Ips Syllabus

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(An Autonomous Institute)

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
Scheme of Examination as per AICTE Flexible Curricula
V Semester Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)
[Fire Technology & Safety Engineering]

Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours

Theory Practical per week
S. Total Total
Subject Code Subject Name Term work
No. End Mid Sem. Quiz/ End Marks Credits
Lab Work & L T P
Sem Exam. Assignment Sem
1 PCC- FT501 Hydraulic in Fire Service Equipments 70 20 10 60 40 200 2 1 2 4
2 PCC -FT502 Pumping Machinery & Fluid Mechanics 70 20 10 60 40 200 2 1 2 4
3 PCC -FT503 Rescue Equipments &Techniques 70 20 10 60 40 200 3 - 2 4
4 PEC- FT501 Professional Elective II 70 20 10 - - 100 3 - - 3

5 POEC-FT501 Open Elective 70 20 10 - - 100 3 - - 3

6 PCC- FT504 Fire Fighting Practices - - - 60 40 100 - - 4 2
7 PCC -FT505 Matlab Programming - - - 60 40 100 - - 4 2
8 Internship Evaluation will be done on completion of internship in VI sem.
Total 350 100 50 300 200 1000 13 2 14 22
Total Academic Engagement and Credits 29 22

Professional Elective Courses (PEC) -II Suggestive Professional Open Electives Courses from Chemical/Chemistry
PEC- FT501 (A) Disaster Management POEC-FT501 (A) Environmental Sustainability & Safety
PEC- FT501 (B) Salvage Evaluation of Fire Situation POEC-FT501 (B) Environment Protection & Waste Management
POEC-FT501 (C) Principles of Chemical Reaction
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PCC-FT501 Hydraulic in Fire Service Equipments 2L:1T:2P (05 hrs) 04 Credits

Course Objective:
1. To learn about the fire hose pipes and appliances with different fire stream patterns.
2. To teach about the types, operation, maintenance and fire ratings of portable fire extinguishers.
3. To learn about the principles of water supply and its distribution in fire service.
4. To teach about the fundamentals of pumping and pump hose associated with water line distribution in fire
5. To learn about the types of fire pump and evaluation of pump power with their efficiency.

Module 1 (10 Hrs)

WATER SUPPLY AND DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT: Water Supply Principles in Fire Service,
Source and Treatment Process, Water Storage and Distribution, Fire Hydrant Inspection, Maintenance, Fire
Hydrant Class with Flow capacity and color code, Discharge Measurement Devices, Pitot Tube, Venturi
meter, Quantity Meter, Rota meter and V-Notch Concepts - Bernoulli’s Theorem and Applications, Hazen-
Williams Formula, Pressure Loss at Fittings, Discharge from Nozzles, Discharge Coefficient, Theoretical

Module 2 (10 Hrs)

RELAY PUMPING AND FIRE PUMPS: Drafting and Relay Pumping, Basics of Drafting, Drafting
Equipments, Water Lift and Altitude, Drafting Procedure, Need for Relay Pumping, Capacity of Pumpers,
Types of Fire Pumps, Piston Pumps, Centrifugal Pump, Rotary Pumps, Pump Panel and its Components.

Module-3 (8 Hrs)
FIRE SERVICE PUMP HOUSE: Pump House, Operation of Main, Standby and Jockey Pump, Multistage
of Pumps, Pump Power- Water Horsepower (WHP), Brake Horsepower (BHP), Efficiency of the Pump,
Prime Movers and Pressure setting of Pumps, Continuity Equation and different forms of Energy, Loss of
Head in Pipes.

