Evaluation of High Rise Buildings in Addis Ababa Based On International
Evaluation of High Rise Buildings in Addis Ababa Based On International
Evaluation of High Rise Buildings in Addis Ababa Based On International
A Thesis submitted to
I hereby declare that this thesis entitled " Evaluation of high rise building in Addis
Ababa based on International green building criteria’s " was Prepared by me, with
the guidance of my advisor. The work contained herein is my own except where explicitly stated
otherwise in the text, and that this work has not been submitted, in whole or in part, for any other
Witnessed By:
Approval Page
As Member of Examining Board of the Final M.Sc. Open defence , we verify that we
have read and evaluated the thesis prepared by Tsega Merdekiyos ,entitled " Evaluation of
high rise building in Addis Ababa based on International green building criteria’s " and
recommended for acceptance as a fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of
science in civil Engineering ( Construction Technology and Management )
Signature Date
Member of Examining Board
1. Dr Bahiru Bewket ____________________ _______________
5. ____________________ ________________
Building construction is one of the development which significantly contributes to the growth of
the country ,but also the building construction has an impact to our environment and human
wellbeing at different stage of the construction ; by consuming different resources and increasing
landfills, specially the high rise buildings are the largest consumers of energy and materials .The
implementation of Green building can moderate this impacts. Therefore, the objective of this
research is to evaluate high rise building in Addis Ababa based on International green building criteria’s.
A data for a high rise buildings has been Constructed in Addis Ababa is collected from
governmental organs ,a check list is prepared based on the weightage of the criteria’s measured
according to the impact to environment and human wellbeing and the buildings are checked to
resilient to Green building ; and to investigate the current situation of a Green building
construction in Ethiopia ; a related proclamations and regulations are studied ; A case study
building which is awarded LEED Gold certificate from GBCI, the only building in Ethiopia is
observed and its Green building features are studied ;This research found that the high rise
buildings has satisfied some of the criteria’s in a Good point which is 66 % percent for indoor
Environmental quality of the buildings but for water efficiency ,waste water technology only 4
% is fulfilled and for the Energy efficiency criteria related to the orientation of the buildings
found Good but related to the fixtures installed in the buildings doesn’t satisfy the Criteria. The
findings of this research give a direction for the future buildings to be built to incorporate the
Green building features, which criteria’s the designer and stakeholder emphasis on and give a
path to already constructed buildings to renovate or fit out to be Green .
I want to thank my advisor Dr. Girmay Kahssay for his valuable comment, thank you to all the
individuals and their respective organizations for their cooperation and expertise in order to assist
my research.
I am grateful to thank My husband Million Hailu at the time when I felt weakness and
unsuccessful, his always positive words , encouragement and support, pushes me to finish this
Table of Contents
Declaration ................................................................................................................................................. ii
Approval Page ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables........................................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... ix
Acronyms & Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... xi
1.1 Back ground ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Objective of the research .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 General Objective ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research questions ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the study .................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Building construction ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Building Material and Waste............................................................................................................ 6
2.4 What is Sustainability...................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Sustainable Development ................................................................................................................ 7
2.6 Sustainability in building construction ............................................................................................ 9
2.7 Definition of Green Building and its features ................................................................................ 10
2.8 The motivation behind the Green Idea ........................................................................................... 11
2.9 Affordability of Green Building related to cost ............................................................................. 11
2.10 International Rating Systems for Sustainable Buildings ............................................................. 12
2.10.1 The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) ............................................ 13
2.10.2 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) ........... 14
2.10.3 Japanese Comprehensive Assessment system for Building Environmental Efficiency
(CASBEE) ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.11 The common sustainable Issues and criteria’s Considered in different International system ..... 16
2.11.1 Sustainable site ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.11.2 Management .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.11.3 Health and Well being ........................................................................................................... 17
2.11.4 Energy Efficiency and Atmosphere ...................................................................................... 18
2.11.4 Water efficiency .................................................................................................................... 18
2.11.5 Materials Efficiency and Resources ...................................................................................... 19
2.11.6 Indoor Environmental Quality............................................................................................... 20
2.11.7 Innovation and regional priority ............................................................................................ 20
2.12 Common Behavior of the Rating systems ................................................................................... 21
2.13 The procedure for certification ..................................................................................................... 25
2.14 Developing a frame work for Green building assessment........................................................... 26
2.15 An overview of Green building in Ethiopia ............................................................................... 27
2.15.1 Certified Buildings in Ethiopia.............................................................................................. 27
2.15.2 Employer Requirements in Ethiopia ......................................................................................... 27
2.15.3 Environmental protection Laws in Ethiopia ......................................................................... 28
2.16 Identification of the applicable Category and criteria ................................................................ 32
2.17 Research Gaps ............................................................................................................................. 36
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................. 37
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 37
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 37
3.2 A Research Design ......................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 Data source and collection ...................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2 Data sampling Method and population ................................................................................... 40
3.3.4 Selection of Criteria ................................................................................................................ 42
3.3.4 Method of Data Analysis......................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................................... 51
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................................................................................. 51
4.1.1 Evaluated Buildings ............................................................................................................... 51
4.1.2 The feature of the Buildings based on the criteria ................................................................. 54
4.1.2 Sustainable Site ....................................................................................................................... 54
4.1.2 Water Efficiency Issues ........................................................................................................... 55
4.1.3 Energy Efficiency and Special Findings for the Evaluated Buildings .................................. 58
4.1.4 In Door Environmental quality for the Evaluated Buildings................................................. 61
4.1.5 Materials and Resource Issues ................................................................................................ 62
4.2 The current practice of Green Building implementation in Addis Ababa ...................................... 63
4.2.1 Certified Building in Ethiopia case study of Gullele Botanic Garden .................................... 63
4.2.2 The Gullele Botanic Garden a show case for Eco-systems ..................................................... 63
4.2.3 Features of the Green Building for HoA-REC&N’s ............................................................. 64
4.3 Conceptual frame work for Green Building Implementations ....................................................... 70
4.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 70
4.3.2 Development of Sustainable Rating tools in the world .......................................................... 72
4.3.3 Formation of a councils .......................................................................................................... 72
4.3.4 Developing the system with objectives and strategies ............................................................ 73
4.3.5.Main criteria’s in the development of the framework ............................................................ 74
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 76
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................... 76
5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 76
5.1 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 77
5.1.1 Recommendations from this study ............................................................................................ 77
5.1.2 Recommendations from this study ........................................................................................ 78
References................................................................................................................................................ 79
Appendix A Different Governmental Regulations used in the study ...................................................... 81
Appendix B Different Governmental Regulations used in the study ...................................................... 83
Appendix C Evaluation table for selected buildings ............................................................................... 87
List of Tables
Table 2.3 Summary of Basic principles in the Guide line (BRE, BREEAM International New
construciton, 2017) and (USGBC, 2009) ................................................................................ 22
Table 2.4 Certified Buildings in Ethiopia.................................................................................................27
Table 3.2 Selected criteria’s for Evaluation of the Existing buildings ................................... 47
Table 4.1 Summary table for the data Analysis...................................................................... 52
Table 4.2 Summary table of Evaluated Buildings .................................................................. 53
Table 4.3 Base case and Efficient case cost analysis .............................................................. 57
Table 4.4 Score Card detail of the HoA-REC&N’s building .................................................. 67
Table 4.5 Summary of the goals achieved by Green building ................................................. 71
List of Figures
Acronyms & Abbreviations
2010, a net 1.3 billion people were added in small cities, more than double the number of people
added in medium cities (632 million) or large cities (570 million). The policy implications of the
rising significance of middle and large settlements in the next 15-20 years are worth nothing. In
the future, these cities will be primarily located in low- and middle-income countries. In many
developing countries, rapid urbanization calls for additional resources, and capacity development
of local governments has become a persistent issue. It should also be noted that urban areas are
constantly evolving as a result of people’s mobility, natural population growth, socioeconomic
development, environmental changes, and local and national policies (World Economic and
Social Survey 2013)
The report of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Finance shows that
from the capital expense of 55.9 billion birr for Ethiopian 2010 E.C fiscal year 64.7 % of the
budget ,36.17 Billion is for Economic development from the expense of the Economic
development 67.6 % , 24.45 Billion of budget is for construction ; about 50 % from the Economic
development is invested in the construction industry (MOFED, 2010 E.C); that shows
developing countries like Ethiopia, spend substantial amount of their budgets in infrastructure
development that involve significant construction projects such as roads, buildings, water works,
telecom civil works etc.
Construction industry which significantly contributes to the development of the country;
but also is one of the development which has an impact to our Environment and human Health
and well -being with regard to that the buildings feature has to include sustainable building
feature. Developed countries are working rigorously on the issues of sustainability and
constructing green Building and also renovation and fit out of already constructed building to
make them green. And as a developing country also environmental problems related to building
construction has to be addressed; because the buildings lacks the concept of Energy saving ,
water conservation , material efficiency and environmental impact consideration , Hence our
country exposed to negative impact to environment and human health problems related to
building construction; this research study different main issues and criteria’s of Green building
to Evaluate the Existing condition of Addis Ababa high rise buildings and to develop a frame
work for future implementation of New Green building and Renovation of Existing buildings.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
I. To Identify the criteria’s from the International Guide lines
II. To investigate the current practice for the implementation of the Green Building in
Addis Ababa
III. To develop a Conceptual frame work on green building practice for future
II. What are the common criteria’s in Green building rating system in the world?
III. what are the current practices (Employer requirements in contract and laws) for
In this research paper ,it is studied in General to understand what is a Green building
contribution to the sustainability development and what is the experience of other country in this
concern; what are the basic tool to evaluate the Green building in internationally, particularly
what are the main criteria for the Green building implementation in Ethiopia based on the
internationally applicable system for new building and renovation of Existing buildings and also
Identifies what are our good accomplishments to the sustainable building and what are the
weakness of our construction that should be Improved for the Green construction feature and
this study also give contribution to the Regulatory Agencies, designers and different stake
holders which works on the environmental protection for the development of standards and
environmental impact assessment regulations and environmental protection plan so that the
society can benefit from the sustainable development.
2.1 Introduction
The construction industry consists of various sectors, these are the building and residential
development sector, civil engineering sector, professional services sector and the construction
industry consists of different types and size of firms (Tesfahunegn, 2011)
Building support and inspire a range of human activities in response to sociocultural,
economic, and political needs, and are erected in natural and built environment that constrain as
well as offer opportunities for development. therefore, carefully consider the Process that a
building presents in planning, design and construction of buildings; The environment,
topography and natural habitat of a site all influence design decisions at a very early stage in the
design process. To enhance human comfort as well as conserve energy and material resources,
responsive and sustainable design respects the original qualities of a place, adapts the form and
layout of a building to the landscape, and takes into account the path of the sun, the rush of the
wind, and the flow of water on a site. In Addition to environmental forces, there exists the
regulatory forces. This regulation takes in to account existing land-use patterns and prescribe the
acceptable uses an activity for a site as well as limit the size and shape of the buildings mass and
where it may be located on the site (Shapiro, 2014).
Moreover, the industry generates substantial quantity of solid waste every year. The
offcuts from construction, unused construction materials such as steel, wood, tile, floor slab etc.
always end up in landfill. Hence, it is high time to consider means to manage the construction
waste in a sustainable manner. In construction sector, digital fabrication, provision of adequate
storage space, integrated chain management policies, lightweight construction, improvement in
staff training, design for re-use and recycling are some of the examples which reduce the natural
resources depletion (Lehmann et al. 2013).
The more important properties of construction materials that need to be considered when
making a selection, is one a mechanical properties and the second concern is increasing
important subject of sustainability. throughout the last hundred years’ developments in material
science and technology have let to innovative forms of construction like large –span suspension
bridge in the first half and high performance concrete in the second half of the 2oth century were
made possible by the development of high strength steel but such development has drawbacks,
in the material context E.g. harmful emissions from cement factories, asbestos fiber for
insulation. Environmental issues subsequently received increasing attention and the World
Commission on Environment and Development produced sustainable development concept in
1987. (Ilson, 2010)
2.4 What is Sustainability
Sustainability is the process of living within the limits of available physical, natural and
social resources in ways that allow the living systems in which humans are embedded to grow
well in permanency; Three pillars of sustainability are environment, Economy and
society(report university of Alberta).
