3.
technique you use. Some methods will produce
a great deal of change, while others will not
produce very much change. The three cooking
techniques are dry, moist, and a combination
Combination Cooking
of both. Combination cooking uses both moist
and dry cooking techniques. This kind of
cooking is a two-step process. You start by
Dry Cooking using one technique and finishing with the
A dry cooking technique uses oil, fat, the other. For example, for stew, you brown the
radiation of hot air, or metal to transfer heat. meat, a dry cooking technique. Then, you sim-
No moisture is used in this cooking process. mer the meat and vegetables with seasonings,
Any moisture that comes from the food evap- a moist technique. The objective of combi-
orates into the air. To evaporate means that a nation cooking is to build upon food flavors.

Method Knowledge You must know many different cooking methods to work in a
professional kitchen. Why is it important to understand how different cooking methods work?

376 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Perfect Timing Perfectly cooked vegetables should be colorful and flavorful.
What happens to vegetables that have been overcooked?

If you understand each type of cooking tech- lose more nutritive value the longer they
nique, you can combine them in ways that cook. In fact, certain cooking techniques can
create great-tasting food. You will learn more actually speed up nutrient loss. For example,
about how to use combination cooking tech- boiling green beans extracts nutrients in two
niques in Section 15.3. ways. Nutrients are destroyed simply because
the green beans are exposed to heat. Nutrients
Distinguish What also are lost during boiling because they are
are the key differences between the dry, diluted in the liquid.
moist, and combination cooking techniques? You might think that if you steam the green
beans, you will maintain all of the nutrients.
Although steaming is one of the best ways to
Changes in minimize nutrient loss, exposure to heat will
still extract some nutrients from the green
Cooked Food beans. However, because the vegetables are
A food’s nutritive value, texture, color, cooked by the steam, and not in water, they
aroma, flavor, and appearance do not stay the will not lose nearly as many nutrients as if
same after cooking. The cooking technique they had been boiled.
you choose can affect all of these factors. It is
important to know how food will change after
it is cooked.
If you have ever overcooked vegetables,
you have seen how cooking can change the
Nutritive Value texture of food. During cooking, moisture is
The length of time food is cooked and the lost, food tissue breaks down, and proteins
cooking technique you use determine how coagulate. All of these factors change the
much nutrition a food will retain. Raw foods texture of cooked food.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 377

When heat is applied, the proteins in food Color
coagulate. This means that they change from The cooking process also affects the color
a liquid or semiliquid state to a drier, solid of food. For example, certain ingredients that
state. The longer that you subject, or expose, are commonly used to cook vegetables, such
the proteins to heat the firmer and more solid as lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda, can
they will become. For example, compare the change the color of vegetables. There are
difference in texture between a soft-cooked cooking techniques, such as blanching, that
egg and a hard-cooked egg. If you simmer an can help keep the color of vegetables. (You
egg for three to five minutes, you will produce will learn about blanching in Section 15.3)
a soft-cooked egg with a partly solid white and Fruits and vegetables get their unique
a semiliquid yolk. To produce a hard-cooked colors from naturally occurring pigments. A
egg with both a solid white and yolk, the egg pigment is the matter in cells and tissue that
must be simmered for 8 to 10 minutes. The gives them their color. Common pigments
length of time cooked will affect the texture of in foods include chlorophyll (green vegeta-
the egg white and yolk. bles), flavonoids (red, purple, and blue veg-
Coagulation also occurs in meat proteins as etables), and carotenoids (yellow, orange, and
heat is applied during cooking. Meat proteins red vegetables). Many foods have more than
lose some moisture as the protein becomes one type of pigment. Remember that the lon-
more solid during cooking. Long, slow cook- ger that fruits and vegetables are cooked, the
ing techniques and moderate heat will make more their color will change.
some meats tender, flavorful, and juicy. How- Likewise, as meat cooks for extended peri-
ever, using too much heat can toughen the ods of time, moisture is extracted. The meat will
protein in those same meats. This happens lose its deep-red color as it cooks. These color
because too much moisture is lost. changes happen at different temperatures.

Texture Changes When high-

protein foods are cooked, their
texture changes. How can you tell
which egg has been cooked longer?

