Special Events Planning Job Aid

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Special Events Contingency

Job Aids Manual

March 2005
IS-15: Special Events Contingency Planning
Job Aids Manual


Acknowledgements ..................................................................................... 1

Preface ....................................................................................................... 1
Background ................................................................................................. 2
Scope ......................................................................................................... 3
Synopsis ..................................................................................................... 4
Chapter Overviews........................................................................................ 4

Chapter 1: Pre-Event Planning

Introduction.............................................................................................. 1-1
Definition of Special Event and Mass Gathering .............................................. 1-1
Planning Meetings for Special Events/Mass Gatherings .................................... 1-2
The Planning Process.................................................................................. 1-3
State and Federal Roles in Terrorism Incident Prevention ................................ 1-4
Crowd Types ............................................................................................. 1-9
Crowd Composition .................................................................................. 1-10
Crowd Catalysts ...................................................................................... 1-11
Critical Crowd Densities ............................................................................ 1-11
Crowd Throughput Capacities .................................................................... 1-12

Chapter 2: Event Operational Considerations

Introduction.............................................................................................. 2-1
Hazard Analysis......................................................................................... 2-1
Contingency Plans ..................................................................................... 2-4
Structural Matters...................................................................................... 2-5
High-Profile/Controversial Events ................................................................. 2-9
Spectator Management and Crowd Control .................................................. 2-10
Traffic and Transportation ......................................................................... 2-16
Public Health........................................................................................... 2-21
Medical Care ........................................................................................... 2-34
Guide to the Provision of Medical Aid .......................................................... 2-40
Environmental Concerns ........................................................................... 2-44
Aircraft................................................................................................... 2-46
Camping ................................................................................................ 2-46
Hazardous Materials (HazMat) ................................................................... 2-47
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE)....................... 2-48
Chemical ................................................................................................ 2-49
Biological................................................................................................ 2-50
Radiological ............................................................................................ 2-50
Nuclear .................................................................................................. 2-50

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Job Aids Manual


Chapter 2: Event Operational Considerations (Continued)

Explosives .............................................................................................. 2-51
Electrical Utility Coordination Requirements ................................................. 2-54
Fire Safety.............................................................................................. 2-54
Communications Systems ......................................................................... 2-55
Rumor Control......................................................................................... 2-57
Occupational Health and Safety ................................................................. 2-57
Alcohol, Drugs, and Weapons .................................................................... 2-58
Security ................................................................................................. 2-59
Lost-Child and “Meet Me” Locations ............................................................ 2-62
Information Center .................................................................................. 2-63
Plan for “Murphy’s Law” ............................................................................ 2-63

Chapter 3: Incident Command and Control

Introduction.............................................................................................. 3-1
Incident Command System (ICS) ................................................................. 3-1
Roles and Expectation ................................................................................ 3-4
Incidents Occurring During a Special Event ................................................... 3-9
Transfer of Command............................................................................... 3-10
Unified Command .................................................................................... 3-11
Unified Command Organization.................................................................. 3-12
Multi-agency Coordination Systems ............................................................ 3-13
Public Information Systems....................................................................... 3-16
Federal and State Resources ..................................................................... 3-23

Chapter 4: Additional Planning Considerations for Specific Events

Introduction.............................................................................................. 4-1
Power Boat Races and Similar Aquatic Events ................................................ 4-1
Automobile and Similar Races...................................................................... 4-2
Air Shows and Displays .............................................................................. 4-5
Fireworks and Pyrotechnics ......................................................................... 4-6
Laser Displays ........................................................................................... 4-7
Spontaneous Events................................................................................... 4-7
Events Involving Pre-Teen and Early Teen Audiences ...................................... 4-8

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Chapter 5: Post-Event Actions

Introduction.............................................................................................. 5-1
Demobilization .......................................................................................... 5-1
Post-Event Analysis Meeting ........................................................................ 5-1
After-Action Report .................................................................................... 5-2

Appendix A: Job Aids

Appendix B: References and Bibliography
Appendix C: Glossary of Terms

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Job Aids Manual


The following agencies are gratefully acknowledged for their input to this manual:

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA National Fire Academy

Virginia Department of Health

New York State Police

City of Keene Police Department, New Hampshire

Sarasota Fire Department, Florida

Washington, DC Fire and EMS Department

Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management, Fire-Rescue Department, Florida

Cabin John Park Volunteer Fire Department, Maryland

Marion County Emergency Management, Indiana

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Weber County Emergency Management, Utah

Washington D.C. Office of Emergency Preparedness

Utah Division of Comprehensive Emergency Management

Columbia South Carolina Public Works

American Public Works Association

Acknowledgement is also made of the manual, Safe and Healthy Mass Gatherings: A
Health, Medical and Safety Planning Manual for Public Events, prepared by Emergency
Management Australia, and of the paper, Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Mass,
Crowd-Intensive Events, prepared for Emergency Preparedness Canada by James A.
Hanna, M. SC.

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Job Aids Manual


The purpose of this manual is the prevention of injury, suffering, or death that may occur as
a result of poor planning or preventable incidents at public events.

This manual is intended to provide guidance for the management of risks associated with
conducting events that involve mass gatherings of people and assist planners and
organizers in making such events safe and successful.

Details of the development of the manual and other related matters are noted in the
Background section of the Introduction. The manual was sponsored, edited, and published
by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA has prepared this manual for use by anyone planning or conducting a special event or
mass gathering. This manual is intended to enable its users to ensure that adequate
measures and systems are in place to prevent, reduce, and provide care for injuries, illness,
and suffering that may occur.

Many people, in addition to health personnel, contribute significantly to the success of a

public event. Therefore, FEMA anticipates that this manual will be distributed to event
promoters, managers, public and private organizations, emergency service personnel,
government bodies, and any individual or organization that contributes to the planning of
events. Wide distribution is encouraged, providing that individuals understand that the
detailed contents of the manual are directed principally at managing the health and safety
aspects of the event for all participants, officials, and spectators.

The manual is not intended to override any existing legislation or local emergency
management procedures. Further, it does not seek to address the preparation of
emergency response plans, but rather identifies the elements that should be considered by
those responsible for planning and conducting events that attract large numbers of people.

Local governments and emergency services should be approached for more detailed advice
on other aspects of planning and for the necessary permits and licenses required.

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Job Aids Manual


Throughout the United States, at any given time of year, there are festivals, concerts, fairs,
sporting events, and many other large and small events that gather or have the potential to
gather large crowds. Under normal conditions, these events go on with few or no problems.
When something goes wrong, however, either as a result of a natural hazard or a man-
made hazard, then local emergency management becomes involved. These mass
gatherings are also potential targets for terrorists.

Multiple deaths and injuries at large public events have occurred consistently and over a
wide spectrum of countries and types of events. Certain highly competitive sports events,
particularly soccer, and rock concerts and festivals tend to produce spectator-generated
incidents, while air shows and auto races tend to produce more participant-generated

In some instances, advanced assessment of, and planning for, these events failed to occur,
or when they did, they failed to identify the potential for disaster, or mitigating or coping
strategies for a major incident.

With this in mind, FEMA conducted a focus group workshop during which participants
discussed real pre-event planning problems for an upcoming event. The workshop focused
on a number of major areas, which, either singularly or collectively, have intensified the
problems inherent in mass crowd-intensive events. These issues included such aspects as
physical layouts, spectator management, public safety, public health, and medical care.

The workshop was not geared toward large, often national events (i.e., Incidents of National
Significance, National Special Security Events, though the planning principles still apply),
but toward the more “routine” special events that communities host, such as parades, fairs,
concerts, and air shows.

The participants focused on the impact that an event, a non-routine activity, would have on
a community’s resources. They placed emphasis not on the total number of people
attending, but rather on the community’s ability to respond to the exceptional demands that
the activity would place on response services.

The purpose of having a pre-event plan in place is to reduce response times and better
enable agencies to improvise because they have discussed contingencies beforehand. A
pre-event plan defines roles and responsibilities in advance and creates ownership of
potential problems for agencies that are involved in the process.

On February 28, 2003, the President issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive
(HSPD)–5, Management of Domestic Incidents, which directs the Secretary of Homeland
Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS). This
system provides a consistent nationwide template to enable Federal, State, local, and tribal
governments and private-sector and non-governmental organizations to work together
effectively and efficiently to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic
incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity, including acts of catastrophic terrorism.

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The NIMS provides a set of standardized organizational structures—such as the Incident

Command System (ICS), multi-agency coordination systems, and public information
systems—as well as requirements for processes, procedures, and systems designed to
improve interoperability among jurisdictions and disciplines in various areas, to include:
training; resource management; personnel qualification and certification; equipment
certification; communications and information management; technology support; and
continuous system improvement. ICS should be used in responding to an incident during a
special event.

This manual is designed for a wide audience, encompassing the range of personnel with a
role to play in the development of a special event plan. Participants include those who have
a general awareness of their own roles but do not have a previous detailed or extensive
knowledge of special event planning. For example, the audience might include relatively
new emergency managers, personnel from emergency operations organizations such as
police, fire, medical services, and public works, and representatives from other community
organizations—both public and private—for whom special event planning is not a regular


The suggested guidelines in this manual have been developed from a number of sources,
and most are applicable to a wide range of mass public gatherings. These sources focused
on youth audiences attending large rock concerts and competitive sporting events because
of the difficulties and major incidents historically associated with such events. Many of the
guidelines derived from such experiences are applicable to a broad range of other events
that present their own challenges.

Certain types of events have an inherent capacity for special management problems. While
the general guidance given in this document remains applicable to these events, additional
guidance is given for high-risk events in Chapter 4: Additional Planning Considerations for
Specific Events.

In certain situations, such as visits by high-profile political figures or controversial activists,

intensive security arrangements are necessary. Such procedures are outside the scope of
this manual, and it would be inappropriate and counterproductive to provide details herein,
given the wide and unrestricted distribution of this document. When such events occur,
event planners must create liaison between emergency service personnel, health
professionals, and appropriate security personnel to ensure that they address health, safety
and security issues for the event.

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Job Aids Manual


This manual covers a number of major areas, which either singularly of collectively, have
historically exacerbated the problems inherent in mass crowd-intensive events. These areas
include such aspects as physical layouts (including site, structures, and access), spectator
management (including crowd organization, flow, and ingress/egress control), and public
safety (including security, public health, and medical care).

Historically, advance assessment of and planning for an event failed to occur, or when they
did, they failed to identify the potential for disaster or mitigating or coping strategies in the
event of a major incident.

Experience has proven that certain high-risk events, such as auto races and air shows,
require particular planning in addition to the more generally applicable guidelines. This
manual provides guidance for the particular planning of these high-risk events, as well as
guidance to plan for terrorist and criminal activities.

FEMA recognizes that no two events or situations are identical. While this document
provides an approach to planning for and coping with special events, it does not provide
guidelines that are universally applicable or without need of modification to the specifics of a
particular event.


Chapter 1 contains information concerning selection of the planning team, ordinances,

regulations, and laws, and information concerning selecting a site for the event.

Chapter 2 concerns the event’s operational considerations.

Chapter 3 gives a basic overview of the NIMS Incident Command System and how to use
ICS both in the planning stage and when an incident occurs.

Chapter 4 discusses some of the considerations when hosting a specialty event that may be
high risk.

Chapter 5 explains the demobilization process and the importance of an After-Action Report.

Appendix A contains job aids to assist in the planning process.

Appendix B contains references and a bibliography.

Appendix C contains a glossary of terms.

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Planning any event is difficult. Planning for the potential risks and hazards associated with
an event is even more difficult but essential to the event’s success. If you want those who
attend an event to have positive memories of it, you need to keep several things in mind.
This chapter covers the issues that you should address in the very early stages of planning
or even when you are discussing promoting or sponsoring such an event. Before you
schedule the event, you should consider the scope of the event or mass gathering, the risks
to spectators and participants, community impact, and the emergency support required
(personnel and logistics). You should also identify the lead agency and members of the
planning team.


What does or does not constitute a special event or mass gathering is difficult to determine.
Instead, guidelines may be used to define it.

A focus group discussing special events and mass gatherings has identified a special event

a non-routine activity within a community that brings together a large

number of people. Emphasis is not placed on the total number of people
attending but rather the impact on the community’s ability to respond to a
large-scale emergency or disaster or the exceptional demands that the
activity places on response services. A community’s special event requires
additional planning, preparedness, and mitigation efforts of local
emergency response and public safety agencies.

The focus group then defined a mass gathering as a subset of a special event. Mass
gatherings are usually found at special events that attract large numbers of spectators or
participants. Both special events and mass gatherings require the kind of additional
planning identified in the previous quote. For example, an amusement park that attracts a
large number of people is not considered a special event because large crowds are
expected. A mass gathering does not imply that the event is a special event. Failure to
prepare for all contingencies can lead to disastrous consequences.

This manual is not intended to offer preparation planning for large national events, but for
the more traditional community events, such as parades, fairs, concerts, air shows, and
festivals. Both types of events require the same kind of careful planning, however.

The title of this manual is Special Events Contingency Planning. What do we mean by
contingency planning and where do we start? What distinguishes this level of planning from
traditional public safety planning?

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Job Aids Manual


The first concern with contingency planning is to identify times when the event may place
strains on the existing public safety agencies. Even in the earliest stages of planning, you
should begin also to make contingency plans. These plans should consider licensing and
regulations, emergency response issues, identifying persons responsible for particular types
of hazards and risks, resources and expenses, and jurisdictions. Planning ahead reduces
stress for organizers and promoters during the event, if an incident occurs that requires
public agencies to work together.

During the initial planning stages, each agency should review resources to ensure that all
necessary equipment is available. If the agencies determine that any additional equipment
is needed, then they may acquire the equipment or supplies and be ready for the event.
One way for communities to acquire equipment is to work together or pool equipment.

One way in which agencies work together is by adopting a program known as local mutual
aid. This program allows neighboring communities to pool resources and share liability for
damages or loss of equipment. If one community needs a particular piece of equipment, it
may borrow it from a neighboring community. The equipment will become an asset of the
borrowing community and will be covered under their insurance until it is released and
returns to its home organization. It is important that those involved in planning the event
know the agreements established between neighboring communities and the assets that are
available to assist in responding to any unforeseen incidents. These agreements may all
already be established and included as a part of the local emergency operations plan.



In general, planning a special event or mass gathering should begin well in advance of the
event. One of the first steps in planning an event is to bring together those who are hosting
the event with those who are responsible for the public safety within the community. A
multidisciplinary planning team or committee should be composed of the promoter or
sponsor and any agency that holds a functional stake in the event (e.g., emergency
management, law enforcement, fire and rescue, public works/utilities, public health, etc.).
With all of these agencies present, there is an obvious risk of confusion in matters of
leadership. The nature of this risk is discussed in Chapter 3: Incident Command and
Control. Thus, the lead agency should be identified early in the planning process. In some
communities, the lead agency for public safety planning is the emergency management
agency. Consequently, the emergency management agency should typically lead the way in
coordinating the event planning effort.

Some communities already have planning protocols or systems in place. If your community
has an existing plan that has already proved successful, do not start from scratch; simply
change or modify the plan where needed. The ICS is a management system that is
frequently used to manage large events effectively. As such, event planners should
consider using ICS throughout the planning process. It seems logical that the Incident
Commander should be a representative of the lead agency. It also seems logical that this
representative should lead the planning team or committee.

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All involved agencies need to participate on this planning team from the outset to ensure a
successful and safe event. At its initial meeting, the planning team should develop its
mission and objectives, and determine the necessary components of the public safety plan.
For example, what elements are within the realm of the promoter and what are within the
realm of the public safety agencies? The planning team should also develop its structure
using ICS as a model (that is, Sections, Branches, Divisions, and Groups, as needed).
Chapter 3 will discuss ICS in greater detail. Additionally, the planning team should consider
the promoter’s or sponsoring organization’s purpose and experience, potential event-related
risks (including crowd control, staffing, food and shelter, parking, transportation, medical
facilities), previous event concerns, relevant local concerns, weather, and community



Special event contingency plan development should be the joint effort of a planning team—a
group of people who represent a cross-section of the organizations that are involved in the
emergency response effort. Although each jurisdiction’s team will vary somewhat, the
Emergency Manager usually serves as the team’s planning coordinator. Team members
may include representatives of the groups listed below:

Office of the Chief Executive.

Emergency services agencies (law enforcement, fire/rescue, emergency medical
services, public health and safety, and others).
Planning agencies and individuals (for example, community development, city planning
commissions, and hazard mitigation planner).
Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs), for hazardous materials information.
Public works agencies and utility companies.
Social service agencies and volunteer organizations (including the American Red Cross
and Salvation Army).
Medical community representatives (for example, area hospitals, EMS agencies, medical
examiner, coroner, mortician).
Key education personnel (including administrators).
Communications representatives (Public Information Officer (PIO), local media, radio/CB
groups, and others).
Aviation and coastal authorities (including State aviation authority, other air support
representatives, port authorities, U.S. Coast Guard station).
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), auditor, and heads of any centralized procurement and
resource support agencies.
The jurisdiction’s legal counsel.
Industrial and military installations in the area.
Labor and professional organizations.
Animal care and control organizations.
Emergency Managers and agency representatives from neighboring jurisdictions, to
coordinate mutual aid needs.

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Job Aids Manual


State and/or Federal representatives, as appropriate.

Representatives of private-sector organizations, as necessary.

A team approach to planning offers many advantages, including:

A Sense of Ownership – The plan is more likely to be used and followed if the tasked
organizations have a sense that the plan is “theirs.”

Greater Resources – More knowledge and expertise are brought to bear on the planning
effort when more people are involved.

Cooperative Relationships – Closer professional relationships that are developed during

the planning process should translate into better cooperation and coordination in


An integrated approach among the local, State, and Federal Government provides for a
logical clearinghouse for intelligence on the movement and activities of terrorist groups and
the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of that information to the proper
enforcement agencies. Effective planning and intelligence gathering can lessen the
likelihood of a surprise emergency incident, which, improperly handled, can make or break a
department and its administrators at all levels of government. Descriptive intelligence with
predictive interpretation that forecasts the probability of the threat and the target can
enhance operational readiness in training, equipping, and practicing to respond to
emergency incidents. In gathering intelligence, law enforcement agencies must consider
threat assessment, as a minimum measure. Planners must have appropriate contacts and
phone numbers at hand before the event.

State law enforcement agencies should take the lead in pre-incident threat forecasting and
planning. Roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholding agencies for the event need
to be determined and an incident chain of command put in place, so that, if a terrorist
threat materializes, confusion and duplication of response can be diminished.


At subsequent meetings, the planning team should identify all of the major functions and
responsibilities required by the event and assign appropriate agencies to manage each
function or responsibility. Because responsibilities vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, it is
most effective to assign responsibilities consistently to avoid duplication and promote
efficient response to problems that may arise. The Pre-Event Planning Matrix is designed to
help you choose the risks, hazards, or functions that are likely to be required by an event,
and assign each to a primary agency (P) or a secondary or support agency (S). The
functions and responsibility assignments must be discussed and decided in the planning
stages, not when an incident occurs. This Pre-Event Planning Matrix is included on pages
A-1 through A-3 of Appendix A: Job Aids. A Special Event Planning Checklist is included on
pages A-4 through A-8 of Appendix A: Job Aids.

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Job Aids Manual


The promoter or sponsor must be involved in all of the planning phases to ensure a
successful event. Often, the promoter is interested in monetary gain more than he or she is
interested in public safety. If this appears to be his or her primary goal, local agency
participation is essential. You may encourage the promoter to cooperate by linking
attendance at planning meetings with the permit process and issuance. For example, the
permit to host the event may require the promoter’s presence at the initial planning
meeting. Teamwork promotes successful events.

One way to ensure public safety at an event is to follow the relevant laws or regulations of
the community. Following these laws and regulations ensures that the promoter will keep
the public’s safety at the forefront of all plans. Some communities or States have public
agency regulatory oversight of the promoter built into the permit process. For example, the
community may have a requirement for the promoter to have adequate contingency plans
in place before approving an event.

A Promoter/Sponsor Checklist is included on pages A-9 through A-21 of Appendix A: Job



Event promoters must usually gain approval from local, and sometimes even State,
authorities to hold public events. The following information should be available to the
promoters before beginning the permit-approval process:

Identity of the approving authority and any other authorities actively involved in the
approval process.
Relevant statutes, ordinances, codes, and standards (i.e., life safety codes) existing for
mass gatherings.
Documentation required to support their application.
Insurance, bond, liability issues.
Relevant deadlines for the filing of applications.

Some communities offer a “One Stop Shopping” concept for permitting. The person
requesting a permit for an event completes applications at one place and the information is
forwarded to the appropriate agencies for their approval. The person requesting the permit
does not have to track down the appropriate agencies to make a request. This concept also
ensures that all required agencies are notified and considerations are made before the
permit is issued.

Promoters should be aware of the approving authority’s timetable for approving events and
issuing permits and should include any potential delay in the event planning schedule.

As a condition for receiving approval, promoters may be required to provide feedback on the
approval process and submit an evaluation before, during, and after the event, as needed.
Promoters may be required to give feedback in the form of a debrief or a report to relevant

An Approving Authority Checklist is included on pages A-22 through A-32 of Appendix A:

Job Aids.

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Some form of legislation usually governs or restricts public events or aspects of them.
Some events, particularly extremely large or high-impact events, require special State or
local legislation. Local ordinances provide health and medical guidelines.

Promoters should consider obtaining legal advice early in the planning stage. Items that
warrant consideration include:

Liability for injuries.

Liability for acts or omissions.
Liability for financial obligations incurred in responding to major emergencies occasioned
by the event.
Potential liability for the resultant effects of the event on normal emergency operations.

Permits may be required for parades, the sale and consumption of alcohol, pyrotechnics,
and the sale of food items. Fire safety inspections should be required. Permission may also
be required if it will be necessary to close certain adjacent or peripheral roads or streets. A
permit may be required for the mass gathering itself.

Most public sector agencies have adopted a “User Pays” policy for services provided at
sporting and entertainment events. The purpose of this policy is to improve the allocation
of statute resources in the general community by providing a means of charging for services
deployed to plan for, and respond to, sporting and entertainment events. Event promoters
should consult local and State authorities to determine relevant fee structures and charges
for services provided, including payment of overtime costs for personnel.

Promoters may be required to post a bond or provide liability insurance to cover the costs of
response to emergencies, subsequent venue cleanup, traffic and crowd control, and other
policing functions.

The head of the planning team must monitor the progress that is made in satisfying all legal
requirements throughout the planning stage of the event.

In addition, research should be done in advance to determine statutory authority and

emergency powers (i.e., isolation/quarantine, emergency evacuation, etc.) of the various
parties involved.


Often communities have to deal with local political considerations when they plan events.
No specific advice can be given to the promoter except to warn him or her that political
considerations are always important to the local community. Often a way to encourage
elected political officials to support an event is to show the monetary or quality-of-life
impact that a successful event would have on their communities or careers. Explaining the
positive impact encourages officials to support the public safety coordinators by providing
adequate local resources and funding.

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Any event has the potential to become an incident of national significance as that term is
described in the National Response Plan (NRP). Recent revisions to Federal guidance
documents indicate that any number of factors could escalate a local incident to an incident
of national significance. Local planners must also be prepared to deal with a rapid transition
of their incident to an incident of national significance.


Special events often bring attention and significant economic benefits and opportunities to
local communities. These could include an influx of revenue into the local community, such
as the hotel and restaurant industry.

Local event planners must not sacrifice public safety for the sake of economic benefit.
Certain businesses in a community may be adversely affected by certain requirements of
the special event, such as closing streets in a commercial area or increased traffic in
residential areas. Additional staffing may be required to ensure that service calls by local
emergency services agencies are not hampered.


1. Crowds are complex social structures.

Crowd roles:

Active Core: carry out action of crowd.

Cheerleaders: provide oral support for leaders.
Observers: follow actions but rarely take part.

Significance of crowds:

Increase the probability of a dangerous occurrence.

Increase the potential number of victims.
Make communication slower and more difficult.
Make changes in action slower and more difficult.
Diffuse responsibility (someone else will do it).

2. Panics and Crazes

Panic in a group is the flight from a real or perceived threat from which escape appears
to be the only effective response. What appears to be panic is usually the result of poor
inputs (especially communications or the lack of) and previous knowledge and

Craze in a group is the temporary, short-lived competitive rush by a group toward some
attractive object. A craze tends to occur on entering an event, and may be exacerbated
by the lack of information.

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Job Aids Manual


3. Deindividualization

Deindividualization is defined as a loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension in

group situations that foster anonymity. Behavior may include:

Mild lessening of restraint (e.g., screaming during a concert).

Impulsive self-gratification (e.g., theft, vandalism, molestation).
Destructive social explosions (e.g., group violence, rioting and torturing).

4. Defusing

The tedium that may be created by waiting and/or by the perception that other gates
are being opened first, or later arrivals are being admitted first can create problems.
Such things as appropriate music, the use of humor, food and beverage services moving
through the group, cheerful security staff moving through the group, and good
communication that includes a public address system, can help defuse the situation.

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AMBULATORY Walking, usually calm

DISABILITY/LIMITED Crowd has limited or restricted movement; requires

MOVEMENT additional planning

COHESIVE/SPECTATOR Watching specific activity

EXPRESSIVE/REVELOUS Emotional release, for example, cheering movement in


PARTICIPATORY Involved in actual event, for example, community fun runs

AGGRESSIVE/HOSTILE Initially verbal, open to lawlessness

DEMONSTRATOR Organized to some degree, for example, pickets, marches

ESCAPE/TRAMPLING Danger may be real or imaginary

DENSE/SUFFOCATING Reduction of individual physical movement

RUSHING/LOOTING Attempt to acquire/obtain/steal something, for example,


VIOLENT Attacking/terrorizing

One crowd may exhibit all or part of the above types; therefore, you must consider each
category, or at the least the most likely categories, in your plan.

Table modified from Berlonghi, Alexander E. “Understanding and Planning for Different Spectator
Crowds.” Engineering for Crowd Safety. Ed. R.A. Smith and J.F. Dickie. Elsevier Science
Publications B.V., 1993.

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IS-15: Special Events Contingency Planning
Job Aids Manual


HOW ORGANIZED For example, walking to venue versus demonstrators
LEADERSHIP Normal crowd has no leadership; they are spontaneous.
COHESIVENESS Degree of bonding
UNITY OF PURPOSE Some may be focused; others have own agenda, for
example, moshing or slam dancing.
COMMON MOTIVE FOR Note distinction between performing same action (for
ACTION example, cheering) versus motive for same action (for
example, leaving the venue).
PSYCHOLOGICAL UNITY Crowds at benefits are psychologically united for good;
however, demonstrators could pose problems if
EMOTIONAL INTENSITY Much of this depends on the event and or special effects
taking place.
VOLATILITY To what degree has crowd reached an explosive point?
INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR How much individual control and responsibility are being
exercised? The more this is evident, the more restrained
the crowd.
GROUP BEHAVIOR To what degree are individuals dominated by the group?
The more this is evident, the closer to “mob mentality.”
DEGREE OF How much criminal behavior is taking place?
LEVEL OF VIOLENCE Can be assessed historically and/or by current observations
LEVEL OF PROPERTY How much is likely to occur and where, for example,
DAMAGE parking area, toilets, walkways, etc.? Assessment is
historical for venue, event, and crowd, plus current
LIKELIHOOD OF INJURY Certain places at certain times, for example, major
OR DEATH sporting event; and certain events, for example, motor
NEED FOR CROWD How important is a detailed plan? Must be discussed with
CONTROL experts and experienced persons because the more
detailed and complex the plan, the more expensive and
resource-intense the commitment.

When you understand what you are dealing with, then brief ALL personnel on what to look
for and how they should respond while they are performing their duties.


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Job Aids Manual



OPERATIONAL Parking, no-show performers, cancellations

EVENT ACTIVITIES Smoke, fire, lasers, noise

PERFORMER(S) ACTIONS Sexual/violent gestures, challenges/song lyrics

SPECTATOR FACTORS Drugs, alcohol, rush for seats

SECURITY FACTORS Excessive or unreasonable force, abuse of authority

SOCIAL FACTORS Racial tensions, team rivalries

WEATHER Heat, humidity, rain, lack of ventilation

NATURAL DISASTER Earthquake, deluge of rain, flash flood

MAN-MADE DISASTER Structural failure, toxic substance


The objective should be to prevent the build-up of large accumulations of patrons,

particularly within short time periods, in confined spaces—especially if they are frustrated by
the inability to see what is happening.

A study by Fruin (1981) identifies critical crowd densities as a common characteristic of

crowd disasters. Critical crowd densities are approached when the floor space per standing
person is reduced to about 5.38 square feet.


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Job Aids Manual


Considering the various movements or the positions that spectators will occupy,
approximate minimal mobility requirements have been empirically identified by Fruin (1981)
as follows:

Pedestrians moving in a stream require average areas of 24.73 square feet per person
to attain normal walking speed, and to pass and avoid others.
At 10 square feet per person, walking becomes significantly restricted, and speeds
noticeably reduced.
At 4.95 square feet per person, the maximum capacity of a corridor or walkway is
attained with movement at a shuffling gait and movement possible only as a group.
This would be characteristic of a group exiting a stadium or theater.
At less than 4.95 square feet per person average, individual pedestrian mobility
becomes increasingly restricted.
At approximately 3 square feet per person, involuntary contact and brushing against
others occurs. This is a behavioral threshold generally avoided by the public, except in
crowded elevators and buses.
Below 2 square feet per person, potentially dangerous crowd forces and psychological
pressures begin to develop.

Fruin (1981) contends that "the combined pressure of massed pedestrians and shock-wave
effects that run through crowds at critical density levels produce forces which are impossible
for individuals, even small groups of individuals, to resist."

The above information shows that you may need to provide a monitoring system, such as
closed circuit television monitoring of crowd movements, that will provide warning to event
personnel that they must take necessary action to prevent a major incident.


In his writings on crowd disasters, Fruin (1981) identifies several areas regarding spectator
throughput in entry to a performance. For planning purposes, he suggests:

1. Ticket Collectors
Ticket collectors must be in a staff uniform or otherwise identifiable. Ticket collectors
faced with a constant line can throughput a maximum of:

One patron per second per portal in a simple pass-through situation.

Two seconds per patron if the ticket must be torn and stub handed to the patron.

More complicated ticketing procedures (and/or answering the occasional question) will
protract time per patron.

2. Doorways

A free-swinging door, open portal, or gate can accommodate up to one person per
second with a constant queue.

Revolving doors and turnstiles would allow half this rate of throughput, or less.

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Job Aids Manual


3. Corridors, Walkways, Ramps

Have a maximum pedestrian traffic capacity of approximately 25 persons per minute per
1 foot of clear width, in dense crowds.

4. Stairs
Have a maximum practical traffic capacity of approximately 16 persons per minute in
the upward direction. Narrow stairs (less than 5 feet) will lower the maximum flow.

5. Escalators and Moving Walkways

A standard 3.94-ft. wide escalator or moving walkway, operating at 118 feet per minute
can carry 100 persons per minute under a constant queue.


From time to time, an event may need to be canceled, postponed, or interrupted. If a

crowd has already gathered, these actions have the potential to create dangerous crowd
reactions. Have plans in place to manage an angry crowd appropriately and to address the
possible readmission of patrons to the venue.

One major aspect to consider is authority to cancel or postpone an event. During the
planning phase, the promoter and the planning team must discuss who has the authority to
cancel or postpone an event as well as when and under what conditions the event can be
postponed or canceled. These decisions must be made before the event begins, and
everyone must know who has the authority. ICS is an excellent tool to ensure chain of
command, communications, and proper approving authority.


You may need to consider a number of alternative venues for an event. Emergency
managers may be able to recommend appropriate venues based on health and safety

Finding a suitable venue or set of venues can be difficult. Answering the following questions
during the planning stage can aid in the selection of an appropriate event site:

Will staging the event require multiple venues?

Is this kind of event normally conducted at a fixed facility?
Will a fixed facility be used in ways that may not be considered normal for that facility?
Is the event regularly conducted at a temporary venue?
Is the event a “one-of-a-kind” project at a temporary venue?
What services and utilities are available at the venue?
What additional services and utilities will be required at the venue?
Is there a need for backup services or utilities (i.e., redundant systems)?

A universal map/grid referencing system for the entire event footprint should be developed
in advance for all attendees and event staff (including public safety personnel) to allow for
the rapid identification of event-specific facilities and other locations in an emergency.

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Job Aids Manual

Venue/Site (Continued)

What shelter facilities are available at the following locations:

Transport pick-up and drop-off areas?

Spectator and official viewing areas?
Seated eating areas?
Pedestrian thoroughfares?
First aid and medical centers?
Competitors’ and officials’ marshaling areas?