Economic Sustainability: Human communities across the globe are able to maintain their
independence and have access to the resources that they require, financial and other, to meet their
needs. Economic systems are intact and activities are available to everyone, such as secure
sources of income.
Social Sustainability: Universal human rights and basic necessities are attainable by all people,
who have access to enough resources in order to keep their families and communities healthy
and secure. Healthy communities have just leaders who ensure personal, labor and cultural rights
are respected and all people are protected from discrimination.
Sustainable development
Urban Sustainability
Sustainable Sustainable
Building Construction
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), founded in 1993 based non-profit organization.
This organization promotes sustainability in how buildings are designed, built, and operated.
USGBC is best known for its development of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) green building rating systems ;At the beginning in the 1980s, labels, standards,
certifications, and references have been developed in France, as in the rest of the world. Obtaining
a certification or a label is a voluntary process initiated by a client or a developer who wants the
quality of its constructions recognized. These labels and certifications are indicators for a buyer or
prospective tenant, in terms of comfort, saving costs and environmental respect. Today, many
building owners and developers are concerned about the environmental and energy challenges
mentioned above. Scandinavian countries Formal ratings of green building appeared relatively
recently in Nordic countries, compared to France and the United States. Scandinavian countries
began to speak of green building construction in the 2000s. That is why there are relatively few
buildings certified in these countries (Citerne, 2014).
The leading countries in Europe in term of renewable energies (47% of the energy
production in Sweden, 30% in Finland, and 20% in Denmark) and waste management (the waste
management of these countries is one of the best in Europe). They recycle most of the wasted
Material, they produce few greenhouse gases and due to the harsh climate, their buildings have
very good insulation systems and are very energy efficient for a long time. so in the 2000s, they
followed the global trend and developed the green building concept. The Sweden Green Building
Council has been created in June 2009, followed by the Denmark and Finland Green Building
Councils in April 2010 and the Norwegian Green Building Council in September 2010 even if
they work together, as during the Nordic Green Building Council Conference held in January
2013 at Helsinki, each country developed a different policy toward the green building
construction, corresponding to their needs. While the Norwegian have adapted the British
referential BREEAM, the Danish use the German DGNB and the Swedish have passed their own
laws ( EPI, 2012).
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building-rating systems
is intended to provide building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying and
implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and
maintenance solutions. There are different rating systems, one for each kind of construction. The
essence of the LEED, is that it is a point-based rating system that allows vastly different green
buildings to be compared in the aggregate (Citerne, 2014).
The terms “Green buildings” and “sustainable design” are often used interchangeably to
describe any buildings and buildings designed in an environmentally sensitive manner. However,
sustainability calls for a whole –systems approach to development that encompasses the notion
of green building but also addresses broader social, ethical and economic issues, as well as the
community context of buildings. As an essential component of sustainability, green building
seeks to provide healthy environments in resource –efficient manner using ecologically based
principles (Yudelson, 2007).
2.7 Definition of Green Building and its features
A Dictionary meaning of Green building (https://dictionary.Cambridge.org/) the activity
of making buildings in a way that protects the natural environment, for example by using green
energy ( electricity which is produced with wind, water, or the sun) hence that green building
should become general practice in the industry.
Defines a green building according to the USGBC, these buildings incorporate design
and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings
on the environment and occupants in five broad areas: Sustainable site planning, Safeguarding
water and water efficiency, Energy efficiency and renewable energy, Conservation of materials
and resources, Indoor environmental quality (Yudelson, 2007).
Green building design need not focus solely on simply adding features to buildings to
make them greener. While increasing thermal insulation values will improve the energy
efficiency of a building and adding solar photovoltaic systems will reduce the need for electricity
derived from nonrenewable sources, there is also much to be gained through sensible design that
is not simply additive but rather more integrated and organic in nature. For example, it is possible
to select more reflective surfaces for interior finishes that would require fewer artificial light
sources while delivering the same interior light levels. And also possible to select building shapes
that have less exposed surface area and so use less energy for the same floor area than more
complex building shapes. And also Green building features can include high-tech, modern
practices such as sensor-controlled and compact fluorescent lighting, high-efficiency heat
pumps, geothermal heating, photovoltaic cell arrays and solar chimneys, on-site cleaning and
reuse of wastewater; as well as simple and often time-tested practices like attention to building
orientation and design, increased use of fresh air and natural light, improved insulation, radiant
cooling systems that take advantage of naturally occurring conditions, managed forest or
salvaged lumber products, recycled concrete aggregates, green roofs, rainwater collection,
waterless urinals, facilities for bicyclists, permeable pavers, cork flooring, and use of local
products (Shapiro, 2014).
According to American Society of Testing and Material ASTM (2009), the specified
building performance requirements are provided by green buildings while disturbance is
minimized and the service life and function of global, regional, local ecosystem both before and
after its construction are improved.
2.8 The motivation behind the Green Idea
Over the past two decades, there has been a growing focus on green buildings
development, leading to an apparent shift towards green buildings throughout the world, It is
commonly acknowledged that green building is an effective approach through which the need
for implementing sustainability and sustainable development within the construction industry
can be addressed (Bedford ,2013).
Man’s strive for increased comfort and financial independence, the densification of
congested urban areas, a strong increase in traffic levels and the growing pollution problem due
to new communication technologies all cause ever rising stress levels in the immediate vicinity
of the individual. Quality of life is being hampered and there are negative health effects. All this,
coupled with frequent news about the global climate change, gradually leads to a change of
thought throughout society (Michael, 2010).
In the end, it is society that must accept the effects of economic damage caused by
climatic change. Due to the rising number of environmental damages, there was an increase of
40% between the years of 1990 to 2000 alone, when compared to economic damage sustained
between 1950 and 1990. Without the implementation of effective measurements, further damage,
which must therefore still be expected, cannot be contained. Sustainable buildings that are both
environmentally and resource-friendly are beneficiary and increasingly higher standing when
compared to ordinary Buildings. Aside from social and economic factors, steadily rising energy
costs over recent years facilitate the trend towards sustainability. Over the past 10 years alone,
oil prices have more than doubled, with an annual increase of 25% between 2004 and 2008.
Taking into account both contemporary energy prices and price increases, energy saving
measures have become essential in this day time. A further reason for the conscientious handling
of resources is a heavy dependency on energy import (Michael, 2010).
2.10.1 The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating
System is the U.S.Green Building Council’s (USGBC’s) is primary for promoting sustainable
design and construction. The USGBC began to develop the LEED Rating System in 1995 in
response to the U.S. market’s demand for a definition of “green building.” The LEED standard
was developed by USGBC members through volunteer committees. Since the introduction of
LEED in 2000, it has become essentially the US national standard for commercial and
institutional buildings. LEED is primarily a performance standard; in other words, it generally
allows a developer, architect or building owner to choose how to meet certain benchmark
numbers saving 20% on energy use versus current building codes, for example without
prescribing specific measures. In this way, LEED is a flexible tool for new construction or major
renovations in almost all commercial and institutional buildings throughout the world (Gang &
Li, 2012).
There are different tools of LEED for evaluation of the building based on their function which
are LEED for building Design and construction ( New construction and Major Renovation, Core
and shell Development ,Schools ,Retail, data Centers, ware house and Distribution Centers,
Hospitality, Health care ,Homes and Multifamily low rise and Multifamily Midrise) , LEED for
Interior Design and construction ( Commercial Interiors ,Retail, Hospitality), LEED for Building
Operations and Maintenance (Existing Buildings ,Retail, Schools, Hospitality, Data Centers,
Warehouse & Distribution Centers, Multifamily), LEED for Neighborhood Development ( Plan,
Built Project ) ;All LEED rating systems have 100 base points based on the credit in the LEED
Green building rating systems address seven topics; Sustainable Sites (SS),Water Efficiency
(WE),Energy and Atmosphere (EA), Materials and Resources (MR) Indoor Environmental
Quality (IEQ), Innovation in Design (ID), Regional Priority (RP) The allocation of points
between credits is based on the potential environmental impact and human benefits of each credit
with respect to a set of impact categories and different methods are used to quantify each impact
and the allocation of points among credits is called credit weightings. LEED for New
Construction and renovation certifications are awarded according to the following scale a
separate points are given based on seven category (USGBC, 2009) ; 2.2 million + square feet
is LEED certified every day with more than 90,000 projects using LEED (new.usgbc.org/leed).
Table 2.1 LEED Four level of certification (USGBC, 2009)
GOLD 60-79
Figure 2.3 Categories of compliance for the BREEAM Rating System (Shapiro, 2014)
To complete an assessment at this stage, the design must be advanced to a point where
the relevant design information is available to enable the Assessor to evaluate and verify the
building’s performance against the criteria defined in this scheme document. The interim DS
assessment will therefore be completed and certified at the scheme design or detailed design
stages New build post-construction stage leading (PS) to a final rating and certificate of
The post-construction stage (PCS) assessment rating confirms the final as-built
performance of the building at the new construction stage of the life cycle. A final assessment is
completed and certified after practical completion of the building works. There are two
approaches to assessment at the post-construction stage A post-construction review based on a
completed interim design stage assessment serves to confirm that the building’s as-built
performance and rating is in accordance with the assessment certified at the interim design stage.
Where an interim assessment has not been carried out, i.e. certified, and a BREEAM assessment
and rating is required, a full post-construction stage assessment can be conducted (BRE,
BREEAM International New construciton, 2017)
The BREEAM rating bench marks enable a client and other stakeholder to compare the
performance of a building with other BREEAM rated buildings of the same type, the weightages
vary depending on the project there is a methodology to give weightage and relative impact of
environmental issues. BREEAM provides 567,105 Certificates, 2,276,912 Registered Buildings
and used in 80 Countries (BREEAM, 2019) and area of 10,917,564m2 area certified in-use in as
of 2015 (BRE, BREEAM International New construciton, 2017).
Table 2.2 BREEAM Rating Bench mark (BRE, BREEAM, 2015)
Excellent ≥ 70
Very Good ≥ 55
Good ≥ 45
Pass ≥ 30
unclassified ≥ 30
2.10.3 Japanese Comprehensive Assessment system for Building
Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE)
CASBEE is a tool for comprehensive assessment of the environmental performance of
buildings, based on new concepts such as Building Environmental Efficiency (BEE) ;It is a
comprehensive assessment which uses separate score for environmental quality performance of
a building ( Indoor environment , quality of service , outdoor environment on site )and Loadings
reduction which is the building’s environmental loading ( Energy , resource and materials , off-
site environment ); ultimately gives an assessment of Building Environmental Efficiency (BEE)
as an indicator based on the results for quality and loading ;The four tools have the following
roles; CASBEE for Pre-design (CASBEE-PD); CASBEE for New Construction (CASBEE-
NC);CASBEE for Existing Building (CASBEE-EB); CASBEE for Renovation (CASBEE-RN)
.In CASBEE, the virtual boundary is introduced as an area surrounding the building concerned
and is treated as a site boundary. The inside and the outside of the virtual space boundary are
specifically framed to be evaluated separately. The key here is that the surrounding area of the
building is explicitly included for the on-site assessment (Gang & Li, 2012).The CASBEE
assessment is ranked in five grades: Superior (S), Very Good (A), Good (B+), Slightly Poor (B-
) and Poor (C). (Consortium, 2004)
by locating the building near a residential area , rail station ,Bus station near to the project
entrance and encourage the occupants to use bicycle ; Managing storm water runoff while a
building is developed the surface on site become impervious and the runoff cause the pollution
of underground water; reduce the heat island effect to microclimate, humans and wildlife by
providing shade from tree of existing or five year installation of landscaping or shade form
architectural device that have reflectance index (SRI) of at least 29 (USGBC, 2009)
2.11.2 Management
The management criteria’s focus on different stages of buildings and encourage an
integrated design process showing client requirement ,timescale and budget ;show in systems
design and specification to minimize life cycle costs ; responsible construction practice which
uses legally harvested and traded timber , check National Health and safety legislation are
considered and implemented during different stages of construction ; energy and water
consumption of project during construction is measured by assigned persons ;commissioning
and hand over includes appropriate commissioning and hand over requirements based on
national code and include important documents like technical guides ,maintenance strategy
,operation and Maintenance Manual (BRE, BREEAM International New construciton, 2017).