378 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

As the internal temperature of meat reaches
between 140°F and 160°F (60°C and 71°C), the
redness decreases significantly. The same thing
Color Fade
happens when the meat reaches an internal Do you know what gives green vegetables
temperature between 168°F and 176°F (76°C their color? Green vegetables, such as broccoli
and 80°C). That is why the inside of a rare and spinach, contain two types of the pigment
steak is red, a medium rare steak is pink, and chlorophyll. One type of chlorophyll is a bright
a well done steak is brownish gray. Remember, bluish-green color. The other type is a yellowish-
however, that using a thermometer to measure green color. Green vegetables have about four
times more of the blue-green type than the
internal temperature is the only safe way to yellow-green type.
determine if meat is done. To maintain the color of a green vegetable,
do not overcook it. Heat from cooking damages
the vegetable’s cells. This allows the acids that
Aroma were in the once-living cells of the vegetable
The aroma created from cooking food can to be released. Once exposed to this acid, the
be as appealing as the flavor and presentation chlorophyll changes to a brownish-yellow color.
of the final dish. Cooking techniques that use Procedure
fat as an ingredient or as a way to transfer heat To complete the following experiment, you
create an appealing aroma. Caramelization will need four broccoli stalks, a pot with a lid,
and a second pot without a lid. Bring 3 cups of
(=ker-`-m`l-`-+z@-sh`n), or the process of cook-
water to a boil in each uncovered pot. Separate
ing sugar to high temperatures, is what creates the florets, or flowers, of the broccoli. Place half
these pleasing aromas. As the sugar in the of the broccoli in one pot and cover it with the
food turns brown, a rich aroma is produced. lid. Place the rest of the broccoli in the other
Caramelization can also affect the color and pot without a lid. Cook both pots of broccoli for
flavor of food. 7 minutes. After 7 minutes, drain each pot and
place the broccoli into two separate bowls.
Flavor Determine which style of cooking provided a
The cooking process also affects the flavor greener vegetable. Examine each bowl. Describe
of food. If you have ever eaten overcooked the color and the texture of the broccoli in each
bowl. Which dish has the greener broccoli?
meat or vegetables, you know that over- Explain in a short summary why you think one
cooking can ruin the flavor. However, if you method of cooking had a greater impact on the
use the correct cooking technique, you can color change than the other.
actually enhance, or increase the quality of,
NSES B Develop an understanding of chemical reactions.
the flavor of food. For example, if you grill
meats over charcoal or woods such as hickory
and mesquite, it will give them an appealing, flavors in a food. Slow roasting foods will
smoky flavor. Foods that are cooked with bring out rich flavors. Deep-frying foods cre-
dry-heat methods taste rich because of the ates a unique flavor that is enhanced by the
caramelization that occurs. Moist cooking crispness of the food.
techniques help bring out a food’s natural It is important to enhance the flavor of
flavor. food because it increases the appeal of the
The flavor of foods can also be changed food to the customer. Appealing food is one
during cooking by using seasonings and fla- of the main factors that will bring back cus-
vorings at different times during the cook- tomers to a restaurant. If you do not choose
ing process. Cooking methods that use the right cooking method for a food, all other
liquids rather than fats to cook can bring out methods to enhance flavor will be wasted.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 379

Another way to enhance the flavor of food
is to add seasonings and flavorings before, Safety Check
during, or after the cooking process. These
seasonings and flavorings, including herbs, ✓ Internal Temperatures
Although you should be careful not to overcook
spices, and condiments, will be discussed in food, it must be cooked to a minimum internal
more detail in Chapter 16. Not all seasonings temperature to be safe. A thermometer shows
and flavorings are used in the same way. the minimum safe internal cooking tempera-
Knowing which seasoning to add, and when tures for various foods.
to add it, is an important part of your culinary CRITICAL THINKING What might happen if food
training. is not cooked to the minimum internal temperature?

Explain Why
does the texture of foods toughen after
prolonged exposure to heat?

Review Key Concepts Mathematics
1. Describe dry cooking techniques. 5. Your sous chef prepared one dozen soft-
2. Explain how cooking can affect the texture cooked eggs and one dozen hard-cooked eggs.
of a food. Unfortunately, he then mixed the two batches
together in one container. What is the probability
Practice Culinary Academics that if you grab two of the eggs, both will be
Science hard-cooked?
Math Concept Probability of Dependent
3. Procedure Work in groups as directed by your
teacher. Wash and peel several carrots and divide Events When two events are dependent (the
them into three even amounts. Cook each group probability of a second event depends on the
using the following techniques: 1) steam, 2) roast, outcome of the first), find the probability of each
3) sear and then braise. event, and multiply those probabilities together.
Analysis Sample each group of carrots and Starting Hint For the first selection, the
evaluate the differences in texture, color, aroma, probability that the egg is hard-cooked is 12/24
and flavor. Why are there differences? Summarize (or ½). However, when you select the next egg,
your results. remember that there will be one fewer hard-
cooked egg, and one fewer egg overall.
NSES Content Standard B Develop an understanding of the
structure and properties of matter. NCTM Data Analysis and Probability Understand and apply
basic concepts of probability.

Check your answers at this book’s Online

Social Studies
Learning Center at glencoe.com.
4. Choose a country and research common cooking
techniques that are used in that country. What
types of cooking methods are they? Can you
predict how these techniques would affect nutritive
value, texture, color, aroma, and flavor? Give a five-
minute oral presentation on your findings. Use
pictures to illustrate cooking techniques.
NCSS I A Culture Analyze and explain the ways groups,
societies and cultures address human needs and concerns.

380 Unit 5 Culinary Applications


Dry Cooking Techniques Bake, roast, or

grill foods to
give them a rich
Reading Guide

Study with a Buddy It can be difficult to review your own

notes and quiz yourself on what you have just read. According
to research, studying with a partner for just 12 minutes can EMIC
help you study better. ACAD

English Language Arts

Read to Learn Content Vocabulary NCTE 5 Use different
Key Concepts bake dredging writing process elements to
carryover cooking breading communicate effectively.
Demonstrate dry cooking
techniques. smoking batter
roasting heat lamp
NCTM Geometry Use
Main Idea sear pan-fry visualization, spatial
Dry cooking causes moisture in basting deep-fried reasoning, and geometric
food to evaporate into the air. open-spit roast recovery time modeling to solve problems.
Dry cooking techniques include sautéing grilling
baking, roasting, sautéing, stir-frying griddle Science
stir-frying, pan-frying, deep- wok broiling NSES B Develop an
frying, grilling, and broiling. frying understanding of the inter-
actions of energy and matter.
Academic Vocabulary Social Studies
effect delicate NCSS V A Individuals,
Groups, and Institutions
Graphic Organizer Apply concepts such as
Use a matrix like the one below to list the different dry cooking techniques, role, status, and social class
with a short description of each. in describing the connec-
Dry Cooking Techniques tions and interactions of
individuals, groups, and
Technique Description institutions in society.
NCSS I B Culture Predict
how data and experiences
may be interpreted by
people from diverse cultural
perspectives and frames of

