Research-Based Essay
Research-Based Essay
Research-Based Essay
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Course
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People who experience secondhand smoke have it worse than people who
experience firsthand smoke.
If you constantly experience and breath in Secondhand smoke (SHS), you can
develop a heart disease and it can even lead to stoke. A study from National Library
of Medicine on Secondhand smoke exposure and acute coronary events, stated that
components of secondhand smoke such as oxidants, particular matter (PM), acrolein,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, and metals can be found in the
cardiovascular system of people who experience secondhand smoke. These
components are responsible for acute coronary events such as heart attack and
unstable angina. The heart’s tissues are damaged because of these foreign substances
that enters the body. The person can experience chest pains that will suddenly occur
and will get worse over a short period of time.
In addition, adults who do not smoke but experiences secondhand smoke has
increased risk of stroke and developing lung cancer by twenty to thirty percent. It was
observed and proven that even the brief exposure of a person to secondhand smoke
can damage the body’s cells in ways that will set cancer process in motion within the
lungs. A person who experiences secondhand smoke is the same with active smoking
or even worse. The longer the duration and the higher the level of exposure to
secondhand smoke, the greater the risk of developing lung cancer. Secondhand smoke
contain the same cancer-causing substances and poisons that are inhaled by people
who smoke.
To conclude, the dangerous effects of cigarette smoke does not only affect the
person smoking but also the people who experience secondhand smoke. There are
various illnesses and health risks that are entailed to smoking just like heart disease,
stroke, and lung cancer. People who smoke are not just endangering their own health
but they are also endangering the people around them because secondhand smoke
exists. This is a major problem in our society because most people lack the etiquette
to practice smoking in private places rather than endangering the people around them.