• What is the duration of the event, and will it continue during the hours of darkness?
Have you provided for the needs of people with disabilities?
Does the date of the event conflict with other events to be conducted in the area?
Will seasonal weather require any special contingency planning?
Have you surveyed the proposed site (particularly outdoor sites) for inherent hazards
associated with the location, and have any been identified? Do utility lines that could be
brought down by a severe storm traverse the site? Is the site adjacent to a waterway
prone to flooding?
Is the site layout such that, in the event of a mass casualty incident, space is available
for an onsite triage area to permit stabilizing medical treatment before critical patients
are transported to local health care facilities? Is such an area accessible to ambulances
to eliminate the need for carrying patients long distances?
Does the site allow for mass decontamination considerations?
Have site emergency evacuation considerations been addressed?
Does the site allow for adequate crowd regulation by means of, for example, existing
regimented seating areas or flow barriers?
Are spectator overflow areas available to prevent crowd crush if spectator turnout
significantly exceeds expectations, a common phenomenon at rock concerts?
In an urban setting, as is characteristic of a stadium venue, could the adjacent streets
on all sides be closed to other than emergency service, and resident vehicles, creating a
perimeter for access as well as a buffer zone?
Is a staging area for protestors necessary? Is it required?

Criminal and Terrorist Risks

Special events and mass gatherings are a perfect target because of the large number of
people, media coverage, and the high-profile impact if a terrorist strikes. Small
communities and their events may actually be attractive sites for terrorists because the
residents may believe they are not at risk and so do not prepare themselves. However,
event planners can take steps to prepare for the same risks that all communities face.

Prepare public safety personnel to protect themselves. Ensure that your community’s public
safety personnel are adequately trained and equipped with personal protective equipment
(PPE) as dictated by their response role to protect themselves as they help others.

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Job Aids Manual

Criminal and Terrorist Risks (Continued)

Some events may appeal to terrorists for a number of reasons, including an anniversary
date, religious holiday, a particular location, the nature of the event, or those who will be
included among the participants. Communities can identify terrorist organizations that may
be attracted to their event for any number of reasons and can prepare accordingly.
Knowledge is an advantage. Know the possible risks that the event poses and the audience
that the event will attract. Ensure that your public safety teams are prepared and have
practiced their response to both terrorism and suspected terrorism, and that they
understand how to mitigate any potential terrorist incidents.

Every jurisdiction in the country has conducted a jurisdiction threat and vulnerability
assessment, which was required by the Federal Government as part of the national
homeland security preparedness effort. When event planners formulate contingency plans
for special events, they should work together with State and Federal partners and ensure
that State and local data from these Federally mandated assessments are reviewed. Local
law enforcement professionals should consult the FBI and State law enforcement
intelligence specialists on current threat and vulnerability data as part of the event planning
process. The current Homeland Security Advisory System threat level should be considered,
and event planners should prepare for contingencies if the Federal threat level changes
during the event.


Planning and intelligence gathering are necessary activities for law enforcement personnel
during event planning. The level of commitment to these anti-terrorist activities influences
the level of response capabilities that should be maintained.

Two terms that event planners should understand are anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism:

Anti-terrorism is a term used to define actions taken to mitigate potential effects of

terrorist activity.
Counter-terrorism is best defined as operational actions taken or activities planned to
prevent a terrorist activity or event.

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Job Aids Manual


Most targets singled out by terrorist groups fall into one of eleven critical infrastructure
areas or five key asset areas:

Critical Infrastructure

Agriculture/food supplies
Public health systems
Emergency services (police, fire, EMS)
Military targets/defense industry
Cyber-terrorism and information
Energy infrastructure
Transportation infrastructure
Chemical and hazardous materials
Postal/shipping facilities

Key Assets

Monuments or public icons

Nuclear power plants
Government facilities
Other commercial key assets


The motives of extremist groups can generally be identified as:

Special interest


Terrorist threats are often difficult to measure because they are:

Difficult to recognize (lone offenders, splinter groups)
Dependent upon the ease and availability of creating a WMD device
Difficult to quantify, or subjective (open to interpretation, with a tendency toward
inflating results)

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Job Aids Manual


The dangers of information sharing (outside of those who have a “need to know”) also make
it difficult to measure the extent of the threat because unauthorized disclosure of
information may:

Lead to the violation of operational security.

Create unnecessary panic.
Produce unintended media attention.


In the past, we wanted to believe that terrorism was something that happened outside of
the United States. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. The FBI has determined that
contemporary terrorists have generally:

Been politically motivated.

Sought and used publicity to gain recognition and public sentiment.
Most often viewed, trained, and equipped themselves as an army at war.
Sought to cross jurisdictional lines to further confound law enforcement detection and
Had the support and funding of national governments from outside of the United States.
Invited public scrutiny to put law enforcement on trial by the effective use of the media.

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Job Aids Manual


While planning an event, it is important to consider every possible risk and hazard that may
occur. This chapter covers most of the basic risks that may be encountered at an event.
The responsibilities for dealing with these risks vary with each jurisdiction, and every
community needs to have a plan listing who or what organization will respond to the
anticipated risks or hazards. Knowing the risks ahead of time and planning for those risks
are essential to successful planning. Planning for the worst may help reduce the chance of
a “worst-case scenario” happening. If the responding agency knows the risks ahead of time
and is alert, it can reduce its response time, ensuring the safety and security of those in
attendance. Risks vary depending upon the type of event; therefore, event organizers must
tailor the planning for each risk to the specific event.

The promoter is one source of information on potential risks that may be faced at the event.
The promoter should be aware of the support services that are needed to respond to any
incident and the availability of those services in the community. If event organizers know
the possible risks that an event poses and the nature of the audience that is likely to attend
the event, they can analyze the hazards and take the necessary steps to plan a safe event.


Hazard analysis provides planners with information about the kinds of emergencies that
may occur and their potential consequences. Analysis assists planners in deciding what
steps to take to prevent the possible emergencies and how to respond if an incident occurs.

The best way to begin a hazard analysis is to list the possible risks present at the event.
Every community’s list will differ based on topographical and geographical features, weather
patterns, and other factors. (Tsunami, for example, would not be identified as a hazard in
an area that is far from a coastline.) Identifying hazards also includes considering the
possibility of a secondary hazard (for example, a tornado may lead to power failure, loss of
water, and other hazards).

The following table includes some of the more obvious risks and possible hazards that may
exist. Being prepared for the worst allows planners to have responders and supplies on
hand if an emergency does occur.

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Job Aids Manual


Typical List of Risks and Hazards

Abandoned vehicles Hurricane
Airplane crash Intentional chemical release
Airspace encroachment Kidnapping
Assault Landslide
Avalanche Loss of utilities (water, sewer, telephone)
Biological incidents Lost child
Bomb threat/suspicious package Lost and found
Building inspection Media relations
Cancellation of event Motorcades
Civil disturbance with demonstrations Mudslides
Communications Parking
Credentials Permitting
Crowd control Power failure (sustained)
Cyber attacks Radiological release
Dam failure Security
Demonstrations Structural collapse
Dignitary protection Subsidence
Drought Terrorism
Earthquake Ticketing
Epidemic or other public health concern Tornado
Evacuation of area Traffic control
Explosive materials Train derailment
Fire Tsunami
First aid matters Urban conflagration
Flood Volcanic eruption
Food handling violations Wildfire
Food waste disposal problems Winter storm
Hazardous Materials release
Hostage without terrorism
Human waste disposal problems

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Job Aids Manual


Event planners must identify characteristics of each possible hazard to determine the risk
and consequences. Characteristics to identify are:

Frequency of occurrence—the frequency of occurrence (both historical and predicted) for

each hazard in the particular jurisdiction.
Magnitude and intensity—the projected severity of the hazard’s occurrence.
Location—the location of the hazard, if the hazard is associated with a facility or
landscape feature.
Spatial extent—the geographic area that may be expected to suffer the impact of the
hazard (either around the known location of a hazard or as an estimate for non-localized
hazards such as tornadoes).
Duration—the length of time that the hazard may be expected to last.
Seasonal pattern—times of the year when the hazard threat exists (based on month-by-
month historical occurrence).
Speed of onset and availability of warning—the amount of time projected between first
warning (if any) and actual occurrence.


To determine the potential consequences of a hazard, estimate the lives, property, and
services at risk. Evaluate the extent of the hazard by closely examining your community in
terms of:

People (deaths, injuries, and displacement).

Critical facilities (days of service loss, repair time).
Community functions (disruption).
Property (damage, destruction, cost of replacement or repair).
Potential secondary hazards (dams, chemical processing plants).
Loss of revenue.
Negative public image of jurisdiction.

When evaluating hazards, remember that hazards may occur in multiples and that one
hazard may cause a secondary hazard.

1. Identify the Hazards

Determine what kinds of emergencies have occurred or could occur in the jurisdiction.

2. Weigh and Compare the Risks

Determine the relative threat posed by the identified hazards, using qualitative and
quantitative ratings. This information enables planners to decide which hazards merit
special attention in planning and other emergency management efforts.

3. Profile Hazards and Their Potential Consequences

Compile historical and predictive information on each of the hazards and overlay this
information on community data to estimate the hazard’s potential impact on the

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IS-15: Special Events Contingency Planning
Job Aids Manual


4. Create and Apply Scenarios

For the top-ranked hazards (or those that rate above a certain threshold), develop
scenarios that raise the hazard’s development to the level of an emergency. This is a
brainstorming activity that tracks the hazard from initial warning (if any) to its impact on
a specific part of the jurisdiction and its generation of specific consequences.
Brainstorming provides information about what actions and resources might be required
for response.

The Job Aid, Hazard Vulnerability Assessment on pages A-55 through A-58 of Appendix A:
Job Aids, provides a worksheet for the planning team to use as a starting point to identify
specific hazards and risks for the event. This is a vital process to bring stakeholders
together to brainstorm potential hazards and begin developing comprehensive planning
strategies. There are other, more comprehensive, planning tools that are available to
address specific needs that the planning team may identify from the Job Aid worksheet.
Consult your local/State emergency management agencies for other planning tools.


Unfortunately, not every event runs smoothly. Often, incidents occur that are beyond the
control of the planning team. Therefore, contingency plans for every event should be in

An emergency response plan requires a comprehensive hazard and vulnerability analysis.

Consultation among all parties who may respond to an emergency situation during the
event is essential.

Some important questions related to ICS planning include:

What weather conditions may require cancellation of the event?

What weather conditions will postpone the event?
How will storm warnings be monitored?
What plans are in place for sudden, severe weather conditions, such as tornadoes? Will
shelters be available?
Who has the authority to make these decisions, and at what point does he or she
exercise that authority?
How is notification made of a cancellation or postponement?
Are additional security personnel, including police, on standby or on call if an immediate
increase in these services is required?
Have you advised ambulance services and local hospitals of the nature of the event,
provided an expected spectator profile, and estimated potential medical problems?
Have you notified fire and rescue services of the nature of the event and identified the
services that might be required?
Has the jurisdiction considered how to respond to a Chemical, Biological, Radiological,
Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) type of man-made, intentional event?
Has the need for mass decontamination been considered?

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Job Aids Manual


Have any “target hardening” considerations been explored to increase the deterrence
factor against man-made intentionally caused events?
Have you identified the types of heavy equipment that could be required in a
catastrophe (for example, a grandstand collapse)? Have you made plans to obtain that
equipment at any time, including off-business hours?
Have you advised counseling services of the nature of the event and identified the
services that might be required?
If the event is particularly dangerous, and deaths are a real possibility (for example, at
automobile or power boat races or air shows), have you formulated plans to support any
required coroner’s investigation?
To permit responders to precisely identify the location of an emergency quickly, address
the following questions:

Will a grid-type venue plan be available, which is common to all emergency services,
including access roads, pathways, major landmarks, spectator, performer and vendor
Will vendor locations or booths be numbered and be included on the venue plan?


An area of great concern is the physical setup of the event. Planners need to consider what
performance facilities are needed, what special structures are needed for indoor or outdoor
events, and whether temporary structures can be used. These are just a few primary


When setting up an event, stages, platforms, and the other performance facilities are an
area of major safety consideration. The type of event and its site affect the choice of
performance equipment and its stability requirements. Qualified inspectors should perform
some type of inspection to ensure that the structure is appropriate for the event and that
the structure is safe.

The expected behavior of the crowd is one of the principal factors determining stage
configuration. While classical music and ballet performances usually attract a mature and
orderly audience, teenage and pre-teen fans at rock concerts have been known to storm the
stage to touch their idols. Such incidents, apart from being disruptive, have caused injuries.
Therefore, event planners should understand the emotional and physical character of the
audience that a particular performance will attract.

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Job Aids Manual


There are three principal ways to gather information about the anticipated crowd:

Review press reports and contact local public safety officials who were present at
previous performances.
Speak with spectators who have attended adolescent entertainment events such as rock
concerts. In the past, spectators have provided valuable insights into what behavior
authorities might expect from audiences for different entertainers.
Check with the promoter to determine audience behavior at past events and the type of
crowd and the behavior that can be expected.

Stages are usually elevated to provide the audience a better view of the performance,
especially for spectators who are farther back. This elevation is itself a barrier to those who
would rush the stage in an attempt to touch a performer. In addition, this increased height
can create an area free of spectators at the base of the stage because the audience
members will position themselves back from the stage so that their line of sight is not

At some venues first aid personnel are located under the stage to accept injuries occasioned
at the front of the spectator area. A stage or a platform alone is usually insufficient to deter
determined and agile spectators, however, and an additional physical barrier is needed in
front of the stage.


During concerts held indoors, an effective practice is to erect a “V” shaped barrier in front of
the stage to deflect patrons away from the stage area if any surge comes from behind. The
“V” shape also provides an additional barrier to prevent spectators from reaching the stage.
Security staff can position themselves in this spectator-free zone or should be able to gain
access to it quickly from either end of the stage.

Barrier posts must be securely anchored to the floor, not merely mounted to freestanding
bases. They should also have some padded protection. Such a fence construction is usually
engineered to provide a certain amount of “give” upon impact, thus reducing the potential
for crush injuries as occasioned in the 2000 Denmark, Pearl Jam concert tragedy.


Board fences similar to the “V” shaped barrier described for indoor concerts can be used in
an outdoor setting. Board fences have the added benefit of providing a walk space on the
spectator side of the fence as well as behind it. Because most outdoor concerts do not
provide seating, spectators in the front rows seated on the ground have to take a position
several yards back from the fence to permit them to see the stage over the top of the fence.
This area permits emergency access to the front rows of spectators.

Any stage protection barrier must be designed to sustain a certain amount of flex in order to
prevent the crushing of spectators in the front by a crowd surge from behind. At the same
time, it must be sufficiently solid so that it will not collapse and cause injuries. Fences
installed as stage barriers often fail to meet this two-fold requirement.

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The front skirt around the base of a stage can be constructed to break away under the
pressure of a crowd surge, thus allowing spectators to be pushed under the stage rather
than be crushed against its base. This idea is not practical where there is less than six feet
clearance beneath the stage, however, because of the potential for head injuries if a
spectator collides with the leading edge of the stage.

It should be stressed that use of a breakaway stage skirt does not remove the requirement
for a barrier in front of the stage and should be considered only as additional security if
barriers fail.


There are physical structures designed for use in areas of egress that, in the event of an
emergency where evacuation is required, collapse to allow for the maximum passthrough.


Because of their transitory nature, many events require easily constructed temporary
structures. These include the stage platform itself, as well as towers to house speakers and
floodlights, temporary seating such as bleachers, dance platforms, roofs, towers and masts,
viewing platforms, marquees and large tents, and decorative items such as archways,
overhead signs, and even sideshows.

All such temporary structures must be designed and erected to include a margin
for safety and a view to potential hazards. A local government building-codes
inspector should supervise the erection of temporary structures and ensure that
they conform to local government building or engineering specifications.

Temporary structures are often hurriedly erected because access to the venue may be
permitted only a short time before the event opens and they are usually designed for rapid
removal at the conclusion of the event. In addition, these temporary structures are
frequently neither designed nor erected to withstand stresses other than from intended use
and are therefore not engineered to incorporate safety features. High winds or spectators
climbing for a better vantage point can overstress these structures.

Personnel should inspect temporary structures periodically during events of long duration.
They should post warnings on, or close, a temporary structure whose intended purpose is
being violated.

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Job Aids Manual


All structures have load capacities, and precautions should be in place to prevent misuse
through overloading. These precautions apply to any viewing platform or vantage point,
such as building walkways or balconies, which can cause a major incident if the number of
spectators upon these structures is not properly controlled.

The bases of temporary structures must be protected from damage by vehicular traffic
through the use of designated buffer zones.


Ideally, all seating should be reserved; however, this ideal situation may be difficult to
achieve at outdoor events.

If most of the spectators are in their teenage years, provide seating to control surges and
crushing at the front of the stage. A security presence to ensure that audience members do
not stand on seats is also recommended. Seating should be adequately anchored to
prevent its movement.

Another area of concern is the spacing of the seats, and local life-safety codes may define
acceptable practices in this area. The seating should be spaced far enough apart to allow
emergency crews access to patients. Often, grouping the seats and providing large
walkways between the groups is a way to provide this access.


Seating in a community center, arena, or similar indoor location often combines fixed
perimeter seating with additional foldable or stackable seating on the central floor.

Temporary seats are often not secured to the floor or to one another. While this may not
present any problems with certain audiences, more enthusiastic spectators may pose the
following problems:

Persons standing on the seats for a better view are prone to injury because they may
lose their balance or become jostled. In such instances, they can adversely affect other
spectators, sometimes causing a “domino effect” in closely spaced chairs. The potential
for a significant number of injuries exists.
If an audience becomes hostile, portable chairs can be used as dangerous missiles. It is
not uncommon for hostile fans to become aggressive and throw items. Seats that are
not anchored become dangerous projectiles.

Portable, folding, or stacking chairs should be secured to the floor. Where this is not
possible, attach the legs of each row of chairs to two long planks, one running under the
front pairs of legs and one running under the back, as an alternative solution.

A Building Department Venue Assessment Checklist is included on pages A-44 through A-46
of Appendix A: Job Aids.

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Job Aids Manual


Because of the nature of the event, the crowd composition, or for other reasons, certain
events cause more controversy and create greater risks than others do. For example,
events involving groups that hold controversial beliefs present a greater risk for criminal or
terrorist behavior. Events involving high-level officials are also at a greater risk for terrorist
activity because of the significance of the official and the high-profile visibility of the
participants and those in attendance. On some occasions, if the date of the event coincides
with the anniversary of another terrorist event, the date of the event itself may be
considered controversial. Planners must consider every reason why an event may promote
controversy or attract special attention.

Conflicts will exist between public safety, recovery, and criminal investigation agencies
during terrorist incidents. Rescue and recovery issues and actions must be separated from
criminal investigation issues and actions before the event occurs, and non-law enforcement
workers should be given training on matters of evidence. Evidence teams should be created
to practice and train with local emergency responders and epidemiologic investigators to
promote mutual understanding of one another’s roles.


If organizers anticipate that a mass gathering or special event will attract the attention of
organized protest groups, they should meet, if possible, with the leaders of those groups in
advance. The organizers and group leaders can discuss ground rules of acceptable
behaviors and the anticipated public safety response to criminal or disruptive behavior by
local law enforcement agencies. Building rapport by gaining a mutual understanding of
what to expect can decrease the likelihood of disruptive behavior, or at least ensure that
everyone knows what will and will not be tolerated. Many jurisdictions have a permitting
process that is required for this type of activity.

Protestors who arrive spontaneously should also be planned for, and in many cases may
become a law enforcement issue if the permit process has been violated. Many times, these
groups hold extremist views or specific concerns about a particular issue that may be tied to
the event.

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Job Aids Manual


This chapter has discussed the hazards associated with structural design and integrity, but
what about the dangers that may be created by the participants themselves? The aim of
spectator management and crowd control is to maintain order, prevent deviation from
desired behavior, and re-establish order if it breaks down, thereby ensuring maximum
enjoyment for the assembled gathering. Event organizers are responsible for spectator
management and crowd control; however, this function passes to local authorities, such as
police, fire, and emergency medical services, when the situation is beyond the resources
and capability of the organizers. Knowing what to expect from a given audience can lessen
risks and hazards from the crowd itself. Event organizers should research lessons learned
from previous events and have appropriate response plans in place before the event takes

Spectator management refers to planning and preparation issues, such as ticket sales and
collection, admittance and inspection, ushering, seating, parking, public announcements,
toilets, and washrooms.

Crowd control refers to mechanisms that are used to reinstate order, such as limited access
control, admission control, and arrests.

A crowd is defined as any number of people coming together in any place for any reason.
Crowds gather daily in shopping centers, airports, and stadiums, and occasionally in places
that are not designed specifically for large numbers of people.

In the planning process for a forthcoming event, organizers must have an understanding of
both individual and crowd dynamics and how these elements interrelate. While this is a
preliminary guide to crowd control problems that organizers most frequently encounter,
planners need to expand upon the particular issues for each crowd and venue. You may
find additional information on crowd control in other literature and press reports; from the
promoter; private security organizations; police, fire, and emergency medical authorities;
and, for visiting dignitaries, from personal security services and government agencies. All
of this information will assist in predicting potential problems that you can then address in
the planning process.

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Major crowd issues you should address include:

Size–Maximum numbers permitted are often established by regulation for safety

Demographics–Consider the composition of the audience, including the age and gender
mix. If you identify in advance that young children will constitute a high proportion of
the audience, consider additional facilities, such as childcare, family bathrooms, and
rental strollers. Audiences made up of young children or elderly people tend to require
additional medical facilities, and children and the elderly are more susceptible to crush
injury than teens or adults.

Different kinds of events may attract certain types of spectators that require special
attention. Consider the following:

Rock concerts, in contrast to other types of concerts, may experience a higher

incidence of problems with drug and alcohol abuse, underage drinking, and
possession of weapons.
Religious and “faith healing” events may attract a significant number of ill and infirm
people, which may increase the need for onsite medical care.
Events for senior citizens may also require higher levels of health services.
Certain sports events may attract over-reactive and violent supporters.
Cultural events may require special arrangements, including the provision of
interpreter services, special food services, and multilingual signposting, brochures,
and announcements.

Outdoor Concerts–additional considerations:

Control and distribution of spectators in the field.

Suggested minimum space allocation of 4 to 5 square feet per person on grounds
with no seats.
Some form of sectoring and barrier management by security is important.


Important considerations for the entry and exit of spectators include:


The primary function of entrances is to provide:

For supervision, marshaling and directing crowds.

Access for emergency services.
Egress and evacuation routes.
Initial surveillance and inspection of attendees (i.e., magnetometers).

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Entrances should also:

Be clearly signposted.
Be in working order.
Be compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Provide for separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Entrance Management—Event organizers should:

Permit flexible opening and closing times. (Advertised times are recommended,
Stagger entry times by providing supporting activities.
Keep entrances clear of all other activities.
Keep lines away from entrances.
Ensure there are sufficient numbers of suitable barriers, fences, gates, and turnstiles.
Locate ticket sales and pick-up points in line with, but separate from entrances.
Arrange to have a public address system or alternative communications system to
provide information and entertainment to the crowd waiting at the entrance.
Consider the potential need for medical and security personnel presence.
Provide sufficient numbers of personnel who are appropriately trained.
Ensure that control points for searches to detect prohibited items, such as alcohol, social
drugs, glass, metal containers, and weapons, are in place and do not affect movement.
Provide a secure area for the storage of confiscated goods.
Provide toilets, if lines are expected to be long.
Apply metering techniques as appropriate.

Exit Management—Event organizers should:

Ensure that exit doors are not locked. If personnel are concerned about illegal entry,
then doors could be fitted with alarms.
Ensure that exit doors open in the direction of escape and are confirmed as operational.
Check the placement, function, and signposting of exits.
Ensure that doors that do not lead to an exit are so marked, preventing “dead end”
entrapment and the potential for panic.
Ensure that all exit corridors are free of all impediments to crowd movement.
Ensure that turnstiles are freewheeling or can operate in reverse.
Ensure that cords, which can create trip hazards, do not cross exit corridors. (If this
precaution is unavoidable, the cord should be marked, insulated, and secured to the
floor to prevent damage and potential electrical risks.)

Escalator Management—Event organizers should provide for:

Staff control at the top and bottom, including an emergency stop button.
Metering of the flow at both ends.

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Stairway/Corridor Management—Event organizers should provide for:

Control of both ends if the crowd is large.

Metering that may be required for safety.


The mission of special events credentialing is to design and produce badge identification to
ensure the greatest possible level of security for personnel and property, and to enhance
the ability of law enforcement personnel to control access to secure areas, facilities, and

A credential identifies specific individuals who require access to a venue(s) to perform an

operational role or function, whereas a ticket is issued to spectators or other members of
the general public who do not perform an operational role or function.

In essence, a credential is equivalent to an “Incident Badge.” A “ticket” is NOT a


Credentialing provides sufficient information to verify the identity of the bearer and his or
her level of access, and should include security features to prevent counterfeiting and assist
in credential verification.

Event planners tasked with credentialing may wish to consider the following:

Who will be credentialed?

Will credentialed personnel require police record checks?
Who will conduct the record checks?
What criteria will be used for various levels of access?
Who will have the final decision on who will or will not be credentialed?
Who will be responsible for credential production?
Who will authorize credential production?
What is the format for the receipt of the information necessary to produce the credential
(e.g., electronic, paper)?
Will a photograph be needed?
Where will the credentialing center be located? (The credentialing center should be
located outside of the secure zone and accessible to those requiring credentials.)
Who will secure this location and provide security for personnel and equipment?
How will the security of the credentialing database be maintained?
How, and to whom, will credentials be distributed?

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Ticketing is the first means of achieving crowd control. Essential matters to address include
the following:

If advance ticketing is possible, it is preferred because it allows organizers to anticipate

audience numbers and plan accordingly. It also enables them to pass on information
about needed services (for example, parking, traffic patterns, first aid, water sources,
toilets, and personal needs) to ticket-holders before the event.
When multiple entrances to the venue are provided, directing spectators to arrive via
specific entrances can reduce congestion.
If it is feasible, stagger crowd arrival by specifying entry times. Again, this plan reduces
congestion at entrances.


Effective use of barriers can prevent many problems, including congestion in thoroughfares
and walkways. Questions that you should consider in the planning phase include the

What types of barriers are required? Is a solid physical barrier required, or would a
psychological barrier, such as barrier tape, suffice? The use of psychological barriers is
suitable only for orderly crowds. Any physical barrier must be able to withstand crowd
How will personnel respond if the barrier is breached?
Can barriers be used to section the crowd and create passages for emergency personnel
to evacuate ill or injured spectators?
Will barriers be used to create a “pit” between the crowd and the stage, which can be
used to facilitate the evacuation of injured spectators?
Can barriers be easily dismantled by the crowd and used for other purposes?

There are physical structures designed for use in areas of egress that, in the event of an
emergency where evacuation is required, collapse to allow for the maximum passthrough.

A Public Works Department Checklist is included on pages A-42 and A-43 of Appendix A:
Job Aids.

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The tedium that is created by an extended wait in line for tickets or admission can be a
precursor for crowd control problems. Such boredom can create or magnify tempers,
particularly if, with little distraction, those in line perceive other doors being opened first or
other patrons getting in at the head of the line.

The following means of defusing anger have been used with success in different venues:

Up-tempo music (of a type consistent with the age group of the crowd) played over the
public address system.
Humorous, animal-costumed individual, such as a mascot, walking up and down the line
giving handshakes, pats, and waves.
Large inflated beach ball, which is lobbed back and forth over, and by, the spectators;
Food and beverage sellers moving through the group.
Cheerful security staff, passing up and down the line, talking to people.

Introducing some of these same distractions inside the event can calm a potentially agitated

In addition, a mascot conducting a spectator sing-along to up-tempo music or a ticket or

program number draw on the field for the last ball used at a sporting event can alleviate
tension in a crowd.

Whenever possible, spectators should be informed before an event of any special conditions
or arrangements for the event, such as parking, clothing, food and drink, sunscreen,
shelter, and alcohol restrictions. Notice of special conditions or arrangements may be
distributed via advertisements or in leaflets accompanying tickets.

Outdoor events, sometimes spread over large areas, require further considerations, such

Toilet facilities located outside gates and between disembarkation points and the venue.
Telephone facilities.

The venue should allow adequate regulation of crowd movement, such as adequate exiting
from ticketed seating areas and sectoring and flow barriers, including barriers to separate
vehicles from pedestrians.

Spectator overflow areas should be available to prevent crushing. Contingency plans are
required in case spectator turnout significantly exceeds expectations. This phenomenon is
common at rock concerts. This may be more of an issue for outside venues, as life safety
codes for inside venues may help address maximum crowd attendance.

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Clear lines of vision for spectators are important to reduce the likelihood that crowds will
move to get a better view of the stage. Also, a wide angle of view helps to reduce crowd
densities in front of the stage. If restricted viewing is unavoidable, tickets for spectators in
those sections should note this fact.


Video or projection screens aid in crowd management because they can provide:

Entertainment before and between acts.

Information concerning facilities and important messages including public safety and
traffic messages for both inside and outside the venue.
Close-up vision of on-stage action for spectators as a means of reducing crowd
movement toward the stage.


Transportation presents one of the first impressions that attendees will have about an
event’s organization, command, and control. Sitting in a line of cars for hours on the
highway to gain access to an event will undoubtedly create a negative impression. The
traffic from the event may not merely affect the local traffic but the traffic in the entire
region. Planners should ensure that the surrounding communities are aware of the event
and the potential impact on traffic in their area.

Depending on the scope and size of the event, traffic may be a routine issue. For example,
many sports stadiums hire professional traffic planners to provide guidance on the most
efficient ways to facilitate access and egress to various parking lots, and have procedures in
place that adequately handle traffic flow on a regular basis.

The promoter is responsible for any traffic disruption that is associated with the event and
should be held accountable by the permitting authority. The permitting authority can
require the promoter to work with local public safety and traffic service providers to create
contingency plans to minimize negative traffic impacts on the community at large.

At a minimum, local law enforcement, departments of transportation and public works, the
local media, any existing public transportation authorities, and the promoter should
comprise a traffic management group who must begin traffic planning well in advance of the
event. The group should use the local media to inform residents in advance of the expected
impact that the event will have on their mobility.

Being straightforward with the local community about anticipated problems or congestion
areas will minimize the negative impact on local traffic service agencies. Many residents,
when advised in advance to do so, will avoid certain areas or take alternate routes so that
their movement is not impeded or prolonged.

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Traffic and transportation concerns that traffic management must address include:

Does the site have adequate access and staging areas for large numbers of emergency
vehicles in the event of a major incident?
What impact will weather conditions have on transportation?
What type of road leads to the event? Paved? Gravel? Dirt?
Is access to, and the road network within, the site adequate to prevent emergency
responders from having to walk significant distances to the principal spectator areas(s)?
Is there sufficient room on the site (that is, for staging, manoeuvring) to permit
repositioning or redeployment of emergency vehicles as dictated by the incident?
Because of the nature of road access, would early arriving vehicles, such as ambulances,
be prevented from leaving by gridlock produced by subsequently arriving equipment?
Is the site served by an access road or street that could be closed to the public and used
only for expeditious emergency and service vehicle ingress and egress?
If access roads are unpaved, would emergency vehicles become bogged down if heavy
rains occurred during, or just prior to, the event?
Is the surrounding road network able to handle the anticipated spectator vehicular
If spectator-parking areas are filled, will the road network allow continued vehicle flow,
thus preventing gridlock?
Is signposting, including gate numbering, clearly established inside and outside the
Are communications systems inside and outside the venue capable of providing public
announcements, marshaling instructions, and evacuation orders?
Is a system in place to monitor crowd flow (as through the use of spotters or aviation
Does the organization have additional towing vehicles available?

Where there may be health and safety implications, efficient management of crowd
movement includes:

Awareness of public transport congestion at road, rail, and water interchanges and, in
some cases, at airports.
Use of coaches and buses to reduce private vehicle traffic and any potential problems
that large vehicles may present (for example access difficulties, parking requirements,
potential road blockages).
Alterations to normal traffic and road use.
Traffic control.
Adequacy of the surrounding road network to handle the anticipated spectator vehicular
traffic before, during, and after the event.
Communication between traffic management groups and other services, including the
local media.
Access and egress routes including:

Arrangements for people with disabilities.

Pedestrian access, including considerations of distance, terrain, surface, and lighting.
Designated pick-up and set-down points.

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Consider the environmental hazards that may result if access and egress routes are not
established for:

Portable toilet pump-out.

Garbage removal.
Water tankers.
Car parking.
Law enforcement vehicles.
Fire vehicles.
EMS vehicles.
Public works and utility vehicles.
Other essential service vehicles.


If organizers anticipate that event traffic will have a major impact on community surface
streets, they should consider requiring the promoter to hire a professional traffic planner to
work in conjunction with law enforcement and public works personnel to create alternate
routing or special signage to and from the event. Strategically placed, variable-message
signs on the highway that allow text messages to be changed by remote control are very
useful devices to inform the motoring public. Temporary fixed signage can also be
considered. The additional signs must adhere to the current industry standard and be easily
understood by the public.