NCTE National Council of Teachers

of English
NCTM National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics
Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s Online Learning Center at NSES National Science Education
glencoe.com for a printable graphic organizer. Standards
NCSS National Council for the
Social Studies
Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 381
Dry Cooking A large food product will continue to cook
for 5 to 15 minutes after you remove it from
Dry cooking techniques include baking, the oven. This is called carryover cooking, or
roasting, sautéing, stir-frying, pan-frying, the cooking that takes place after you remove
deep-frying, grilling, and broiling. Do not let something from its heat source. This happens
the word dry fool you. It is called the dry cook- because the outside of the food is hotter than
ing technique because no moisture is directly the inside of the food. This effect, or result,
used in the cooking process. Any moisture that continues until the temperature throughout
comes from the food evaporates into the air. the food becomes stable. Carryover cooking
Some dry cooking techniques use oil and fat can add 5 to 15 degrees to the food’s final
to transfer heat. Others use metal and radia- temperature. There is no way to stop the
tion of hot air to create heat. This section will carryover cooking that happens at the end of
introduce you to dry cooking techniques. dry heat cooking. You must keep this effect in
mind when you plan cooking times.
Baking is a very popular dry cooking Smoking
technique. Bread and chicken are foods that Smoking is usually done with meats, but
are commonly baked. Fish, vegetables, fruits, also can be done with other foods, such as
breads, and pastry items also can be baked. nuts, vegetables, and cheeses. Smoking is
To bake, you use dry heat in a closed a form of cooking that uses low heat, long
environment, usually an oven. No fat or liquid cooking times, and wood smoke for flavor.
is added to the cooking process. Any moisture Commercial smokers are usually kept at a
that comes from food is turned into steam temperature of 225°F (107°C). Smoking is
and evaporates into the air. This is because done with hot coals, to which smoking wood
the food is baked uncovered. chunks of hickory, mesquite or just about any

Roasted Foods Roasting adds

a rich flavor to meats and
vegetables. What other foods
could be roasted?

382 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

hardwood or fruitwood is added. Foods are
placed on the opposite side of the smoker as
the coals and wood. This keeps the food from 1960 1963
cooking too quickly.
John F. Kennedy is Julia Child’s cooking
elected President of show The French Chef
Roasting the United States debuts on TV
Like baking, roasting uses dry heat in a Cooking Through Time
closed environment to cook food. Foods com-
monly roasted include meat and poultry. C ave drawings dating back to the Stone Age
show that prehistoric life centered around the
gathering and preparation of food. Prehistoric people
These foods are placed on top of a rack that is
had no choice but to grill or roast their food on small
inside a pan. This allows air to circulate all the open fires. During the Middle Ages, the cauldron was
way around the food so that it cooks evenly. the main cooking pot in the kitchen. Seventeenth-
In general, roasting involves longer cooking and 18th-century people cooked food over fire in
times than baking. kettles or on spits.
Carryover cooking also applies to roasting. Chefs such as Elizabeth David and Julia Child
Remove roasted foods from the oven just before have made an impact on cooking history by intro-
ducing both new and historic cooking methods to
they reach the desired doneness. Remember to the masses through their cookbooks and television
use a thermometer to check the internal tem- shows. Although some cooking methods have
perature of foods for safety. The carryover heat evolved, others remain the same today as they were
that occurs will complete the cooking process. in prehistoric times.
History Application
Searing Imagine that you are a TV news reporter doing a
Roasting differs from baking in that some- story on Julia Child’s life and career. Research Julia
times the outside of the food product is seared. Child’s career and write a short biography on her life.
Explain how she revolutionized the cooking world.
To sear means to quickly brown the outside of
food at the start of the cooking process. Sear-
ing enhances flavors and adds color. It also NCSS V A Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Apply
helps to build body in juice drippings that can concepts such as role, status, and social class in describing
the connections and interactions of individuals, groups, and
later be used to make sauces. Searing can be
institutions in society.
done two different ways: in a pan on the ran-
getop or in the oven.
When you sear foods on the rangetop, heat
Some meats should be basted during the
the pan, then place the food in a pan that con-
cooking process to avoid dryness. Basting
tains a small amount of heated oil. Brown
involves moistening foods with melted fats,
the meat on one side, and then turn the meat
pan drippings, or another liquid during the
until all of its surfaces are browned. After this
cooking time.
is done, place the pan in a hot oven to finish
the cooking process.
Open-Spit Roasting
When searing in the oven, place the food,
Many cooks prefer to roast food over an
such as a roast, in a pan in a 450°F to 475°F
open fire. This is called open-spit roasting. To
(232°C to 246°C) oven. Cook the meat for
open-spit roast, place the food, usually meat
about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the outside
such as pork, on a metal rod or a long skewer.
begins to turn golden brown. Then, reduce
Then, slowly turn it over the heat source. Place
the heat to 325°F to 350°F (163°C to 177°C) to
a drip pan under the food to catch its juices.
finish the cooking process.
Many commercial roasters will automatically
turn the spit during the long cooking time.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 383

Check the internal temperature with a ther-
mometer before you remove food from the
spit. Remember that the food will continue
 Small Bites 
Pan-Frying Tip Chill cuts of meat before you
to cook for another 5 to 15 minutes after you pan-fry them. The outside of the meat will brown
remove it from the heat source. before the inside finishes cooking.

