June 2010 (v2) MS - Paper 3 CIE Biology IGCSE

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2010 question paper

for the guidance of teachers

0610/32 Paper 32 (Extended Theory), maximum raw mark 80

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

• CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2010 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE
Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses.

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General notes

Symbols used in mark scheme and guidance notes.

/ separates alternatives for a marking point

; separates points for the award of a mark

A accept – as a correct response

R reject – this is marked with a cross and any following correct statements do not gain any

I ignore/irrelevant/inadequate – this response gains no mark, but any following correct

answers can gain marks.

( ) the word/phrase in brackets is not required to gain marks but sets context of response
for credit. e.g. (waxy) cuticle. Waxy not needed but if it was described as a cellulose
cuticle then no mark.

Small underlined words – this word only/must be spelled correctly

ORA or reverse argument/answer

ref./refs. answer makes appropriate reference to

AVP additional valid point (e.g. in comments)

AW alternative words of equivalent meaning

MP marking point (number)

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

1 (a) sensitivity
(ability to) detect / sense, changes (in the environment) / stimuli ; A automatic qualified
make responses ; reflex or an example unqualified is not enough

involuntary action A ‘a reflex because it is automatic’

a response that does not involve, decision / thought / AW ;
A a response that is not under conscious control [max 3]
(b) (i) A spinal cord / grey matter ; A responses on the diagram
B motor neurone / axon / efferent fibre ; R references to ‘nerves’ and CNS
C sensory cell / receptor / muscle spindle ; A ‘sense organ’ in C but R sensory neurone
D quadriceps / muscle / effector ; [4]
(ii) movement of, ions / molecules + against a concentration gradient / AW ; A ref. to active transport slowed down by metabolic
using, energy (from respiration) / ATP ; poison as alternative to energy / respiration / ATP
R references to particles NB be aware of contradictory statements re
[2] concentration and reject
(c) sensory neurone still carries an impulse / can still feel the sharp blow ; R signals and messages
no impulses in (motor) neurone / after the cut ; A action potential
to, muscle / effector ;
no, response / contraction ; [max 3]
(d) to test if the nervous system is functioning properly / AW ; [1] A ‘to see if the nerves are working properly’
[Total: 13]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

2 (a) general marks NB water absorption and area marks given once
roots absorb water ; only
idea of both gaining water over a large, volume / area, of soil ;

A has deep roots / go a long way down ; R long roots unqualified

to gain water that drains through soil / reach water table / AW ;

B has shallow roots / wide spreading roots / AW ;

absorbs water, before it drains or evaporates / immediately after
rainfall ; [max 4]
(b) thick cuticle ; R cuticle unqualified or ref to ‘waxy’ without
longer distance for diffusion / not easy for water to pass through / ref description of thickness
to impermeable ;
Must be TWO descriptions (max) with appropriate
rolled leaves ; linked explanations
air trapped inside rolled leaf has higher humidity AW / stomata
protected from wind or moving air (reduces transpiration) ; explanations alone cannot be accepted
sunken stomata / stomata in pits or grooves or depressions ; A correct references to water potential /
chamber has higher humidity AW / stomata protected from wind or concentration gradient for rolled leaves or sunken
moving air (so reducing transpiration) ; stomata
hairs on leaf ;
IGNORE references to succulent leaves and
reduce air flow over the surface (so reducing transpiration) /
storage (not water loss)
increase humidity by ‘trapping’ water (molecules) ;
small leaves / leaves reduced to spines / leaves are needles / no ‘sharp’ leaves also need to be small
leaves / leaves shed in very dry periods ;
small(er) / no surface area (for transpiration) ;
fewer stomata / stomata closed during hot parts of day ;
stomata are pores through which water can pass (so reducing
transpiration) ; [2 + 2]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

tissue substances source sink NB substances transported score:-
roots ; stem / growing ONE mark for TWO correct responses
points / buds /
water, ions / named R references to single cells as sources or
xylem leaf / flower /
ion / mineral / salts ; sinks e.g. root hairs
fruit / seed /
storage organ ;
either R glucose
leaf ; stem / growing
points / buds / mark each box independently
root / flower /
fruit / seed /
Sucrose / sugar,
phloem storage organ ;
amino acids ;
storage young AW
organ ; leaf / stem /
growing points
/ buds / root ; [6]
[Total: 14]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

3 (a) (i) award two marks if the correct answer (92.86 / 92.9 / 93) is given R rounding down to 92.8
if answer missing or incorrect, award one mark for correct working

(difference = 11.7)

11.7 x 100

92.86 / 92.9 / 93 ;; [2]

(ii) state link between height and yield (using figures) ;

taller plants have more leaves ;

more leaves, increases surface area to absorb light / have more
chlorophyll or chloroplasts ;
more leaves increases photosynthesis ;
more photosynthesis / more leaves, leads to increased, food
production / potatoes / yield ;

taller stems allows more, banking / earthing up ;

allows more, potato tubers, to form ; [max 2]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

(iii) plots F to H

increased yield, (per hectare / increased yield per plant) / AW ;

smaller, increase / effect, when treated with manure compared to

chemical fertiliser ;

greatest increase when treated with both manure and chemical

fertiliser together ;

less increase in yield when both manure and chemicals are used
rather than one (compared with none) ;

comparative use of data ; [max 3]

(iv) nitrate used to make, amino acids / proteins ; * linked marks must refer to use of nitrate
ref to protein required for growth* ;
ref to enzymes* ;

nitrogen / nitrates, used to make chlorophyll ;

ref to photosynthesis* ; [max 2]
(v) control ;
to, determine / compare, the effect of adding, chemicals / fertilisers /
manure ; [max 1]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