Additionally, using a local AM radio station or a specially designated frequency to broadcast

travel information and instructions from the Public Safety Incident Command Post to
arriving or departing patrons on the day of the event can help to lower their frustration.
Broadcasting is also a means for event command and control staff to provide patrons with
useful guidance and safety messages prior to their arrival. Much useful information, such as
traffic routing and identification of the AM radio station channel that will carry event traffic
information, can be included in advance ticket-sales packets so that spectators are informed
before they even leave their homes.


Traffic monitoring should be carried out by periodic radio contact with ground personnel in
the field of the event footprint and by surveillance from aerial observation platforms. Fixed-
wing aircraft can stay airborne for extended periods of time to obtain the full view of traffic
flow. Helicopters can be used to view both the full area and specific problem areas that
may warrant closer attention than can be provided by fixed-wing aircraft. Stationary,
closed-circuit TV cameras can also be considered for use in areas prone to congestion.

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If public transportation is to be used by patrons for access to the event, a separate ticketing
and admitting area can be established to permit smooth drop-off and pick-up. If available,
public transportation should be encouraged by event organizers because it tends to lessen
the negative impact on local community street traffic. It also decreases the number of
parking attendants required at the event site. Another facet of public transportation for
consideration is event-only transportation. At many large-scale events that require off-
venue parking, promoters lease school or private buses to provide transportation from
specific pick-up sites within the community and from remote event-specific parking areas.
If public transportation is offered, planners must coordinate with law enforcement and
public works personnel for assistance. Public works and law enforcement agencies may
choose to close lanes or streets for use only by the public transportation vehicles.


Promoters should be required to hire towing companies to facilitate the removal of disabled
or illegally parked vehicles. Tow trucks should be available and readily observable as
private vehicles arrive at venue parking lots. The mere presence and active use of tow
trucks can act as a deterrent for those motorists who may consider parking illegally. As a
general rule, one tow truck for every 2,500 anticipated vehicles can be considered adequate
for planning purposes. The size, type, and location of the event may change the needs.

Abandoned vehicles should be towed immediately, because these could be an indicator of a

vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), a current common tactic of terrorists.

Towing companies should establish a standard procedure for impounding and owner
retrieval and should set maximum fees per impounded/towed vehicle in advance of the
event. Also, a mechanism (database) for tracking where vehicles from certain areas have
been towed and a mechanism for informing motorists of how to find their cars should be in
place. (For example, establish a toll-free telephone number). This information should be
shared with the appropriate authority and the command post, in case owners of towed
vehicles arrive there to ask about their vehicles.

A consideration is for the promoter to be held accountable for any costs associated with
towing that are not covered by towing fees. Public safety agencies should handle the
regulation and oversight of any towing arrangements that are made during the planning


Some jurisdictions now screen vehicles at an event site days or weeks in advance of the
event. For instance, it is common practice now for some State Fair venues to screen
vendors and carnival vehicles upon their arrival.

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With the crowd and the traffic risks also come the inevitable parking problems. A basic
formula for estimating parking requirements is to anticipate one vehicle for every three
persons in attendance. Areas of specific concern are:

Public parking arrangements—Have you made arrangements for overflow parking,

signposting, and segregation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic? If spectator-parking
areas overflow, will congestion on surrounding roads result?
Parking control—If anticipated spectator parking areas become full, are there nearby
areas for overflow parking? Are shuttle buses desirable, feasible, or necessary?
Towing—Are towing policies established to determine where stalled or disabled vehicles
will be towed, or how the owners can find their vehicles, and who bears the cost of
towing and storage?

If parking is allowed adjacent to, or inside, the facility itself, vehicle screening should also
be considered. Pre-event parking bans should also be considered to ensure the integrity of
the footprint surrounding the event site. Sufficient posting of no-parking signs should be
done in advance of the event and strictly enforced.


If the event venue does not have established parking lots available, then temporary,
auxiliary lots need to be established. Considerations for these lots include:

Lighting for hours of darkness

Compliance with the ADA
Publication of the location of the parking lots and the shuttles
Provision of toilet facilities
Use of public transportation (shuttle busses) to and from the event site

Assigning specific buses to specific lots helps the attendees as they go to and from the
event. These lots should be clearly distinguished from one another and adequately marked.
(Color-coding is one effective method of distinguishing buses. For example, Red Line buses,
marked with a red dot in the window, go only to and from the red lot.) The location, of
these lots need to be determined well in advance so that traffic management can evaluate
them in relation to the overall incident traffic management plan. If the lots need to be
rented or leased, the promoter should be held accountable by the permitting authority for
any costs associated with their establishment.

Parking attendants in charge of the auxiliary lots are required to direct event spectators to
park their cars in the configuration recommended by the traffic planner. If event spectators
park their own cars, they may park in such a way that greatly diminishes the capacity of the
parking lot, and control of traffic in and out of the lot can be lost. Parking attendants may
be trained volunteers, paid promoter staff, or public safety personnel. A consideration is for
the promoter to be held accountable for any costs associated with providing parking

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Public health interventions are designed to prevent or minimize injury or ill health. Mass
gatherings present particular challenges for preventing or at least minimizing, harm to
participants, spectators, and event staff, especially when the event is held at a temporary
venue. Familiarity of the financial stakeholders of the event with each other’s roles and
responsibilities, and knowledge of the potential and actual public health issues, present a
common challenge.

This section provides guidance on the primary public health issues likely to arise during the
planning phase of a mass gathering event. If State or local legislation is in place, that
legislation takes precedence over advice contained in this manual.


Event organizers should conduct a pre-event public health assessment for any venue
intended for a mass spectator event. A Public Health Department Venue Assessment
Checklist is included on pages A-47 and A-48 of Appendix A: Job Aids.

Organizers should consult appropriate health authorities to ascertain the availability of:

Running water (particularly for hand washing by food service and medical personnel).
Sufficient public toilets and hand washing stations in or adjacent to toilets (with
provision for pump-out of portables and servicing as necessary during the event).
Adequate refrigeration for perishable foodstuffs.
Recognized, approved vendors of bulk food items delivered to the site’s food providers.
Sufficient number of covered containers for the storage of food and solid waste,
including removal during the event.
Appropriate storage and removal of liquid waste.

Public health inspectors should be available onsite during the event to monitor public health

Public health authorities onsite should have legislated authority to enforce “cease operation”
orders on onsite food providers who are in contravention of standards or are otherwise
operating contrary to the public interest.

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The arrangements outlined in this chapter are designed to prevent an adverse event or
minimize the risk that an adverse event will occur. However, unforeseen circumstances that
may create a public health risk always exist. Some thought must be given to making
contingency arrangements and documenting these arrangements in the public health
emergency management plan. The plan should include the following details, as a minimum:

Contact details, including after-hour information, for principal event personnel (for
example, event organizers, environmental health officers, trades persons, and
emergency service personnel, including health services personnel).
Contact details for additional staff.
Details for 24-hour contact of the food proprietors.
Arrangements for alternative suppliers of equipment and utilities in the event of a failure
or loss of water or power.
Arrangements to replace food handlers who become ill.
Arrangements in case of product recall.
Epidemiological tracking procedures.
Procedures for handling complaints.
A debriefing procedure.


First aid posts and security personnel can provide information to help assess health and
safety risks. First aid posts can provide data by collecting gastrointestinal illness
surveillance information. A Gastrointestinal Illness Questionnaire is included on pages A-60
and A-61 of Appendix A: Job Aids. First aid posts can also maintain records of injuries,
incidents involving watercourses, and alcohol and drug issues. Security agencies can
provide information on safety hazards and alcohol and drug issues.


Food safety is a vital element of public health planning for public events. Unless personnel
apply proper sanitary practices to food storage, preparation, and distribution at mass
gatherings, food may become contaminated and present a danger to public health. Special
one-of-a-kind outdoor events that are held during warm weather pose additional risks
because they tend to have less than ideal facilities for food handling, transport, and storage.

To ensure that adequate food safety standards are met and maintained, an environmental
health officer should initially assess food service proposals, including the authorization of
vendors, as part of the pre-event planning outlined in Chapter 1. The health officer should
base any assessment on current local and State food hygiene legislation and food safety
codes. The officer should follow this assessment with a pre-event audit as well as periodic
monitoring of food safety throughout the event.

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This assessment should form part of a comprehensive food safety plan for the event,

Licensing/permit procedures and authorization of vendors

Quantities and types of food
Lines of supply
Premises where food is stored
Preparation techniques
Disposal of foods
Means of distribution
Food safety documentation, approved approaches, and surveillance

Food vendors must meet appropriate licensing and registration requirements of the
responsible health authority, including an off-premises food-catering license, as appropriate.
During the event, onsite environmental health officers must have the authority to close
down any vendor who is contravening food hygiene legislation and public health
requirements. In some cases, this action may necessitate passing particular local laws or

Appendix A includes a Food Vendor Information Sheet on pages A-33 through A-35. A
Catering Inspection Checklist for Food Vendors is included on pages A-36 through A-39.


Setup and construction of the food premises must be in accordance with State and local
regulations and codes of practice. The premises or areas to be used for food storage,
preparation, and service must be easily cleaned and promote neither the harboring of
rodents and insects nor the buildup of dirt and food particles.


Equipment used in food preparation, distribution, and storage must be in safe working order
and easily cleaned. Ensure that an appropriate number of the correct kind/type of fire
extinguishers (e.g., effective for use with deep fryers, propane tanks, etc.) is available at
food provider sites.


The safety of both staff and the public is always an important consideration, and you must
meet occupational health and safety standards. Some of the hazards to avoid include loose
power leads, trip hazards, inadequate refuse disposal, inappropriate positioning of
equipment (especially hot equipment), poor ventilation and extreme temperatures in the
work environment, badly stacked supplies, and unguarded equipment.

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An effective disposal system should be put into place. Improper disposal of perishable
goods, in particular, can cause problems arising from odor, insects or rodents, or other
animals. Adequate disposal facilities must be easily accessible to food handlers and removal

Organize a separate refuse collection for food premises and continually monitor it to ensure
that the frequency of collection is appropriate.

Where possible, encourage the separation of refuse into dry, wet, and hazardous disposal
units. For more information on refuse disposal, refer to the discussion under Waste
Management on page 2-31 of this chapter.


Provision of a supply of potable water for sinks is essential. Those operators who use water
that is stored in their own tanks must have access to facilities to refill diminished supplies.
Ensure that this access is established before the event. If possible, at outdoor concerts in
extreme heat conditions, all potable water supply lines should be buried to avoid breakage
and contamination by concert attendees. Having a NO GLASS policy is wise to prevent
hazards caused by broken glass. For more specific details on water supply, refer to the
section on Water on page 2-28 of this chapter.


Hand-washing facilities must be provided for the exclusive use of food handlers. Potable,
running water must be used for hand washing, and, where possible, hot water should be
available. Soap and disposable hand towels should be provided in the hand-washing area.


Potable water must be supplied to all sink areas. Hot water should be used where possible.
An appropriate detergent and sanitizer should be used to clean all sinks adequately.


Food should come only from registered outlets and should not be prepared in domestic
kitchens. Food proprietors must ensure that food supplies have been prepared and
transported in accordance with relevant standards.


The time required for food transportation should be kept to a minimum. Temperature
requirements should be maintained, and the food should be protected from contamination
at all times.

Food transport vehicles should be clearly identified and subject to surveillance and

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Essential matters to address include the following:

Cross-Contamination—The following points apply:

Every effort should be made to minimize the risk of cross-contamination during the
food-handling process. Utensils and surfaces that are used for the preparation of either
raw or ready-to-eat food should be clearly distinguished. In cramped circumstances,
this distinction becomes more difficult to observe. Adequate cleaning and sanitizing of
food utensils and surfaces between use plays an important role in reducing problems
arising from cross-contamination.
Disposable plastic gloves should be worn and changed frequently. The temptation to
continue to wear the same gloves exists, even after the work being undertaken has
changed. Encourage frequent hand washing.
Appropriate food storage is critical to ensure that there is no contamination between raw
and cooked or ready-to-eat foods. Raw foods should be stored separately if possible, or
at a minimum, stored below cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Equipment must be adequately cleaned and sanitized after each separate process. This
is particularly critical where equipment is used for preparing different types of food.

Thawing, Cooking, Heating, and Cooling—The goal in monitoring temperature control is to

minimize the length of time during which potentially hazardous foods are held in
temperatures between 41oF and 140oF. This is the temperature range in which most
foodborne microorganisms can grow. This range is referred to as the danger zone. Key
points to remember include:

Thaw food under refrigeration or in cold, running water.

Cook food thoroughly to applicable standards.
Minimize the reheating of food. When reheating is required, heat the food thoroughly
and store it appropriately.
Cool food quickly under refrigeration.
Apportion food into appropriately sized trays.

Cleaning and Sanitizing—The following points apply:

Regardless of the type of facility in which the food is prepared, regularly clean and
sanitize all food contact surfaces, using an appropriate sanitizer.
Clean all other surfaces to minimize the risk of contamination of food products. Also be
aware of pest infestation and occupational hazards, such as slippery floor surfaces.
Adequate signage should be posted in these areas.
Consider the provision of a designated wash-up area for food outlets to reduce sullage
waste storage and pump out at each food outlet.

Chemical Storage—Store chemicals in areas separate from foods and clearly mark the
contents on chemical storage containers. Never use food containers to store

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Job Aids Manual

Food Storage

Essential matters to address include:

Storage Facilities—Provide facilities of adequate size and appropriateness for the

All foodstuffs must be stored off the floor or ground using shelving or pallets in
accordance with State and local health regulations.
Temperature Control—The following points apply:

Refrigerated or heated storage areas require a continuous power supply. You must
store potentially hazardous food at appropriate temperatures at all times.
Refrigeration can pose a problem particularly in hot weather when refrigeration units
struggle to cope. In case of refrigeration failure, all proprietors should indicate
alternative refrigeration suppliers, or the organizer or authority could identify
alternative suppliers in the public health emergency management plan.

Cross-Contamination—The following problems must be overcome:

The less-than-ideal conditions that confront food handlers working in temporary

facilities may lead to compromising appropriate food handling practices.
Space is often a major problem. Ensure that, at a minimum, raw and cooked or
ready-to-eat-foods are stored appropriately. Food handling staff must be aware of
the requirements for strict hand-washing procedures and for the cleaning and
sanitizing of equipment between handling raw and ready-to-eat foods.

Dry Goods—Appropriate and sufficient storage conditions should be available to ensure

adequate protection of food from the elements and pests.
Food Protection—Protect exposed food available on display from insect pests, dust, and
human contact.

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Food Handling Staff Considerations

Important matters to address include:

Training—Encourage proprietors to select staff with food handler training to work in

temporary facilities.
Personal Hygiene—Selection of staff should include factors such as high personal
hygiene standards. Food proprietors should ensure that a non-smoking policy is
implemented in the workplace if permitted by local code.
Communications—Proprietors should be able to demonstrate that they have an efficient
reporting and communication system so that staff can identify public health problems
and deal with them promptly.
Supervision—Encourage proprietors to provide appropriate supervision to ensure a team
approach to the provision of a safe food supply.
Dress—Food handlers’ dress should be appropriate to the tasks that they are performing
and include some form of hair covering.
Infectious Diseases—

Proprietors should be reminded that food handlers must not work while they are in
an acute stage of any gastrointestinal illness or the common cold.
Proprietors should remind food handlers who have open wounds to dress all wounds
with a waterproof dressing and to change the dressing regularly.
Provide segregated toilet facilities exclusively for food handlers.
Monitor these facilities for any signs of pest or rodent infestation.
Proprietors should keep a register of any complaints that they may receive from food


Consider the opportunities to promote health messages at public events and to encourage
event organizers and service providers, such as food vendors, to participate. Examples

Sunsmart—Encourage the provision and use of shade areas. Encourage the use of
sunscreen creams and hats, and make them available for purchase by spectators.
Organizers should consider advising spectators that alcohol consumption in the sun greatly
increases the risk of dehydration. Additionally, organizers may want to consider providing
“misting tents” which are used by attendees to reduce core body temperatures in excessive
heat environments.

No Smoking—Encourage the provision of non-smoking areas and ban the sale of cigarettes
at the event.

Alcohol—Consider the designation of alcohol-free areas or restrictions on the sale of alcohol.

Also consider glass-free policies. Alcohol-free events will minimize aggressive behavior of
spectators and also minimize the use of restrooms and water supply needs.

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An adequate supply of safe drinking water must be available. One guideline suggests
making available 21 quarts of potable water per person per day, of which 5 quarts comprise
the drinking water component. Consider event duration and location and the anticipated
ambient temperature in determining the quantity of potable water required.

All water provided must be tested to ensure its potability. In areas where non-reticulated
water is the only source for personal use, then consider the clarification and disinfecting of
the water supply to achieve a level greater than 1 ppm residual chlorine.

Some consideration must be made to ensure that the water is safe from deliberate
contamination. Placing the water supply in a secure area or having someone guard the
water supply are two options available.

Appropriate access to drinking water must be available for spectators in a field or outdoor
venue or at events such as “raves,” where the activity produces an extreme-heat

Water pressure must be adequate to provide for all normal use and for use during peak
demands. Any use of fire-suppression water systems (i.e., fire hydrants) should be
discouraged, or alternate water supplies must be made available in case existing supplies
fail to meet demand or if the supply is rendered unsafe or unusable.


Where existing toilet facilities are judged inadequate, you must make available additional
portable units.

Toilet locations should be:

Well marked.
Near hand-washing stations.
Well lit (including the surrounding area) if night use is anticipated.
Serviced (including pump-out of portables) on a 24-hour schedule during the event
(Vehicle access is obviously necessary).
Located away from food storage and food service areas.
Secured to prevent tipping.

The following considerations will determine the number of toilets to be provided for
particular events:

Duration of the event

Type of crowd
Weather conditions
Whether the event is pre-ticketed with the numbers of attendees known, or unticketed
Whether finishing times are staggered if the event has multi-functions
Whether alcohol will be consumed

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Calculating the number of toilets required for an event can be a particular challenge. Where
local laws or regulations do not exist, the following guidelines can be applied. Better
management of events can be achieved by providing additional facilities. Assume a 50/50
male/female split unless otherwise advised. The following tables should be used only as a

Toilet facilities for events where alcohol is not available

Males Females
Patrons Toilets Urinals Sinks Toilets Sinks
<500 1 2 2 6 2
<1,000 2 4 4 9 4
<2,000 4 8 6 12 6
<3,000 6 15 10 18 10
<5,000 8 25 17 30 17

Toilet facilities for events where alcohol is available

Males Females
Patrons Toilets Urinals Sinks Toilets Sinks
<500 3 8 2 13 2
<1,000 5 10 4 16 4
<2,000 9 15 7 18 7
<3,000 10 20 14 22 14
<5,000 12 30 20 40 20

These figures may be reduced for shorter duration events as follows:

Duration of event Quantity required

More than 8 hours 100%
6-8 hours 80%
4-6 hours 75%
Less than 4 hours 70%

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Toilets for the Disabled

At least one unisex toilet for the disabled is required. Check with your local ADA office for
further guidance.

Food Vendors’ Toilets

Separate toilet and hand-washing facilities should be made available for food handlers.

General Considerations

In an outdoor setting, it is a relatively simple matter to provide additional toilets by

contracting for temporary portable toilets. This solution may not be suitable for indoor
settings, for which provision of additional toilets may be more difficult. One possible
solution is to convert some men's washrooms to women's facilities for events where you
anticipate a predominantly female audience, or vice versa.

To avoid long lines, particularly at female toilets, organizers may identify some toilet
facilities as unisex toilets.

The maintenance and cleaning schedule for toilets and sinks should ensure:

An adequate supply of toilet paper and soap.

Clean toilets throughout the duration of the event.
Provision for disposal and removal of sanitary napkins.
Availability of a plumber or appropriate maintenance person to repair or remove

Organizers should ensure that adequate cleaning supplies are available for use by the
cleaning staff.


At an extended event, promoters and planners may decide to provide showers. If they do
provide showers, they must consider the additional demands for potable water and
drainage. If municipal water supplies and wastewater treatment plants cannot service the
shower facilities, providing shower facilities could prove to be a very costly and formidable
task. Vendors are available that will contract to provide self-contained shower units.
Ensure that showers are located on high ground so that muddy areas are not created.

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Major considerations are as follows:


Deposit food waste in covered containers placed strategically around the venue. Covers
are essential, especially in outdoor settings or if high temperatures are expected.
Spectator density may prohibit access by garbage removal vehicles. To prevent
containers from overflowing, empty containers regularly and move waste to a
temporary, properly prepared holding area until bulk removal can be accomplished at
designated times or after the event. Removing food waste often and in a timely manner
prevents disease and pests.


Make arrangements for the appropriate storage or disposal of empty containers, such as
cardboard boxes.


Special arrangements must be established for the collection and disposal of various forms of
hazardous waste, including waste from food preparation areas, medical sharps, and other
hazardous materials.


Ensure there is provision for the storage, collection, and disposal of clinical waste generated
from onsite medical and first aid facilities.


Provide and maintain adequate facilities for the ongoing storage and disposal of sewage and
sullage. As with all other wastes, these must be removed in a timely manner and on a
frequent basis.


Where possible, consider providing specific containers for recyclable materials. Vendors
should be encouraged to use recyclable packaging of foodstuffs. A sufficient number of
dedicated containers should be placed near the vendor area to further encourage recycling.

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In outdoor settings, the control of rodents, spiders, mosquitoes, and insects of significance
to public health must be addressed. Venue sites should also be inspected for pests, snakes,
gopher holes, etc., in advance. If particular hazardous species are known to inhabit the
area, or if carriers of particular diseases are prevalent in the area, alert the attending first
aid and medical personnel.

Alert medical and first aid personnel to the presence of potentially poisonous and noxious
plants and trees in the area.

If domestic animals are permitted into the venue, establish rules for the control of animals
and their waste. Check with your local animal control agency or shelter for more guidance
concerning animal regulations.

Also consider the potential effect of the event on nearby domestic or farm animals and
native fauna.


Purpose-built swimming areas must comply with State requirements for water quality and
meet other local requirements, such as fencing. Assess the suitability of other watercourses
in the vicinity of the venue if spectators may use those watercourses for water recreation or
washing. If these watercourses do not meet requirements, fence them off and erect
warning signs against their use.

Address water quality in both designated swimming areas and areas that could be used for
swimming in hot weather. Experience has shown that where audiences attend an outdoor
concert in hot weather, particularly in overnight events without adequate or convenient
washing facilities, they will employ any nearby water area as a makeshift swimming,
bathing, or washing area.

Consider making available some form of trained supervision for:

Families with small children.

Spectator groups for which alcohol consumption, with subsequent judgment impairment,
is anticipated.
Areas of water that pose additional hazards such as steep, slippery sides; submerged
snags; or unusually variable depths.

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Infectious disease transmission through unsafe sexual practices or drug use may be a
health risk at some events, particularly for those at which spectators are camping at the
venue overnight. To reduce these risks, consider providing or making available condoms
and a properly licensed needle exchange/disposal mechanism. While these are sensitive
and controversial issues, and political issues in some areas, they are nevertheless important
public health concerns in contemporary society, and you should address them.

At events where the duration extends overnight or longer, provide hygienic washing
facilities. Suggested minimum requirements for facilities at campgrounds, based on two to
three nights’ camping, are as follows:

Sex Toilets Urinal Sinks Shower

M 1 per 50 1 per 100 1 per 75 1 per 100
F 1 per 25 N/A 1 per 75 1 per 100


With a return in popularity of tattoos, body piercing, and branding, mobile operators have
begun to appear at certain types of public gatherings, such as carnivals, motorcycle races,
and auto swap meets. Where this activity is likely to occur, check the need for proper
licensing or registration of such service providers and their compliance with any health

Because of the potential of cross-infection, particularly of blood-borne diseases, inspect any

such operations to ensure, as a minimum, the use of:

Disposable, single-use skin penetration items.

Proper sterilization equipment and techniques.
Clinical sharps containers for used needle disposal.
Sharps containers safely located away from children.
Safe disposal of used sharps containers.

If the service providers do not use these minimum infection control procedures, do not allow
them to perform any skin penetration procedures.

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Conduct a post-event survey to ensure that personnel have conducted a proper cleanup,
particularly from a public health perspective. For example, check that all scrap foodstuffs
and discarded needles are properly disposed of. All involved in planning the event should
return the venue to its pre-event condition.

As an additional precaution, retain appropriate records of all service providers at the event
so that they may be traced if a subsequent outbreak of a reportable disease occurs or if a
claim is made for an injury or illness.

Health personnel should also be conscious of the need to introduce a monitoring or

surveillance system if they subsequently become aware of any particular health problem
arising from an event.

A formal public health debriefing should follow the event, and a public health representative
should participate in all agency debriefings.


Spectators and participants at mass gatherings may require medical attention in the event
of illness or injury. The incidence of illness will be greater at an event for spectators than
that expected to occur naturally in a population of comparable size.

The number of spectators who require, or avail themselves of, onsite medical care, and the
types of problems that they present, will vary significantly depending on the nature of the
event. Generally, between 0.3 percent to 1.3 percent4 of event attendees will require some
form of medical assistance, regardless of the character, locale, physical layout, and size of
the event.

Alcohol and drug use is common at most festivals and is the primary diagnosis in more than
10 per cent of the persons seeking medical care. Other common complaints include
lacerations, fractures and sprains, burns, sunburn, heat stroke, seizures, asthma, and


Planning for the provision of medical care for both spectators and participants is essential,
for both humanitarian and legal reasons. The permitting process should ensure that
medical care at the venue is equal to or greater than the standard of care currently provided
in the community. In addition, providing onsite first aid or medical care will significantly
reduce the demand on EMS and the emergency departments at local hospitals in the area of
the event.

Leonard, Ralph B., PhD, MD, FACEP & Moreland, Kimberly M., MD, “EMS for the Masses, Preplanning
Your EMS Response To a Major Event,” EMS, January 2001.

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Event organizers may choose to contract with a health service provider, who may not be
associated with the usual local service provider. Check to ensure that the service provider
is appropriately licensed and regulated. The provider must coordinate with the local health
and emergency services to plan a response to any emergency or significant medical
problems requiring further assistance. Notify local health authorities of the details of the
event and provide them with emergency plans for a major incident. Additionally, local
hospitals should be notified of the event in writing at least 30 days in advance and given the
estimated number of attendees.


Main issues to address in medical care planning include:


Some medical logistics questions to consider in planning an event include:

How many medical stations will be required onsite?

Will medical personnel operate in a facility to which the injured must make their way, or
will clearly identified medical teams patrol spectator areas?
How will spectators identify medical personnel on the site (uniforms, vests, etc.)?
Will vehicles be available to transport spectators to the medical facility?
Will medical vehicles be appropriate to the terrain? Four-wheel-drive vehicles may be
required for off-road areas and golf carts or similar vehicles required for high-density
spectator areas.
Where an ambulance is not required, will a “chauffeur system” be provided to transport
persons from the onsite medical facility to their own transport vehicle?
How will medical personnel be notified of, or summoned to, spectators requiring
assistance in vast spectator areas?
What means of communication will be available to permit attending medical personnel to
communicate with offsite medical personnel, event organizers, security, and other
support personnel?
Are there any sponsorship conflicts between the event sponsor and any medical service
What level of onsite medical care, if any, do you expect to be required, given the nature
of the event?
What mix of medical personnel (first aid providers, paramedics, nurses, doctors) will you
require onsite?
Who will provide the personnel? How will the cost for their services be funded?
Are the health service providers from the local area? If not, how will their services be
integrated with the local services?
How will security concerns for health care personnel onsite be addressed?
Are the selected personnel appropriately skilled to respond to anticipated medical
problems at the event? They may require additional training.
Will medical personnel or vehicles need special credentials to allow them access to all
parts of the venue, especially to any restricted areas?
Are medical personnel assigned for public safety workers at the event?

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Are aero-medical services and landing zones available?

Where is the closest trauma center?
Have primary and secondary receiving hospitals been identified?
Does the area hospital have adequate bed and personnel capacity to respond to the
emergency requirements of an event of the size that is being planned?

Management and Planning

Determine which other organizations will be involved. Who will be the lead agency?
Conduct planning meetings involving health personnel, emergency services personnel,
and event organizers.
Determine what is expected of each organization involved in the provision of medical
Determine likely levels of care that will be required.
Determine any local laws, rules, or regulations governing emergency first aid.
Determine the budget for the provision of medical care services.
Establish liaison with other emergency services (police, fire, and security).
Identify the equipment required and potential suppliers. Will the equipment be
purchased, hired, or borrowed?
Will volunteers be used? What accreditation will they be required to possess? What
benefits will they be offered?
Ensure the security of medical stations and the safety of the staff.
Establish a patient information management system for patients who are treated,
including patient care reporting, etc.
Determine in advance the disposition of patient records after the event.

An Emergency Medical Services Venue Assessment Checklist is included on pages A-53 and
A-54 of Appendix A: Job Aids.


Obtain background information to assist with medical care planning that may be available

Reports from previous similar events (medical and other specialist literature).
Lay literature (press).
Medical literature that has information on the risks and types of injury that were
sustained at similar events in the past.

Consider the effects of weather conditions on the spectators, such as hypothermia and heat

Consult medical literature for information on the numbers of casualties from similar events
in the past. See the table below for anticipated percentages of patients against triage
categories. Consider variables that affect numbers (for example, alcohol consumption,
psychosocial behavior, and type of event).

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Expected percentages of patients in triage categories

Categories Description Vital Signs Mental State Percentage2

1 Critical Unstable Abnormal 0.02

2 Serious Potentially Potentially 1.1
Unstable Abnormal
3 Moderate Usually Normal 12
4 Minor Stable Normal 87

Notes: 1 Categories modified from disaster triage guidelines.

Percentages aggregated from events listed in the references.


Experience from other events has shown that most casualties are from:

Heat stroke, dehydration.

Cuts from broken glass and drink can ring pulls.
Injuries from missiles, usually bottles and cans.
Fainting and exhaustion from a combination of hysteria, heat and alcohol. At concerts,
this often occurs at or near the stage barrier.
Trampling or crushing from crowd pressure.
Crowd “surfing” and stage diving.
Illicit drug and alcohol abuse.
Respiratory problems (asthma and emphysema).
Epilepsy attacks brought about from strobe lighting.
Age-related illness.

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Consider the risks associated with venue (for example, water in the vicinity).

Agreements must be reached among medical service providers on the following:

Medical teams must be able to locate individuals in need of attention easily. You should
agree on the use of a common reference map or grid system.
How will medical teams reach or rescue individuals in distress for example, in crowded
areas or through fixed seating)?
How will patients be transported onsite?
Will you provide a dedicated access route, or emergency service lane, to allow rapid
access to and from the venue for ambulances and other emergency vehicles?
Will the event itself pose a barrier to medical teams (for example, community runs or a
Will you need aero-medical services/landing zones, and if so, what are the associated
regulations regarding their operation?


Prepare for the most critical injury or illness foreseeable, such as cardiac arrest.
Is there a need for a mobile team? This team may require pre-packed medical kits.
Determine who will provide care for the audience, any VIPs, and performers.
Define boundaries of care (for example, inside the venue and in the parking areas).


Levels of care can be categorized as follows:

Basic—first aid.
Intermediate—first aid plus IV therapy and oxygen.
Advanced—Care and life support and early management of severe trauma.
Site Hospital—full monitoring, ventilation, and resuscitation capability.

Other level-of-care concerns include:

Consulting medical personnel with experience in similar events to determine the

appropriate levels of care to provide.
Considering the distance to, and accessibility of, the nearest hospital and its capability.
Pre-establishing the coordination between venue medical services and those of the local
community emergency medical service responders (that is, establish how they will
provide mutual aid if required).
Preparing to treat patients after a release of a chemical, biological, radiological or other
CBRNE material.

Further guidance on the establishment of medical care facilities and their equipment
requirements is available in the references and from local or regional disaster and health

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When deploying medical teams, consider the following:

What will be the size of the event?

What is the location of the venue with regard to medical infrastructure?
What is the extent of available medical resources?
How do local and State ordinances and regulations apply, including those that may
address minimum staffing levels? Average numbers of expected patients generally
range from .3 percent to 1.3 percent of the total number of patrons in attendance5.
Who can see, treat, and discharge patients?
Will there be peak periods or special circumstances requiring additional staff?
How will medical staff be fed, watered, rested, and protected from the elements?
Are work safety regulations established that cover occupational health and safety (for
example, protection from violence and crowd crushes)?
Have medical teams been provided with maps of the venue?
What arrangements are in place for movement of medical teams onto and off the site?
Are medical team members appropriately dressed for the conditions?
Is the dress of medical team members easily identifiable?
Are interpreters required?
Do medical teams understand the command structure and their role within it, and the
emergency activation system?
Have medical personnel been trained and equipped with PPE for use in response to a
CBRNE incident.