Sautéing and Stir-Frying The outside of the food becomes sealed

Sautéing (s}-=t@-i{) is a quick, dry cooking when it comes in contact with the hot oil
technique that uses a small amount of fat or during frying. The natural moisture that is in
oil in a shallow pan to cook foods. Sautéing is the food turns to steam, which bubbles up to
generally used with delicate, or fragile, foods the surface. Because the outside of the food is
that cook relatively quickly. These foods include sealed, fried foods are often moist and juicy
fish fillets, scallops, tender cuts of meat, vege- on the inside.
tables, and fruit. Most sautéed foods are served Foods are usually coated before frying.
with a sauce. To do this, foods can be dredged, breaded, or
During sautéing, you will want to seal the battered.
surface of the food. To do this, preheat a pan Dredging One way to prepare foods for
on high heat, then add a small amount of fat frying is to dredge them. Dredging means to
or oil. When the fat or oil is heated and nearly coat foods with flour or finely ground crumbs.
smoking, add the food. Do not overcrowd the Breading Another way to add texture and
pan. Doing so will lower the temperature of flavor to fried foods is to add a breading, or a
the food, and it will not cook properly. After coating made of eggs and crumbs.
the food is sealed, lower the temperature so Batter Another tasty way to prepare fried
that the food cooks evenly throughout. Foods foods is to batter them before frying them. This
may need to be turned in the pan while they adds texture and flavor. Batter is a semiliq-
are sautéing. uid mixture that contains ingredients such as
Stir-frying is a dry cooking technique that flour, milk, eggs, and seasonings. Dip the food
is similar to sautéing. When stir-frying, you use into the batter immediately before frying.
a wok. A wok is a large pan with sloping sides.
Stir-fried foods require less cooking time than Tips to Follow After Frying
sautéed foods. Vegetables and tender, boneless After food has been fried, remove it from
meats are often stir-fried. the oil and drain it well on an absorbent
To stir-fry, place a wok over high heat, add surface such as paper towels. You can also
a small amount of fat, and then add small add seasoning at this time. Fried foods are
pieces of food. Because of the wok’s size and best served and eaten immediately after being
shape, it is important to constantly stir the cooked. If you cannot serve fried foods right
food as it cooks. away, they can be temporarily stored under
a heat lamp. A heat lamp uses light in the
infrared spectrum to keep food warm during
Frying holding without becoming soggy.
It is hard for most people to resist crispy
foods, such as fried chicken and French fries. Pan-Frying
Foods like these are prepared using a dry-heat One way to fry food is pan-frying. To
cooking technique called frying. During frying, pan-fry, heat a moderate amount of fat in
foods are cooked in larger amounts of hot fat a pan before adding food. Use enough fat
or oil. to cover about one-half to three-quarters of

384 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Dredge 2 Immediately dip the food into an egg wash
or other liquid. An egg wash is a mixture

and Bread Food

of beaten eggs and a liquid such as milk or
water. Coat the food completely. Shake off
any excess.

1 Dredge the food product in seasoned, dry

flour by dipping it into the flour and coating
it evenly on all surfaces. Shake off any excess

3 Quickly place the food into a container of

dry crumbs and coat evenly. Crumbs can
be made from bread, ground nuts, cereal,
crackers, or shredded coconut.

the food. The fat should not be so hot that it Deep-Frying

smokes. Instead, it should be hot enough to Another way to fry foods is to deep-fry
sizzle when food is added, usually at 350°F to them. Deep-frying means to cook foods by
375°F (177°C to 191°C). completely submerging them in heated fat
Pan-frying does use more fat than sauté- or oil at temperatures between 350°F and
ing, so it requires longer cooking times and 375°F (177°C to 191°C). Fried foods must
lower heat. Because food is not completely be cooked until they are done on the inside.
covered by the oil during pan-frying, you will Temperature and timing on deep-fat fryers
need to turn the food after one side is done help you determine doneness. Deep-fried
to allow for even cooking throughout. Foods foods will be a golden brown color. Once deep-
that are often pan-fried include chicken, pota- fried foods are done, remove them from the
toes, fish, and pork chops. oil and briefly hold them up over the oil tank

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 385

so that the excess fat can drip off. Oil must be quickly. To grill foods properly, you must first
changed frequently. Heat and use can cause preheat the grill. Depending on the type of
oil to darken, break down, and give food an food you wish to grill, brush the food lightly
off flavor. Oil can also transfer strong flavors with oil, and then place it on the grill. Do
between foods. not move the food after you place it initially.
The most popular types of deep-fried foods This will help create the distinctive markings
are potatoes, onions, fish, and poultry. Many of a grilled food product.
foodservice operations purchase foods that
are already breaded and are ready to be deep- Griddle Use
fried. Commercial fryers with fry baskets that Grilling can also be done on a griddle.
can sit directly in the oil are commonly used. A griddle is a flat, solid plate of metal with
Commercial deep-fryers have some advan- a gas or electric heat source. Griddles are
tages over other frying equipment: commonly used to make sandwiches such
There is less recovery time than with as grilled cheese and breakfast items such as
stove-top pots. Recovery time is the time pancakes and eggs. Depending on the type of
it takes for the fat or oil to return to the food that is cooked, you may want to add a
preset temperature after the food has little fat to the griddle to keep the food from
been submerged. sticking. The temperature of a griddle is about
The life of the fat or oil is maximized if 350°F (177°C).
correct temperatures are used. Food can also be grilled on a grooved
griddle. This type of griddle has raised ridges.
Although grooved griddles are similar in
Grilling design to grills, they do not generate as much
Many commercial kitchens use gas, elec- smoke as a grill. That is why food cooked on
tric, charcoal, or wood-fired grills. Grilling is a griddle will not have the same smoky flavor
often used for tender foods that cook relatively as food cooked on a grill.

