Corrosion-Erosion On Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Sy
Corrosion-Erosion On Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Sy
Corrosion-Erosion On Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Sy
2 388
2 authors, including:
Zainal Zakaria
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
All content following this page was uploaded by Zainal Zakaria on 13 April 2016.
It is estimated that problems due to corrosion-erosion of boiler system cost industries billions of
dollars per year. Method of corrosion-erosion control varies depending upon the type of problem
encountered. This study is focused on the optimization of the boiler blowdown frequency and its effect
on the chemical values of the water-steam cycle. Parameters such as conductivity, iron and silica
concentrations were closely monitored via on-line monitoring devices. The conductivity in the boiler
water and steam cycle was between 0.3 to 0.6 uS/cm and 0.1 to 0.15 uS/cm, respectively. The average
iron concentration in the water cycle was less than 0.01 ppm and in the steam cycle the average reading
was less than 0.005 ppm and the average of silica concentration in the boiler fluctuated between 0.02 to
0.08 ppm.
In a waste heat recovery boiler system, heat of the (magnesium), oxygen, iron and pH should be measured
combustion gases from the gas turbine exhaust is used as well (Sandberg et al., 2011). Iron and oxygen can be
to produce steam to drive a steam turbine and to heat up measured on a daily basis by installing continuous
the main condensate. The combustion gases from the oxygen meter in a feed water system to detect oxygen
gas turbine exhaust first flows horizontally through an intrusions. Iron should be measured with care to avoid
exhaust gas diffuser, the diverter damper and the sample contamination.
exhaust gas duct before deflect at the boiler inlet. Then, However, the corrosion process is a complex electro
the exhaust gas flows through the vertical part of the chemical reaction. It takes many forms and may produce
boiler which houses the heating surfaces which is general attack over a large metal surface or by pinpoint
fabricated from the finned tubes. Effective corrosion con- penetration of metal. Corrosion is a significant problem
trol monitoring is essential in ensuring the efficiency and caused by water in boilers. The whole boiler system is
trouble-free operation of boiler (Jiamin and Zhansong, generally vulnerable to corrosion caused by oxygen,
2009; Klien and Rice, 2000; Otsuka, 2002; Sandberg et which mainly occurs in the form of pitting. However, other
al., 2011; Smiyan et al., 2002; Srikanth et al., 2003). factors such as acid conditions, stresses and specific
Appropriate corrosion-erosion monitoring techniques chemical corrodents also play an important influence and
vary with different system and the testing should be caused different forms of attack. Thus, it is necessary to
performed at least once per shift. When the control control the allowable quantity of the various harmful
system is difficult or during periods of more variables substances in the boiler water without jeopardizing the
operating conditions, increasing the testing frequencies boiler (Otsuka, 2002). Corrosion may occur in the feed
should be considered. water system as a result of low pH water and the water
All monitoring data either spot sampling or continuous, impurities.
should be recorded. Boiler feed water hardness Corrosion can cause serious problems in feedwater
and boiler system. The corrosive action will waste the
metal away and reduced its overall strength of metal thus
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: leading to eventual failure (Jiamin and Zhansong, 2009).
+60197515410. Fax: +6075581463. When the corrosion occurs, metals obtained from the
42 J. Petroleum Gas Eng.
corresponding metallic oxide tend to revert to their lines, boiler tubes, economizers and condensate lines.
original state. Some of these metallic oxides will then Additionally, iron oxide generated by the corrosion can
form a stable coating which adheres firmly to the surface produce iron deposits in the boiler. The acceptable
of the parent metal protecting it from further attack. dissolved oxygen level for any system depends on many
However, other oxides form coatings which are either factors, such as flow rate, feedwater temperature, pH,
porous or unstable and can break down easily. For dissolved solids contents and the metallurgy and physical
example, a special form of iron oxide known as magnetite condition of the system (Smiyan et al., 2002). Based on
can form in boilers. This provides a protective film on the experience, 3 to 10 ppb of feedwater oxygen is not
metal but in the presence of oxygen breaks down to form significantly damaging the economizers.