In tightly packed areas, particularly near the stage, first aid personnel on foot, bicycles, or
golf carts may have the only access. Experience has shown that uniformed first aid
personnel on foot circulating in dense spectator areas are quite effective, and patrons will
readily summon them in an emergency, even if the person requiring care is a stranger to
them. Even if a clearly marked field hospital is visible, spectators are often unwilling to
make the sometimes long trek to request assistance (because they may lose their seating
position), particularly for a fellow spectator whom they may not know or if they fail to
appreciate the seriousness of the patient’s condition.

Identification of mobile teams, where ambulance or clinical uniforms are unsuitable, can be
successfully accomplished by special event uniforms. Mobile teams need to have
communications equipment to keep EMS supervisors and the Incident Command Post
informed at all times.

(NOTE: The Red Cross symbol is registered by the International Red Cross and its National
Societies. It should not be used as part of an event uniform.)

Leonard, Ralph B., PhD, MD, FACEP & Moreland, Kimberly M., MD, “EMS for the Masses, Preplanning
Your EMS Response To a Major Event,” EMS, January 2001.

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Important considerations in the establishment of medical aid posts require that they should:

Provide easy ambulance access and egress.

Be located within 5 minutes of all sections of the crowd.
Have available a mode of transport to them.
Be clearly marked.
Have adequate signage for direction to the aid post.
Be clearly identified.
Be clearly marked on maps of the venue layout.
Be in a position known by security and other event personnel.
Be stocked and staffed for the duration of the event and for spectator arrival and
departure periods.
Provide facilities for injured or sick patients to lie down.
Ensure privacy in clinical areas.
Provide some means of communication with the primary medical control point, venue
control, and with mobile medical teams in the venue.
Be located in as quiet a place as possible.
Ensure that post security staff considerations are addressed.
Include dedicated disposal containers for ablutions, hazardous wastes, and sharps.


The number of medical aid personnel and posts will vary with the type of event. As a guide,
use the following formulation:

Medical Aid Medical Aid

Patrons Personnel Posts
500 2 1
1,000 4 1
2,000 6 1
5,000 8 2
10,000 12 2
20,000 22+ 4

The number of medical aid posts required would depend on what medical aid room facilities
are available. Every venue should have at least one climate-controlled facility with electrical
service and running potable water.

Medical aid providers are generally not required for events that are smaller than 500
patrons and are held in close proximity to central ambulance/hospital services.

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Depending on the nature of the event, a site or field hospital may be needed to provide
resuscitation or care for the number of casualties anticipated. You should also make
contingency plans in case of a major incident, for which the resources of the field hospital
may not be sufficient. Failure to plan for large numbers of casualties or severely injured
patrons can result in long delays in providing medical treatment. It is important to provide
a communication link between the site hospital and local hospitals.

Site hospitals will require:

Clean water.
Electricity for medical appliances and adequate lighting in tent hospitals at night. (This
installation should, if possible, include a backup power system.)
Washroom/rest facilities for the exclusive use of staff and patients.
Provisions for patient modesty/privacy issues.
Meals for medical staff.
Tents for hospital use that have flooring as part of the structure to contain the service
and to prevent ingress of water or insects.
A landline telephone service for ordering additional staff or supplies and for notifying
hospitals of patient transfers. (Note that cellular telephones should be used as backup
devices only).
Reserved access roads for emergency vehicle use.
Dedicated disposal containers for ablutions, hazardous wastes, and sharps.


Documentation should facilitate:

Post-event review of medical assistance activities.

Tracking of biological, chemical, and infectious disease exposures, if they occur.

Medical and legal issues, which must be addressed prior to the preparation of any
documents, are as follows:

Who has access to records?

Who keeps the data and for how long?
Who can give consent for treatment?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) considerations (i.e.,

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Organizers should consult ambulance services to determine ambulance requirements for the
event. Some considerations include:

Will ambulances be pre-positioned onsite or be called to the venue on an as-required

Has the security of the vehicles when parked been addressed?
Are there provisions for a mix of Advanced and Basic Life Saving ambulances at the
If ambulances are onsite specifically for athletes, race car drivers, etc., are these
ambulances exclusively for taking care of their needs or emergencies, or will they be
available for injured spectators as well?
Is there a need for dedicated ambulances/medical staff for the event staff itself?
Are aero-medical services/landing zones available? Who will pay for the service? Can the
promoter be required to provide the service?

While conventional ambulances are appropriate for patient transfers to offsite medical
facilities over good roads, such vehicles may be unsuitable for off-road use. Ad hoc
roadways and cross-country terrain may require four-wheel-drive vehicles, particularly if
grounds are saturated by recent rainfall. Because four-wheel-drive ambulances are not
available in most areas, other four-wheel-drive vehicles, equipped with appropriate medical
equipment (including, but not limited to, resuscitation equipment, trauma kit, and spinal
board) can serve as ambulances over the short distances between spectator areas and
medical care facilities.

In denser spectator areas, any vehicle can have access problems. You should consider
using golf carts, either designed or modified to accommodate a litter or stretcher.

For these reasons the ambulance network may have to consist of a mix of first aid
personnel on foot, golf-carts, four-wheel-drive vehicles, ambulance buses, and conventional
ambulances, to facilitate patient transport requirements. You should provide a magnetic-
based beacon, portable radio, and appropriate marking for these vehicles.

A communications network, designed to provide a coordinated response to requests for

assistance, is essential. You may base the network on existing service networks, or event
organizers may need to provide the network.

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The requirement for basic or advanced life support equipment depends on the type of event
and the assessed risk of illness or injury. While standard lists of equipment will cover most
requirements, you should review literature, previous experiences, and current practices.

Further equipment considerations include:

Mobile versus fixed requirements.

Arrangements to re-supply aid posts as required.
Compatibility of onsite equipment with equipment used by ambulance and other health
care providers (e.g., IV tubing/administration sets).
Ambulance providers may want to consider carrying extra supplies beyond their normal
Provisions for the rapid movement of reserve supplies in a mass casualty incident should
also be considered.


Further considerations include:

Providing considerations for interviewing and treating of sexual assault victims and the
collection of evidence.
Ensuring sufficient water supplies.
Providing sprinkler systems or misting tents for crowds in hot, open areas, if they are
suitable for the event.
Providing welfare and information services (the helping and caring role).
Assisting with forgotten medications.
Providing a baby diaper-changing and caring facility.
Containing and disposing of clinical waste.
Determining how, and by whom, medical supplies will be obtained, including secure
onsite storage of drugs.
Planning for the deployment or availability of chemical antidote supplies (i.e., Mark 1
Kits, atropine, pediatric auto injectors) for a CBRNE event.

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Weather is a variable that takes on a different significance depending on the event and its
location. For a major indoor event in a southern United States city, weather is seldom a
major concern, unless a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, is anticipated. If you were to
move that same event to a northern United States climate in February, you would be faced
with additional concerns, sometimes even for a predicted “normal” winter storm. Slow-
moving traffic patterns, snow removal in parking areas, and safe movement of spectators
from parking areas to the venue are a few concerns. Extreme high and low temperatures
must be part of the contingency planning for an event. These extremes present hazards
and risks that are not normally present but must be considered in the event that they do

For outdoor events, many additional concerns may become apparent regardless of location.
Lightning strikes, severe thunderstorms and hail, high winds, and other undesirable weather
pose threats to event patrons. The influx of patrons may have a severe negative impact on
the jurisdiction’s mass evacuation and sheltering plan for local residents. Contingency plans
drawn up for the jurisdiction may not provide for a transient population (as in the case of
some rock concerts with numbers of patrons in the hundreds of thousands) that will
negatively impact that community’s ability to protect residents and visitors.

During the planning phase, event organizers must adequately consider all potential weather
conditions. For example, if event infrastructure (i.e., stages, speaker towers, etc.) are to be
erected at the event, special consideration should be given to their composition (i.e., steel
versus wood, etc.), height, location, and protection of their surrounding areas. Electrical
professionals can be consulted regarding the impact of a lightning strike scenario to this
type of infrastructure by a swift-moving thunderstorm. Worst-case scenarios can then be
developed to consider the effect of infrastructure energized by a lightning strike. Not only
could anyone on the stage or scaffolding be prone to electrocution, but many spectators on
the ground around the infrastructure could be in danger, depending on the location of the
strike with the scaffolding, any grounding mechanisms in place, and the severity of the

Some planning considerations involving weather awareness are:

Monitoring the weather using a computer, radio, NOAA weather radio, or television.
Establishing a dedicated a phone line that is linked with the closest office of the National
Weather Service.
Ensuring that ICS team consults with the Weather Service on a regular basis and that
consultation information is included in each Operational Period’s Incident Action Plan.
Distributing weather information to the participants.
Contracting or partnering with a private-sector meteorological prediction service.
Establishing agreements with the promoter to interrupt a performance and use the
festival sound equipment as a public-address system to give information to patrons on
protective actions to take if severe weather becomes imminent.
Coordinating with the Red Cross and concert organizers to designate specific buildings as
evacuation shelters if the visiting public requires sheltering.
Leasing and installing a lightning detection system similar to those used at major golfing
events to forewarn of impending storms.

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Developing severe-weather contingency plans to ensure the safety of event attendees can
require a significant amount of time, equipment, planning, and multi-agency participation.


In selecting a site, especially for an outdoor event, the planning team should identify the
potential hazards in the area, which include:

Power lines that could be brought down by a severe storm.

Structures and equipment that could be prone to lightning strikes.
Waterways that may be prone to flooding.
High winds.
Areas of high ground that require management (i.e., security from snipers, etc.).
Extremes of temperature.
Pests and large animals, including:

Insects—ants, caterpillars, wasps, bees, mosquitoes, flies

Pollens and poisonous plants, including noxious weeds.

Marshes or swamps.
Quarries, pits.
Scrap piles.
Cliffs and steep inclines.
Watercourses, including their depth of water, water currents, water temperature, water
Pollution—dust, noise (including the potential need for hearing protection).
Water quality (bacteriological), blue-green algae.
Hazardous chemicals or underground tanks.
Use of lasers.
Alcohol, drugs, weapons, or potential weapons (for example, broken glass).
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Neighboring land use.

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To ensure compliance with public health requirements, carry out a public health audit just
prior to the commencement of the event. Also undertake subsequent periodic surveillance
during the event. These procedures are particularly important for outdoor events in hot
weather with transient food vendors who may not have sufficient sanitary or refrigeration
mechanisms available to meet established public health or safety protocols.

Environmental health officers should have access to resources to assist in early intervention
and problem correction and resolution when any problem is noted (for example, toilet
servicing, unsafe areas, fencing repairs, water testing) rather than using their authority to
stop the event or particular operation.


If helicopter flights will be available for spectators or members of the media to view the
event from the air, the following concerns should be addressed:

Will flights be prohibited directly over the event and spectators and confined, instead, to
circular paths around the perimeter?
Will helispots be confined to the periphery of the event, to avoid flights directly above
spectators during take-offs and landings?
Do the proposed helispots comply with Federal regulations governing such use?
Which public safety agency working the event will be designated as responsible for
interacting with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) if required?


If camping is permitted at the event, you should consider the following:

Providing for the safety of the campers and their belongings.

Disposing of solid and liquid waste.
Clearly marking temporary streets.
Clearly defining avenues of access for ambulances, law enforcement personnel, and
other emergency vehicles.
Controlling the building of fires.
Removing fire hazards ahead of time.
Installing a public address system to communicate emergencies to campers.

Survey proposed camping areas to ascertain their safety, paying particular attention to:

Low-lying areas subject to flooding.

Areas adjacent to creeks or rivers.
Areas near utility lines.
Trees that may drop branches, especially during a severe storm.

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The nature of some events causes concerns about hazardous materials (e.g., propane gas
cylinders used for cooking, pyrotechnic lighting areas, oxygen tanks used by EMS, etc.) and
the ability of local officials to handle HazMat incidents. In most communities, the fire
department is the agency that responds to calls. The best way to plan for the handling of
hazardous materials is to inform the fire department ahead of time about potential hazards
and their locations. Providing fire officials with an event footprint grid map with a
description of the possible hazards reduces the response time and allows the responding
agency to be prepared. If the local fire company is not adequately trained or equipped to
handle the hazardous material, planners must identify in advance the closest department
that is equipped and consider staging them nearby during the event.


At many public events, portable pressurized gas cylinders are used to inflate children's
balloons, to carbonate beverages, or to provide cooking fuel. Frequently, such cylinders are
not secured, or are merely fastened to two-wheeled hand trolleys designed to transport
them, which are themselves not independently secured.

If such cylinders topple and the cylinder neck or valve cracks, the uncontrolled release of
the stored pressurized gas can turn the cylinder into a deadly projectile. For this reason, all
portable gas cylinders must be secured.

Used incorrectly, propane can be deadly. Propane is a flammable material that is heavier
than air that is used for cooking at many large events. Tanks must be properly secured.
Qualified inspectors, usually from the fire service, should also make periodic inspections of
the tanks to ensure that the location is a safe distance away from heat sources or other
possible sources of danger.

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The CBRNE threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is currently a much-discussed

topic in this country. The Federal Government is prepared to assist communities in the
event of a terrorist attack. The local community’s first responders will be the first line of
defense, but if the attack is beyond their capability, they may seek assistance from the
State or Federal Government.

The Department of Defense has created WMD Civil Support Teams (CST) to assist the FBI
and local communities facing a terrorist attack. These teams are made up of National
Guard members who assist in the detection and identification of WMDs. Because these
teams are composed of National Guard personnel, State Governors also may deploy these
teams to assist communities.

A HazMat/CBRNE Data Collection Report is included on pages A-82 through A-84 of

Appendix A: Job Aids.

A Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) is defined as:

Any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through
the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their
Any weapons involving a disease organism.
Any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to
human life.

Other terms associated with WMDs are:


A secondary device is usually explosive and designed to injure first responders when they
arrive at an incident. Following the arrival of the first responders, a second device explodes
in the responder area. A secondary device was recently used at an abortion clinic explosion.


Anti-personnel devices are used to injure people and may or may not be considered
secondary devices that target responders.


A specific threat explains what will occur, for example, “A bomb will go off in one hour in the
parking garage.”


A non-specific threat does not explain what may occur, for example, “Everyone in the
building is going to die.”

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Capability refers to credible information that a specific group possesses the requisite
training, skills, financial means, and access to the resources that are necessary to develop,
produce, or acquire a particular type of WMD in a quantity or potency sufficient to produce
mass casualties, combined with information substantiating the group’s ability to safely
store, test, and deliver the weapon.


Chemicals may be used as weapons or to deliver an attack. Originally, the military

designed chemical weapons to use in wartime. The results of chemicals used as weapons
were so devastating in warfare that many countries rejected their future use and created
treaties to forbid their future use and manufacture. In 1995, terrorists attacked a Tokyo
subway. Twelve persons died, 4,500 were injured, and more than 700 required extended
hospital stays. The ease of access to chemical agents and the amount of damage they
cause make chemical warfare very appealing to radical groups. Directions for the creation
and use of chemical weapons can be found on the Internet.

Chemical agents include nerve agents, blood agents, choking agents, and blister agents.
These agents create a credible threat for use by terrorists, and there is a high probability
that chemical agents are likely to be encountered by this country in the future.

Responders must be prepared to manage a terrorist attack involving a chemical agent. To

prepare, they should become knowledgeable of the range of chemical agents used by
terrorists in the recent past. Knowledge of chemicals and their effects assists in the first
stages of treatment. Each community should establish chemical weapons attack response
plans and review them regularly. There is Federal training available to train responders in
chemical agent response.

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Biological terrorism is not a new type of warfare. Biological agents are by far the most
dangerous of the three types of weapons of mass destruction. Agents include bacteria,
fungi, viruses, and toxins that induce disease or death in any living thing.

The difficulty in countering biological terrorism begins with identifying it. Another serious
concern arising from the use of all biological agents is the time that can elapse before their
use by terrorists is discovered. Biological attacks can be slow acting, with the symptoms
not appearing until as many as 21 days after exposure. The further contamination of
additional population by those initially exposed multiplies exponentially as the time from the
initial exposure increases. The best defense against the spread of the biological element is
accurate documentation and tracking of this kind of WMD by medical personnel to contain
the exposure.

With many countries facing economic difficulties at the end of the Cold War, experts fear
that they may have sold their biological weapons to the highest bidder. However, the lack
of an effective delivery system to deploy a biological agent currently limits the ability for
widespread impact upon the population.


Radiological agents are materials that emit ionizing radiation that could be dispersed into
the environment using devices such as an explosive or other dispersal device.

A radiation threat, commonly referred to as a “dirty bomb” or “radiological dispersion device

(RDD)”, is the use of common explosives to spread radioactive materials over a targeted
area. It is not a nuclear blast. The force of the explosion and radioactive contamination will
be more localized. While the blast will be immediately obvious, the presence of radiation
will not be clearly defined until trained personnel with specialized radiation detection
equipment are on the scene. Having onsite radiological detection capability could reduce
the negative impact of radiation exposure to event attendees.


Nuclear terrorism involves the detonation or threatened detonation of a nuclear bomb or the
compromise of an existing nuclear facility, and refers to the use of nuclear materials as

Although the use of a crude nuclear weapon makes the threat of nuclear terrorism possible,
FBI intelligence suggests that it would be difficult for a group to construct such a weapon
without weapons-grade uranium or plutonium.

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Explosives are defined as materials that are capable of violent decomposition. This
decomposition often takes the form of extremely rapid oxidation (burning). Explosions are
the result of a sudden and violent release of gas during the decomposition of explosive
substances. High temperature, strong shock, and a loud noise follow this release.
Explosives are classified according to the speed of their decomposition.

Because they are readily available, explosives are the most common weapons of mass
destruction. When you plan an event, find out:

Who is the local responder for possible explosives or suspicious packages?

Does your community have a bomb squad?
Do you have dogs that are trained to identify explosives?
What is the community policy on explosive devices?

Explosives seem to be the weapon of choice for terrorists. Less than 5 percent of actual or
attempted bombings are preceded by a threat. The lack of prior notification makes
casualties more likely than if a notice is given. The explosives can deliver various levels of
destruction and can provide a vehicle for the dispersal of chemical, biological, incendiary,
and nuclear agents.

The job aids, Bomb Threat Checklist and Bomb Threat Standoff, are included on pages A-85
and A-86, respectively, of Appendix A: Job Aids.

Explosives produce four effects when detonated:

Blast pressure
Thermal effect
Ground shock


As a subset of explosives, incendiary devices have been used by terrorists for many years,
because they are flexible tools capable of causing property damage, loss of life, and panic.
Incendiary devices continue to spread until fuel is gone or the device is extinguished.

Incendiary devices can be classified as:

Chemical reaction (including burning fuse)

Electronic ignition
Mechanical ignition

The type and construction is limited only to the creativity of the builder.

Incendiary devices may be stationary (placed), hand-thrown (Molotov cocktail), or self-

propelled, such as rockets or rifle grenades.

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The components of an incendiary device are the ignition source, combustible filler material,
and housing or container.


To detect an incendiary device, combustible gas meters, flame ionization detectors, trained
dogs, photoionization detectors, and colorimetric tubes may be used.

The clues are similar to detection clues for arson. The clues should be a signal for the
responder to take appropriate actions to safeguard him- or herself and the public and treat
the area as a potential crime scene. The signs include:

Prior warning (phone calls)

Multiple fire locations
Signs of accelerants
Containers from flammable liquids
Splatter patterns indicating a thrown device
Fusing residue
Signs of forced entry to the area
Common appliances out of place for the environment

Incendiary devices may be made with:

Roadway flares
Gasoline and motor oil
Light bulbs
Common electrical components and devices
Matches and other household chemicals
Propane and butane cylinders
Plastic pipes, bottles, and cans


Unattended Packages

At every event, people will leave some items unattended. Public safety officials must decide
beforehand how to handle these items. Who will respond? Does the community have dogs
trained to identify explosives? Will the area be evacuated? Decide these issues ahead of
time and have a written plan for all public safety personnel to follow.

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Concealment Areas

Concealment areas are areas where persons may hide or conceal packages or other
weapons. The best way to avoid problems in these areas is to map the event grounds and
identify the areas that could be used as hiding places. The venue staff could assist police in
this matter.

Security Sweeps

How often is security going to go through the event site? What are they looking for? How do
they handle incidents? Who is going to do the sweep? Venue personnel and security
personnel should work together. These are a few areas to address in advance. After a
sweep of the area has been completed, the area must be secured.


Another terrorist tactic currently used frequently in foreign countries involves suicide
bombers who carry the explosives concealed on their persons, and detonate them in
crowded areas such as restaurants, nightclubs, public transit buses, or areas of mass

Because suicide bombers are unconcerned with capture, they are difficult to plan for and to
respond to. Emergency response planning should carefully consider how to deal with this
type of threat at a special event. Additionally, planners cannot discount the potential for
terrorists to employ multiple suicide bombers in which the first attack is designed to cause
casualties and draw emergency responders to the scene specifically to expose them to a
second suicide bomber attack.


Local WMD/CBRNE response protocols should be in place in public safety emergency

response agencies at this time. As part of the planning process, these procedures should be
reviewed, and created or modified as necessary. If a WMD/CBRNE incident occurs during
the special event, local response agency protocols should be followed.

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Participants, spectators, and event staff are all affected by lighting, which is needed to set
up, tear down, and ensure the safety of the event. Make certain that lighting is adequate
and that the power supply to provide the lighting for the event, campgrounds, and parking
areas is adequate.

Even in venues that are darkened for performances, lighting should always be in use to
identify exits as well as the corridors and aisles leading to them. All temporary electrical
facilities should be inspected and approved by a local government inspector to ensure the
safety of all.

Install auxiliary battery power or generators to provide light and to power the public-
address system during power outage. You must be able to give information and directions
to spectators during a power failure to alleviate panic.

Because many concerts are performed with only stage lighting, event staff access to the
main lighting board or house lights console is essential in case of an emergency. Onsite
personnel responsible for dealing with emergencies must know the location of the controls
for these lights and how to operate them.

A Utilities Department Venue Assessment Checklist is included on pages A-40 and A-41 of
Appendix A: Job Aids.


All States and territories have legislation governing fire safety. The local fire authority
should monitor fire prevention and preparedness plans to ensure that the measures taken
meet relevant standards and comply with State/local life safety codes. Fire safety officials
should conduct an onsite inspection in advance of the event, and ensure that any
deficiencies noted are corrected prior to the event.

Organizers and health personnel should consider potential fire hazards in the planning
process and discuss with the fire authority any concerns they may have. Concerns should
include designating smoking areas and providing proper cigarette disposal receptacles.

Fire and law enforcement agencies should determine in advance how they will handle a civil
disturbance or riot involving fire-setting behavior and have contingency plans in place. For
example, a team of police officers may be assigned to accompany each engine sent out to
quell a fire set by rioters.

Site design should be such as to mitigate fire hazards. For example, clear storage areas,
timeliness in picking up trash, construction of metal rather than wood, no open flames, and
control of pyrotechnics, assist in fire mitigation.

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When the event includes fireworks, fire service personnel should conduct a diligent search
for any unexploded fireworks. Before you allow public access to the area, safely collect and
remove any unexploded fireworks.

A Fire Services Venue Assessment Checklist is included on pages A-49 and A-50 of Appendix
A: Job Aids.


A means of communicating with the crowd is essential at all events. Ideally, you should
establish multiple communications systems to enable messages to be directed at different
sections of the crowd, including crowds massed outside the venue. The Incident Command
Post should have access to the central communications system, and interoperability and
communications with the jurisdiction’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) if it is activated
during the event.

Before the event begins, establish appropriate arrangements for communications if an

emergency arises. If emergency personnel will use a separate sound system, they need
some means of muting or silencing the stage sound system. Also, consider the use of
signboards throughout the venue as an enhancement to the public-address system.

Because public announcements are an important element of the safety plan for an event,
consider the style and content of announcements, as follows:

At what volume level can announcements be heard over spectator noise?

Will the audience easily understand announcements?
Are multiple-language announcements required?
What wording will lend credibility to the instructions?

If public-address systems cannot be put in place outside the venue, personnel can use the
public-address systems that form part of the electronic siren system in most emergency

Closed-circuit television is another option available for organizers to provide visual

information to the public.


While it goes without saying that the various emergency services (police, health, fire) must
be able to communicate with their own staffs, experience has shown that different services
must be able to:

Communicate with each other.

Communicate between staff outside and inside the venue to obtain a proper
understanding of the nature or scope of an emergency.
Communicate with senior event organizers, including security personnel, who may be
the first to identify an incipient problem.

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Consider the following suggestions:

Do not rely on cellular telephones.

Ensure there is an integrated, multi-agency frequency for communications.
Consider laying land lines for telephone service.
Include the use of amateur radio operators for communications.

A central communications area (for example, a room or a trailer dedicated to this use) at
the Incident Command Post with a representative from each major agency may facilitate
the dissemination of vital information through the centralized monitoring of relevant radio

Because a single system can fail, the communications system should be multi-modal. It
should also be supplied with its own backup power source.


Some means should be established to contact spectators and for spectators to call outside
the venue if necessary. Some events provide small booths staffed with volunteers to assist
in message passing. Other events use the public address system. Still others provide event
brochures with emergency information inside. Select the most effective way to send
messages at your event. If invited to, many phone companies often will provide a
temporary bank of pay or credit card phones at the venue.


Do not rely on the sound system used by the performers to serve internal requirements and
release information to the public. Sometimes those responsible for performers’ sound
systems have refused to authorize their use except during a change of performers. So, an
alternate venue-wide PA system is necessary to prevent delays in relaying messages.
Informing the public of information reduces the pressures on event staff. Reducing
uncertainty among spectators defuses tension. A public-address system is important at any


Some means to inform everyone of an emergency or dangerous weather condition should

be in place for every event, no matter the size. This emergency warning system must be
able to operate without benefit of the main power source and must be operational at all
times. Ensure that the system can be heard clearly in all areas of the event. One person
should be in charge of emergency communications. The Incident Commander should
authorize the release of emergency messages. All involved agencies should be advised, in
advance if possible, of the anticipated release of an emergency message and allowed to
inform their personnel to prepare for the public’s response. Part of the planning process
should be drafting sample pre-scripted messages for use in an emergency. While drafting
these messages, consider using a code word or phrase to identify authentic emergency
messages and to ensure that emergency personnel respond only to true emergencies.

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Rumor Control is another area that is difficult to plan for but one that you must address.
Most communities have plans for rumor control during emergencies. You can respond in a
similar manner to rumors during an incident at an event. As discussed in Chapter 3, the
lead agency should designate a Public Information Officer (PIO). Upon designation, the lead
agency must determine in advance both what is going to be said and who is authorized to
release information. For accuracy and to promote efficiency in rumor control, designate one
source of authority.

Internal rumor control is also needed. Personnel working the event need to be kept
informed through an official chain of communication, especially if an unanticipated incident
occurs. Information is best disseminated through daily shift briefings that include the
sharing of operational objectives for the Operational Period.


Because the promoter and authorities are obligated to provide for the safety of the
audience, as well as appropriate care, safety, and training of all personnel working at the
event, they should be familiar with State and local occupational health and safety

Many events rely on staff volunteers. While most public safety agencies are not permitted
to use volunteers because the agencies may be liable for them, the promoter will probably
use volunteers extensively and is liable for their safety. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
may use volunteers, provided that they are adequately trained and certified. If the public-
sector agencies use volunteers, they must protect the volunteers as they would protect the
occupational health and safety of any other employee.

At events where noise levels are high, such as rock concerts, air shows, and motor racing
events, adequate hearing protection must be provided to employees who will be exposed to
high noise levels for prolonged periods.

Noise pollution from events probably causes the majority of complaints to authorities from
the surrounding community, and some means of monitoring and reducing noise levels
should be implemented, if possible. The permitting agency should mandate that the
promoter advise the community of what to expect well in advance of the event.

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Alcohol, drugs, and weapons are potential hazards that members of the crowd might bring
to any event. They can be catalysts for, and can exacerbate, unruly behavior in a crowd.
Every community has its own laws and regulations regarding alcohol, drugs, and weapons.
The following suggestions are merely guidelines.

A number of strategies that have been implemented, with varying degrees of success, in
reducing the problem include:

Consider the prohibition of the sale and use of alcoholic beverages at events where
unruly audiences are expected, or where a significant number of the patrons will be
under the legal drinking age.
If alcohol is to be sold, then low-alcohol-content beverages can be made available.
Alcohol sale times can be controlled and beverages dispensed only in disposable cups.
Establish an early “last call” for alcohol. For example, during major-league baseball
games, alcohol is not sold after the seventh inning, and during professional basketball
games, it is not sold after the third quarter.
If alcohol, weapons, and fireworks are lawful within the State, advance tickets and
display advertising should contain the message that they will not be permitted into the
event. Tickets and advertising should also state that the purchase of tickets is deemed
to constitute the patron’s consent to be searched for prohibited material prior to
Searches of personal belongings (such as jackets, purses, or bags) and confiscation of
any alcohol, drugs-and weapons further reduces the risk of unruly behavior.
Signs in event parking areas and at admission gates should also display a warning to
discourage patrons from bringing alcohol, drugs, or weapons into the event. There are,
however, possible negative consequences to such signage. Some patrons may attempt
to consume a quantity of alcohol intended for the entire event prior to entry, ultimately
causing problems for the event medical staff. Alternatively, signage could also have the
effect of causing spectators to leave alcohol in their cars, only to consume it in the
parking lot at the end of the event prior to departure. The most desirable action is to
discourage patrons from bringing prohibited materials to the event in the first place.

Three strategies that may be applied to handling all prohibited material include:

Give the spectator the option of returning the material to his or her car, with a
subsequent loss of place in line.
If you decide to confiscate prohibited goods, you must make arrangements for the
storage and disposal of these materials.
Tag it with peel-and-stick numbered stickers for return to the patron following the event.
If, for any reason, you deem confiscation inappropriate, you can apply such a solution to
any weapons, or materials that are potential weapons.

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Event organizers must decide what type of security to provide and the scope of the security
services’ jurisdiction. Providing security services and the stewarding function are vital to
public safety, particularly within the venue. There are essentially three types of security
that you can provide at large public events. These are:

Peer security
Private uniformed security guards
Uniformed police officers


Experience has shown that, in general, you can promote security for events that attract
youth audiences better and more simply through the use of “peer security”—security
personnel of the approximate age of the spectators who can relate to and be accepted by
the youthful patron. Peer security personnel usually wear brightly colored T-shirts plainly
marked SECURITY. They provide a less confrontational security presence by avoiding the
posture of rigid authority and the force that often accompanies it. As one concert organizer
commented on his experience with peer security:

“They do not carry weapons and do not attempt to fill a police function. They serve
as crowd monitors, people movers, and troubleshooters. Such personnel are not
there to reform or catch the alcohol or drug user. . . . They concentrate on
maintaining orderly crowd flow for the safety of the patrons.”

“You should provide appropriate guidelines for peer security personnel and stipulate
limits to their authority, such as: keeping the peace, helping people in distress,
assisting the staff of doctors and nurses, clearing paths for ambulances, seeing that
areas were cleared for helicopter take-offs and landings, and guarding the stage, and
the performers.”


Private uniformed security guards are probably better suited to events that attract more
docile spectators, such as religious rallies, charitable dinners, and art shows, and they
usually will be less costly than a police presence. At events attracting crowds of more
youthful exuberance, or volatile sports spectators, private uniformed security guards are
probably more appropriately utilized in non-confrontational roles, such as taking tickets and
parking cars.

Care needs to be taken to ensure that private uniformed security personnel are recruited
only from reputable sources with competent and suitably trained personnel. You should
discuss any special requirements for the event with the security firm.

In certain circumstances, the use of private uniformed security guards can lead to problems.
A uniform gives an authoritative appearance that is often not supported either by adequate
training or authority in law. As a result, private uniformed security personnel provide
neither the power of police nor the rapport achieved by peer security.

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At many events, uniformed police officers perform functions such as traffic control, and
leave internal event security to private personnel employed by the organizers.

A typical crowd composed mainly of families needs one police officer per 1,000 spectators.
In a more active crowd (for example, at a sporting event where alcoholic beverages are
sold), two police officers are commonly employed for every 1,000 spectators.

Certain spectator groups may not, however, be amenable to either peer or private
uniformed security, such as crowds who historically have experienced violence as part of the
event “culture.” While various diffusing techniques are available and should be employed,
often nothing less than a contingent of uniformed police will dissuade a spectator group that
enters with the expectation and intent of violence. These groups are in marked contrast to
rock concert audiences who enter in a peaceful frame of mind, but may be induced to
rowdiness by alcohol, shortcomings in the event, or other catalysts.

The composition of security services will vary according to the event; one or a combination
of the three types may better serve different events.