Colorful Cooking Cooking foods

produces many changes in the food. What
changes occurred to this food as it cooked?

386 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Broiling means to cook food directly  Small Bites 
under a primary heat source. When you broil Seasonings Some cooks add seasonings to
food, the temperature is controlled by how the meat before broiling. Do not add salt before
close the food is to the heat source. Thicker broiling, however, because it draws out juices.
This can dry out the meat.
foods should be placed farther from the heat
source, and thinner foods should be placed
closer to the heat source. This ensures that platter may be used. Unlike a grill, broilers
the inside and outside of the food will cook at are heated only by gas or electricity. Addi-
the same rate. tional flavors cannot be added to the food by
Foods that are commonly broiled include burning charcoal or wood. Broiling uses no
vegetables, meats, and poultry. Tender foods extra fat to cook food.
lend themselves to being broiled. Foods are
usually turned only once during cooking Compare and
when they are broiled. The broiling rack may Contrast How do stir-frying and sautéing
make grill marks on the food, or a heatproof differ?

Review Key Concepts What cultures use the technique now? Create a
two-page report to discuss your research.
1. Explain how to use a griddle.

Practice Culinary Academics NCSS I B Culture Predict how data and experiences may be
interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives and
English Language Arts frames of reference.
2. Imagine that you write an advice column for a
local or school newspaper about cooking. Ask and
answer two questions about using dry cooking Mathematics
techniques. Share your column with the class.
5. To pan-fry some breaded chicken cutlets, Jody
NCTE 5 Use different writing process elements to communicate adds oil to her pan so that the oil is 1/2-inch deep.
effectively. If the pan is 10 inches in diameter, how many fluid
ounces of oil did Jody use?
Science Math Concept Volume of a Cylinder Calculate
3. Procedure Cook a piece of chicken and a potato. the volume (V) of a cylinder as V = πr2h, where
Record the temperature immediately after r = the radius of the circular base, and h is the
removing the food from the oven. Record the height of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for π.
temperature again each minute until the food Starting Hint Find the volume in cubic inches
begins to cool. of the oil using the formula, with 0.5 inches as h
Analysis Create a chart of the cooling times for and one-half the pan’s diameter as r. One cubic
each item. What do you observe about carryover inch = 0.554 fluid ounces, so multiply the volume
cooking times? by 0.554.

NSES B Develop an understanding of the interactions of NCTM Geometry Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and
energy and matter. geometric modeling to solve problems.

Social Studies Check your answers at this book’s Online

Learning Center at glencoe.com.
4. Choose a dry cooking technique and study its
development. What were the first cultures to use
the technique? How has it changed since then?

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 387


Moist Cooking Boil, simmer, or

poach foods to
Techniques add tenderness
and flavor.
Reading Guide

Preview Understanding causes and effects can help clarify

connections. A cause is an event or action that makes
something happen. An effect is a result of a cause. Ask EMIC
yourself, “Why does this happen?” to help you recognize ACAD
cause-and-effect relationships in this section.
English Language
Read to Learn Content Vocabulary NCTE 12 Use language
Key Concepts boiling reduce to accomplish individual
boiling point poach purposes.
Demonstrate moist cooking
techniques. convection steaming
blanching braising
Describe combination cooking NCTM Problem Solving
techniques. shocking deglaze
Build new mathematical
parboiling stewing knowledge through
Main Idea simmering problem solving.
Moist cooking involves heating food
in a liquid. Sometimes moist cooking Academic Vocabulary Science
techniques are applied to food that submerged extracted NSES B Develop an
has been partially cooked with a dry understanding of interac-
cooking technique. tions of energy and matter.

Graphic Organizer NCTE National Council of Teachers

There are four steps in stewing foods. Use a sequence chart like this one as you of English
read to list these steps. NCTM National Council of Teachers
Steps in Stewing Foods of Mathematics
NSES National Science Education
1. 3. Standards
NCSS National Council for the
2. 4. Social Studies

Graphic Organizer Go to this book’s Online Learning Center at

glencoe.com for a printable graphic organizer.

388 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Cooking in Liquid Boiling
Boiling is a moist cooking technique
There is more than one way to cook eggs. in which you bring a liquid, such as water
Some people like them to be boiled so that or stock, to the boiling point and keep it at
they are hard-cooked, while others prefer their that temperature while the food cooks. The
eggs lightly poached so that they are softer in boiling point, or temperature at which a
texture. Boiling and poaching are both moist liquid boils, of water is 212°F (100°C) at sea
cooking techniques. level. When liquid reaches the boiling point,
Cooking food using a moist technique food can be added and cooked.
involves heating food in a liquid other than When liquid boils, a process called convec-
oil. Moist cooking techniques include boiling, tion occurs. During convection, the liquid
blanching, parboiling, simmering, poaching, closest to the bottom of the pan is heated and
and steaming. Sometimes, a moist cooking rises to the top. Meanwhile, the cooler liquid
technique is applied to foods that have already descends to the bottom of the pan. This sets
been partially cooked using a dry cooking off a circular motion in the pan that keeps the
technique. This section will introduce you to food in constant motion. This motion keeps
moist and combination cooking techniques. food from sticking to the pan.
When you cook foods in water or other Boiling cooks food quickly. However, it
liquids, foods are completely submerged, or can be harmful to some food. The rapid cir-
covered in liquid. Boiling, simmering, and cular motion of the liquid does not harm
poaching involve cooking in liquid. The done- pasta, but it can break apart a tender piece of
ness of food will depend on the type of food that fish. Because of this, very few food items are
is cooked and the specific method chosen. cooked completely by boiling.