ferric oxide which is porous and did not provide Corrosion-erosion is defined as the acceleration or
protection. In the boiler, the presence of water in an increase in rate of deterioration or attack on a metal
acidic condition provides the electrolyte required for because of relative movement between a corrosive fluid
corrosive action. The water can become acidic due to the and the metal surface. Generally, the movement is quite
presence of various dissolved gases, such as oxygen rapid and mechanical ware effects or abrasions are
and carbon dioxide, or various dissolved metallic salts, involved. Metals removed forms at the surface as
such as magnesium chloride. Direct chemical attack can dissolved ions, or forms solid corrosion products that are
occur when metals at high temperature come into contact mechanically swept form the metal surface. In many
with the air or other gases resulting in oxidation or cases, failures caused by erosion occur in a relatively
sulphidation of the metal. short time and they are unexpected large because
Electrochemical corrosion usually takes place in the evaluation corrosion test were run under static condition
presence of moisture and a formation of corrosion cell (Sidhu and Prakash, 2006; Uusitalo et al., 2004). Velocity
with cathodic and anodic areas in the presence of an often strongly influences the mechanisms of the corrosion
electrolyte, resulting in corrosion of the anode. This form reactions. It exhibits mechanical ware effect at high
of corrosion covers most of the corrosion that takes place values and particularly when the solution contains solids
in boiler system. In this group, there are two main forms in suspension. Increase in velocity generally results in
of corrosion, the general wastage and the pitting (Jiamin increased attack, particularly if substantial rate of flow is
and Zhansong, 2009). Other form of electrolyte corrosion involved (Sandberg et al., 2011). Erosion-corrosion
which would be a combination of electrolytic and failures also can occur due to turbulence flow condition.
mechanical or chemical attacks are corrosion fatigue, Turbulence results in greater agitation of the liquid at
acid corrosion and caustic corrosion which is sometimes metal surface than in a case of laminar flow and in more
known as caustic gouging, caustic attack or ductile intimate contact between the environment and the metal.
gouging (Khajavi et al., 2007; Srikanth et al., 2003). The The type of flow obtained depends on the rate and quan-
ASME Consensus for Industrial Boilers specifies that tity of fluid handled and also the design of the equipment.
feedwater oxygen, iron and copper content should be In addition to high velocities, crevices, deposit, ledges,
very low (for example, < 7 ppb oxygen, 20 ppb iron and sharp changes in cross sections and other obstructions
15 ppb copper for a 900 psig boiler) and the pH should that disturb the laminar flow pattern may result in erosion-
be maintained between 8.5 and 9.5 for system corrosion corrosion (Sidhu and Prakash, 2006). The objective of
protection (Klien and Rice, 2000). this study is to monitor the effect of the chemical values
In order to minimize boiler system corrosion, an such as the conductivity, iron and silica concentration in
understanding of the operational requirements for all the heat recovery boiler circuit.
critical system components is necessary (Smiyan et al.,
2002). Without proper mechanical and chemical de-
aeration, oxygen in the feedwater will enter the boiler.
Much is flashed off with the steam but the remainders The study on the optimization of the boiler blowdown frequency was
can attack the boiler metal. The point of attack varies with conducted on 2 boilers. The test was carried out in 2 different
boiler design and feedwater distribution. Pitting corrosion stages, that is, Stage 1, which did not involve any blowdown and
is a localized form of corrosion which takes place in the Stage 2, which involved blowdown activities.
