PE Reviewer
PE Reviewer
PE Reviewer
Physical Education is "education through the Fitness involves activity of some sort that
physical". It aims to develop students’ physical stimulates various systems of the body and maintains a
competence and knowledge of movement and safety, certain condition within the body. Health, on the other
and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range hand, involves every system of the body and is only
of activities associated with the development of an achieved through a lifestyle that supports health.
active and healthy lifestyle. It also develops students’
Physical activity or exercise can improve your
confidence and generic skills, especially those of
health and reduce the risk of developing several
collaboration, communication, creativity, critical
diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular
thinking and aesthetic appreciation. These, together
disease. Physical activity and exercise can have
with the nurturing of positive values and attitudes in PE,
immediate and long-term health benefits. Most
provide a good foundation for students’ lifelong and
importantly regular activity can improve your quality of
life-wide learning.
“And this right should not be treated as different in prin Fitness, on the other hand, is defined as a set of
ciple from the right to adequate food, shelter, and attributes that people have or achieve that relate to the
medical care.” ability to perform physical activity. Fitness is made up of
many components, and the following need to be
Article XIV, section 19, 1986 Constitution of the considered when discussing fitness levels:
Republic of the Philippines" –
1. Endurance (Cardiovascular and Cardio-
"The State shall promote Physical Education and Respiratory): This is your body's ability to use
encourage sports programs, league competition, and and deliver oxygen to your body.
amateur sports including training for an international
competition to foster self-discipline, teamwork and 2. Stamina (Muscular Endurance): This is your
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert body's ability to store, process, and use energy.
3. Strength: This is the ability of your muscles or a
" All education institutions shall undertake regular muscular unit to apply force.
sports activities throughout the country and in
4. Flexibility: The ability to maximize the range of
cooperation with the athletic club and other sectors."
motion of a joint.
Physical Development - It is not only free from o Muscular endurance - the ability to continue
diseases but includes physical fitness as well, selected muscle group movements for a
prolonged period of time. an example would
Emotional Development - The informal nature
be cycling, step machines, and elliptical,
of physical education activities offers
machines. The sit-up test is the most often used
opportunities for the development of a high
to test muscular endurance.
level of self-esteem and the ability to cope with
the routine stresses of daily living. o Flexibility - the functional capacity of a joint to
move through a normal range of motion. The
Social Development - It is the development and
muscular system is also
maintenance of a meaningful interpersonal
involved. examples would be stretching
individual muscles or the ability to perform
certain functional movements such as the Power - refers to the ability of the muscles to
lunge. The sit and reach test is most often used release maximum force in the shortest period of
to test flexibility. time.
o Body Composition - one of the newer attributes Flexibility - is the quality of plasticity, which
in physical fitness components. It refers to the gives the ability to do a wide range of
relative distribution of lean and fat body tissues movements.
Mathematics. Some mathematical concepts 5. Leaping- Jumping forward or back with one leg
also require spatial awareness. Examples outstretched; taking off on one foot and landing
include geometry and ordering or arranging on the other.
6. Hopping- Its a continuous rhythmical locomotor Cardiovascular endurance
skill, characterized by taking off and landing on Muscular strength and endurance
the same foot. Flexibility
7. Galloping- Its a forward slide movement: front 2. Psychological factors
foot steps forward with a little spring followed
by the transfer of body weight to the back foot. Intrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation
8. Moving forward- To move in a direction that is Anxiety
in front of you. Self-confidence
9. Moving backward- To move to a position or in 3. Sociological factors
the direction directly behind oneself.
Membership in a group
10. Moving sideward- To move in your left/right Gender roles
direction. Economics
As your trainer is preparing an exercise plan for you, NUTRIENTS, THEIR FUNCTIONS AND RECOMMENDED
they may also incorporate stretching, flexibility INTAKE
exercises, and balance training. Not only will these
A healthy lifestyle will give you a healthy body, and
exercises help you move better, but they also may
healthy mind, it also involves a lot of things. Exercising
reduce injuries and improve the condition of your
regularly, having a physically active routine, taking good
care of yourself and most importantly your proper
Additionally, having a good balance is something people nutritional diet.
often overlook. But having a good balance can not only
make you lighter on your feet but also improve your
performance. Balance training is particularly important NUTRITION - is the science that deals with all the
as you age because having good balance can help various factors of which food is composed and the way
prevent injuries and falls. in which proper nourishment is brought about. It is one
key to developing and maintaining a state of health that
is optimal for you. Good nutrition requires a satisfactory
Exercise Parameters diet, which is capable of supporting the individual
consuming it.