2.11.4 Energy Efficiency and Atmosphere
Energy Efficiency is one of the main technological drivers for sustainable development
worldwide; to increase the energy efficiency it is essential to know different potentials and known
technologies (Goswani, 2008);The basic concept of energy conservation is the cheapest power
we can buy, or, it generates negative demand on the power grid and fuel supply (Yudelson, 2007).
Energy efficiency not only consider to optimize single system or installation inside the
building but also the need to shape the overall system so the building becomes one efficient unit
energy Efficiency measures improves Energy performance of the building which depends on a
building Design, orientation, Material construction methods, building envelop, water efficiency
and Heat ventilating and air –conditioning HVAC system (Michael, 2010).
The prerequisite criteria for the Energy Efficiency is tracking Building Energy
performance by designing ,commission and Monitoring ;The commissioning Begins by
developing owners project requirement, creation of a formal commissioning plan ,verification of
energy related systems and other equipment are installed calibrated and perform according to
OWR , at the end submission of a final report ;Reduction of energy use increasing level of energy
performance of a building by using energy efficient equipment, computers, elevators and
escalators, Kitchen cooking and Refrigeration, Laundry washing and drying and fixtures and
carbon emissions is other criteria to earn a significant credit by Modeling the building energy
consumption of the building and shows the Minimum reduction of the energy consumption by
10% compared with the base line consumption and optimize energy performance by showing
cost reduction of the building up to 48 % ,managing refrigerants by Installing equipment’s that
does not use chlorofluorocarbon or low emission CFC ; Using on site renewable Energy and
offsite Green power has also a role on the Efficiency criteria (USGBC, 2009)
percentage of wasted water as well. It’s estimated that buildings use 13.6% of all potable water,
which is roughly 57 trillion liter of water per year (USGBC, 2009).
Water efficiency is reducing overall use of water for buildings, landscaping and
neighborhoods by employing aggressive strategies to reduce consumption of potable water,
following the mantra “Reduce, reuse, recycle” (Yudelson, 2007), To reduce the consumption of
potable water for sanitary use in new buildings from all sources through the use of water efficient
components and water recycling systems (BRE, BREEAM International New construciton,
The criteria’s for Providing water Monitoring for the whole system of the building and
for sub systems help to quantify the quantity the potable water used for the building ;
Installation of water efficient Fixtures and Equipment play a big role on the water 6.08 Liter
per Flush (Lpf) to low flow toilets using 4.9 Lpf (a 20% reduction), then to lower-flows at
4.261 Lpf (a 30% reduction), perhaps even to 3.04 Lpf (dual-flush toilets on the low setting).
Some Fixtures are designed for reuse the water after using for other purposes; other sub criteria
is installation of sensors and equipment’s which sense the Flow and restrict unnecessary flow
of water on Existing Fixtures and Composing toilet systems ;water less urinals are also
encourages in the building ;Lowering potable water use for toilets, shower heads, faucets by
providing water from reused system ; water efficiency cuts costs by reducing the amount of
water that must be treated, heated, cooled and distributed; designing water efficient landscaping
is another criteria with Innovative waste water technologies (USGBC, 2009);By Assessing the
efficiency of the building Domestic water –consumption and the consumption of the building
(liter /person /day ) for assessed buildings is compared against a base line performance (BRE,
BREEAM International New construciton, 2017)
dedicated area for the collection and storage of materials ,and encourage also using a regional
material to reduce the environmental impact of transportation ; likewise Rapidly renewable
materials decrease the impact of the environment because they are typically harvested with in a
10 year or shorter cycle to time (USGBC, 2009)
& Shell may include environmental solutions specific to a particular location, condition, or
region With all sustainable strategies and measures, it is important to consider related
environmental impacts. Project teams must be prepared to demonstrate the environmental
benefits of innovative strategies and are encouraged to pursue opportunities that provide benefits
of particular significance. Project teams can earn exemplary performance points for
implementing strategies that result in performance that greatly exceeds the level or scope
required by an existing LEED prerequisite or credit (USGBC, 2009).
Table 2.3 Summary of Basic principles in the Guide line (BRE, BREEAM International New construciton, 2017) and (USGBC, 2009)
Environmental LEED ( leader Ship in Energy and BREEAM (Building Research CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment
Tool /Rating Environment Design) Establishment Environmental system for Building Environmental
systems Assessment Method) Efficiency)
does not guarantee award of any credit, And second stage New build post-
At construction phase review all construction stage (PCS2) which leads to
attempted credits for review including a final BREEAM rating and certificate of
any newly attempted design credits are assessment.
submitted at the completion of
construction and additional
documentation must be submitted to
substantiate continued compliance with
credit requirement
The Section of
credits The LEED contains different sections for
each credits ; Intent which identifies the BREEAM incudes for each criteria a Brief
main sustainability good or benefit of the summary for each criteria and a category
prerequisite or credit ,Requirements summary table with respective credit
specifies the criteria’s that satisfies the point is available for each specific criteria,
credit and the no of points available and The aim specifies the purpose and benefit
some credits have 2 or more parts with of each building performance ,The
cumulative points ,Benefit and issues to assessment criteria’s are explained the
consider which addresses the required demonstration for the compliance Not Applicable
environmental benefit of the activity of the criteria, The compliance note
encourages and economic considerations describe the Appendix to be referred for
and the related credit it acknowledges detail , Methodology for implementation
the trade-off and synergies and summary of the criteria is explain one by one and
of reference standard ,Implementation additional information and relevant
discuss specific method or assemblies definition are also Given.
that facilitate achievement ,Time line
and team guides the project team by
identifying who should lead on effort and
when task should begin also the section
includes the calculation if applicable
,Documentation guidance ,Regional
variations ,Resources ,Definition of
terms in the criteria.
Allocation of The allocation of points between credits BREEAM rating Bench marks are in CASBEE Assigns separate scores for
points is based on the potential environmental percentage score, the weightage are given environmental quality and performance of the
impact and human benefits of each credit to ranking the relative impact of building and the Environmental Loading the
will respect to a set of impact categories. environmental issues depending on the Finally given Building Environmental
the impact are defined as the project type for different environmental Efficiency (BEE). the weighting coefficients
environmental or human effect of the requirements for each issues and gave an were determined by votes and case studies by
design and construction phase, additional bones percentage for Innovation the experts of the CASBEE Research and
Combination of approaches including is given and weightages will be adapted Development Committee. In the development
energy modeling, life cycle assessment locally based on the local Experts opinion of the 2004 edition, the CASBEE developers
and transparent analysis is used to and type of the requirement hence the conducted a wide-ranging questionnaire survey
quantify each type of impact. The culture ,economy climate and work of the designers
resulting allocation of points among practices can also affect the development
credits is called credit weighting of the criteria
Common Basic Location and transportation Management In door environment
criteria’s Sustainable Sites Health and Well Being Quality of service
Water Efficiency Hazards Outside Environment on site
Energy and Atmosphere Energy Energy
Materials and Resources Transports Resource and Materials
Indoor Environmental quality Water Environment outside on site.
Innovation Materials
Regional priority Waste
Land use and ecology
2.13 The procedure for certification
For instance if project are interested for LEED certification the first step is to register the
project to Green Building certification Institute on the web site ‘‘WWW.gbci.org’’, A GBCI was
established in 2008 as a separately incorporated entity with the support of united states Green
building council ,is a third party which is assigned for the registration and certification of projects
and project credentials , so that to ensure objective management of the credential for exam
development ,registration and delivery ; Additionally any relevant information and primary
source are available on line ;LEED submittals are instrumental in demonstrating credit compliance
because they contain all the documentation requirements for any given credit. Additionally,
LEED-Online contains embedded calculators and tables to ensure that the submittal package
delivered to GBCI is complete and accurate up on project registration; LEED on line automatically
determines a projects regional priority credit based on its Zip code so that the project can achieve
and apply for Regional priority credits, After registration the project design team should begin to
collect information and perform calculations to satisfy the prerequisite and credit documentation
requirements the documentation is gathered at the design stage and construction stage which
integrates predesign, schematic design, Design development ,construction document ,construction
,substantial completion . (USGBC, 2009)
The LEED project owner must personally confirm that the project complies with each of
the MPRs either by completing, or by signing a letter that states compliance, which is then
uploaded to that form. Unless there is a special circumstance, project teams are not required to
submit additional documentation to prove compliance (USBGC Members, 2011) .
The LEED project building or space, all other real property within the LEED project
boundary, and all project work must comply with applicable federal, state, and local building-
related environmental laws and regulations in place where the project is located. This condition
must be satisfied from the date of LEED project registration or the commencement of schematic
design, whichever comes first, up to and until the date that the building receives a certificate of
occupancy or similar official indication that it is fit and ready for certification.
NO Project Status
It can be understood that the Employer (owner) of the construction projects has a big role
on the improvement of the quality and other aspects of the construction projects and they are the
primary decision makers of the construction projects, they start to include the requirement of the
sustainable development in the employer requirements of the contract; Horn of Africa Regional
Environmental center and Network building at the pre stage of the construction the employer
representative include the sustainable construction concern in Terms of reference of the employer
The ‘Commercial Bank of Ethiopia new head quarter project’ which is at the stage of the
construction is one of the tallest building in Ethiopia which sets the Green Building silver level
certification of LEED for Green building implementation in the employer requirement of the
contract. It articulates
«The design shall illustrate the following aspects of sustainability with reference to
relevant practice and fulfillment of acceptable codes for sustainability building or energy and
environmental design certification institutions.
I) Energy efficiency
ii) water conservation
iii) Natural ventilation
iv) Day light usage
v) Durable and flexible materials usage
vi) Ease of Maintenance and repair
viii) waste management
The design shall Achieve a LEED rating of at least silver level according to the US Green Building
council standards and illustrate this in the design and reports »
The higher education institute role is also significant the Institute of Architecture, building
construction and City Development (EiABC) in the department of construction technology and
management the course related to ‘Modern construction technology’ is included in the curriculum,
so that the students can learn about Green construction technology. ( http://www.eiabc.edu.et/).
Ethiopia’s legal framework for environmental management is generally sound; the key
challenge is in implementation and enforcement. Many laws need to be updated to address new
challenges such as climate change and community participation. Some laws also lack
implementing regulations and standards, which presents an opportunity for updating and
upgrading to address key issues. Beyond the laws and rules, environmental management faces
challenges of coordination and communication across sectors and ministries both at federal and
regional state levels (FDRE, Country Environmental Analysis, 2017).
By proclamation No. 9/1995 the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has
created an environmental policy as the Environmental Policy of Ethiopia, April 1997, as well as
legal and regulatory reforms to manage its environmental and natural resources. The overall aim
of the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is to improve and enhance the health
and quality of life of all Ethiopians and to promote sustainable social and economic development
through the sound management and use of natural, human-made and cultural resources and the
environment as a whole so as to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Desta, 2019)
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia constitution, Art. 44 stipulates that the
government shall endeavor to ensure that all Ethiopians live in a clean and healthy environment.
Furthermore, it does provide individuals with a personal right to a clean and healthy environment.
It also brings the government and citizens together as having the duty to protect the environment
Art 92 of the same constitution further provides that; The government shall endeavor to ensure
that all Ethiopians live in a clean and healthy environment, the design and implementation of
programs and projects of development shall not damage or destroy the environment ,People have
the right to full consultation and to the expression of views in planning and implementation of
environmental policies and projects that affect them directly ,The government and citizens have the
duty to protect the environment
The civil code 1960 of Ethiopia, Art 2027 under extra contractual liability, states a person
who commits an offence is liable for damage to person or object at any activity in which he
engages. So during the execution of the construction, the activity should be in responsibility
The proclamation 299/2002 Environnemental Impact Assessments Proclamation.
Explains in detail how the Environmental Impact Assessment is prepared and who will take the
responsibility for the preparation of the EIA study report, evaluation and permission process.