Module 4 (10 Hrs)

FIRE HOSE AND FOAM APPLIANCES: Hose Damage Types and General Care, Fire Hose Couplings
and Hose Appliances Tools, Hose Rolls types and Basic Hose Loads, Types of Supply Hose lays, Nozzle
Discharge formula, Nozzle Reaction, Fire Stream Patterns and Nozzles- Solid Stream, Fog Stream and
Broken Stream, Maintenance of Nozzle, Foam Proportioners, Delivery Devices and Generating Systems,
Foam Hazards and Foam Application Techniques. foam application method, Description, number and
placement of foam application devices, Selection of foam agent, Rate of application of foam
solution, Rate of foam concentrate, Rate of water application, Duration of discharge, Quantity of
foam and water.

Module-5 (10 Hrs)

FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND RATINGS: Portable Fire Extinguishers, Types and Means of Agent
Expelling, Pump Type, Stored Pressure, Water mist Stored, Wet Chemical Stored and Clean agent type Fire
Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher Rating System for A,B,C, D and K class fire, Multiple marking means,
Selection and Method of Application, Maintenance Procedures and filling of different types of Fire

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Calculate nozzle reaction, discharge rate and fire stream patterns in fire hose pipe.
2. Perform operation and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering
3. Demonstrate fire fighting operation using foam and foam making equipment.
4. Design capacity of fire pumps and arrangement of fire pumps in pump house.
5. Explain water supply principles its storage and distribution in fire service

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. Paul Spurgeon, Fire Service Hydraulics and Pump Operations, Penn Well Corporation-2012.
2. Essentials of Fire Fighting International fire Service Training Association.
3. G.C.Mishra, Concept and Calculation: Fire Service Hydraulics PPA Publications.
4. N. Sesha Prakash, Manual of Fire Safety CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd

List of Experiment:
1. To perform and practice the water based fire fighting operations using different hand held branch pipe
with the help of multipurpose fire tender.
2. To perform and practice the foam based fire fighting operations using 5X foam making branch pipe and
medium expansion foam generator with the help of multipurpose fire tender.
3. To perform and practice the foam based fire fighting operations using 10X foam making branch pipe,
foam proportioners and high expansion foam generator with the help of multipurpose fire tender.
4. To Perform hydrostatic burst pressure test on hose pipes of different material using test procedure in
accordance with IS 443.
5. To perform the abrasion resistance test on hose pipes of different material using hose pressure testing
6. To perform and practice the transformer fire extinguishment using water mist store pressure type
portable fire extinguisher.
7. To perform and practice the filling and refilling procedure for Gas Cartridge water and foam types Fire
8. To perform and practice the filling and refilling procedure for Gas Cartridge Dry Chemical Powder type
Fire Extinguisher.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Pumping Machinery & Fluid

PCC-FT502 2L:1T:2P (05 hrs) 04 Credits

Course Objective:
To understand the properties of fluids, statics, kinematic and dynamic behavior through various laws
of fluids and familiar the working and performance characteristics of various pumps and hydraulic

Course Content:
Module 1 (10 Hrs)
PUMPING MACHINERY: Pumps- Reciprocating pump, types, working principle, Centrifugal
pump types, working principle, Ejector pump, Air lift pump, Hydraulic Crane , Hydraulic Press, Jet
pump, Hydraulic lift. Impact of Jets-force executed by fluid jet on fixed flat plate, curved plate,
moving vans, Velocity Diagram, Work done by impact.

Module 2 (08 Hrs)

FLUID STATIC’S: Properties of the fluids. Pressure Measurement -Pressure at a point, Pascal’s
Law, pressure variation in static fluid, Absolute and gauge pressure, manometers, Hydrostatic
forces- Forces on plane and curved surfaces, Buoyancy and Flotation: buoyant force, Stability of
floating and submerged bodies, Relative equilibrium.

Module 3 (06 Hrs)

KINEMATICS OF FLOW : Types of flow-ideal & real , steady & unsteady, uniform & non-
uniform, one, two and three dimensional flow, path lines, streak-lines, streamlines and stream tubes-
continuity equation for one and three dimensional flow, rotational & irrotational flow, circulation,
stagnation point, separation of flow, sources & sinks, velocity potential, stream function, flow net &
its applications , method of drawing flow nets.