Clearly establish the roles and responsibilities of security personnel prior to the event.
Decisions and actions taken by security personnel may affect the way emergency services
and health personnel respond to a crisis. In planning, and throughout all stages of the
event, maintain a close working relationship among:

Security personnel
The promoter
Health and medical services
Other police and emergency services
Other security services (for example, those who are responsible for the performers’
personal safety

Special security considerations include:

Will the event organizers or promoters use police officers for onsite security, or will they
hire private security officers?
If you use private security officers, what will their role and functions be, and how will
their services be integrated with those of the police? Are they permitted to work outside
of the venue?
What policies will security personnel enforce for minor offenses onsite to assure that
established policy is enforced consistently during the event and throughout the venue?
Will there be areas onsite for the collection and storage of significant sums of money,
and what security will be established to protect these areas, as well as offsite transfer or
banking? Are these areas positioned near road access to avoid the risks associated with
carrying large sums of money on foot through spectator areas?
How will security personnel move high-profile persons through crowded areas?

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How will security personnel handle lost or stolen property?

How will security personnel detect forged credentials?
How will security personnel deal with lost children and missing persons?
Ensure that equal patron assessment and treatment occurs at entrances and security
checkpoints. All attendees must be treated as “equal risks” from a security standpoint.

You should clearly define the responsibilities and roles of security personnel before the
event. These may include:

Crowd management, including measures taken to prevent crushing.

Control of access to stage or performance areas.
Security control at entrances and exits.
Area patrol to minimize the risk of fire.
Control of vehicle traffic and marshaling.
Searches for alcohol, drugs, and weapons.
Security of large sums of money and confiscated goods.
Assistance to emergency services, if necessary.


To enable security personnel to perform their duties effectively, you must brief them
appropriately prior to the event. This briefing should provide security personnel with:

Details of the venue footprint and grid map, including entrances, exits, medical aid
posts, and any potential hazards.
Clear direction on the management of unacceptable behavior.
Basic information about the event, such as the locations of medical aid posts and lost-
person stations, information, parking, transportation matters, and other pertinent
spectator information.
Details of emergency and evacuation plans, such as procedures for raising alarms,
protocols for requesting assistance, and evacuation procedures.
Instructions for the operation, deactivation, and isolation of any onsite machinery and
utility supply in case of emergency.
Details of the incident communications plan and the equipment to be used.

The attitude of security personnel has a major influence on crowd compliance. Security
personnel are charged with not only controlling a crowd, but also with making them feel
welcome. Every individual staff member who comes into contact with the spectators plays a
role in crowd control. The dress, demeanor, and actions of staff may set behavioral
expectation levels, and you should consider this fact in planning and pre-event briefing of

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You should consider strategic deployment of security staff. All venues will have areas that
are particularly suited to crowd monitoring and problem areas where particular attention is
required. The type and size of the venue may control what method of transportation the
security personnel use. Using bicycles or golf carts may be more practical than deploying in
vehicles or on foot. Indoor events are usually patrolled on foot, while a large outdoor area
may be patrolled using bicycles, golf carts, or automobiles. The amount of time during
which the personnel must patrol also may be a factor. Deployment considerations include:

Identification of strategic deployment points, such as entrances and exits, barriers, and
general thoroughfares.
Establishment of strategic observation points to monitor crowd movements and behavior
(A central control room with video surveillance may be required.)
Use of video pole cameras in densely populated areas.


Events with invited dignitaries or in which dignitaries participate create an entirely new
group of hazards and difficulties. A dignitary presence may change the level of jurisdiction
and the type of security needed at the event. The planning team may not know in advance
if a dignitary or celebrity is coming. Therefore, it is important to have contingency plans
involving local agencies such as law enforcement, fire, and others to coordinate with the
State and Federal agencies if a special guest arrives. Many dignitaries have their own
security service that travels with them. Providing special seating for dignitaries may be
necessary. Discuss the possible difficulties and hazards before allowing the promoter or
sponsor to extend invitations to dignitaries.

A Law Enforcement Venue Assessment Checklist is included on pages A-51 and A-52 of
Appendix A: Job Aids.


Because of the size of an event and the number of spectators at the venue, children will
inevitably be separated from their adult supervisors. Planners must designate a place for
lost children to be reunited with their parents or guardians and have a checklist to allow
information to be disseminated quickly and accurately. Issues regarding legal custody of
minor children may be a consideration, and would probably be best dealt with by law
enforcement agencies onsite.

Other useful areas include “meet me” locations. These are designated locations throughout
the site, which are well marked and easily spotted. Patrons can plan to meet at these
locations at a predetermined time, or they may use these locations if they become

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A well-identified, well-publicized information center onsite, staffed with knowledgeable

personnel, can reduce pressures on security, medical, and other event staff, by providing a
full range of informational services to patrons. Reduction of uncertainty among spectators
defuses the kind of tension that can lead to behavioural problems. To ease the burden on
the public sector, the promoter should be required in the permit application process to
provide this service.


As the title for this section suggests, organizers cannot plan for or anticipate every crisis.
You can, however, take certain measures to ensure personnel safety. For example, if a
stand collapses, the fire department routinely uses an established, practiced procedure to
remove the injured and to cordon off the area. This procedure will not change simply
because the stand collapses at a spontaneous event. Contingency plans, modeled on
established procedures, need to be in place for demonstrations, protests, or picketing that
may occur during a planned event. Train for the worst and respond to your training. Plan
for the worst, and you can handle even the unexpected events in an orderly manner.
Designate specific incident resources in advance to respond to spontaneous events as they
may occur. During event planning, brainstorm a list of the potential spontaneous events
that are most likely to occur.

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Chapter One stresses the importance of pre-event planning, organization, and leadership.
It suggests a planning team using the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage the
event planning process effectively. In a large-scale event involving numerous agencies,
people can become confused as to who is in charge, what role everyone plays, and what
responsibilities everyone has. ICS is an excellent tool that can resolve these issues. This
chapter discusses ICS, how it can be applied to special events, and the concept of Unified

Unfortunately, even the best-planned special events may not run entirely smoothly. During
any special event, you must be prepared to respond to one or more incidents that may
occur during the event. The way these incidents are managed has a great deal to do with
the ultimate success of the special event. Everyone must know his or her role and tasks,
and where to seek information. This chapter also discusses the use of ICS during these


The Incident Command System (ICS) dates back to the early 1970s. Responding to a series
of wildland fires in Southern California, municipal, State, county, and Federal resources
worked together to achieve a single goal. Because agency differences in communications,
control, strategy management, and other leadership concerns, as well as the use of
nonstandard terminology, caused many difficulties, the agencies produced a plan called
FIRESCOPE to combat these problems and create centralized control. The National Fire
Academy adopted this program, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police
endorsed it in 1987.

The Federal Government endorsed this plan and now requires its use as outlined in
Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5 (HSPD-5) in any operation in the form of the
National Incident Management System (NIMS).

The NIMS represents a core set of doctrine, concepts, principles, terminology, and
organizational processes to enable effective, efficient, and collaborative incident
management at all levels. It is not an operational incident management or resource
allocation plan. To this end, HSPD-5 requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to
develop a National Response Plan (NRP) that integrates Federal Government domestic
prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery plans into a single, all-disciplines, all-
hazards plan. The NRP, using the comprehensive framework provided by the NIMS, will
provide the structure and mechanisms for national-level policy and operational direction for
Federal support to State, local, and tribal incident managers and for exercising direct
Federal authorities and responsibilities as appropriate under the law.

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Using ICS is an excellent means of determining how resources are going to be used, who
will coordinate them, and how information will be communicated, using common
terminology in response to a variety of matters relating to any special event. ICS is
designed to assist event planners in the areas of:

Basic management of resources

Delegation of authority

The use of ICS optimizes communication and coordination, and facilitates the protection of
life and property. ICS achieves this goal by establishing a protocol command structure for
any event or incident. Using common terminology ensures that everyone will understand
what is being said and how to acknowledge it properly. The command organization consists
of an Incident Commander, Command Staff, and General Staff. In some small events, the
Incident Commander (IC) may handle all functions; in larger events, the IC may delegate
tasks to other persons. Five functional components of ICS are implemented, as needed:

Planning Section
Operations Section
Logistics Section
Finance/Administration Section

In addition to the type, location, size, and expected duration of the event, the following
information will help event planners develop an organizational structure to meet the
management needs of the planned event:

Does the event involve a single agency or multiple agencies?

Does the event involve a single jurisdiction or multiple jurisdictions?
What Command Staff needs exist?
What kind, type and amounts of resources are required by the event?
Are there any projected aviation operations?
Are there any staging areas and other required facilities?
What kind and type of logistical support needs are required by the event?
Are there any known limitations or restrictions of local resources?
What kind and type of communications resources are available?

ICS can be expanded as the event demands increase in volume or complexity, and then
contracted as demands diminish.

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Applying ICS to special events is logical and relatively straightforward. As discussed in

Chapter One, the representative from the special event’s lead agency is a likely candidate
for Incident Commander. The Incident Commander or planning team leader could divide
the event into Operational Periods (e.g., the day before, day of, or first 12-hours, second
12-hours, etc.). An Incident Action Plan (IAP) is then developed for each Operational
Period. The IAP identifies the objectives and actions of all involved agencies for that
particular Operational Period. Planners can precisely establish what is required before and
during the event. An Incident Action Plan schedule and applicable ICS forms are included
on pages A-62 through A-80 of Appendix A: Job Aids.

Incident Command System

Incident Commander

Operations Planning Logistics Finance/

Section Section Section Administration
Staging Areas Resources Services Branch
Unit Communication Time Unit
Air Unit
Branches Situation
Operations Medical Unit Procurement
Branch Unit
Divisions Demobilization Food Unit
& Groups Compensation/
Air Support Unit
Support Branch Claims Unit
Strike Teams Documentation
Air Tactical Unit Supply Unit
& Group
Technical Cost Unit
Task Forces Specialist Facilities Unit

Ground Support

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The ICS chart above shows the five major sections that may be required to manage any
event and/or incident. Branches of these sections that may also be needed are identified as
well. Some events/incidents require very few functional areas, while others require
activation of more. As you can see from the chart, ICS designates positions for every
contingency. The job descriptions below detail what is required of persons filling the major


As discussed in Chapter 1, the event Incident Commander (IC) is responsible for the overall
management of the special event. For most events, a single IC carries out the command
activity. Certain incidents occurring during a special event may dictate the need for a
specific Incident Commander to manage that incident. This IC should report to the overall
event IC.

The overall event IC may have a deputy from his or her agency or from an assisting agency.
Deputies may also be used at Section and Branch levels of the ICS organization. Deputies
must have the same qualifications as the persons for whom they work because they must
be ready to take over those positions at any time.

Responsibilities—The overall event Incident Commander must:

Ensure that all appropriate pre-event risk analyses, plans, checklists, and forms, as
provided in Appendix A: Job Aids, are completed and available to event personnel.
Develop the mission, objectives, strategies, and command structure for the event.
Establish immediate priorities.
Establish an appropriately located event Incident Command Post (ICP).
Develop an effective Operational Period schedule.
Ensure that planning meetings are scheduled as required.
Approve and authorize the implementation of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) for each
Operational Period.
Ensure that adequate safety measures are in place.
Coordinate activity for all Command and General Staff.
Coordinate with key people.
Approve requests for additional resources or for the release of resources.
Keep agency administrators informed of event/incident status.
Approve the use of trainees, volunteers, and auxiliary personnel.
Authorize release of information to the news media.
Approve the demobilization of the event/incident when appropriate.

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The Safety Officer’s function is to develop and recommend measures for assuring personnel
safety and assess or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations. Only one Safety Officer
will be assigned for each event. The Safety Officer may have assistants as necessary, and
the assistants may also represent assisting agencies or jurisdictions. Safety assistants may
have specific responsibilities, such as air operations or hazardous materials.

Responsibilities—The Safety Officer should:

Participate in all planning meetings.

Identify hazardous situations associated with the event.
Review the IAP for safety implications.
Exercise emergency authority to stop or prevent unsafe acts.
Investigate accidents that have occurred during the event.
Assign assistants as needed.
Review and approve the medical plan.


The Information Officer is responsible for developing and releasing public information
regarding safety matters of the event to the news media, to incident personnel, and to
other appropriate agencies and organizations. Typically, the event promoter or sponsor
releases most public information and advertisements. If a major incident occurs during the
event involving those operating under Unified Command, the Information Officer should
become the sole spokesperson. The Information Officer may have assistants as necessary,
and the assistants may also represent assisting agencies or jurisdictions.

Participating agencies may have conflicting policies and procedures concerning the
dissemination of public information. The following major responsibilities assigned to the
Information Officer apply generally to any event.

Responsibilities—The Information Officer should:

Determine from the Incident Commander whether there are any limits on information
Develop material for use in media briefings.
Obtain the Incident Commander’s approval of media releases.
Establish a media briefing area.
Inform the media and conduct media briefings.
Arrange for tours and other interviews or briefings that may be required.
Obtain media information that may be useful to event planning.
Maintain current information summaries and/or displays on the event and provide
information on the status of any incidents to assigned personnel.

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Special events that are multi-jurisdictional or that involve several agencies may require the
establishment of a Liaison Officer position on the Command Staff.

The Liaison Officer is the contact person for agency representatives from assisting or
cooperating agencies who are assigned to the event. These representatives are personnel
other than those on direct tactical assignments or those involved in Unified Command.

Responsibilities—The Liaison Officer should:

Be a contact point for agency representatives.

Maintain a list of assisting and cooperating agencies and agency representatives.
Assist in establishing and coordinating interagency contacts.
Keep agencies supporting the event aware of event/incident status.
Monitor event operations to identify current or potential inter-organizational problems.
Participate in planning meetings, providing current resource status, including limitations
and capability of assisting agency resources.


Responsibilities—The Operations Section Chief should:

Manage tactical operations.

Interact with the next lower level of the Operations Section (Branch, Division/Group)
to develop the operations portions of the IAP.
Request resources needed to implement the Operation’s tactics as a part of the IAP
Assist in developing the operations portion of the IAP.
Supervise the execution of the IAP for Operations.
Maintain close contact with subordinate positions, and
Ensure safe tactical operations.
Request additional resources to support tactical operations.
Approve release of resources from assigned status (not released from the
Make or approve expedient changes to the IAP during the operational period as
Maintain close communication with the IC.

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The Planning Section collects, evaluates, processes, and disseminates information for use
throughout the event. When activated, the Planning Section Chief who is a member of the
General Staff manages the section.

Responsibilities—The Planning Section Chief should:

Collect and process situation information about the event.

Establish information requirements and reporting schedules for Planning Section units
(Resources and Situation Units).
Supervise preparation of the IAP.
Provide input to the Incident Commander and Operations Section Chief in preparing the
Establish special information collection activities (for example, weather, environmental,
and toxic substances) as necessary.
Compile and display event status information.
Report any significant changes in the status of the event.
Assemble information on alternative strategies.
Provide periodic predictions on event/incident potential.
Determine the need for any specialized resources in support of the event.
Reassign out-of-service personnel already onsite to ICS organizational positions, as
Oversee preparation of event/incident demobilization plan.


Typically, the promoter and/or sponsor provide resources to execute the event. However,
certain necessary resources and support needs may not be provided (e.g., command post,
communications equipment, medical supplies, etc.), and therefore, must be procured. The
Logistics Section, with the exception of aviation support, provides support needs for the
event command infrastructure. The Air Support Group (in the Air Operations Branch of the
Operations Section) handles aviation support. The Logistics Section Chief, who may assign
a Deputy, manages the Logistics Section. A Deputy is most often assigned when all
designated units within the Logistics Section are activated.

The Logistics Section Chief will determine the need to activate or deactivate a unit. If a unit
is not activated, responsibility for that unit’s duties will remain with the Logistics Section

Responsibilities—The Logistics Section Chief should:

Manage all event command infrastructure logistics.

Provide logistical input to the Incident Commander in preparing the IAP.
Brief Branch Directors and Unit Leaders, as needed.
Identify anticipated and known event service and support requirements.
Request additional resources, as needed.
Review and provide input to the Communications Plan, Medical Plan and Traffic Plan.
Supervise requests for additional resources.
Oversee demobilization of Logistics Section.

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The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for managing all financial aspects of the
event command infrastructure. Here again, typically, the promoter and/or sponsor manage
the financial aspects of most special events. When certain necessary resources and support
needs are not provided, however, some means of maintaining financial accountability must
be established. As such, not all event/incidents will require a Finance/Administration
Section. Only when the agencies involved in responding to the event/incident have a
specific need for Finance/Administration services will the section be activated.

Responsibilities—The Finance/Administration Section Chief should:

Manage all financial aspects of an event’s command infrastructure.

Provide financial and cost analysis information, as requested.
Gather pertinent information from briefings with responsible agencies.
Develop an operating plan for the Finance/Administration Section to fill supply and
support needs.
Determine the need to set up and operate an event/incident commissary.
Meet with assisting and cooperating agency representatives as needed.
Maintain daily contact with agency administrative headquarters on
Financial/Administration matters.
Ensure that all personnel time records are accurately completed and transmitted to
home agencies, according to policy.
Provide financial input to demobilization planning.
Ensure that all obligation documents initiated at the event/incident are properly
prepared and completed.
Brief agency administrative personnel on all event/incident-related financial matters
needing attention or followup.

A sample Expense Report is included on page A-81 of Appendix A: Job Aids.

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As discussed above, certain incidents occurring during a special event may dictate the need
for a specific Incident Commander to manage that particular incident (e.g., isolated
structure fire, vehicle crash, HazMat incident, structure collapse, multiple casualty incident,
etc.). When an incident occurs within a special event, immediate action must be taken to
control and manage the incident. As the incident grows, the issues that must be considered
will grow as well. The Incident Commander of the special event may assign command of
the emergency incident to a ranking responder. This responder must take initial steps to
bring order to the incident, just as in situations that require more traditional applications of
ICS. The Incident Commander of the special event may authorize the responder to
implement his or her own command structure and/or call upon the resources of the event
command structure. This responder must:

Assess the situation.

Determine whether human life is at immediate risk.
Establish the immediate priorities and objectives.
Determine whether there are adequate and appropriate resources on-scene or ordered.
Establish an appropriately located on-scene Command Post (CP), if needed.
Establish an appropriate initial command structure, if needed.
Develop an action plan.
Ensure that adequate safety measures are in place.
Coordinate activity for all Command and General Staff.
Consider whether the span of control is approaching, or will soon approach, practical
limits, taking into account the safety of all personnel.
Determine whether there are any environmental concerns that must be considered.
Monitor work progress and coordinate with key people.
Review and modify objectives and adjust the action plan as necessary.
Approve requests for additional resources or for the release of resources.
Keep the overall event Incident Commander informed of incident status.
Authorize release of information to the news media.
Order the demobilization of the incident, when appropriate.

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In prolonged events, it is likely that a change of command may take place. When transfer
of command is necessary, the transfer must be made as efficiently as possible and in
person, whenever possible. To transfer command, the person being relieved must brief the
incoming Incident Commander to provide information about:

The incident conditions:

Event history (what has happened so far).
The IAP and its current status.
Priorities and objectives.
Current event organization.
Current resource assignments.
Resources ordered/needed.
Status of communications.
Safety considerations and concerns.
Deployment and assignment of operating units and personnel.
Constraints or limitations on response agencies.
Incident potential.

ICS Form 201 is well designed for briefings (ICS Form 201-Incident Briefing form, and
instructions for completing the form, are included on pages A-63 through A-68 of
Appendix A: Job Aids) because it contains a place for a sketch map, a place to write a
summary of current actions and organizational framework, and a place to summarize
resources. Sections of the form can be separated from the document and given to ICS
sections to complete as needed.

Be aware that changes may cause disruptions, so they should be implemented at the start
of Operational Periods, whenever possible. Finally, when command has been transferred,
ensure that all personnel and communications centers are notified of the transfer of

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Unified Command is a term referring to shared responsibility for event management, using
either single agency multi-jurisdiction or multiple agencies. A clear line of authority for
decisionmaking must always be in place.

ICS offers two options for command, as follows:

Single Command, in which there is no overlap of jurisdiction or when the agency in

charge designates Single Incident Command.

Unified Command, when more than one agency shares responsibility for responding to,
or participating in, the event/incident. Unified Command means that all agencies
contribute to the command process by determining goals and objectives, jointly planning
activities, conducting integrated tactical operations, and maximizing all resources.
Unified Command is also used when an event/incident is multi-jurisdictional or when
more than one individual shares overall management responsibility.

Unified Command is a team process, allowing all agencies with responsibility for an incident,
either geographical or functional, to establish a common set of incident objectives and
strategies to which all can subscribe. This set of objectives and strategies is accomplished
without losing or abdicating agency authority, responsibility, or accountability. Unified
Command is not a new organization; the U.S. military has used similar command structures
in joint operations for years.

There are four elements to consider when applying Unified Command to an event/incident:


In ICS, the responsibility to set policies, objectives and strategies belongs to the various
jurisdictional and agency administrators who are accountable to their agencies. This activity
is accomplished in advance of tactical operations, and it may be coordinated from some
location other than the one where the direct action takes place.


In ICS, Unified Command organization consists of the various jurisdictional or agency on-
scene senior representatives (agency Incident Commanders).


In ICS Unified Command, resources are the personnel and equipment supplied by the
jurisdictions and agencies that have functional or jurisdictional responsibility for the IAP.

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In ICS Unified Command, after the objectives, strategies, and interagency agreements are
decided, a single party is designated to develop tactical action plans and to direct tactical
operations. That person is the Operations Section Chief.

In ICS Unified Command, resources remain under the administrative and policy control of
their agencies. However, they respond operationally to mission assignment under the
coordination and direction of the Operations Section Chief, depending upon the
requirements of the action plan.

Unified Command represents an important element in increasing the effectiveness of multi-

jurisdictional or multi-agency events/incidents. As events/incidents become more complex
and involve more agencies, the need for Unified Command becomes even greater.

The advantages of using Unified Command include:

A single set of objectives developed for the entire event/incident.

A collective approach toward the development of strategies to achieve event/incident
Improved information flow and coordination among all jurisdictions and agencies
involved in the IAP.
An understanding among agencies of respective priorities and restrictions regarding
responsibility for the IAP.
No compromise or neglect of an agency’s authority or legal requirements.
An awareness among agencies of respective plans, actions, and constraints.
An optimized combined effort of all agencies performing their respective assignments
under a single IAP.
A reduction or elimination of duplicative efforts, thus reducing cost and chances for
frustration and conflict.

Using Unified Command is practical and cost effective. Agencies can improve incident
management and achieve goals in a timely, cost-effective manner.


Five important features of a Unified Command organization include a single, integrated

incident organization; collocated facilities; a single planning process and IAP; shared
planning, logistical, and finance sections; and unified resource ordering.

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Under Unified Command, the various jurisdictions or agencies are blended together into an
integrated, unified team. The resulting organization may be a mix of personnel from
several jurisdictions or from a single agency, each performing appropriate functions and
working toward a common set of objectives. The proper mix of participants in a Unified
Command organization will depend on:

The location of the event/incident, which often determines the jurisdictions that must be
The kind of event/incident, which dictates the functional agencies of the involved
jurisdiction(s), as well as other associated agencies.

In a multi-jurisdictional response to an event/incident, a Unified Command structure could

consist of a single responsible official from each jurisdiction. In other cases, Unified
Command may consist of several functional department managers or assigned
representatives from within a single political jurisdiction.



Multi-agency coordination systems are a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel,

procedures, and communications integrated into a common system with responsibility for
coordinating and supporting domestic incident management activities. The primary
functions of multi-agency coordination systems are to:

Support incident management policies and priorities.

Facilitate logistics support and resource tracking.
Inform resource allocation decisions based on incident management priorities.
Coordinate incident related information.
Coordinate interagency and intergovernmental issues regarding incident management
policies, priorities, and strategies.

Direct tactical and operational responsibility for the conduct of incident management
activities rests with the Incident Commander.


Multi-agency coordination systems may contain EOCs and (in certain multi-jurisdictional or
complex incident-management situations) multi-agency coordinating entities.

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For purposes of this document, EOCs represent the physical location where the coordination
of information and resources to support incident management activities normally takes
place. The Incident Command Post (ICP), located at or in the immediate vicinity of an
incident site, although primarily focused on the tactical on-scene response, may perform an
EOC-like function in smaller-scale incidents, or during the initial phase of the response to
larger, more complex events. Standing EOCs, or those activated to support larger, more
complex events are typically established in a more central or permanently established
facility, at a higher level of organization within a jurisdiction. Department Operations
Centers (DOCs) are those facilities organized by major functional discipline (fire, law
enforcement, medical services, etc.), or by jurisdiction (city, county, region, etc.), or, more
likely, some combination thereof. DOCs normally focus on internal agency incident
management and response and are linked to, and, in most cases, are physically represented
in a higher level EOC. ICPs should also be linked to DOCs and EOCs to ensure effective and
efficient incident management.

For complex incidents, EOCs may be staffed by personnel representing multiple jurisdictions
and functional disciplines and a wide variety of resources. For example, a local EOC
established in response to a bioterrorism incident would likely include a mix of law
enforcement, emergency management, public health, and medical personnel, including
representatives of health care facilities, pre-hospital emergency medical services
(EMS/EMT), patient transportation systems, pharmaceutical repositories, laboratories, etc.
EOCs may be permanent organizations and facilities or may be established to meet
temporary, short-term needs. The physical size, staffing, and equipping of an EOC will
depend on the size of the jurisdiction, resources available, and anticipated incident-
management workload. EOCs may be organized and staffed in a variety of ways.
Regardless of the specific organizational structure used, EOCs should include the following
core functions:

Resource dispatch and tracking.
Information collection, analysis, and dissemination.

EOCs may also support multi-agency coordination and joint information activities as
discussed below.

Upon activation of a local EOC, communications and coordination must be established

between the IC/UC and the EOC, when they are not collocated. ICS field organizations
must also establish communications with the activated local EOC, either directly or through
their parent organizations. Additionally, EOCs at all levels of government and across
functional agencies must be capable of communicating appropriately with other EOCs during
incidents, to include those maintained by private organizations. Communications between
EOCs must be reliable and contain built-in redundancies. The efficient functioning of EOCs
most frequently depends on the existence of mutual aid agreements and joint
communications protocols among participating agencies.

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In the case of incidents that cross disciplinary or jurisdictional boundaries or those that
involve complex incident-management scenarios, a multi-agency coordination entity, such
as an emergency management agency, may be used to facilitate incident management and
policy coordination. The situation at hand and the needs of the jurisdictions involved will
dictate how these multi-agency coordination entities conduct their business, as well as how
they are structured. Multi-agency coordination entities typically consist of principals (or
their designees) from organizations and agencies with direct incident management
responsibility or with significant incident management support or resource responsibilities.
These entities are sometimes referred to as crisis action teams, policy committees, incident
management groups, executive teams, or other similar terms.6 In some instances, EOCs
may serve a dual function as a multi-agency coordination entity; in others, the
preparedness organizations may fulfill this role. Regardless of the term or organizational
structure used, these entities typically provide strategic coordination during domestic
incidents. If constituted separately, multi-agency coordination entities, preparedness
organizations, and EOCs must coordinate and communicate with one another to provide
uniform and consistent guidance to incident management personnel.

Regardless of form or structure, the principal functions and responsibilities of multi-agency

coordination entities typically include the following:

1. Ensuring that each agency involved in incident management activities is providing

appropriate situational awareness and resource status information.
2. Establishing priorities between incidents and/or Area Commands in concert with the
IC/UC(s) involved.
3. Acquiring and allocating resources required by incident management personnel in
concert with the priorities established by the IC/UC.
4. Anticipating and identifying future resource requirements.
5. Coordinating and resolving policy issues arising from the incident(s).
6. Providing strategic coordination as required.

Following incidents, multi-agency coordination entities are also typically responsible for
ensuring that improvements in plans, procedures, communications, staffing, and other
capabilities necessary for improved incident management are acted upon. These
improvements should also be coordinated with appropriate preparedness organizations, if
these organizations are constituted separately.

For example, the wildland fire community has such an entity called the Multi-Agency Coordination
Group (MAC Group).

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Systems and protocols for communicating timely and accurate information to the public are
critical during crisis or emergency situations. This section describes the principles, system
components, and procedures needed to support effective emergency public information


The PIO supports the Incident Command. Under ICS, the Public Information Officer (PIO) is
a key staff member supporting the incident command structure. The PIO represents and
advises the Incident Command on all public information matters relating to the
management of the incident. The PIO handles:

Media and public inquiries.

Emergency public information and warnings.
Rumor monitoring and response.
Media monitoring.
Other functions required to coordinate, clear with appropriate authorities, and
disseminate accurate and timely information related to the incident, particularly
regarding information on public health and safety and protection.

The PIO is also responsible for coordinating public information at or near the incident site
and serving as the on-scene link to the Joint Information System (JIS). In a large-scale
operation, the on-scene PIO serves as a field PIO with links to the Joint Information Center
(JIC) typically collocated with the Federal, regional, State, local, or tribal EOC tasked with
primary incident coordination responsibilities. The JIS provides the mechanism for
integrating public information activities among JICs, across jurisdictions, and with the
private sector and non-governmental organizations.

Public information functions must be coordinated and integrated across jurisdictions and
across functional agencies; among Federal, State, local, and tribal partners; and with the
private sector and non-governmental organizations. During emergencies, the public may
receive information from a variety of sources. The JIC provides a location for organizations
participating in the management of an incident to work together to ensure that timely,
accurate, easy-to-understand, and consistent information is disseminated to the public. The
JIC is composed of representatives from each organization involved in the management of
an incident. In large or complex incidents, particularly those involving complex medical and
public health information requirements, JICs may be established at various levels of
government. All JICs must communicate and coordinate with each other on an ongoing
basis. Public awareness functions must also be coordinated with the information- and
operational-security matters that are the responsibility of the information and intelligence
function of the ICS, particularly where public awareness activities may affect information or
operations security.

Organizations participating in incident management retain independence. ICs and multi-

agency coordination entities are responsible for establishing and overseeing JICs to include
processes for coordinating and clearing public communications. In the case of UC, the
departments, agencies, organizations, or jurisdictions that contribute to joint public
information management do not lose their individual identities or responsibility for their own
programs or policies. Rather, each entity contributes to the overall unified message.

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The JIS provides an organized, integrated, and coordinated mechanism to ensure the
delivery of understandable, timely, accurate, and consistent information to the public in a
crisis. It includes the plans, protocols, and structures that are used to provide information
to the public during incident operations, and it encompasses all public information
operations related to an incident, including all Federal, State, local, tribal and private
organization PIOs, staff, and JICs established to support an incident.

Key elements of the JIS include:

1. Interagency coordination and integration.

2. Developing and delivering coordinated messages.
3. Support for decisionmakers.
4. Flexibility, modularity, and adaptability.


A JIC is a physical location where public affairs professionals from organizations involved in
incident management activities can collocate to perform critical emergency information,
crisis communications, and public-affairs functions. It is important at all times for the JIC to
have the most current and accurate information regarding incident management activities.
The JIC provides the organizational structure for coordinating and disseminating official
information. JICs may be established at each level of incident management as required.

Key points about the JIS include:

1. The JIC must include representatives of each jurisdiction, agency, private sector, and
non-governmental organization involved in incident management activities.
2. A single JIC location is preferable, but the system should be flexible and adaptable
enough to accommodate multiple JIC locations when the circumstances of an incident
require. Multiple JICs may be needed for a complex incident spanning a wide
geographic area or multiple jurisdictions.
3. Each JIC must have procedures and protocols to communicate and coordinate effectively
with other JICs, as well as with other appropriate components of the ICS organization.

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An example of a typical JIC organization is shown in the figure below.

Joint Information Center

Press Secretary Liaison

(from appropriate jurisdictions) (as required)

Research Team Media Operations Logistic Team

Joint Information Center Organization


Electing participants to work in Unified Command depends on the location and the type of
event/incident. A Unified Command structure may be composed of one principal official
from each jurisdiction or representatives from several responders. Because the Operations
Section is the agency with greatest involvement, the Operations Section Chief usually
implements the IAP. In a Unified Command, all agencies involved contribute to the
command process.

Every event needs an IAP. IAPs may be written or oral, although written plans may be
preferable. Either type must cover strategic goals, tactical objectives, and needed support.
If an event is prolonged, it may require more than one action plan.

If the gathering is large and multiple events are taking place simultaneously, one feature of
the IAP may be an event/incident timeline showing the sequence of events and their

The planning process for Unified Command is similar to that used in Single Incident
Command. However, one important distinction is the need in Unified Command for every
jurisdictional or functional agency’s Incident Commander to participate in a Command
Meeting before creating the joint IAP in the first operational meeting.

This initial Command Meeting provides the responsible agency officials with an opportunity
to discuss and concur on important issues before the joint IAP is created.

Command Meeting requirements include the following:

The Command Meeting should include only agency Incident Commanders.

The meeting should be brief, and important points should be documented.
Prior to the meeting, the respective responsible officials should have reviewed the
meeting’s purposes and agenda items and be prepared to discuss them.

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Officials attending the initial Command Meeting should:

State their jurisdictional or agency priorities and objectives.

