Complaint Letter DILG
Complaint Letter DILG
Complaint Letter DILG
10 July 2023
Dear Ma’am:
Christian Greetings!
I would like to inform you that Mr. Elimar Tabisora, an incumbent Punong Barangay of
Barangay Goran, Amulung, Cagayan summoned me to appear before the Office of the
Punong Barangay of Cordova, without any legal justifications.
He confronted me and told me that I should get rid of Barangay Goran or else he would do
anything to prove his power over me.
On September 20, 2023, as I was visiting Barangay Goran, this Punong Barangay approached
me shirtless, intoxicated, armed with a pistol, shamed and threatened me, and told me he
owned Barangay Goran.
On the same day, he went to Barangay Cordova and filed a complaint against me, without
any legal basis, as a matter of fact, I have a clean and untarnished name, this certain Punong
Barangay of Cordova, Amulung, Cagayan entertained the complaint of the Punong Barangay
of Goran, Amulung, Cagayan on the basis of hearsay.
Their acts in the very first place are oppressive, they want to win the barangay election using
their dirty hands. I am asking your Good Office to investigate this matter since it will be
prejudicial on my part that these two powerful persons are tyrannically using their authority
to besmirch my name and attain their beloved positions by using force, intimidation, and
unequivocal power.
I would like to
Respectfully yours,