Module 4 (08 Hrs)

DYNAMICS OF FLOW: Euler’s equation. of motion along a streamline and derivation of
Bernoulli’s equation, application of Bernoulli’s equation, energy correction factor, linear momentum
equation for steady flow; momentum correction factor. The moment of momentum equation, forces
on fixed and moving vans and other applications. Fluid Measurements: Velocity measurement ( Pitot
tube, current meters etc.)- flow measurement (orifices, nozzles, mouth pieces, orifice meter, nozzle
meter, venturi-meter, weirs and notches).

Module 5 (06 Hrs)

DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS : Dimensional analysis, dimensional homogeneity, use of
Buckingham-pi theorem, calculation of dimensionless numbers, Flow through Pipes -Friction losses
in pipes loses due to sudden enlargement and contraction, energy gradient lines, siphon, pipes in
series and parallel, branching of pipes, water hammer problem, Reynolds experiment & Reynolds
number, laminar & turbulent flow, Introduction to Navier Stokes’ Equation, relation between shear
& pressure gradient.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of course, student will be able to:
1. Application of pumping machineries and hydraulic systems.
2. Explain the types of fluids & its characteristics.
3. Measure the fluid pressure & its velocity.
4. Classify the fluid flow and solve problems of flow through pipes.
5. Define the properties of the fluids.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. Streeter VL, Wylie EB, Bedford KW; Fluid Mechanics; Mc Graw Hills
2. FOX , McDonald Pritchard , Fluid Mechanics Wiley students edition
3. White ; Fluid Mechanics ; Mc Graw Hills
4. Cengal; Fluid Mechanics; Mc Graw Hills
5. R Mohanty; Fluid Mechanics; PHI
6. K L Kumar Fluid Mechanics
7. Fluid Mechanics & hydraulic Machines , Modi & Seth
8. CS Jog , Fluid Mechanics Volume II CAMBRIDGE IISc Series , Third Edition
9. Dr. D.S. Kumar; Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering; S.K. Kataria & Sons
10. S. Ramamrutham ;Hydraulics Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines;Dhanpat Rai
PublishingCompany(P) Ltd.
11. Dr. R. K. Bansal; Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic Machines;Laxmi Publication (P)Ltd.

List of Experiment:
1. To determine the meta centric height of a ship model.
2. To determine the Reynolds’s number and the type of flow either laminar or turbulent flow.
3. To determine the co-efficient of discharge for orificemeter and venturimeter.
4. To determine the losses due to friction in pipes.
5. To determine the losses in pipe fitting sudden enlargement and sudden contraction.
6. To determine performance of reciprocating pumps and centrifugal pump
7. To verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem.
8. To determine the co-efficient of pitot tube.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PCC-FT503 Rescue Equipments & Techniques 3L:0T:2P (04 hrs) 04 Credits

Course Objectives:
1. To give basic concepts of Rescue in Ordinary as well as special situations in Major Disasters.
2. To Understand the Respiratory and Non Respiratory Personal Protective Equipments used by Rescuer in
3. To learn about various types of Fire Dynamics in Fire Scenario.
4. To understand the basic Fundamentals of Fire Propagation.
5. To understand the Chemistry and Physics of fire.

Course Content:
Module 1 (06 Hrs)
CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF FIRE: Principles of Fire, Heat Measurement and Heat Transfer, Fire
Growth, Heat Release Rate, Fuel Loading, Classification of Fire, Theory of Fire Extinguishment with Water,
Foam, DCP, Inert Gases and Halogenated Agents, Special Case of Fire Extinguishment.

Module 2 (06 Hrs)

FIRE PROPAGATION: Spread of flames in solids and liquids, linear and three dimensional fire
propagation; Smoke, Constituents of smoke, quantity and rate of production of smoke, quality of
smoke, smoke density, Visibility in smoke, principles of spreading quantity of smoke, smoke
movement; Pressurization modeling of smoke movement; Toxicity of smoke- effect of harmful
agents preventing escape and causing injury or death - CO, CO2, Nitrogen oxide, Sulphur dioxide.