Table 2.5 Summary of Ethiopian laws related to Environmental issue
Laws Publication
1 The Constitution of the FDRE OF 1995 Neg. Gaz., 1st Year,
2 The civil code 1960 of Ethiopia
3 Environmental protection Authority This is repealed by pro
Establishment Proc NO 9-1995 no 295-2002
4 Environmental protection organ Neg Gaz,9th year NO 7
Establishment Proc NO 295-2002
5 Environmental Impact Assessment Proc NO Neg. Gaz., 9th Year,
299-2002 No 11
6 Environnemental Pollution control Proc NO Neg. Gaz., 9th Year,
300-2002 No.2.
7 Solid Waste Management proclamation Neg GaAz,13th year
Proc NO 513-2007 NO 13
8 Global Green growth institute Establishment Neg Gaz,19th year NO
Agreement Ratification proclamation Proc 47
NO 796-2013
9 A proclamation to Ratify the united Nation Neg Gaz,23rd year NO
frame work convention on climate change 16
Paris Agreement. Proc NO 993-2017
10 Biosafety (Amendment) Proclamation Pro Neg Gaz,21st year NO
NO 896/2015 66
11 The proclamation 624/2009
And all the relevant bodies are described one by one. Article 7:1 the proponent prepares
the document by the help of an expert by taking in to account the comments from the public living
around the place of the project ; Article 9:1-2 Authority or the relevant regional environmental
agency review the assessment summited to the authorized agency based on the federal or regional
location of the project and three decisions can be made: approve the project without conditions,
approve the project with conditions, and refuse the project with in the 15 working days after the
proponent summit the environmental impact study report , on the review procedure the proponent
ensures that the communities likely to be affected in each region have been consulted and their
views should be incorporated. Article 8:2(c) also highlighted the requirement of the Green
building which states that in the Environmental Impact study report should contain as a minimum
a description of source and amount of Energy required for the operation and the content and
amount of pollutant that will be released during implementation as well as during operation related
to the Green requirements of « Energy and Atmosphere » and « sustainable site » criteria’s .
The proclamation 300 /2002 Environnemental pollution control proclamation.
Article 3:1-5 This proclamation explains in detail that no person is allowed to pollute the
environment by violating the relevant environmental standards and while engaging in any
activities should protect the environment from any pollution. If any person pollutes, he should
clean and cover all the cost related to the pollution; Article 4:1-5 Also says if any person engages
in manufacturing, storing, transporting and hazardous wastes, chemicals he shall provide
appropriate protection and should have a permission from the authorized body ;Article 6:1 the key
element that the proclamation explains in this article is the Environmental Protection Agency will
prepare environmental standards for effluents, air quality, substances to the soil, noise, noxious
odor, etc. which are elements that pollute the environment Article 7:1-2 Environmental Inspector
will take a big role for the implementation of the standards with power and a lot of duties, given
to him by the authority. Any person dissatisfied with any of the measures taken by the inspector
may appeal to the Head of the Authority.
The proclamation 624/2009 Art 31.2 Explains if any damage to any property is expected from
the excavation works, the owner of the site should prepare the preventive methods and
precautionary measures to prevent the risks on the Execution Period.
Solid Waste Management proclamation Proc NO 513-2007 Explain in detail that urban
Administration should promote investment on the solid waste management, ensure the
participation of the lowest administration levels ,enter into agreement with construction enterprises
to refill solid waste disposal sites or quarry pits with pebbles or gravel from demolishing buildings
or with Excavated earth, the owner of any solid waste disposal site shall, regardless of fault be
liable for any damage caused to the environment.
Proc NO 796-2013 and NO 993-2017 Both proclamations stipulate that Ethiopia Establish an
Agreement with the Global Green Growth institute signed in Rio de Janerio on the 2oth day of June
2012 and the Paris Agreement to enhance the implementation of the united nations frame work
convention on climate change and strengthen the global response to the treat of climate change,
adopted on 1, Dec 2015 is ratified respectively.
2.16 Identification of the applicable Category and criteria
After Identifying the different criteria from literature review the objective of the study is
to understand the common requirements in the Guide line of the international systems which are
applicable widely in the world and study the general approach of the known systems ; after
understanding the requirements it is important to identify also the criteria which has different
weightage and approaches; The selection of criteria will depend on the objectives of the analysis.
Furthermore, how far a researcher can move in the direction of establishing the importance of
criteria or interconnection depends on the source and nature of the data. on selectin criteria from
the guide lines and literature , on how important it is that the retained criteria , and on the amount
of effort devoted to making the research realistic. (David, 1998)
In office Buildings, commonly 50-60% of the total energy consumption dominated by the
air conditioning system (AC) cooling load in the building consists of external an internal Load. the
External Load includes heat into the room through the building envelope. Factors affecting the
amount of External loads are type of construction materials, window to wall ratio, U –value and
solar heat conduction through the wall and SHGC denotes the amount of incoming solar radiation
through the glass materials. Internal load comes from lighting system, occupancy and electrical
equipment’s (Anisah, 2016).
Related to rapid economic growth there is a growing desire for better indoor built
environment, particularly in winter space heating and summer comfort cooling, and it was
estimated heating, ventilation and Air –conditioning (HVAC) accounted for some 65 % of the
Energy use in the Building sector (Wan, 2010);Hence considering the HVAC system in the
Modeling of Building for the Efficiency of energy building for the consumption would have a
significant effect.
It would also be valid to know which measures ( criteria ) has the highest contribution. It
is tested that the cost effectiveness measure wise; since apparently all the green measures would
not be equally cost effective – some would be giving more attractive returns than the other
(Pandey, 2013)
Table 2.6 Summary of Identified criteria based on Guide line and Literature review
-Lighting system load
-Electrical Equipment
(Seifu, 2014) -Energy Efficiency To present the concept of Based on features of
and Renewable environmentally sustainable Environmental Sustainability
Condominium Buildings Energy buildings to study ways to be Buildings the study is present
Versus Environmental -Water Efficiency Adapted in condominium these features to Adopt in
sustainability . -Building Materials buildings and the data for the condominium housing.
-Waste reduction study is collected by interview and
-Indoor Air quality observation of site .
sustainable design.
(Haileleul, 2015) Evaluation of selected - Temperature To Assess the nature of some A specific character of
7 Addis Ababa Buildings - Windows and selected Existing Buildings based selected buildings are studied
with respect to the light on Green Building criteria’s and and for each buildings Based
Green Building features. - Orientation of recommend remedial solutions on Green building concepts a
Building and the methodology is Mitigation is Given .
observation ,questioner and
- Microbial
Application software’s, Auto cad
and Archi cad .
- Use of
- Energy
Efficient Items
- Use of Rain
- Waste
- Building
U –value (Thermal
2.17 Research Gaps
Internationally, there are literatures that have been studied about sustainable development,
sustainable construction , Green Building , the challenges in sustainable development, different
rating systems applicable in different continent’s, and application of different model for mitigating
relevant issues to sustainable issues and other related topics, specially energy efficiency and
conservation issues are the Most studied topics of the researches and also the researches have
studied and develop different Methodologies to this research area . But the research in the concept
of sustainability is so limited in Ethiopia and almost it is possible to say that no researches are done
in this Area. So it needs an effort of different researchers to work on this concept of sustainability
and put hands on this reflective issue for this concern; The gap identified in the researches are the
researches only focus on the implementation of Green building concept on New construction mostly
with respect of Energy Efficiency so this study will focus on not only energy Efficiency but also
other criteria’s which will be implemented with the new building to be constructed and already
constructed existing building renovation work ; Review the criteria’s with the real condition of our
regulations and laws and other perspective of the sustainable development .
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the research methodology that are undertaken to achieve the
objectives set for this study. The survey that were adopted and how those data were obtained and
Analyzed . In addition, sources of data, research tools, sample size and method of analysis are also
presented. In general, this chapter provides a general description of the research methodology
adopted for this thesis.
Other method of collection of data is Expert interviews from different stakeholders like
Ethiopian Environmental protection Agency , owner and designer of the certified building in Addis
Ababa; to review the Existing condition of the Green Building implementing in Addis Ababa for
the Building already certified; Horn of Africa Regional Environmental center and Network is
located in a new eco-friendly building in the Gullele Botanic Garden (GBG) at Addis Ababa site
observation is done and the extent of the building which is recognized for the Green certification is
studied .
For the development of the frame work literatures are reviewed to understand the
international experience to implement the green building , the Guide lines also shows the idea to
develop the systems to the contest of the specific country and also the review of the laws and policies
in Ethiopian context is studied for suggestion of the fame work development.
Study the Concept of Green Building
Problem Identification
Research Objective
Research Questions
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Conclusion and
Develop a frame work Recommendation
for Green Building
3.3.2 Data sampling Method and population
Purposive sampling is useful if a researcher wants to study a subset of a larger population in
which many Members of the subset are easily identified but the enumeration of all is nearly
impossible . It is important to note that purposive sampling prevents that the researcher understand
the characteristics clearly and thoroughly enough to choose and relate those findings only to that
population (Singh, 2006). The primary consideration in purposive sampling is the judgement of the
researcher where the best information to achieve the objectives of the study.
In this research the purposive sampling is based on the objective of the research which is
the high rise ( tall ) buildings found in Addis Ababa ;the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban
Habitat (CTBUH) developed the international standards for measuring and defining tall buildings
is no absolute definition of what constitutes a “tall building;” the definition is subjective, considered
against one or more of the following categories; Height Relative to Context Which is A 14-story
building may not be considered a tall building in a high-rise city such as Chicago or Hong Kong,
but in a provincial European city or a suburb this may be distinctly taller than the urban norm;
Proportion there are numerous buildings that are not particularly high, but are slender enough to
give the appearance of a tall building Conversely, there are numerous big/large-footprint buildings
that are quite high, but their size/floor area rules them out of being classed as a tall building; If a
building can be considered as subjectively relevant to one or more of the above categories, then it
can be considered a tall building. Although number of floors is a poor indicator of defining a tall
building due to the changing floor to floor height between differing buildings and functions (e.g.,
office versus residential usage), a building more than 50 meters in height could typically be used as
a threshold for a “tall building.” (skyscrapercenter.com) .
The buildings which are selected for this study are high rise buildings located in Zone 1 and
2 identified by Addis Ababa City Government plan and Development commission ‘Zoning and
Building Height Regulation Provisions’ attached in Appendix B ,in the City of Addis Ababa the
place around Main City center including National Theatre ,Sengatera,LaGare,Cherkos, Tikur
Anbessa and Mexico-Lideta , and buildings constructed adjacent to the main city (AACPPO, 2017)
, because the city plan set the Minimum height of the buildings in Zone 1 70 meter and the maximum
height in Zone 2 is 70 meter .
Hence the selection of the building is based on the height ;by integrating the internationals
Experience and the Zone of Addis Ababa construction which are more than 50 meters; and the
building service time after completion has to be minimum of one year for the selection there fore
he population of the high rise buildings in this study was Nineteen and the selected sample are
Eleven ; the name of the buildings evaluated (selected sample) and under construction (population)
are summarized in table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Summary of the high rise Buildings
NO Name Floors status (M) Floor Remark
Commercial Bank of under
1 Ethiopia HQ 52 Construction 205 4B+G+48
United Bank HQ under
2 (UB-HQP) 36 Construction 133 4B+M+G+32
Nib International under
3 Bank HQ (NIB-HQP) 39 Construction 122.4 4B+G+M+G+32
Zemen Bank HQ under
4 (ZB-HQP) 35 Construction 130 2B+G+32
Wegagen Bank Head
5 quarter 28 Completed 109.67 3B+SB+G+23 Evaluated
African union Head
6 quarters 23 Completed 109 B+2SB+G+19 Evaluated
Nile Insurance Head under
7 quarters Construction 97.4 3B+G+25
After Evaluation of the Buildings Existing condition the analysis is done using an Excel soft
war for important out puts which shows the existing buildings resilient regarding to the General
provision of the Green building , tendency of renovation to be Green building and also how much
is our regulation and construction of the high rise building is need to be improved for the Green
building feature.
Depending on the kind of the building assessed the weightage proportion has a slender
difference ; other percentage proportion of weightage Included in assessment standard is given
shown in Figure 3.2.
