प्रधानमन्त्री रोजगार कार्यक्रम
प्रधानमन्त्री रोजगार कार्यक्रम
प्रधानमन्त्री रोजगार कार्यक्रम
11 696
in soft soil
12 696
compaction in layer (15cm in each
in soft soil
soft soil
23 complete for RCC works mt Skill 12.00 696 8352 Steel mt 1.05 100,788.00 105827.4
Un Skill 12.00 696 8352 B.wire kg 10 113.29 1132.88
16704 106960.28 123664.28 123.66428
24 Roofing Works
with 26 swg Coloured C.G. I medium
(0.5mm) sheet
26 swg CGI sheet
1 10m2 Skill 1.10 696 765.6 medium m2 12 636.25 7634.9808
Un Skill 1.25 696 870 8mm nut bult & Nails no 30 31.23 936.9048
1635.6 j hook no 25 22.23 555.754
Bitumin washer no 55 3.67 201.74
9329.3796 10964.9796
2 26 swg Ns Heavy 10m2 Skill 1.10 696 765.6 26 swg Ns Heavy m2 12 636.25 7634.9808
Un Skill 1.25 696 870 8mm nut bult & Nails no 30 31.23 936.9048
1635.6 j hook no 25 22.23 555.754
Bitumin washer no 55 3.67 201.74
9329.3796 10964.9796 1096.498
3 28 swg Ns Heavy 10m2 Skill 1.10 696 765.6 28 swg Ns Heavy m2 12 548.49 6581.83776
Un Skill 1.20 696 835.2 8mm nut bult & Nails Ls 12 31.23 374.76192
1600.8 j hook no 25 22.23 555.754
Bitumin washer no 55 3.67 201.74
7714.09368 9314.89368 931.48937
Rige works with 24 swg coloured plain
24swg coloured plain
4 sheet 10 RM Skill 2.00 696 1392 sheet m 12 554.24 6650.85901
Un Skill 3.00 696 2088 8mm nut bult & Nails no 25 39.00 39.00
3480 6689.85901 10169.859007 1016.9859
24b Roofing works with slate 10m2 Skill 4.00 696 2784 slate m2 24 336 8064
Un Skill 5.00 696 3480 nails Ls 39.00
6264 8103 14367 1436.7
25 Roofing with local khar
ka with 8 cm thick 10m2 Skill 1.50 696 1044 khar bndl 83 7.7 639.1
Un Skill 1.50 696 1044 Bans no 30 320 9600
2088 Dori kg 5 85 425
10664.1 12752.1 1275.21
kha with 15 cm thick 10m2 Skill 1.50 696 1044 khar bndl 166 7.7 1278.2
Un Skill 1.50 696 1044 Bans no 40 320 12800
2088 Dori kg 5 85 425
14503.2 16591.2 1659.12
Roofing works with corrugated fiber glass
25 sheet 10m2 Skill 1.10 696 765.6 12mm Fiber glss sheet m2 12 1,414.80 16977.6
1b 12.5 mm thick in 1:2 100m2 skl 12.00 696 8352 cement Bag 18 764.4 13759.2
unskl 16.00 696 11136 sand m3 1.22 1870.432 2281.92704
19488 16041.127 35529.12704 355.29127
2a 12.5 mm thick in 1:3 100m2 skl 12.00 696 8352 cement Bag 12.5 764.4 9555
unskl 16.00 696 11136 sand m3 1.28 1870.432 2394.15296
19488 11949.153 31437.15296 314.37153
2b 12.5 mm thick in 1:3 100m2 skl 12.00 696 8352 cement Bag 12.5 764.4 9555
unskl 16.00 696 11136 sand m3 1.28 1870.432 2394.15296
19488 11949.153 31437.15296 314.37153
3a 12.5 mm thick in 1:4 100m2 skl 12.00 696 8352 cement Bag 10.76 764.4 8224.944
unskl 16.00 696 11136 sand m3 1.46 1870.432 2730.83072
19488 10955.7747 30443.77472 304.43775
3b 12.5 mm thick in 1:4 100m2 skl 12.00 696 8352 cement Bag 10.76 764.4 8224.944
unskl 16.00 696 11136 sand m3 1.46 1870.432 2730.83072
19488 10955.7747 30443.77472 304.43775
b 20mm thick in 1:6 100m2 skl 14.00 696 9744 cement Bag 11.4 764.4 8714.16
unskl 19.00 696 13224 sand m3 2.35 1870.432 4395.5152
22968 13109.6752 36077.6752 360.77675
b 20mm thick in 1:6 100m2 skl 14.00 696 9744 cement Bag 11.4 764.4 8714.16
unskl 19.00 696 13224 sand m3 2.35 1870.432 4395.5152
22968 13109.6752 36077.6752 360.77675
