Assessment - Essay ONE ARGUMENT 1

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Assessment - Essay paragraph - Rubric HERE

DUE DATE - Wednesday 30th August 2023 (Period 2)

How can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations?

Discuss with reference to two AOKs.

Your task:
Write ONE argument in response to the question above. Use the structure outlined below:


Introduction (150 words):

Explain in your own words (no dictionary definitions) what you think this question is asking.
You may outline your understanding of the key words in the question here - but no dictionary

Write some ideas/notes here:

Argument (500 words):
(note: this task is just a practice essay. In your final essay you will include MORE than one
argument, each argument outlining a different perspective, and different AOKs):

Follow this structure to explore a TOK argument:

i. Write a Topic sentence that clearly states a specific, relevant main point and is
clearly linked to the essay title





ii. Find an example LINKED TO YOUR CHOSEN AOK to prove the topic
sentence. Describe the example briefly, linking to the question/topic sentence.

EXAMPLE must be:

● Relevant (fresh/interesting) & specific real-world examples (no
● Explicitly connected to one of the AOKs from the question
● Explained - how does it support the argument / how is it relevant to
the title? Link back to the question throughout / and at the end of
the paragraph.
● Linked to one of the 12 TOK concepts


















IN ADDITION you may include:

iii. A Personal Example which should:
● Be connected to the AOK under investigation
● Be relevant to title
● Show you as reflective learner












A top band answer will include:
iv. Implications
● You have come to some sort of conclusion at the end of your
argument. Taking this conclusion into account, what are the
implications of that conclusion? What are the consequences of this
conclusion? How does it affect knowledge in general? Link all
implications back to the question!







Have you…

Explained, in your words, your understanding of the question in an

Clearly outlined your argument in the first sentence of your paragraph?

Given a fresh and relevant example?

Explained how your example is linked to the question?

Explicitly linked your example to an AOK from the question?

Linked to one of the 12 TOK concepts?


Shown evidence of personal reflection?

Considered implications?

Rubric HERE

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