Module 3 (08 Hrs)

FIRE DYNAMICS: Introduction- temperature, heat, specific heat, flash point, fire point, ignition,
combustion; Ignition pilot ignition, spontaneous ignition, ignition sources; Types of combustion-
rapid, spontaneous, explosion; Product of combustion-flame, heat, smoke, fire gases. Development
of fire-incipient, smoldering, flame and heat stages; Diffusion flames-zones of combustion,
smoldering combustion, characteristics of diffusion flame; Premixed flames-burning velocity, limits
of flammability, explosion and expansion ratios, deflagration and detonation, characteristics of
premixed flame; Explosion- physical explosion, chemical explosion; Special kinds of combustion-
Flash fire, Pool fire, Deep seated fire, Spoillver, Boilover, Slopover, Dust explosion, BLEVE,
UVCE; Classification of fire based on material.

Module 4 (09 Hrs)

RESCUE EQUIPMENTS: Head protection, Eye & Face Protection, Hand and Arm Protection,
Foot and Leg Protection, Body Protection, Safety Belt and Harness, Ear Protection- The IS
specification with types and testing procedure for Head protection, Eye & Face Protection, Hand and
Arm Protection, Foot and Leg Protection, Body Protection, Safety Belt and Harness, Ear Protection
Equipment. General, Selection, Care & Special precaution for respiratory PPE`s, Canister type
Respirators (IS 8523-1977), Chemical Cartridge Respirators (IS 8522-1977), Filter Type Particulate
Respirators (IS 9473- 1980), Compressed Air Line Breathing Apparatus (IS 10245 Part-V -1982),
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (IS 10245 Part-II- 1982)

Module 5 (05 Hrs)

RESCUE OPERATION: Rescue by ordinary means, Special and unusual type of rescue, Rescue
work during major disaster such as high rise building, Highway accident, Water, Sewer and Mines,
Nuclear radiation & poisonous gas environment.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate Rescue Operations by means of Special and unusual type.
2. Apply the proper use of Respiratory and Non Respiratory Personal Protective equipments in emergencies.
3. Explain fire dynamics in enclosed and open fire situations.
4. Explain fire propagation, smoke movement and its effect on surrounding.
5. Know Fire Physics and Chemistry, Fire Propagation and Fire Dynamics.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. AERB Safety Guideline for Personal Protective Equipments (Govt. of India)
2. Fire Protection Handbook Vol.I Section-I Basics of Fire and Fire Scenario
3. Elementary principles of rescue by Got. Of India, ministry of Home Affairs
4. Relevant ISI special appliances and equipments
5. Gupta R.S., A Hand Book of Fire Technology,
6. Raymond Friedman Principles of Fire Protection chemistry, National Fire Protection
Association, 1996

List of Experiment:

1. To perform the filling operation of breathing apparatus using Self contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) refilling machine
2. To determine the effective working duration of self contain breathing apparatus in a rescue
3. To Prepare & construct different types of hitches & knots used in rescue given sample of rope
4. To perform rope rescue operation using safety harness at rescue tower within given duration of
5. To determine the incline burning characteristics of fabric with the help of Flammability Tester
(Incline Plate)
6. To perform & practice rope climbing and pole climbing operation at rescue tower using
appropriate personal protective equipment
7. To demonstrate the different classes of fire and extinguishing techniques.
8. To perform the digital high voltage test for different type of PPE.
9. To perform the shock absorption & penetration test of safety helmet.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PEC-FT501(A) Disaster Management 3L:0T:0P (03 hrs) 03 Credits

Course Objectives:
To understand the fundamentals approaches of disaster risk reduction & relationship between vulnerability,
disaster, disaster prevention and risk reduction.

