Danfoss 2
Danfoss 2
Danfoss 2
Version 2
OEM Applications:
Thermostatic expansion valve, Type TD 1 / TDE 1
• Refrigerants: R134a, R1234yf, R22, R290, R404A, R407C, R452A, R454C, R455A, R513A. Other refrigerants are on
• Rated capacity from 0.87 to 6.86kW / 0.25 to 1.95TR for R290.
• Stainless steel bulb and Danfoss patented bulb strap:
1. Fast and easy to install
2. Good temperature transfer from pipe to bulb.
• Supplied with fixed superheat setting as well as adjustable straightway version for setting customization.
• Permanent filter at inlet.
• Optional bleed function.
• Compact and hermetic construction.
• Stainless steel capillary tube
1. Flexible lightweight capillary tube, tolerates more bending for trouble-free installation and longer life.
2. Greater resistance to vibration during operation because of low weight
• Laser welded stainless steel power element, capillary tube and bulb:
1. optimum regulation properties
2. long life of diaphragm
3. high pressure strength
• MOP (Max. Operating Pressure) function is available.
• UL Certified
TD 1 / TDE 1 valves have a fixed orifice assembly. Both straight way and angle way configuration are available and
the angle way version is designed with fixed superheat setting only.
The valves are available with internal or external pressure equalization. External pressure equalization should always
be used on systems with liquid distributors.
The stainless steel capillary tube and bulb with Danfoss patent bulb strap give reliable connection. It gives fast and
precise reaction to temperature changes in the evaporator.
Product specification
Technical data
Max. bulb temperature: 120 °C / 248 °F
Max. valve housing temperature: 150 °C / 302 °F
Max. working pressure: PS/MWP = 34 bar / 500 psig
Max. test pressure: 37.5 bar / 540 psig
Capillary tube length: 0.75 m / 30 inch
Bleed: 15% or 30%
Ori‐ R134a R1234yf R407C R290 R404A R452A R454C R455A R513A R22
0 0.46 0.13 0.36 0.10 0.90 0.26 0.87 0.25 0.83 0.24 0.85 0.24 0.80 0.23 0.95 0.27 0.42 0.12 0.82 0.23
1 0.70 0.20 0.54 0.15 1.31 0.37 1.27 0.36 1.13 0.32 1.17 0.33 1.16 0.33 1.35 0.38 0.63 0.18 1.19 0.34
2 1.19 0.34 0.91 0.26 2.09 0.59 2.02 0.58 1.78 0.51 1.85 0.53 1.83 0.52 2.13 0.61 1.06 0.30 1.89 0.54
3 2.01 0.57 1.52 0.43 3.24 0.92 3.14 0.89 2.37 0.67 2.54 0.72 2.79 0.79 3.15 0.90 1.76 0.50 2.95 0.84
4 2.83 0.80 2.14 0.61 4.51 1.28 4.36 1.24 3.36 0.95 3.58 1.02 3.89 1.10 4.41 1.25 2.47 0.70 4.10 1.16
5 3.81 1.08 2.94 0.84 7.08 2.01 6.86 1.95 5.79 1.65 6.08 1.73 6.20 1.76 7.18 2.04 3.43 0.97 6.43 1.83
This product is approved for R290,R455A, R454C, R1234yf by ignition source assessment in accordance to standard
EN ISO80079-36
To avoid charge migration when MOP valves are used, the bulb temperature must be lower than the thermostatic
element temperature.
[ Ø1.38 in]
[ 1.10 in]
28 mm
[ 1. 96 in]
50 mm
[ 0.75 in]
19 mm
Ø1/4 in
[ 0.74 in]
Ø1/4 in
19 mm
[ 2. 88 in]
73 mm
Ø1/2 in
7 mm
[ 0.28 in]
10 mm 7 mm
[ 0. 39 in] [ 0.28 in]
14 mm
Hex. 19 mm [ 0. 56 in]
[ 0. 75 in]
37 mm 41 mm
[ 1.44 in] [ 1. 62 in]
Figure 3: TD1/TDE1 Fixed superheat setting, Weight approx. 0.15 kg (2.54 lbs)
Ø 35 mm
[Ø 1.38 in]
[1.10 in]
28 mm
[1.96 in]
50 mm
[0.75 in]
[2.58 in]
19 mm
66 mm
Ø 1/4 in
Ø 3/8 in
7 mm
[0.28 in] 11 mm
[0.43 in]
Ø 18 mm Ø 14 mm
[ 0.69 in] [Ø 0.56 in]
37 mm 41 mm
[1.44 in] [1.62 in]
Figure 4: TD1/TDE1 Fixed superheat setting, Weight approx. 0.15 kg (2.54 lbs)
Figure 5: Type TD 1 / TDE 1
The valve is fitted with a product label (on top of the diaphragm) which holds information as follows: valve type,
rated capacity,refrigerant, evaporating temperature range, MOP point, BP(bleed port %), max. working pressure
PS/MWP and production date code.
TD 1 = internal equalization
Figure 6: TD 1 /
As the TD 1 / TDE 1 valve is typically an OEM valve, limited code number programme has been set up.
The valves including bulb strap are supplied in multi pack or industrial pack.
Multi pack: 20 pcs pr. full pack, min. order quantity = 1 pcs.
Industrial pack: 32 pcs pr. pack (min. ordering quantity). Please contact Danfoss.
Table 3: Range N: -40 – +10 °C / -40 – +50 °F and Range AC: -25 – +15 °C / -15 – +60 °F with MOP 20 °C / 68 °F
Connection ODF inlet*out‐
Flow Direc‐ Rated Capacity Code no.
Refrigerant Type Orifice no. Range Bleed let
tion Multi pack
TR kW [inch] [mm]
TD1 Angleway 0 N 0.46 0.13 − 1/4*3/8 068N5602
TD1 Angleway 1 N 0.70 0.20 15% 1/4*3/8 068N5614
TD1 Angleway 2 N 1.19 0.34 15% 1/4*3/8 068N5656
TD1 Angleway 3 N 2.01 0.57 15% 1/4*3/8 068N5665
TD1 Angleway 4 N 2.83 0.80 15% 3/8*1/2 068N5692
TD1 Angleway 5 N 3.81 1.08 15% 3/8*1/2 068N5695
TD1 Angleway 3 AC 2.01 0.57 − 6*10 068N5668
TD1 Angleway 4 AC 2.83 0.80 − 10*12 068N5684
Figure 7: Bulb
The list contains all certificates, declarations, and approvals for this product type. Individual code number may have
some or all of these approvals, and certain local approvals may not appear on the list.
Some approvals may change over time. You can check the most current status at danfoss.com or contact your local
Danfoss representative if you have any questions.
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Any information, including, but not limited to information on selection of product, its application or use, product design, weight, dimensions, capacity or any other
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