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The W0RIO Piglet 6U8A Regenerative

(C) 2014-2021, G. Forrest Cook

This project is your author's first attempt at building a regenerative receiver, it has
gone through several revisions. Thanks go to W9BRD, DF3DL and others for
suggestions on how to improve the detector circuitry. The "Piglet" name comes from
the squealing sounds that regenerative receivers can make when the regeneration
control is adjusted. The receiver tunes from 5-10 Mhz in the shortwave band and it
can pick up foreign and domestic AM broadcast stations with ease. One of the design
goals of the receiver was to be able to pick up both the 5Mhz and 10Mhz WWV time
signals. When propagation conditions are good and the Piglet is connected to a good
outdoor antenna, stations can be picked up across the entire tuning range of the
If the receiver is built with a narrow tuning range instead of the broad 5-10 Mhz
range, it can be used to receive SSB and CW radio signals in the 40 meter ham band.
It could also be set up to cover just one shortwave broadcast segment. With a few
minor coil adjustments, the receiver should also work on the 80 and 30 meter ham
bands. If lower frequency tuned circuits are used, the receiver should also work in the
550Khz to 1.6 Mhz AM broadcast band, it may be necessary to increase the values of
the 8pF and 27pF capacitors located between the two 6U8A sections.

Regens have always been very popular because they deliver a lot of performance from
a small number of parts. Their disadvantages include being rather "tweaky" to adjust,
de-tuning from wind on the antenna and a tendency to transmit RF from the receiving
antenna while making tuning adjustments. This design fixes the second and third of
those issues with a grounded-grid RF isolation amplifier.

The 6U8A tube includes a triode and a pentode in one 9 pin envelope. Most 6U8A
regen designs use the pentode as the detector and the triode as an audio amp. This
design uses the triode as a tuned grounded-grid RF amplifier ahead of the pentode
detector section. This arrangement isolates the antenna from the detector stage and
improves the front-end selectivity of the receiver. All of the audio amplfication is
done outside of the Piglet.

The receiver can run on a wide span of B+ voltages, it works between 130VDC and
230VDC, allowing many power supply choices. I used my Power Supply for Vacuum
Tube Experiments (set for either 160VDC or 260VDC) to power this project. The
supply is sufficient to power both the Piglet and the Low Power 6U8A Vacuum Tube
Audio Amp V3. When the supply is powering both circuits, the B+ loads down to
either 130V or 230V. The higher supply voltage setting gives the receiver more audio
output and higher gain.

If you don't want to build the outboard tube amplifier, a pair of stand-alone amplified
computer speakers will also work.


This project involves the use of potentially lethal high voltages including 120 VAC
and 130 to 260 VDC. The project should only be taken on by someone who has
experience working with high voltage circuitry. The power supply should always be
disconnected and the power supply capacitors should be discharged when working on
the receiver.

A 10nF 200V bypass capacitor is wired across the B+ line and two 10nF bypass
capacitors are wired to across filament pins, these parts bypass any extraneous RF that
may be picked up on the power lines to ground.

The triode section of the 6U8A is wired in a tuned input grounded grid amplifier
configuration. The 50 ohm antenna input is coupled to the tuned input circuit's T68-2
powdered iron toroid coil via a 4 turn winding. A 36 turn winding and a 10-156 pF
variable capacitor form the resonant part of the tuned input circuit which covers just
beyond the 5-10 Mhz tuning range of the detector. A 7 turn output winding matches
the tuned circuit to the cathode of the grounded grid amplifier through a 1nF DC
blocking capacitor. The 3.9K resistor sets the bias level of the grounded grid amplifier
and the 250uH RF choke isolates the amplified RF input signal from the B+ supply.
The 10K plate resistor and 10nF capacitor further isolates this stage from the detector

The output of the RF amplifier is lightly coupled to the pentode detector stage via an
8pF capacitor. The detector's tuned circuit consists of a tapped solenoid coil in parallel
with an 12-105pF broad-tuning capacitor and an optional 3-10pF fine-tuning
capacitor. The tap point on the L1 oscillator coil can be moved to change the behavior
of the regeneration circuit. Placing the tap at 6 turns can cause the circuit to oscillate
at around 15Khz if the regeneration control is turned too high. Moving the tap down
to 1 turn can reduce or eliminate this issue, but the at the cost of much lower gain.
Moving the tap to 2 turns provides a good compromise between sensitivity and