Course Content:
Module 1 (08 Hrs)
NATURAL HAZARDS : potentially hazardous natural phenomena – earthquakes – landslides –
flooding –cyclones – hazards in arid and semi-arid areas – nature of the hazard – hazard
management activities – disaster mitigation – natural hazard prediction – emergency preparedness –
disaster, rescue and relief – post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction – education and training
activities – vulnerable elements to be considered in the development planning for natural hazard
management – applications of remote sensing and GIS in disaster management.

Module 2 (08Hrs)
EMERGENCY PLANNING: on-site and off-site emergency plan – need of plan – possible
approach –objectives of emergency plan. On-site emergency planning – formulation of the plan and
emergency services – Identification of resources – actions and duties – emergency procedure – mock
drills. Off-site emergency planning – objectives and elements of off-site plan – role of administrative
machinery – role of major hazard works management – role of the local authority. Emergency
preparedness at local level – Awareness and preparedness for emergencies at local level (APELL) –
The process and its partners.

Module 3 (08 Hrs)

INDIAN LEGISLATIONS: Requirements of emergency plan as per Indian legislations like
Factories Act, Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, Chemical Accidents
(Emergency planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules. Emergency planning and preparedness in
international standards like ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and OSHA’s Process Safety Management
System, Emergency Planning in Seve so II directive – elements of emergency planning in IS : 18001
– Hazardous Materials / Spills Emergencies – contingency plans for road transportation of hazardous
chemicals – contingency plans for oil spills in marine environment.

Module 4 (08 Hrs)

industrial disasters – causes and consequences of major industrial disasters like Flixborough, Seveso
and Bhopal. Components of a major hazard control system – identification of major hazard control
installations – purpose and procedures – safe operation of major hazard installations – mitigation of
consequences – reporting to authorities. Implementation of major hazard control systems – group of
experts – training – checklists – inspection – evaluation of major hazards – information to the public
– manpower requirements – sources of Information.

Module 5 (06 Hrs)

Management, Role of International co-operation (i.e. NGO & UN Agencies),Effect on environment
due to disaster. Need for National Capacity Building and Disaster Knowledge Network The Disaster
Management Act:: Need for technological input in disaster mitigation, community based disaster
preparedness program; Preparation of Disaster Management; Plan Early Warning System; Role of
Information Technology (IT).
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Evaluate the principles and practices of disaster risk reduction and management.
2. Know the basic role of public, national/international organizations in disaster management.
3. Prevention, mitigation preparedness, response and recovery process in disaster management.
4. Understand distinguish between the different approaches needed to manage pre-during and post
disaster periods.
5. Apply the knowledge in conducting independent DM study including data search and analysis
from disaster case study.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. Disaster Management Act 2005
2. Industrial Security Management S.C. Dey
3. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Material Irvin Sex.
4. Encyclopedia of occupational Health & Safety (OSHA) IV edition.
5. Safe Handling of Hazardous Chemicals by Rohatgi.
6. Industrial Fire Hazards Hand Book (NFPA)
7. Major Hazard Control I.L.O. Geneva.
8. What went wrong-Trevor Kletz.
9. Chemical process safety Daniel . A. Crawl, Joseph F Louver.
10. Madhya Pradesh Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards rules 1999.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PEC-FT501(B) Salvage Evaluation of Fire Situation 3L:0T:0P (03 hrs) 03 Credits

Course Objectives:
1. To teach the significance of salvage and smoke movement in fire investigation process.
2. To learn the fundamental of compartment fire and its application in fire investigation process.
3. To calculate the fire loss by different methodology and application of data in identification of fire
4. To understand the evacuation process with different models of evacuation.
5. To learn the role of insurance agency in legal and claim aspect

Course Content:
Module 1 (08 Hrs)
SALVAGE AND SMOK CONTROL: Concept of salvage, salvage operation, equipments,
apparatus and methodology used in salvage operations, case studies in different types of
occupancies. Mass flow rate, temperature, soot protection. Smoke generation, smoke flow &
dispersion, prediction of smoke flow patterns, scaling of smoke proportion, smoke impact in
visibility, smoke control system, pressure differences in ventilation system, calculation of discharge
rate of air blowers, smoke extraction.

