Admin&Ofc Syllabus

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Course Plan

Week Topic Learning Outcome Methodology Assessment

1-2 Course Orientation and Appreciate the essence of taking Modular Approach The student should be able
requirements up the course and the Interactive discussion to answer and essay question
Management Concepts importance of possessing right PowerPoint presentation worth 20 points.
1. The managerial process attitude and behavior in the Video Presentation
2. The organizing process workplace Identify the different Written Exams
3. The communication process concepts of management.

Explain the organizing functions

of management.

Outline the process of

3-4 (prelims) The Workplace and its Discover the factors to be Lecture forum The students should
Environment considered in Classroom discussion be able to get at
1. Office layout, design and planning and designing an office with illustrations least 15 out of 20
safety layout. Video presentation item quiz
2. Office environment Identify the elements of office Modular Approach Written Exam
Office equipment and furniture environment. Power Point Presentation
List the factors to be considered
selecting and maintaining office
and furniture

5-6 Management of Human Discover ways to improve Lecture discussion Case presentation
Resource recruiting and Mini case with peer
1. Selecting Office Employees selecting employees. Modular Approach assessment
2. Developing office employees List the benefits of employee Power Point Presentation Written Exams
3. Supervising office employee development.
Explain the characteristics of
effective supervisors.

7-8 (midterms) Motivation and Employee Demonstrate the techniques used Interactive Lecturing The student should
Performance to Classroom discussion be able to obtain at
1. Motivating Office Employees motivate employees. with illustrations least 75% on the
Appraising the Performance of Illustrate the methods of Oral Q & A Oral Q & A.
Office performance Modular Approach Written Exams
Employees appraisal. Video Presentation Case
9-11 Job Analysis and Compensation Describe job analysis. PowerPoint presentation The students should
of Contrast job evaluation and job Role playing be able to
Employees analysis. Problem solving exercise substantially answer
1. Analyzing jobs of office Identify the goals of salary to develop students’ an essay question
employees administration skills which is equivalent
2. Evaluating jobs of office programs. Case analysis and to 30 points
employees Discuss the advantages and presentation Written Exam
3. Administering salaries of disadvantages Modular Approach
office if work measurement. Video Presentation
4. Measuring output of office
5. Improving productivity of

12-13 (semis) Systems and Trends List the tools for systems and Lecture Obtain at least 80% on a 20 item
1. System analysis procedures. PowerPoint presentation quiz.
2. Computer technology Indicate the components of Individual problem solving
3. Telecommunications computer systems.
applications software Describe the management of
telecommunication systems.
14-15 Administrative Services Identify the activities involved Interactive lecturing Oral presentation of case
Management in records management. Mini case with presentation by analysis with peer assessment.
1. Records management Outline the steps in designing group
2. Forms design and control forms control.
3. Office reprographics and mail Identify the factors in organizing
services a reprographic centre.
16-17(finals) Administrative control Discuss the steps in the process Classroom discussion with The student should be able to
1. Quality and quantity control of control. illustrations answer at least 80% of the total
Budgetary and cost control Recognize the purpose, Oral Q and A items of the oral Q and A.
advantages, and limitations of

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