At the first stage of this research studying and Identifying the international system tools
to evaluate the Green building features was done ; It is found that there are different system tools
applicable internationally as it is discussed previously basically LEED and BREEAM are the system
which are adopted in different continent of the world ;so for this research LEED for Design and
construction of New construction and Major Renovation , BREEAM for new construction and
BREEAM International Non-Domestic Refurbishment Guidelines are selected as a basis for this
research for detail analysis of each issues of Green building Implementation
The reason for BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit Out (RFO) standard is selected for this research
is one of the objectives of this study is to assess the existing high rise buildings in Addis Ababa for
their potential to become green and to identify the criteria’s to be enhance for the performance of
the buildings; with related to this standard enables real estate investors, developers and building
owners to assess and mitigate sustainability-related impacts during the design and works of a
refurbishment or fit out project. through the assessment and certification process, the
standard recognizes and reflects the performance of the building once improvements have been
made to the external envelope, structure, core services, local services or interior design of a building
-To eliminate the use of potable water or other natural surface or subsurface water resource available
for landscape irrigation reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by 50 % by applying
irrigation efficiency and use of recycled water or No potable water use for irrigation.
-To reduce waste water generating and potable water demand while increasing the local aquifer
recharge by treating 50 % of waste water on –site to tertiary standards. Treated water must be
infiltrated or used on site.
Criteria’s s in the Guide lines for Energy Efficiency and Atmosphere
To establish the minimum level of energy performance for the proposed buildings and systems to
reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use by demonstrating
a 10 % improvement in the proposed building; to achieve optimum levels of energy performance
whole building from 12%-48% by optimizing building form and orientation, reducing internal loads
through shell and lighting improvements, and shifting load to off-peak periods, harvest free energy
by using site resources such as daylight, ventilation cooling, solar heating and power, Increase
efficiency with a more efficient lighting system and HVAC system, Using Renewable Energy by
two strategies by using on –site renewable energy systems and buying off-site green power.
Using low –emitting materials (Adhesive and sealants, Paints and coatings, Flooring systems
composite wood and Agrifiber) to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminates that are odorous,
irritating and /or harmful to the comfort and well –being of installers and occupants by complying
with requirements as applicable to the project scope. Within the standard of Volatile organic
compound (VOC) Limit of the codes.
To minimize and control the entry of pollutants into buildings and later cross contamination of
regularly occupied areas through the following strategies by providing employ permanent entry way
systems, sufficiently exhaust each space where hazardous gases or chemicals and provide
44 Important Element and Terms of the Building for implementation of
the Green Building
Native plants require less water for irrigation and attract native wildlife, thus creating a building site
integrated with its natural surroundings. In addition, native plants tend to require less fertilizer and
pesticides, avoiding water quality degradation and other negative environmental impacts (USGBC,
Refurbishment is a term used to describe a process of improvement by cleaning, decorating and
re-equipping. It may also include elements of retrofitting with the aim of making a building more
energy efficient and sustainable (BRE, BREEAM International New construciton, 2017).
Building footprint -is the area on a project site used by the building structure, defined by the
perimeter of the building plan. Parking lots, landscapes, and other no building facilities are not
included in the building footprint (USGBC, 2009).
Constructed wetlands -are essentially treatment systems that remove contaminants from
wastewater (BRE, BREEAM, 2015).
U-factor (thermal transmittance )for wall, Roof, Floor (W/m2k): - heat transmission in unit
time through unit area of a material or construction and the boundary air films, induced by unit
temperature difference between the environments on each side ;One of the most important term in
the heat balance of a building is the heat flow across the envelope, in most buildings the envelop
consists of a large number of different parts adding more insulation to the envelop of the building
decreases heat transmission losses. (ASHRAI, 2007)
Window –to –wall ratio (%): -The total percent of the Window covered with proportion to the
wall has significant effect to the indoor environment of the building, natural light and the
temperature (USGBC, 2009).
Floor to Floor height (m): - The Floor to Floor height of the building has twofold advantage, ease
of installation to utilities and less energy is needed to lighting.
Shading coefficient of window/wall: - One of the basic parameter for determination of cooling
load of a building for the characteristics of thermal performance of a window or Wall (ASHRAI,
Floor weight (related to Building thermal Mass):- The properties of the floor of the building
to absorb heat helping to prevent an excessive temperature rise and reducing the risk of
Electrical Fixtures: - An Equipment’s uses as a part of or in connection with, an electrical
Chiller COP: - The ratio of cooling output rate (KW thermal) to system input power (KW electric)
required to operate all distribution Fans and Pumps as well as compressors and condenser or
cooling tower Fans and Pumps. (ASHRAI, 2007)
Boiler Efficiency: - Boiler is an equipment designed to heat water or generate steam, the
efficiency of the boiler is the output of a boiler divided by the energy input (in constant unit)
(ASHRAI, 2007)
System Operation hours: - the working time of the HVAC equipment’s in the operation system
per hours. (ASHRAI, 2007)
Outdoor Fresh Air: -Fresh air in buildings is essential for comfort and health, and the energy for
conditioning this air is an important term. Not enough air, and one risks sick-building syndrome; too
much air, and one wastes energy. The supply of fresh air, or air exchange, is stated as the flow rate of
the outdoor air that crosses the building boundary and needs to be conditioned (ASHRAI, 2007)
Maximum/Minimum relative humidity. (system control): - a measure of Moisture content in the
air, the ratio of moisture contained by an air sample to the maximum amount of moisture the air
could holt at the same temperature.
Winter/ summer set point temperature. (system control): - Different Zone temperature set
points are typically Fixed values with in the comfort Zone during the occupied time, so HVAC
systems use a thermostat that turns systems on or off above or below a set point temperature
(ASHRAI, 2007)
Fan efficiency: - is the ratio of the useful work Added to the flowing air to the shaft work input
(ASHRAI, 2007).
Fan static pressure: - For Fan control with a discharge damper, a damper absorbs excess pressure
near the fan while a constant static pressure is maintained in the duct, which is a pressure normal to
flow (ASHRAI, 2007).
The type of the sanitary Fixtures installed on the building: - (Wcs, Urinals, Showers, Taps,
Baths Dish washers (Domestic and commercial sized), Washing machines Domestic and commercial
sized) (USGBC, 2009).
The recycled amount of rain water and Gray water:- systematic rain water utilization can
reduce drinking water consumption by about half .rainwater can be used for flushing washing and
cleaning ,as well as watering a garden this require a rainwater Cistern and a second piping system, and
Gray water is waste water from households, stemming from shower ,bathtub, bathroom sink and the
washing machine, hence is not contaminated with highly polluted water , this type of water can be
processed in to usable water (USGBC, 2009).
The water supply system: - The water supply design system significantly affects the energy
demands for the delivery of the water at different elevation specially when it is a multi-rise building
the elevation of the pump room and the total head of the pump to be used for the water supply
system directly related to the total energy consumption of the Pump ( Report of CBE Project)
Heat island Effect are defined as thermal gradient difference between developed and undeveloped
areas for instance the effect the hardscape to the human, wild life and Microclimates (USGBC,
Brown field development: - it is a development for rehabilitation of damaged sites where
development is complicated or the area is contaminated with different contaminates to reduce
pressure on undeveloped land.
Heat Reflectance index (SRI) is the measure of the ability of reflect (reject) solar heat related to
temperature change it is obtained from the heat reflectance value and emittance value for the
materials .
Economizer is a device used to make building systems more energy efficient. Examples include
HVAC enthalpy controls, which are based on humidity and temperature.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration, generates both electrical power and thermal
energy from a single fuel source, systems capture the heat that would otherwise be wasted in
traditional fossil fuel generation of electrical power.
Thermal resistance (R-value): the reciprocal of the time rate of heat flow through a unit area
induced by a unit temperature difference between two defined surfaces of material or construction
under steady-state conditions. Units of R are m2·k/W (ASHRAI, 2007).
Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC): the ratio of the solar heat gain entering the space through
the fenestration area to the incident solar radiation. Solar heat gain includes directly transmitted solar
heat and absorbed solar radiation, which is then reradiated, conducted, or converted into the space
(ASHRAI, 2007).
Shading coefficient (SC): the ratio of solar heat gains at normal incidence through glazing to that
occurring through 1/8 in. thick clear, double-strength glass. SC, as used herein, does not include
interior, exterior, or integral shading devices (ASHRAI, 2007)
Table 3.2 Selected summarized criteria’s for Evaluation of the Existing buildings
NO Under Sustainable Site Criteria’s
1.1 Development
Density and Community
-Is the building located on a previously developed
-How is the use of potable water inside the project
for landscape irrigation is it reduced by 50 % with
planting native plants or by avoiding using potable
water for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste
water technologies
- Does the project has any water recycling
technology to reduce 50% of sewage conveyance
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy
- Is commission of the building has done
3.2 Optimize an Energy
-Does the total Energy consumption of the building
known and how much energy is consumed by the
building annually and the cost of the Energy
-What is the orientation of the building
-is there any Mechanism to harvest energy from day
light ,ventilation cooling ,solar heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( u-value,
Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy Efficient
( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy
and Green power
Is the building uses any one of on –site or off site
renewable Energy
3.4 Refrigerant
- Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and
- Does the project has dedicated area for collection
and storage for recyclable materials( paper,
corrugated card board ,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % interior non
structure element.
5. Indoor environmental
-Does the IAQ of the building good ( 10 second
subjective evaluation is allowed in the standard )
5.2 Indoor Chemical and
pollution source
- Does the building has permanent entrance way
-Does chemical room like photo copy room has
sufficient exhaust
5.3 Controllability of the
-Does the lighting system of the room is individually
controlled (90%)
-Does 50 % of the windows of room can be
controlled by occupants
-How is the connectivity of the occupants with
outdoor day light views
Table 4.1 Summary table for the data Analysis
This are the Buildings selected for the study and their height and respective Floor is summarized
in the table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Summary table of Evaluated Buildings
4.1.2 The feature of the Buildings based on the criteria
4.1.2 Sustainable Site
Most of the evaluated buildings are found in Zone 1 of Addis Ababa around Main City
center including National Theatre ,Sengatera,LaGare,Cherkos, Tikur Anbessa and Mexico-Lideta ;
based on the evaluation of the buildings to the relevant criteria’s of sustainable site , development
density and community connectivity which has a significant point under sustainable site achieved
by all the buildings because the buildings are constructed in a radius of 2.1 km with a reference of
MCO (Midroc Cooprate Office )-Nany building; the result shows the buildings are easily accessible
to the occupants which inhabits a transport access of bus and rail station and the characteristics of
the Zone is occupied with different facility services like Hospitals ,Hotel, Library and it is found
that there are a residential areas with in a required distance in the Guide line.
3) Addis Ababa university school of commerce, School 8) Post office, Mail service
5) Addis Ababa international Stadium, Sport Stadium 10) Seven Days Church, Place of Worship
54 Parking capacity
Under sustainable site one of the criteria to be fulfilled is alternative transportation –parking
capacity; the criteria is the parking capacity of the buildings to meet Minimal local Zoning
requirement; this study referred criteria’s which related to local Zoning requirements so that it is
find in the local code of Addis Ababa 12,2017 attached in Appendix B ; for buildings permit
provision process the requirement for office buildings is 1 car per 150 meter square floor space
,based on this local code all the evaluated buildings doesn’t satisfy the requirement ;Hence this
shows that the permit regulation has to be reviewed based on the actual demand of the high rise
buildings for future implementation in the building permit process of the construction.