passive state of the metal and is frequently visible in the
feedwater distributor, at the steam drum waterline and in Stage 1
the downcomers tubes (Kritzer, 2004). Oxygen is highly
corrosive when present in hot water and significantly In order to achieve a stable chemical condition, a 3 h of boiler
more corrosive than carbon dioxide (Klien and Rice, blowdown was carried out for each boiler prior to the test. The
2000; Ahmad, 2006 ) as dissolved oxygen is six times boilers were operated at base load condition and did not involve in
more corrosive than a molar equivalent concentration of any start-up or shutdown during the test period of 20 days. This will
minimize the variation in the operating parameters such as steam
carbon dioxide in pure water at 65°C (Ahmad, 2006). pressure, temperature and flow rates. Since no shutdown was
Thus, even small concentrations can cause serious planned for the boiler, the blowdown valves were kept closed
problems. Due to pits that can penetrate deep into metal, throughout the test period. Important chemical parameters such as
oxygen corrosion can result in rapid failure of feedwater conductivity, Iron and Silica concentration in the water and steam
Zakaria and Hashim 43
cycle were closely monitored and daily recorded in the monitoring Conductivity analysis
The specific conductance of boiler water provides an
Stage 2 indirect measure of dissolved solids. Figures 2 and 3
show the conductivity trend for water and steam cycle
The boilers were operated at base load operation and involved in respectively. The limit for the boiler water conductivity
startup and shutdown. Boiler blowdown was carried out for 3 h for was less than 3 uS/cm. From the trend, it shows that the
every startup. Important chemical parameters conductivity, Iron and boiler water conductivity for both boilers has gradually
Silica concentration in the water and steam cycle were closely
monitored and daily recorded in the monitoring sheet. In addition,
reduced by 0.2 to 0.4 uS/cm and stabilized around 0.35
laboratory analysis on dissolved solids such as Calcium, Mag- uS/cm despite not doing any blowdown. The conductivity
nesium, Iron, Silica, Sodium, Sulphates and Chlorides were also for the steam side also shows a reduction as well. The
recorded. The monitoring of the important values for water-steam conductivity values of the steam for both boilers have
cycle is done by continuous on-line measurement and analysis in gradually reduced and stabilized at 0.1 uS/cm from 0.15
the sampling station as shown in Figure 1.
uS/cm. The limit for the steam conductivity was less than
0.2 uS/cm.
Total Iron analysis
Method of corrosion-erosion control varies depending
upon the type of problem encountered. The high flow rate The limit of iron concentration in main condensate and
during blowdown caused frequent erosion on the control feedwater was less than 20 ppb and for the boiler water,
valves as well as, the boiler internal tubes. The readings the limit was less than 100 ppb. For the steam system,
were recorded and compared with the limits and the limit was below 20 ppb as well. Figures 4 and 5 show
specification proposed by the manufacturer, Babcock and the total iron in the water cycle and steam cycle,
Wilcox. respectively. The total iron content in the water cycle
went slightly up to a maximum of 40 ppb for the boiler
water. However, all the values were still below the
Stage 1 test (Without blowdown) permissible concentration limits of 100 ppb. From the
trends, the iron remained non-detectable in the main
The following parameters were recorded and analyzed condensate and feedwater.
during the test period of 20 days. During this period, the
boilers were running at base load operation without any
blowdown operation. Theoretically, evaporation in a boiler Silica analysis
caused impurities such as dissolved and suspended
solids to concentrate. Corrosion beneath certain types of A high Silica deposit is very hard resembling porcelain.
boiler deposits can weaken the metal and tube failure The crystals of Silica were extremely small foaming a
may occur after certain period of time. very dense, impervious scale. The limit of Silica
44 J. Petroleum Gas Eng.
Conductivity Trend For Water Cycle - Without Blow Down
Startup on 11 Sept, 6hrs b/down
11&12 HRB
Conductivity in micro S/cm
11-Sep 13-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 19-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct
11BW 12BW MCOND Limit : Boiler Water Conductivity < 3 micro S/cm
Main Cond Conductivity < 0.2 micro S/cm
Figure 2. Conductivity profile for water Trend boiler
cycle without For Steam Cycle - Without Blow Down
Conductivity in micro S/cm
11-Sep 13-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 19-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct
concentration in main condensate, feed water and steam Silica concentration in the water and steam cycle
system was less than 0.02 ppm. For the boiler water, the respectively. From the trend, it was observed that the
limit was less than 0.5 ppm. Figures 6 and 7 show the Silica concentration in the boiler water fluctuated between
Zakaria and Hashim 45
Total Iron (Fe) Concentration In Water Cycle - Without Blow Down
Iron (Fe) in ppm
11-Sep 14-Sep 17-Sep 20-Sep 23-Sep 26-Sep 29-Sep
Iron (Fe) in ppm
11-Sep 14-Sep 17-Sep 20-Sep 23-Sep 26-Sep 29-Sep
Figure 5. Total Iron (Fe) concentrations in steam cycle without boiler blow down.
0.02 to 0.05 ppm. Silica concentration in boiler water concentration in the boiler can still be maintained below
shows a slight increase. However, this value is still far the allowable limit even without being blowdown for 20
below the limit. The silica concentration in the steam days. In general, based on the trends and monitoring
cycle remained constant at 0.01 ppm throughout the test. sheets, it can be clearly monitored that all chemical
The observation on the conductivity, iron and silica parameters remain below their specified limits throughout
concentrations has proven that the chemical the test.