Bring to a Boil Boiling is best used for foods that are not too tender or delicate.
Why should delicate foods not be boiled?

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 389

Cool Down One way to cool food immediately after blanching is to plunge it into
ice water. What should be done with food after it has been blanched?

Blanching Help preserve a food’s nutrients.

Using the boiling method to partially cook Remove excess salt from ham or pork.
food is also known as blanching. It is a quick Remove blood from meats.
way to change the flavor and keep the color Remove strong flavors from meats.
in foods. Blanching is usually a two-step Cook food partially to prepare it for faster
process: service later.
1. Completely submerge the food in a boiling
liquid and blanch, or briefly cook, it. Parboiling
2. Remove the blanched food from the Parboiling is a moist cooking technique
liquid. To make sure the food stops that is similar to blanching. In parboiling,
cooking as soon as you remove it from foods are put into boiling water and partially
the liquid, briefly plunge the food into ice cooked. However, the cooking time for par-
water. This is called shocking. This will boiling foods is longer than for blanching.
completely stop the cooking process. Recipes that include parboiling will give you
Remember that a blanched food item is the exact timing for a particular food item.
only partially cooked. You will need a second For example, ribs are often parboiled before
stage of cooking to complete the cooking they are grilled. This tenderizes the meat and
process. For example, you might first blanch reduces grilling time.
green beans and then sauté them in butter
and herbs.
Blanching has many uses. Blanching is
sometimes used to:
 Small Bites 
Simplify peeling of vegetables and fruits. Tomato Peeling You can lightly blanch a fresh
Precook foods before they are frozen. tomato to make it easier to peel. You must
immediately plunge the tomato into ice water after
Soften herbs. blanching so that it does not continue to cook.
Lock in the color of foods.

390 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Simmering Poaching
Simmering is the most commonly used moist Poaching is an even gentler method of
cooking method. It can be used to cook food moist cooking than simmering. To poach
items, or blanch them. Foods should be sim- means to cook food in a flavorful liquid
mered until they are moist and tender. Like boil- between 150°F (66°C) and 185°F (85°C). Gen-
ing, simmering involves cooking food in liquid. erally, tender or delicate foods such as fish
However, during simmering, food cooks slowly and eggs are poached in just enough liquid
and steadily in a slightly cooler liquid that is to cover the food. You can poach food on
heated from 185°F to 200°F (85°C to 93°C). The the rangetop or in the oven. Sometimes the
bubbles in the liquid rise slowly to the surface of poaching liquid is used to make a sauce that
the liquid, but do not break the surface. accompanies the food when it is served.
Because of the lower temperature, not
as much convection action occurs during
simmering. This makes simmering a much
more gentle cooking process than boiling. Steamed vegetables are both tasty and
Foods such as yellow squash and zucchini nutritious. Steaming means cooking veg-
should be fully submerged in the liquid to etables or other foods in a closed environ-
simmer. The advantages of simmering include ment filled with steam, such as in a pot with
less shrinkage of the food, less evaporation a tight-fitting lid. Steam is created inside the
and better control over evaporation, and less pot when water reaches the boiling point and
breakup of fragile food, such as fish. turns into vapor. Although the food never
Simmering is also used to reduce, or touches the liquid, the temperature inside the
decrease the volume of, a liquid. For example, closed environment rises high enough to cook
you might want to simmer spaghetti sauce to the food. Steaming is generally faster than
make it thicker. other moist cooking techniques.

Gentle Simmer Simmering cooks foods slowly. What are some of the advantages
of simmering versus boiling?

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 391

If pressure is added during steaming, the process. The first step for both cooking meth-
temperature inside the pot rises even higher. ods is usually to brown the food using dry
This cooks the food even faster. A pressure heat. Then, the food is completely cooked by
steamer holds steam under pressure. As the simmering the food in a liquid.
pressure increases, so does the temperature. Cooking food using a combination
For example, say you cook asparagus at technique is especially useful for tough, but
10 pounds of pressure per square inch (psi) flavorful, cuts of meat. The combination
at 240°F (116°C). If you increase the pressure cooking process makes the meat more tender.
to 15 psi, the temperature will rise to 250°F It is also an excellent way to prepare large
(121°C). Steamers cook foods, such as vegeta- pieces of less-tender meat.
bles, without dissolving the nutrients.

Summarize Why
would you blanch a food? Braising is a long, slow cooking process.
It can make tough cuts of meat more tender.
Meat is first seared and the pan deglazed
Combination Cooking before the moist cooking technique is used.
To deglaze means to add a small amount of
Sometimes, great things happen when you
liquid such as stock or water to a pan to loosen
combine the best of two techniques. This is the
brown bits of food after searing or sautéing.
case with combination cooking. As the term
An additional amount of stock, sauce, or
suggests, combination cooking combines two
water is added, and the food is cooked on top
techniques you have already learned: moist
of the range or in the oven.
and dry. Two major combination techniques
During cooking, braising produces a very fla-
are braising and stewing. Braising and stew-
vorful liquid. The flavors extracted, or drawn
ing involve both a dry and a moist cooking
out, from the food become highly concentrated.