Module 2 (08 Hrs)

COMPARTMENT FIRE: Stage of fire development, fire induced flows, compartment flow
dynamics, single room fire analysis, Model of enclosures fires, theory & concepts of zone models,
Dynamics of enclosure fire: Heat release, fire generated flows, heat transfer & flow trough openings.
Zone modeling of pre flashover enclosures fire: Flame & burning object, sources terms, fire plume
source terms. Hot layer source terms, product of combustion source terms one zone modeling of
pool flash fire.

Module 3 (06 Hrs)

FIRE LOSS INVESTIGATION: Fire Risk analysis methods, Quantitative Deterministic methods,
Quantitative probabilistic methods, Monte Carlo Technique, Safety Index Method, Ranking method,
Fire Risk Index Method, Initial observation and Examination of the Scene, Use of Fire Incident data,
Approaches to fire data analysis, top down & topic driven analysis, analysis by fire causes and
property type, Analysis of small data sets, application of data trends identification.

Module 4 (08 Hrs)

PYROLYSIS: Importance of Pyrolysis in Fires, Pyrolysis process, Physico Chemical Description of
Pyrolysis Process, Pyrolysis of Cellulose, Pyrolysis of Hemicellulose, Pyrolysis of Lignins,
Pyrolysis of Wood, Characteristics and location of fire causalities, nature of Injuries, causality rate
per fire, Process of emergency evacuation, Evacuation modeling, model-1 EXIT, model-2 EGRESS,
model-3 SIMULEX.

Module 5 (08 Hrs)

ECONOMICS AND INSURANCE: Computation of Loss, Fire Insurance Claims, Legal provisions
for Fire Loss, Economics of Loss Prevention, Cost of Losses, Cost of Prevention, Level of Loss
Prevention Expenditure, Insurance of Process Plant, Damage Insurance, Business Interruption
Insurance, Other Insurance Aspects.,
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering
Course Outcome:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate salvage equipments and apparatus with evaluation of smoke control parameter in
2. Design compartment fire zone and formulate the fire dynamics of given problem.
3. Explain fire loss investigation process and prepare fire investigation report.
4. Prepare evacuation plan of a given occupancy.
5. Explain the role of insurance agency in fire loss.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. V.K. Jain. Fire Safety in Buildings.Taylor & Francis
2. D.J. Rasbash. Evaluation of Fire Safety, Willey.
3. Fire protection handbook volume-I section-III, NFPA.
4. Fire protection handbook volume-II section-IX, NPFA
5. Fundamental of fire fighting skills, NFPA
6. Scand Power. Handbook for Fire calculation and fire risk assessment in the process industry, AS
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PCC-FT504 Fire Fighting Practices 0L:0T:4P (04 hrs) 02 Credits

Course Objective :
To learn and teach about the standard practices associated with management, hydrant, hose, pumps
and techniques as per foundation training of fire service manual.

Course Content:
Module 1 (06 Hrs)
PSP1- To mount the appliance with a crew of four.
PSP2 - To mount the appliance with a crew of five.

Module 2 (06 Hrs)

F1- To get a foam making branch to work with a crew of four.
F2- To get an Inline foam Generator to work with a crew of five (one delivery)
F3- To get an In line foam generator to work with a crew of five (two deliveries)
F4- To get an in line variable Inductor to work with a crew of five (one delivery)

Module 3 (06 Hrs)

H1- To replace a burst length of hose with a crew of four.
H2- To divide a length of hose in to two using dividing breeching with a crew of five.
H3- To remove a dividing breeching from a line of hose with a crew of five.