Water saving Assessement
Cost for Base case Value (Birr/m3) Cost for Efficient case Value (Birr/m3)
Table 4.3 Base case and Efficient case cost analysis
Cost for
Base case Efficient Consumpt Consumpti Cost for
NO of uses Efficient
Name of Consumption case ion base on Efficient Base case
NO Occu / 8hr case
projects ( 6.08 lpf consumption case(m3 case(m3 Value
pants day Value
WC)/day /day /annual) annual) (Birr/m3)
Wegagen Bank
1 Head quarter 750.00 3.00 13,680.00 9,405.00 4,788.00 3,291.75 19,391.40 13,331.59
African union
2 Head quarters 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Nani Building 800.00 3.00 14,592.00 10,032.00 5,107.20 3,511.20 20,684.16 14,220.36
8 Tracon Building 420.00 3.00 7,660.80 5,266.80 2,681.28 1,843.38 10,859.18 7,465.69
9 sur Building 255.00 3.00 4,651.20 3,197.70 1,627.92 1,119.20 6,593.08 4,532.74
4.1.3 Energy Efficiency and Special Findings for the Evaluated Buildings
Energy efficiency issue has a big weightage in the assessment of the Green building ,in
the Guidelines one of the criteria for this issue is optimize energy performance of the building
beyond the prerequisite requirement to reduce environmental and economic impacts with
excessive energy use ,so the requirement requested in the guide line is developing the whole
building energy simulation to demonstrate a percentage improvement in the proposed building
performance by using a computer software ; A model is developed to show the base line energy
performance versus the Energy efficient case of the building by changing to the building
orientation ,wall area ,fenestration area ,space function, HVAC system type and HVAC system
sizing the model also enable to know the interactive effects of energy efficiency measured across
all building systems by changing different features in the building based on the recommended
standards ;for instance when lighting density decreased the internal load decreases and then the
cooling energy saved and cooling equipment downsized ; Hence the fundamental strategies to
increase energy performance is optimizing building form and orientation ,reducing internal Loads
by providing proper shell and lighting improvement and shifting load to off-peak periods so that
the optimum orientation of the building is decided (BRE, BREEAM, 2015)
Hence 54.54 % of the buildings applied this basic principles to gain the advantage
from the awareness of the orientation and envelope characteristics. For instance the Ethiopian
shipping Enterprise uses four kind of material for different face of the building ; curtain wall
system made of concealed aluminum frame with double glazing reflective exterior and clear
laminated interior lite ,Aluminum composite Metal (ACM) panel with noncombustible core ,
Stone granite cladding ,HCB wall with quartzes paint and an additional vertical and Horizontal
sun breaker is provided for the thermal comfort of the building .
One of the evaluated building during this study is the african union head quarter office
building which is a B+G+M+19 constructed before 8 years and the Idea of the Green building
was not formally included at the design and construction stage of the building but there was an
idea of constructing an Energy Efficient and a well suited building to the human health ; it has a
good orientation , facing based on the rotation of the sun and a Fin is provided to decrease the
reflectance from the glazing to minimize the solar Reflective index effect of the building to
different habitat , A Good interior lighting a good connectivity to the outside and a Good
Ventilation and better IAQ having both mechanical and natural Ventilation is provided at
different room based on their function ; for instance the conference uses an artificial lighting with
HVAC system based on the requirement of the high standard conference Room
Figure 4.5 Conference Room which accommodate 1500 person and Interior of the office
The African union building uses a Good orientation to increase the passive energy use for the
tower building which has a short width and a long with at different face of the building the building
is constructed with an orientation of long width to the North and south face the Figure 10 shows
the orientation of the building with northing direction.
60 Renewable Energy
Under energy efficiency category one of the criteria is using on- site or off –site renewable
energy source for the buildings to decrease the environmental impact related to using non –
renewable energy ;one of the building evaluated projects try to use solar panel in the compound
to satisfy an electric demand of exterior lighting of compound but unfortunately the solar panels
are not functioning because of collected power storage problem the batteries have failed and out
of function ; The solar panel application need its own skill work man ship and planned strategies.
A concept of Renewable energy was designed and a solar panel has installed even the solar panel
is not working as intended to provide the electric demand for Exterior of the building.
Figure 4.8 Interior lighting of Nany and wogagen buildings
4.1.5 Materials and Resource Issues
Storage and recyclables is one of the criteria to be fulfilled for Green building features by
providing an easily accessible dedicated area for the collection and storage of recyclables
materials; after evaluating this research all buildings has a dedicated area for recyclables but after
storage of the materials 18 % of the building outsource the proper separation ,collection of the
recyclables work for the second organizations works in this area ; for further recycling of the
materials ;But an attention is not given for the systems installed in the building for transporting
the recyclables and waste ; most of the systems have failed and the design of the chutes installed
in the high rise buildings should be designed properly.
Figure 4.9 Failed Chutes and Mixed recyclables in high rise buildings
4.2 The current practice of Green Building implementation in Addis Ababa
4.2.1 Certified Building in Ethiopia case study of Gullele Botanic Garden
Description of the Project
Project Name : Gullele Botanic Garden project Office (GBG is a joint undertaking between
Addis Ababa University and the City Administration of Addis Ababa)
Certified Building : Horn of Africa Regional Environmental center and Network
Green Certification Level: LEED GOLD
Green Certification year :2017 G.C
Owner :Addis Ababa City Administration and Addis Ababa University
Consultant : Abba Architects and Synergy International Momentary Association
Location : Gullele Botanic Garden (GBG), the first of its kind in Ethiopia, established before a
years on 705 ha by the joint venture of Addis Ababa University and Addis Ababa City
administration that realized after almost thirty years effort made by different institutions and
scientists for four major objectives such as: Conservation; Research, Education and Eco tourism
it is located at an Elevation of 2700 above sea level with a different climate condition in the
compound .
The Gullele Botanic Garden design competition was held to engage architects planners
and designers to put forward solutions for a multi-functional garden . The primary Function of
research ,conservation ,education and recreational were common features of most botanic garden
being developed in recent years The Gullele Botanic Garden has additionally charted out a vision
to be a show case for eco-systems ,This feature makes a Garden difference .
One of the important project Goals and objectives set out in the Terms of Reference for
the design computation was regarding environmental education and training ,As part of this
objective it is stated that concrete measures will be taken to raise the environmental awareness
and education of residents of Addis Ababa through different mechanisms ,The project pregame
elaborates the mechanism primarily through development of an eco-Village with in the garden
and as sustainable energy demonstration center .
The design of buildings with in the garden will adhere to green building practice and use
of local materials as far as possible ,the scale of the building specially in terms of height will be
strictly controlled ,Merging with the landscape by observing the terrain and rehabilitation of areas
and resources will be given a special consideration innovating buildings and landscape work(
Report At December 10,2008).
Figure 4.11 Office and the Conference hall inside the building
Maximize open space: Since the office is located inside the GBG it maximize an open space ratio
to the developed foot print area of the building to promote biodiversity and it has Green roof to
reduce heat Iceland effect to the environment and also based on the climate condition of the area
native plants are planted inside the compound after a study is conducted which species are suitable
for that climate.
Indoor Environmental quality : to enhance the indoor air quality of the building the less VOC
content materials are used for instance for protection the wall plastering celluloses Glue is used
for polishing the wooden part of the building a natural oil is used ; so that to increase demand
for buildings materials and products that are extracted and manufactured with in the region,
encourage the use of indigenous resources, which support local economy and reduce
transportation impact .
Regional Materials used : The project uses Adobe for the wall made up of a soil, ‘kacha Fiber ’,
and Lime produced inside the compound and Wood For the structure part column and slab of
the building which encourage to use regional materials and to reduce transportation cost of
Figure 4.12 An Adobe wall and Wood structure inside the building
Recycling of Materials : There is a dedicated area for wastes from the building for papers
,plastics so that to minimize the waste generated from the occupants that is hauled to and disposed
of in landfills
The HoA-REC&N’s HQs building by achieving different criteria’s mentioned above for
Green building ; become the first building to have received the Gold LEED certification award
of Gold by scoring 63 out of 100 points with an interval of the Level of 60-79 points ; the detail
for the criteria’s and the Green building features are summarized in the table 10.
Table 4.4 Score Card detail of the HoA-REC&N’s building (organized from ‘‘www.gbci.org’’ and site observation.
Green Building requirements Credit Awarded The Green Features of the HOAREC
Point point
Construction activity pollution prevention Required
Site selection 1 0
Development density and community connectivity 5 0
Brownfield redevelopment 1 0
Alternative transportation - public transportation 6 6 Public transportation is provided to the site
Alternative transportation - bicycle storage and 1 1 Bike racks provided by the front for employee and
changing rooms visitor use
Alternative transportation - low-emitting and fuel- 3 3 Preferred parking provided to low-emitting and
efficient vehicles fuel-efficient vehicles
Alternative transportation - parking capacity 2 0
Site development - protect or restore habitat 1 1 All landscape is native and existing landscape was
protected during construction
Site development - maximize open space 1 1 Maximized vegetated open space
Storm water design - quantity control 1 0
Storm water design - quality control 1 1 Providing sufficient storm water quality control
Heat island effect – non roof 1 0
Heat island effect - roof 1 1 The roof is mostly a green roof, reducing the heat
island effect
Light pollution reduction 1 0
Water efficiency 10 10
Water use reduction REQUIRED Required
Water efficient landscaping 4 4 All toilets provide 50% reduction in water use
Innovative wastewater technologies 2 2
Water use reduction 4 4 The landscaping installed does not require
permanent irrigation systems.
Fundamental commissioning of building energy Required
Minimum energy performance Required
Fundamental refrigerant Mgmt Required
Optimize energy performance 19 11 Achieving over 53% in energy savings, achieving
over 37% reduction in interior lighting power using
CFLs and LEDs
On-site renewable energy 7 0
Enhanced commissioning 2 2 The commissioning of the building is done
Enhanced refrigerant Management 2 2 There is NO any Cooling system
Measurement and verification 2 2
Green power 2 2 Photovoltaics will be used to provide 25,719 kWh
Storage and collection of recyclables Required
Building reuse - maintain existing walls, floors and 3 0
Building reuse - maintain interior nonstructural 1 0
Construction waste Management 2 2 Over 95% of construction waste was recycled
Materials reuse 2 0
Recycled content 2 0
Regional materials 2 2 Over 20% of construction has come from local
sources such as adobe brick and eucalyptus
Rapidly renewable materials 1 1 Over 5% of construction has come from rapidly
renewable materials such as bamboo, eucalyptus,
and straw
Certified wood 1 0
Minimum IAQ performance REQUIRED Required
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) control Required
Outdoor air delivery monitoring 1 0
Increased ventilation 1 0
Construction IAQ Mgmt plan - during construction 1 1
Construction IAQ Mgmt plan - before occupancy 1 0 No smoking is allowed within 25 feet of the
Low-emitting materials - adhesives and sealants 1 1 All materials used in the building are low-emitting
Low-emitting materials - paints and coatings 1 1 (containing low amounts of Volatile Organic
Low-emitting materials - flooring systems 1 1 Compounds (VOCs))
Low-emitting materials - composite wood and 1 0
agrifiber products
Indoor chemical and pollutant source control 1 0
Controllability of systems - lighting 1 1 Lighting is controlled by all occupants
Controllability of systems - thermal comfort 1 1
Thermal comfort - design 1 0
Thermal comfort - verification 1 0
Daylight and views - daylight 1 0
Daylight and views - views 1 1 Over 96% of regularly occupied spaces have access
to views to the outside
Innovation in design 5 3 The design of the building is a new innovation
based on the eucalyptus tree shape
LEED Accredited Professional 1 1
Optimize energy performance 1 1 Energy Efficient Fixtures
Enhanced commissioning 1 0
Measurement and verification 1 0
Water efficient landscaping 1 1 Native plants and vegetation are planted
Innovative wastewater technologies 1 1 waste water treatment plant is installed
Water use reduction 1 1 Water efficient Fixtures
4.3 Conceptual frame work for Green Building Implementations
4.3.1 Introduction
It is well understood and known building makes a significant contribution to development ,
major sector of the economy and an essential contributor to our quality of life but on the other hand,
building activities consume massive amounts of resources, and produce a large mass of waste and
pollution of the environment with regard to this issues there should be a system to fill a gap between
this contrary issues; Green building is accepted worldwide in the recent past but there is still a vast
community that either is unaware of sustainable design concept, indifferent to its cause, or unconvinced
of its benefits. To convince owners, builders, and designers (or other stakeholders) about the benefits
of sustainable design, it is necessary to make them understand the numerous advantages of green
building concept. To do that it is very important to understand the opinion of each group based on their
selling points. To an owner, the bottom line may be financial. To an architect it might be environmental
and to the engineer it might be performance (Devi and Lakshmi, 2010); So that a Green building
Implementation goal is to Improve the construction of a building with integrating to sustainable
development and sustainability issues which are Economic ,social and environmental sustainability
by providing a frame work for Implementations of the Green building
The frame work will allow participants and stakeholder to have an appropriate balance between
economic ,social and environmental issues ,and changing the way how constructions practitioners think
about the concept they use when building projects by relating to sustainability of building industry .