46 J. Petroleum Gas Eng.
Silica (SiO2) Concentration in Water Cycle- Without Blow Down
Silica (SiO2) in ppm
11-Sep 13-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 19-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct
Date Remark: Limit of Silica in boiler w ater < 0.5 ppm
11BW 12BW MCOND FWT Limit of Silica in main cond and feed w ater < 0.02 ppm
Silica (SiO2) in ppm
11-Sep 13-Sep 15-Sep 17-Sep 19-Sep 21-Sep 23-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 29-Sep 1-Oct
Remark: Limit of Silica in steam = 0.02 ppm
Stage 2 test (Blowdown optimization) the boiler. The required blowdown rate is determined
according to the total dissolved solids, the alkalinity, silica
Blowdown, either a periodic or continuous water removal or suspended solid levels. The amount of solids in the
process is essential in addition to chemical treatments to boiler water can be monitored and controlled by
maintain the concentration of impurities within certain regulating the amount of blowdown. However, the
limit and to control the build-up of dissolved solid levels in amount of blowdown must properly established to avoid
Zakaria and Hashim 47
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No.of week
Remarks : 0.2 uS/cm limit for MCOND
MCOND BW 11 BW 12 3.0 uS/cm limit for BW 11&12
Conductivity (CCT) in micS/cm
Fe in ppm
0.04 Module Outage fr
W18 to W21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No of w eek
Remarks : 0.02 ppm limit for MCOND,FWT
MCOND FWT BW 11 BW 12 0.1 ppm for BW 11/12
Figure 10. Weekly averages of iron concentrations in water cycle with blowdown.
Weekly Iron (Fe) Concentration (Average) in Steam Cycle
Fe in ppm
0.004 Module Outage fr
0.003 W18 to W21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Figure 11. Weekly averages of iron concentrations in steam cycle with blowdown.
water cycle were observed below the limits. The boiler show that the conductivity values were still stable within
water conductivity in HRB11 and HRB12 fluctuated within this range after start-up of the boilers. This condition is
the range of 0.1 to 0.3 uS/cm and 0.2 to 0.6 uS/cm. achieved due to the 3 h of boiler blow down practice after
respectively. As shown in the trend, the temporary each start-up.
increase in the boiler water conductivity was expected
during start-up before it reduced and stabilized back after
a few days of the boilers in operation. The conductivity for Total iron analysis
the steam cycle for both boilers fluctuated between the
range of 0.1 to 0.15 uS/cm which is still below the limit of By looking at Figures 10 and 11, due to the thermal
0.2 uS/cm, during normal operation. The trends also stress on the protective oxide layer and the access of
Zakaria and Hashim 49
Module outage fr
0.07 W18 to W21
Silica in ppm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No of w eek
Remarks : 0.5 ppm limit for BW 11/12
MCOND FWT BW 11 BW 12 0.02 ppm limit for MCOND and FWT
Figure 12. Weekly averages of silica concentrations in water cycle with blowdown.
0.016 Module outage fr
0.014 W18 to W21
Silica in ppm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
No of w eek
SAT 11 SAT 12 Remark: 0.02 ppm limit of SAT and SUP Steam
SUP 11 SUP 12
Figure 13. Weekly averages of silica concentrations in steam cycle with blowdown.
free oxygen in the make-up water during boiler start-up, start-up of the boiler. The Iron concentration in the steam
the concentration of total iron in the water and steam cycle only show a slight increased during each start-up.
cycle was found increasing especially in the boiler drums. In general, the value was less than 0.005 ppm. However,
The Iron concentration for boiler water HRB11 and even on a longer term, the analysis on the blowdown
HRB12 have increased to 0.06 to 0.045 ppm respectively practices did not show any sign of deterioration on the
during initial start-up of the boiler after a scheduled week- water and steam quality.
end shut down. However after a longer outage, the Iron
concentration in the boiler water did not show any sign of
increase and remained below 0.01 ppm. This was due to Silica analysis
fresh feed water which was used to fill up the boiler prior
to start-up and the 3 h of blowdown practice for every Figures 12 and 13 show the trends of silica concentration
50 J. Petroleum Gas Eng.