Present their jurisdictional limitations, concerns, and restrictions.
Develop a collective set of event/incident objectives.
Establish and agree on acceptable priorities.
Adopt a general, overall strategy or strategies to accomplish objectives.
Agree on the basic Unified Command organizational structure.
Designate the best-qualified and most acceptable Operations Section Chief.
Agree on General Staff personnel designations and planning, logistical, and finance
agreements and procedures.
Agree on the resource ordering process to be followed.
Agree on cost-sharing procedures.
Agree on informational matters.
Designate a single agency official to act as the Unified Command spokesperson.

Incident Action Planning meetings will use the results of the Command Meeting to

Tactical operations for the next Operational Period.

Resource requirements and resource availability and sources.
Resource assignments.
The unified Operations Section organization.
Combined Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration operations, as needed.

The result of the planning process will be an IAP that addresses multi-jurisdictional or multi-
agency priorities and provides tactical operations and resource assignments for the unified


The Unified Command incident organization can also benefit by integrating multi-
jurisdictional and/or multi-agency personnel into various other functional areas.

For example, in the Operations and Planning Sections, Deputy Section Chiefs can be
designated from an adjacent jurisdiction which may, in future Operational Periods, have the
primary responsibility for these functions.

By placing other agencies’ personnel in the Planning Section’s Situation, Resources, and
Demobilization Units, significant savings in personnel, and increased communication and
information sharing will often result.

In the Logistics Section, a Deputy Logistics Section Chief from another agency or jurisdiction
can help to coordinate event/incident support as well as facilitate resource-ordering
activities. Placing other agencies’ personnel into the Communications Section helps in
developing a single event/incidentwide Communications Plan.

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Although the Finance/Administration Section often has detailed and agency-specific

procedures to follow, cost savings may be realized through agreements on cost sharing for
essential services. For example, one agency might provide food services, another may
provide fuel, and a third may provide security.


An important advantage of Unified Command over Single Incident Command is the ability of
commanders to establish resource-ordering procedures before the Incident Action Planning
meeting. During the Command Meeting, commanders can designate specific kinds and
types of resources to be supplied by certain jurisdictions or agencies in the resource-
ordering procedures. This designation depends upon the previous commitments of the
responsible agency officials.

Following the Command Meeting, the Incident Action Planning meeting will determine
resource requirements for all levels of the organization. The nature and location of the
event/incident will, to some extent, dictate the most effective offsite resource-ordering

These resource requirements established at the Incident Action Planning meeting are given
to the Logistics Section, which then creates a single resource order that is transmitted to a
single agency responsible for filling the order. (Some situations may require multiple
resource orders to be transmitted to multiple agencies. Multiple resource orders are
generally less desirable than a single resource order, however, and they should be avoided
when possible.) The agency then fills the order from the closest available resource.

Having resource-ordering procedures in place before the Incident Action Planning meeting
determines the resource requirements ensures that the agency filling the resource order can
do so quickly and effectively.


It is essential to understand how an ICS Unified Command functions. Knowledge of ICS

principles of organization will enable managers to accept and easily adapt to a Unified
Command mode of operation when it is required. Lack of knowledge about ICS can limit the
willingness of some jurisdictions or agencies to participate in Unified Command incident
organization. It is impossible to implement Unified Command unless all affected agencies
have agreed to participate in the command structure.

Establishing a single Incident Command Post is essential to success. Other facilities where
all agencies can operate together may be established as needed. Avoid the confusion
created by separate command, planning, and logistics setups.

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Begin action planning as early as possible after the notification of an event/incident. Initiate
Unified Command as soon as two or more agencies having jurisdictional or functional
responsibilities participate in, or respond to, the event or incident. Where conflicting
priorities based on agency responsibilities exist, early initiation of Unified Command is
especially important.

The Operations Section Chief will normally be chosen from the jurisdiction or agency that
has the greatest involvement in the event/incident, although this association is not

However, the Operations Section Chief should be the most qualified and most experienced
person. The selection of the Operations Section Chief must be agreed upon by the Unified
Command because he or she will have full authority to implement the operations portion of
the IAP. The Unified Command must also agree on other General Staff personnel who will
be implementing their portions of the IAP.

If necessary, the Unified Command may designate one of the ICs to act as a spokesperson.
The ICs may see the need to identify one among them to act as an Operational Period Duty
Officer and/or spokesperson for the Unified Command.

Designating a spokesperson can provide a channel of communications from the General and
Command Staff members into the Unified Command structure. The spokesperson does not
make Unified Command decisions, but does provide a point of contact as necessary for the
General and Command Staffs.

Finally, it is important to conduct discussions of Unified Command with adjacent

jurisdictions and functional agencies whenever possible.

Individually and collectively, the designated agency ICs functioning in a Unified Command
have the following responsibilities at an event/incident:

They must clearly understand their jurisdictional or agency limitations. Any legal,
political, jurisdictional, or safety restrictions must be identified and made known to all.
They must be authorized to perform specific activities and actions on behalf of the
jurisdiction or agency they represent. These actions could include:

Ordering of additional resources in support of the IAP.

Loaning or sharing the resources of other jurisdictions.
Agreeing to cost-sharing arrangements with participating agencies.

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The agencies’ ICs have the responsibility to manage the event/incident to the best of their
abilities. This responsibility includes:

Working closely with the other ICs in the Unified Command.

Providing sufficient qualified staff and resources.
Anticipating and resolving problems.
Delegating authority as needed.
Inspecting and evaluating performance.
Communicating with their own agencies to establish priorities, plans, problems, and

The members of the Unified Command must function together as a team, ensuring effective
coordination of the IAP. In many ways, this is the most important function they perform in
Unified Command.

Manageable span of control is another aspect of ICS. Manageable span is defined as the
number of subordinates one supervisor can manage effectively. Guidelines suggest from
three to seven persons, with five persons being the optimum number.

The Command Post is the center for directing all operations, and only one Command Post
operates during an event. Usually the IC, the Planning Section, the communications center,
and all agency representatives have offices there.


After the ICs determine a command structure, they should identify the roles of public safety
personnel. They must bear in mind that all public safety organizations must also be able to
answer their normal responsibilities as well as provide staffing for the event. As part of the
permitting process, the promoter may be required to cover the cost for any public safety
personnel responding to an event/incident.

The role of the emergency management agency is to complement and support local first
responders and to coordinate and facilitate the flow of required responses to the IC as

The role of Law Enforcement Agencies (EMA) may be to provide:

Crowd management, including measures to prevent crushing.

Control of access to stage or performance areas.
Security control at entrances and exits.
Patrol to minimize risk of fire.
Control of vehicle traffic and marshaling.
Searches for drugs, alcohol, and weapons.
Security for large sums of money and confiscated goods.
Assistance for emergency services, as needed.

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Depending upon jurisdiction, the role of firefighters may vary. Tasking to the fire
departments and department capabilities differ for every community.

Emergency medical services may be called upon to render first aid to personnel attending
the event. They may also work in cooperation with public health to provide more in-depth,
onsite medical care in the form of site and field hospitals or to transport people to local
medical facilities.


If an incident occurs that is beyond the capability of the local authorities, a community may
have to request the assistance of State or Federal assets through designated State and local
agencies. Event planners should be prepared to discuss the event and the locations of all of
the risks with the State and Federal authorities, as needed. Providing an event footprint
and grid map to State or Federal responders will help them locate areas in the event,
especially if smoke or debris make locating areas difficult. Research your support and your
capabilities at every level.

One way of sharing resources is through local mutual aid agreements. These agreements
allow local agencies to borrow equipment and resources from neighboring communities.
They also allow the lending community to be covered under the borrowing community’s
insurance. For example, if a community needs to borrow a pumping unit from a community
three towns away and the pumping truck is damaged or is involved in an accident, the
borrowing community’s insurance will be responsible for damages, repairs or replacement to
equipment. Sharing of resources is especially useful in smaller communities where budgets
may not allow for extensive equipment.

The State and/or local Emergency Management Agency may be of assistance in locating the
agency or assistance needed for a special event in the community.

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Some events present more risks than others, and they require special planning well in
advance of the event. This chapter provides some examples of high-risk events and
suggests ways to prepare for emergencies that may occur during those events. Planners
should ensure that personnel are trained and equipped for the unique nature of these
events. Another way to learn of these risks is to check with other agencies to gain
additional information. For each of these high-risk events, weather is a critical factor that
you must consider.


Before any outdoor event begins, check with the proper agencies such as the Coast Guard,
natural resources, or other applicable agencies.


Aquatic events, particularly those involving motorized watercraft, require careful planning.
A designated medical response boat should be available in the water with appropriately
trained personnel and equipment, including a spinal board and resuscitation equipment.
The medical boat should be linked by two-way radio to the rescue boats and
ambulance/medical services. For offshore boat racing, consider a helicopter with rescue

A rescue boat should be in attendance with experienced divers, equipped with scuba gear,
to remove personnel trapped underwater.

Identify landing locations appropriate for the transfer of patients on stretchers from boats to
land ambulances.


Appropriate buffer walls or “run off” areas should be established to prevent out-of-control
vessels from entering spectator and pit areas.

Where spectators are permitted to line piers and breakwaters along areas of deep water,
observe the following practices:

In the absence of a physical barrier, mark a line to warn spectators away from the edges
fronting deep water.
In addition to any vessel committed to assisting event participants, a dedicated boat
should constantly patrol the shore adjacent to the spectator area. It should be equipped
with a loudspeaker to warn spectators who venture too close to the edge. The boat
should also be suitably equipped to provide for water rescue and the resuscitation of
injured persons.

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All boats intended for rescue, or designated to provide medical attention, should be clearly
marked and equipped with some form of hazard lighting to warn other vessels off. Any
boats used for participant or spectator control should be staffed with personnel trained in
appropriate lifesaving and emergency medical practices, including cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).

Any boat intended for medical assistance or water rescue should contain sufficient clear
space to resuscitate a patient in the supine position and be equipped, at a minimum, with
the following:

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

A spinal board for full-body immobilization, and cervical collars and restraint straps.
Ventilation equipment, which should ideally be a positive pressure oxygen ventilator, or
as a minimum, a bag-valve-mask unit, preferably with oxygen assist (oropharyngeal
airways and suction should also be included).
A supply of large pressure dressings.
Personnel trained and experienced in the use of the equipment identified above.
Personnel trained and attired to perform water rescue and removal.


While aquatic events present hazards to participants and spectators, and difficulties to event
planners and incident responders that are not present with other events, some types of auto
racing also present unique areas of concern.

Sponsors of organized auto races conducted by professional racing organizations at

permanent facilities normally meet the safety guidelines required for participants as outlined
in this document. Similarly, professional racing organizations using temporary facilities
follow very strict guidelines.

For racing events conducted by local clubs, however, no formal safety guidelines exist to
cover the health and safety of participants and spectators. Motor Cross races, bicycle races,
and specialized automobile rallies are a source of great concern because of both the very
limited control exercised over spectators and the often-remote locations in which they are
held. Spectators often position themselves in remote, almost inaccessible, areas where the
action is expected to be spectacular. The entire course should be monitored as well as
possible, and a suitable communications system should be in place.

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In the event of a crash, an ambulance with a trained staff should be available immediately.
The medical support staff must understand the racing rules and be trained to recognize the
various flags and special warning lights used by race officials. Understanding the racing
rules and the signals ensures that the staff knows how soon another racing vehicle will
arrive at the accident scene, whether or not the crashed vehicle remains on the track.

At smaller club events, having an ambulance on standby may be cost-prohibitive, and other
suitable arrangements must be made. In such circumstances, a designated vehicle with
appropriate equipment and trained personnel should be available to serve as the
ambulance. The vehicle should not be merely a van with basic equipment provided as an ad
hoc measure.

The standby ambulance or other emergency vehicle should be positioned for controlled,
rapid access to the track. An appropriate communications system and acknowledged
procedures should be in place to activate an immediate ambulance response to a track
emergency, while track officials control the activity on the track with flags or other signals.

Guidelines should be established in advance to determine:

Whether the race will continue if the ambulance leaves to transport a patient and no
backup ambulance is available to take its place.
Whether the ambulance will be designated strictly for the participants, and if so, what
means are available to assist with medical emergencies among the spectators.

If possible, the race should be stopped when an ambulance or other emergency vehicle is
on the track, even though some races continue to run under the caution flag.

Suitable “first attack” firefighting and rescue equipment should also be available at the
track. If onsite resources are not able to respond successfully to an emergency, procedures
to obtain additional rapid fire and rescue service must be in place.

If you expect great risk to participants and spectators, large numbers of spectators, or if the
nearest hospital is very distant, consider providing a site hospital.


Barriers should be in place to isolate spectators from out-of-control vehicles. Experience

shows, however, that these barriers can be moved or broken by out-of-control vehicles,
resulting in injuries to spectators who are leaning against the barriers. Further enhance
safety by posting a compulsory “no man’s land” to keep spectators away from the barrier

Individuals responsible for barrier design, including barrier height and strength, should take
into account the possibility that one vehicle may mount another or somersault end over
end. A barrier intended to retard penetration by a single impacting vehicle is insufficient.

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In addition, parts of automobiles involved in collisions can become projectiles, and wheels
can come loose and bounce into spectator areas. To protect spectators, affix a strong wire-
mesh debris screen to the barrier fencing and to the tops of retaining walls. The wire-mesh
screen permits spectator visibility while serving as a trap for projectiles.

Carefully monitor spectator access if spectators are permitted to visit the track and pit areas
at any time, including after the race. Participants often test vehicles after the event, with
neither drivers nor spectators anticipating each other’s presence on the track.

Major problems, including spectator injuries, have occurred at a number of events with
spectators accessing the track after the winner has passed the finish line, but while other
competitors are still racing. All officials should be briefed on ways to control spectators who
intend to access the track and how to respond if those control measures fail.


In-race refueling of cars in pit areas creates a potential for fire if fuel inadvertently contacts
sufficiently heated parts of vehicles or is ignited by a spark. To counter this threat,
appropriate and sufficiently large fire extinguishers, or other equipment suitable for
extinguishing fire, must be available at refueling sites for use by trained personnel. Remind
personnel that some racing fuels burn with an invisible flame.

The combination of vehicles entering the pit lane at high speed and the drivers’ vision being
obstructed by barriers increases the risk to both drivers and pit crews. Organizers should
consider introducing speed limits in pit lanes and enforcing suitable penalties for
transgressions by drivers. Ideally, organizers should also implement a system of notifying
pit personnel when vehicles are entering the pits, such as a siren or horn.

Because spectators are generally unfamiliar with pit environments and procedures,
organizers should restrict access to the pits to officials and members of the race crews. If
spectators are permitted in the pit area, their movement must be properly controlled, to
protect them from pit hazards, such as moving vehicles, hot engine parts, and sharp metal.

If possible, organizers should not permit spectators to cross the racetrack. If spectators are
permitted to cross the track, then all spectator crossings should be restricted to designated
crossing points that are strictly controlled by race officials. Officials should be equipped with
an efficient communication system connected to the race control area, which can provide
information about upcoming race traffic.

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The hazards presented by air events are similar to those already discussed, with a few
hazards being unique to these events.

Although air shows are usually staged in accordance with aviation rules and regulations,
event organizers, emergency managers, and health personnel should take specific steps to
reduce the risk of a serious incident.


Acrobatic maneuvers should not take place over built-up areas, but over fields, water,
airstrips, or other uninhabited areas. Aircraft should not fly over spectator areas. Where
aircraft execute a maneuver laterally (parallel to the ground) the direction of execution
should be away from, or parallel to, the spectators, not toward or over them.


Onsite fire services should be capable of delivering fire-suppressing foam onto a crashed or
burning aircraft. If the air show does not take place at an airport with foam-equipped
trucks, consider alternate arrangements for their provision, because water-delivering fire
apparatus are unsatisfactory.

Organizers should clearly understand the requirements of the coroner and air crash
investigators and be prepared to assist them in the event of a mishap.

Contingency plans should state how personnel will interact with spectators following an
incident (that is, cancel the show, retain the closest spectators as witnesses, or request
home video cameras that might have recorded the incident).


Events that feature parachute jumps should include designated landing zones that are safely
away from spectators and create no obvious hazards to the jumpers. Parachutists can be
blown off course and suffer injury or death as a result. Spectators can also be injured in the
scramble to avoid a descending jumper.

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Shows involving fireworks or pyrotechnics also present specific risks. When event
organizers plan public displays of fireworks, they should notify and consult with the local
authorities, including police, fire, and emergency medical services prior to the event. Most
pyrotechnic providers or contractors follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) safety standards for the placement of spectator seating and fireworks launch sites.


Most major incidents involving fireworks can be avoided through careful design of the
launch site.

In establishing a launch site, organizers must pay close attention to the anticipated or
prevailing wind direction and strength, both of which may affect the flight path of fireworks
and the area where debris will fall. In addition, when you establish site placement and
design, prepare for the possibility of abandoning the display in an emergency.

Where possible, the launch site should be on water (for example, on a barge or pier),
enabling personnel to abandon the site easily if an accident occurs and the pyrotechnic
supply ignites.

A barrier must be erected between the crowd and the launch site to protect the crowd if
fireworks tip over after ignition, resulting in a lateral, rather than vertical, projection.

Fireworks must not be projected over the heads of spectators because debris is often hot
and can injure spectators if it falls into their eyes or onto their heads. Another concern is
health effects caused by the smoke. Anticipate potential respiratory difficulties, especially in
those spectators prone to breathing problems such as asthma and allergies.

If you launch fireworks over water, do not project them over flammable trees, bush areas,
buildings, or boats.

Store unused fireworks in covered metal containers to prevent accidental ignition, either by
staff or by descending hot particles from previously ignited fireworks.

Fire equipment, including fire extinguishers appropriate to the location, and trained
firefighters should be immediately available at the launch site.

Personnel deploying and igniting fireworks should wear protective clothing, including face
shields, helmets, and heavy gloves, in case of explosion or premature or delayed ignition.

After the event, personnel should carefully inspect the launch site and surrounding area to
ensure that no incipient or rekindled fires are possible. All used fireworks should be soaked
in water and removed from the site, along with any securing spikes, wires, or other
potentially hazardous objects.

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Laser light shows are now frequently included as a form of entertainment at many special
events. Prior to the laser light show, health care personnel onsite should understand the
kinds of accidents that can occur and identify potential hazards when lasers are used. They
also should know the kind and type of laser that will be used.


Occasionally an event occurs without planning. Local emergency management and public
safety agencies need to be aware that spontaneous events create the same need for
emergency response contingencies as planned events and that safety plans or agreed-upon
roles and responsibilities for participants will be established. Such spontaneous events
present unique difficulties to public safety personnel because they offer no warning and,
therefore, no time to plan.

Types of spontaneous events include those which:

Are planned without official input or permits as a result of an oversight.

Are planned without official input or permits on purpose.
Result from other events, such as:

Planned local spinoff, such as a victory parade for a local sports team
Local focal point
Response to an “under-planned” primary event

Are demonstrations, protests, or picketing:

Civil disobedience
Planned disorderly behavior
Spontaneous violence

Pre-existing mutual aid agreements, response plans, training, and resource lists will assist
communities that are confronted with a spontaneous event. To develop these pre-existing
response aids, the local emergency management agency may act as a catalyst to promote
cooperation among local response agencies. A local emergency management agency can
also fill its role in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) if the spontaneous event is large
enough to require the activation of the EOC.

Because spontaneous events are dynamic, a well-timed and appropriate response is critical
to achieving safe outcomes. In many instances, however, the local or county public safety
officials on duty are initially charged with all of the roles and responsibilities of managing
the spontaneous event. At the same time, they are faced with other non-event incidents in
the community. If communities train to respond to the various incidents associated with a
spontaneous event, they can respond more effectively in times of emergency.

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Staffing, response, and public safety requirements for spontaneous events are the same or
greater than those for a planned event of the same nature. Essential to the successful
outcome of a spontaneous event is implementing ICS for an orderly and coordinated
deployment of resources and personnel. Identifying a Staging Area where additional
personnel and resources will be gathered is necessary. Briefing all personnel and
establishing an appropriate span of control is critical to pre-deployment of personnel and
resources in response to a spontaneous event. It may be necessary to establish a Situation
Unit in the Planning Section to keep the Incident Commander informed of changes in the
nature of the event.

Another essential element in anticipation of, and planning for, a spontaneous event is a
continuing evaluation of other events, either locally or nationally, that may be catalysts for
a spontaneous event in your community. Many spontaneous events occur with some level
of expectation by public safety officials. The significant difference between an organized
special event and a spontaneous event is that no planning time exists before a spontaneous

If a spontaneous event or unplanned mass gathering occurs in your community, time is

critical and should not be wasted trying to determine how the event happened and who will
be held responsible. After-action reports and investigations can fulfill that role. Critical
time management requires that all energy be focused on response and activation of existing
plans and cooperation among participating agencies.


Concerts that attract younger audiences (for example, pre-teens and early teens) can create
a number of difficulties. These spectators can become lost or separated from friends, miss
scheduled return transportation, or lack sufficient funds to pay for alternate transportation.

Parents often take young spectators to such events and then have difficulty finding them at
the conclusion of the event. If parents are using their cars to pick up children, traffic jams
may prevent close access to the venue. Prior to entering the venue, parents and their
children should identify a specific place to meet at the conclusion of the event.

One method to alleviate difficulties is to create a “Parents’ Oasis” adjacent to the venue to
provide parents with a waiting area during the concert. Coffee, soft drinks, snacks, and
newspapers can be available to help parents pass the time while waiting for the event to

The concept of a “Parents’ Oasis” is one that is particularly well-suited to concert events
that parents would not want to attend and that their children would not want them to
attend. The additional cost and effort devoted to providing such a facility are more than
offset by the reduction in efforts needed to deal with the young audiences at the conclusion
of the event.

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Information booths with access to the public address system and clearly identified event
staff can assist lost children and their parents. Also consider the compounding effect of a
major incident exacerbated by the problems of parents attempting to gain access to the
area to reunite with their children or, in the worst-case scenario, trying to find out where
their injured children have been taken.

Certain events may pose hazards and risks that are unique to their activity or audience.
This chapter presented some of the particular hazards and high risks that event planners
need to be aware of. These are not inclusive of all of the risks for which a response must be
prepared. Careful planning and expecting the unexpected help to make the special event
memorable and safe for sponsors, participants, and spectators.

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The After-Action Report must be done in a timely manner and shared with the rest of the
team. The After-Action Report focuses on both the positive and negative aspects of the


Demobilization should be planned just as carefully as the event itself. Demobilization

actually begins during the planning stages of an event and continues during the event.
Planners must decide upon a logical order in which to release response agencies and other
resources, and they must authorize a point of contact to release resources. The impact on
the community and its resources must also be considered in the demobilization process.
The Incident Commander should direct the demobilization process through the
Demobilization Unit in the Planning Section.


Following the event, all members of the planning team and those in charge of resources
should meet to critique the event. For individuals who are unable to attend, providing a
survey may be an option. The purpose of the Post-Event Analysis meeting is to allow open
discussion of what went well and what could have gone better and to lay the groundwork for
future events.

Prior to the meeting, planners should establish guidelines for discussion and select a
facilitator for the meeting. The guidelines should emphasize that the meeting is intended to
be a positive learning experience for all agencies, not a session to assign blame for
problems that occurred during the event. The facilitator may come from the Emergency
Management Agency or the lead agency, or planners may bring in a neutral third party that
will maintain order if conflicts arise and agencies begin to find fault with one another.
Problems should be discussed in generic terms as much as possible to avoid singling out
specific agencies for criticism.

The lessons learned during one event can be used in planning for subsequent events. The
agenda items discussed at the meeting, both successes and failures, should take the form of
a report to be examined and discussed by officials later. If serious incidents occurred, such
as a death or mass arrests, then writing the final report may have to wait until after
litigation is completed. The facilitator is typically assigned the responsibility for
documenting the meeting.

A log of checkout policy and procedures (which is created during the planning stage)
ensures that everything is complete and that all agencies are satisfied with the outcome of
the event. It is important to finalize one event before planning another.

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The Post-Event Analysis meeting is the final gathering of the event planning team before
releasing response agencies, resource personnel, or volunteers. Before releasing response
or resource personnel or volunteers, event planners should ensure that the responders have
sufficient rest and the means to return to their home bases safely.

During this meeting, the promoter and planners should conclude any outstanding matters,
such as financial obligations or matters concerning supplies and equipment. Planners and
promoters should prepare a detailed statement of expenditures and outstanding bills as a
part of the After-Action Report.


The facilitator or a representative of the Emergency Management Agency may be tasked to

prepare the After-Action Report. This report is a vital document. The After-Action Report is
composed following the critique meeting. The main purpose of an After-Action Report is to
identify and document what worked, what did not work, and what could be improved. A
useful After-Action Report should prevent the same kinds of mistakes and incidents from
occurring at the next event. The report can also include any additional data, such as crowd
control measures that were especially successful, that may be useful in planning similar
future events. Everyone involved in the event (including volunteers) should contribute to
this important document. After-Action Reports have no established formats. Most
communities have a sample report to guide planners. If an incident occurred during the
event, the planning team must prepare a summary sheet to show how personnel responded
to the incident in case questions of legal liability arise later. After-Action Reports are also
excellent ways to document events for historical or legal purposes, and to describe how
crowd sizes were determined if estimations or formulas were used.

While this manual focuses mainly on planning for a special event, an After-Action Report
focuses on improving the next event.

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Because responsibilities vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, certain risks or hazards are not
always handled by only one agency. This matrix is designed for you to determine the risks
and hazards your agency is accountable for handling and then refer to the corresponding
page in the Job Aids manual. If more than one agency is tasked to respond to the risk or
hazard, some overlap of responsibility may occur. One way to handle this is to place a “P”
in the primary agency position and an “S” in the support agency position. The
responsibilities of each agency must be discussed and decided in the planning stages, not
when an incident occurs. Additional room is provided in the matrix to add agencies or risks
as they may apply.

Law Enforcement
County Agency

State Agency
Public Health

Public Works

U.S. Secret





Vehicles Check
page references for
entire list
Assault on County
Assault on Federal
Assault on State
Bomb Threat

Building Inspection

Cancellation of
Civil Disturbance w/


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Law Enforcement
County Agency

State Agency
Public Health

Public Works

U.S. Secret




Crowd Control


Dignitary Protection


Evacuation of Area


First Aid Stations

Food Handling

Food Waste


Hostage w/o
Human Waste


Lost Child

Lost and Found

Media Relations




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Law Enforcement
County Agency

State Agency
Public Health

Public Works

U.S. Secret




Potable Water

Power Interruption



Structural Collapse

Terrorist act

Terrorist Threat


Traffic Control

Weather Hazards

WMD: Chemical

WMD: Biological

WMD: Radiological

WMD: Nuclear

WMD: Explosive

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Name of Event:

Name of Applicant:

Address: Phone:

City: State: Zip:

Name of Organization:

Address: Phone:

City: State: Zip:

For-Profit Organization

Not-for-Profit Organization
ID Number:

Insurance for event (Attach a copy to this document.)

Bond for event (Attach a copy of conditions.)

Financial Responsibility for Public Services (e.g., police, fire, health, etc.)

Date(s) of Event:

Type of Event

Arena sporting event

Competitive road-race

Motor vehicle

Live performance
Non-competitive on public way
Political rally

Expected attendance

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Number of similar events previously sponsored (Attach summary documents.)


Multiple states
Event Web site

Public Access

Open event
Spectators limited to first _______ arrivals
Tickets will be required for all events
Tickets will be required for certain venues

Name of Location Venue:

Considered an alcohol-free event
Advertised as an alcohol-free event
Alcoholic beverages will be sold or served at venue
Alcoholic beverages will be sold outside of venue

Location venue capacity:

Seasonal weather concerns:

Food Service

Multiple vendors
Single concessionaire
Water provided

Health and Safety Inspection

Issued permit(s)
Fire inspection
Waste disposal plan

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Health and Sanitation Plan

Number of toilet facilities __________

Number of trash facilities __________

Disposal plan (Attach a copy to this document.)

Medical Plan (Complete and attach ICS Form 206.)

Sponsor responsibility
Public provided
Medical services and facilities notified
First Aid or rehab stations on site

Transportation Plan

Public transportation

Special routes
Extra capacity
Contract transportation
Emergency routing
Peak period capacity time frame

Private transportation

Street or highway access:

Vehicle capacity factor:

Peak traffic period factor:

Parking Plan

Number of lots:

Total available spaces____________

Public parking spaces ____________

Private parking spaces ____________ (Attach private parking agreements.)

Parking attendants ___________

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Traffic Patterns

Public Works signing

Event will require traffic flow or street closures (If checked, attach complete list.)
Temporary traffic code or parking restrictions (If checked, attach list.)
Traffic direction and control restrictions (If checked, attach list.)
Tow truck service (If checked, attach agreements.)
Abandoned and/or illegally parked vehicle recovery (If checked, attach agreements.)

Incident Action Plan

Attach ICS Forms 201, 202, 203 and 205.

Risk/hazard analysis

Criminal response
Fire response

At site

Hazardous materials
Electrical hazards
Medical emergencies

Food-related illnesses
First aid
Heat/cold exposures

Structure collapse
Crowd rush
Mass casualty
Mass fatality
Lost or missing persons/children
Unattended packages
Crowd dispersal
Offender identification
Public notification process (ICS Form 205 required)
Access control
Evacuation routes
Evacuee assembly areas

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Event Logistics

Food Unit
Ground Support
Air Support
Medical Unit

Demobilization Plan

Traffic or pedestrian egress from site

Secondary transportation plan
Sanitation removal
Venue cleanup
Traffic pattern normalization
Contractual evaluation

Organizer commitments
Other public or private contracts


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Event Details

Name of Event:

Date(s) of Event: From: ___/___/___ To: ___/____/____

Event Time: Start: Finish:


Site Address:


Event Manager:


Contact: Phone: Fax:

After/Hours: Cell:

E-Mail: Pager:

Site preparation start date: / / Site vacated date: / /

Brief details of function (including entertainment and main attractions):

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Sponsorship details (including any restrictions):

What Legislative, Regulative, and Legal Issues Need to be Addressed?

State legislative/regulative requirements:

Local legislative/regulative requirements:

Permits required: (for example, liquor, pyrotechnics, fire, laser, food):

Engineering approvals:

Insurance required:

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Reimbursement considerations for public agency involvement costs due to event:

Site Details

NOTE: Include details such as: Indoor/outdoor, normal use, permanent structure,
temporary site, multiple sites, site boundaries, temporary structures, natural features, likely
hazards including weather, historic sites, environmental issues, parking arrangements, access
and egress. Include facilities, such as: Water, toilets, food preparation, waste removal.
(Attach diagram or site map.)

Estimated total attendance:

Estimated age composition of audience:

0 – 12 years: % of total audience

12 – 18 years: % of total audience

18 – 25 years: % of total audience

25 – 40 years: % of total audience

40 – 55 years: % of total audience

55 years and above: % of total audience

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Admission will be by: Pre-sold ticket Free Other: Please specify)

Has this event been conducted previously? YES / NO

If yes, when?


Event Manager:

Contact phone: Fax:

If no, please detail the changes:

What effects will the changes have?

Key Stakeholders

Name Phone

State Government Dep’t.(s):

Local Council(s):

Neighboring Councils:


Ambulance Service:

First Aid Service:

Fire Service:

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Hospital/Medical Services:

State Emergency Service:

Security Personnel

Liquor Licensing

Local Hotel and Businesses:

Transportation Authority:




Time frame necessary for contact with stakeholders:

A full briefing of all of the above stakeholders is planned for ______________________ (date)

at __________________________ (venue).

Event Communications

During the event what form of communication systems will be available/provided/required for:

Event management:

Public address (internal):

Public address (external):

Emergency services:

Coordination requirements:

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Event Promotion and Media Management

Can the promotion ticketing and publicity for the event include messages that clarify the focus
of the event (for example, family fun, sporting contest, musical entertainment)?

Event Web site

The focus of the event is

The event promotion and publicity will promote:

Safe drinking practices YES / NO

Don’t drink and drive YES / NO

Intoxicated and underage persons will not be served alcohol YES / NO

Bags may be searched or restricted YES / NO

Glass containers permitted YES / NO

Water will be freely available YES / NO

Availability of “wet” and “dry” areas YES / NO

Location of facilities included on ticketing YES / NO

Health care advice included on ticketing YES / NO

Smoke-free environment YES / NO


Which type of security will be appropriate for the event?

Who will be the appropriate security firm to be contracted?

Event security would commence on ____/____/____ and conclude on ____/____/____

What will be the role of security?

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Have relevant police departments been contacted in relation to security? YES / NO

If yes, what will be required of the police?

When will a briefing/debriefing be held involving police, security, bar staff and licensing

(Date before Event) (Date after Event)

Will a briefing of all personnel and officials be provided regarding helping patrons with
amenities and services?

Who will pay for event security costs, including overtime?


What signage, including those required under the local liquor laws, will need to be developed
and obtained?