Table 4.5 Summary of the goals achieved by Green building
Protect natural habitats and biological diversity with specific concern for
threatened and endangered species
Prevent unnecessary and irreversible conversion of farmland to
nonagricultural uses.
Protect topsoil and reduce the impacts of flooding
Reduce use of landfills
Reduce risk of nuclear contamination
Improve indoor air quality
Improve indoor water quality
Reduce noise pollution
Follow fair labor practices
4.3.2 Development of Sustainable Rating tools in the world
It is generally accepted the current era of rating tools commenced in 1990 with the introduction
of the BREEAM rating tool. This was followed by the French system HQE in 1996 and then by the
U.S. LEED in 2000. the evolution of rating systems into different countries is largely based on the
initial rating systems Netherland’s developed based on BREEAM, LEED Emirate’s developed based
on LEED, and South African’s developed based on Green star . (Reed, 2009).
Poland Romania
Green Globe Emirate Netherland
M German Brail GBC
1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Green Star
Figure 4.16 Time line of the Development of Rating Tools in Different countries
Among the above mentioned, LEED is one assessment system that has been growing at a rapid rate and
has been adapted for use in countries outside of North America. Green Mark from Singapore seems to
be quite appropriate for use in Malaysia since the climatic and geographical conditions are quite similar.
However, there still exist differences among the sustainability priorities between the two countries. On
the other hand, SBTool is developed as a tool that could be adapted for use in different regions because
the weights for various issues and criteria could be changed to reflect the priorities of that particular
This stage would be the basic for adopting assessment systems different issues are considered
the climate and geographical conditions ,sustainability agendas of a countries ,national priorities;
Different developing countries are establishing the councils and adapting their own green building
assessment tool based on their actual conditions; and researchers play a big role for identifying the
challenged for the Green building implementation and developing a frame work for the implantation
of sustainable building . The basic principles to develop the frame work for the system will have
similarities but the key issues will be the criteria’s weightage based on the regional priorities ;For
sustainable implementation a review of literatures has identified three general objectives which should
shape the framework for implementation of Green building keeping in mind the issues related to
environmental ,social and economical the objectives are as follows; Resource conservation, Cost
Efficiency ,Design for Human Adaptation .
If the objective of the Green buildings are identified properly the next procedure will be what
are the criteria’s to achieve the objective and the strategies to implement the criteria’s; But before that
two important issues has to be raised ,the scope of the project system to what physical extent of
boundaries ( surrounding areas and other infrastructures issues ) the project is assessed and what should
be the time boundaries of the building for assessment , the life cycle stage of the building from design
stage to demolishing has to be considered (Luis Braganca, 2010)
The strategies for adopting the well-known assessment system is identifying the issues and
criteria’s to relate the issues with the requirement of the Green building Implementation , categorizing
the criteria’s by priotize and working on the weightage of each criteria with Different methodologies
so that to definite the system for the specific countries ; the very important issue is weighting the
criteria’s which needs a an integrated work with the laws and regulations in country and different
agencies who are working in the sustainable development issues.
Identify the main
issue/objectives of Green
- Initial Cost
- Cost in use - Protect human health
- Energy
- Recovery cost and comfort
- Material
- Protect Physical
- Water
- Land
Formation of Green
Figure 4.17 Summary of the Frame work to achieved the Green building objectives
1. It was found that there are several international councils and rating systems for Green building
assessment and certification but the most and the leading system tools are LEED and BREEAM; many
of the others develop their systems based on the two system tools and Guide Lines . In this study it
is found that the category of sustainable or Green building are similar in nature ;which are sustainable
site and management , Energy Efficiency ,water efficiency, Indoor air environment and human
wellbeing are the basic issues, but the methodology and the frame work for countries applications is
according to regional priority and local codes and standards.
2. The criteria’s to satisfy this issues are selected and used to evaluate the built existing buildings
in Addis Ababa ;the result shows the buildings are found good in specific categories and far-off
from the specific criteria’s under that category and the buildings found to have a poor performance
in water efficiency criteria ; and in Energy efficiency category the buildings are good in the basic of
orientation issue but all buildings installed more energy consumed lighting fixtures in the Buildings ;
Most of the result shows that the sub -criteria’s are not achieved the aggregate value for the
evaluated buildings shows only 40 %of the credit are achieved but this is the important stage to
distinguish this issues for further understand and implementation of the new construction of Green
buildings for high rise buildings and also for renovation fit-out of already Existing buildings . But still
there are a critical criteria like an open and impervious areas inside the buildings , water efficiency,
waste water treatment technology 96 % of the credits are not fulfilled considered in the buildings .
For the building already certified there should be a follow up on the existence of the features of the
Green Building during the operation and maintenance stage of the building .
3. The frame work in this study found that the formation of the council for the Green building
implementation is important procedure in the strategy; for the implementation of the Green building
in Addis Ababa for high rise buildings it is possible to change some features of the buildings to satisfy
the Green building criteria even it is found that three buildings has a plan to change the fixtures of the
buildings to energy efficient type fixtures like LED ;and to retrofit the envelope to the building by
providing a fin on the wall because the buildings are found uncomfortable to thermal resistance in one
of the season of Ethiopian climate .
5.1 Recommendations
To emerge the implementation of the Green in the high rise buildings the stake holders specially
the employers should address the criteria to include in the employer requirement so that the criteria to
be addressed in the different stage of the construction starting from the pre –design stage of the
construction; not only for the buildings to be constructed by also for the existing buildings the
implementation of the criteria for refurbishment is possible to fit out the independent systems in the
Some specific criteria like installation of a waste water treatment plant ,renewable energy sources
like solar panel, parking capacity of high rise buildings, a water and an Electric efficient fixtures inside
the building need a special consideration ;For the systems of the building like HVAC there has to be
an skilled person for the implementing of the systems ad an integrated cooperation with other
discipline is necessary .
5.1.2 Recommendations from this study
The research for the Green building concept and implementation is so limited in Ethiopia, this
research is only focus on high rise buildings and their feature to the Green Building criteria’s; but this
research can be done also in other type of buildings like residential ,industrial ,and low rise buildings,
the research also clustered by the age of the buildings in different years.
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Appendix A Different Governmental Regulations used in the study
Green Building Main Available Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Buildin Fulfilled
Criteria's Building 2
Categories Credit 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 g 11 (%)
1.Under Sustainable Site 20 26.0 56% 59% 59% 59% 71% 81% 51% 61% 56% 61% 51% 61%
1.1 Development Density and Is the building located on a previously developed site 1.25
Community connectivity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Is there residential area within 1.61 km around the 1.25
building Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel available 1.25
around the building with in 1.61 km Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Is the density of the building of surrounding area is 1.25
60,000 ft2 /acre ( The ratio of the project site to building 1.6 X X X X X X X X X X X
Footage with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative transportation- -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or bus station 6
public transportation Access around 0.40 km measured from main building entrance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % of the 1
building users No No No No No No No No No No No
How much Is the capacity of the car parking, Does the 2
parking capacity of the building meet Minimal Local 2.6
Zoning requirement No No No No yes yes No No No No No
1.3 Site Development-Protect or Is the site area Protect 50 % of it excluding the building 1
Restore Habitat for previously foot print or 20% including the foot print for native and
developed area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
space No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No
Is the project Provide open space of 25 % if there is a 1
local requirement; if Not provide 20 % of project site 1.3
area open to promote biodiversity. No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No
1.4 Storm water Design- Is the project make the site imperviousness by 50 % or 1
Quantity & quality Control less No No No No No Yes No No No No No
Does the project 90 % of storm/rain water harvested 1
in a cistern to recycle it No No No No No No No No No No No
1.5 Heat ice land effect by Non Is the project hardscape material has solar reflectance 0.5
roof and vegetated Roof index at least 29 ( what is the material ) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No
Is there any shading material used architecturally to 0.5
reduce the reflection of the sun No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No
Is 50 % of the parking area covered by roof 0.5 0.7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a material with 0.5
SRI value above 29 or Does 50 % of the roof covered 0.7
with vegetation ( what is the roof material ) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
2.Water Efficiency 10 10.0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 40% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4%
Does the building use any water efficient fixtures to
reduce indoor potable water consumption of the building;
2.1 water use reduction For instance, Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures 4 4.0 No No No No No No No No No No No
how much is Lpf used. How much is the number of
Toilet installed per Floor .
How is the use of potable water inside the project for
landscape irrigation is it reduced by 50 % with planting
2.2 water efficient landscaping 4 4.0 No No No No No Yes No No No No No
native plants or by avoiding using potable water for
2.3 andwaste
Innovative Atmosphere
water Does the project has any water recycling techNology to 312 35.0 54% 32% 48% 48% 32% 54% 23% 48% 23% 32% 32% 39%
3.1 Tracking Energy
techNologies Is commission
reduce of the building
50% of sewage has done
conveyance 3 3.4 Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
No No
No Yes
No No
No Yes
No Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy Does the total Energy consumption of the building known 81
performance and how much energy is consumed by the building
annually and how much is the cost of the Energy
consumption SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA
What is the orientation of the building and its facing 4.75 5.4 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA
Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy from day light 4.75
Appendix B Different Governmental Regulations used in the study
Appendix C Evaluation table for selected buildings
Project Description
Project Name Wegagen Bank SC Head Quarter
Year of Completion 2018
Height of the building 109.67
No of Floors 29 Floors (3B +SB+G+23)
No of occupants 30 occupants /Floor
Total site Area 2116m2
Foot print area of the building 1800m2
1.1 Development -Is the building located on a previously Yes
Density and Community developed site
-Is there residential area within 1.61 km Yes
around the building
-Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel Yes
available around the building with in 1.61
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
2.1 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or Yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-Does the parking capacity of the building For 90 occupants
meet Minimal Local Zoning requirement
1.3 Site Development- - Is the site area Protect 50 % of it There is no vegetation area
Protect or Restore Habitat excluding the building foot print or 20%
for previously developed including the foot print for native and
area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient NO No of Toilets (4-23)
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water *6=120 WC
consumption of the building ;For instance
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures (G-22)*2=46 Toilets
how much is Lpf used . Total =166 Toilets
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside NO
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling NO
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the 692,207.16 Birr /year
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and the
cost of the Energy consumption
-What is the orientation of the building
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( Check the spec
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy All are fluorescent lamps
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or Offsite renewable Energy form
and Green power off site renewable Energy EELPA
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Installed but not function yet Related to Electric
Management supply problem at the
time of commission
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for Yes the shooter is not working Picture is taken
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable properly
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % 90 % of the building is reuse able
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Both Natural and Mechanical
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation
5.1 Increased Ventilation -If the ventilation is natural is it 4% of the NO Window area is
of the building net floor area Average 2.5 % of the
net floor area
-Is there a dedicated smoking area for the NO Smoking is allowed
-Does the IAQ of the building good ( 10 Good Ventilation
second subjective evaluation is allowed in
the standard )
5.2 Indoor Chemical and - Does the building has permanent entrance Yes
pollution source way
-Does chemical room like photo copy room No dedicated photo copy room
has sufficient exhaust
5.3 Controllability of the -Does the lighting system of the room is Yes
system individually controlled (90%)
-Does 50 % of the windows of room can be yes All windows are controllable
controlled by occupants
-How is the connectivity of the occupants Good connectivity
with outdoor day light views
Project Description
Project Name MCO (Midroc Cooprate Office )-Nany building
Year of Completion
-Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel Yes
available around the building with in 1.61
-Is the density of the building of Footage area =The site
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The area
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or Yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % No Not Important
of the building users
-Does the parking capacity of the building Yes (The Building has a capacity of Local Zoning
meet Minimal Local Zoning requirement 120 cars) requirement is
1.3 Site Development- - Is the site area Protect 50 % of it The footprint Area of the Building is
Protect or Restore Habitat excluding the building foot print or 20% Equal to the site area
for previously developed including the foot print for native and
area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient NO Saudi Ceramic Model
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water SC 2 made in KSA
consumption of the building ;For instance (Check lpf)
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No landscape Irrigation
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No Recycling
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done The Commission is Done properly
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the The building pay 40,000 Birr Special payment
performance building known and how much energy is /Month (7500 Birr /KW) because the high
consumed by the building annually and the energy consumption of
cost of the Energy consumption Energy
-What is the orientation of the building The front is East face All the wall is curtain
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy No alternative Renewable Energy
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( Double glazed 6mm+12mm+6mm
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass) with 33 % heat reduction
-Does the installed lighting system Energy No the installed light are spot light They have a plan to
Efficient ( LED) and Incandescent change it to Efficient
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or They use off –site renewable Energy
and Green power off site renewable Energy Hydro power
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Yes but it uses 134 refrigerant gas
Management (Ozone Depletion free)
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for NO Not that much waste
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % 90 percent of interior structure is
interior non structure element. reusable
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Mechanical ventilation only NO
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation Windows
-Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel Yes
available around the building with in 1.61
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or Yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-Does the parking capacity of the building For 88 occupants
meet Minimal Local Zoning requirement
1.3 Site Development- - Is the site area Protect 50 % of it NO any native and Adaptive plants
Protect or Restore Habitat excluding the building foot print or 20%
for previously developed including the foot print for native and
area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient No Check the lpf
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water 8 WC per floor
consumption of the building ;For instance
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and the
cost of the Energy consumption
-What is the orientation of the building North west face
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( (6mm+ 7mm+6mm)
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy All are fluorescent lamps
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or Offsite renewable Energy form
and Green power off site renewable Energy EELPA
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Not Installed yet
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for yes
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % 90 % of the building is reuse able
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Both Natural and Mechanical
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation
Contractor Midroc
Consultant (Design ) Zias
Office Building Restaurant and Gym
Function of building for the occupants
NO 1.Under Sustainable Site Criteria’s Remark
-Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel Yes
available around the building with in 1.61
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or Yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-Does the parking capacity of the building For 131 occupants
meet Minimal Local Zoning requirement
1.3 Site Development- - Is the site area Protect 50 % of it NO ( there a Green Area in 50 m2)
Protect or Restore Habitat excluding the building foot print or 20%
for previously developed including the foot print for native and
area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient 105 Toilets are installed and 4 liter Water Efficient WC are
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water per flush WC are installed installed
consumption of the building ;For instance
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the 976,151.90/year
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and the
cost of the Energy consumption
-What is the orientation of the building Good orientation south –west
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient (
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy No All are fluorescent lamps
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or yes Offsite renewable Energy form
and Green power off site renewable Energy EELPA
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Yes
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for Yes but there is no any Chute
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % Yes
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Both Natural and Mechanical
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation
Project Description
Project Name Ethiopian shipping & Logistic Service Enterprise
Year of Completion All completion after 1 year
(Office buildings are
The height of the building 74.31
No of Floors 20 2B+G+20
No of occupants per Floor /per building
Total site Area 3000 m2
Foot print area of the building
-Is there a basic service like hospital, Hotel Yes
available around the building with in 1.61
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-How much is the capacity of the car 150 car 2 Basements
parking, Does the parking capacity of the
building meet Minimal Local Zoning
1.5 Heat ice land effect -Is the project hardscape material has solar NO hardscape area
by Non roof and reflectance index at least 29 ( what is the
vegetated Roof method material )
-Is there any shading material used yes ( A vertical and Horizontal sun Alco panel sun breaker
architecturally to reduce the reflection of breaker used at West face of the is used
the sun building )
- Is 50 % of the parking area covered by yes
-Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a yes
material with SRI value above 29 or Does
50 % of the roof covered with vegetation (
what is the roof material )
2. Water Efficiency
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient No Special Hand wash is
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water installed on the
consumption of the building; For instance, building, Which turnoff
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures after some seconds of
how much is Lpf used. How much is the the tape is on .
