Unit 2-3

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Open loop configuration:

 In open loop configuration, there is no feedback from output to input.

 The differential signal present between the inputs will be amplified by its open loop
gain. (Av=2×105)
 Therefore, even for very small magnitude of differential voltage output will reach
positive negative saturation.
Why an OP-AMP not used as an amplifier in the open loop configuration?
• Due to very high open loop gain, distortion is introduced in the amplified output

• The open loop gain does not remain constant but varies with temperature and power
supply as well due to mass production technique.

• The bandwidth of an OP-AMP is very small, almost equal to zero. For this reason, the
open loop OP-AMP is not used in practice as an amplifier.

Closed loop configuration:

In closed loop configuration, feedback is introduced i.e., a part of output is fed back to the

The feedback can be of the following two types:

1. Positive feedback/regenerative feedback

2. Negative feedback/degenerative feedback

Positive feedback/Regenerative feedback:

If the feedback signal and the input signal are in phase with each other then it is called as the
positive feedback. It is used in application such as oscillators and Schmitt trigger or
regenerative comparators.

Negative feedback/Degenerative feedback:

If the signal fed back to the input and the original input signal are 180º out of phase, then it is
called negative feedback. In application of op amp as an amplifier, negative feedback is used.
• According to virtual short concept, the potential difference between the two input
terminals of an op amp is almost zero.

• In other words, both the terminals are approximately at the same potential.

• The input impedance of an OP-AMP is ideally infinite. Hence the current flowing
from one input terminal to other is zero.

• Thus, the voltage drop across Ri will be zero and both the terminals will be at the
same potential.

• It means they are virtually short to each other.

• If one of the terminal of OP-AMP is connected to ground then due to the virtual short
existing between the other input terminal, the other terminal is said to be at ground
Differential input voltage Vid between Inverting and Non-Inverting input
terminals is essentially zero.

AOL=VO ̸ Vid where Vid =VO ̸ AOL

If AOL Is infinite (∞) then Vid = 0

Where Vid =V1 – V2 = 0, Hence V1 = V2

Thus under the linear region there is a virtual short circuit between the two
input terminals.

OP-AMP input modes:

Single ended mode

If the input signal is applied to only one of the inputs and the other input terminal is
connected to ground it is said to be operating in single ended mode.

Differential mode/Double ended:

In differential mode, two opposite polarity signals are applied to the two inputs of op amp.
The difference between the input signal is amplified appears at the output.
Common mode
In the common mode of operation, the same input signal is applied to both the input
terminals. Ideally a zero voltage should be produced by the op amp.

OP-AMP Applications:
OP-AMPs are used in a wide variety of applications in electronics.

Some of the more common applications are:

Voltage follower, Selective inversion circuit, A current-to-voltage converter, Active rectifier,

Integrator, a whole wide variety of filters, and a voltage comparator.

Some of the applications of op-amp in open loop mode are as follows:

Comparator, zero crossing detectors, Window detector, Time marker generator.

Some of the applications of op-amp in closed loop mode are as follows:

Amplifiers, Basic arithmetic operations – summer, subtractor, multiplier, integrator,

differentiator, Rectifiers, Waveform generators, Filters.
Inverting Operational Amplifier Configuration:

In the Inverting Amplifier circuit, the operational amplifier is connected with feedback to
produce a closed loop operation.
In an operational amplifier there are two very important rules to remember about inverting
amplifiers, these are: “No current flows into the input terminal” and that “V1 always equals
This is because the junction of the input and feedback signal (X ) is at the same potential as
the positive ( + ) input which is at zero volts or ground then, the junction is a “Virtual
Because of this virtual earth node, the input resistance of the amplifier is equal to the value of
the input resistor, Rin and the closed loop gain of the inverting amplifier can be set by the
ratio of the two external resistors.
In an Inverting Amplifier or any operational amplifier we need to remember the following
 No Current Flows into the Input Terminals
 The Differential Input Voltage is Zero as V1 = V2 = 0 (Virtual Earth)
We can derive the equation for calculating the closed-loop gain of an inverting amplifier

Current (i) flows through the resistor network as shown.

Then, the Closed-Loop Voltage Gain of an Inverting Amplifier is given as

and this can be transposed to give Vout as:

The negative sign in the equation indicates an inversion of the output signal with respect to
the input as it is 180o out of phase. This is due to the feedback being negative in value.
The equation for the output voltage Vout also shows that the circuit is linear in nature for a
fixed amplifier gain as Vout = Vin x Gain.
This property can be very useful for converting a smaller sensor signal to a much larger
Non-inverting Operational Amplifier:

In non-inverting operational amplifier configuration, the input voltage signal, ( VIN ) is

applied directly to the non-inverting ( + ) input terminal which means that the output gain of
the amplifier becomes “Positive” in value in contrast to the “Inverting Amplifier” circuit .
Thus the output signal is “in-phase” with the input signal.
Feedback control of the non-inverting operational amplifier is achieved by applying a small
part of the output voltage signal back to the inverting ( – ) input terminal via a Rƒ –
R2 voltage divider network, again producing negative feedback. This closed-loop
configuration produces a non-inverting amplifier circuit with very good stability, a very high
input impedance, Rin approaching infinity, as no current flows into the positive input
terminal, (ideal conditions) and a low output impedance.

Equivalent Potential Divider Network

Using the potential divider network, we can calculate the closed-loop voltage gain ( AV ) of
the Non-inverting Amplifier as follows:
Then the closed loop voltage gain of a Non-inverting Operational Amplifier will be given

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