PDF MODULE 1 Intro and History of Literature
PDF MODULE 1 Intro and History of Literature
PDF MODULE 1 Intro and History of Literature
This lesson deals with the study
of literature, its definition, its
classification, and the historical
development. It also provides the
strategy on how to read Literature.
At the end of the lesson, the
students are expected to
Define Literature;
Discuss the relevance of
Literature in current
everyday life based on the
diverse definitions from
re-known authors and
Recount the historical
background and literary
developments in the
Distinguish the influences
from different periods of
Literary development;
Outline the Strategies for
Reading Literature;
Classify Literature
according to expression
and period
Let’s get going!
What is Literature?
LITERATURE is literally “acquaintance with letters.” It
is derived from the Latin word LITTERAE [plural] or
It is the art of written work and can, in some
circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources.
Literature is a branch of aesthetics, a branch of
philosophy that deals with the question, “What is art?”
The literal meaning is ”things made from letters” and
the par pro toto term “letters” is sometimes used to
signify ‘literature’ as in the figures of speech, ‘arts and
letters’ and ‘man of letters.’
2015 2017
“A roof over our heads.” The word ‘roof’ is used for the entire house.
“Heads” for person such as ‘how many heads are we going to feed?’
Pls. go to Google
Class for the Pre-test
of your knowledge in
Our classical The Greeks created
heritage can be many literary
traced with the forms, including HISTORICAL
cultures of ancient tragedy, comedy,
Greece and Rome. philosophical
dialogue and OF LITERATURE
The richest poetry. The
period of Greek earliest Greek
culture is called literature was
“The Golden Age.” oral. The most
It lasted from 461- common forms
431 B.C. In this era, were myths and
lasted from
Greeks produced fables. Epic poems, Portfolio
81 B.BC-AD 17.
brilliant art, long stories in
Cicero dominated
literature and poetic form, grew Presentation
the first part of this
SSSSS out of the oral
era with his letters,
speeches, and
The Romans Another form of
philosophical works.
adopted many poetry, lyric
elements of Greek poetry, expressed
The 2nd half of the
art and literature personal thoughts
SSSSS era was called Age
after conquering and feelings.
of Augustus, in
Greece between honor of Emperor
168-146 B.C. The During the
Augustus. The
Roman empire Golden Age of
greatest Roman
spread all over Greece, Greek
literature came
Your Text Here the Middle playwrights wrote
from this period
East, &impress
You can simply Northern
your audience classic tragedies
and add a unique zing and appeal to including the poems
Africa and and comedies.
of Virgil and Ovid.
your Presentations.
3. Annotating. This is when you make marginal notes on the book’s pages,
or using a pad or note cards. This is a critical process of selecting and
summarizing. After two or three readings, your notes will lead you to identify the
cultural impact of the text, through its words, imagery, and theme. You begin to
define its meanings from your observation or from your insights and experiences.
Classification of Literature according to
Classification of Literature
according to Period;
A.Classical Literature
Appeal to the intellect rather than
emotion. Concerned in with
OKAY! Get ready teaching “truth” as the author sees
for a test of your it, formal.
knowledge B. Romantic Literature
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to