number of Toilet installed per Floor .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No Landscape irrigation
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No Direct Connection to
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage Municipality
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Partial commission ( Half of the
performance Building )
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the Not Available because the Total Electric Demand
performance building known and how much energy is building is not functional fully of the building is 2000
consumed by the building annually and KVA
how much is the cost of the Energy with Generator 1500
consumption KVA
-What is the orientation of the building ........ Different wall
and its facing Envelope is used for
different orientation
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( Special Analysis is Done
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass and
thickness of the glass )
-Does the installed lighting system Energy No
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or Yes
and Green power off site renewable Energy
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Not Available
Management or Not if yes what kind of refrigerant ?
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for yes There is a special chute
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable for the apartment
materials( paper, corrugated card board building .
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % yes
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor
environmental quality
Project Description
Project Name Tracon Tower
Year of Completion 2001 E.C
The height of the building 50.01 Meter
No of Floors 14 B+SB+G+13
No of occupants per Floor /per building
Total site Area 3028.32 m2
Foot print area of the building 1110 m2
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-How much is the capacity of the car 150 cars
parking, Does the parking capacity of the
building meet Minimal Local Zoning
1.5 Heat ice land effect -Is the project hardscape material has solar Yes ( Concrete Landscape)
by Non roof and reflectance index at least 29 ( what is the
vegetated Roof method material )
-Is there any shading material used NO
architecturally to reduce the reflection of
the sun
- Is 50 % of the parking area covered by NO
-Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a Yes ( Concrete Roof )
material with SRI value above 29 or Does
50 % of the roof covered with vegetation (
what is the roof material )
2. Water Efficiency
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient Ordinary WC
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water NO Of Toilets 70 WC
consumption of the building; For instance,
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used. How much is the
number of Toilet installed per Floor .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside NO
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling NO
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the Sub- Metering system Not possible to get the
performance building known and how much energy is total consumption of
consumed by the building annually and the Electric
how much is the cost of the Energy
-What is the orientation of the building East face
and its facing
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( Double Glazed
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass and
thickness of the glass )
-Does the installed lighting system Energy Fluorescent
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or NO
and Green power off site renewable Energy
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Natural Ventilation only HVAC system not
Management or Not if yes what kind of refrigerant ? Function
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for Yes But no managed Well
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % Yes
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor
environmental quality
5.3 Controllability of the -Does the lighting system of the room is Yes
system individually controlled (90%)
-Does 50 % of the windows of room can be Yes
controlled by occupants
-How is the connectivity of the occupants Good Connectivity
with outdoor day light views
Project Description
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % No
of the building users
-How much is the capacity of the car Not Available
parking, Does the parking capacity of the
building meet Minimal Local Zoning
1.5 Heat ice land effect -Is the project hardscape material has solar NO
by Non roof and reflectance index at least 29 ( what is the
vegetated Roof method material )
-Is there any shading material used NO
architecturally to reduce the reflection of
the sun
- Is 50 % of the parking area covered by Yes
-Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a yes
material with SRI value above 29 or Does
50 % of the roof covered with vegetation (
what is the roof material )
2. Water Efficiency
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient NO I can see the WC type
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water but not installed
consumption of the building; For instance, properly
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used. How much is the
number of Toilet installed per Floor .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Not available
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the Sub –Metering system is
performance building known and how much energy is Available
consumed by the building annually and
how much is the cost of the Energy
-What is the orientation of the building East face
and its facing
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( Not Available
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass and
thickness of the glass )
-Does the installed lighting system Energy NO
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or Yes
and Green power off site renewable Energy
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant Not Available
Management or Not if yes what kind of refrigerant ?
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for No
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % NO
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor
environmental quality
Project Description
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or yes (There is A Bus Station )
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-How much is the capacity of the car 120 car 3 Basements each 40
parking, Does the parking capacity of the cars
building meet Minimal Local Zoning
1.5 Heat ice land effect -Is the project hardscape material has solar Un polished granite tile
by Non roof and reflectance index at least 29 ( what is the and cement tile
vegetated Roof method material )
-Is there any shading material used NO
architecturally to reduce the reflection of
the sun
- Is 50 % of the parking area covered by yes
-Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a yes
material with SRI value above 29 or Does
50 % of the roof covered with vegetation (
what is the roof material )
2. Water Efficiency
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient No Block A=68Wc
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water Block B=14 WC
consumption of the building; For instance, Total=82 Toilets
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used. How much is the
number of Toilet installed per Floor .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside No Landscape irrigation
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling No Direct Connection to
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage Municipality
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the Not Available
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and
how much is the cost of the Energy
-What is the orientation of the building East face Different wall
and its facing Envelope is used for
different orientation
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( 6mm+12mm+6mm thick Double
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass and glazed tempered glass
thickness of the glass )
-Does the IAQ of the building good ( 10 yes
second subjective evaluation is allowed in
the standard )
5.2 Indoor Chemical and - Does the building has permanent entrance yes
pollution source way
-Does chemical room like photo copy room yes
has sufficient exhaust
5.3 Controllability of the -Does the lighting system of the room is No
system individually controlled (90%)
-Does 50 % of the windows of room can be yes
controlled by occupants
-How is the connectivity of the occupants Good Connectivity
with outdoor day light views
Project Description
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient NO
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water
consumption of the building ;For instance
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside yes
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling NO
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the 334,000 Birr /month
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and the
cost of the Energy consumption
-What is the orientation of the building North south
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy yes but not functional
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( yes
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy NO
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or yes
and Green power off site renewable Energy
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for yes
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % NO HCB wall
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Office tower mostly uses natural
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation ventilation while the conference
halls fully utilizes mechanical
5.1 Increased Ventilation -If the ventilation is natural is it 4% of the yes
of the building net floor area
-Is there a dedicated smoking area for the yes
-Does the IAQ of the building good ( 10 yes
second subjective evaluation is allowed in
the standard )
5.2 Indoor Chemical and - Does the building has permanent entrance yes
pollution source way
-Does chemical room like photo copy room yes
has sufficient exhaust
5.3 Controllability of the -Does the lighting system of the room is yes
system individually controlled (90%)
-Does 50 % of the windows of room can be yes
controlled by occupants
-How is the connectivity of the occupants yes
with outdoor day light views
Project Description
-Is the density of the building of
surrounding area is 60,000 ft2 /acre ( The
ratio of the project site to building Footage
with in a specific radius)
1.2 Alternative -Is there a rail station around 0.85km or Yes
transportation- public bus station around 0.40 km measured from
transportation Access main building entrance
-Is there a secured Bicycle rack for the 5 % NO
of the building users
-Does the parking capacity of the building For 20 occupants
meet Minimal Local Zoning requirement
1.3 Site Development- - Is the site area Protect 50 % of it There is no vegetation area
Protect or Restore Habitat excluding the building foot print or 20%
for previously developed including the foot print for native and
area, maximize open adaptive vegetation area.
- Is 50 % of the parking area covered by yes
-Does the 75% of the roof is covered with a yes
material with SRI above 29 or Does 50 % of
the roof covered with vegetation
2.1 water use reduction -Does the building use any water efficient
fixtures to reduce indoor potable water NO No of Toilets (1-14)
consumption of the building ;For instance =(4*14) =56 WC
Does the toilet use water efficient fixtures
how much is Lpf used .
2.2 water efficient -How is the use of potable water inside NO landscape irrigation
landscaping the project for landscape irrigation is it
reduced by 50 % with planting native
plants or by avoiding using potable water
for landscaping
2.3 Innovative waste - Does the project has any water recycling NO
water technologies technology to reduce 50% of sewage
3. Energy and
3.1 Tracking Energy - Is commission of the building has done Yes
3.2 Optimize an Energy -Does the total Energy consumption of the
performance building known and how much energy is
consumed by the building annually and the
cost of the Energy consumption
-What is the orientation of the building North-East
-Is there any Mechanism to harvest energy NO
from day light ,ventilation cooling ,solar
heating and panel
-Is the envelope of the building efficient ( No
u-value, Insulation type of the Glass)
-Does the installed lighting system Energy No Fluorescent lamps
Efficient ( LED)
3.3 Renewable Energy Is the building uses any one of on –site or Offsite renewable Energy from
and Green power off site renewable Energy EELPA
3.4 Refrigerant - Does the HVAC system uses a refrigerant No HAVAC system
4. Materials and
4.1 Storage and - Does the project has dedicated area for yes
recyclables collection and storage for recyclable
materials( paper, corrugated card board
,glass, Plastics and Metals)
-Does the building can reuse the 50 % yes
interior non structure element.
5. Indoor environmental - Does the building uses a mechanical or Natural ventilation
quality natural ventilation system for ventilation