compensation for all labour material scaffolding and other incidents required to complete the works as per the specifications
in 1:2 Mix
Providing of prepared cement motar 1.25m3 unskl 2.94 2046.24 Bamboo No
in 1:4 Mix
Providing of prepared cement motar 1.23m3 unskl 3.09 2150.64 Bamboo No
Annex iii) 696 2 320 640
Plastering 100m2 skl 15 696 10440 Rope kg 1 85 85
unskl 10 696 6960 cement kg 363 15.288 5549.544
incidentals is unskl 0.5 696 348 sand m3 1.46 1870.432 2730.83072
19898.64 9005.37472 28904.01472 289.04015
in 1:6 Mix
Providing of prepared cement motar 1.23m3 unskl 3.2 2227.2 Bamboo No
Annex iii) 696 2 320 640
Plastering 100m2 skl 15 696 10440 Rope kg 1 85 85
unskl 10 696 6960 cement kg 288 15.288 4402.944
incidentals is unskl 0.5 696 348 sand m3 1.46 1870.432 2730.83072
696 19975.2 7858.77472 27833.97472 278.33975
29 3mm thick cement Punning 10m2 skl 1 696 696 cement Bag 1.06 764.4 810.264
unskl 1 696 696
1392 2202.264 220.2264
30 Painting Works
1 White wash painting on new surface
one coat 100m2 skl 1.50 696 1044 chuna kg 22 29.40 646.8
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.29 1026.44
2227.2 1673.24 3900.44 39.0044
twocoat 100m2 skl 1.50 696 1044 chuna kg 22 29.4 646.8
unskl 2.70 696 1879.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
2923.2 1673.24 4596.44 45.9644
three coat 100m2 skl 3.00 696 2088 chuna kg 32 29.4 940.8
unskl 2.70 696 1879.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
3967.2 1967.24 5934.44 59.3444
2 Snowcem painting works new surface
one coat 100m2 skl 1.50 696 1044 chuna kg 22 29.4 646.8
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
2227.2 1673.24 3900.44 39.0044
twocoat 100m2 skl 2.50 696 1740 chuna kg 22 29.4 646.8
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
2923.2 1673.24 4596.44 45.9644
three coat 100m2 skl 2.50 696 1740 chuna kg 32 29.4 940.8
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
2923.2 1967.24 4890.44 48.9044
3 White Washing works in old surface 100m2 skl 1.50 696 1044 chuna kg 22 29.4 646.8
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2 Fevicol kg 5 205.288 1026.44
2227.2 1673.24 3900.44 39.0044
4 Distemper Painting
Aster coat 100m2 skl 2.00 696 1392 Aster Liter 8 164.72 1317.776
unskl 1.70 696 1183.2
2575.2 3892.976 38.92976
One coat 100m2 skl 2.00 696 1392 Destemper kg 6.5 164.72 1070.693
two coat 100m2 skl 3.00 696 2088 snowcem Paint kg 20 79.18 1583.6
unskill 3.00 696 2088
4176 1583.6 5759.6 57.596
31 Form Works
1 Wooden form work all complete
For slabs 10m2 skl 1.72 696 1197.12 L wood m3 0.526 29,988.00 15773.688
unskl 2.57 696 1788.72 nails kg 2.5 113.29 283.22
2985.84 16056.908 19042.748 380.85496
2 Wooden form work all complete
a For column all complete 2 m 10m2 skl 1.72 696 1197.12 L wood m3 0.526 29988 15773.688
unskl 2.57 696 1788.72 nails kg 2.5 113.288 283.22
2985.84 16056.908 19042.748 952.1374
b For column all complete 2 m to 3m 10m2 skl 3.00 696 2088 L wood m3 0.526 29988 15773.688
unskl 4.50 696 3132 nails kg 2.5 113.288 283.22
5220 16056.908 21276.908 1063.8454
c For column all complete 2 m to 3m 10m2 skl 2.40 696 1670.4 L wood m3 0.526 29988 15773.688
unskl 3.60 696 2505.6 nails kg 2.5 113.288 283.22
4176 16056.908 20232.908 1011.6454