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3.1 Rijeka

2 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Save time and simplify workflows with more

than 45 new and over 85 enhanced features.

DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka cuts down on design time and offers

more intuitive workflows from CAD to CAM.

Minimize design time, maximize results

●    Faster design of single-unit restorations
●    V
 isualization makes anatomic free-forming more
intuitive—the affected design parts are highlighted
●    New highly automated pre-op workflow
●    I mproved case documentation: new screenshot management
tools for collecting, editing, and tagging screenshots
●    More flexibility for handling minimum thickness of materials
●    Improved design of 3/4 Crowns/Overlay Crowns
●    Design implant-based restorations based on stock abutment libraries
●    Reuse tooth setups for multiple jobs

Faster simulations with Virtual Articulator

●    Recalculation of the articulator movement on the fly
●    Adaptation of both jaws with the click of a button
●    A
 ccurate simulation of more real, physical
articulators than any other CAD software*
*Data on file

DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 3

Vastly improved Smile Creator

●    Instant in-face visualization throughout the CAD workflow
●    New Smile Design PDF report
●    Improved color selection
●    Split screen before/after visualization

Improved Full Denture

●    Individualize posterior denture teeth placement
●    S
 ave time: load individual presets from
previous designs, also for single-arch dentures
●    V
 irtual tooth extraction now in wizard workflow
for simplified interim denture design

More intuitive Model Creator

●    N
 ew Quick Models allow for highly
automated model creation
●    Parameter settings now with animated illustrations
●    Generate virtual stumps that fit the eggshell temporary

exocam updated
●    Modernized CAM user interface for better usability

New feature and add-on module highlights

●    I nCAD IO Camera Support for iTero: Incorporate 2D
and NIRI images to provide labs with unprecedented
layers of information
●    x
 SNAP add-on module: First model with
printable articulator
●    F
 ullDenture IV add-on module: One disc,
one milling process, one denture with Ivoclar Ivotion
4 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Minimize design time, maximize results
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 5

Faster design of single-unit restorations

Instant Anatomic Morphing and a slider to adjust abrasion

are now available in the single-tooth placement dialog box.

● Design single restorations with fewer clicks

6 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Visualization of influenced area in Free-Forming step

To improve visualization during
anatomic free-forming, the
affected parts of the design
are highlighted in green.

● More predictable results

● More intuitive free-forming

Highly automated pre-op workflow

Save time with highly automated
generation of crowns when
a pre-op scan is available—
the previous anatomy copies

● P
 reserve patient function and
anatomical shape

● F
 ewer clicks to achieve a final
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 7

Improved Free-Forming dialog

You can now access adaptation
features directly from the free-
form tab, reducing the need to
switch tabs while alternating
between frequently used

● I ncludes overview of which adapta-

tion parameters are applied

Screenshot editor for easy communication and documentation

New built-in screenshot management tools for collecting, editing and tagging screenshots.
You can now save the collected information automatically within the scene.

● C
 apture the whole screen or
specific areas, mark and comment
on screenshots, and save the
collection in the scene file

● B
 etter document patient cases,
request changes, and communicate
along the treatment journey
8 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

More flexibility for handling

minimum thickness of materials
Easily reduce minimum thickness from within
the wizard, considering the antagonist/adjacents,
to either the lowest value recommended by the
material manufacturer, or even lower than that
if allowed by the material configuration.

● C
 ut locally to antagonist/adjacents when there is not
enough space for the antagonist/adjacents available,
but you want to minimize unnecessary weakening in
unaffected areas of the design

Improved design of 3/4 Crowns/Overlay Crowns

Easily design restorations
combining a crown and an
onlay. The overlay crown
allows a design on complex
preparation margins in
combination with a concave
preparation shape.

● C
 rown adaptation greatly improved
to preserve tooth shapes

● B
 etter initial proposals of designs
for 3/4 Crowns/Overlay Crowns
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 9

Design implant-based restorations from

stock abutment libraries
● New design workflow for the use of stock abutments

Reuse custom tooth setups

Increase efficiency and reuse designs along the patient case journey.