Flavorful Liquid Braising

liquid should be strained
before it can be reused for
sauces. Why do you think this is?

392 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

Imagine braising a pork loin. The juices from Braised foods are always served with
the pork are mixed with the braising liquid. the cooking liquid. You will want to strain,
The braising liquid takes on the flavor of the thicken, and add salt, pepper, or other spices
meat’s juices. to the liquid before you serve it.

W 3 Cook the vegetables and deglaze by adding

Braise a small amount of liquid to the pan. Stir to
dissolve the browned bits of food that stick
to the pan. Return the seared food to the pan
Food if you removed it.

1 Begin by searing the food in a frying or

roasting pan.

4 Add enough liquid, such as stock or sauce, to

cover no more than two-thirds of the food.
Cover the pan, if desired. Place the pan in a
350°F (177°C) oven, and cook the food slowly
until it is fork-tender. Turn the food every 20
2 Remove the food from the pan or push it to to 30 minutes. Braising can also be done on
one side. Add mirepoix or vegetables that the rangetop over low heat.
are appropriate to the preparation.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 393

Stewing This will ensure that the vegetables will
not be overcooked when the main food
Stewing is another combination cooking
in the stew is fully cooked.
technique. However, stewed foods are com-
pletely covered with liquid during cooking. Explain What
Cooking time for stewing is generally shorter are the differences between braising and
than for braising. That is because the main stewing?
food item in stew is cut into smaller pieces
before cooking.
Follow these steps to stew foods: Safety Check
1. First, sear the food in a pan over high
heat. Tender cuts of meat should not be ✓ Burned by Steam
stewed or they will become tough. Take special care when you remove the lids from
pots or containers that may have steam trapped
2. Completely cover the food with liquid.
inside. Always tip the lid open by lifting it away
3. Bring the stew to a simmer and cook until from your hand and body. Steam is at least
tender. 212°F (100°C) and can cause severe burns.
4. Add vegetables, if desired, part of the CRITICAL THINKING Why do you think the steam
way through simmering the main food. is so hot?

Review Key Concepts Mathematics
1. Explain how to blanch foods. 5. Gina can cook basmati rice 3½ times faster in
2. Describe the braising process. her pressure cooker than in a regular pot. If rice
normally cooks in 20 minutes, what is the cooking
Practice Culinary Academics time in the pressure cooker (to the nearest
Science second)?
Math Concept Working with Time To convert
3. Procedure Browning occurs in meat when
it is cooked at high heat. Cook two pieces of decimal minutes (such as 12.43) into minutes
meat. Sear one piece, and use another cooking and seconds, keep the whole number portion
technique on the second piece that does not (as minutes), and multiply the decimal portion by
involve searing. 60 (which represents the seconds).
Analysis Compare the flavor of the seared meat Starting Hint Find the new cooking time by
with the other meat. Create a chart to record dividing 20 minutes by 3 ½. Convert any decimal
observations about the appearance and flavor. portion of your answer into seconds by multiplying
Write a short summary of why you think meat is it by 60. Round to the nearest second.
browned before stewing or braising. NCTM Problem Solving Build new mathematical knowledge
NSES B Develop an understanding of interactions of energy through problem solving.
and matter.
Check your answers at this book’s Online
Learning Center at glencoe.com.
English Language Arts
4. Create a poster to illustrate the process of
braising foods. Use drawings and text to display
each step in the process. Display your posters in
the classroom.

NCTE 12 Use language to accomplish individual purposes.

394 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

CHAPTER 15 Review and Applications
Chapter Summary
There are three different cooking techniques: sautéing, stir-frying, pan-frying, deep-frying,
dry, moist, and combination cooking. The cook- grilling, and broiling. Moist cooking techniques
ing technique, temperature, and cooking time include boiling, simmering, poaching, and
affect nutritive value, texture, color, aroma, and steaming. Combination cooking techniques
flavor. Dry techniques include baking, roasting, include braising and stewing.

Content and Academic Vocabulary Review

1. Create multiple-choice test questions for each content and academic vocabulary term.

Content Vocabulary • wok (p. 384) • parboiling (p. 390)

• dry cooking technique (p. 376) • frying (p. 384) • simmering (p. 391)
• evaporate (p. 376) • dredging (p. 384) • reduce (p. 391)
• moist cooking technique (p. 376) • breading (p. 384) • poach (p. 391)
• combination cooking (p. 376) • batter (p. 384) • steaming (p. 391)
• coagulate (p. 378) • heat lamp (p. 384) • braising (p. 392)
• pigment (p. 378) • pan-fry (p. 384) • deglaze (p. 392)
• caramelization (p. 379) • deep-fried (p. 385) • stewing (p. 394)
• bake (p. 382) • recovery time (p. 386)
• carryover cooking (p. 382) • grilling (p. 386) Academic Vocabulary
• griddle (p. 386) • subject (p. 378)
• smoking (p. 382)
• broiling (p. 387) • enhance (p. 379)
• roasting (p. 383)
• boiling (p. 389) • effect (p. 382)
• sear (p. 383)
• boiling point (p. 389) • delicate (p. 384)
• basting (p. 383)
• convection (p. 389) • submerged (p. 389)
• open-spit roast (p. 383)
• blanching (p. 390) • extracted (p. 392)
• sautéing (p. 384)
• stir-frying (p. 384) • shocking (p. 390)

Review Key Concepts

2. Compare and contrast different cooking methods.
3. Explain how cooking affects a food’s nutritive value, texture, color, aroma, and flavor.
4. Demonstrate dry cooking techniques.
5. Demonstrate moist cooking techniques.
6. Describe combination cooking techniques.

