COT Mapeh Quarter 1

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Subject MAPEH 6 (HEALTH)
Quarter FIRST
Objectives RPMS KRA’s and Objectives
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and
the importance of health appraisal procedures and community resources in
preventing or managing them

B. Performance Practices self-management skills to prevent and control personal health

Standard issues and concerns

MELC Explains the importance of undergoing health appraisal procedures.

C. Learning Skills At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. Identify and explain the part of school health appraisal. Knowledge

b. Explain the importance of health appraisal procedures. Skills
c. Describe the importance of health appraisal procedures.


I. Content Health appraisal procedures

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide MELC page 353
2. Learner’s Materials PE and HEALTH for Fun
3. Textbook Pages Page 72
4. Additional Materials
from the Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. B. Other teaching materials Slide decks,image, instructional Materials


Introduction Routinary Activity

A. Reviewing previous Unlocking of difficulties
lesson or presenting the Spelling (Drill) KRA 1 Content Knowledge and
new lesson 1.vission Pedagogy
2. screening
Applied knowledge of content
3. dentist within and across curriculum
4. test teaching areas.
5. ears
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy
and numeracy skills.

B. Establishing a purpose KRA 1 Content Knowledge

for the lesson and Pedagogy
Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
teaching areas.

at the
clips. What do you think they are doing?
1. how important is your health to you?
2. Does a pupil’s health affect his/her performance in school
3. How do you know that a health problem is already developing in Applied a range of teaching
your body? strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking
C. Presenting Examples/ What is health appraisal?
instances of the new lesson
 Health appraisal is a series of procedures to determine the health
status of pupils. The health status of the pupils is determined through the
use of teacher’s observations, screening test, and medical dental and
psychological evaluations.

D. Discussing new Importance of health appraisal

concepts and practicing 1. Provide child current health status
new skills #1 2. Determine the child fitness participate in the classroom program.
3. Discover any health problem which require further investigation and
4. Provide an opportunity to counsel the child and parent concerning:
a. Any health problem or condition detected.
b. Secure appropriate medical supervision.
5. Provide and valuable and positive health experience for the child.

Health history
Family history
Current health status

E. Discussing new What is in! inside the box are picture of some health appraisal procedures.
concepts and practicing Identify what is being observed or examined. KRA 3: Curriculum and
new skills #2 Planning

Selected, developed, organized

and used appropriate teaching
and learning resources,
including ICT, to address
3. learning goals


F. Developing Mastery (for Group Activity:
Formative Assessment )
Group 1:
Arrange the jumbled letters KRA 1 Content Knowledge and
of the health appraisal Pedagogy
procedures that you should
undergo regularly based
on its definition
Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking
Group 2: Weight Measurement Procedures skills.

 Place the platform scale firmly on a level or flat surface.

 Check the accuracy of the scale by bringing the sliding lever or dial
to zero. Make sure that the pointer is exactly at the middle.
 The use of standard weight is recommended to ensure the accuracy
of the scale while being used. Record the data

Group 3. Height measurement procedures

 Let the student stand straight against the steel tape with feet and
heels parallel together, buttocks, shoulders and back of head
touching the wall.
 Place the ruler on top of the head.
 Record the data.
G. Finding Practical
application of concepts and What are those health appraisal procedures that you need to undergo
skills in daily living regularly?

How often do we have this health appraisal procedures?

H. Making generalization 1. Who are the medical professionals that can help us in our health
and abstraction about the problems?
lesson 2. What are the facilities that can provide you with services concerning
your health?
3. Why is there a need to undergo these procedures?

I. Evaluating learning
Read the following
excerpts from the
narratives then identify the
narrators' point of
view. In your answer sheet,
write F if the excerpt from
the narrative is in the first
S if it is in the second
person, and T if it is in the
third person.
Directions: Read the following statements correctly. Choose the letter of
the correct answer from the given choices.

Non -solo
1. Which of the following appraisal procedures is effective in identifying
children w/ visual impairment?
a. breast examination
b. hearing test
c. vision screening
d. scoliosis test

2. This is a part of ear examination that tests how well a person is able to
a. breast self-examination
b. hearing test
c. scoliosis test
d. vision screening

3-5. Tesshia and Marie, is an 11 year old pupils wants to know if there are
lumps and bumps in their breast. Tesshia also noticed an unevenness in
her spinal cord while Marie noticed she cannot hear. What test should they
I. breast examination
II. hearing test
III. vision screening
IV. scoliosis test

a. I,II and IV b. I and II c. I only d. III only

ans. 1. C 2. B.
a- 3 b-2 c- 1 d-0
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

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