(b) advantages to max 4 IGNORE references to costing / profit

higher yields (therefore more food) ;

nutrients more readily available (than from manure) ;
quick acting / no decomposition needed ;
less labour (than using manure) / easier to apply ;
exact quantities can be applied ;
can apply specific nutrients (that crop requires / that are deficient in
soil) ;

disadvantages to max 4

loss of soil structure /erosion / reduced earthworm population ;

parts of the eutrophication process but not
disadvantages therefore IGNORE not credit

fertiliser lost from land by, leaching / run off (into waterways) ; (algae / plants, die)
leads to, eutrophication / growth of algae / algal bloom ; (decomposers / bacteria, use up oxygen dissolved
death / migration, of fish / invertebrates / animals ; in water)

two AVP to max 2

AVP ; e.g. allergies / stomach cancer
AVP ; e.g. weed growth / wilting [max 5]
[Total: 15]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

4 (a) drug / medicine(AW) / chemical / substance ; medicine / AW e.g. ‘(antibiotic) used to treat
produced by microorganisms ; infection’ is worth a mark
A ref to idea of synthetic analogues A examples e.g. penicillin qualified
kills / stops, growth of, bacteria / other microbes ; ‘penicillin is an antibiotic that kills bacteria/AW’
would gain 2 marks
penicillin alone cannot score
[max 2] R viruses
(b) (i) (most) were killed by the antibiotic ; ora
(ii) (only) antibiotic-resistant bacteria transferred from B / (only)
resistant bacteria in C / fewer resistant bacteria in B / non-resistant
bacteria were killed in B ; [1]
(c) resistant bacteria, survive / not killed / are selected for / selection R references to immunity as alternative to
pressure ; resistance
eventually, all / many, become resistant ;
AVP ; e.g. any consequence of overuse / antibiotic no longer
effective ; [max 2]
(d) X-rays caused mutations ; ALLOW radiation
change in DNA ;
ref to, gene / allele ;
mutation causes antibiotic resistance ; [max 3]
(e) assume answer is about bacteria unless told otherwise, accept ora / R nucleus in bacteria
AVP for viruses e.g. capsid IGNORE composition of cell wall

bacteria have cells ;

cell wall ;
cell membrane ;
cytoplasm ;
ribosome(s) ;
flagellum ;
capsule ;
AVP ; [max 2]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

(f) HIV infects lymphocytes ;
T helper (lymphocytes / cells) ;

fewer antibodies produced ;

infected cells not killed (by immune system) ;
phagocytes less effective ;

increased susceptibility to / longer recovery time for, (infectious)

diseases / named disease (TB) ;
cancers ;
opportunistic diseases ;

ref to AIDS ; [max 4]

[Total: 15]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

5 (a) (i) diffusion ;
used in (aerobic) respiration ; [2]
(ii) any two from NB 2 substances required for one mark.
water R sugar unqualified
glucose / simple sugars / named A protein
amino acids
salts / ions / named ion / minerals
AVP e.g. vitamins [1]
(iii) any two from NB 2 substances required for one mark.
carbon dioxide R sugar / waste unqualified
water A metabolic waste / glucose
protein / amino acids / hormone / named hormone / enzyme
lactic acid
AVP e.g. vitamins [1]
(b) D pores / holes / gaps in capillary wall / AW ; NB
E allows filtration /movement of small molecules (between blood and Descriptor(D) must be linked to an
tissue fluid) ; Explanation(E) for 2 marks
D alone can gain a point
D thin wall / wall is one cell thick / thin lining ; E alone cannot score
E short diffusion distance / AW ; 1 + 1 and 1 + 1

D small / thin / narrow / AW ; R capillary one cell thick

E blood moves slowly (for exchange) / more cells or blood close to
wall ;

D large numbers of capillaries /capillary bed ;

E provide large surface area ; [2 + 2]
(c) (i) lymph (vessel) ; not lymphatic system or node
[1] IGNORE lacteal
(ii) squeezed by muscles / AW ; R valves unqualified
valves, ensure one-way flow / prevent backflow ;
passive not pumped ; [max 1]
[Total: 10]

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Question Expected Answers Marks Guidance

6 (a) concentration of both gases (relatively) constant until about 1800 ; Ref. to both gases required
steep / AW, increase in both from 1800 (until 2000) ;
comparative use of figures ;
two figs for one of the gases or one fig for each [3]
(b) max 3 for carbon dioxide R fumes unqualified
industrialisation / AW ; IGNORE ref to natural disasters, etc.
burning of fossil fuels ; NB incorrect references to methane e.g. cars
vehicle exhausts / AW ; producing both gases
deforestation / fewer trees / AW ; but allow factories producing both gases
less carbon dioxide absorbed by plants / AW ;
more methane from, rice fields / cattle ;
increased waste (disposal) ;
methane from (anaerobic breakdown in), landfill sites / waste dumps /
AW ;
AVP ; [max 4]
(c) radiation emitted / reflected by earth’s surface ;
ref to infra red ;
heat prevented from leaving (the atmosphere) ;
gases, absorb / reflect / trap infra red ;
atmosphere gets warmer ; [max 3] A ref. to global warming
(d) fewer trees cut down ; IGNORE ref to cost of recycling
less waste ;
less material burnt ;
ref to, land-fill / rubbish tips / environmental / ecological issues / AW ;
conservation of, finite resources / raw materials / AW ;
ref to biodegradable products / plastic is non biodegradable ;
any correct ref to atmospheric gases e.g. carbon dioxide / methane ;
AVP ; [3]
[Total: 13]

© UCLES 2010

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