Module 4 (06 Hrs)

P1- To get a pump to work from a hydrant using soft suction with a crew of five (two deliveries)
P2- To get a ground monitor to work with a crew of five.
P3- To get a portable pump to work from open water with a crew of five (two deliveries).

Module 5 (06 Hrs)

T1- To effect a rescue using rope and associated equipments with a crew of three.
T2- To effect a rescue using five personnel, an extension ladder, rope and associated equipment.
T3- To define and implement the nine main protocols required to ensure the safe extrication of
casualty from an entrapment situation.
T-4 To define and operate the one meter and two meter safe working area around a motor vehicle
involved in a road traffic accident.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Course Outcomes:
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.Perform and operates standard practices associated with management, hydrant, hose,
pumps and techniques as per foundation training of fire service manual.
2. Apply hose drill performance and practice in fire fighting operation.
3. Apply hydrant drill performance and practice in fire fighting operation.
4. Apply trailer pump drill performance and practice in fire fighting operation.
5. Form standard practices drill performance and practice in fire fighting operation.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. Fire and Rescue Service Manual Volume-4, Foundation Training and Development, HM Fire
2. Inspectorate Publications Section.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

PCC-FT505 Matlab Programming 0L:0T:4P (04 hrs) 02 Credits

Course Objectives:

1. To familiarize the student in introducing and exploring MATLAB programming.

2. To prepare the students how to 2D and 3D plots in MATALAB.
3. To prepare the students how to use the MATLAB GUI effectively.
4. To prepare the students how to write basic mathematical problems in MATLAB programming.
5. To provide a foundation in use of this software’s for real time applications.

Course Content:

Module 1 (06 Hrs)

Workspace Command history, Setting directory, Working with the MATLAB user interface, Basic
commands, Assigning variables, Operations with variables, Data files and Data types, Basic
mathematics arithmetic operations, Operators and special characters, Mathematical and logical
operators, Solving arithmetic equations, Operations on matrix.

Module 2 (06 Hrs)

INTRODUCTION TO PLOTTING: Plotting vector and matrix data, Plot labeling, curve labeling
and editing. 2D Plots- Basic Plotting Functions, Creating a Plot, Plotting Multiple Data Sets in One
Graph, Specifying Line Styles and Colors, Graphing Imaginary and Complex Data, Figure
Windows, Displaying Multiple Plots in One Figure, Controlling the Axes 3D Plots- Creating Mesh
and Surface, About Mesh and Surface, Visualizing Subplots.

Module 3 (06 Hrs)

GUI DESIGN: Introduction of Graphical User Interface, GUI Function Property, GUI Component
Design, GUI Container, Writing the code of GUI Callback, Dialog Box, Menu Designing,

Module 4 (06 Hrs)

MATLAB PROGRAMMING: Automating commands with scripts, Control statement
programming, Conditional statement programming, writing programs with logic and flow control,
Functions, Programming Example.

Module 5 (06 Hrs)

Accident classification- Impact based, Plotting complex accident data, accident data analytics, Analysis of
Accident data- Accident forecasting, development of event evaluation algorithm.
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)
New Scheme & Syllabus Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula (B. Tech)
Fire Technology & Safety Engineering

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course student will be able to:
1. Find importance of this software for Lab experimentation.
2. Draw 2D and 3D plots in MATALAB.
3. Use the MATLAB GUI effectively.
4. Express programming & simulation for engineering problems.
5. Use of this software’s for real time applications.

List of Text/Reference Books:

1. “Modelling And Simulation Using Matlab- Simulink”,2011Dr Shailendra Jain, Willey India.
2. “MatlabProgramming”,Rudra prasad.
3. S. Swapna Kumar, S V B Lenina: MATLAB – Esay way of learning, PHI Learning, 2016
4. Amos Gilat ,” An Introduction with Applications ,4ed “ , wiley India

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