Will there be signage in languages other than English? YES / NO


Does a transportation strategy need to be developed? YES / NO

List the departments, councils and/or agencies that are likely to be involved in developing this

Name: Organization:

Name: Organization:

Name: Organization:

Name: Organization:

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Access and Egress for Patrons

What provisions can be made for patrons to access, move around, and leave the event venue
without excessive queuing, or crushes (for example, gate control, pathways, free space)?

Will patrons be able to access toilets, food and bar areas, and entertainment sites without
difficulty? YES / NO

In an emergency, will patrons be able to leave the venue or move to other areas within the
venue in reasonable safety? YES / NO


Access for Persons with Disability

What provisions need to be made for persons with a disability to access and move around the
event venue?

Will persons with a disability be able to access toilets, food and bar areas, and entertainment
sites without difficulty? YES / NO

In an emergency, will persons with a disability be able to leave the venue without significantly
impeding the movement of other patrons? YES / NO

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What provisions can be made to minimise the level of noise at and around the event?






Management of Alcohol

Are there any standard conditions of the licensing permit? YES / NO

If YES, what are they?

How will event personnel, specifically bar and security personnel, be trained and informed of
the State and local statutes/ordinances and made aware of the responsibilities and penalties?

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What types of alcohol (for example beer, wine, and liquor) and other drinks will be available at
the event?

In what types of containers will alcohol and other drinks be available (for example, glass, can
or plastic containers)?

What provisions will be made for the collection of drink containers during and after the event?

What will be the pricing structure for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks?

Is it anticipated that the pricing structure will discourage patrons from becoming unduly
intoxicated? YES / NO

Can the event publicity, ticketing, and signage inform patrons of the restrictions on alcohol
including that alcohol will not be served to minors and intoxicated people? YES / NO

Can some, if not all, bars be shut prior to the end of the entertainment? YES / NO

If the event is “Bring Your Own Bottle” BYOB, what provisions can be made to prevent
glass-related injuries, underage drinking, and excessive intoxication?

If the event is not BYOB, what provisions can be made to prevent alcohol from being brought
into the venue?

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If there are to be designated drinking areas, will they be adequate in size and number and
supported by toilet facilities to cope with the expected size of the crowd? YES / NO

Will there be dry areas for families, entertainment, and food? YES / NO

Will the event provide the following facilities to encourage responsible drinking by patrons?

Free drinking water YES / NO

Cheap non-alcoholic drinks YES / NO

Range of quality food YES / NO

Shade or cover YES / NO

Safe drinking information YES / NO

Quality entertainment YES / NO

“Wet” and “Dry” areas YES / NO

Other Drug Use

Is it possible that drugs, including marijuana and amphetamines, may be

available and used at this event? YES / NO

List any drugs and related information known from previous experience:

What provisions can be made to address this drug use?

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What level of medical service is considered necessary, and for what duration?

Who can provide this service?

What will be the cost of the service?

If it is not a local provider, what arrangements have been made to coordinate with the local
ambulance service?

What facilities will the medical service require (including helipad)?

How can these be provided?


If the event involves animals, what arrangements will be necessary for their management,
care, and well being?

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If the event may affect animals, what arrangements will be necessary for their management,
care, and well being?


A final briefing of stakeholders is planned for weeks prior to the


A debriefing will be conducted with all stakeholders within __________ days of the event.

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Event Details

Name of Event:

Requested Date(s) of Event: From: / / To: / /

Request Event Time: Start: Finish:

Requested Site:

Site Address:


Event Manager:


Contact: Phone: Fax:

After Hours:

Requested site preparation start date: / /

Suggested site vacated date: / /

Brief details of function (including entertainment and main attractions):

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Legal Requirements

Does the application:

Comply with State and Local legislation/regulations/codes? YES / NO

Provide for adequate general public liability insurance? YES / NO

Provide for adequate liability insurance for a major incident? YES / NO

Need to post a bond to cover contingencies? YES / NO


Does the application require:

Liquor licensing? YES / NO

Road closures/restrictions? YES / NO

Food outlet licenses? YES / NO

Health care licensing? YES / NO

Fire Inspection? YES / NO

Fireworks/pyrotechnics permits? YES / NO

Any other:


Is it appropriate for the type of event? YES / NO

Are there multiple sites involved in the event? YES / NO



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Permanent structure or temporary site:

Normally used for this type of event? YES / NO

Normally used for large crowds? YES / NO


Any effect on neighboring communities? YES / NO

Suitability for camping facilities? YES / NO

List any environmental issues (green, flora, fauna, historic site):

List any natural features likely to be hazardous (river, dam, long grass, forest):

Anticipated crowd number of attendees:

Is site large enough for expected crowd? YES / NO

Tickets being pre-sold? YES / NO % Of Attendance

Tickets sold at the gate? YES / NO % Of Attendance

Other means of limiting crowd:

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Type of crowd expected (young, old, family, unruly):

Is water available at site? YES / NO

Quality of water:

Quantity of potable water:

Probability of sabotage of water? YES / NO


Fixed sewerage? YES / NO

Adequate sewerage capacity? YES / NO


Other utility supplies (power, gas):

Will they be adequate?

Will emergency water supplies be required? YES / NO

Will emergency water supplies be supplied? YES / NO

Will emergency water supplies be available? YES / NO


Will emergency electricity supplies be required? YES / NO

Will emergency electricity supplies be supplied? YES / NO

Will emergency electricity supplies be available? YES / NO

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Will emergency gas supplies be required? YES / NO

Will emergency gas supplies be supplied? YES / NO

Will emergency gas supplies be available? YES / NO


Emergency Services/Key Stakeholders

Has applicant consulted and gained support/approval from:

State/Local Government Departments? YES / NO

If yes, list by abbreviation: _______________________________________________

Police Department? YES / NO

Ambulance Service? YES / NO

First Aid Service? YES / NO

Fire Department? YES / NO

Medical/Hospital Facilities? YES / NO

State Emergency Service? YES / NO

Transportation Authorities? YES / NO

Liquor Licensing Court? YES / NO

Neighboring Communities? YES / NO

Neighbors/Community Association? YES / NO

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Have emergency management plans been prepared? YES / NO

Have contingency plans been prepared? YES / NO

If NO, are they necessary? YES / NO

If they are necessary, who will coordinate the preparation?


Is special security being provided? YES / NO

If YES, who is providing it?

If NO, is it considered necessary? YES / NO

Is the provider licensed to provide the service? YES / NO

Event Safety Issues


Weather (rain, wind, heat, cold):

Terrain (cliffs, creeks, reclaimed land):


Animals, forests, pollens, pests, flora, fauna, historical:

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Utility lines, noise, lighting, access and egress:


Alcohol, hysteria, nuisance, neighbors, fire:


Pyrotechnics, lasers:


Are road access and egress suitable? YES / NO

Are road access and egress suitable in all weather? YES / NO

Are road access and egress adequate? YES / NO

Will special traffic control be required? YES / NO

Is sufficient suitable off-road parking available? YES / NO

Will emergency services have continual access and egress? YES / NO

In the event of a major emergency, do access and egress allow for

emergency services? YES / NO


See Job Aids Food Vendor Information Sheet and Catering Inspection Checklist for Food

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What is the anticipated crowd mix of male and female attendees (by percentage)?


How many fixed-toilet facilities will be available?







Will separate toilet facilities be available for food vendors? YES / NO

Will separate toilet facilities be available for medical attendants? YES / NO

Are there sufficient toilet facilities? YES / NO

If NO, what additional requirements will there be? MALE TOILETS






Will the current sewerage system cope with the extra demand? YES / NO

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If NO, what additional requirements will there be?

Where additional requirements are unserviced, can service trucks gain

easy access? YES / NO

What servicing of toilets will be provided during the event?

What, if any, plumbing maintenance will be available onsite?

Garbage and Water Removal

Number of garbage bins available Public Use

Food Outlet Use

Medical Facility Use

Type of garbage bins (including for sharps, wet, dry, hazardous):

Program for emptying garbage bins:

Program for removal of site garbage:

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Restoration After Event

Arrangements for site cleanup:

Arrangements for cleanup of surroundings (including access and egress roads):

Arrangements for refund of bond money, if applicable:

Camping Areas (where applicable)

What is the proximity to property boundaries?

NORTH yards SOUTH yards

EAST yards WEST yards

What is the requested population density of the camp? Persons per acre

What is the requested maximum population for each site?

maximum______ persons per site

What separation is planned between sites?

minimum______ yards between rows

What emergency access and egress will be available?

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What toilet and personal hygiene facilities will be available within campsite?





What water supply is available?

Is it potable?

Can you estimate whether this is sufficient? YES / NO


What garbage bins are available?

Can you estimate whether this is sufficient? YES / NO

What waste disposal arrangements are being made (including wet, dry, sharps, sewage)?

Site Plan

Camp site plan available (including access and egress for emergency vehicles, access and
egress for service vehicles, parking areas, camping areas, numbered camp sites, toilet and
personal hygiene facilities, water points, trash bins, food venues, First Aid/Medical facilities,
any other related facilities). YES / NO

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(one required for each vendor)

(To be provided to the local health authority)

Name of Vendor:

Point of Contact:

Business Address:

Business Phone: Business Fax:

POC Phone: POC Mobile:

POC Pager:

Main purpose of business:

Is a menu attached, indicating the full range of food to be provided? YES / NO

Indicate which of the following foods you sell directly or will be using as ingredients:

Milk/milk products YES / NO

Poultry YES / NO

Salads/rice dishes YES / NO

Egg products YES / NO

Fish/fish products YES / NO

Raw meat YES / NO

Ice cream YES / NO

Shellfish YES / NO

Cooked meat YES / NO

Other (specify):

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Type of operation:

Stall YES / NO

Mobile unit YES / NO

Stand YES / NO

Tent YES / NO

Other (specify):

Indicate the type of equipment to be provided/used on site:

Refrigeration YES / NO

Freezer YES / NO

Oven YES / NO

Deep fryer YES / NO

Microwave oven YES / NO

Sink YES / NO

Wash hand basin YES / NO

Grill YES / NO

Other (specify):

Are fire extinguishers provided at each site? YES/ NO

What kind/type?:

Indicate power sources:

LPG (propane) YES / NO

Electrical generator YES / NO

Other (specify):

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Is the food to be prepared or stored in premises other than the temporary food premises or
vehicle? YES / NO

If YES, please state the address:

Will food be delivered to the site by a separate supplier? YES / NO

If YES, what arrangements will be made for receipt of those goods?

Have you or any of your staff completed a food handler hygiene course? YES / NO

If YES, when and where:

Vendor Point of Contact signature:


Location of vendor in event footprint

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The establishment of a temporary catering facility can mean working in less-than-ideal

conditions. The following checklist will provide guidance on minimum requirements for this
type of event catering.

Setting Up

Food service operation is licensed or registered in accordance with State/local requirements.


The appropriate permit has been obtained from the State/local authority where the event is to
be held. YES / NO

The area for which the permit is valid is clear, that is, the location where the vendor can set
up? YES / NO

Staff Training

Staff are trained in food handling and food safety. YES / NO

Staff have been instructed on machinery operation, food preparation routines and occupational
health and safety matters. YES / NO

There are clear guidelines for staff about what to do if problems occur (who to contact and
appropriate contact numbers). YES / NO

Food Handling

All food handlers carry out hand washing thoroughly and regularly, particularly:

Before commencing work and after every break YES / NO

After visiting the toilet YES / NO

After handling raw food YES / NO

After using a handkerchief or tissue or touching nose, hair or YES / NO

After handling trash
After smoking

Correct food temperatures can be, and are, maintained. YES / NO

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Food is cooled rapidly under refrigeration in trays not more than 4 inches deep YES / NO

Tongs are provided and used where possible for food handling. YES / NO

Gloves, if used, are changed regularly. YES / NO

Food is thoroughly cooked. YES / NO

Food is protected from dust, insect pests, and other contaminating matter. YES / NO

Staff wear suitable, clean clothing and have long hair tied back. YES / NO

Food on display on counters is protected from contamination from the public

by use of covers or guards. YES / NO

Condiment area is checked and cleaned regularly. YES / NO

Food Storage

Sufficient refrigeration space is provided to cope with peak demand. YES / NO

Refrigerated storage temperatures can be maintained during peak loads. YES / NO

Raw foods are stored below cooked or ready to eat foods. YES / NO

Food containers are covered. YES / NO

Food is stored off the floor on pallets or shelving YES / NO

Frozen food is thawed on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator or under cold
running water. YES / NO

Dry food storage space is adequate for peak loads. YES / NO

Dry foods are protected from dust and insect pests and rodents at all times. YES / NO

Hot food storage is in accordance with applicable standards. YES / NO

Cold food storage is in accordance with applicable standards. YES / NO

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Food Transport

Transport times are kept to a minimum. YES / NO

Food temperatures are met at all times during transport. YES / NO

All foods are protected from dust, pests, chemicals, and other contaminating matter. YES / NO

Cleaning and Sanitizing

Cleaning cloths are replaced frequently. YES / NO

Equipment and surfaces used for the preparation of raw foods are cleaned and sanitized before
further use. YES / NO

Sanitizers are appropriate for use in the food industry and are used in accordance with the
manufacturers’ directions. YES / NO

Packaging and Labeling

All prepackaged foods are labeled in accordance with United States Food and Drug
Administration nutritional requirements. YES / NO

Waste Management

Waste is removed regularly from food preparation areas. YES / NO

Putrescible (decomposable) waste removed from food preparation areas is placed in bins with
tight-fitting lids.

Capacity to store sullage waste is adequate or connection to the sewer is maintained without
leakage. YES / NO

Infectious Diseases

All staff are required to report any gastrointestinal type illness to the supervisor. YES / NO

A register of staff illness is kept by the supervisor. YES / NO

Staff are not permitted to work while they have symptoms of gastrointestinal illness or in the
acute stage of a cold or flu-like illness. YES / NO

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The workplace is safe, that is, there are no trip hazards, no unprotected hot zones, and no
unguarded equipment. YES / NO

Fire precautions are followed and fire safety devices are to the satisfaction of the fire
authority. YES / NO

Food handlers have contact details for all necessary personnel in case of problems occurring.

A list of appropriate contact details is maintained and accessible. YES / NO

For example,

Event organizer YES / NO

Environmental health officer YES / NO

Plumber YES / NO

Electrician YES / NO

Refrigeration mechanic YES / NO

Alternative refrigeration suppliers YES / NO

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Electrical—Ground Fault Interrupter and National Electrical Code (NEC) Standards

Back-up generator with fuel supply

Emergency lighting and exit signs
Clearly marked distribution and disconnect
Key personnel ID (photo and briefing)
System security
Alternate electrical sources

Alternative Fuels

Valves and emergency shutoff

Pilotless ignition

Isolation of Subsections of System

Carbon monoxide (CO) monitors
Waste oil storage
No interior storage of, or use of, unapproved systems


HVAC engineer on duty

Reversible system?
Back-up power for system


Emergency system access (coded)

Event primary PSAP identified

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Adequate number of lines, with locations clearly marked

Amplified receivers (ADA)
System priority lines

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Fire water system – Fire Department Connection (FDC)

System grid established
Potable water – locations, security, markings identified

Sanitary Sewer

Pre-event inspection
Portable units, as needed, with servicing established
Have formulas regarding toilets (male and female) been followed? (See Chapter 2 in this
manual for toilet facility suggestions.)

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Job Aids Manual


Street/Drainage Division

Barricades, traffic cones and jersey barriers.

Transport water tankers as necessary.
Assure sidewalks are clean and in safe condition.

Traffic Engineering Operations Division.

Review the traffic event management plan submitted by the event manager.
Coordinate with the Police Department regarding traffic flow patterns.
Timing of signals changes to maximize traffic flow.
Regional traffic management plan.

Animal Control Division

Back-up program to respond to the event as necessary.

Solid Waste Management Division

Collection of site debris.

Sweeping of site and adjacent roadways.
Litter control and disposal.
Coordination with the Health Department concerning debris removal from food serving

Parking Operations/Enforcement Division

Review parking program and offer assistance.

Coordinate with mass transportation organization regarding pick-up point parking.

Engineering Division

Coordinate with organizations involved in the event to review the site and the layout of
the various program.
Work with the Building Inspections Division to coordinate the planning for the event.

Regional Mass Transportation Division

Establish timely schedules for shuttles.

Review the fees and charges for providing services.

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Forestry/Horticulture Division

Protect the landscaping in year-round planter areas from public damage.

Inspect trees and large shrubbery for trimming as required to accommodate event
security concerns and to ensure the public welfare of the event attendees.

Parks and Recreation Division

Schedule personnel to support activities in the event area.

Work with vendors in supplying the needed support for the event.
Arrange for special events coordination with the children’s area.

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Seating: (quality, quantity, state of repair, fixed, and portable)


Handrails–size and capacity:

Adequate Exits







Square feet:


Hazardous Materials




Security concerns:

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Auxiliary Power



Facility Use



Building Inspection History

Date of last building inspection:

Date of last fire inspection:

Correction of violations:

Date of last elevator/escalator inspections:

Slip/trip/fall hazards present?:


HVAC Adequacy

Tons per square feet:

Plan Review and Walk-Through Inspection with Fire Department Code

Enforcement Officer

Building Suppression Systems:

ADA Compliance:

Coordinate Security of Structurally Vulnerable Areas with Law Enforcement


Catwalks, balconies, and stages:

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Building Owner Contact Information

Name: Phone:


Billing Address:

Liability Insurance:

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Buildings and Facilities

HVAC/Air quality
Inspections – water, food vendors


Waste Disposal


When/how often:


Quality: (potable):

Quantity: (potable):

Quantity: (non-potable):

Hot Water



Cleaning Agents

Types, use, quantity

Toilets – fixed, portable, quantity, cleaning, inspection, and servicing
Floors – nonslip, drains, and cleanup
Cleanup – trash, sweeping, mopping, grass, and dust control

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Licenses – fixed and temporary

Fire extinguishers

Food—Ice and Water

Vector control


Inspection – cleanliness, temperature, off the floor


Devices – fuel, temperature, hot/cold, thermal, exhaust


Staff training (hygiene, cross contamination, etc.)

Food—Power Supplies

Power Cord – ground fault interrupter



Sneeze Shields/Covers

First Aid Kits

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Exit Doors

Appropriate number
Appropriate locations
Appropriate size
Appropriate operation
Appropriate markings

Avenues of Egress

Sufficient width
Adequate accessibility

Exit Route Markings

Sufficient size
Sufficient numbers
Emergency lighting

Notification Systems

Heat detectors
Pull boxes
Fire watch
Carbon monoxide
On line and functioning, monitored detection systems

Automated Fire Protection


Manual Fire Protection

Hose lines

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Fire Department Connections

Sprinkler: locations ____________________________________________________

Standpipe: locations___________________________________________________

Fire Department Response

Size of assignment

Fire Spread Ratings of Stage Materials

Pyrotechnic Safety Used in the Show

Permit obtained? YES / NO

Licensed show provider? YES / NO


Need for On-Duty Inspector and Technical Expert for HVAC System

Develop, Review and/or Update Plan for Event Site/Buildings

Ensure Occupancy Load is Posted and Not Exceeded

Fire Lane Marked and Kept Clear

911 System Access:

Handheld radio / cellular phone / landline (NOT pay phone)

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Crowd Control/Site Security

Access by the public:

Access by VIPs:

Access by emergency services:

Secondary route:

Security concerns:

Demographics of Spectators and Participants





VIP’s to attend:




Other security:

Intelligence contact: (Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), etc.)


Control: access/egress


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Limited access (such as beer gardens): __________________________________
Distributing locations on event footprint

Incident Command Post

Location and contact information:

Closest mutual aid resources if required?

Promoter background investigation completed?

Surveillance: (closed-circuit television, locations, etc.)

Credentialing required?

Meals/lodging arrangements made for staff, if required?

Overtime considerations addressed?

Arrest/booking process identified?

Special teams required? (SWAT, EOD, K-9, etc.)

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Event Type







Demographics of Spectators and Participants








Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance:




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Fixed or Festival Seating:


ADA Compliance:




Aid Station on Site YES / NO

Number: __________________

Staffed for event? YES / NO

Mobile teams to be used YES / NO

Foot: YES / NO Number:

Bike: YES/ NO Number:

Carts: YES / NO Number:

Other: YES / NO Number:

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Frequency Distributions

The planning team should assign a frequency distribution for each type of hazard identified
in the Rating Worksheet. A frequency distribution categorizes the jurisdiction’s exposure to
each hazard (that is, the likelihood of occurrence for each type of hazard). Exposure can be
assessed in terms of cycles, hours, or years. The definitions of frequency distribution are
shown in the table below.

Exposure Frequency

Highly likely = 3 The potential for impact is very probable (near 100 percent) in the
next year.
Likely = 2 The potential for impact is between 10 and 100 percent within the
next year.
There is at least one chance of occurrence within the next 10 years.
Possible = 1 The potential for impact is between 1 and 10 percent within the next
There is at least one chance of occurrence within the next 100 years.
Unlikely = 0 The potential for impact is less than 1 percent in the next 100 years.

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Severity Ratings

The planning team should use historical and analytical data to assign a severity rating to
each type of hazard that the team identifies in the hazard rating worksheet. The severity
ratings selected should quantify, to the degree possible, the damage to be expected in the
jurisdiction as a result of a specific hazard. The definitions of the severity ratings are shown
in the table below.

Level of Severity

Catastrophic = 3 Multiple deaths.

Complete shutdown of critical facilities for 30 days or more.
More than 50 percent of property is severely damaged.
Critical = 2 Injuries and/or illnesses result in permanent disability.
Complete shutdown of critical facilities for at least 2 weeks.
More than 25 percent of property is severely damaged.
Limited = 1 Injuries and/or illnesses do not result in permanent disability.
Complete shutdown of critical facilities for more than 1 week.
More than 10 percent of property is severely damaged.
Negligible = 0 Injuries and/or illnesses are treatable with first aid.
Minor quality of life lost.
Shutdown of critical facilities and services for 24 hours or less.
No more than 1 percent of property is severely damaged.

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Ranking the Hazards

Using the severity and frequency distribution definitions, the planning team should identify
potential hazards for the event and rank them in the Rating Worksheet.

Frequency Potential Potential Level of Coverage Point

Hazard (Likelihood) Impact on Impact on in EOP Total
Population Property
0 = Unlikely 0 = Negligible 0 = Negligible 0 = None
1 = Possible 1 = Limited 1 = Limited 1 = Limited
2 = Likely 2 = Critical 2 = Critical 2 = Sufficient
3 = Highly 3 = Catastrophic 3 = Catastrophic 3 = Comprehensive
Likely (annex)

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

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Recording the Information

Using the information from the Rating Worksheet, the planning team should complete the
Profile Worksheet to assess each hazard.

Hazard Profile Worksheet


Potential Magnitude

Catastrophic: Can affect more than 50 percent of the jurisdiction.

Critical: Can affect between 25 and 50 percent of the jurisdiction.
Limited: Can affect between 10 and 25 percent of the jurisdiction.
Negligible: Can affect less than 10 percent of the jurisdiction.

Areas Likely to be Most Affected (by sector)


Probable Duration ________________________________________________________

Potential Speed of Onset

More than 24 hours’ warning probably will be available.

Between 12 and 24 hours’ warning probably will be available.
Between 6 and 12 hours’ warning will be available.
Minimal (or no) warning will be available.

Existing Warning Systems ________________________________________________

Complete Vulnerability Analysis with local/State emergency management

agencies?* YES/NO

* Note that some hazards may pose such a limited threat to the jurisdiction that additional
analysis is not necessary.

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(Check local regulations for reporting and release requirements.)

Date and time of report:

Case number (if needed): Officer assigned:

Date and time of assignment:


Child was found. Location: _______________ By whom: ____________

Name of parent/legal guardian that child was released to:_______________________
Parent left and did not return to CP after being advised to stay.
Child was not found. Report was filed. Complaint number: ____________

Information About the Child



DOB: Phone number:

Description of Child

Height: Weight: Hair color: Eye color:


Unique physical features:

Other individuals with missing child:

Parent/Guardian Information



Phone number: DOB:

Social Security #:

Form of identification provided:

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(For use at medical aid posts during gatherings,
to be used in addition to any patient information intake form.)

Date: / / Officer assigned:



Phone number:

What symptoms have you had?

Diarrhea YES / NO

Nausea YES / NO

Vomiting YES / NO

Abdominal cramps YES / NO

Headache YES / NO

Fever YES / NO

Blood in feces YES / NO

Joint or muscle aches YES / NO


When did the symptoms first start?

Date: _____/_____/_____

Time: ______ a.m./p.m.

Do you know of others who have been ill with similar symptoms? YES / NO

(Include names and contact details for others on the reverse side of this form for further

What have you eaten since being at this event and where was it purchased or obtained?

(List the food history on the reverse side of this form. Include all food, drinks, and any
other snacks. It is important to list where the food was obtained.) YES / NO

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Have you been swimming since being at this event?

Pool YES / NO

Spa YES / NO

River YES / NO

Lake YES / NO


Do you suspect anything that may have caused your illness? YES / NO


NOTE: Keep this form for review or collection by the supervisor or public health official.
Report anything suspicious or, if there are several cases, similar illness within a short period
of time. Provide a report to local emergency rooms and those in surrounding communities
for statistical analysis and distribution.

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Operational Period:


Form Responsibility Time Needed By

Incident Objectives 202
Organization Assignment 203
Division Assignment 204
Communication Plan 205
Medical Plan 206
Traffic Plan
Weather Forecast
Fire Behavior Forecast
Air Operations Summary 220
Safety Message
Tool and Equipment Plan
Finance Message
Rehabilitation Plan

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Purpose: The Incident Briefing form provides the Incident Commander (and the Command
and General Staffs assuming command of the incident) with basic information regarding the
incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident. It also serves as a permanent
record of the initial response to the incident.

Preparation: The briefing is prepared by the Incident Commander for presentation to the
incoming Incident Commander along with a more detailed oral briefing. Proper symbology
should be used when preparing a map of the incident.

Distribution: After the initial briefing of the Incident Commander and General Staff
members, the Incident Briefing form is duplicated and distributed to the Command Staff,
Section Chiefs, Branch Directors, Division/Group Supervisors, and appropriate Planning and
Logistics Section Unit Leaders. The sketch map and summary of current action portions of
the briefing form are given to the Situation Unit while the Current Organization and
Resources Summary portion are given to the Resources Unit.

Instructions for Completing the Incident Briefing (ICS Form 201)

Item Number Item Title Instructions

1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the

2. Date Prepared Enter date prepared (month, day,
3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24-hour
4. Map Sketch Show perimeter and control lines,
resource assignments, incident
facilities, and other special
information on a sketch map or
attached to the topographic or
orthophoto map.
5. Prepared By Enter the name and position of the
person completing the form.
Resources Ordered Enter the number and type of
resource ordered.
Resource Identification Enter the agency three-letter
designator, S/T, Kind/Type and
resource designator.
ETA/On Scene Enter the estimated arrival time
and place the arrival time or a
checkmark in the “on the scene”
column upon arrival.

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Item Number Item Title Instructions

Location/Assignment Enter the assigned location of the

resource and/or the actual
6. Summary of Current Actions Enter the strategy and tactics used
for the incident and note any
specific problem areas.
7. Current Organization Enter on the organization chart the
names of the individuals assigned
to each position. Modify the chart
as necessary.
8. Resource Summary Enter the following information
about the resources allocated to
the incident. Enter the number and
type of resources ordered.
*NOTE Additional pages may be added to
ICS Form 201 if needed.

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Incident Briefing 1. Incident Name 2. Date Prepared 3. Time Prepared

4. Map Sketch

5. Prepared by (Name and Position)

ICS 201 Page 1

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6. Summary of Current Actions

ICS 201 Page 2

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7. Current Organization



DIV./GROUP _____ DIV./GROUP _____ DIV./GROUP _____ AIR

ICS 201 Page 3

NFES 1325

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8. Resource Summary

Resources Resources On
Ordered Identification ETA Scene Location/Assignment

ICS 201 Page 4

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Instructions for Completing the Incident Objectives (ICS Form 202)

Item Number Item Title Instructions

NOTE: ICS Form 202, Incident

Objectives, serves only as a cover
sheet and is not considered complete
until attachments are included.
1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the
2. Date Prepared Enter date prepared (month, day,
3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24-hour clock).
4. Operational Period Enter the time interval for which the
form applies. Record the start time
and end time and include date(s).
5. General Control Objectives Enter short, clear, and concise
(Include alternatives) statements of the objectives for
managing the incident, including
alternatives. The control objectives
usually apply for the duration of the
6. Weather Forecast for Operational Enter weather prediction information
Period for the specified operational period.
7. General Safety Message Enter information such as known
safety hazards and specific
precautions to be observed during
this operational period. If available,
a safety message should be
referenced and attached.
8. Attachments The form is ready for distribution
when appropriate attachments are
completed and attached to the form.
9. Prepared By Enter the name and position of the
person completing the form (usually
the Planning Section Chief).
10. Approved By Enter the name and position of the
person approving the form (usually
the Incident Commander).

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INCIDENT OBJECTIVES 1. Incident Name 2. Date 3. Time

4. Operational Period

5. General Control Objectives for the Incident (include alternatives)

6. Weather Forecast for Period

7. General Safety Message

8. Attachments (mark if attached)

Organization List – ICS Medical Plan – ICS 206 (Other)
Incident Map
Div. Assignment Lists –
ICS 204 Traffic Plan

Communications Plan –
ICS 205
9. Prepared by (Planning Section Chief) 10. Approved by (Incident Commander)

ICS 202

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Purpose: The Organization Assignment List provides ICS personnel with information on the
Units that are currently activated and the names of personnel staffing each position or Unit.
It is used to complete the Incident Organization Chart (ICS Form 207) which is posted on
the Incident Command Post display.

Preparation: The list is prepared and maintained by the Resources Unit under the
direction of the Planning Section Chief.

Distribution: The Organization Assignment List is duplicated and attached to the Incident
Objectives form and given to all recipients of the Incident Action Plan.

Instructions for Completing the Organization Assignment List (ICS Form 203)

Item Number Item Title Instructions

An Organization Assignment List may

be completed any time the number
of personnel assigned to the incident
increases or decreases or a change in
assignment occurs.
1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the
2. Date Prepared Enter date prepared (month, day,
3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24-hour clock).
4. Operational Period Enter the time interval for which the
assignment list applies. Record the
start time and end time and include
5 Enter the names of personnel
through staffing each of the listed positions.
10. Use at least first initial and last
name. For Units indicate Unit Leader
and for Division/Groups indicate
Division/Group Supervisor. Use an
additional page if more than three
Branches are activated.
Prepared By Enter the name of the Resources Unit
member preparing the form. Attach
form to the Incident Objectives.

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1. Incident Name Chief
2. Date 3. Time Deputy
4. Operational Period a. Branch I – Division/Groups
Position Name Branch Director
5. Incident Commander and Staff Deputy
Incident Commander Division/Group
Deputy Division/Group
Safety Officer Division/Group
Information Division/Group
Liaison Officer Division/Group
6. Agency Representative b. Branch II – Division/Groups
Agency Name Branch Director
7. Planning Section Division/Group
Chief c. Branch III – Division/Groups
Deputy Branch Director
Resources Unit Deputy
Situation Unit Division/Group
Documentation Unit Division/Group
Demobilization Unit Division/Group
Technical Specialists Division/Group
Human Resources Division/Group
Training d. Air Operations Branch
Air Operations Branch
Air Attack Supervisor
Air Support Supervisor
Helicopter Coordinator
8. Logistics Section Air Tanker Coordinator
Chief 10. Finance/Administration Section
Deputy Chief
Supply Unit Deputy
Facilities Unit Time Unit
Ground Support Unit Procurement Unit
Communications Unit Compensation/Claims Unit
Medical Unit Cost Unit
Security Unit
Food Unit Prepared by (Resource Unit Leader)
9. Operations Section

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Purpose: The Incident Radio Communications Plan provides in one location information on
all radio frequency assignments for each Operational Period. The plan is a summary of
information obtained from the Radio Requirements Worksheet (ICS Form 216) and the
Radio Frequency Assignment Worksheet (ICS Form 217). Information from the Radio
Communications Plan on frequency assignments is normally placed on the appropriate
Assignment List (ICS Form 204).

Preparation: The Incident Radio Communications Plan is prepared by the Communications

Unit Leader and given to the Planning Section Chief. Detailed instructions on preparing this
form may be found in ICS 223-5, Communications Unit Position Manual.

Distribution: The Incident Radio Communications Plan is duplicated and given to all
recipients of the Incident Objectives form including the Incident Communications Center.
Information from the plan is placed on Assignment Lists.

Instructions for Completing the Incident Radio Communications Plan

(ICS Form 205)

Item Number Item Title Instructions

1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the

2. Date/Time Prepared Enter date (month, day, year) and
time prepared (24-hour clock).
3. Operational Period Enter the date and time interval for
Date/Time which the Radio Communications
Plan applies. Record the start time
and end time and include date(s).
4. Basic Radio Channel Utilization Enter the radio cache system(s)
System/Cache assigned and used for the incident
(e.g., Boise Cache, FIREMARS,
Region 5, Emergency Cache, etc.).
Channel Enter the radio channel numbers
Function Enter the function each channel
number is assigned (i.e., command,
support, division, tactical, and
Frequency Enter the radio frequency tone
number assigned to each specified
function (e.g., 153.400).

