BRSR Write Up - Revised 1
BRSR Write Up - Revised 1
BRSR Write Up - Revised 1
For FY 2021-22, the top 1000 listed entities may voluntarily submit BRSR and from FY 2022-
23 onwards, the same has to be submitted mandatorily.
Another interesting thing to note about the amendment is that from now onwards any
compliance that gets triggered due to meeting of the threshold based on market
capitalization (like in the case of BRR), the same will continue to apply even if the company
in question falls below the specific threshold thereafter any time in future. This would mean
once BRR becomes applicable, companies will have to comply and report on the same always
irrespective of whether the company subsequently falls below the threshold of top 1000
listed companies based on market capitalization.
The Article briefly captures the key takeaways of the Report and the questions revolving
around it. For a detailed analysis on the topic, our Article on the same can be referred here.
Necessity of BRSR
It was seen that the while the large business houses Completeness of
were complying with the extant BRR requirements, information
however, there was a lack of parity in this. A sample
study of 490 listed companies was done by the Indian Accuracy of
Institute of Corporate Affairs (“IICA”) for examining
the need of a comprehensive format of reporting. Clarity of
During the study, it was observed that due to an information
absence of standard guidelines, companies were
making their own set of disclosures and had multiple
interpretations on a same point. While, some of the Figure: Need for BRSR
reports contained a few quantitative data, few were
only providing qualitative data. Hence, these issues
gave rise to the need for a standardized framework
of BRSR.
and Lite
Data Analytics
version of e-
Standardized Applicability on
framework all companies
The format of the BRSR is substantially different from the existing BRR. It lays considerable emphasis on
quantifiable metrics, which will enable better measurement and comparability. Disclosures on climate
and social like employees, consumers and communities related issues have been enhanced and made
more granular in BRSR in comparison to the disclosure requirements under BRR.
The structure has been segregated into two indicators: Essential (“mandatory”) and Leadership
The disclosures are set to bring in more standardization and enable companies to engage more
meaningfully with their stakeholders, by encouraging them to look beyond financials and towards social
and environmental impacts. It will allow for easy measurement and comparability across companies,
sectors and time period.
Quantum generated
Details of remuneration/ salary/wages % of the same recycled and sent to landfill
Number of person in the Bod, % of non-biodegradable waste to total waste
KMPs, Employees (other than % of recyclable waste to total waste
BoD and KMPs) and workmen % of hazardous waste to total waste
Avg payment made gender wise
Number of human rights complaints Carbon emission details for each major product
% of renewable energy consumed to total energy
CSR beneficiaries
PRINCIPLE- 8 % of beneficiaries from vulnerable and
marginalised groups
Informative products
% of products and services carrying information
on environmental and social parameters, safe
and responsible usage, recycling and safe
Section A Section C
Issues on high priority P-1
responsible business
Details of non-disputed fines/penalties available on public
Section B
Details of actions taken to mitigate adverse environmental and
• Process of identification of
social impacts in production and disposal
stakeholder groups
• Channels used for
communication Measures taken for safe and healthy work place
Corrective actions taken for children/adolescents/forced or
involuntary labour
Action taken for preventing discrimination and harassment
Mechanism for receiving P-4
and redressing
grievances of Details of engagement with vulnerable marginalized
community and actions stakeholder groups
taken to mitigate
negative social impact
and cases of intellectual Internal mechanism for addressing human rights
property Scope and coverage of human rights due diligence conducted
including value chain
Mechanisms in place to
receive and respond to Strategies w.r.t. resource scarcity, health pandemics, natural
consumer complaints disaster
and feedback Environmental risks identified and measures taken against it
Channels where incl. solid waste management practices adopted, strategy for
information on products reducing usage of hazardous/ toxic chemicals
and services of the
company can be P-7
accessed Details of adverse judicial or regulatory orders for anti-
Steps taken to educate competitive conduct and corrective action taken against it
Corrective actions taken
in respect of complaints
received on data
privacy, advertising etc.
Reporting Authority – SEBI or MCA?
Regulation 34(2) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 provides for BRR for top 1000 listed
entities by market capitalization. Further, the current format is also prescribed by SEBI,
however, considering the recommendations to make BRSR an electronic form on MCA21
portal, the question that arises is whether the companies shall report to both MCA and SEBI
(where the company is listed and gets covered under the threshold?
Since, the Report has been recommended by MCA, it is most likely that the form will be filed
in the MCA21 portal. Having said that, since current reporting authority, is SEBI, therefor,
certain listed companies will also parallelly report to SEBI under Regulation 34. Further,
besides section135, there is no other section under the Companies Act, which deals with
social or environmental concerns.
Accordingly, it is expected that the rules will be amended at any appropriate place under the
Act, 2013 or may be a specific provision may be added. Having said that, please note that
currently the same has not been made clear.
Further, since it will be an electronic based filing, it may no longer be a part of Annual Report
and therefore, an inspection of the e-Form will required to be done after payment of a
nominal fee with MCA.
While the recommendations spell out elaborate contents for companies which were already
covered, the real challenge will also be for those who are absolutely new to this reporting
requirement. The modalities of actual filling and filing of BRSR with the MCA is yet to be
addressed while SEBI has rolled out the dates. Therefore, it is very likely that MCA may also
insert the requisite amendments under the Companies Act so that other companies as
intended, are also set to start working on the same. Looking at the cartload of details, the
same surely poses a challenge for companies to quantify and qualify its data to suit the
reporting format.