A Minimalist Inquiry Into Interrogative Wh-Movement in English and Urhobo. AMAMA
A Minimalist Inquiry Into Interrogative Wh-Movement in English and Urhobo. AMAMA
A Minimalist Inquiry Into Interrogative Wh-Movement in English and Urhobo. AMAMA
ISSN 2787-0308 (ONLINE)
A Minimalist Inquiry into Interrogative Wh-Movement in English and
1Emama, E.O. “The utility value of Urhobo, English, and Pidgin in selected rural Urhobo
Communities”. Abraka Humanities Review. (2017) 7 (3), 42 - 50
2Emama, E.O. “The influence of affixation on the international intelligibility of aspects SNE
3 Emama, E.O. “Folklore, cohesion, and meaning in Ojaide’s Agbogidi”. KIU Journal of
Humanities(2020).5 (3), 191-198
4Amuzu, E.K. “Socio-pragmatics of conversational code-switching in Ghana”. Ghana
In English (3a) and Urhobo (3b) wh-questions, which target the Spec-TP
constituent, there is no overt movement of the wh-constituent or movement of
the tensed auxiliary (T-to-C movement). As shown in (6) and (7)―which are the
schematic representations of (3a) and (3b), respectively―WH- appears to be
base-generated at Spec-TP.
On the other hand, in English and Urhobo wh-questions which target a VP-
internal argument, e.g. (4a/b) or an adjunct (5a/b), the VP-internal argument or
adjunct may undergo overt movement, as shown in (8) and (9), which are the
structural representations of (4a) and (4b), respectively.
The data for the analysis consists of English sentences that instantiate wh-
questions and the Urhobo translation equivalent of the English wh-questions.
The translation equivalence is based on the grammaticality judgment of
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coordinate bilingual speakers of English and Urhobo; that is, language users
who are ‘able to harness the advantages of the two languages by using them
fluently while separating their grammars’7. The analysis is guided by two
research questions: (i) What motivates or triggers movement of the wh-
constituent or its translation equivalent (WH-) from the VP-internal position to
the specifier position of an adjoined complementiser phrase (Spec-CP)? and (ii)
why is this movement licensed or allowed when WH- is already assigned an
interrogative interpretation at the VP-internal position?
Theoretical Framework
7Osakwe, M. Corpora and Bilingual Translation in Achebe and Soyinka’s Creative Usages.
In: R. Xiao (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Using Corpora in
Contrastive and Translation Studies, 27–29 July 2010 Proceedings.
8 Chomsky, A. N. ‘Problems of Projection.’ Lingua,(2013).130: 33–49.
Chomsky, A. N..‘On Phases.’ In: Otero, Carlos, Robert Freidin and Marie-Luisa Zubizarreta
(eds.), Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: Essays in Honour of Jean-Roger
Vergnaud. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press;(2008) 133–166.
Chomsky, A. N. ‘Approaching UG from Below.’ In: Gӓrtner, Hans-Martin and UliSauerland
(eds.), Interfaces + Recursion = Language? Chomsky’s Minimalism and the View from
Syntax-Semantics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter; (2007). 133–166.
Chomsky, A. N. ‘Three Factors in Language Design.’ In: Linguistic Inquiry, (2005a)36: 1–
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(that is, a perfectly designed) system that links sound and meaning. The system
comprises a lexicon(a list of all the lexical items in the language, together with
their phonetic, semantic and grammatical properties) and syntax―the
computational component which consists of the principles of universal
grammar (UG) and parameterised rules. The lexicon and syntax constitute the
generative component. Lexical items selected from the lexicon are combined
(by a series of merger and movement operations in the syntax) to form
syntactic structures. The derived syntactic structures are then fed into two
different components: PF, which processes the phonetic features by mapping or
converting the structures into phonetic form (PF) representations, and LF,
which processes the grammatical and semantic features of the derived syntactic
structures by converting them into logical form (LF) representations. While the
former specifies the pronunciation of the derived structures, the latter specifies
their linguistic interpretation.
Chomsky, A. N. ‘On Phases’. In C.P. Otero et.al. (Eds) (2006). Foundational Issues in
Linguistic Theory.(2005b)Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Chomsky, A. N ‘Beyond Explanatory Adequacy.’ In: Belletti, Andriana (ed.), Structures and
Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(2004),
Chomsky, A. N. (. On Nature and Language. Cambridge, 2002)MA: Cambridge University
Chomsky, A. N. Derivation by Phase. MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics, (1999),18.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Chomsky, A. N. “Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework” MIT Occasional Papers in
Linguistics, (1998),15. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Chomsky, A. N. “The Minimalist Program. Cambridge” (1995).MA: The MIT Press
9 Op cit
10 Chomsky, A. N. ‘Beyond Explanatory Adequacy.’ In: Belletti, Andriana (ed.), Structures
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(EPP) feature at C, which requires Spec-CP to be filled by WH-. Finally, in 'Three
Factors in Language Design', Chomsky (2005a) attributes wh-movement to an
edge feature (EF) at C, which requires C to be extended in a complementiser
phrase (CP) projection containing a specifier on the edge of CP.
Speaker A: ‘I’m sorry I didn’t hear you clearly… John was doing what? Reading?’
Speaker B: Not reading. Smoking.
Speaker A: ‘Good heavens! What was John doing? Smoking? You saw John
With the appropriate intonation, the italicised wh- in-situ structure ‘John was
doing what?’ may be assigned a non-echoic or interrogative interpretation;
conversely, the wh- fronted structure ‘What was John doing?’ may be assigned
an echoic (that is, a non-interrogative) interpretation. Suppose our reasoning is
along the right lines. In that case, the type of interpretation (echoic versus non-
echoic) assigned to a wh-question is not a consequence of the structural
location of WH- (in-situ or fronted) but rather, and ultimately, a consequence of
the context of communication. Therefore, his14 argument that English
interrogative wh- in-situ structures are inherently echoic is not tenable.