A 3.3M grid leak resistor provides the grid bias and the 27pF capacitor couples the top
of the tuning coil to the pentode's grid circuit. These values are not set in stone, but
work well across the 5-10 Mhz frequency range. The 27pF capacitor should be
increased in value if the receiver is to be used at frequencies below 5Mhz.

The regeneration control provides a variable voltage to the 6U8A pentode's screen
grid, it is used to keep the detector circuit just at or slightly below the point of RF
oscillation. The regeneration control's voltage is regulated by the 1N4748 22 Volt
zener diode, a 24V zener will also work here. Regulation helps to stabilize the
behavior of the circuit. The 10K Regeneration potentiometer varies the pentode's
screen grid voltage from 0-22V, which spans the region below and above the point of
oscillation. The 4.7uF capacitor gives the Regeneration control a smoother response,
the 47K resistor between the Regeneration control and the screen grid limits the
screen current and the 10nF capacitor bypasses any RF on the screen grid to ground.

The plate circuit of the detector uses a 180K series resistor to pull the plate voltage up
to the operating range. Any RF that appears on the plate bypassed to ground via a
390pF capacitor. This capacitor also acts as an audio high-cut filter, the value can be
adjusted for more or less treble. The audio output of the detector is fed to the output
jack via a 10nF capacitor, where it is fed to a high-impedance input audio amp.


The receiver was built into a 4-1/2"x4-1/2"x2" electrical utility box. An aluminum
plate was mounted on the side of the box with some 6-32 screws to serve as the front
panel. The 6U8A tube socket and the Octal coil form socket were installed into
knockout holes on the top of the box. A solid box cover plate was used for the bottom
of the box. Appropriate holes were drilled for the rest of the components. A number of
multi-point terminal strips were installed inside the box and components were
installed with the point-to-point wiring method. All RF wiring should be kept as short
as possible.

The L1 detector coil was wound onto a custom coil form. The form was made by
gluing a section of plastic sink drain pipe to the base of an old octal tube. Small holes
were drilled in the pipe for the wires to pass through. A matching octal tube socket
was mounted to the chassis. The coil tap point was made adjustable by spreading the
leads of a 0.1" 5 pin SIP header out and soldering the contacts to different turns on the
coil. The tap wire was soldered to a single pin from a DIP IC socket which can be
plugged into the various SIP header pins. Since the optimum tap point was found to be
at 2 turns, this adjustable tap setup can be eliminated.

The L1 pluggable coil form was originally used with the intention of being able to use
different coils for different bands. The circuit design changed during prototyping and
the T1 tuned input circuit was added. Transformer T1 could also be bult as a
pluggable coil if you want to be able to change bands. For single-band operation, L1
should be built without the plug and socket, this will help with the physical stability of
the receiver.

In the first prototype version of the Piglet, the coil form was mounted too close to the
6U8A tube and undesired oscillations would occur with certain tubes. A grounded
piece of printed circuit board material was added between the tube and the coil. A
further modification of the receiver involved removing the circuit board shield and
installing a metallic tube shield around the 6U8A.

Two copper braces were added to mechanically stabilize the front panel against the
metal box. The brackets were made from 1/4" copper tubing, the ends were flattened
in a vise and drilled to hold the mounting screws.

Parts Sources
A well-stocked junk box is the first place to start, your author scrounged most of the
parts for this project from discarded electronics. The tuning capacitor came from an
old radio and included a built-in gear-reduction drive. If you use a regular variable
capacitor, a vernier dial is highly recommended. Tubes and sockets can be found at
Antique Electrical Supply or on eBay. Home Depot, or any well-stocked hardware
store will carry the electrical boxes and plumbing parts.