The frequency, duration, intensity, order, and
progression are all considerations that must be Moreover, proper nutrition means that a person's diet
considered in any exercise program. Based on your supplies all the essential nutrients to carry out normal
results and goals, these factors will be adapted to your tissue growth, repair, and maintenance. These nutrients
current fitness level and progress. Here is a closer look should be obtained from a wide variety of sources. Diet
at each of those elements. and nutrition often play a crucial role in the
development and progression of chronic diseases.
the natural content in foods every person should drink
about eight glasses of fluids a day.
NUTRIENTS - the essential nutrients the human body
requires are carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins,
minerals and water. The first three are called fuel
NUTRIENTS (see pdf)
nutrients or macronutrients because they are the only
substances the body uses to supply and energy needed
for work and normal body functions. Three others are
also called micronutrients, minerals, vitamins and water
they are regulatory nutrients. They have caloric value WHAT IS A FOOD PYRAMID?
but still are necessary for a person to function normally
and maintain good health. It is a guide to help us determine what we should eat
every day. It does not have a set menu of food that you
CARBOHYDRATES - constitute the major source of need to eat per day. All it has is a guide that can help
calories the body uses to provide energy for work, you plan your meals so that you get the correct amount
maintain cells, and generate heat. The major sources of of nutrients into your system every day. In addition, the
carbohydrates are breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables food pyramid will show you the path in keeping yourself
milk, and other dairy products. healthy through a steady and healthy diet.
FATS - are sources of energy. Fat is the most
concentrated energy source. Fats are part of the cell
structure. They are used as stored energy and as an The Importance of Healthy Eating Habits
insulator to preserve body heat. The basic sources of There are two types of people on earth, those who ‘ live
fat are whole milk and other dairy products and meats in order to eat’ and others who ‘ eat in order to live’.
and alternatives. The choice of type put the people under the category of
PROTEINS - are the main substances the body uses to a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle and leads them towards
build and repair tissues such as muscles, blood internal either negative or positive consequences, the outcome
organs, skin, hair, anols and bones. Proteins also help of the choices they made.
maintain the normal balance of body fluids. They can Does ‘healthy eating habits’ really make any difference
also be used as a source of energy too, but only if not in our lives?
enough carbohydrates are available. The main sources
of proteins are meats, poultry, fish, and other dairy Let’s go step-by-step to understand the topic of concern
products. affecting one and all, through the importance of food,
advantages, and disadvantages of healthy and
MINERALS - have important roles in body functioning, unhealthy eating habits respectively.
minerals are contained in all cells, especially those in
hard parts of the body (bones, nails, teeth). Minerals
are crucial in maintaining water balance and acid-base
Why does human being require to eat food?
The human body requires energy to perform all the
VITAMINS - are organic (carbon containing) substance
basic functions of the body like; breathing, digesting
required in small amounts to regulate various processes
food, keeping it warm, helping repair the body, inducing
within living cells.
growth and maintaining a healthy immune system. The
WATER - is the most important nutrients, involved in energy substances are already there in the form of
almost every vital process: in digesting and absorbing nutrients in a variety of food. A calorie is a basic unit of
food, in the circulatory process, removing waste energy that we get from the food we eat. In other
products, building and rebuilding cells and transporting words, you can say that calorie is a fuel which is stored
other nutrients. Approximately 60% of total body and burnt by our body as per requirement or habit we
weight is water. It is contained in almost all foods, but have cultivated.
primarily in liquid foods, fruits and vegetables. Besides
Disadvantages of unhealthy eating habits people over tend to overlook the amount of
food they consume.
Following unhealthy habits like; eating junk
food regularly leads to the risks of obesity, People working late night, the majority of times
Cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, liver fall into the habit of nighttime noshing, the
disease and certain types of cancers too. habit of eating late night just to keep them
awake. This habit contributes to more weight
Poor diet habits can compromise the capacity
gain significantly.
to work and gradually develop tiredness and
Working mothers, sometimes in the absence of
stress which contribute further to the risk of
time, often send their children to school with
being overweight, high blood pressure, tooth
junk foods like salty potato chips, bread or
decay, and some other illnesses.
sandwiches, cookies or fruit juices available as
Processed or packed foods which are frozen or tetra packs.
canned contain much extra sugar, salt, oil, Generally, the people or children who work
calories and preservatives which increases the continuously on computers, watching TV or
food’s shelf life but collectively all these playing a video game, they often follow the
increases the risks of hypertension, high sugar habit of mindless snacking or consuming food
levels, heart disease etc. more, which results in weight gain very easily.
People who are always in rush hours conditions
are used to finish their breakfast, lunch or
Advantages of healthy eating habits dinner in hardly 10 or 15 minutes. This habit
doesn’t allow your brain to signal that you are
By following healthy eating habits, The first full and you gradually, following such habits,
advantage you can see is lowering the risk of gain more weight.
heart diseases. Extreme emotions whether good or bad and in
It will help you to boost your mood and reduce stressed out conditions, people eat more and
the stress levels, and also will help you to over the period, gain more weight
perform all daily physical activities well. unconsciously.