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Item Number Item Title Instructions

Assignment Enter the ICS organization assigned

to each of the designated frequencies
(e.g., Branch I, Division A).
Remarks This section should include narrative
information regarding special
5. Prepared By Enter the names of the
Communications Unit Leader
preparing the form.

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Medical Plan Incident Name: Date Prepared: Time Prepared: Operational

5. Incident Medical Aid Stations
Medical Aid Stations Location Paramedics?

6. Transportation
A. Ambulance Services
Name Location Phone Paramedics?
Number Yes—No

B. Incident Ambulances
Name Location Paramedics?

7. Hospitals
Name Address Travel Time Phone Helipad Burn
Number Center
Air Ground Yes No Yes No

8. Medical Emergency Procedures

ICS 206

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Purpose: The Incident Organization Chart is used to indicate what ICS organizational
elements are currently activated and the names of personnel staffing each element. The
attached chart is an example of the kind of organizational chart used in ICS. Personnel
responsible for managing organizational positions would be listed in each box, as

Preparation: The organization chart is prepared by the Resources Unit and posted along
with other displays at the Incident Command Post. A chart is completed for each
Operational Period and updated when organizational changes occur.

Distribution: When completed, the chart is posted on the display board located at the
Incident Command Post.

Wall-Size Chart: The ICS 207 WS is a large chart that can be posted on the command
post display board for better visibility.

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ICS 214

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Prepared by:
Date / time:
Name: Title: SS#:



T Regular Hours
Overtime Hours

T Vehicle Mileage
Common Carrier
A Transportation Cost
N Vehicle
S Fuel/Oil Cost
P Tolls
Repair Cost

O Lodging Cost
Meals Cost
Equipment Repair
E Cost

NOTE: Attach copies of travel vouchers, meal receipts, hotel bills, lodging requests, toll receipts, and/or
repair bills. Copy of time sheet and copy of vehicle cost record and gas or repair receipts must be
submitted prior to, or as part of, the demobilization process.

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Reported by:

Phone Number:

Agency or Home Address:

Date and Time of Incident:

Incident Location and Description

Neighborhood and occupancy:

Topography: Urban Rural Suburban


Population sensitive areas (for example, nursing homes, schools, or hospitals):

Reason for Report

Unusual liquid droplets People becoming sick

Unusual odors People dying
Unusual cloud or vapor Dead/discolored vegetation
Unusual metal debris Dead/dying or sick animals

Other (describe): __________________________________________________


Clear Cloudy
Misty Rain
Temperature: ______________ Snow
Relative humidity: ___________

Other (describe): ______________________________________

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Direction (to/from):

Speed (none, mild, gusts, high winds):

Other (describe):


None Flower
Irritating Forest
Garlic/Horseradish Almond/Peach
Sweet Fresh hay
Pepper Rotten eggs
Other (describe): ___________________________________________

Visible Emission

Cloud or Vapor
Other (describe): ___________________________________________

Signs and Symptoms

None Stinging of skin

Tightness in chest Reddening of skin
Dizziness Welts/Blisters
Blurred vision Nausea/Vomiting
Difficulty breathing Choking
Fever Diarrhea
Runny nose
Other (describe): _______________________________________________

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Date and Time of Onset:

Duration of Symptom(s):

Number of Casualties:


None Structure
Air Underground
Other (describe): __________________________________________________________

Describe device:

Describe container/condition/size:

Describe location where device was found:

Describe structures involved/estimated damage:

Report filed by:

Information reported to:

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Place by each telephone. Duplicate as necessary.

Exact date and time of call:

Exact words of caller:

Questions to ask

1. When is the bomb going to explode?

2. Where is the bomb?

3. What does it look like?

4. What kind of bomb is it?

5. What will cause it to explode?

6. Did you place the bomb?

7. Why?

8. Where are you calling from?

9. What is your address?

10. What is your name?

Caller’s Voice (Please circle appropriate terms.)

calm disguised nasal angry broken

stutter slow sincere lisp rapid
giggling deep crying squeaky excited
stressed accent loud slurred normal

If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like?

Were there any background noises?


Person receiving call:

Telephone number where call was received:

Report call immediately to:

(Refer to bomb incident plan.)

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Pipe Bomb 5 LBS / 2.3 KG 25 FT / 8 M 70 FT / 21 M 850 FT / 259 M

Briefcase or 50 LBS / 23 KG 40 FT / 12 M 150 FT / 46 M 1,850 FT / 564 M

Suitcase Bomb

Compact 220 LBS / 100 60 FT / 18 M 240 FT / 73 M 915 FT / 279 M


Sedan 500 LBS / 227 100 FT / 30 M 320 FT / 98 M 1,050 FT / 320 M


Van 1,000 LBS / 454 125 FT / 38 M 400 FT / 122 M 1,200 FT / 366 M


Moving Van or 4,000LBS / 200 FT / 61 M 640 FT / 195 M 1,750 FT / 534 M

Delivery Truck

Semi-Trailer 40,000 LBS / 450FT / 137M 1,400FT / 427M 3,500FT /

18,144 KG

Explosive Capacity is based on maximum volume or weight of explosives (TNT equivalent)

that could reasonably fit or be hidden in a suitcase or vehicle.

Lethal Airblast Range is the minimum distance personnel in the open are expected to
survive blast effects. This minimum range is based on anticipation of avoiding severe lung
damage or fatal impact injury from body translation.

Mandatory Evacuation Distance is the range within which all buildings must be
evacuated. From this range outward to the Desired Evacuation Distance, personnel may
remain inside buildings but away from windows and exterior walls. Evacuated personnel
must move to the Desired Evacuation Distance.

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American College of Emergency Physicians Publications. Provision of Emergency Medical

Care for Crowds. American College of Emergency Physicians Publications, 1989-90.

Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Authority. Food Standards Code. Canberra:
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Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Guidelines for
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Australian Uniform Building Regulations Coordinating Council. Building Code of Australia.

Australia: Australian Uniform Building Regulations Coordinating Council, 1990.

Barbera, J. A., et al. “Urban Search and Rescue.” Emergency Medicine Clinics of North
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Berlonghi, Alexander E. “Understanding and Planning for Different Spectator Crowds.”

Engineering for Crowd Safety. Ed. R.A. Smith and J.F. Dickie. Elsevier Science
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Billie, P., et al. “Public Health at the 1984 Summer Olympics: The Los Angeles County
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Bock, H. C., et al. Demographics of Emergency medical Care at the Indianapolis 500 Mile
Race (1983 - 1990) October 1992.

Canadian Government. Aid of the Civil Power: Chapter N, Sections 274-285, in Revised
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Chapman, K.R., et al. “Medical Services for Outdoor Rock Music Festivals.” CMA Journal 15
April 1982: 935-938.

City of Fremantle. Concerts in Fremantle. Western Australia: City of Fremantle, 1996.

City of Keene. “Special Event Planning Checklist.” New Hampshire: City of Keene.

“Controlling the Rock Festival Crowd.” Security World June 1980: 40-43.

Curry, Jack. Woodstock—The Summer of Our Lives. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson,

Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Weapons of Mass Destruction Handbook. Washington:

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Department of the Treasury: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. “ATF Vehicle Bomb
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Donald, Ian. “Crowd Behavior at the King's Cross Underground Disaster.” Easingwold
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Emergency Planning College, 1992.

Emergency Management Australia. Australian Emergency Management Manual—Disaster

Medicine. Australia: Emergency Management Australia, 1995. (Second edition due

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Emergency Management Australia. Australian Emergency Manuals Series: Part III, Volume
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Emergency Management Australia. Australian Emergency Manuals Series: Part III, Volume
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Job Aids Manual


Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute. The

Emergency Planning Process: Self Instruction. Emmitsburg, Maryland: Federal
Emergency Management Agency, June 1997.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute. Tools for

Emergency Planning. Emmitsburg, Maryland: Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Emergency Management Institute, June 1997.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Fire Academy. Emergency Medical

Services: Special Operations. Emmitsburg, Maryland: Federal Emergency
Management Agency.

Franaszek, J. “Medical Care at Mass Gatherings.” Annals of Emergency Medicine May 1986:

Fruin, John J. “Causes and Prevention of Crowd Disasters.” Student Activities Programming.
Oct. 1981: 48-53.

Goldaber, Irving. “Is Spectator Violence Inevitable?” Auditorium News April 1979: 4-7.

Great Britain Health and Safety Commission, Home Office and the Scottish Office. “Guide to
Health, Safety and Welfare at Pop Concerts and Similar Events.” London: Great
Britain Health and Safety Commission, Home Office and the Scottish Office, 1993.

Hanna, James A. Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Mass, Crowd-Intensive Events.

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---. “Rock and Peace Festivals—The Field Hospital.” Disaster Planning for Health Care
Facilities. 3rd ed. Ottawa: Canadian Hospital Association, 1995. 247-256.

---. “Special Events Management—Health, Safety and Emergency Planning.” Lecture notes.
Humber College, Toronto, 1989.

Health Department of Western Australia. “Operational Guidelines for Rave Parties,

Concerts, and Large Public Events.” Western Australia: Health Department of
Western Australia, 1995.

Herman, Gary. Rock 'N' Roll Babylon. London: Plexus Publishing, 1982.

Hillmore, Peter. Live Aid. Parsippany, N.J.: Unicorn Publishing, 1985.

“Hillsborough: Inquiry Highlighted Differing Approach to Operational Messages.” Fire.

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“Hillsborough: An Earlier Call Would Probably Not Have Saved Lives.” Fire. Great Britain,
Sept. 1989: 7.

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Job Aids Manual


Hopkins, Jerry. Festival. New York: Macmillan, 1970.

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James, S.H., et al. “Medical and Toxicological Aspects of the Watkins Glen Rock Concert.”
Journal of Forensic Sciences, n.d. (circa 1974): 71-82.

Leonard, R.B. “Medical Support for Mass Gatherings.” Emergency Medicine Clinics of North
America May 1996.

Lewis, J. M. “A Protocol for the Comparative Analysis of Sports Crowd Violence.”

International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disaster 1988: 221-225.

Lewis, J.M. “Theories of the Crowd: Some Cross-Cultural Perspectives.” Easingwold Papers
No. 4: Lessons Learned from Crowd-Related Disasters. Yorkshire: Emergency
Planning College, 1992.

Lichtenstein, Irwin. “EMS at Rock Concerts.” Fire Chief Magazine Nov. 1983: 44-46.

Mariano, J. P. “First Aid for Live Aid.” JEMS Feb. 1986.

Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management. Concept of Operations Plan,

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National Domestic Preparedness Office. “WMD Threats: Sample Guidelines Reissue.”

Special Bulletin. Washington: National Domestic Preparedness Office, 12 Jan 2000.

National Interagency Fire Center. “ICS Glossary.” In Incident Command System National
Training Curriculum. Boise, Idaho: National Interagency Fire Center, Oct. 1994.

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Incident Command System National Training Curriculum. Boise, Idaho: National
Interagency Fire Center, Oct. 1994.

National Interagency Fire Center. “Organizing for Incidents or Events, Module 8.” In
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Ounanian, L. L. “Medical Care at the 1982 U.S. Festival.” Annals of Emergency Medicine
May 1986: 25-32.

Parrillo, S.J. “Medical Care at Mass Gatherings: Considerations for Physician Involvement.”
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Parrillo, S. J. “EMS and Mass Gatherings”

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Pauls, J.L. Observations of Crowd Conditions at Rock Concert in Exhibition Stadium.

Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada, April 1982.

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. “First Responder’s Guide: Terrorism

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<http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PEMA/ema/plans/terguide.htm>. 7 Jan. 2000.

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Queensland Police Service: Drug and Alcohol Co-ordination. Alcohol, Safety and Event
Management: A Resource to Assist Event Managers to Conduct Safer Public Events.
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Rosenman, Joel, et al. Young Men With Unlimited Capital. New York: Harcourt 1974.

Ryan, S., and M. Carey. “Key Principles in Ensuring Crowd Safety in Public Venues.”
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Schlight, Judith, et al. “Medical Aspects of Large Outdoor Festivals.” The Lancet 29 April
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Taylor, Derek. It Was Twenty Years Ago Today. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987.

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Wardrope, J., et al. “The Hillsborough Tragedy.” British Medical Journal. Nov. 1991.

Weiner, Rex, et al. Woodstock Census. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1979.

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Wertheimer, Paul L. Crowd Management - Report of the Task Force on Crowd Control and
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Related Disasters. Yorkshire: Emergency Planning College, 1992.

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Action Plan See Incident Action Plan.

ADA Americans With Disabilities Act.

Administrative/Finance The section responsible for all incident costs and financial
Section considerations. Includes the Time Unit, Procurement Unit,
Compensation/Claims Unit, and Cost Unit.

Agency A division of government with a specific function or a non-

governmental organization that offers a particular kind of
assistance. In the Incident Command System (ICS),
agencies are defined as jurisdictional (having statutory
responsibility for incident mitigation) or assisting and/or
cooperating (providing resources and/or assistance). (See
Assisting Agency, Cooperating Agency, and Multi-agency.)

Agency Executive or Chief Executive Officer of the agency or jurisdiction that has
Administrator responsibility for managing the incident.

After-Action Report A report detailing an event with recommendations for


Agency Dispatch The agency or jurisdictional facility from which resources are
allocated to incidents.

Agency Representative An individual assigned to an incident from an assisting or

cooperating agency who has been delegated full authority to
make decisions on all matters affecting that agency’s
participation at the incident. Agency Representatives report
to the Incident Liaison Officer.

Air Operations Branch The person primarily responsible for preparing and
Director implementing the air operations portion of the Incident Action
Plan (IAP). Also responsible for providing logistical support to
helicopters operating at the incident.

Allocated Resources Resources dispatched to an incident.

Area Command An organization established to 1) oversee the management of

multiple incidents that are each being handled by an Incident
Command System (ICS) organization; or 2) oversee the
management of a very large incident that has multiple
Incident Management Teams assigned to it. Area Command
has the responsibility to set overall strategy and priorities,
allocate assigned resources based on priorities, ensure that
incidents are properly managed, and ensure that objectives
are met and strategies followed.

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Assigned Resources Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an


Assignments Tasks given to resources to perform within a given

operational period, based upon tactical objectives in the
Incident Action Plan (IAP).

Assistant Title for subordinates of the Command Staff positions. The

title indicates a level of technical capability, qualifications,
and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions.
Assistants may also be used at other positions in the ICS

Assisting Agency An agency directly contributing tactical or service resources

to another agency.

Available Resources Incident-based resources that are available for assignment

within 3 minutes.

Base The location at which primary logistics functions for an

incident are coordinated and administered. There is only one
base per incident. (An incident name or other designator will
be added to the term base.) The Incident Command Post may
be collocated with the base.

Branch The organizational level having functional or geographic

responsibility for major parts of incident operations. The
Branch level is organizationally between Section and
Division/Group. Branches are identified by the use of Roman

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Cache A predetermined complement of tools, equipment, or supplies

stored in a designated location and available for incident use.

Camp A geographical site within the general incident area but

separate from the Incident Base, and equipped and staffed to
provide sleeping, food, water, and sanitary services to
incident personnel.

Check-in The process whereby resources first report to an incident.

Check-in locations are as follows: Incident Command Post
(Resources Unit), Incident Base, Camps, Staging Areas,
Helibases, Helispots, and Division Supervisors (for direct line

Chain of Command A series of management positions in order of authority; see

Unity of Command.

Chief The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of

functional sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and

Clear Text The use of plain English in radio communications

transmissions. No Ten Codes or agency-specific codes are
allowed when using Clear Text.

CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive

Command The act of directing or controlling resources by virtue of

explicit legal, agency, or delegated authority. May also refer
to the Incident Commander.

Command Staff Consists of the Information Officer, Safety Officer, and

Liaison Officer. They report directly to the Incident
Commander. They may have an assistant or assistants, as

Communications Unit An organizational unit in the Logistics Section responsible for

(Comm. Unit) providing communication services at an incident. A
Communications Unit may also be a facility (for example, a
trailer or mobile van) used to provide the major part of an
Incident Communications Center.

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Compensation Unit/ Functional unit within the Administration/Finance Section

Claims Unit responsible for financial concerns resulting from injuries or
fatalities at the incident.

Complex Two or more individual incidents that are located in the same
general area and are assigned to a single Incident
Commander or Unified Command.

Contingency Plan A documented scheme of assigned responsibilities, actions,

and procedures to be followed if an emergency situation

Cooperating Agency An agency supplying assistance other than direct tactical or

support functions or resources to the incident control effort
(for example, the Red Cross or telephone company).

Coordination Center Term used to describe any facility that is used for the
coordination of agency or jurisdictional resources in support
of one or more incidents.

Cost Unit Functional unit within the Administration/Finance Section

responsible for tracking costs, analyzing cost data, making
cost estimates, and recommending cost-saving measures.

Credential A letter or other testimonial attesting the bearer’s right to

confidence or authority.

Credible Threat A threat with sufficient credibility that would cause the FBI to
begin a threat assessment. The FBI would notify law
enforcement authorities within the affected State and the
appropriate Federal agencies of a significant threat of

Critical Crowd Densities A common characteristic of crowd disasters. Critical crowd

densities are approached when the floor space per standing
person is reduced to about 4-5 square feet.

Crush Load Overwhelming the capacity of a given area that results in

gridlock, limited access, and hazards incompatible to life
safety. This may apply to both inside and outside venues and
parking areas.

Cues A signal, hint, or guide.

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Debrief A meeting held during or at the end of an operation with the

purpose of assessing the conduct or results of an operation.

Deputy A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior,

could be delegated the authority to manage a functional
operation or perform a specific task. In some cases, a
Deputy could act as relief for a superior and therefore must
be fully qualified in the position. Deputies can be assigned to
the Incident Commander, General Staff heads, and Branch

Demobilization Unit Functional unit within the Planning Section responsible for
ensuring orderly, safe, and efficient demobilization of incident

Director The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of a


Dispatch The implementation of a command decision to move a

resource or resources from one place to another.

Dispatch Center A facility from which resources are directly assigned to an


Division Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical

areas of operation. A Division is located within the ICS
organization between the Task Force/Strike Team and the
Branch. (See also Group.) Divisions are identified by
alphabetic characters for horizontal applications and, often,
by floor numbers when used in buildings.

Documentation Unit Functional unit within the Planning Section responsible for
collecting, recording, and safeguarding all documents
relevant to the incident.

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Emergency Medical A healthcare professional with special skills and knowledge in

Technician (EMT) pre-hospital emergency medicine.

Emergency Operating A designated facility established by an agency or jurisdiction

Center (EOC) to coordinate the overall agency or jurisdictional response
and support to an emergency.

Emergency Management A range of measures to manage risks to communities and the


Emergency Management Refers to the individual within each political subdivision who
Coordinator has coordination responsibility for jurisdictional emergency

Emergency Management A formal record of agreed emergency management roles,

Plan responsibilities, strategies, systems, and arrangements.

Emergency Operations The plan that each jurisdiction has and maintains for
Plan (EOP) responding appropriately to hazards.

Endemic Constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a

given geographic area or population group.

Environmental Health Terminology used that includes Health Inspectors/Surveyors,

Officer Public Health Officers, Sanitary Inspectors/Engineers,
Hygiene Officers, and Preventive Health Officers.

Event In this curriculum, an event is a planned, non-emergency

activity. ICS should be used as the management system for
a wide range of events (for example, parades, concerts, or
sporting events).

Event Footprint The area impacted by the event. This includes the event
site(s) and any surrounding area impacted.

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Facilities Unit Functional unit within the Support Branch of the Logistics
Section that provides fixed facilities for the incident. These
facilities may include the Incident Base, feeding areas,
sleeping areas, or sanitary facilities.

Field Operations A pocketsize instruction manual on the application of the

Guide Incident Command System.

Food Unit Functional unit within the Service Branch of the Logistics
Section responsible for providing meals for incident

Freelance Term used to describe resources performing assignments on

their own and not under direct ICS supervision.

Function Term often used in reference to the five major activities in

the ICS (that is, Command, Operations, Planning, Logistics,
and Administration/Finance). The term function is used when
describing the activity involved (for example, the planning

Gastric Illness An inflammation of the stomach and the intestinal tract, often
(Gastroenteritis) described as food poisoning.

General Staff The group of incident management personnel reporting to the

Incident Commander. They may each have a deputy, as
needed. The General Staff consists of an Operations Section
Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and
Administration/Finance Section Chief.

Goal The end toward which incident efforts are directed.

Ground Support Unit Functional unit within the Support Branch of the Logistics
Section responsible for the fueling, maintaining, and repairing
of vehicles, and for the transportation of personnel and

Group Groups are established to divide the incident into functional

areas of operation. Groups are composed of resources
assembled to perform a special function not necessarily
within a single geographic division. (See Group, under
Division, above.)

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Hazard Analysis Identifies potential hazards, estimates how serious they are,
and establishes planning priorities. Provides a factual basis
for planning and the necessary documentation for planning
and response efforts.

Helibase The main location for parking, fueling, maintenance, and

loading of helicopters operating in support of an incident. It
is usually located at or near the Incident Base.

Helibase Crew A crew of individuals who may be assigned to support

helicopter operations.

Helispot Any designated location where a helicopter can safely take off
and land. Some helispots may be used for loading of
supplies, equipment, or personnel.

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Incident An occurrence caused either by humans or by natural

phenomena that requires action by emergency service
personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to
property and/or natural resources.

Incident Action Plan Contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy
(IAP) and specific tactical actions and supporting information for
the next Operational Period. The plan may be oral or written.
When written, the plan may have a number of forms as
attachments (for example, traffic plan, safety plan,
communications plan, or map).

Incident Base Location at the incident where the primary logistics functions
are coordinated and administered. (An Incident name or
other designator will be added to the term base.) The
Incident Command Post may be collocated with the Base.
There is only one Base per incident.

Incident Commander The individual responsible for the management of all incident
(IC) operations at the incident site.

Incident Command Post The location at which the primary command function is
(ICP) executed. The ICP may be collocated with the incident Base
or other incident facilities.

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Incident Command The combination of facilities, equipment, personnel,

System (ICS) procedures, and communications operating with a common
organizational structure, with responsibility for the
management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish
stated objectives pertaining to an incident.

Incident The location of the Communications Unit and the Message

Communication Center Center.

Incident Management The Incident Commander and appropriate General and

Team Command Staff personnel assigned to an incident.

Incident Objectives Incident objectives provide the needed guidance and

direction necessary for the selection of appropriate
strategy(s) and for the tactical direction of resources.
Incident objectives are based on realistic expectations of
what can be accomplished when all allocated resources have
been effectively deployed. Incident objectives must be
achievable and measurable, yet broad enough to allow for
strategic and tactical alternatives.

Incident of National Incidents that require U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Significance operational and/or resource coordination. Includes:
terrorism, major disasters or emergencies, and other unique

Information Officer A member of the Command Staff responsible for

communicating with the media or other appropriate agencies
requiring information directly from the incident. There is only
one Information Officer per incident.

Initial Action Resources initially committed to an incident.

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JIC Joint Information Center—location for coordinated media


Jurisdiction Refers to the range or sphere of authority. Public agencies

have jurisdiction at an incident related to their legal
responsibilities and authority for incident mitigation.
Jurisdictional authority at an incident can be
political/geographical (for example, city, county, State, or
Federal boundary lines) or functional (for example, police
department or health department). (See Multi-jurisdiction,

Jurisdictional Agency The agency having jurisdiction and responsibility for a specific
geographical area or for a mandated function.

Leader The ICS title for individuals responsible for a Task Force,
Strike Team, or functional unit.

Liaison Officer A member of the Command Staff responsible for interacting

with representatives from cooperating and assisting agencies.

Logistics Section The section responsible for providing facilities, services, and
materials for the incident.

Life-Safety Highest incident priority refers to the joint consideration of

both the life and physical well-being of individuals.

Life Safety Code NFPA publication- add definition

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Job Aids Manual


Managers Individuals within ICS organizational units who are assigned

specific responsibilities (for example, Staging Area Manager
or Camp Manager).

Management by In ICS, this is a top-down management activity that involves

Objectives a three-step process to achieve the incident goal. The steps
include establishing the incident objectives, selecting
appropriate strategy(s) to achieve the objectives, and taking
the tactical direction associated with the selected strategy.
Tactical direction includes selecting tactics, selecting
resources, assigning resources, and monitoring performance.

Mass Gathering The management of the health and medical requirements of

Medicine mass gatherings.

Medical Unit The functional unit within the Service Branch of the Logistics
Section responsible for the development of the Medical
Emergency Plan and for providing emergency medical
treatment of incident personnel.

Message Center Part of the Incident Communications Center and collocated

with or placed adjacent to it. It receives, records, and routes
information about resources reporting to the incident,
resource status, and administration and tactical traffic.

Metering Term applied to the control procedures used to prevent

critical crowd densities from developing in specific areas.

Mobilization The process and procedures used by all organizations—

Federal, State, and local—for activating, assembling, and
transporting all resources that have been requested to
respond to or support an incident.

Mobilization Center An off-incident location at which emergency service personnel

and equipment are temporarily located pending assignment,
release, or reassignment.

Moshing A practice carried out at concerts in which a person is

supported by the upheld arms of a crowd of people. This
practice is carried out in the moshpit area where the crowd is
the densest.

Multi-agency Incident An incident in which one or more agencies assist a

jurisdictional agency or agencies. May be single or unified

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Job Aids Manual


Multi-agency A generalized term that describes the functions and activities

Coordination (MAC) of representatives of involved agencies or jurisdictions who
come together to make decisions regarding the prioritizing of
incidents and the sharing and use of critical resources. The
MAC organization is not a part of the ICS and is not involved
in developing incident strategy or tactics.

Multi-agency The combination of personnel, facilities, equipment,

Coordination System procedures, and communications integrated into a common
(MACS) system. When activated, MACS enables the coordination of
assisting agency resources and support in a multi-agency or
multi-jurisdictional environment. A MAC Group functions
within the MACS.

Multi-jurisdiction An incident requiring action from multiple agencies that have

Incident a statutory responsibility for incident mitigation. In ICS,
these incidents should be managed under Unified Command.

Mutual Agreement Written agreement between agencies or jurisdictions in which

they agree to assist one another upon request, by furnishing
personnel and equipment in an emergency situation.

NIMS National Incident Management System

NRP National Response Plan

Officer The ICS title for the personnel responsible for the Command
Staff positions of Safety, Liaison, and Information.

Operational Period The period of time scheduled for execution of a given set of
operation actions as specified in the Incident Action Plan.
Operational Periods can be of various lengths, although
usually not over 24 hours.

Operations Section The section responsible for all tactical operations at the
incident. Includes Branches, Divisions or Groups, Task
Forces, Strike Teams, and Single Resources.

Out-of-Service Resources assigned to an incident but unable to respond for

Resources mechanical, rest, or personnel reasons.

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Job Aids Manual


Planning Meeting A meeting held as needed throughout the duration of an

incident to select specific strategies and tactics for incident
control operations and for service and support planning. On
larger incidents, the planning meeting is a major element in
the development of the Incident Action Plan.

Post-Event Analysis The final gathering of the event planning team before
releasing response agencies, resource personnel, or

Potable Water Water that is safe for human consumption.

Procurement Unit Functional unit within the Administration/Finance Section

responsible for financial matters involving vendor contracts.

Putrescible Waste that will decompose, such as food waste.

Radio Cache A radio cache may consist of a number of portable radios, a

base station and, in some cases, a repeater, all stored in a
pre-determined location for dispatch to incidents.

Rave An all-day/night dance party, especially one where techno,

house, or other electronically synthesized music is played.

Recorders Individuals within ICS organizational units who are

responsible for recording information. Recorders work in
Planning, Logistics, and Administration/Finance Sections.

Reinforced Response Those resources requested in addition to the initial response.

Reporting Locations Locations or facilities where incoming resources can check in

at the incident. Refers to staging.

Resource Status Unit Functional unit within the Planning Section responsible for
recording the status of resources committed to the incident
and for evaluating resources currently committed to the
incident, the impact that additional responding resources will
have on the incident, and anticipated resource needs.

Resource Gap Analysis In pre-event planning the analysis of what public safety
recourses the event will require versus what is locally

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Job Aids Manual


Resources All personnel and major items of equipment available, or

potentially available, for assignment to incidents. Resources
are described by kind and type (for example, ground, water,
and air).

Reticulated Distribution or collection network for drinking water or


Risk Analysis Assesses the probability of injury or damage due to a hazard

and estimates the actual damage that may occur.

Risk Assessment The process used to determine risk management priorities by

evaluating and comparing the level of risk against pre-
determined standards, target risk levels, or other criteria.

Safety Officer A member of the Command Staff responsible for monitoring

and assessing safety hazards or unsafe situations and for
developing measures for ensuring personnel safety.

Sanitation Measures taken for the promotion of public health.

Section That organizational level with responsibility for a major

functional area of the incident (for example, Operations,
Planning, Logistics, Administration/Finance). The Section is
organizationally located between Branch and Incident

Sector Term used in some applications to describe an organizational

level similar to an ICS Division or Group. Sector is not a part
of ICS terminology.

Segment A geographical area in which a Task Force/Strike Team

Leader or supervisor of a single resource is assigned
authority and responsibility for the coordination of resources
and implementation of planned tactics. A segment may be a
portion of a Division or an area inside or outside the
perimeter of an incident. Segments are identified with Arabic

Service Branch A Branch within the Logistics Section responsible for service
activities at the incident. Includes the Communications,
Medical, and Food Units.

Sewage Waste matter that passes through sewers.

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Job Aids Manual


Single Resource A piece of equipment and personnel complement, or a crew

of individuals with an identified work supervisor, that can be
used in a tactical application on an incident.

Situation Status The functional unit within the Planning Section responsible for
Unit the collection and organization of incident status information
and for analysis of the situation as it progresses. Reports to
the Planning Section Chief.

Slam Dancing A spontaneous form of dancing where people deliberately

throw themselves against people they are dancing with.

Span of Control The supervisory ratio of from three to seven individuals, with
five-to-one being established as optimal for control.

Staging Area A temporary on-incident location where incident personnel

and equipment are assigned on a 3-minute available status.
Staging Areas are managed by the Operations Section.

Strategy The general plan or direction selected to accomplish incident


Strike Team Specified combinations of the same kind and type of

resources, with common communications and a leader.

Sullage Waste water from sinks, showers, and hand-washing basins.

Supervisor The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of a

Division or Group.

Supply Unit Functional unit within the Support Branch of the Logistics
Section responsible for ordering equipment and supplies
required for incident operations.

Support Branch A Branch within the Logistics Section responsible for

providing personnel, equipment, and supplies to support
incident operations. Includes the Supply, Facilities, and
Group Support Units.

Support Materials Refers to the attachments that may be included with an

Incident Action Plan (for example, communications plan,
map, safety plan, traffic plan, and medical plan).

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Job Aids Manual


Tactical Direction The term includes the tactics appropriate for the selected
strategy, the selection and assignment of resources, and
performance monitoring for each operational period.

Target Hardening Activities undertaken to reduce vulnerability of a venue site,

i.e., installation of jersey barriers, pre-screening of
attendees, etc.

Task Force Any combination of single resources within the span of

control that is assembled for a particular tactical need and
has common communications and a leader.

Technical Specialists Personnel with special skills who are activated only when
needed. Technical Specialists can be used anywhere within
the ICS organization.

Temporary Flight Federal Aviation Regulation 91.137 provides for the

Restrictions (TFRs) establishment of temporary airspace restrictions for non-
emergency aircraft. TFRs can be requested for incidents
and/or events generating a high degree of public interest,
and are normally limited to a 5-nautical-mile radius and
2,000 feet above the surface.

Time Unit Functional unit within the Administration/Finance Section

responsible for recording time for incident personnel.

Topography Physical features of place or locality.

Type The type of any kind of resource refers to its capability

compared to another type. Type 1 provides a greater overall
capability due to power, size, or capacity than a Type 2
resource. Assigning type provides resource managers with
additional information in selecting the best resource for the

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IS-15: Special Events Contingency Planning
Job Aids Manual


Unified Command In ICS, Unified Command is a unified team effort that allows
all agencies with responsibility for the incident, either
geographical or functional, to manage an incident by
establishing a common set of incident objectives and
strategies. This is accomplished without losing or abdicating
agency authority, responsibility, or accountability. An
Operations Section Chief is responsible for implementing the
Incident Action Plan.

Unit The organizational element having functional responsibility

for a specific incident planning, logistics, or
administration/finance activity.

Unity of Command Each person within an organization reports to one designated


VBIED Vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.

Vulnerability The degree of susceptibility and resilience of the community

and environment to hazards.

WMD Weapon(s) of Mass Destruction.

March 2005 Page C-17

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