● U
 se the same shape and setup for a mock-up model, a clip-on smile,
a temporary restoration, and the final work

● P
 articularly useful in conjunction with the existing possibilities for replacing
scans or parts of scans like add/remove mesh and extra jaw scan
10 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Powerful simulations
with Virtual Articulator

Accurate simulation of more real, physical articulators than any other CAD software*

Virtual Articulator options integrated in Free-Forming step

The Virtual Articulator options can now be changed and ● R
 ecalculation of the articulator
movement on the fly during the
applied directly in the single-tooth placement and in the
free-forming of the design speeds
free-forming step for more efficient workflows. Simply up the process, especially for
select and change the affected jaw in the free-forming designing upper and lower
dialog box. restorations in one go

● A
 dapt both jaws using dynamic
movement simulation with a single
click of a button

Requires Smile Creator module

*Data on file
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 11

New vastly improved Smile Creator.

For beautiful smiles your patients will love
12 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Instant in-face visualization throughout the CAD workflow

A Smile Window is now available for you to see the result ● B

 enefit from in-face visualization
while using exocad’s advanced
of your design within the patient photo in real time.
tools, including chain-mode tooth
placement, Instant Anatomic
Morphing, and more

● T
 he Smile Window is a separate
window that can be placed
independently from the main CAD
window, ideal for multimonitor

Requires Smile Creator module

New Smile Design PDF report

A Smile Design report generates
automatically after using Smile Creator,
facilitating easier communication
between dentists and labs.

● O
 verview of individual measurements
and visualization of the new smile design
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 13

Improved color selection in Smile Creator

Smile Creator is a popular tool to motivate patients to commit to treatments.
It now offers a new color selection to easily visualize exactly the esthetic
result the user has in mind.

● Q
 uickly find the right color that
matches both your desired
outcome and the patient photo

● A new 2D color scale is available,

by clicking ʻUse 2D color bar’ in the
color selection step

Split screen before/after visualization in Smile Creator

Slider for easy visualizations of the previous and new smile.

● C
 ombine the previous patient photo and new smile design
pictures in the user interface of the Smile Creator preview

● Drag the arrows to compare the previous and new smile

14 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Improved Full Denture design

Individualize posterior denture teeth placement

Customize the full denture tooth placement also in the posterior. Choose one
of three options of moving an individual tooth or multiple teeth as a chain.

● M
 ore control over denture setups:
adjust all individual tooth positions
by unlocking the predefined setup
of the posteriors

● U
 pper or lower can be moved
together as a single chain for
speedy adjustments
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 15

Use of individual presets now also for single-arch dentures

Individual presets from
previous designs can now be
used for single-arch dentures.

● S
 ave time by loading predefined
tooth setups

● E
 asily expand the library by saving
your individual setups

Virtual tooth extraction in wizard workflow

Interim dentures are often
created before all teeth in the
jaw have been extracted. The
guided virtual tooth extraction
wizard workflow simplifies the
digital creation of the complete

● G
 uided wizard workflow for interim
dentures when residual teeth are
still in the jaw
16 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

More intuitive Model Creator

DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 17

Quick Models:
highly automated model creation

Generate models automatically with minimal user

interaction. Depending on the preset, attachments or
drain holes are auto-generated.

● Minimal time required to create models

● C
 hoose between three different types of Quick Models to best meet
your individual needs
18 | DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka

Parameter settings now with animated illustrations

● Easy-to-understand animations
improve usability

● E
 asily get an optimal understanding
of how parameters affect the fit of
your dies

Generate virtual stumps that fit the eggshell temporary

For provisional stumps in plate-
less models, a gap can now be
applied relative to the eggshell

● P
 rovisional crowns easily fit the
model with the virtually generated

● A
 tool diameter compensation is
applied to the stump, so the milled
provisional will fit the stump
DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka | 19

Modernized CAM user interface

exocad’s integrated CAM solution exocam has undergone a major redesign and modernization.

● More intuitive production workflow

● T
 he familiar user interface of the
CAD application is now also used
in the production step

● I mproved layout and revamped

production queue and blank

Further highlight:
notification history leads to a better notification overview
Access and retrieve notifications
and warnings easily from the
notification history.

● R
 eview and check all notifications
at any time during the design

● A
 small bell at the top-right of the
screen indicates the number of
MKTBR-DentalCAD-3.1-Rijeka-en, 2023-01

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