Critical Thinking
7. Imagine that a coworker has cooked a meal. The piece of cooked meat is tough and
grayish-brown color, and the vegetables are limp and colorless. What has gone wrong
during cooking?
8. Explain how you should prepare an extra-lean pork loin roast to avoid it becoming dry
and tasteless.
9. Imagine that a food critic is coming to your restaurant. What would you tell your staff
about cooking to ensure good flavor, nutritive value, texture, color, and aroma?
10. Describe the advantages of having a variety of cooking techniques on a restaurant
menu. Is it possible to have too many techniques represented?
Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 395
CHAPTER 15 Review and Applications
Academic Skills
English Language Arts
11. Interpret Cooling Methods Obtain a Mathematics
cookbook or a cooking magazine that has at 13. Fill a Fryer Oscar has just purchased a new
least 10 recipes. Read through the book or deep fryer for his restaurant. The fryer holds 60
magazine and review the recipes. Choose 10 pounds of cooking oil. But Oscar’s containers of
recipes and identify the cooking techniques cooking oil on hand were measured in volume
used in each. For each recipe, list the cooking (gallons), not weight. If the oil has a density of
technique, whether it is moist or dry, and how 7.5 pounds per gallon at room temperature, and
you think the technique will affect the dish’s a 4-gallon container of oil costs Oscar $38.75,
color, texture, aroma, and flavor. how much will it cost to fill up the fryer?
Math Concept Weight vs. Volume A liquid’s
NCTE 3 Apply strategies to interpret texts.
weight and volume are related to each other by
a concept called density, which is the ratio of its
Social Studies weight to its volume at a particular temperature.
Use the formula weight = density × volume.
12. Equipment Advances Choose one cooking
technique and conduct research to discover Starting Hint First, determine the total volume
how the equipment used for that cooking of oil that Oscar will need by rearranging the
method has changed over time. Create a time formula above to solve for volume. Use the
line with brief descriptions of the changes in total weight and density given in the problem.
the equipment used. How has the changing Then, find the number of containers that Oscar
equipment improved that cooking technique? will need by dividing the total volume by 4.
Multiply the number of containers by the cost
per container.
NCSS VIII B Science, Technology, and Society Make
judgments about how science and technology have transformed NCTM Problem Solving Apply and adapt a variety of
the physical world and human society. appropriate strategies to solve problems.

Certification Prep Sharpen your test-taking

skills to improve your
Directions Read the questions. Then, read the answer choices and choose kitchen certification
the best possible answer for each.
program score.
14. Which of the following uses a combination cooking technique?
a. braise
b. stir-fry
c. poach
d. grill
15. At what temperature does water begin to boil?
a. 100ºF
b. 132ºF
Test-Taking Tip
Building your vocabulary will help you
c. 200ºF take tests. Practice new vocabulary and
d. 212ºF concepts with other students until you
understand them all.

396 Unit 5 Culinary Applications

CHAPTER 15 Review and Applications
Real-World Skills and Applications
Self-Management Skills Technology Applications
16. Work with Time Constraints Imagine that you 18. Create a Web Site As a class, plan and
have only 30 minutes to prepare a meal. Your design a Web site that explains the different
main ingredient will be chicken. What cooking cooking methods. Make sure it contains basic
methods could you use to prepare the chicken instructions for each method. If possible, create
in time? Which methods would retain the most recipes for a few or all of the techniques that
nutritional value? What could you add to the you describe on the Web site. You may also want
meal to increase its nutritional value? Write to photograph the steps of the techniques to
a one-page report to describe your cooking illustrate the instructions.
method choices.
Financial Literacy
Communication Skills 19. Cost Ingredients Ordering chicken precooked
17. Watch a Cooking Show Watch a cooking will cost you $3 per pound of chicken. Ordering
show. Look for the particular cooking technique uncooked chicken and having the staff cook it
that the host uses. Take notes on what the will cost you $2 per pound, including labor. How
host is doing and what you learned about that much money will you save having the staff cook
technique from the show. Give a five-minute the chicken if you need 25 pounds?
oral presentation to the class to explain what
you learned about the cooking technique. Turn
in your notes to your teacher.

Use the culinary skills

you have learned in
this chapter.
Cook a Meal
20. Use Cooking Techniques Working in teams, during this lab you will prepare a
three-course meal that involves dry, moist, and combination cooking techniques.
A. Choose your courses. Follow your teacher’s instructions to form teams. As a team,
determine which five menu items you will prepare, and which cooking technique
you will use for each food item. When you choose cooking techniques, consider
nutritive value, texture, color, aroma, flavor, appearance, and cooking time.
B. Gather ingredients. Determine the list of ingredients needed to prepare the
menu items. Gather those ingredients at your work station.
C. Make a schedule. Develop a workflow and preparation time schedule for team
members to follow when they prepare menu items.
D. Cook and serve your meal. Once your schedule is set,
cook your menu items and serve the meal to the other
teams. On a piece of paper, create a rating chart to Create Your Evaluation
evaluate each team’s meal. Create a chart to evaluate food items
for texture, color, aroma, flavor, and
appearance. Use this scale:
1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Great
Discuss amongst yourselves and then
with the class how each item rated
in the different categories and which
technique produced the best food.

Chapter 15 Cooking Techniques 397

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