Connect an antenna, power supply and audio amplifier or amplified computer

speakers to the receiver. Be sure to ground the receiver chassis for safety and
performance. A standard 40 meter ham radio dipole will work well with this receiver,
a random longwire antenna will also be sufficient. Apply power to the receiver and let
it warm up for a few minutes.

Adjust the Tuning control to a part of the band that you want to listen to. Set the Fine
Tuning control to the center of its range. Adjust the Regeneration control until the
receiver just starts to hiss. Adjust the Preselect control for the loudest signal, if the
receiver starts to squeal, turn the Regen control down a bit. Adjust the Tuning control
until you hear a station. Adjust the Fine Tuning control to zero in on the station. At
the higher frequency end of the dial, the Fine Tuning control can be used to select
individual stations across a small band segment.

All of the controls will interact with each other so it is a bit of an art form to get the
receiver tuned to a station and peaked for the best signal. Once the controls are set
correctly, the audio quality will be quite good. The Regeneration control will
gradually need to be lowered as the Tuning control is changed to higher frequencies.
If you tune to an active area on the shortwave band, multiple stations can be selected
with just the Tuning control.

When the Regeneration control is adjusted too high, the 6U8A Pentode section has a
tendency to break into oscillation at around 15Khz, not all regen circuits behave this
way. Numerous changes were tried to eliminate this behavior, including removing the
power and connections to the triode stage. Fortunately, this does not affect the
receiver performance when it is adjusted correctly.

Circuit Variations

The initial design of this receiver covers 5-10 Mhz, which includes several shortwave
broadcast bands, the 40 meter ham radio band and the 5 and 10 Mhz WWV time
stations. With such a wide frequency range, the receiver tuning is very touchy, even
with a vernier drive capacitor. If a narrower tuning range is desired, replace the tuning
capacitor with a lower-capacitance part and add a fixed-value capacitor in parallel.

This design can be modified to receive frequencies from the AM broadcast band up to
around 20 Mhz by changing the resonant frequencies of the two tuned circuits.

The detector coil (L1) is already wound on a plug-in coil form. It would be relatively
easy to construct other plug-in coils, just use a similar turns percentage (about 30%
from the bottom) for locating the cathode tap. The extra pins on the coil socket could
be used to connect the unused tuning capacitor sections for operation on lower
frequencies. The preselector coil could also be built with a plug-in form, different
types of toroid material and turn counts would be required for coverage of other
frequency bands.

If the receiver is to be used to pick up ham radio signals, the tuning range should be
reduced to cover a much smaller range, such as 6.9-7.4 Mhz. This can be
accomplished by replacing the tuning capacitor with a much smaller value variable
capacitor and placing a fixed capacitor across the new tuning capacitor to set the
range. It would be also be a good idea to use a gear reduction vernier dial on the
tuning capacitor.

Crystal-Stabilizing the Piglet

An experimental crystal stabilizer was added to the regenerative feedback loop in an

effort to stabilize the receiver over a narrow band of the radio spectrum. The results
were quite impressive, when the receiver was tuned to near the crystal frequency it
suddenly became more sensitive and also more stable. Morse code signals could be
copied easily and could be listened to for many minutes without any significant drift.

A large FT-243 ham radio crystal with a nominal frequency of 7.05 Mhz was used.
With the crystal installed in the socket, the receiver can tune from about 7.03 to 7.05
Mhz with the sensitivity dropping off on the edges of that range. When the tuning
capacitor is adjusted so that the LC circuit resonates with the crystal, one can hear the
crystal "pop in" to resonance and the received signals get much stronger. When the
crystal is removed from the socket, the receiver goes back to its normal wide-band
operation. For crystal-stabilized operation, the tuning capacitor configuration should
be modified for single band operation (see above).

Other options for crystal stabilized tuning include adding a small coil in series with
the crystal, using multiple crystals in parallel and using a ceramic resonator instead of
a crystal. Ceramic resonators are known to have a wider pulling range than quartz

 Regen Notes by Dave Schmarder

 Neophyte 1 an old-style 6U8A regen
 discussion about regen preamps on antiqueradios.com
 KR1S VXO regen
 VK2ZAY crystal super-regen experimentsBack

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