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translation equivalent from the VP-internal position to Spec-CP? Since the in-
situ wh-constituent is already typed interrogative, subsequent movement to
Spec-CP would be superfluous and, to that extent, a violation of the minimalist
Last Resort (LR) condition on movement, which bans superfluous steps in the
derivation of syntactic structures. Given the preceding, we may legitimately
pose the following questions:
To answer these two questions, namely (i) What triggers movement of the wh-
expression or its translation equivalent (WH-) from the VP-internal position to
the specifier position of an adjoined complementiser phrase (Spec-CP), and (ii)
Why this movement is licensed or allowed when WH- is already assigned an
interrogative interpretation at the VP-internal position, consider the data (10)–
(13) below:
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respectively. In (10) and (11), WH- (i.e. the wh-constituent) is a lexical unit
(‘what’/‘dîe'), while in (12) and (13), WH- is a determiner phrase (DP) 'whose
car’ or a noun phrase (NP) ‘imoto ónò’.
The structural representations of the English wh-in situ (10a) and wh-fronted
(11a) structures are shown below as (14) and (15), respectively.
14. Efe was reading what?
[Spec-TP Efe [T was [V reading [WH-what]]]]
15. What was Efe reading?
[Spec-CPWhat1 [T was2 [Spec-TP Efe [Tt2 [V reading [WH- t1]]]]]]
The derived expression (18a) crashes (i.e. fails to converge) at logical form (LF)
because it violates the Chain Uniformity Condition. The violation is this: The
moved D constituent ‘whose’ is (at the landing site) a maximal projection
because it is the largest expression headed by the word ‘whose’ at Spec-CP;
18 Chomsky, A. N. The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, (1995). MA: The MIT Press
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conversely, the null copy t2at the extraction site is a minimal projection because
it is the endocentric head of the DP, ‘whose money’. Thus, the derived wh-chain
violates the chain uniformity condition by having a maximal projection at its
head and a minimal projection at its foot. For the derived wh-fronted structure
to converge at LF, the entire DP must be fronted, as shown in (18b):
18b. Whose car will you drive?
For the derivation to converge at LF, the entire NP must move to Spec-CP in
conformity with the Chain Uniformity Condition, as shown in (19b):
19b. Imoto ónò wọ chá gua?
Lit. *Car whose you will drive?
i.e. ‘Whose car will you drive?’
[CPImoto ónò1 [TP wọ [T chá [V gua [N [NPt1]]]]]]
A. “Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English: A Minimalist
Approach”(2002).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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functionally redundant in Urhobo interrogatives, it is not instantiated in the
structure of Urhobo wh-questions.
From the data analysis (14)–(17), it is obvious that the derivation of wh-fronted
interrogative structures in English and Urhobo involves the movement of WH-
from the VP-internal position to Spec-CP. In the Review of Related Literature, we
noted that Chomsky (2005) suggests that an Edge Feature (EF) at C is the
mechanism which drives the movement of WH- to Spec-CP; according to him,
the complementiser (C) carries an edge feature (EF) which requires C to be
extended in a CP projection containing a specifier on its edge. We also noted
Radford's (2006, p. 122) explanation that in languages such as English, 'a clause
is interpreted as a non-echoic question if (and only if) it is a CP with an
interrogative specifier (i.e. a specifier containing an interrogative word)’.
Given the data analysis, we infer that the lexicon consists not only of
phonologically overt affixes and lexical items together with their morphological
properties but also of abstract illocutionary force (IF)affixes, which determine
both the structural ordering of constituents as well as the illocutionary
interpretation assigned to the derived structure (e.g. as a statement, question,
command, and so on). For instance, the non-italicised expressions in (18) may
be (a) declarative or (b) interrogative, and those in (19) may be (a)
interrogative or (b) imperative, depending on intonation.
18. (a) They will give Efe money. (Their generosity is public knowledge)
(b) They will give Efe money? (I don’t believe it)
19. (a) Will you keep quiet? (If you won’t, then you can’t come with us)
(b) Will you keep quiet (right now!)
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Since both wh-in-situ and wh-fronted structures may be assigned an
interrogative interpretation at LF, it must be the case that there are two types of
illocutionary force question affixes [IFQ]: a weak [–IFQ] question affix which
imposes an interrogative interpretation at LF but which (by being weak) cannot
trigger overt movement at PF; and a strong [+IFQ] affix which imposes both an
interrogative interpretation at LF and overt movement (in languages where
interrogative wh-movement is licensed) at PF. We argue further that both
affixes (i.e. [–IFQ] and [+IFQ]) are located on WH- (i.e. the wh-word/phrase). In
wh-optional languages like English and Urhobo, if [–IFQ] is selected, WH-
remains in situ because [–IFQ] cannot move WH- from the VP-internal position
to Spec-CP. On the other hand, where [+IFQ] is selected, WH- is forced from its
VP-internal position to Spec-CP.
In this paper, we set out to proffer answers to the following research questions:
(i) What triggers the movement of the wh-expression or its translation
equivalent (WH-) from the VP-internal position to the specifier position of an
adjoined complementiser phrase (Spec-CP), and (ii) Why is this movement
licensed when WH- is already assigned an interrogative interpretation at the
VP-internal position? From the analysis of the data, the trigger or motivation for
interrogative wh-movement is the presence of a strong illocutionary force
[+IFQ] affix, which imposes both an interrogative interpretation (at LF) and
movement of WH- to Spec-CP (at PF) in wh-optional languages (i.e. those
languages which license wh-movement) such as English and Urhobo.
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